Daniel 11:1 (April 3, 2014) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Daniel 11:1

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Oh welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in her father's word Book of Daniel what does Daniel translate my God is judge and he is you don't judge anyone you have the right to discern but let God do the judging he does not need our help in that we come to the eleventh chapter and an angel direct from God along with Michael is going to tell us how it will be in the end times now when an angel delivers it you can pretty want to count on that pretty well I want to make one thing clear as we come out the gate that I think will be helpful to you in this chapter 11 verses one through four or already history to Daniel verses 5 through 20 will be future to Daniel but not to us but everything from 20 own in this chapter is future even to us now so the perhaps that will help you and I will be giving some supposition as we go along concerning the Ptolemaic and the Seleucid Kingdom chapter 11 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father verse 1 reads also I in the first year of dyrus the Meade even I stood to confirm and to strengthen him this would be Michael talking verse 2 and now will I show thee the truth behold there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia and the fourth shall be far richer than they all and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grisha that would be Alexander the Great coming in three and a mighty King Alexander shall stand up and shall rule with great Dominion and do according to his will and so it is that he would one more verse for history for and when he shall stand up his kingdom shall be broken and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven and not to his posterity nor according to his Dominion which he ruled for his kingdom shall be plucked up even for others beside those and others he's going to lose it and they're going to lose it now anytime the four winds are mentioned the four winds of heaven and you know from chapter 10 that there is a war and a conflict going on in here in heaven as well as here and this is why there is a great shaking and in the end times it won't only be on earth but it will be in heaven for we know the false messiah is going to be cast out to this earth and woe the rejoice in heaven but woe to you on earth for he knows he has been a short time now we go into the future for Daniel verse 5 and the King of the South shall be strong and one of his princes and he shall be one a shall be strong above him and have dominion in his Dominion shall be a great Dominion and this was the Ptolemaic Kingdom which would cover to or to sink rely synchronize it for you it would be about like Egypt of today would be Egypt of today the telematic Ptolemaic Kingdom verse six and in the end of years they shall join themselves together for the king's daughter of the South shall come to the king of the north to make it agreement but she shall not retain the power of the arm neither shall he stand nor his arm but she shall be given up and they that brought her and he that begat her and he that strengthened her in these times I think that supposition I think you have to take this as there really they bring their religion is shared and yet at the same time they have much consternation and dispute among themselves about the various laws of the Ptolemaic and the Seleucid kingdom even to this day synchronize it in your mind Ptolemaic Egypt solicited iran-iraq in many of those places Daniel in the 10th chapter was taken to the river Hrithik Hall which is the Tigris River which runs right between Iran and Iraq and there he was taken to that spot and showing all the trouble that would befall there and and so it was so they didn't get along all that well when they tried to agree it is true even in history supposition again now that the Shah of Iran which was the Seleucid Kingdom he was well liked by the Ptolemaic ruler at that time Sadat and and and was pretty well Nasser even before that he was pretty well they got along pretty well it was what followed soon after that when the coho meanie would take over the Seleucid Kingdom Iran that things begin to get tense verse 7 but out of the branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate which shall come with an army and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north and shall deal against them and shall prevail it is true that the Ptolemaic Kingdom or Egypt whenever the rocky Iranian war the eight-year war began they had more troops on the line than any other outsider outside of Iraq bable in itself verse 8 and shall also carry captives into Egypt their gods and their princes and with their precious vessels of silver and of gold and he shall continue more years than the king of the north and and the Shah was he was driven out when Khomeini took over but he did bring much of the wealth of the nation with him so to speak and believe it or not he though he would come to America for a while for medical reasons then he would settle in the Ptolemaic Kingdom which is to say the king of the south would have invite him verse 9 so the King of the South shall come into his kingdom and shall return into his own land verse 10 but his son shall be stirred up and shall assemble a multitude of great forces and one shall certainly come and overflow and pass through then shall he return and be stirred up even to his fortress you know I don't know how many of you can remember the day that the so called Prince of Peace this that's what they they called Anwar Sadat of Egypt and they loved him and he had pretty well brought peace he's even talking with all the neighbors and there was a great parade taking place and huge army one of the trucks stopped and headed for the platform on which he and his senior officers stood and and when he got closer he raised his hands and said my sons my sons and about that time they opened fire and killed dozens of them I mean butchered them right there on this set you know who one of the leaders was of that group I mean this shows you what different opinions of religion will do was none other than the little doctor that runs around even to this day with Osama bin Laden and is his so-called medical doctor and releases many of the tapes that you have from that particular group so their trouble trouble all in the name of religion and so it is verse 12 and when he had taken away the multitude his heart shall be lifted up and he shall cast down many ten thousands but he shall not be strengthened by it this war took place there was I think I forget how many million were slaughtered in the Iraqi Iranian war they would even even on the Khomeini's his generals would through the minefields that were laid they would run little children out through the minefields to detonate the mine so the troops could come in and fight now you know being a military person myself that's totally out of my realm thinking is that you would you would do that to children and and you would know or should know God's not going to let you win when you use tactics of that nature for God's still on the throne God is still in control but that was a terrible war many people died in that war and really it accomplished zilch nothing next verse please verse 13 for the king of the north shall return and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches and here we're moving on toward the end times we know that that king of the north being the Seleucid kingdom that he is even visiting this country at this time at the United Nations 14 and in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision but they shall fall in other words well who is they they the that would exalt themselves the Kenites they kind of take a back seat to this whole affair verse 15 for seemingly don't worry they'll be back 15 so the king of the north shall come and cast up a mount and take the most vent cities and the arms of the South shall not withstand neither his chosen people neither shall there be any strength to withstand that's going to be quite a battle and the will of the people of the deception and the lies and the leadership you want to be well aware of many falls simply by losing the popularity or the will of the people 16 but he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will and none shall stand before him and he shall stand in the glorious land which by his hand shall be consumed now the glorious land of courses is Jerusalem and even to this day the Gentile are these people still control the Dome of the rock that is to say the most sacred place in on Mount Zion it is the rock on which many things have taken place and what a precious place it is but it will remain in those until the Lord returns and take it over it takes it over for himself one and for all time 17 and he shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom and upright ones with him thus shall he do and he shall give up the daughter of women the religion comes in again corrupting her but she shall not stand on his side and neither neither before him there are many I don't want ever judge religions but there are many set set in the Islamic belief and faith and some go to the extreme most the Wahhabi it is the word you don't hear all that often but it is from the Wahhabi that comes many of they think death and Sharia law is the way to go and that's their opinion and so it is verse 18 excuse me after this shall he turn his face unto the Isles and shall take meaning and Libya only goes but a prince of his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by by him to cease without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him it's going to fail you know a house divided as the teachings of Christ it cannot stand and when you have this sect against that sect against that sector more bloodshed shed within the the solicit and the Ptolemaic Kingdom then there is two other people the world so really it's almost like a civil war verse 19 and this will end the history then he shall turn his face towards the fort of his own but he shall stumble and fall and not be found there's been there's going to be one one conflict that's going to be rather severe and so it is now we come into modern history verse 20 and then we're going future even to ourselves so you want to pay attention this is not written by man but by Almighty God and then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom but within a few days he shall be destroyed neither in anger nor in battle he's just going to be put out of office now a raiser of taxes and fit many rolls one of one taxation we have upon ourselves is the fact that we do not drill using our own commodities of fuel and for some strange reason our fuel is helped and we have to purchase oil from the two kingdoms we've been talking about billions on top of billions on top of billions of dollars every year and so you see within this somebody's raising taxes to almost destroy our nation if you're not careful won't happen but somebody's sure working overtime at it it would seem that that untried methods that will not work in a free world are trying to be fostered a bonus you want to be real careful but the Razr of taxes will not be taken out by anger nor in battle he'll just go now we go to the future verse 21 listen carefully and in his estate shall stand up a vile person this vile person is the Antichrist to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom but he shall come in peaceably and obtained the kingdom by flatteries what they think he's Christ's return or if I don't care what faith you are if you're a Buddhist you're going to think it's Buddha because he would be saying he is the head of every religion and he performs as we learned in the great book of Revelation in chapter 13 verse 11 that through 14 that he performs miracles that are amazing in the sight of men I mean right visibly before everyone and they're all going to receive him thinking that he is the father why well most people they are told be aware of the Apocalypse everything's going to blow up everything is going to be destroyed the Great Tribulation this is the tribulation of Antichrist and why many people are deceived he comes in peacefully not not with war not with destruction but trying to save your soul and what is his home in what is he saving you to hell that's where his home is the false Christ will hold revival after revival and many will fill the pews of his church thinking he is the Messiah that's what he's called Antichrist which in the Greek means instead of Christ or instead of Jesus they think he is why they haven't read God's Word they haven't studied God's Word anytime you see a commercial or something else advertising a book that shows destruction at the end that's that is Satan's own tool of deceiving people I don't care who puts it out because it's just the opposite and that's the reason many people will be deceived he comes in peacefully and prosperously even at a time when financial a Glore he's going to help you with your bills oh just forget it it's all yours I'll give you more if you love me you'll worship me a lot of people can be bought especially if they're ignorant of god's word flatteries means telling you what a nice person you are peacefully and persuading you and really fishing form in twenty-two and with the arms of a flood shall they be overflowing from before him a flood of lies deception and shall be broken yay also the prints of the Covenant even the main people most people that think they're real Christians fall for his ilk when he comes in peacefully in promising eternal life I've come to rapture you away get in my wagon let's go that's what enter Christ message is that's what the mark of the beast is is to understand that you're going to worship the Beast instead of the true Christ because you think he is Christ what a sad state of affairs verse 23 and after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully for he shall come up and shall become strong with a small people do you know who these small people are the word in Hebrew is going and the are nothing but the Kenites and - he come strong because there is his only there his own blood there's his own offspring so would you expect him to go and where would you expect him to who would you expect him to bless don't ever forget that this will come up again the Hebrew word is grew him 24 he shall enter peaceably don't you ever forget that he shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province and he shall do that which his fathers have not done nor his father's fathers he shall scatter among them the prey to spoil enriches and give him everything pay off your bills yeah and he shall forecast his devices against the strongholds even for a time we're going to have a time times and a half time only we know it'll only be for a time because Christ is shortened it to five months it shows here so I don't know can you be bought if Satan comes along offering to pay your bills if you'll worship Him when you know as a Christian you're hell bound if you do just for one little Fanta so romantic moment you're going to worship Him I think not I know God's Elector not going to worship Him they're going to stand against him the Holy Spirit will speak through them and he will not be a happy camper because of it but as it is written in Luke chapter 21 what comes out of the mouth of God's elect by the Holy Spirit speaking even the gainsayers will be convinced by what you say what a what a wonderful time to live don't ever be frightened by these aspects don't ever be frightened by these events because God is with you this is why God in this same Book of Daniel when when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were cast into the fiery furnace they weren't singed lying because Christ was with them Christ takes care of his own you are his own he will take care of you or just as Daniel was in the lion's den and father put the little kiddies right over in the corner and said shut your mouths and Daniel made it just fine why God was with him God is with you when you're his elect and you don't you don't fall for his forecast devices his one old system that has brought peace to the world but at what a price what a price a quick trip a one-way ticket to hell to join his little group raptured out of here that's what his message is 25 and he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army and the King of the South shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army but he shall not stand for they whose this day again the the small people the Kenites shall forecast devices against him all this is is palavering politics the for hidden dynasties which is to say religion that's most foremost financial educational and Po and political that's the way it goes and those are the devices that he uses talk talk talk but peace peace peace but there won't be any peace until the true Prince of Peace returns at the seventh Trump so that small people kind of surfaces again and begins to take over playing emanuelle verse 26 yay they that feed of the portion of the portion of his meat shall destroy him and his army shall overflow and many shall fall down slayin there are many that are going to die a spiritual death because they're going to worship Him but God there's only one unpardonable sin and that's for one of God's elect to worship Him and refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through them that's not going to happen because I know God's elect they're ready to stand against him they're ready to war with him spiritually 27 and both these Kings hearts shall be to do miss and they shall speak lies at one table but it shall not prosper and yet the end shall be at the time appointed God's own control treachery is the name of the game okay treachery treachery treachery not able to trust anyone but the false Christ will always reign as savior of the world this is why that all it is is ratchet join and he will stay quite well in control 28 then shall he return into his own land with great riches and his heart shall be against the holy Covenant that's to say real Christians and he shall do exploits and return to his own land it's going to really in a sense make people turn against themselves if you're not careful but it wouldn't happen verse 29 at the time appointed this is important at the time appointed he shall return and come toward the South but it shall not be as the former or the latter when things are going to change this time this is when the false Christ really steps up 30 what is the main problem though for the ships of chittim shall come against him therefore he shall be grieved in return and have indignation against the holy Covenant so shall he do he shall even return and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy Covenant in other words those that he has deceived those that have turned their back on the true Christ and are following the false you need to know what the word chittim in the Hebrew tongue means it means bruisers in other words the bruisers are bruising him this goes back to one of the first prophecies in the Word of God Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 where it is written concerning the woman's seed and Satan seed the serpent see he said they're going to bruise your heel I'm sorry you're going to bruise the woman's seeds he'll let's Christ nail to the cross but they're going to bruise your head and so it is the bruisers that's Godsey lick delivered up this is why he turns his back on the Covenant our covenant with our Father why because he wants to be the father of father's the God of all forces he really thinks he's that good and many people will be deceived by this you know the main reason they will be because they have not studied God's Word do not there ever ever so many Christians even not to mention other religions I mean Christians that say they're saved but they don't even know that the false Christ is coming first know how saved are you if you follow Satan and worship Him do you think Christ is going to take you as a virgin bride if you have been with Satan I don't think so that's not the requirements the requirements are that you stay true to our Heavenly Father so the bruisers will do a great work as it is written in mark 13 which we covered in the last lecture to quite an extent the abomination of desolation the desolate or spoken of by Daniel the prophet and those bruisers will stand up the Holy Spirit will speak through them and many things transpire at that time verse 31 an arm shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate now here you have the formula how is it that they take away the daily sacrifice that's where animals were sacrificed well what did away with that if you ever read Hebrews chapter 10 the volume of the book to die to be sacrificed one time forever so that you never have to sacrifice another animal and naturally that was when they cut off the Messiah crucified him they thought that he resurrected into eternal life and sits at the right hand of God engineering things and at the seventh Trump this happens in the sixth but at the seventh Trump he returns as true king of kings and Lord of lords and all this will be put aside but we must suffer this first why well it's a testing of the people have you read God's Word are you familiar with how things go down or are you going to be deceived by the flood of lies that Satan brings forth well how do I prevent that by understanding God's Word we will be speaking quite a bit about the taking away of the daily sacrifice and the placing of the abomination that of the desolate or false Christ okay and it will it will create even a cipher that we would use before we finish this book one more verse 32 and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be shall he corrupt by flatteries but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits that is with the aid of the Holy Spirit the God's elect will do exports they're the bruisers they're going to witness against tests they're going to stop it with the aid of God but he flatters people all you do that do wrong that they're doing right in other words what he does he makes that that is wrong right and that that is right wrong you see a great start at this today when you hear Christianity mocked put down but don't let that bother you hey I've read the back of the book we win they're the ones that are going down so just relish it and enjoy it the it is can try to put away Christianity all they want to we win because we are the children of the Living God as everyone is and when they see the true Christ they will know that they've been had hey don't miss the next lecture this is yet future and it is telling you what happens in the end all right bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please Ezra and Nehemiah these two books are necessary to understand the returning to the Father in that sense of the example set forth in the end times of the rebuilding of God's most favorite place on earth also within these two books you find the hidden secret hidden from most people's eyes that the study in the Hebrew and the Cal D that is given in these particular books will teach you how that the priesthood itself became polluted during this period of time this is to say about four hundred years before Christ walked the earth to the time that he did walk instructing you very wisely setting the example of how it is that we gather back to Christ himself Ezra and Nehemiah fantastic you'll enjoy them and there we were back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people father judges and His Word is the path that you follow when you want to overcome don't ever forget that the those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour you're mailed mailing address again always a pleasure now you got a prayer request you don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now in the Greek he is called the car do nor he knows your heart he knows what you're thinking without you saying it out loud no one no one can ever prevent you from praying because they don't even know when you're praying if you choose to pray silently so therefore Christians are always winners always remember that why because God loves us watches over us protects us that's his example and so let him know that you love him in return all right that's what he wants from you let's approach his throne father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time we're going to go with okay this is Wade from Maine Wade your mother's and your your mother studied God's Word love God's Word studied with us and and she's with the father and you will see her again so rest easy and rejoice George from Texas is John the Baptist the only man born with the Holy Spirit Luke 1:15 but he he received the Holy Spirit today that Christ was conceived for he for Mary went to her cousin the Levitical lady went and a daughter of Aaron which was Mary was half of the Levitical tribe and half of the Judah tribe making Christ both King and priest but on the day of conception Mary ran to Elizabeth's house John was six months in the womb of Elizabeth and he rapped in the room when the Holy Spirit was near but that is the God's elect were chosen in the first Earth Age and God's Spirit is always with them those many of them don't realize it Mike it isn't what they have done in this earth age but they're they earned the right for God to intercede in their lives to accomplish what God would have them accomplish to bring to fulfillment the scriptures as it is written you can you can document this in Romans chapter 8 beginning reading with about verse 26 where it says you don't even know what to pray for that's why God intercedes in the Saints that's a set aside one's lives that they are foreordained meaning from before with that Holy Spirit Patricia from Iowa do you believe the Shroud of Turin is actually the linen that covered the crucified body of Christ I very much respect your opinion well you know it is a negative picture and when you take into consideration that at the time of Christ's crucifixion and and this does date though some may say it does it to that time how did a negative picture appear on that cloth when they had no material or anything to create a negative picture that would be like you in the old camera you take a picture and you get the negative okay something happened with that Shroud a resurrection a change that left that negative image and I would certainly never doubt when you look at the facts concerning the shroud but observe we're Watchmen just watch pastor Murray this is Stan and sherry from California I have a couple of curiosity questions when we get to heaven and we are angels which the Bible says or messengers who will we be sending messages to or will that part of being an angel stop and we have other dual you'll have other duties it's serving God and Revelation chapter 22 gives you a peek into it and even in the Millennium you have a much from chapter 40 to the end certain things but the interesting thing is that as it is written in revelation 22 once a month you approach the Tree of Life which is Christ and he gives you a healing that you can't when it's properly translated it means you can't be bored you don't get down it just really picks you up what a wonderful time that's going to be the other question I have is I noticed in one of your sermons long ago that you had a red leather-bound Bible do you still use this one or do you still use the black one that is used on television the black one is my favorite but when we have a meeting away from a building whereby we ourselves control the lights many times like in order torian's or like the Grand Palace and Branson and other places we can't we don't control the light and some so I usually take a new Bible that is bright with clear print or large print whereby I can teach from it even in poor lighting and do pretty good otherwise my old Bible is it's a little dim but my notes are there and I love them okay Logan from Indiana my name is Logan I'm Logan I'm 12 years old and I live in Indiana my question when we all go to heaven my dad says that we will be he will be my brother and my mom will be my sister I said I don't think so please explain I have learned so much from you and thank you i watch your ministry every morning what god bless you Logan 4:12 you write in the word and you're doing good you know in a sense you're both right because we are all children of God and that in the sense makes us spiritual brothers and sisters but you might Logan as you well know in Ezekiel chapter 44 we still recognize our families in the Millennium by blood relationship such as in Ezekiel 44 verses 20 through 25 if you have a relative you're one of God's elect number one and you have a relative that wasn't and maybe in a little bit of trouble in the Millennium you can go to them if it is a mother brother sister unmarried and so forth father and and give them a lift give them give them a little discipline to help them make it but we are all children of God so you're both right and I'm so happy you're studying with us every day that's great Bernice from Florida I know that Daniel did not bow down to the God that Nebuchadnezzar had made so why wasn't he placed in the fiery furnace when the three Hebrew with the three Hebrew boys is there a reason why Daniel was left out of the third chapter of Daniel yeah it is he was gone it is believed and I think probably a scholarship pretty well documents it that he was at Shushan the palace okay and he was not there when that happened and and you know the Kennedy evil ones have a way of dividing and conquering and with Daniel being the main voice I think they thought they could whack off the other three while he was gone didn't work because Daniel only appeared to be the main one God was the main one without God we're really not much of anything but God gives even in this case Daniel the the wisdom to understand God gives us wisdom to understand his word when you pray about it and ask him especially if you're going to use it to teach with to share with others that place is God when you care about other people other than just yourself so that's that's the reason God deserves all the credit I believe this is Barney from nun from Maryland maybe your spelling kind of trailed off there and I can I'll say that's correct thank you for teaching God's word consider considering buying CDs tie is that tithing to the church or do you have to be separate also I was asked to show my sister in the Bible where it states that we will know family members in heaven well I just got through quoting it Ezekiel 44 verses 20 through 25 our our tapes are strictly teaching chapter by chapter and verse by verse and and you tithe to be taught so it falls in that category okay Gail from Ohio thank you for your welcome I enjoy teaching question if if from you and want a person where do you put the oil at or do you drop it from the bottle or do you put it on your fingertip and maybe you apply it between their eyes well you put you simply take the vial and put a tip tip just a little tip of oil on your forefinger and you want to remember what are you doing your anointing with all of our people why because Christ told us to you said if you have someone that is ill or has a problem anoint them and so you anoint them in the forehead and ask Christ ask our Father to do the healing or the the driving out or whatever the case may be but ask it in the name of Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ that is your credentials that you you believe that Christ was the only begotten Son and that and so it is so that is how you anoint and many people are going to anoint the doorpost of their house and order anything evil out if they're being bothered by anything and a lot of people will say well I've never heard of anointing for Christians and you know that is really a sad state of affairs it documents they don't even know what the word Christ means and that's sad isn't it it is to me if you do not understand what the word Christ means Christos it means The Anointed One and the etymology of the word even comes from as rubbing as anointing with our people you're supposed to in what that's that's the way of Christ the yet I from Georgia from my understanding we are not to do away with the law but blood ordinances that that's correct if so the fourth commandment is about the Sabbath what is the true Sabbath that my all my life I've been taught it was Sunday but what is the seventh day what do you worship a day what is it that first Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 say it said that Christ became our Passover our Passover is Christian's high Sabbath it is not a day of the week it is Christ what does Sabbath what does the word Sabbath mean that means rest and if you're not in the truth Sabbath which is to say Christ rest peace of mind you're never going to have peace of mind in Hebrews chapter 4 makes it very clear that Christ became our Sabbath read Colossians chapter 2 don't worship a day it was nailed to the cross with him okay so well what are you saying we're children of light not in darkness it's one solid day all the way to the end worship Christ every day worship on which every day you choose but worship Christ every day he is our Sabbath not some day of the week Pat for Wisconsin I need to know the answer to the following question when our saviors feet touched the Mount of Olives does that mean the millennium begins absolutely that's the time when does that happen you can teach it from the Old Testament or the New Testament that that is the seventh Trump but you can also teach it from the 14th chapter of Zachariah for his feet will touch the Mount of Olives and open a way right to the east gate and that begins the millennium and do you know what happens to us at that time we are all changed into spiritual bodies some will take part at that moment in the first resurrection which means not only will their bodies put on incorruption but their soul will all day also take on immortality but unfortunately we'll have an incorruptible body but they'll still have a mortal soul modeled in the Greek tongue means liable to die means they got to go through the Millennium and maybe just maybe they'll take part in the second resurrection as it's written in Revelation chapter 20 James from Virginia is it true that we people should not give or to receive blood from one another because our DNA is different from each other not not true at all you know I am a military person I've got a lot of friends that are alive because they receive transfusions ignorances is a strange thing but people that do not understand God's Word you see God said I don't want you to eat anything in the blood what means if if you kill the chicken you wring its neck and let it thaw around and bleed itself or it's going to be putrid it's not going to be good for you or if you butcher an animal you bleed it you don't leave the blood in it because it pure it will putrified it'll be unfit to eat that's God's Way of butchering animals too that you intend to take for food and some people will say we're not supposed to give blood has nothing to do with that and at all so don't let ever anyone confuse you with that God's Word is so simple and so pure that it is you really going to stretch to not understand that you're talking about a health law that has to do with food not life saving Bobby and the end from Arkansas our sons are in churches that teach the rapture one is a pastor and the other a deacon and one is a new Christian what can we do to change them from rapture to gods of truth in his words well be gentle you know you're supposed to fish you can't overload their donkey okay you got a you know how do you fish well you you go out there and you gently you gently move that bait until it's taken and then you sink the hook and draw them in but you got it you can't throw the anchor at them but if stick a dynamite out that's not real fishing so you set the example and and many times it's good to say well hey I've been studying with a person is teaching against this why don't you try to help me prove that he's wrong and by that you would order my tape on the the rapture doctrine or theory whichever it is the title and and listen to it where you have it down real good and then ask them to disprove it many times that will work that you're asking your sons to help you that you might even be being misled okay and I've seen a lot of people but do remember this you know if a pastor is licensed or his credentials or with a certain organization his retirement and everything and if he drifts from that he loses it all and but it's better to lose that than to lose your soul so naturally that's not a hard decision for most people Terry from Virginia I have basics of the Bible and that happened of what happened in the Garden of Eden is it possible to think that I am called of God and maybe I am not pray and study every day well it would seem that if you have knowledge that the false Christ is coming first you're one of God's elect you're going to stand against him and you know a lot of people have trouble thinking well I'm sure not an angel I don't know why God could use me well he seems to think so he thinks you're pretty good fine well once I don't care how what you've done once you repent and God forgives you it doesn't exist anymore so in your eyes in his eyes you're fine why because he cleansed you so be happy to serve Him okay I'm sure you're trying and that's what it takes Charles from Minnesota I have heard several pastors talk about the end times and saying that it will be as the flood of Noah then they say everyone is given and taking in marriage just marrying whomever they wish from your teachings I have learned the truth where in the Bible did talk about those things being the sons of God marrying the daughters except in Genesis 6:2 4 Matthew 24 Christ said it when he was giving the the 7 the events of the 7 Trump's in the seven seals and the seven vials of how they would come to pass he said in the end times or at that time they're going to be giving and taking in marriage again as they were in the days of Noah which means what the fallen angels this is what Paul would say in first Corinthians chapter 11 verse 10 a woman should keep Christ above her head a lot of people translate it hair and it is written here but it means to be in the Greek to be covered what with Christ to have Christ over your head because of in verse 10 the Angels they're coming back and they're very very convincing tempting clearance from Florida at the last Trump we will be changed into a spiritual body does that does those who have passed away before the last Trump have to wait until already there okay this is what Paul was talking about the so many people get confused with thinking that you're going to be raptured he said in first Thessalonians 4:13 if you believe Christ rose from the dead you better believe that all those that are asleep in him have risen also you're not out here and holding the ground and I am out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all God does he loves you for that it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours bless him he'll always bless you we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that again blessing God he will always bless you but there's one thing most important you listen to me good here you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back into our father's word rapture theory is it just a theory we know from God's Word we're going to gather back to Christ
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 40,760
Rating: 4.865922 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Daniel, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Daniel, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Daniel, Pastor Murray Book of Daniel, Daniel Bible Study, Book of Daniel, Daniel 11, Daniel Chapter 11, Book of Daniel Chapter 11
Id: Fw_Jd_w6_vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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