Dark Souls III Randomizer Use What You See Run (Pt. 1)

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alright nerds I'm back and we already hmm I don't think there's a better place for me I can be tiny anyway welcome to the Wolfpack [Music] hmm mmm pontoon baboon thank you for subscribing pontoon baboon welcome to the wolf Bank fullscreen face camera hmm nice don't call me small but it's not very nice all right [Music] call me call me limited edition so this should be all randomized and it should Ottawa quip I believe from what I know Drago sick twelve months one year baby Lobos chasm became one love us game that's different feels birthday man Congrats on your one-year Drago thank you so much Jake Quinn's worker trousers is it automatically pretty hot putting out that already does it this is use what you see yep yep the mod does it inherently welcome to the Wolfpack nice nice day Quinn thank you so much 1000 bits random hypu oh yeah check the chatter when there you go in late motif thank you for the Sabbath two heads crucifix of the Mad King okay sounds good to me it definitely works with the LC stuff so this just got patched today and there might be some issues where it picks an item that doesn't exist I don't entirely know what that means whether it just doesn't work for that item or if it breaks the game I'm really not sure but we'll see what happens oh it's a halberd oh okay nice let's see here Wow okay all right sounds good definitely can't move that yeah my fat harp yeah what is this weapon I don't know what this weapon is but I can wield it so I'm good with that I am good with that KS m/s telepath thanks for the 12 months welcome to the Wolfpack I'm a I'm a 1 year old adult human that's great one rare ass knife part a large signals a body used for separating corpses is a workers tool on the undead settlement huh quick-step oh nice umm that's fixed yet God 15 months big money big women big fun yes agreed all right okay I'll take it given medium shield lead on it [Music] oh [ __ ] yeah no problem no problem okay that's a key item good good a quiet pillar and a question watch your camera position to get such a good perspective of me is it a good one it's like a love my monitor on a tripod oh I'm looking at my monitor here and probably the bottom of the camera is probably six inches up and maybe six inches away then how is it a guy I have boosted my mic so much in the past couple days but it seems to keep going lower and lower hold on okay um maybe is that better is that but I don't know that better why am I so small cuz because I was made this way come on alright broken straight sword becomes follower armor ya know this characters face oh my god I forgot okay use what you see use what you see randomizer selkie is that for um what's her name miracle lady meet me that cool where am I at you can't see me use your eyeballs I'm here great Oh for gray red okay duck al one two three fifteen months been watching your blood-borne slow run on YouTube think you'll ever do any co-op on blood-borne again with like a chance to play it with you I would absolutely love to do kind of like slow runs in general again I don't know maybe not like full slow runs but another that's how he was 4z word arp no bleed rip old FATCA donated $10 demons fist huh wait a minute you can't do that you'll just equipped masters gloves huh let me fix this okay I'll fix that you shouldn't be able to do that game hey Lobos glad to watch another randomized run I'm happy to have stumbled across your channel on YouTube countless hours of entertainment question is tally in fact a [ __ ] oh I see Callie more right for Mass Effect Hailey's Odin Oh Daria armors weapon confirmed I don't I'm not gonna Reese that's not what should happen there wait what did I just pick up I don't know was it still a number and this dip was it holy Oh silver Knight gauntlet oh okay there you go nice thank you you know what I'll leave some items scattered about just in case we run into problems yeah this is Frieda site hello Oh our boss weapons randomized to yes anything you can loot in the game oh did masters the tire not get equipped okay I see it seems like when you loot multiple items like that it has some issues well I don't see what we can do about it what's our decks what's our dicks let the the proper stat building begin um I'll go ahead and tree skip why not also I I don't think Talia is a [ __ ] Knights crossbow fashions kind of sick bTW one up it welcome to the Wolfpack Judah cater died off Dyess thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the Wolfpack thanks for the support the beings are a bro if you don't what hello the shop inventory also random I don't think so we're not gonna buy from a shop untrue white ring hey Knight nice now the keep now the character is even creepier and paler Oh like a creepy baby doll thing Harold armor nice wait aren't I am a hit a Harold well alright [Music] I mean hello it's an alien ghost looks like one of those weird baby things in the jail cells yeah shut up Andre no I don't need to do that Allah Allah Streif breathes with seven months glad to see some ds3 pretty doll welcome to the Wolfpack and the anonymous Nate welcome to the Wolfpack subhype ah dant do I have any souls for bolts I got some I suppose but I was just gonna Bank on looting something else to get rid of this no I can absolutely use a shop to buy arrows and bolts just I can't just the only thing that I can't shop for is like swapping equipment and I can't buy a new weapon or a new armor piece just to get rid of something that I have but I can buy like embers ëifí upgrade materials all that stuff no problem oh yeah this one Auto equips the item 11 souls of what I'm only gonna use one yeah rest get out of here shut that get out of here that's cheating that would be way too good that would be way too good I'll take a single five thousand though too good would that be sorry I don't think I'm it just gave me fifty five thousand souls right at the beginning for no reason I guess I I guess it there's probably a pickup where you get eleven like throwing knives or something and it's usually a ze cheating well that doesn't go for quibbles to the Wolfpack as the rest of them have not ever us ever us thank you for the Saba welcome to the Wolfpack it was fair but not what I wanted to do okay look thank you for this up ever us Mira Cheney only had a quick break I don't think I need to check it every time barely late-game I ticket I just don't feel like that was Hey oh good we needed that anyways so good thing we found it there wolf Knight armor ugh alright artorias fanboys have a field day sleepwalker 48:59 with the three months welcome back some dank souls 3 randomizer with my boy a little bit ah hey yo yo yo yeah yeah come on bastard boy boys I'll take off bastards so Oh oh [ __ ] I came all the way over here okay 49 poison arrows welcome to the Wolfpack jail at 12 thanks for 22 months cute dog appreciate that resale Jayla and all that support breaks cry great rakes cry thank you for subscribing welcome to the pack not trying to cheat with this mod what no item can spawn twice so that's all the souls and all this all the scales that I get okay but hmm okay wait rip run why oh [ __ ] ya know all the souls of that kind yeah you get what it means because you can't get the same item twice so if you get soul of a brave warrior they're gonna give you all the soul of a brave warrior pickups in the game potentially that's the way I interpret it anyways gornickes nice you piece of [ __ ] brass armored brass armor that produce armor and bathroom floor doing well already swing I guess we have some decent staff for it drops no drops okay lesson weapon all right it doesn't equip spells you laid you [ __ ] whatever normally a broadsword hey Reagan steel protection I'll take it this is going too well all right oh oh I'm fat now oh oh I had to say something I had to say something no spells why can't any spells Hey all those are still the same how nice how nice oh boy hey off-mike okay hey aw spike oh I guess I'll use this dumb ass for damage hello when princes great sword I can wield this nice don't worry about me don't worry about me just doing this out don't worry about me just [ __ ] dead not oh there's a little guy guy come from same place the rest okay um okay I gotta have it plus four with scales yeah and then immediately throw it in the trash so bad I hate it I shouldn't have worried about him uh no I'm definitely dropping frames it's annoying I'm sorry all I can hope is that it clears up soon clean things out DJ chaos why already Oh No hi yeah goober chaos oh wow three years there's been an honor to be with you as a member of the Wolfpack also for babby is hype there were completed ring city and never seen the box lights you're curious to see would slice your life from the best some of the best fights and souls sama Bobby DJ thank you so much huh oh my god I didn't see that haha nice oh there we go yay yay okay well we've got the lawsuit come on hold on okay I didn't see that item I didn't try to avoid it I just wasn't sure if it was directly in my view while we can let's go to port with fast roll and a weapon that we can yield wield yeah I stand Dawson I can real visit his lovely laughs oh my god [Music] [Music] what is the weapon artemisinin where was just the normal bustle give me this when I always feel surprised when I hear Borges bossing ii never heard of me son oh good alright dancer very well then taken it's not a terrible idea if I can manage to keep this weapon for dancer shrill dude dancer you bring a boss to celebrate Christmas with you this year which would it be I can bring a boss well this seems I would have to say something like Priscilla because she's not inherently hostile we would just and it's not because he's a fir girl a drag a scaly she's just neutral to start with so you're just like hey let's party I guess blendin's kind of neutral kind of I don't know I mean the cross breeds a drag queen well alright here goes nuttin once your bastion of fairies and scaly are you gonna give me oh wait oh okay it's not very much damage I should have upgraded hmm morons leggings Knight helm ruined helm hold on I don't have the base in wait hold on I can't how do we that's gonna complicate things for later maybe the basin is around here what's a weird the ruin hell man that it is hell out [ __ ] bird I'm a bird leave me alone I'm just a bird I just want to get this item wing wait Morgan's armor again or no we got more into leggings wait a minute oh oh all right I skipped firebombs in first room first room define first room I'm not purposefully skipping anything if I see it I loot it that's how this run works I look weird or without the helm that's true [Music] there's like all right all the stuff by the dragon yep there's a lot of stuff by the dragon that's for sure Lions for sure oh are you kidding me uh-oh I didn't think this was going to be that important how the [ __ ] [Music] okay so here's the thing this is kind of unique with Dark Souls 3 am I allowed to sell all this extra [ __ ] I don't think I am no no I can't sell [ __ ] I can sell items not equipment I'm not gonna allow myself to sell equipment because this [ __ ] some of the boss stuff is incredibly incredibly valuable I have a shield so my left hand is full yes or I can drop [ __ ] that doesn't help me all hey this is just helping my stealth build okay I'll try the weapon art come hey Shiva coming back oh man this is a good-looking fashion hold on I just want to do this real quick see what I look like uh discoloration right okay saved Yeol Oh see that [ __ ] up that [ __ ] up okay but that happens I think well that's a wait what oh no no your feral of course yeah auto equip yeah apples hey we need to focus vitality real quick l2 r1 best okay hey panda squadron 69 with the four months welcome back oh [ __ ] think I dropped something I have to kill him until they drop something panda squadron 69 hey Lu BIA I can't believe it's been four years already thanks for all the entertainment love okay welcome back Odin's chaos boards also seven months thank you for Reese I'm scrubbing ranks cry gave two bucks forgot to write a message in the sub so here it is greetings from Germany finally made it to a sub and a donation one month two month one month ago I got my wolf tattoo in the right hand so I thought the sub would be necessary sorry for the bad English no problem oh [ __ ] thank you for that very much soul farming Oh what the [ __ ] oh there we go there we go ah nice stoop kid thanks for three months giving you the trip tip kappa kappa kappa regale boys [ __ ] creepy burning death animations we got to get a new weapon soon right happily finalists gauntlets nice what's her name scent yeah oh my god poke clothes we poked boys nice didn't into the double kill kill kill Laurette that's not very far from where it should be enough in which case this love bro refined red and white shield we're all fast rolling even are all these still in the normal spots cuz that no bursting fireball doesn't equip spells huh interesting all right no spell equipping that's still the same you can refine a shield I think that's just the name of it yes this one equips items that you loot automatically we had a problem earlier it it's good and also creates interesting situations like I had it had equipped the Masters gloves as my weapon and that was confusing no no now fine fine got out I think I think crystal lizards still drop the same stuff I didn't miss an item I didn't see the item I'm not picking up everything I'm only using what I see as is the rule with every other item randomizer that I do however I should probably care about taking up everything since we need to find like the basin of vows for activating the dancer and stuff or Nixon's rap oh hey boys blow up that nice that's a wrap yeah a lot of work I think we're good that's nice excuse me wonderful although man man I'm gonna get rid of this weapon soon aren't I aren't I aren't I what the how he not gotten this rid of his weapon yet oh that was an empty that's [ __ ] I should rush the [ __ ] tree then while I can I not our Dom sixteen months bless you thank you for Reece obscure iving our Dom welcome back to the back end thank you thank you empty plus one yeah some items apparently don't work or something odin's chaos Forge five hundred bits thank you so much five hundred hmm yep I know that that is there is a paprika the lease has fire on it and a good move set for hitting the tree [ __ ] Oh beautiful give me your hand boys yeah we've got how that hit me you dumb [ __ ] Hey I'm Oh [Music] ah okay items normal young dragon ring ring of it so it tracks the order and replaces them in the oldest the oldest ring that you have that's pretty sweet now music volume is perfect just perfect I like we're gonna have this weapon for I don't trust it okay we need vitality we just need it wait yeah we've already spent a lot of levels on not vitality um no shards do we have a nested shard all right so far so not bad like a spanish bullfighter [Music] this is best fashion oh my god i cape is red I can allot my assets I did do that [Music] I'm cheating equipped son bro or Facebook okay hold on this alright I did it I did it alright thank you no thank you never absolutely right give me that trumpet that girl give me that trumpet there we go split bleeps greatsword I can still use this - that's like I need to fight you this is from DLC - there's been a lot of DLC items this is use what you see and it also Auto equips we Auto equip boys I didn't mean to fall that far all God sound of a bit sound of a bit yeah what happens dumb that was dumb hey let's have sweet spot damage now many of the enemies will leave me alone wait a minute that's that's a lot of item drop hello right I'm not sure if they actually both benefit me what is this that's still blood by Tring wait and it didn't auto equip it just do that this is used what you see absolutely absolutely Maya's broken no it's like sometimes broken things are more exciting too nice my dude I can totally see Miyazaki saying my dude you're right I didn't get the ashes sinister fruit oh well that means I mean you know what that means that we can do the thing now disjoined it disturbs thanks for 9 months per cool getting your cool muffin mass also with nine months a mammal welcome back both my friends II Morton with the fresh samba thank you for subscribing Oh yeah by what the okay hope I get the archives key wait a minute you didn't you didn't I'll just do this I'll just do this anyway this mod is on Nexus mods calm what are you Wow where did you wait why wait honey but that delay oh my god I never fight this guy like normally also I don't think I'd get away from him probably senior I should have waited yeah but I didn't know I saw him there he was there please is this my first time playing flood warning yeah I'm still gonna use the trick weapons this is gonna go fight of course you're gonna do that as the thing comes up oh this is the split leaf greatsword from the debt l check [Music] yeah fine don't knock me dad know what the [ __ ] not my dog stop stop knocking me down hitbox no more fancy r1 r1 r1 r1 wait a minute which we are you still going to be normal stuff hmm three boy Groot all of an old hand then New Game+ whole oh my gosh hold on so did it equipment near that that's the thing if you get a multi pickup what was what is it that we got follower set if you get a multi pickup it only equips way to hold on yeah there's northern it was northern but look look what happens it equips only the last thing and in a slot based on like that no it equips the first thing in the last items slot no vice versa the last thing in the first item slot the last thing we picked up was the pants and the first thing we picked up was the ring so it put him in this slot and it was flame stone plate ring plus two yeah and we need to put on full northern so I has a problem with multiple item pickups like that no no okay hello nice yo we we know I don't think it'll be fixed if I quit out and re-enter it I think that's just in property of the Mon hello okay Dragon Scale ring [Music] [Applause] 59 baby stick Knicks tight tonight chunks all right yes you stupid wall oh my gosh we're tracking hype that cosmic sloth thanks for 377 just one to say a quick hello from 4:00 a.m. Australia and give us small things for all the YouTube entertainment sorry isn't much so close to Christmas broke uni students we just got fourteen large bold and crestfallen night I don't have any embers I've zebra you will save me zebra cannot wait to watch all your three runs when I finish it myself thank you so much cosmic sloth how [Music] have yourself a good one and enjoy the stream if you stick around there's a new weapon alright I don't know if I'm gonna be able to survive any of this shadow gauntlets umm yeah should be okay Black Knight shield mirror Glock okay so now it's gonna put it's gonna equip the kelana pyromancy tome in my pants no it was the other way I guess but I need the mirror trousers on right what was the other thing Oh Mira gloves I will use a shield as a weapon does more damage yes it does wait what Oh put the boots on my hands mm I can't even like homeward bone out of here uh [ __ ] why didn't I go down the damn elevator oh my gosh this isn't this is gonna be a mess wait can I survive the drop down to the bonfire [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay they get to get this [ __ ] that sucks oh now I definitely can't oh my gosh [Music] give me a cat rings I'm gonna give me a cat ring oh my god I don't have an invert I already tried to do that that is a backup nobody killed me back here right but there's a dude that pops up get knocked up Oh amazing I didn't see they he'd dropped already so rip roarin rip yeah hear from soft screams our best dreams I'll believe me I was trying to agree wait well I'll go get the 6 K that's work that's one level Armand Armand Makarov thank you for the sub Armand Makarov welcome to the Wolfpack thank you for the support him the pirate with three months thank you for the many hours of entertainment it says thank you am the pirate and welcome back oh yeah I had a spell ha ha I had a heal spell thing I was revealed about the treat treated that geezer from Sun Hat nope not yet maybe on the 15th no I didn't forget in fire country I did forget that I had a miracle to deal with our favorite type of food good the 15th is Bandai Namco's oh [ __ ] oh yeah b9 Namco's like revealing I think like five five ish games or something and one of them might be a fromsoftware title we can hold also a little older it's not I don't know how to deal with the we're giving you all the souls at once I don't know I can use one for a trip back to the fire link or something I don't know this is fine oh my goodness I'm gonna use one heard trip back oh my god yeah because if I use all of those Oh um I don't know I don't really need do it it's fine I don't care about that blood-borne prequel run suggestions go we're right into the chat winged hat hip hop to miss prime 10 months welcome back to the pack chances are I've done everything though really matter rumors of darkness one being announced for the switch I don't know I think rumors are rumors we'll find out oopsies no use what you see does not work for consume pace for good and bad reasons um more vitality champion of bash my loincloth did equip it's just that oh yeah you see that Gooch look at that beautiful goose yeah it's just that the mirrored robe or whatever the vest is LOI uh have you done a plug the game to your brain in control like that yep yeah I had really bad nightmares for the next ten days after that but you know it was worth it why am i so small please don't just ask somebody why they're small I haven't done all runs in power within ya spells gonna quit for some reason but I doesn't let it read hey alone alone D s it was up here never go up here alone yes two months wow that would be open it will be open divine empire with like a parry like you got harried there staggered welcome back alone seven months ago good to have you thank you for subscribing [Applause] now I stopped fisting Ring City it was so honestly it was boring as much this build is so good look at this [ __ ] scratch my butt oh oh wait a minute man oh he's not very talkative yeah where did she give you something I think if NPCs give you something or an enemy drops an item as soon as it dies it doesn't randomize it also it doesn't auto equip it from what we've seen oh I don't think it's as important to talk to every NPC and get all the things but that's what I'm saying like I'm just saying that even though I didn't talk to Horace would be well refined bandits nice no son of a [ __ ] I wonder of what if Crystal sages what if crystal sages non-hostile to me since I'm wearing his hat oh it's so gonna bleed that is hot he's me scuse me leave for the dancer okay I'm down I'm down as long as I can sit here come on dude let me hello don't drop something out okay there you the Hajus the Hajis thank you for subscribing welcome to the Wolfpack edgy I mean people never knew about this bonfire really oh my gosh that would suck that would suck alright here we can upgrade this at all absolutely I've done no hill runs I need what am i oh technically I don't have any access I can buy anything in charge unless third shops are randomized no no doesn't passion one I'm sure let's embark this is gonna suck whoa I can do that nice micro more 15 months much love lobs welcome back to the pack micro morning I've not played any of the DLC for his own the breath of the wild did I have an SS shirt I don't I don't welcome to The Wolf Pack podila bow had Ilbo thank you for subscribing welcome to The Wolf Pack appreciate that some welcome to the Stremme all right we're gonna have that ember is a just-in-case will reconstructed that chair was that hat woman's that woman's underscore hat okay that's weird Hong Kong cumple we got the bass in early and undead settlement settlement I think [Music] with the bleed hey wait Oh stagger Zeke rinds thank you for subscribing Z crimes hello there was a little early bad idea bad idea [ __ ] hahaha Thank You Black Knights all right I should play this really safe which means staying away banging out jumps and spins any jumps or spins or runs and it has been No [Music] give me the baby I don't know here we go in it no don't do the thing don't tell me though [ __ ] [Music] take it ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] lady please I'm dead darn it okay whatever well we tried mm-hmm Black Knight shield hello lucky gene crap yes I died okay I can't he laid and he laid we removed removed the talisman we can't use off hands welcome to the climatic we can't use a sorry secondary weapon flawed secondary or tertiary PI Matic thank you so much for the sub welcome to the woods oh and Timmy - feathers a dream Chester chasers ashes nice give me two feathers as well welcome to the Wolfpack that's an empty item thank you guys for the subs ooh nice suit did we Christel stage god crystal sage bleed move oh my god are you serious why is everything refined why everything refined let me run through this area first [Music] JME Sebastian 15 months remember what's in this area never come through here it properly willed it to hand in either valiant attempt on the dancer keep up the great streams thank you Jane thank you very much ah they have to find taste ah yes forth pasted in great shield Bo's gauntlets oh my god well we have to pick that aristocrats mask in full [Music] hang in there big pants on his face yes holding why two hands a shield like I did as soon as I got it oh my god well there's a whole nother set okay oh I have pants in my hands I have pants on my hands and pants on my face pants everywhere get away from me dude Bob bothering me Jesus I live in that Oh dude give me a break follow her follow night oh wait but those are equipped elsewhere I'll try I have all night trousers in my hold on hold on don't have pants on my head I have this dude go away holy [ __ ] not never fine bandits nice I didn't get a different weapon right actually I don't know how to get to that wait oh yes I did hmm stallion oh great sword you're right you're right very well a lot long definitely that scuse me how oh well all right there's that not enough Dex huh 18 Dex intelligence that's a cool looking sword my chat is frozen doesn't look like it stupid baby crap oh my god you're still here can you get over there remember you go up here and then drop off oh yeah there we go one thing I was doing is trying to run over here any gloves it fits one thing it doesn't fit as a giant shield now okay oh let's continue over here I suppose Wolfie 96 fight thanks oh gotta go grab this thanks for the three bucks sorry for what happened the other day Ljubljana Lobos sad I don't know what it is that you refer to but I'm sorry - welcome war now you sons of Dickus freida just died randomly in this book huh Freda this is gonna be guaranteed weapons right this is the same Oh No well dude Hamels leggings like the boss in this game bring Final Fantasy 7 oh my god you are garbage talking about that role come on I found soul of Frida oh oh oh yeah I wasn't paying attention to that get down with the thickness okay [Music] rest in pasta pizza we gotta kill them them find out what let's just go kill minute hello s Garvin how you doing welcome to the stream f-for grit from Harry Potter thank you for three months herro how you doing oh oh don't fall down though falling down gets you killed nice death Grimm Red Death Grimm Ray five months oh I like this weapon actually need more dexterity though I missed your sub I'm so sorry glowing codpiece welcome to the wolf pack I think there were several minutes of me just running away from people and worrying about pants on my head and pants in my hands and it was just a mess I'm sorry that I missed you I also missed panda squadron 69 300 bits it said pants man is here to save us all and I think I might have met also miss zebra light with the four months thank you guys for the support how do you miss a glowing cod beef no no standard for me all right we're back here I'll use this once Oh Mike I mean okay not as current inserted about and I use this how much was it wait twenty debt so wait I've got free dissolve transics [Music] verify telling me oh shoot two hundred Souls breed the soul yes I can sell consumables but not equipment because I mean I would have so much of and then just get so much money that's fine hello more I found him yeah I just found him over though I guess I'll just sell I think I had two of the young white branches that work for the Giant okay I'm okay I think I'm okay to go fight Crystal's age me what brusett fiction would give me the beat lubes and use those souls I want to get lost your Papa Bowles and drift away wait what B am i giving your weapons get upgraded with this mod no they are whatever you would find them at papa balls hopefully there's not a shiny here that's gonna be a weapon farm curved sword should do pretty well maybe have any resin or embers okay that's it okay that's a lot oh yeah I don't know about their whole refined vision [Music] whatever whatever Scottish Pig thanks for 14 months what's up dude welcome back to the pack dude humming so man stop same way flying that r2 is weird I only fight flasks that's all I have so far [Music] I don't really have a choice on when I find flat since it's all randomized [Music] it's not good actually is it terrible that I love this boss except that it's terrible so I hit it that I miss any esta shards I don't know because there's not you're not in their normal place [Music] [Applause] [Music] Christel stage is always chrysalis agent Deakins are like in teleporting dogs like the hardest bosses in challenge race until the DLC hello hello ok that's good weird attacked onion and then good well doctor though not though it [Music] 7l cat 7 visit door 33 months small Lobos hi hello how are you Scottish Pig thanks for 14 months what's up dudes thank you for the Risa many souls that dude the weapon are nice yeah kick that [ __ ] Jayde lang 13 months all right so I found a new winter job for a few months so let's see if I can get this train at 2 years I'll formally here in formerly you lurin hello you Lauren 2.0 or shapely I'll just call you okay so any of the big armored pickups are still the same I think I think those don't change although something the headpiece changed oh I get it it's modifying only the first item picked up interesting hi Ella canto and then those who get equipped into a weird spot usually unless pants was it endless leggings and then the rest was Harold the most legs on faith was it Harold multi-item pickups can only change the first item yes yes I got two leggings during that will just keep the sunless ones because we've already had Harold Armour three times I don't there okay okay why why what is that damage thing get a new helmet potato damage yeah seriously Adam don't use the one items leave my ass oh come on [ __ ] sidestep please nice drop trou I want to get rid of this damn giant great shield yeah that thing did like nineteen damage Assassin's Creed Black Flag for free where on PSN yo soy you play Baron BB souls nine months Damian monnier a game developer almost got permission to put ice-skating combat in The Witcher 3 as if the fighting mechanics weren't already [ __ ] they'll love it though hey wait what why didn't it why didn't it swap arena and why is it the same isn't that one of normally is you don't play nice parry shield whoo I have Assassin's Creed Black Flag on yes for because that was one of the early launch titles I think though I I was like yeah sure I'll get a bunch of things here and that was one of them some items that are intended are there okay all right ignore it I mean but oh hi it's still themes I mean it's not random but like we didn't decide so it's pseudo-random on what items actually still exist in the normal place I'll also call it random in terms of six large bowls of a weary warrior I didn't finish Andromeda I unfortunately did not I got fairly I was pretty disappointed in Andromeda why is often I do less damage I don't know because it looks fancy weapon our bugs doing so little damage I have no idea the weapon is doing very little damage as it is I don't know great heavy Solera get but I got a dealer traveling we're again Darner nice i like the auto swamp good refined a gentleman these still are the same young my brains I guess so that the giant can spill died spoilers old kings great hammer the faith requirement though I could still faster all I'm happy gun dears help role isn't it son of a [ __ ] that animation throttling shadow hello get out of whatever you pick up yes oh my god by nerds whoa nice [ __ ] dude yellow bug pellets me I want to use the shield canoe your crippled weapon you pick up I mean why wouldn't I want why would I not want to use this yield oh you mean like get rid of my great shield or something like that no no that's not how I historically that's not I've done it I put weapons or shields or whatever equipment in the slot that I would typically use it in hello mods available on Nexus mods I think there's also a link in exclamation point mods if you are curious Benny Hill theme [Music] oh my god oh my god don't do that Oh old selkie that's the one my friends threw his arm yeah not even trying dude Oh what whoa is he floating in the air what eight damaged plunge attack brawl bastard dicks I sold the Lloyds talismans didn't it what's that Rika how you gon how are you going how you doing don't slime me oh nice professional fashion I'm so fast rolling now those for me for me that was from me falling on it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you mouth he's ma I see the item and then see the Oh hurt hurt boy wait a minute why am I here - invasion sounds how you going yeah the answer had peace on barbarian armor patience the heaviest armor probably Havel's bill I'm not sure of that don't know I don't my equipment no equipment places I've got enough strength to to hand it yeah this is on Nexus mods you have to use a cheat engine it's a cheat engine table but it's very easy to use hello how are you come on over here please I told you reassess thank you well I should probably clear my inventory a little bit huh this card selected huh oh there we go and fine oh nice yes sure Darth whoop-ass fifteen months thank you for reselling Darth whoop-ass welcome back to the fact thank you so much are you doing bling professional dis Carter of items Jesus yep okay nice nice ooh hmm I don't have any titanite shards or any way to get titanite shards I think I dropped what wrong one that attendant and tiny bows I can't buy them though wait oh wait wait wait yes yes I can yes I can I got the other ashes you're right you're right um the Paladins ashes aren't the ones that I was thinking of uh two four sticks right so twelve hey you know what I'm just gonna buy a bunch of tightening shirts and not upgrade anything yes until I know a path to a boss is good hell I know path to a boss it's good y'all know bone shards no I mention we can buy it we can buy items just can't replace it but then welcome to the wolf pack wave dancer does that bleed it does that believe even still plus three barbed straight sword that's probably better than a unupgraded refined bandit knife probably get all bone shards at once I don't know yeah I'm fine I'm fine hold continue here wave breaker thank you so much for that sub welcome to the Wolfpack wave breaker good to see you [ __ ] I'll go grab some water real quick we're event welcome to the Wolfpack welcome to the Wolfpack welcome to the Wolfpack welcome to the Wolfpack welcome to the Wolfpack ah okay I rather get longer to pump the water and I would have liked but we got it here can you play delve in it don't talk to chair how's it feeling to carry stop stop talking to the chair don't do that sky drops a ring but I don't think it's gonna be random right uh Dragonscale chlorin the-- chlorin the-- i think is replaced I mean not chlorine what the [ __ ] golden serpent lordly I think is the last one that we got if I am NOT a mistake and I got many subs I got was got what are you doing shut up shut stop talking wait what the hell it's Grolier ass thank you for the sub welcome to the Wolfpack swirly wrath quel ahankhah gifted us up to Black Jack King 1 thank you for the support Killa Honka Black Jack King welcome to The Wolf Pack enjoy all your emotes and little bits here and there severe s 11 months welcome back Dennis or is three months randomizer run lobos looks exactly the same what you mean my my build my milder what on to you thanks for 100 bits and then three subs from Reef to reef go Mac and just do it enjoy supporting our senpai chair ooh I want to loot these maybe I'll kill this guy what how what hitboxes please stop it they believe oh I heard a bleed stop it you pieces a basket ass [ __ ] come on yeah push them yeah Smoochum up good goodly yikes yo goob stop it why are they how are they so good at not dying and hitting me immediately after I roll dodge the giant [ __ ] [Music] I already did [Music] come here a little farther come here a little farther dude come here don't throw [ __ ] at me wait why are you don't reset don't reset how much health Hey [ __ ] the timing is exquisite here we go kill some of these shark nuggets oh my god how thank you Wow Jason that's look let's loot gold and scroll gold and scroll you did it yeah no I am not done I've not done a no hit run Oh wolf ring nice I do not do no hit runs marked tongue seven thank you for seven months oh oh wow the Kenda doesn't work it kind of doesn't work welcome back mock tongue bum-bum-bum-bum-bum bottom okay that's sucked don't want to lose everything on the way to the boss so I don't accidentally yeah I have to get naked but I'm just saying it doesn't work for this mod cuz then we don't ever get to wear any clothes basically wait [Music] ba-bye hmm they Auto equip xanthus gloves there's mod Auto equips as long as you loot one item at a time uh I probably did no death run but that's not nowhere near as hard as no hit run hmm hello muffin Kirby how you doing okay ah I think we're good there so yeah let's do this good I'm bonfire why you pop one each of those two souls that we have which is good I'm definitely done Perman death run for Dark Souls 1 not sure if I did it alright and definitely - I don't know if I did three there spits coughs Larry thank you for subscribing welcome to The Wolf Pack appreciate that support hello okay nope nope was checking something real quick jalan jalan thanks for one year already a year really Thank You Lobos for all the great content you're making time after time a new gel on we've actually welcome back appreciate it very much well [Music] let's go dick some Deeks shall we shall weigh Nvidia Titan V was Titan 5 Titan what is that a new card announced did the wolf ring plus 3 get equipped yep why am I so tiny because I was born from an aunt who was your longest subber got to pay your respects right uh it's probably valga door or juicy-fruit they're still around or Chum alias I think sure malleus might be right behind like maybe a a month 1 month less or something like that I don't know juicyfruitz thumb number was like bugs or something I think it was longer than I actually been partnered I don't know like 60 out of 55 let's ice amalias didn't mean to call you out hey oh good to see you still still lurking around Oh nah kanuha 88 thank you for that fresh sub hang in there one second thank you but why is it aren't the stumblers going off bug there we go but what I can do it 88 think you've gotta press up it telephoto you tell it those Oh with the nine months of support welcome back thank you for the continued family support oh really you are today I wanted to say that so that I would immediately die and hilarious hilarious why are you doing a trip on when you can idiot yeah this boss wouldn't be stupid and no hit run annoying annoying annoying uh-oh Thank You gerald Jalad it's good to see you rip Pope rip oh are you pop about hey what crystal magic weapon I see that's what was randomized um we already had the Pope robe but can only randomize one the first item out of him out of a bundle like I know I said that before but whatever we'll just now random no Pope at rip we're just a dancer Pope I don't know you know I'll wear it it's kind of not really random but how are we not getting more weapons don't understand well I shouldn't want me hold it oh really poop cells for one bud bud polish welcome yeah yeah yeah ah friend nor I get dirty hello CAG lark how's it going you makeup infused weapons from randomizer we've picked up to refined items well I want to say yes but I to certain honestly here no well what did I just do what is this Oh the bit Cup which I haven't had on in forever oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] stop stop stop it no okay that's exploding all right hmm stop eating mega mushrooms oh my god this place has so many items hiccups but also we're pretty high level for this area so that's murky hand side what the Oh in sadly craft thank you for the sub welcome to the Wolfpack guys if you did not know and you're interested well first of all we played Monster Hunter or world be a beta demo kind of yesterday that was a lot of fun and if you have a ps4 the demo continues through today so you can check it out if you haven't already oh [ __ ] well Trek would recommend I'm definitely looking forward to playing it when the launching now what's the weapon hard on this thing oh it's dead dagger thing love us New York Lebanon what what Bank hit one I going to play zelda again in my life absolutely absolutely yeah let's just continue sneaking this is use what you see yep lorian's armor nice this mod automatically equips single items that you pick up which is very handy very handy Oh like why am I not going the normal way that I go on it propane cold I'm not sure if I'll play neo again in my life that one not to hear about blood nitrite nice Oh on the bright side I can run through this area normally soul of the Deacons of the deep wait didn't I already use that oh yeah the weapon art you're right I forgot work leaf with the 13 months work let me off early moment I'm too glad him home in time to catch this and oh look 13 months welcome back work leaf the Cody da Cody 98 thank you for subscribing duck Cody uh yeah I heard that the Third's got some DLC I would not be opposed to giving it a go although I uninstalled it so I might that might mean that I have to start over I don't know I don't know the DLC word [Music] yes the Ottawa clipping of items is great it's an option too you don't have to back old stone plate ring yeah it equipped it hey I'm here nothing I need to go find it nice hit through the wall dude very nice fit your poison man I checked it too and I don't see the fixed hole I think that should do it if not that I can't do it distortion 45 months hey dude welcome back thanks for the support how you doing welcome to the wolf bottle Cuddy La Grande archives key yeah thank you for subscribing hoorah welcome to the wolf pack dist I was watching you play I was watching you play a monster hunter with nubes and then I played monster hunter damn knee meter meter thank you for the subs this is bad oh wait what why did he just turn away from me we have to clunky rings oh no it replaced chlorin the-- ring basic with a plus one that's awesome yeah noobist I'm still subscribed to new this oh it hit like 46 months or something with noobist he used a weapon art to move faster yes you absolutely don't win Prince's first I was also like two days ago I dead cells popped into my mind and I was like I wonder if that's done yet because there's supposed to be like six months or something and then the rest of the content would be in like how was that looking is that g2g or always and backstab these boys whopper 87438 hello eyes all Lal wall keeps jumping over me it's oh my god oh my god hazel oh not PvP that's an NPC oh I gotta go get that item now but I also got to go get that item oh my god items for days wait oh hello come on now oh yeah they're you [ __ ] that hill great why am I trying to carry ID that was so good wait oh it doesn't Perry oh god it doesn't Perry what a what a waste [ __ ] wasted I don't know I got like glug glug glug mr. Chris 187 53 months thank you so very much mr. Chris humble oh boy unable to acquire soul of the twin princes due to inventory storage max look at my health Oh hmm yeah I couldn't do you think about poison a bit except stay out of a poison but you know how that goes don't don't you this is use what you see will you use the blue herb attaches on the inside of my arms you can type in exclamation point tattoos to see them up close then what they are all about alright did you ever sounds wait a minute where you miss Texas barbecue even though you're a vegetarian I hear ya hi a dead person how you doing teabag attacks oh wait there's a [ __ ] wait oh it it spun me around it's fun the ride round baby right round whole of a venerable old hair [Music] unable to require Saints dress due to inventory or storage man hold pin down do they still have the wall that you can just clip right into sit over here no there was a wall that you could just flip out of bounds I love it still there we already got cinders of the Lord yeah we got that oh he popped it to you guys oh my knee just no no no no no keep class going it's fine waiting for my now depart cover same it fits it spit Bob fits Bob thinks for 15 months welcome back to the pack how you doing good to see ya nerd thanks licking my feet I'm glad you like visuals visuals thank you for subscribing I did finalize a tattoo design for st. Jude and I will be getting that soon as I send it to my tattoo boy oh my god [ __ ] this I'm not doing it did it get it out oh great sore tonight yeah here man I never do this I never do this what's her robe please Auster's spear how could you tell that the sword was the ninth favorite weapon as he didn't use a Lancelot yes go back it's fine gel score thanks for 11 months welcome back to the pan yeah we could have an unsub demote I'm down what is this all about it's got poison interesting this apartment know he exists they think before they are the pirate no no not my street please get that tits off obscuring ring wait what does that do excuse where while far away is there an item up here I'm expecting to die well oh [ __ ] what ever wonder why puns evoke such rage in today's culture it's probably because you need at least a 200 IQ to understand them and so most people don't have that and then they're upset when they don't get the joke hey some things died this is this is on Nexus mods yes aren't you fighting back I got no reason to fight back I am a neutral party here just I'm a scavenger just collecting items doing what I do best I'll call the swords alright let's do this this Nora this shield does not Perry this field does not Perry noted I have played Dragon's Dogma that's on YouTube I don't want to play it again [Laughter] if you have to rewrap up skyrim [ __ ] Oh [Music] what tell him to charge things [Music] get out [Music] Wow dammit reach them now haha [Music] you know what you're doing take off everything [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] somebody's gonna that red boy red boy no oh how did I get hit by that [Music] fight each other what are you doing what malt [Music] I took it I do have a discord it is non sub friendly so please jump on talk about from software teaser trailers probably bout monster hunter world talk about the stream and how my check suck and even no hit of this Watchers [Music] about anime hotdogs yeah I mean the favorite scented candles whenever you want [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] bless come on damn it all [Music] here talk about in me hot dogs why not Fry's outward [Music] thank you for getting head this is Austin spear they're coalface bubble Punk's 34 thanks for the three months welcome back appreciate that having three months here's to many many many more appreciate that very much doctor 1801 with the 30 months yes hard earned money dimple a [Music] that's weird timing on that hip-hop [Music] you're mine then there's it milord oh that's what you meant my cinders on the Lord wait yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they meant the Lord of cinder full of cinders soul I need to go get all my free levels from Yeol now Tommy Wiseau as a verified twitch channel now I know and we saw that he was doing this dream like two nights ago and we forgot we got caught up watching the Bojack horseman and we did not watch tell me what's those livestream but I need to follow him and turn on all notifications what is this twitch by the way only he also has a Twitter yeah he has a new a new Twitter he also has his own wait I think he also has his own like unique icon if you do hashtag Tommy Wiseau oh wait and hashtag the room and the disaster artist Wow it puts a little Tommy was so faced there into the end of the tweet oh my god insanity insanity [Music] who's this guy only those the best filmmaker to ever live they'll make her director actor what are we doing here we are doing stuff right getting the free levels but also first do that and let's do a little app and I guess that's it I need some more girls oh I think I can pop one of the smallest Souls I don't think I popped one of those and they still 8,000 theme oh what is this twitch name uh-oh I was there and I didn't even check that I open it in attack chaos Rouge three months 1/3 of a baby heart thank you for resetting chaos oh wait a minute I need to go die a bunch right [Music] unless I've died yeah gotta go die a bunch it sucks rip ember any band from online using this any cheats online use at your own risk because yeah absolutely you could get banned just play offline if you're gonna use something like this the old dies after you take a step into the catacombs Rick hiya which yes is after abyss Watchers but not immediately upon killing this one [Music] but [Music] then you'll find that they're dead you play God hand nope spot brings back memories I funky silver man if you had you'll die before even getting to abyss watchers well if you get five three levels from him then he dies yeah I'm at Halloween do we have any 15 15 13 okay yep you need a certain amount of hollowing to get all the levels from you we're good the first time you stopped me do this you thought I was going crazy hmm three levels but then you look really ugly I mean have you seen this character look look let me see we were hollowed a bit already so yeah god that's even worse oh those teeth yeah my god ah Jesus then shove instead begin bad that that no I never played Jade Empire but the favorite voice actor in this game is very good I like it I love it he's dead don't worry I don't have to kill him pink bow blue did he bleed purging stone do the thing we meet again me flappity bleah perjury No now look at us that's our glorious glorious original face perfect perfect Kira who Shira Elizabeth Shiva [Music] I love you welcome to the Wolfpack funky silver man thank you for subscribing it's getting funky Gold man welcome to the Wolfpack that was a joke because he called me EMB and then I called him something that his name isn't but it's similar but different but sort of similar but different because that's what cuz I'm not ENB but we're both tolsey guys and that's the me that that's the joke still haven't gotten any boner shards my man gonna patches when he patches chancres ass i guess i underst undertand because I have IQ over 200 okay
Channel: LobosJr
Views: 1,214,129
Rating: 4.7224631 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: a0qwubh_o0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 30sec (9270 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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