Hardest Boss in Gaming History

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all right we're in the right spot there we go so this sword is apparently just [ __ ] nutty so we're gonna respect so I can use it it's a faith-based intelligence sword and faith is oh Jesus I forgot about these hands faith is my lowest stat so I'm gonna have to respect for that oh that was so risky but it's so clean watch the crabs do that now oh what the [ __ ] I figure I might as well get that before going down can you parry a magic attack like that he's so upset oh I'm upset now holy [ __ ] oh all right he kind of went wild he sidestepped me nope not today sorry baby boy outplayed Moon grum how how are they still hitting me from there what the [ __ ] great great oh played by Alden ring servers God I look cool I look like a early founding father with a giant powdered wig that's so nice you sucking my toes all right looking like Jimmy Neutron up there oh oh what the [ __ ] okay let's just make this pretty simple oh I need to go oh God they just throw everything at me which one looks different from the others oh wow they got me with the chandelier you ready to come down [Music] oh there's a chandelier there I'm not falling for that old trick oh what the [ __ ] foreign just throw them oh they thought of everything take that sorceress Jimmy Neutron all right any chance you just like surrender and burn like five flasks just messing around so if you don't mind okay on my way open your mouth not dogs literally the hardest enemy in the [ __ ] game gotcha fun fight easy [ __ ] nuts phase three Let's Ride coward [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] oh played sorry idiot he's gonna try and climb that yeah he is you just won't learn your lesson huh this is the sword of Knight and Flame it's pretty [ __ ] nuts from what I understand so Elden ring does have an easy mode and I'm using it right now it's the sort of Knight in flame this [ __ ] Apparently one shots most things and it also has really good AOE on most of its [ __ ] so you can just 9 42 you can kind of just [ __ ] slap through everything from what I what I've seen okay so now I get the [ __ ] up we're done this is exciting okay so he's in the Southeast island of the caled Wilds there's no way you can do that fight without summons uh I'm pretty sure I can I've done every fight ever without summons and the streak will continue but we'll see maybe it really is that hard I haven't really watched it I know what he looks like because I saw luds struggling on him and lud summoned like 15 000 helpers and he still got [ __ ] so I do know at least a little bit of how radon looks and acts okay good start thought I'd land on the tree and survive I think it's the prime volt pace and the resub bin oh man this is intense so that is actually Gail from Dark Souls 3 isn't it is this like an actual in Universe game foreign like a dog God he's [ __ ] cool [Music] all the bosses in this game are so howling [ __ ] good here I come I think it's a prime clamp oh I'm feeling good Dodge the first attack I'm nuts brace your ass we're done I'm gonna [ __ ] it almost there what the [ __ ] is that oh they followed me okay well I was gonna do this without a horse let me see if I can use a horse because that's a long [ __ ] run oh I bet he can just easily snipe me here yeah so I'll probably save the horse for that attack the uh reign of arrows one we're learning yes there we go 52 with the dinky little stab not feeling great about that he seems pretty fast so it's gonna be tough to get like a full weapon on it off but we'll try where's comes to oh I forgot to upgrade my sword I'm gonna be all right worse comes to worse I switched the Bloodhound going for it not bad that's decent damage oh he held onto that for a while damn I cannot get the timing on that seems variable I can't tell but it's hard to react to it because it comes out so quick after such a long stall thanks to resub's speed and Rin I need to wait for an attack that I can easily punish I'm gonna play it really safe [ __ ] I got drifted yep unlucky when he started turning he started pushing me unlucky still didn't stop oh my God what a big boy I had good reads on most of that there though I'm getting the timing down you could absolutely cheese the [ __ ] out of this guy with that oh my God he takes so much damage from Magic nice face though he's gonna do a giant gravity pull oh nope that's new oh was that like a change up Pitch Rock sling will literally melt him I'm telling you I just I don't see how Rock sling would [ __ ] melt him I mean I'm down to get wacky I'll put Rock sling on but that attack is sucks it is a terrible spell I could just keep spamming pebble he's pretty weak to Magic you rock sling whoa that really does a ton of damage to him wait you weren't kidding what the [ __ ] you could easily kill him with this that is outrageous oh what the [ __ ] he did another what is going on oh [ __ ] another I'm okay all right yeah that would probably be the easy way of doing it or probably Pebble Maybe yeah that's absolutely like easy mode yeah I'm not going to choose him with magic though I could that definitely seems to be pretty easy bait out and attack travel backwards Rock sling or spam Pebble even like I bet Pebble would be even stronger because you can get more of it off don't do it I I shouldn't have gone for that whoops I didn't think he was going to turn around there my bad boys I let I let us all down now that was a good punish I'm stuck oh thank heavens huge that was big for us we needed that oh God the combos never stopped yep still didn't stop on that I thought I was gonna be able to get the full thing off unfortunately not he's weak to cold he's weak to anything magic if literally I could just go rock sling on horseback and switch out my flasks for more ceruleans and be fine even Pebble like here hold on let me show you oh [ __ ] all right maybe got a little too close to the attraction but yeah you could just stay back switch out to Cerulean and just use that or Pebble really but it's not super fun it's not like a really fulfilling way of killing him just go home holy [ __ ] is that everyone is that the whole kitten caboodle is there someone still down there who is still fighting him damn what a hero damn he's still coming after me he's a [ __ ] Menace holy [ __ ] Alexander's leading the charge oh that was close he changed trajectory that's so upsetting what a combo the grab pull into those so I couldn't Dodge tactical genius all right let's get the flask out and finish it we're cruising is he out of range looking pretty good oh what the [ __ ] oh so we actually can't throw those oh Jesus I came out of nowhere oh no be close and my reflexes are nuts Jesus Christ oh oh [ __ ] that was scary I completely lost sight of him lock on please please lock on so I can finish this yeah nice doesn't really feel great doing it that way but yeah boss is nuts that's a great boss finally a boss that like actually requires a lot of training in order to do it without cheesing radon's a great boss I think he's a [ __ ] fantastic I think he's the hardest boss in all of Souls I've recently played through all of the games before we're Dan it was orphan and he was much harder than orphan the start is tedious I do not like to start I agree the start is just tedious there's really no challenge to it it's just tedious for the sake of being long though it helps give a sense of scale damn that guy got [ __ ] up hit him with that full Kamehameha beam we fought the god king Apostle yet it's another tree spirit oh oh Jesus I just killed myself for that that was a ton of damage though to be fair if I was just using bleed again it'd probably be more that like that that had me sit down for a minute I actually might summon Oleg I still haven't gotten to see a plus three Oleg going for it don't kill me I died never mind got lucky go with the slow attack what oh wait I forgot that's so much damage now this thing is gross oh [ __ ] I'm dead it was a different color so I didn't know it was going to be the explosion whoops sorry oh like what how is this happening hell hell why is this one so much faster than the other tree Spirits or why does it feel like it's so much faster than the other ones I had no trouble against the other two this guy's so nutty come on where's that next bleed truck no [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention to it glowing oh you could have had that if you enjoy using strength weapons yeah another dragon oh this one looks different oh no it's still the same attacks oh no it is not well finally a new kind of dragon it's about [ __ ] time uh probably won't get it without bleed to be fair I might have to switch to bleed whoa [Music] I'm going home this guy's too real [ __ ] he means business get me the [ __ ] out
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,882,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O4is8kSOTVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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