Hebrews ~ 4:1 to 4:16

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to the family Bible said he our ready to get back on our father's word chapter 4 the great book of Hebrews you know we've heard that the entire third chapter building up to entering into father's rest and that rest being to be relaxed to totally be with the father and with the son and with the Holy Spirit whereby you have them in your life and you can rest in that sense that they're going to take care of you as long as you do what you have to do on your own and they will bless you and how fantastic it is because that rest ultimately you could probably underline it by saying peace of mind because that's what Christ will do for you he will give you that peace of mind now we come to chapter 4 which basically formulates and continues on that day of rest but at the same time we will have rest as in reclining or being relaxed or totally at peace but there will be one verse that a rest will be sub atomos Sabath of us which is to say sabbatical in other words it's it's it is our Sabbath and we'll learn what to do with that has become there so let's go with chapter 4 verse 1 entering that rest verse 1 reason let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it and naturally be learned in the last chapter what brings you short is unbelief is people that simply put off put to the side can't seem to bring themselves around to believing that we have a Heavenly Father and that he is well in control verse 2 for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them in other words God doesn't play favors they all heard the gospel one way or the other but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it in other words faith brings that belief you either have faith in it in trusting our Lord and loving him or you already have the roots of unbelief growing in your mind and that is dangerous because to doubt God the creator of all things and the judge of all judges the judge that will be judging you to have unbelief concerning him it's a dangerous thing it's not only dangerous it's kind of on the ignorant side because anyone if you look at artifacts if you look at nature you can see the hand of God man cannot do the things our Father can and how precious it is to have the faith in him to know his word the word is his love letter to you telling you how to find that peace of mind and telling you how to to thrive from it to enjoy it to caress it even in your life with the faith and he the Son and the Holy Spirit because they dwell with you you hear the word preached and you absorb it you soak it in whereby it becomes a part of you and you are part of that word of God because you absorb it that's what true faith and him does verse three for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my route if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world this this is this goes very deep do you know what this word foundation isn't in the Greek it's capable meaning the overthrow the overthrow from when the first Earth Age he said it grows from all the way back to that time you as companion Bibles if you will if you are unfamiliar with that term make a note of Appendix 1 for 6 appendix 146 will tell you about the earth that was and what happened to it that overthrow cata Bo means the falling away falling down or destruction it's when God destroyed the first Earth Age because Satan drugged 1/3 of God's children away and and influenced many more and God rather than destroying the children or even Satan destroyed the first Earth Age and brought this age of salvation into being so we've had this since the beginning of time God's plan of providing salvation for those that would have faith those that would believe those that would enter into his rest they have nothing to worry about and they have nothing to fear so never let fear take you over when you're a child of the Living God the creator of all things so here you have this statement and certainly it goes back a long way letting us know God has a plan and he had this plan from the beginning of the time that is to say from the fall to what to save the children as many as he could verse 4 for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh day from all his works and so he did is an example that sabbath day was not made for God but it was made for man because man was going to need it verse five and in this place again if they shall enter into my rest and of course we covered that in Psalms 95 verse 11 in the last lecture it is a wonderful thing in life to have that rest that God provides for us it is a rest that is hard for many people to understand why they they are not believers they don't have the in depth belief through faith that it takes to absorb the very letter that God has sent us in understanding and in following his instructions to find that peace you know he didn't say I want to instruct you and how I'm going to correct you that I'm instructing you on how to find peace of mind how to find contentment how to be complete what a loving father we have and yet there are still those that would not accept that because of unbelief verse 5 and in this place again if they shall enter into my rest 4:6 seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief because of disobedience and and so it is that that that old unbelief is a terrible thing and it is it is very difficult to crack into the very train of thought of an unbeliever to get them to seriously think about for a moment the rest that God gives us for without that rest it affects your health it affects your family your community your everyday life because if you have that contentment if you have that sure knowledge that our Father is in control and that he has a rest for you and we're going to find out in a moment it isn't necessarily a day that is our Sabbath it is Christ that is our Sabbath when you read from 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 you find that Christ became our Passover that's the height of all Sabbath's and Christ became that Sabbath meaning what Sabbath means rest Christ became our rest and it was nailed to the cross that holiday worship this worship and that worship replaced by Christ Himself nailed to that cross to bring about the forgiveness of sins for all those that would certainly and so disobedience and unbelief is a terrible thing to allow to grow into your family or into your very being verse 7 again he limited a certain day saying in david to day after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts and then he quotes some 95 verse 7 he gave us that day all right you know I want to go to Colossians if I may and chapter 2 and why is it that we can find that rest in him why is it that it is in him and certainly it is we find it in Colossians chapter 2 verse 12 listen carefully buried with him in Baptism we're in also you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead and you also verse 13 and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened that is to say made alive together with him having forgiven you all trespasses that's where forgiveness lies that's why he is our rest verse 14 blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross in other words it was completed and he became that that is to say everything nailed to the cross well what was it exactly nailed there well let's read and learn verse 15 and having spoiled principalities and powers that means even satanic evil spirits he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it and that saying victory comes to you when you find that peace of mind that Satan cannot bother you because you use the power that Christ gives you in his name to follow the true Christ and his instructions with faith and belief verse 16 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holyday or a holiday or of the new moon or of the sabbath days wine there nailed to the cross which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ so you're not going to find rest anywhere else you're not going to find it in some day of the week that you set aside and worship today you must rather find Christ and worship Him every day of the week and be in his rest every day of the week to have the completeness of following the Lord Jesus Christ and knowing that when when you are in him when you abode with he and the father and the Holy Spirit that they that you become a part in that sense that they watch over you they you know they know they can use you one because you have faith and you're a believer and through that you have peace of mind which God knows he can count on he can count on you because you have attained that peace of mind and in that you follow him carefully okay we'll go then us really return if we may traverse the fourth chapter verse 8 for if Jesus had given them rest and you have to correct this it isn't it it's Joshua Joshua is pronounced or spelled exactly as the word Jesus is before a translation but what it's talking about here was Joshua after son failed to go into the promised land so let's read it as such for if Joshua had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken of another day but he didn't verse 9 there we mean that therefore a rest to the people of God and here is this ninth verse where rest is a different word altogether than to recline or to be totally rested to find peace of mind it is Sabattus most which is Sabattus abot it there remaineth therefore a Sabbath to the people of God what what is that Sabbath it's Christ in Christ for Christ and by Christ verse 10 for he that is entered into his rest he also hath ceased from his own works as did as God did from his in other words it was as we learned in Colossians chapter 2 these things were nailed to the cross even the day that God rested it became man Sabbath and man Sabbath ultimately became Christ and why because there is no other rest in this world no one else is going to bring you peace of mind other than Christ Himself through the father that was his mission that's why his name means yaver Savior because he gives you that eternal life with he and with the father whereby you overcome death you overcome death by having eternal life and that eternal life comes from none other your Heavenly Father why because he loves you and you follow him you have faith and you have belief and with that combination and the steadfastness that you place in absorbing his word he does not overlook that let's go then with the next verse verse 11 let us labor our desire therefore to enter into that rest let it be your desire lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief in other words don't let man's traditions or the teachings of some squirrel let's just say a person that feels God spoke to them and God didn't that mislead people that are a bunch of fakes you don't let them rob you of the beauty of having faith in the word man's word man's traditions know the word of god and god's word that raises you that brings you into that rest that gives you that eternal life all the things that are worth having in life you're going to find it in him and certainly in serving him how precious that is verse 12 to continue for the word of God is quick and powerful do you understand what that quick means means it's alive it's real it comes to life right off the pages and and and being alive it's powerful it will accomplish things that you cannot and sharper than a two-edged sword that two-edged sword is described as even Christ tongue that cuts both ways but that that's what God's Word will do it is a powerful powerful thing piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit your soul is yourself and your spirit is your intellect and and the Word of God can shape and form your intellect to bring you to a higher level of thinking that's one form of resurrection one of the meanings of the word resurrection is to return to a higher level of thinking even in flesh bodies and of the joints in moral I mean the Word of God can divide that is to say take out the bed and bring in the good and is a discerner of the thoughts or a judge even if you would able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart that is to say your own mind God is a heart nor and that's why you don't have to say something out loud he's on it but how precious it is to know that the Word of God can accomplish these things never never give up on the soul you planted a seed with for you cannot make that seed grow but when you plant a seed if it's God's Word not yours but God's Word it's sharp its piercing it enables and only God can make it come to life though you have to leave that in our father's hand and let him guide the person that you planted the seed with as to whether it will grow or not and let God be the decider there of it is that sharp it is that pointed but it can divide the very intellect from this the entity the self the person the soul which were there whatever body that soul is in you can either be in a flesh body or a spiritual body but the intellect still goes with it and the proper intellect is in Liz that that you gain from this word of God that's what it's all about and that's a powerful verse there and it lets you know how powerful God's Word is how meaningful it is verse 13 to continue neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do that's that's an awesome thought do you know what this word opened is it's your throat erotic yes it's your your throat when you open your mouth he looks right into the center of your very being through the the throat throw at that the word is throw at it in the Greek and and so it is that he knows everything about you you don't this is why you don't have to worry that's why he's a good judge you can't hide something from him you cannot deceive him he sees right into your very being and in so doing your thought process this is why his word is so sharp it can divide the spirit and the soul the joint and the moral that's why that is God's Word you know you never want to forget that as some might have a little unbelief God's the one that created these bodies he knows how they function every nerve every every little part of this body even down to the capillaries the metabolism that makes it function he designed it and boy he did a pretty good job you know but itself heals in many cases if you treat it right and and in his way of taking care of this but never never think for a moment and you know if you really love him you want him to be able to see into your life to assist you in accomplishing his work for him to give you the health and the knowledge and the wisdom to be able to plant those seeds that bring forth that truth and therefore when he sees that you have a shortage of this that or the other then that way he can love you and and increase that it's his way of knowing that's why he can be the judge because he sees into your very very being verse 14 seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession let's listen to it firmly well because it's a facility you have a high priest that sits at the right hand of God and He loves you you can find no better direction assistance help or comfort then you derive from him right from the very throne of God we're talking read here we're talking peace of mind and that peace of mind comes directly from Almighty God through the son from the very altar of God and enters into God's own in guiding them and in leading them and you might say well on I I had a preacher one time no we're talking here high priest we're talking here the priests of priests we're talking about a priest that is forever after the order of Melchizedek the king of peace king of kings and Lord of lords you have him he's there for the taking that is to say believing and having faith in Him and when you pick up that word recognize the strength and the power that comes from that word of God when you initiate it in your own being and steadfastly hold on to it direct from the altar of the Living God you find a rest that is very difficult for some to find because he brings you that peace of mind that completeness the totality of happiness in the flesh and in being able to do his work with for and around him and he and you that's what makes it so successful so that's what are the greatest gifts is after the crucifixion he returned to the throne and there he hears you there that word lives don't ever think is dead it isn't verse 15 for we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities our weakness but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin in other words as we learned in Hebrews chapter 2 that was setting us up for this that he not only came in the flesh to destroy the devil which is to say Satan and verse 14 but he came not as some angel and he came not as some supernatural entity but he came in a flesh body just like we are to show us it can be done that he is real that he is in this dimension came in this dimension and and and did or accomplished what we read about concerning the cross from Colossians 2 he did it for you that your steadfastness could be rewarded with a rest with a Sabbath and that Sabbath is Christ himself this high priest it doesn't get any better than that my friend you will never find a better risk than that is from the very son himself the Lord Jesus Christ as he sits on the throne of God knowing your every thought move to assist you to help you to comfort you we're talking rest of rest here and certainly Christ is our rest one more verse to finish the chapter verse 16 let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need in other words when you are at your weakness weakest that's when he strengthens you and you become your strongest that's why sometimes when it would seem like maybe something is a total failure all of a sudden it shapes up and you have an in-depth look at it and you fix it and straighten it out and it's very successful because when you were in your weakest he strengthened you and you became your strongest that's what our priest does sits at the high altar of God accomplishes for us it's called rest it's called finding peace of mind knowing that you have this contact direct to the Living God and he seeing into you and assisting you and helping you but as the last two verses so had strengthens you through his word and the power that is in it find that rest you will always find happiness there all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student [Music] and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 or 5 that that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we're not on judge people why we've got a judge he does not need our help you do have the right for spiritual discernment and never failed to use it now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number or an address wide what God sees into you he knows what your thoughts are let him know you love him find his grace and mercy that means his love ask for it search it and find his wrist father around the globe we come rest that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay in question time we're gonna go with Rick from Kansas and Rick says I've been told all my life that I'd never learn a thing now I'm older and I'm trying to learn the Bible and I'm struggling please tell me where I can read to learn and understand better you know Rick one of the greatest sins a parent can do just to tell the child they can't learn anything God created man where he can he can learn even handicapped people were very sharp in their fields and and their chosen thoughts that they can be very successful so I don't care who it is they're able to learn and the point being from the Word of God is to always take it out of your mind that it's some really difficult article of reading for it is not it's the simplicity in which Christ teaches do you know what makes the Bible so easy to understand God teaches by by method of let that that has been B again this is why he says in Ecclesiastes there's nothing new Under the Sun that that has been will be again and so forth why well you can learn from that as it happened to hear it's going to happen that way in the end times so that gives you an absolute copy and simplicity to understand the Word of God and what it is he would have us retain from his word the power of his word so I don't care what somebody might have told you that you could not look you can you get to it and take that out of your mind that where you might think things are complicated and let the simplicity in which Christ teaches come into your heart and mind and and grow that's all it takes ask him he'll touch you you'll guide you reefer Michigan we're in the bible does it speak of not wishing bad on those who teach false doctrine you know I can't think of any place in the Bible that says to to not wish bad on those that teach falsely it's just the opposite they're teaching falsely they're no good I'm gonna give you a home assignment I want you to make a home assignment of Ezekiel chapter 13 verses one through about 15 and see what God thinks about some faults teacher you're going to find out God says there's a lot of people will say I sent him I didn't and it's not good at all for them why because they're false and God hates pretension but it's just say somebody being pretending that there's something they're not he he does not appreciate that how Harold from Tennessee I love you Church in your teachings well thank you is Christ Church and we're going to keep teaching in chapter by chapter and verse by verse I am at a crossroad in my life and I don't know which way to go where would I read in the Bible for guidance you know as a teacher of the word I like all of it and naturally what really applies most often is prophecy which means the Book of Daniel the book of Revelation the Minor Prophets the Bible is just full of prophecies major prophets minor prophets and and when you begin studying don't don't go study with confusion find rest find that one book and go through it chapter by chapter and verse by verse find out what God has to say not some man and absorbed that and know if you need help starting then study with us because that's how we teach we teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it is God's word that comes forth and brings many blessings a gold of from Michigan I don't understand what speaking in tongues is all about it sounds like gibberish to me can you please explain this thank you well let's let's talk about the places it's mentioned in the simplicity that Christ teaches what what is said about the Pentecostal tongue make a note of Acts chapter 2 verses 6 & 7 what's it say it says the tongue they spoke was not unknowing just the opposite even at whatever County or dialect you were born in when they spoke you heard it in that language your home language nothing unknowing about the Pentecostal tongue but it is not you that speak that tongue as it's written in mark 13 it is the Holy Spirit that speaks through you it's why it's called the cloven tongue it goes out in every language man can't do that but God can now there is another place that tongue the word is used but it has a different meaning it is where the word tongue is utilized the word is language but but it doesn't mean just like if you were born in an english-speaking place it doesn't mean your English language it means a language that you must acquire other than your natural language so quiet well the idea is to spread the word of God and if you are an english-speaking person and you want to go to Mexico City sadati miracle then you must be able to speak Spanish or take a translator with you or they're not they're not going to know when to even say Amen because they won't understand what you're saying that's just common sense did you find that in 1st Corinthians 14 always but don't ever speak or you have to have two translators one following the other that does it stop there because that gets a little bit going out for people and can cause them to lose interest so you always use common sense in teaching God's Word Craig from Arkansas is there anywhere in the Bible that speaks of whether or not it is okay to take prescription pain medication that is addictive I'm struggling with this well you know if it is given you say by a medical doctor and you have a condition that declares that requires certain medication you must remember Luke the writer of part of the New Testament and the scribe that did most of Paul's work he was a medical doctor he was a physician so God has nothing against physicians especially Christian physicians so that's why he gives us unfortunately that sometimes we don't take the time to explain that most medications come from roots they come from common things that we know by other names even sometimes and and that's well and good but let's say that if you have a mental problem and you need a certain medication to help you keep things balanced then that is very good and you pray for healing sure that's fine but when you need the medication then it's much better to stay on it and be blessed than it is to unfortunately cause other people trouble unintentionally David from Tennessee why did God destroyed the first Earth Age why was he angry isn't it in the future that Satan and his angels are cast down to earth yeah but they've been here before if you ever read job chapter 1 verse 6 where Satan appears in an audience before Almighty God and God says where you been and I've been walking to and fro on the earth so at one time before Christ told him get behind me and where is Christ he's in the throne of God and Satan's behind him help by Michael and his angels but they will be thrown from heaven yet and they will come to earth and so it will be and he destroyed the first earth age because people disobeyed him Satan became prideful and he tried to to take God's children away from him and God would not tolerate it so rather than destroying the children and Satan he destroyed the age and brought in the age of salvation Joshua Joseph from Georgia why do some Christians say they are born again the Bible says to be born again is to be born from above which means born in the first place what is the proper way to say this and how did they ever had they ever come about that people would confuse this translation different people translate things differently and it definitely means from above that any scholar knows that born from above Lang well the Fallen Angels refused to be born from above and that was their death sentence that's why it's written 7,000 died in the 11th chapter of the great book of Revelation 1 because they refused to be born of woman that was God's plan and to be done in that sense you have to be born from above in other words you came from God from above and certainly there are no shortcuts to that and the very bag of waters as if as we're quoting from John chapter three as it goes been from Kentucky how do you feel about serpent handling and Mark 16 where it says they shall take up serpents how do you feel about that well let you know there are many metaphors and figures of speeches in the Bible and I like the Aramaic explanation for that mark 16 which is quite good dr. Lam's ax in his idioms he brings forth the fact that it means to when you can pick up serpents meaning Satan is the serpent he can't harm you because you have Christ in you and Christ gives you power over Satan it means your character can stand whatever Satan might bring against it it's a figure of speech also drinking poison that means people can speak evil of you but your character will withstand whatever they might say in God's mind to protect and to to secure that place for his teachers and and seed planters that go out it does not mean picking up a literal rattlesnake or some Viper any type of Viper they haven't read the scripture and they will bite you sooner or later and so that's not what it's talking about it's talking about having power over Satan Cynthia and I don't know where Cynthia's we're in Revelations does it talk about animals going to heaven well you know in the Book of Revelations it doesn't necessarily talk about animals going to heaven it describes multi-headed animals but that's political organizations not flesh animals but it does in and Isaiah chapter 11 it speaks considerably about various animals being in the millennium age and being in spiritual bodies you could read it for yourself Isaiah chapter 11 Betty from Mississippi question if the devil can't read our mind why would the number 666 be inside our minds how would he know if someone had the mark in their mind well what is 666 mean well in the book of Revelation specifically six seal six Trump sixth vial well what happens in the sixth seal the sixth Trump and the sixth vial Satan appears is Antichrist and it doesn't matter when you refuse to worship Him don't worry he knows you're not with him and so it is having intelligence in your mind to be smarter than the devil is not a visible mark get that out of your mind it's a thing of intellect to be wiser than the serpent and not be had by him mark pearl Oklahoma how will the people or spirits on the wrong side of the Gulf in the Millennium learn what they need to know before they go before God and own judgments day well I'll read read revelation chapter 20 verse five God's elect are pre with Christ for a thousand years what do priests do they teach God is not a God of hate he is a God of love and there are many people that have not had an opportunity to learn the real truth of God's Word because of one reason or the other lack of teachers lack of family training whatever the case may be but before God condemned someone to hell he's going to make sure that they learn and have a chance to hear the truth many might say well are you teaching a second chance never never there are no such thing as the second chance but with what is being taught in the world today a lot of people don't have a prayer of a chance they're gonna be deceived by the false Christ because they're not taught he's coming first and they will believe that he is the Lord Jesus Christ many of them will that's not me judging them that's just a fact it's written Diane from Florida I would like to know more about the first Earth Age what study materials do you have on this well I have a tape title the three earth ages or if you have a companion Bible I would highly recommend appendix 146 146 tells you that uses that word foundation capped above which and the noun the overthrow of the first Earth Age and it will help you considerably mark Mike from California if angels don't reproduce and are not of gender how can they come down and seduce the women well which age are you talking about the secondary earth age they can do that quite handily because they have gender what did God say about creating Adam let's create man in our image have you ever looked at yourself and the so do the Angels looked that way that's why angels food will sustain will sustain a flesh body in this general in this earth age there is gender in the eternal Earth age there is not necessarily they do not guild nor take in marriage Kathy from Washington the Trinity confuses me if Jesus is God our Father in the flesh I don't understand how it all ties in well God wanted to come and teach man because man couldn't see him he's in a different dimension he spoke for Mount Sinai and it scared it scared him to death and and he wanted to come firsthand to show us how to do it right therefore he knew from the beginning he would do this because he said let us create man in our image he included himself an hour means God himself took on the form of man the only begotten the Lord Jesus Christ which is called Immanuel which is to say God with us and certainly it was quite wonderful of him that he would come to this dimension whereby we have reports of people having seen him having followed him having been touched by in and as he walked this earth showing us how to get it done and at the same time he paid the price as we learned in in Hebrews chapter 2 dying on the cross whereby he destroyed death which is to say the devil ultimately wonderful Markin song if there were only seven thousand fallen angels how is it that one-third of those angels were the ones Satan took with him does that mean there is were twenty one thousand on there there was only seven thousand but a third of God's angels followed him in the first Earth Age they didn't in this one I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word but most of all God loves you for it hey it makes his day when you enjoy the letter find the rest and be in him we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you stayed his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,867
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Hebrews, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor, Holy Bible, Book of Hebrews, Pastor Murray, KJV, Bible, Chapel, Shepherd's
Id: BL0vNURqHe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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