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introverts when guests finally leave when was the brain discovered 1766 people in 1765 what girls think men want what men want me and a random girl walk into class late at the same time entire class they were doing the kissing joker has now grossed seven hundred and eighty five point five million dollars worldwide surpassing Deadpool one and two and making it the biggest r-rated movie of all time sidenote it hasn't been released in China oh yeah we live in a society student in twenty thirty I think Joe is absent go who is Joe teacher now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time oxygen first formed in the universe at least thirteen billion years ago people thirteen point one billion years ago I mean your heart I can't say I agree with you but thanks you are to wanna trade news yeah which ones do you have I'll trade you to Justin Bieber's if you have a Danny DeVito I'm aware of the effect I have on women when you can only give five dollars to team trees org but you realize there are millions of other people that can do the same Apes together strong why I stopped watching Nigerian movies a man had a heart attack in the hospital and the doctors shouted somebody call an ambulance which one would scare you more both equally they've been dead ten plus years so anyway I started blasting teacher we have new students from Germany girls oMG I hope they're cute voice present your best argument for eating bacon if animals don't want to be eaten why are they made out of food why would you say something so controversial yet so brave give me democracy or give me death Chinese government so anyway I started blasting 1998 the teams are calling everything gay 2008 the teams aren't sure they should be really calling things gay 2018 the teams are calling everything gay again but in a positive way this time 2028 the teams are all gay teacher who broke the window me it was Joe the kid with two dates who is Joe me you wouldn't get it when you think up a new meme on your own bunks this diary entry from 1877 is indistinguishable from my dating life in 2019 10th October 1877 I'm in love her name is Drusilla McAvoy 15 October 1877 too hasty by far the McAvoy woman was not for me I'm planning to kill myself and if the remainder of these pages are blank anyone who comes across this diary will know I succeeded me at 3 am drawing memes in Microsoft Paint me at 4 am about to commit suicide because I don't know how to draw legs take an item that is about to expire and place it into another container without an expiration date to make it last forever me wondering what girls wear pants with zippers why have a ballroom with no balls the dark mode craze may do more harm than good this is why opinion developers need to go dark on the feature silenced boomer Optimus Prime is a strongest transformer me an intellectual my wife asked me to help decorate the cookies for her sister's baby shower and then just as quickly asked me to please stop helping cars were invented in 1885 people before 1885 no body was shot in New York City over weekend for first time since 1993 oh good they haven't found him yet the kid quoting and funny means to me in class me it is time to go with our good meme template no you were the best my hands look like this because of this when you think you're going to the dog park but wake up without your balls instead I will remember this betrayal axe invented in 6000 BC people in 6000 and 1 BC maar I missed the bus meet the man who has survived on pizza for the last 25 years dan Jansen has been eating almost nothing but pizza for 25 years despite having diabetes he's also a vegetarian but hates vegetables tobey maguire now this is an Avengers level threat if the opposite of Pro is gone then isn't the opposite of progress Congress United States Congress listen here you little Sh every time a baby girl is born in the Indian village of the plan tree the residents come together to plant 111 trees in her honor mr. beast are you challenging me society you can't remake means using playing cards me [Music] hey how do you turn this thing on boomers how do you want to die not alone which is why I'm studying to be a pilot drinks $20 seeds two thousand dollars being Sanjay Zee laughing as you get decked by elusive all priceless dad who has overcome money issues depression and alcoholism what's wrong daughter who listened to a billion ish song for three seconds you wouldn't get it are I wanted dark I went out and got a dark I love my dark blogger attacked by octopus oh she tries to eat a during livestream laughs in hentai when you get home and you and your dog see each other how are your classes going this semester me sorry your answer is not correct correct answer your answer mr. beast plants 20 million trees mugs copies mr. beast if I see this as an absolute win me waiting for my mom to finish wrestling with the mailman so I can tell her I drank the apple juice I found under the sink car manufacturers what if we made a transmission dial me let me just adjust my volume [Music] RTX off RTX on did you know Joe lives on a mountain what's a mountain Mountain mama it's basically the next step in evolution wireless seatbelts bluetooth hosts finally a worthy opponent the moon has no light of its own it reflects the sunlight science saves lives I burned dinner why George so we could go to Waffle House are you sure you know how to upload the files to the cloud boomers KITT runs the fastest fourth grade girls the only thing which runs fast is my cancer stage for baby when I buy a nice gift for my mom and she says or you shouldn't have I'll freakin do it again alligators have been a long-running problem for NASA including climbing over their fences and entering buildings overnight storm NASA they can't stop all of us me thinking that I fixed my life just because I cleaned my room neighbor can you watch our dog while we are on vacation he is very easy to maintain the dog how is it that the Madame Tussauds Wax model of Mark Zuckerburg looks way more like a real person than Mark Zuckerberg does oh my god me why are you sad [Music] stage 4 cancer we having two gummy vitamins sliced bread was invented in 1928 sandwiches before 1928 roses are red I'll do a little dance my friend's cat had surgery and now he has no pants me makes a good argument my parents shut you have come across sad dog oh he is sad because you are doubting yourself and he wants you to know that you are special and loved mom tells boy he can pick any animal at shelter he picked this elderly overweight and shy cat I like him mom the bath isn't that hot the bath when the class is over but the teacher is still writing on the board she can't do that shoot her or something get that thing out of my face the whole classroom when my name is in the question there's a thunderstorm but the good news is my headphones fit Bella perfectly five hours of anxiety prevention music for dogs when you say hello there to a girl and she actually responds with general Kenobi are you an angel I'm your father hi your father I'm dad when you can't think of more examples etc okay when does a joke become a dad joke when it becomes apparent me asking for forgiveness for the same sin for the 490 first time team sleeps with all five of his bullies moms to assert dominance ten-year-olds on Xbox Live you gotta bump those numbers up those are icky numbers naked girls girls in oversized hoodies girls in oversized hoodies with knee-high socks here's a rare photo of how my parents supposedly got to and from school hitmen hires hitmen who hires hitmen who hires hitmen who hires hitmen the long and short of it is that there was a man who hired a hitman to take someone out but that hitman hired another hitman to do it that second hitman then hide another one who hired another who hired another there's always a bigger fish when you forget your phone while taking a dump so you start thinking about life anni main trow anime outro when you see your dad do this you know he's about to finesse the hell out of a traverse I went to my first physics lecture this quarter and the professor literally told us I wrote the textbook for this course but I'm going to pirate it for you guys because I hate my publishers professor I serve the Soviet Union me when I'm in bed and mom asks where's the 3ds why that luck like my girlfriend law wait a minute press f to pay respects me waiting for the massive wall of slow walking girls to get out of my way hey good-looking hey someone asked me for a nude so I sent the lily zoomed in picture of Gordon Ramsay's forehead wrinkles and said it was my cleavage and then they sent a wanking video and now I'm in tears some guy just went over Gordon Ramsay's forehead the trickster when the game is loading and you see your idiotic reflection in the screen says here you should be in hell but since he worked at a call center we'll count it as time served search what's the best way to pay back my student loans Google Bing 68 traffic deaths this year parents your generation has no patience When I was your age parents when the computer freezes 4.02 seconds well-well-well how the turntables literally anything exists three-year-olds give it to me hans island is disputed territory between Canada and Denmark the militaries of both countries periodically visit to remove the other guy's flag and leave a bottle of Danish snaps or Canadian whiskey roses are red the world should explode newly discovered Australian spider comes swim and eat toads when they don't respond to a risky text within two minutes shouldn't have said dad I should not have said dad go Twilight is the best love story of the girl know Titanic gives me an intellectual wheelie - boy dresses as hotdogs for school photo after parents dare him to do it loser a man of quality students during a fire drill students when the school is actually on fire teacher label the parts of the cell on his handouts the handout every teenager I touch myself me I'm paying $1200 for a new phone there must be tons of new features what are they Apple good question in 2011 a Norwegian boy named Walter ater escaped from wolves by playing a heavy metal song by Megadeth on his cell phone why do I hear boss music kid from my school take off your glasses me OK takes off glasses kid from my school holds up two fingers okay how many fingers am i holding up me - kid from my school hold the F up are you flirting with me pee on her a square plus B square equals C square dear God website pop-ups be like yes sign me up for emails no thanks I'd rather remain a complete [ __ ] live a miserable meaningless life down low and be forgotten in the annals of history home generators powered by [ __ ] teenage boys getting paralyzed in honor of Stephen Hawking imagine history but every time the Jews are blamed for something it gets faster when you're halfway through the day and just noticed your pants zipper is open building a good-looking comfy house digging into the side of a mountain mutton you won't get a job by staying on your computer all day programmers I'm tired of being single man I'm getting my butt a girlfriend today the only thing your butt is gonna get his rear whose rear diarrhea how dare you Amazon your packages out for delivery me I saw a guy at Starbucks today no iPhone no tablet no laptop he just said they're drinking coffee like a psychopath [Music] getting rickrolled isn't too bad considering that Rick Astley's never gonna give you up as honestly a nice song kid bamboozles NBA cameraman with Hong Kong shirt fight for freedom stand with Hong Kong only 90s kids will understand blessed inflatable [Music] like the video and subscribe right now and watch previous episodes of dank doodle memes thanks
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 1,812,191
Rating: 4.9323759 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes
Id: x99aPURJ-gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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