Leviticus ~ 8:1 to 8:30

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our fathers weird word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us we're going to pick it up today Leviticus in the law as Paul so aptly wrote in the Galatians the law the schoolmaster that brings us unto Jesus Christ and the first seven chapters of Leviticus we have been covering the sacrifices and now that the sacrifices have been established it's time to consecrate or you could even use the word ordained Aaron and his sons we need some preachers now that we've got the law given to the people and you could think of chapter 8 which is where we're gonna pick it up today is a continuation of Exodus chapter 28 verses 1 through 43 which were given to Moses on the mount and it took time back up to Exodus chapter 25 is where God gave Moses the instructions on how the Ark of the Covenant was to be made in what the materials that it was to be made out of then of course that Olding candlestick had to be made so all of these things have now been prepared it's now time to consecrate Aaron as the high priest and his sons as priests and remind you once again you know why do people think that Levites were all priests that's not the case too a priest you had to be a descendant of Aaron and in other words you could be all priests had to be Levites but not all Levites are priests in other words they had other functions in and around the the temple but a priest was a descendant of Aaron and Aaron only so the priesthood about to be established and of course when you think of the priesthood in today's time period who was the priest forever after the order of Melchizedek that of course was Jesus Christ so in Aaron we kind of see a type for Jesus Christ the the the priest chapter 8 verse 1 we asked that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day Leviticus chapter 8 verse 1 and it reads and the Lord spake unto Moses saying now we're gonna see the repetition of this conjunction the word and many times that's called a Polly sin Denton those of you with companion Bibles I believe its appendix 6 will bear it bear out and what the repetition of the conjunction and means is it adds emphasis Genesis chapter 1 is another example of the use of a poly sin dentin it keeps things moving along and this happened and then this happened chapter verse to take Aaron and his sons with him and the garments as prescribed in Exodus chapter 28 verse 4 in the following verses and the anointing oil in Exodus chapter 30 verse 24 and 25 instructions given olive oil and a bullet for the sin offering and two rams and a basket of unleavened bread the two Rams of course one would be all for it as a burnt offering one will be offered as a peace offering or more specifically a consecration offering which is a type of peace offering and anointing oil Christians of course should know how to use the olive oil today and if you say well I don't have never heard of it such a thing well you don't know what the name Christ means in the Greek language it's Christos which is the anointed one and we're instructed in James chapter 5 verse 14 that if anyone is ill or become sick that the elders should anoint the that one with the oil of our people the olive oil and pray for a healing now note these instructions are given to Moses and and he's now going to be making they were given to him on the mount some months earlier but now he's making God's commands and instructions known to the people the elders are going to be called together and gather thou all the congregation together under the door of the tabernacle of the congregation Aaron and sons to be consecrated as priests for the people in other words they would be mediators between the people and God and of course when he says all the congregation the numbering that happens sometime shortly thereafter you had over six hundred and three thousand fighting men and if you apply a little statistics to that of course many of them were married had wives many of them had children some of the people of Israel at this time were elderly and would not have been numbered in the military I estimate that the the nation of Israel was some approximately two point 1 million strong at this time so it would be impossible for the entire congregation to gather at the entrance to the tent the mosaic Tabernacle but certainly you had elders heads of families tribe princes leaders of the nation in other words verse four and Moses did as the LORD commanded him and the Assembly was gathered together under the door of the tabernacle of the congregation God preparing the people of Israel to move in to the promised land you know Moses was he perfect no Moses was a man and like the rest of us he fell short on occasion but for the most part Moses was very good at following the command of the Lord was an extremely good servant to our Father verse 5 and Moses said unto the congregation this is the thing which the LORD commanded to be done in Exodus chapter 28 again also chapter 29 verses 1 through 37 now being made known to the people these instructions given to Moses when he was on Mount Sinai and Moses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water now this reads as though Moses washed them all future washings would be done by the individual himself and I think that's probably the case here this being symbolic of washing away the sins of the flesh is what's going on here and and why did God choose Aaron's sons to be the priests well he chose Aaron and his descendants and that was his decision to make well why did God choose the Levites to serve and minister to at the temple well you can read about that in Exodus chapter 32 verse 26 and the following verses while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments what happened when he came down he found the people including Aaron had made a golden calf and they were worshiping it and Moses was livid and rightfully so and he said at that point in time who will stand with me for God and the Levites girded their swords on and stood behind Moses and they killed some three thousand of those who were worshiping the golden calf up to that point in time God had taken the firstborn male of every family to serve in the temple but he exchanged the Levites instead and I think that probably worked out better in the long run were the Levites perfect no not any more so than then Moses was not any more so than we are today we all fall short if we're honest verse seven and he put upon him the coat the coat prescribed in Exodus chapter 28 verse 4 in there it states that it was broided or embroidered and girded him with the girdle you could think of this as a sash or a belt and clothed him with the robe and put the ephod the ephod being a vestment or a ceremonial robe which went over the other robe upon him and he girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod this being the band of the ephod and bound it unto him therewith and this robe it's written in the book of Exodus they attached bells to the bottom him of this robe so that when the high priest went into the Holy of Holies on the day of atonement which we'll be covering when we get to chapter 16 of little Ovidius the other priests could hear him moving around and know that he was still alive being in the presence of and the holiness of Yahweh himself on that day and that day only verse 8 and he put the breastplate upon him and this being the breastplate of judgment made of gold blue and worn over purple and scarlet and worn over the ephod also he put in the breastplate the Urim and the Thummim now the Urim and the Thummim well known in God's Word but very little written about it actually and this Urim and Thummim would be kept in a small bag attached to the breastplate and the breastplate would have twelve stones on it four rows of three one of each of these stones representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel we offer a book here at the chapel entitled gemstones in the breastplate if that subject interests you but the Urim and Thummim were seen and by the what does it mean Urim if you translate it rather than transliterate it means lights and Thummim means perfections and what the people of Israel were instructed to do was when they had a major decision for example should we go up to war against the Philistines they would inquire of the Lord as whether he wanted them to go battle the Philistines or not to go up and the Urim and Thummim the priests would reach in this bag and depending on which one he drew out the Urim or Thummim that would be yes or no and this a lot of scholars point out that this was a chance there is no chance that God has decisions which were chance they were God's decisions and this was a means that man could inquire of our Heavenly Father it was Yahweh's judgment and that's the way it was verse 9 and he put the mitre upon his head this being a turban or a cap also upon the mitre even upon his forefront did he put the gold and plate diadem or a crown you could think of this this of course being attached to the headdress worn by the high priest the holy crown as the LORD commanded Moses did Moses make all of this up out of his own head no God gave him instructions on how this was to be accomplished just as surely as he gave him instructions on how the Ark of the Covenant was to be constructed but all of this the the clothing that's being placed on Aaron the high priest is symbolic of his endowment with the character necessary to serve in the office of high priest verse 10 and Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the tabernacle the sanctuary and all that was there in and sanctified them and this of course to set them apart and to make them to sanctify them for use in worship of the Lord the Ark of the Covenant the candlestick the altar of incense the golden altar of incense the candlestick all had been in made by laypeople non priests and therefore were defiled but what Moses is doing per God's instructions anointing with the olive oil to sanctify them and set them apart for worship in the temple these instructions also given to Moses in Exodus chapter 30 verse 26 and the following verses verse 11 and he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times seven being in biblical numerix spiritual perfection or completeness it's also the stamp of the covenant between God and Israel and anointed the altar and all his vessels both the Laver and his foot to sanctify them the Laver was a large pot if you will a basin for washing the sacrifices in and it was a rather large container and contained tens of gallons of water it would take that much of course to wash something like a beef bullock that was being sacrificed now the foot here is not talking about Aaron's foot it's talking about the base that the Bazin sat upon to keep it off the ground was called the foot verse 12 and he poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head and anointed him to sanctify him oil always symbolic of the holy spirit the purpose of the anointing sanctification endowing the Holy Spirit upon Aaron if you will and the oil covered his uncleanness where the blood of the sacrifices expiated sin and the endowment of the holy spirit is something that's very important to any man or woman of the cloth you know you can listen to a preacher or teacher for five minutes and tell whether they are gifted of the Holy Spirit or they're not gifted of the Holy Spirit very important if you're going to be successful as a man or a woman of the cloth verse 13 and Moses brought Aaron's sons first Aaron and now his sons and put coats upon them and girded them with girdles or belts and put bonnets this would be a bound headdress upon them as the LORD commanded Moses and it's not written but no doubt that Moses anointed the sons of Aaron as well now the clothing of the high priest was only to be worn by him when he was serving in his official capacity as the high priest and for example when he left the temple the tabernacle he excuse me he would put on other clothing now it's thought though that the sons of Aaron pretty much wore this clothing all the time whether they were in the tabernacle out of the tabernacle or no and of course the the clothing of the high priest was passed down from generation to generation in other words when Aaron passed away the high priesthood was passed down to his son Eleazar and the breastplate the diadem the headdress the robes the breastplate the ephod the Urim and the Thummim then were Ella's ours to use and of course who were these sons of Aaron at this time they were nade AB and Abby who Eleazar and Ithamar well how come when Aaron died the priesthood went to Eleazar who was the third oldest because Nate had been Toby who didn't take their consecration seriously and God strikes them dead in chapter 10 Eleazar will be the eldest surviving son of Aaron when Aaron passes away 10 verse 14 and he thus being Moses brought the bullock for the sin offering and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the bullock for the in offering transferring the sins of the priest to the sacrificial animal wherever there is sin the wages of sin is death and the sacrificial animal basically is taking their place the priests place in death just as Jesus Christ took our place on the cross so that we upon belief on him could have forgiveness of our sins just as the sacrificial animal gained atonement for sinners at the time that this was written and while man was under the law verse 15 and he slew it and Moses took the blood and put it upon the horns of the altar roundabout with his finger and purified the altar and we're talking about the altar of burnt-offering not the golden incense altar and poured the blood at the bottom of the altar and sanctified it to make reconciliation upon it and the sin offering the blood goes down and out not to be offered on the altar of burnt offering to the Lord God has nothing to do with sin and blood on this particular occasion was not taken into the sanctuary which when we were back in chapter 4 verses 6 & 7 they also took some of the blood and slung it toward the veil 7 times you may recall but because this is the consecration that's not the case it on these this particular offering there's some variations on the consecration offering we'll see in a few moments as well verse 16 and he took all the fact that was upon the inwards and the call above the liver and that's the loin and the two kidneys and they're fat and Moses burned it upon the altar and katar in the Hebrew tongue and it means to turn to vapor it also means to ascend as incense sins but the Bullock and his hide his flesh and his dung he burnt with fire without the camp as the LORD commanded Moses and in that it had been separated in sanctified to the Lord it had to be burned in a clean place outside of the camp the priest would not eat the sin offering for themselves and that's what the case is if in the case that the sin offering was of someone of the congregation other than the priest then the priests were responsible for eating it symbolic of them absorbing the sin for the people if you will verse 18 and he Moses Moses is doing most of this per God's instructions but he's about to turn all of the responsibilities that he's performing now over to Aaron but he's doing it now and he Moses brought the RAM for the burnt offering and Aaron and his sons lay their hands upon the head of the RAM and the burnt offering being symbolic of a total surrender to God and the laying on of hands here is what's indicated there they're totally surrendering to our Father and note though which offering was first the sin offering was first then come the burnt offering then comes the consecration offering you got to get rid of the sin before you can make other offerings to the Lord verse 19 and he killed it and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar roundabout on the sides of the altar on all four sides and he cut the ram into pieces and Moses burnt the head and the pieces and the fact this was the whole offering so the entire animal was placed on the altar fire and he washed the inwards of the legs in water that of course would be done in the Laver that was mentioned in verse 11 and Moses burnt the whole ram upon the altar it was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet savour and an offering made by fire unto the Lord as the LORD commanded Moses verse 22 and he brought the other ram the ram of consecration and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the RAM and this was a type of peace offering consecration check it out in your Strong's Concordance and literally means to fill the hand and the consecration there filling the hands of the priest with the necessary materials that they needed to go through the consecration process verse 23 and he slew it and Moses took of the blood of it and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear and upon the thumb of his right hand and upon the great toe of his right foot the great toe we would normally refer to as the big toe you know what this is symbolic of is that the blood on the tip of Aaron's right ear was that he was to hearken or listen to the commandments of God the e blood on the right thumb he was to to work and to properly fulfill the responsibilities of his office as the high priest the blood on his right big toe was that he was to walk correctly in the sanctuary in or in other words doing things as God said to do them verse 24 and he brought Aaron's sons and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right here and upon the thumbs of their right hands and upon the great toes of their right feet and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar roundabout and in our next lecture we'll see that all of these offerings all of this was done seven days in a row and then it was on the eighth day that that they were actually consecrated into the priesthood and imagine the people watching all this going on those who were probably privileged to do so and it would indicate to them that you know now we do have a mediator between us and God there's 25 and he took the fat in the rump that's being the fat tail of the Sheep of the RAM and all the fact that was upon the n-words and the call above the liver and the two kidneys and their fat and the right shoulder the right shoulder normally was part of the priest for their service this service is for the priest it's going to be devoted to the Lord on the altar and out of the basket of unleavened bread that was before the Lord he took one unleavened cake and a cake of oil bread and one wafer one of each of the types of the meal offering Minko in the Hebrew and put them on the fat and upon the right shoulder in other words placed them on top what he's doing here is making a wave offering which will be covered in the next verse and he put all upon Aaron's hands this is the consecration he filled the hands of Aaron and upon his son's hands and waved them for a wave offering before the Lord this way of offering Hebrew 10 who fought and they have this in their hands and they would wave it toward the Holy of Holies where God was and then back to themselves toward the Holy of Holies and then back to themselves and Moses took them from off their hands and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt offering again usually this would have been the priests but not in this case they were consecrations for a sweet savour it is an offering made by fire unto the Lord the burnt offering in the Hebrew is Ola and it literally means a sins and that's what this was a savory satisfaction that the smoke went up as a savory offering to our Heavenly Father 29 and Moses took the breast and waived it for a wave offering this is 1004 and offering before the Lord for the RAM of consecration it was Moses as part as the LORD commanded Moses and the heave shoulder was not given to Moses but rather was devoted to the Lord on the altar fire but Moses was given the breast as his portion and of course this consecration offering what you're gonna see is that it's a sacrificial meal and it's a very special meal it's it's kind of I used the analogy probably it's not a good analogy but it's like sitting down with your father on Sunday and breaking bread that's how close of a communal relationship the sacrificial meal brought those who made offerings of peace offerings which the consecration offering was a type of peace offering verse 30 and Moses took of the anointing and of the blood which was upon the altar and sprinkled it upon Aaron and upon his garments and upon his sons and upon his sons garments with him and sanctified Aaron this means to make clean and his garments and his sons and his sons garments with him so again all of this done seven days in a row the priests were not to leave the sanctuary for any normal business during that seven-day period but how did this start off well it started off with the water the the washing of the priests to clean their flesh of the sin that was upon it what was next well they anointed them with the oil endowing them with the power of the Holy Spirit then they took care of their sin by getting rid of it with the sin offering all this preparing the priests to - as close to being holy as they could and being mediators between the people and God just as Jesus Christ is our mediator between us and Jesus Christ he made it to where we can approach God and we don't need the blood of bulls or goats to do so the first thing that Jesus did when he was crucified he went to heaven and he rent the veil from top to bottom what veil are we talking about we're talking about the veil that separates man from the Holy of Holies which is where God was or resided when he dwelt among men on earth well that veil was not allowed for anyone even the sons of air and couldn't go behind that veil only Aaron and only on the day of atonement which will cover again when we get to chapter 16 but Christ rent that veil from top to bottom where you and I can walk right on in we can approach God and talk to him in prayer without the blood of bulls or goats so and young people I'll say for you one more time we don't get rid of our sin today by killing animals that would be an offense to our Heavenly Father he he would think of it as an abomination we wash our sins today in the blood of Jesus Christ by that I mean we believe on him we accept him as our savior and know that he paid that price on the cross in our place he took our place because we all sin and the wages of sin is death well he took the death he bit the bullet for all of us on the cross we'll come back and finish the consecration of the priest in our next lecture then we're gonna see some problems for two of the young priests in the very near future got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel box for 16 gräfin Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you're watching by our studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a biblical question feel free to call that number and leave your question don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try and teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three got a prayer request well we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you you have prayer and I encourage you to use that communication line with your Heavenly Father you know he developed that line and it's unlike a telephone line which costs you the more you use it the more expensive it is the line he developed the more you use it the less it's going to cost you I'm talking about on Judgment Day talk to your heavenly Father repent of your sins tell them that you love him if you do and always remember you can't con God but give him pleasure and how do you pleasure him by talking with him as you would your normal father he's the closest relative that you have we do have these prayer requests father we come United as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father and we ask you to look upon these father we have members of the congregation who are hurting father they they've lost loved ones father we ask you to send the comforter as you promised to to help them through their time a loss we have members of the congregation who have financial difficulties father we ask you to - if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we lift up our military troops are in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch protect and heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks first of all we've got Norma in Indiana if we were all here in the first earth age why can't we remember well God wanted us to enter this flesh completely innocent unaware of what we did or didn't do in the first Earth Age and you follow also when we pass away are we not going to know what happens here on earth with our loved ones and no I think you'll have total recall but you have to be aware Norma that once you pass away you go into that other dimension and you're not going to know what's going on here on earth unless God wants you to for some reason but you are probably going to have I think at that point the flesh keeps us from using about 90% of our mental capacity so I think when we pass away and go back into our spirit that we'll have total recall even of what happened in the first Earth Age you know how fair would it be of God to judge us if we didn't have Total Recall it wouldn't be in his totally fair Lynne Dean I think it is or Lynne dear and Alabama first that solonian please explain my friend thinks this is the rapture and that's where most rapturous point to those who believe in the rapture is what I mean by a rapture wrist your friend and those who believe first Thessalonians 4:17 is talking about a rapture need to back up a little bit and read verse 13 because Paul states there I don't want you to be ignorant concerning about where those who sleep in Christ though who have passed away believing in Christ as the heathen are those who have no hope which are the heathen that's what the subject is of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 then including the 16 17 and 18 which most people point to as flying away I don't understand why people want to fly away though when Jesus Christ is coming back here that's very clearly stated in Acts chapter 1 when he ascended remember they were standing around and the two angels said you men of Jerusalem what are you standing around looking up for just as he went up he's going to come back down and even tells us where he's coming back down the Mount of Olives why would we want to put on the gospel armor to in order to stand against the fiery darts of Satan if we were going to fly away in some rapture the rapture is false teaching the problem with that false teaching is it sets people up to take and believe the Antichrist is Jesus Christ hook line and sinker Alice from Georgia are the fires that we are having now leading up to the coming of Christ and I say watch Watchmen watch we learn in Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 if you're not for me your Matthew 24 starts off with the disciples asking Jesus what's it going to be like before you return and he tells them every step-by-step what it's going to be happening in the world before he returns Jesus tells them in Matthew 24:21 there's going to be Great Tribulation such as not been since the beginning of time you follow second question was John the Baptist married no I don't think so some people read mark chapter 6 verse 17 and they miss read it and believe that that's talking about John having a wife it's not John that's married in verse 18 of Mark 6 and John says to Herod in verse 18 he says you know he was coming down on Herod because he says it's not lawful for you to take your brother's wife and actually these talking about in verse 17 it's not John's wife it's Herod who took his brother's wife and John was bold enough to point out to Herod he was messing up and then you had a boy you got three questions you're lucky why is there no history on Lazarus after he came back from the dead well I think that's because his mission was accomplished Leona in Oregon do you believe that the devil is still in heaven yes definitely why because Jesus Christ old Satan get the hints in other words get behind me where is Jesus now in heaven at the right hand of God who's behind him Satan but Michael is holding him under his thumb and it's Michael who boots Satan and his angels out of heaven onto earth in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and the following verses and it's woe unto you on earth at that point in time unless you've got your gospel armor on Lisa from Montana what Trump are we in right now thank you all in God bless I think that we are in the fifth Trump what happens in the sixth Antichrist returns what happens in the seventh the true Jesus Christ returns and all in the twinkling of an eye is it's written in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 and the following verses are changed that means that we take on the fleshes no more at that point in time John in Alabama and John is 7 my name is John I am seven years old my mom is in heaven does she miss me oh I'm sure she misses you as much as you miss her John you know but the thing about it is that I want you to know John is that you will see her again this period of time in the flesh probably seems at the age of seven like it's a long time but when you get to be an old duffer like me time kind of hesitancy of flying by in the flesh and it is it's a twinkle of an eye compared to the Eternity and you will see your mom again and you follow do animals go to heaven and Isaiah chapter 11 you have to realize that that's after there is no more flesh and there are animals there Joanne in West Virginia where in the bible does it say that jesus said to one of the disciples as you say not as I say I believe you're thinking about punches pilot when Pilate asked Christ art thou the King of the Jews and jesus answered him and said thou sayst and that was in Matthew chapter 27 verse 11 Marilyn in Colorado I've studied with you for 15 years and thought I knew a lot about God's Word Oh what truths I've learned and I'm so grateful to you all thank you and you're welcome we're glad you enjoy studying I have a neighbor who loves the Lord reads God's Word and studies endlessly loves history and comparisons to the end times she bought the Quran and says she wants to see why they believe in what they believe I said I don't need to know any more than we already know about them on their standards the enemy wants to kill us if we don't believe as they do that's enough for me question am I being hard-nosed to say she's spending time and money on another's false doctrine and their evil deeds second epistle of john verses 9 and 10 where it states if any comes to you without this doctrine referring to the doctrine of Jesus Christ don't even wish them Godspeed don't even say have a nice day in other words she believes in the rapture watches all the Christian programs their literature and order several books I think it's confusion and you have a right to to believe as you do Marilyn and of course we have to respect your friends right to believe as she believes our only responsibility is to plant a seed to try and communicate to her the truths that you have discovered in God's Word and you have to understand too that some are blinded by God for their own protection and they have scales over their eyes and plugs in their ears they couldn't hear truth if it came up and bit them so don't cast your pearls before swine but do plant a seed that's that's the end of your responsibility whether God chooses to make that seed germinate and grow into a plant that will produce fruit that's up to him and we have Martha and Georgia dear pastor Dennis hope all is well everything's going great thank you and the staff for all you do finding Shepherd's chapel and being a part of this great church is the best thing that ever happened in my life I have learned and grown so much in the word and thanks for sharing that witness is our all the events in Revelation future or has some already happened and Revelation begins in 96 ad on the Isle of Patmos very soon after that John the writer of Revelation is taken in the spirit to the Lord's Day that's the millennium the thousand year period and most of what's covered in the book of Revelation is pertaining to that period of time in chapter 22 toward the end of the chapter John returns to Patmos the Isle in 96 ad and the rest of course is history from there and you say seals our knowledge vials or the wrath of God trump is action is this correct and I'd say yeah that's a real good way to state and understand the seals the trumpets and the vials who we got here treci in Michigan Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 8 and 9 what were Michael and Satan fighting over when Michael casts the devil down here on earth and correct you that future you sate this like it's in past tense that they will be fighting it is the war though the battle is past tense you can read about it in Jude chapter 1 verse 9 Michael was in conflict with Satan over the body of Moses goes all the way back to Daniel chapter 10 that that war between Michael and Satan and then of course the future he's going to cast him out onto earth surely in Florida which church did Christ establish well actually Peter established the Christian churches the church only say and is that specific church still around if not what church would I go to nowadays being that there are many different churches well surely you want to attend a church that teaches as the Church of Philadelphia and the Church of Smyrna taught in Revelation to nine and three nine regardless of what shingle they hang on the door in other words whatever name they have on the sign out front you want to attend a church that teaches what Philadelphia and Smyrna taught well what is that well if you can understand God's Word they understood they understood and taught who those who claim to be of our brother Judah but do lie and are of the synagogue of Satan and of course that's referring to Kenites the descendants of Cain Nancy in Minnesota chittim are these people bruisers who are the bruisers well let's go back probably the first prophecy in God's Word Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 prophecies that Jesus Christ will bruise I should say the the other that in Jesus Christ will bruise Satan's head as it's written in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the ships of chittim are symbolic in God's word of his election and his election are helping bruise Satan's head we're taking names in kicking dragon as we speak Dora in California how old is God our Father is eternal what does that mean it means he was without beginning and without end Myra in Kentucky my question is what will happen if you keep jumping back and forth from sinning to God I know he does not like that can you tell me where it is in the Bible well the first epistle of John chapter 1 verse 8 tells us if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us and we all Myra fall short and you know that's the beauty of Christianity though is we have forgiveness that when we mess up well like you said when we jump back to sin we can repent and ask for forgiveness and that sin is gone it's blotted out and God doesn't want to hear about it anymore and we're back in good graces with him dawn in California which version for Isaiah 11:6 is correct the wolf lied down lay down with the lamb or is it the lion lay down with the lamb it's probably one of the most confused or scriptures or verses in the Bible in the King James Version Bible reads the wolf will lay down with the lamb but you'll have people who will swear that it's in God's Word that the lion will lay down with the lamb it's not there the wolf will lay down with the lamb David in Georgia I am writing to try to find out if God would not like me if I cannot return the Word of God I can read and understand but I don't have total recall of God's Word I have a hard time remembering where to find certain scriptures in the word well I always say David that understanding God's Word is far more important than memorizing it because you can memorize something and still not understand it so you know God promised that he would always send teachers and teachers yes God gifts them with the gift of a good memory so they can call and recall Scripture but it's not important that every member of the body of Christ have recall as a teacher does we have different things that we are gifted with Sheree and Georgia is there a Saxon tribe if so where in the Bible Saxons are descendants of Isaac Isaac sons if you will they were I believe one of the 10 northern tribes that after the captivity to the Assyrians went north over the Caucasus Mountains and there are a division like a state of the nation of Germany that's called Saxony even to this day I believe that that tribe settled in Germany Marlin from Minnesota when the form angels Oh for when the four angels are released by the Euphrates River what will these aim evil angels do when will this happen in marlins referring to revelation 914 I'll tell you I'm out of time and rather than rush the answer to that Marlin I promise you we will address that question first thing in our next program I am out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you do enjoy studying God's Word you enjoy reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible and you know what when God looks down and he sees you studying that letter it makes his day and blessings are sure to follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though beloved it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel Bo box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,848
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Leviticus, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor, Murray, Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Book of Leviticus, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: nTTbJz6GC4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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