The Wildest Documentary on Youtube

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who doesn't love a good story human beings are hardwired to gravitate towards storytelling as their main form of entertainment since the day we accidentally flopped out of the ocean and began to evolve we've been telling stories whether it's written spoken or performed there's just something about a good story that tickles our dna and today i want to talk about the best storyteller on youtube okies weird stories there is no one that puts more effort into their content than oki he will fly thousands of miles to [ __ ] nowhere to interview one person for a 45 second clip in his documentary just to get the full scoop and be hands on with it no stone goes unturned when it comes to oaky's research he's somehow able to unearth the most obscure documents and facts about his topics it's mind blowing he'll find like finger paintings from the people that he's talking about back in their fourth grade elementary school and then interview the teacher who gave them the finger painting assignment 50 years ago like it's it's incredible how thorough he is his content is absolutely amazing so definitely check out his channel if you haven't yet today we're going to be going over his newest video the king of stolen valor this is the story of jack edema which i'd never even heard of before that name sounded made up to me like an npc in a video game but this isn't a [ __ ] wild ride that okie lays out and displays beautifully okie also has a patreon which i'm gonna link in the description below so definitely feel free to support him there as well this is a tier one tortellini wheat shop tonight no so okey wanted me to watch this tonight and i was gonna watch it on my own but he asked if i would stream it so i'm gonna watch this tonight because i [ __ ] love okie and then after that i'll probably dust off the 360 and try and set that up for some halo 2 classic lasso runs so i don't know anything about jack edema i d is that how you say it edema so this would be like brand new for me one of the few times i have no clue who this is about this is jack in afghanistan holding an ak-47 and riding on the back of a horse that's stephen here he is on the night of his wedding flanked by two security guards with his bride in his lap that guy looks so close to jason statham it's unreal he's just a little too tall he looks so majestic he's not there as an active duty soldier he was not a private military contractor instead he was a 45 year old ex-con that entered afghanistan after 9 11 with the goal of collecting the 25 million reward on osama bin laden's head wait was that a real thing did we put a 25 million bounty on osama bin laden we actually did man i don't remember that [ __ ] at all what the what a [ __ ] crazy time to be alive what damn all right so jack was out there on that sigma grindset about to execute a man for a payday jack just rolled into a war-torn country pretending to be an active duty green beret and did it so well that nato coalition forces helped him apprehensively i feel like it can't be that hard like that though especially back then they're not gonna be background checking everyone he just shows up like hey i'm here to help fight like i don't even know if you'd question him yeah i'm a green beret like all right i haven't seen you before but all right eventually things went way too far after jack created a fake para military group called task force sabre which he turned into a private prison and started torturing afghans who he suspected to be terrorists jesus jack and the rest of task force sabre seven were eventually arrested and charged in afghan courts during phase one of his special forces qualification course he was caught stealing his commanding officer wrote that he had irrational tendency towards violence after he attacked another officer in an evaluation report a captain described him as quote without a doubt the most unmotivated unprofessional immature enlisted man that i have ever known but you have heard of him that's not bad actually out of all the people that enlisted to be without a doubt the most unmated unmotivated unprofessional immature is actually pretty impressive more so than just being like average in every area i always find when the pendulum swings even in the opposite direction extremely like aggressively so in this case awful it's impressive too flipping through the pages of soldier a fortune magazine gives you a better sense of why rambo wannabes loved it so much underwater knife fighting techniques another example is a multi-part series on urban street survival much like most of the soldiers can i read that pamphlet real quick the underwater underwater fighting techniques are really good you never know when you might encounter like a rogue atlantean soldier or something when you're just out at the family lake or something it says you in self find yourself can confine and i can't [ __ ] read it at all actually but it looks pretty effective fire recovery verify your sights nice he's training a full-blown military training around this time jack also started a mail-order business selling paintball equipment to non-lethal military gear he's still respected to this day by paintball enthusiasts who regard him as a pioneer in the sport who sold high quality equipment he also organized special forces expos which attracted the soldier a fortune crowd and acted as a venue for him to sell his gear and in 1994 he was arrested along with his girlfriend patricia don glassen for defrauding 60 companies out of 250 000 in court jack legally represented himself he argued that he was the victim part of an fbi plot and claimed that the agency carried a vendetta against him because he did not reveal his sources for the information he provided to them concerning the backpack nuke smuggling operation my name is ronald gene barber i was a member of the army intelligence working for nsa in early 1994 i was charged with the attempted assassination of former president bill clinton i was sentenced to five years in federal prison plus uh three years of probation whoa whoa five years for an assassination plot on the acting president people get more time for weed holy [ __ ] bill clinton himself was like yeah i'll give him five years he didn't really succeed andy worked for the nsa too so i feel like that would have absolutely carried like a hefty charge because of all the [ __ ] that he must have done for the nsa that's not what i was expecting i was 100 expecting a goofy story like i don't know like a gas station hold up for lace potato chips or something and just happen to end up in the same maximum security prison as a as jack but yeah this was a lot more intense than i expected yeah i was going to get him when he was jogging and then i was going to put it over to the white house and put the offensive run in and grab her and stop her to death found guilty of making threats against the president he was sent to a prison where he met jackie so you told me the last time you talked that that makes more sense than all right like a group of people that he according to him he was quote one of the only two dozen elite super secret hua rang doe warriors clandestinely trained at fort bragg what is wall rang do i'm gonna have to look that martial arts discipline up hua rang do also known as the way of the flowering knights is a comprehensive korean martial art that was developed in the 60s i want to look up some hua rang though who's to say that he wasn't like an actual lethal weapon though of martial arts that seems like normal street fighting to me minus that jumping spinning kick [Music] this is such a mismatch why are these two fighting each other this guy has six inches and 80 pounds on this guy he was also a part of the army's top secret sot course where they trained their elite ninja type commando of course so jack really wanted to adapt his story into a film american he met an award-winning cbs journalist and documentary filmmaker named gary skurka he told me quote some people you have to tell to start but he was the kind of guy that you had to tell to stop ultimate pet resort with his prison pen pal turned lover victoria runningwell you've been hired to train ronald reagan's son how to use firearms man it must have been so easy just to make an entire fake personality back in the day well i guess you can still do that today just not as successfully i don't think coverage is good but with me it's mission first it's not about amen brother you've been paying attention you know by now that that surely was not the case of course jack planned to make it all about himself he recounts that jack tried very hard to make himself the star of the documentary and said quote he's the dumbest [ __ ] i have ever met artists recalled a time when jack pushed the humanitarian aid worker out of the way so he could pose for a photo op with an expensive ekg machine meant to be delivered to those in need well in and how successful was the photo i bet that was the best goddamn ekg machine photo op they ever got they just didn't know what kind of star they had on their hands he deserved the spotlight [ __ ] get the humanitarian workers out of there they're blocking the light from jack i mean this seems like it's artist's fault honestly not his eventually artists became fed up with jack's behavior and told gary skurka that he would not participate in the documentary unless jack stayed away while they were shooting it i took edema aside and neil barrett filmed this i put my bony finger in his face and said i don't know what your agenda is but i don't want you at any of our sites you're out of my [ __ ] life damn if edema is needed to make a documentary then you can take all the tape you shot so far and shove it up your ass okay playing a little hardball maybe he's feeling a little intimidated by edema's five foot seven stature that's while they were shooting it was a little insecure 2001 can appreciate a good patriot badly injured by shrapnel from an artillery blast and was medevaced back to the united states a few weeks earlier than he planned to leave a reporter named tim friend said that after he and a group of others carried skurka to safety and dresses wounds jack arrives with a cameraman quote just when we finish dressing skurka's leg jack runs up screaming he rips off the bandages and redresses the wounds basically he was acting in front of the camera with skurka gone there was no documentary left to work on jack was only there as a security guard not a filmmaker in october 2001 in june 2002 jack appeared in over one thousand u.s newspapers 250 television news shows he served as a commentator on fox news and was paid 500 per appearance it was a lucrative hustle and it helped fund his stay in afghanistan there were hundreds of guys like that in afghanistan at the time ex-military types working for pmcs however the obvious difference between them and jack was that they were legit and he was not as an afghan people this means jack has no red tape you're blonde or a westerner and you're wearing black suits you can do whatever you can carrying a pistol and a leg holster and driving a car without a license plate nobody would ever question who you are people just assume you're cia or special forces or someone dangerous it's like the same thing with a cliff board if on one occasion he pulled out a gun on a journalist named tom roberson and shot at him nearly missing and the only reason jack was upset enough to try to shoot him was because roberson had interrupted him during a discussion jesus christ what a maniac he gave them to eric campbell the australian broadcasting corporation correspondent i mentioned earlier we transferred edited and verified the authenticity of the tapes so they could be sold to broadcasters we've seen it in limited situations but not in this wide range not in a wide range that includes motorcades close quarter battle integrated assaults open air assaults linear target assaults a whole spectrum of terroristic activities northern alliances a lot of buzzwords here shortly after cyber warfare intergalactic conflict reapers jack believed that the peacemaker a movie released in 1997 starring george clooney which was stolen from an assortment of several manuscripts of his life story the plot of the peacemaker that's so serious some similarities to jack's story such as its focus on a backpack nuclear bomb smuggling operation and although the court noted that there were some similarities between the stories i want to read that okay so that seems so vague very smart from jack tell vague soldier fanfic and then sue anyone that has anything that remotely resembles it it seems like these just seem like circumstantial generic plot points that you'd find in an old 90s movie almost worked true i mean he had a lot of lawsuits under his belt the claim was dismissed and jack was ordered to pay two hundred and sixty thousand and seventy nine dollars in legal fees which he never did oh another person who jack sued is a man named eric cassette who i was lucky enough to speak to everyone the first day when we first got served papers from he rolled up in front of my my dad's house with four blacked out suvs fully loaded with special off skies he come to my door with a pizza box in his hand my niece opened the door and she was like five at the time he throws the piece of pizza box at her and says now you're served and through to his summons at us um we have we were served papers every day he killed my dad he was a criminal he was a crook and he was he was a nasty person to be up against terrible what you say about jack he's an american hero around him never heard of tom clancy connected with his hero robin moore wrote the book the green berets which the john wayne movie was based on he also said that he witnessed jack choking his girlfriend during a fight and that jack forged a letter using fox news stationery in order to submit it as evidence in his lawsuit again that's so [ __ ] nuts holy [ __ ] destroying his own house with a samurai sword and choking his girlfriend in front of people bro what what a red blooded god fear an american warrior i mean that's what happens when you question jack he gets the samurai sword out i'll tell you what bub [ __ ] with jack and your whack after spending two years in the united states jack returned to afghanistan when chapter entered afghanistan in april of 2004 he then arrested the suspected terrorists saki black bagged him and stuck him in the back of a car to be taken to task force sabre seven's headquarters the honeycomb hideout [ __ ] now i'm really mad that sounded just like billy mays i've been broken here in seven years now i just broke another one jesus christ after days of interrogation zaki gave jack the name of a 30 year old taxi driver named sergeant and said that he was in charge of a plan to assassinate top afghan officials sarah john makes the decision [Music] when the solver is not here she jumps at the charge can she join me [Music] it's like he saw a couple action movies and just based the entire way he moves and operates off of the characters in the movies just like that wide stance looking like the counter strike 1.6 cover [ __ ] cruising jack what a lethal weapon let's just hide in your rice god damn it i also just love the fact that he 360. so he just turns around and looks through the exact same door he just came in through as if all of a sudden he's been flanked by the boogie man man and people actually took him seriously too which is wild what's this hide in your rice bag for what's that happening in your ice bag they found some traces of explosives and a detonator hidden inside of a rice bag jack repeatedly asked his prisoners who their targets were the two names that are brought up are the former afghan minister of education eunice clenini and afghan defense minister general muhammad fahim in footage recorded by jack's cameraman ed caraballo the former afghan minister of education thanks jack for thwarting the attempt on his life and i'm thankful for for yours for you what you have done and especially in this kind of operations and he actually did it with the such kind of so here's my i don't know if this is accurate we're not even halfway through the video i'm imagining all that was planted not legitimate would be my guess i don't think he actually successfully did anything even remotely helpful i am imagining he planted all of that like and set people up that's my guess i don't know maybe he legitimately did help somehow but given this guy's entire history of never doing anything right and being the biggest scumbag possible lying and faking everything in his entire [ __ ] life it would be shocking to me if for the first time in his how old is he right now i think he's in his 30s in his 30-something years he actually legitimately did something right i would be shocked so my guess is it's faked he planted all the evidence which i imagine we might get to later down in the video but i could be wrong he could have actually helped as well there's no telling for sure on july 5th 2004 the honeycomb hideout was rated by afghan police forces who arrested every member of task force sabre seven manager jack called kabul police chief baba john to turn over the prisoners after the raid the police found eight afghan men some hanging by their feet bound and hooded in task force sabre seven's hq they also found torture equipment bloody clothing handcuffs and blindfolds the prisoners said that they were tortured and forced to confess crimes that they had not committed after afghanistan arrested the members of task force sabre 7 they were taken to a jail run by afghanistan's intelligence and security service the nds none of you none of you tell the truth you all [ __ ] lie so what's your message feet are very sensitive getting feet beatings would suck man i've i don't know sustained like stuff my feet are very ticklish with the pentagon and uh so you're working you're working with us knowledge with us government knowledge we were in touch with the pentagon sometimes five times a day at the highest level every day they've denied this they've denied you completely well we're prepared to show emails and correspondence and tape recorded conversations that show exactly that's not true jack also claimed that the fbi had confiscated hundreds of documents videotapes and files which he could have used as exculpatory evidence this was true the fbi which from what i understand shouldn't have any jurisdiction in afghanistan seized all of jack's materials and held on to them for 21 days additionally that surprisingly evidence after the fbi returned some of his materials jack tried to present his case in court that he was in fact working on behalf of the u.s government by showing tapes and other files one tape showed that jack was in contact with the office of lieutenant general boykin former u.s deputy under secretary for defense jack speaks to lieutenant general boykin secretary george shim who promises jack that someone from the dia would call him back on his cell phone holy [ __ ] this was jack's cell in polycharky prison jack bennett caraballo and their afghan translator were isolated in one wing where they enjoyed a plush prison experience they had a laptop a phone private bedrooms they went to summer camp satellite tv plenty of alcohol and a small staff of assistants what the [ __ ] so their surroundings looked more like a suite than a prison cell however it wasn't always easy living on three occasions riots broke out inside of the prison four guards and one afghan member waiting for what an extra tv another flat screen while protecting the three americans i could walk out of this prison in one snap of my fingers and that is no [ __ ] do it snap my fingers your soldiers will come over these walls and they'll kill every [ __ ] in this prison that isn't banshee while in prison jack's [ __ ] call him on it i want to see him do it superfly who's it at who's your daddy i'm your guy your mama is this what they saw on the ring vhs tape what was it what was his channel edema fan this seems like this could be it [Music] jacodima and his infamous japanese sword practice in ancient art [Music] that technique is flawless [Music] in 20 fps now it's actually a 60fps video but he slowed the footage down so you can actually see his moves this bushido is legendary like a ballerina is right that footwork again all i could see was him a bad bad die job he was sweating and i could see little beads of hair dye and i thought oh my goodness yikes you know he's got like hair dye sweat and he's shorter than i thought on the phone he would always laugh and joke when he was calling me from polo charkie about how people would make fun of him because they said he was so short and he never was short and i thought he is short he's really short so anyway so i was all excited to see him and i just looked at it not easy being our height he started being loud obnoxious um showing off and i see him climbing up the building and i'm like whoa what's he doing he didn't stop he just kept climbing assassin's i just met him so they're like is that your boyfriend or your husband or whatever and i'm like yeah no like what's he doing i'm like he forgot the keys he's getting them and somebody said go down nope he had to come down the same way he went up and now he's totally freaking out i'm embarrassed i'm humiliated and he's like everybody thinks this is cool and i'm like oh this guy's [ __ ] up soon jack went to the condo in mexico but in time he was evicted from it after he was arrested honestly sounds like me and my freshman year of college like doing the stupidest [ __ ] in the world because i convinced myself in my head that everyone else thinks it's cool even though it's the lamest thing imaginable like wearing my favorite xbox game disc on a chain around my neck poor jack just never had anyone to tell him that my heart breaks for him nothing was making sense it was insanity the next thing i knew he's on the phone telling me well i'll have to put that on hold now because now i got to get out of here real quick they want me out [ __ ] them i was going to leave anyway but i'm suing them all and i'm like oh my god what a [ __ ] going you know about this guy gringo dave who's got a really great great mansion in bacolor and then i realized it was just drills just to make sure we were prepared because as the walls got higher the paranoia grew with it he would put a gun in a baggie to go take a shower nothing made any sense in his mind it was all perfectly normal but he looks perpetually like ron perlman trying to play like a character i it's hard to it's like if duke nukem was played by ron perlman after like a bender like a week-long bender like everything about him is so cartoonish it's weird it's so eerie lou ferrigno no it's definitely more like duke nukemish ron perlman kind of vibes like he actually just looks like a toy soldier like small soldiers the movie he's like a little little bite-sized marine guy but never a marine only a chronic liar wearing sunglasses shirtless inside lifting weights every picture we've seen of him so far except for maybe a couple he has been wearing these shades it's like a part of his body like an extension of his eyes i don't think we've seen his eyes more than twice in this entire hour long video he is always rocking these shades it was around this time that jack got started on his next business venture a military air cargo company called starry aviation jesus christ it never got off the air there was it and it was jack's fault nobody else's because everybody we had the meetings and everything else we had the funding um we had all the deals how how how do they have the funding this guy was literally convicted of lying about everything and spent years in jail why how how would he secure funding how does that happen what the [ __ ] how i don't i don't get it he purchased a pontoon boat and started a company called blue lagoon boat tours and he made a website for the business called the boat tours you know it had to be based on jack sparrow he had to act like and he would actually stand in front of the mirror and act like that did i get it yet do i'm acting like him am i doing it right jack flew a pirate flag over his compound she's mocking him but that honestly just sounds cute that's because it's happening to him the building over to jack and jack didn't or john didn't want to do that to jeff he didn't want to give jack the building he still wanted it in his name jack wanted to inherit a company called isabo dakota is a boater hotel functioned as a shell company to conceal jack's assets from creditors blush with the money he inherited from his father's estate he started using large amounts of anything he could get his hands on such as cocaine heroin and booze his dealings the bizarre demographics of people that were coming in and out made it not happy and that was also when his drinking and his drug use was in in time jack lost interest in being intimate with penny he instead preferred to keep company with a young college student named fernando and a transgender sex worker named nancy he started hosting all night orgies at his compound which he advertised on gay hook-up how did you feel like when you actually realized that jack was gay i guess it bothered me when i saw him making out with a man and he wasn't making out with me like that penny left mexico with the intention of never seeing jack again but then the exact same day that she landed in connecticut jack got into a life-threatening car accident in the hospital jack called penny's phone and said this i leave everything to penny and you to manage it with her be your friends i don't know about nina she was okay but i think she's in the hospital too oh i have i have a pressure i have a flashlight jesus christ okay okay that's all he has to say where are you hey i'm in the hospital and kendall and trying to get them to move me to the private hospital before because i have internal bleeding they won't leave and look at it okay should i call the embassy and try to get the embassy involved no wow jack called dr phil when i was on that sound like dr phil to america on his way back to bakalor he had that accident and everything changed from that point on a few days later penny returned to mexico to take care of jack and to help him rehabilitate jack started to abuse the pain medication he was prescribed to as well as illegal drugs and alcohol i was getting sicker and he decided that i should go be tested for hiv to my surprise he wanted to get the same test i thought that was odd i thought oh this was odd we got tested and the results came back and they were positive for hiv god what the [ __ ] i wanted to make sure what i was hearing was proper because i didn't think it was right but um dr dennis said that jack was gonna get worse but i could go home and i could get better and jack freaked out jack just went ballistic he took the phone he broke it and i honestly thought i was gonna die that was all i thought i went home i got to get away i was quiet i told just a select few people that this that i had this then i called up jack and told him how sick i was and i just collapsed jack wanted me down there immediately he also didn't want me and he kept saying i hope you're not telling anybody i hope you're not telling anybody and i needed help i couldn't tell him that because you're so bad for saying anything but i feel i was scared nina is the dog that was rescued from afghanistan that came to me and tinka was our mexican kitty so in july i um i made plans to go back i walked into the house and it was different everything was different it wasn't clean like it used to be there was dead flies everywhere the door was broken and he just looked at me and he was happy to see me but his eyes were just black he looked like he had been up for days he reeked of alcohol cigarettes natalie the maid she was telling me other people were coming too so everything was there and they were getting worse and everybody was still coming in all of the sex fest constant it was worse than ever okay and how many people have got this now my plan yes you just tested positive for hiv when i say that was the plan um if you can understand this and try to wrap your brain around this the plan involved killing jack and getting my dog and my cat i went into the bedroom i took the gun out from underneath the pillow and he was at the computer i don't really know what the hell happened but um he grabbed me and he started hitting my head into the marble stone whatever the hell holy holy [ __ ] just kept hitting my head into it non-stop i'm petrified of mice so he put a couple in a bag and put them over my head with the bag and i fainted and now i've got like bites on me my head's still killing me by the way from having it slammed and my eye was so messed up so i was freaking out so he took the cuffs off he started being nice and he said you know just tell me who you're working with she went back for the the i wasn't working with anybody okay again the paranoia was kicking and he was messed up completely messed up the nobel fina he was putting in me he was putting ten times on himself plus he was doing coke he was doing everything he was drinking tomorrow i don't i i will never understand the human body sometimes people will eat like an expired grape and [ __ ] die on the spot meanwhile this guy is injecting himself with 10 x the like necessary dosage of a pretty hardcore substance as well as doing coke and heroin and doesn't die all while having untreated hiv as well how the [ __ ] does that happen it blows my mind this is crazy yeah i know like tolerance and everything but even still that's so super human [ __ ] me man what a crazy turtle i guess it's not even like an unexpected turn from the story jack's entire life has just been an absolute tragedy of his own making just an absolute [ __ ] disaster like an actual biologically bred loser in every category it's just an actual piece of [ __ ] from top to bottom jack is a superhuman whose blood consists of 100 drugs i guess so man there's just more coke than water in his body like it blows my mind i actually just don't believe it so he comes up and he says he's like there's two [ __ ] bastards down here downstairs you've got to talk to my friend got in touch with that carabella and he called the mexican embassy and there was two guys to come to get me they came to check the situation to see if i was there the guy that didn't speak spit wasn't speaking spanish that was speaking english to me goes over to me he goes it's really good to meet you and he put his hand out when he put his hand out i grabbed his hand and i took my fingernails and i stuck him into my in his hand so he realized what was going on so he held out in my hand for a minute jacks what the [ __ ] going on and he just went like this he squeezed him back like he knew i was in trouble when he was gonna get me out i had a galaxy brain okay so who did i work for who sent me there i kept saying i don't know what you're talking about because i don't work for any of these people i don't know these people yes i still can't believe he ever got out of jail to begin with i really can't no and then i heard a really familiar voice he's like plumber he's like didn't you go back to america jack say you go back to america like i'm like no i can't get out of here i go benin and take i came back for them he goes you gotta go come on he goes i can't save you if you don't come i had to leave them so we're running and his helpers are trying to distract jack the plumber gets me in his car he goes you stay there he goes i'll call police he goes you call police you call people in america he goes you got to get out of here you can't stay here he goes i'll get you out he goes just just let the police come go to the police i feel like any minute now though jack's going to owe the entire they interrogated me um they asked there's no idea as long as airport just stay there he literally tortured people pretending to be a [ __ ] secret agent according to local news reports local police in mexico want very much pleas to talk to him about accusations that he held people in his house against their will i thought that was when the nightmare ended i love the title of that story world's creepiest guy is back or it returns so even like during his reign of infamy he was still viewed as an absolute sleazy creepy guy this man has been a loser his entire [ __ ] life after the deadline passed penny sold the deed of the isabo dakota building for ten dollars in retaliation jack along with loyal fans he met online posted revenge porn penny vlogs pictures which they also sent to her parents jack austrian what fans could he have possibly garnered while [ __ ] up beyond belief for what how long has this been now like a year how was their fa i guess when like they talk about him as the world's creepiest guy people must have like been a fan or something i guess i have no [ __ ] clue that blows my mind though unless it was people like ironically pretending to like jack alarming amount of psychopaths like this guy yeah but they're not watching world's creepiest guy segments on fox news or whatever that was yeah i know that the true crime weirdos i i know that but like he's not even a serial killer he's just a serial liar who pretended to be a gi joe navy seal super specialist spec ops whatever like he he didn't even do anything besides like pretend to be those things and then torture people in afghanistan january of 2012 we talked and um i knew what was coming uh we talked on skype for the last time and i said you know what's going to happen he knew what was going to happen probably the last time anyone used skype he said he was sorry he hopes i could forgive him and i said yeah but i really can't i don't know whatever and i said i'll see you on the other side and i said i'll call you friday night and he said well that may not happen and i did try to call up but the phone just kept ringing and he was dead the next day how did you feel relieved yeah it sounds like good news sad relieved and also as a result of what he did to me not only the eye problem but um because of that i also i'm now on seizure medicine and i'm also on a blood thinner because i had a blood clot go into my brain because of the eyes and the seizures hard with all this this bad and what was left what he left me with and what i remember are two different things christ thank you well i'll remember jack is an absolute massive piece of [ __ ] oh god that was hard okay his entire life he lived a live fanfic of a gi joe super soldier damn okie went so deep into this that whole penny interview is wild he did such a great job of conducting that interview what an incredible story okie told here he flew to meet her for it yeah i know i heard no oki only makes masterpieces man loki will spend six months on a video and drop one of the hottest bangers of all time oogie's also the one behind the secret space program well he didn't make the the cult but like he was the one that like brought the secret space program to the public eye [Music] hey penny hi so you saw the documentary uh what did you think i loved it i'm so pleased with the documentary always suing somebody even when he was incarcerated he was suing but all right unless penny let's be real here he was never like incarcerated that prison he went to was literally like band camp this dude had a suite with his friends and they just played games and drank he was posting videos while in jail like i'm not surprised he was able to keep suing while in that prison i don't understand that actually looked better than almost every new york city apartment i've ever seen in a video like he was living a lavish life while in jail that [ __ ] looked like straight out of bockey the grappler mr edward artists and robert pelton reached out to me and they were just such guiding forces in my life they kept me together they worked with me bro shout outs to edward artis he was the first one in this in this documentary that immediately called jack exactly what he was just a serial [ __ ] artist scumbag loser artist has hated this man for this is 2012 she's talking about so for [Music] exactly like 10 years now right so artist was on that grind he knew from the get-go like right off rip artist knew he pinned him right away shout out ed ardis i need to get through all this thank you to all of my patrons who've helped make this documentary crazy i've spent several months and thousands of dollars on this project and i probably won't even make a quarter of it back relying on youtube ad revenue alone so there's perks you get director's commentary on all of my videos uncut interviews early access to my videos early cuts of my projects your name at the end of each video as well as a digital comic tied to my secret space program which features me that's so good fighting kevin spacey's clone in outer space for those that don't remember this is from the secret space program video uh that's the one that you guys might remember where it's the a group of people and they have an internet presence that believe that they were abducted as children and forced to fight in an intergalactic war against the nazis and there's vampires then there's werewolves immortal gladiator super soldiers it's so good and oaky convinced them for his documentary he convinced him that he was an ancient samurai uh and they even called into like one of their conventions to speak and tell their story or tell his story and he brought up mr beast saying that mr beast funded him as a samurai or something like that i'm foggy on the details but he fought kevin spacey it's so good it's so good
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,169,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: isn2EtF5jY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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