Monday 3 /21/ 16 Voice Of The Lord DVD # 41361

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the voice of the Lord you know I want to take you to the tenth chapter of the great book of Revelation I want to refresh your memory of what is written in Chapter nine the sixth Trump was sounded and four bound angels were which means they were bad were released at the river Euphrates and when the swarmers swarm they're there and it's it is our duty and obligation to our father to pay close attention and recognize what's going down and at what time so let's pick it up if we may with those thoughts in mind maybe we better take verse 18 to know what to expect from the swarm and from those four bound D angels verse 18 said and by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire by the smoke and by brimstone in other words oh they're out of their mouth numbers they're blowing smoke smoke hot air won't hurt you necessarily if you're back far enough in other words they lie to people they miss me people and they do it how in a religious sense and that deceives many many people know what the word of wisdom let's pick up the 10th chapter and let's go a little deeper into this verse 1 and I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head meaning royalty and his face was as it were the Sun and his feet as pillars of fire verse 2 and he had in his hand a little book open and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth that simply means he had power and control over both the earth and waters and our Father does this not being our Father but certainly a representative of his verse three and he cried with a loud voice as when a lion roar and when he had cried seven thunders uttered their voices what are these seven thunders what a mystery what a wonder well let's see if we can find out verse four and when the seven thunders had uttered their voices I mean they communicated you got it it was a voice I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered that's not don't you put them down but now I want you to bear something in mind what did he have in a little book he gave him the book but you said don't write it down exact is what it means but it's something we're going to understand okay when the time is right and when we're supposed to know we will understand and and so it is verse five and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven praying to God looking to God six and swear by him that liveth for ever and ever who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein that there should be time no longer in other words we've come right up to the end so it behooves one to understand listen let's back up for a second back to chapter four of this great book of Revelation what does it say there in Chapter four in verse 5 let me read it to you and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God well what are those spirits of God and what are those seven thunders the voices well you know what lightning is lightning precedes Thunder skip on over to chapter five verse 12 and let's pick up on the Spirit of God just a little bit here verse 12 of chapter 5 saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power that's one riches to wisdom three strength for an honor five and glory 6 and blessing 7 the spirits of God you know how can we anchor this do you know God always foretells his prophets it's written he doesn't do anything without letting you know what's about to transpire but what you need to know what is the voice of God how can we tell Psalms 29 let's go there and let's see if we can discern a little more Psalms 29 Psalms 29 and what a beautiful Psalm it is a psalm of David first one given to the Lord o you mighty given to the Lord glory and strength there's two of the attributes in that first verse glory and strength given to the Lord the glory due unto his name worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness that's righteousness verse 3 the voice of the Lord your you are that's why we came here the voice of the Lord is upon the waters the God of glory thunderous the Lord is upon the waters when God speaks it is recorded as thunder okay and you can you can take that the climate the order has been given thunder follows that and if you wait too long after the thunder you missed the boat because you're supposed to have the prophecy to know and understand and then the truth prevails the truth comes forward verse 4 the voice of the Lord is powerful there's the power and the voice of the Lord is full of majesty it gives you knowledge and wisdom when you listen to that voice the voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars yay the Lord breaketh the Cedars of Lebanon the the largest Cedars in the world that of that type and so plentiful always used to symbolically represent our people even verse 6 he maketh them also to skip like a calf Lebanon and Surrey on that's Mount Hermon which is to say the breastplate like a young unicorn there's no such thing as a unicorn it's wild ox the voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire I want you to absorb that and I want you to know that divideth means control so let's read it that way the voice of the Lord controls the flames of the fire he is a consuming fire why because he loves his children all of them that follow him especially verse 8 the voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh that's the holy even the holy wilderness he shakes it he's in control I don't know have you ever stood on the ground when a thunder and a lightning bolt hit real close to you and you felt the ground shake he shakes things he can his voice shakes things and that is an analogy to let you know exactly what we're talking about here verse 9 the voice of the Lord maketh the Hinds two calves he created nature and birth and discovered the forest and in his temple death everyone speak of his glory glory being another attribute of the Spirit of the Living God the Lord sitteth upon the flood yay the Lord said of the king for ever not just a little while friend you're in a service when you're in God's service that is eternal you're not a part time you're not just happy and by just a flash it's throughout the eternity verse 11 to complete the Lord will give strength that's another one of the attributes I hope you've caught kept count unto his people the Lord will bless his people with peace so do you need strength that's where you get it do you need peace peace of mind that's where you get it as from our Heavenly Father through his word and to understand that word whereby you have the simplicity in which Christ teaches now with those attributes and the voice of the God that pondering command if you're why is it not to pick from his word what the thunders mean because they are sealed except to Godsey LED so turn with me if you would back to the New Testament the book of Saint John chapter 12 st. John chapter 12 I will call your attention to verse 1 for a time sequence verse 1 reads then Jesus six days before the Passover that time is important log it in your mind six days before Passover this message came that is to say except for verse 12 what does verse 12 say on the next day where is the next day five days before Passover just like the five stones that David picked up five days before that Passover these events transpire the prophecy that Christ gives us gives to the ears of his election skip to verse 23 for me and think and absorb the spirit and the voice of the Living God verse 23 and jesus answered them saying the hour is come that the son of man should be glorified one of the attributes verily verily you can count on it truly truly I say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bring us forth much fruit Christ knew if he did not go through the crucifixion for you whereby you have salvation from that then it would bring meaning in truth to the very feet of the cross with him loving him following him and naturally as it was at that Passover he was the crucial find land verse 25 he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that leadeth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal in other words if you only work forward to what you can gain in this world you're in a heap of hurt but if you look to him if you look to the cross if you look to the mini your brethren that follow him then we see the many the many membered body of Christ verse 26 if any man served me let him follow me he set the example and where I am there shall also my servant be if any man serve me him will my father honour honor another one of the attributes the voice of God and he will honor you when you do your best none of us are perfect we all slip sometimes verse 27 now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour and as I wouldn't change anything is what Christ is saying I'm doing this for the children Emmanuel God with us doing it for you so that your sins can be washed away can be cleansed and you can have that peace of mind which comes from his word which is eternal verse 28 and he continues father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again it's interesting that you should make note of that word again that's that's a double header there and naturally it comes at the second Advent then it comes with the price he paid on that cross verse 29 the people therefore that stood by and heard it I'm sorry verse 28 glorify from an father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again and naturally that voice from heaven was what verse 29 the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it under do others said an angel spake to him one of the thunders that's issued that you should know and is very important in your life today five days before Passover verse 13 listen carefully jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me but for your sakes and I say to you today for your sakes it came five days before Passover 31 now what does this now means five days before Passover now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out well who is this prince of the world is the Antichrist of course five days before Passover in the year that it transpires he will be cast out you were given a beautiful time there the voice of God through the thunders that were sealed but the ears and mind of the elect opened whereby they can hear and understand and see the beauty in which our Father teaches us leaving nothing unturned telling us beforehand the events that transpire so that we are servants because if a servant knows and understands and is aware they will serve through their faith and love of Almighty God verse 32 and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men to me and this he said signifying death that he should die of course and that's what brought it forth but he made that note and a special thunder from heaven on that day at that time for the ears of those that are supposed to hear and understand to know what that thunder meant five days before Passover the Prince of the air Satan was cast out upon to the earth will being that is to say now that should remind you of a scripture it should be in the Book of Luke and it should be starting through your mind as one of God's elect you remember well that's Luke 10 let's go there Luke chapter 10 I want to pick it up with verse 17 I want to first I want to tell you what's happening here in case you forget he had sent out the disciples given them power as he always gives his servants power did you hear what I said he always gives his servants power over the enemy over evil spirits and over anything that would come against his children and they returned and even having known it was the Lord Jesus Christ that gave them that authority they still say in verse 17 and the seventy returned to gain and joy with joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through thy name don't ever forget that there is power in the name of the Lord okay now verse 18 and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven now wait a minute didn't say thunder no it said lightning what follows lightning thunder this is that time when Satan falls he's telling you he said you they have power you have power over evil spirits but I'm going to give you power over he that comes five days before Passover most likely and that way you will know and understand that in Christ's name the true Christ you have power even over the false one so and he continues then to behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you you can believe that you know so many people I can sense by questions sent in they fear that moment you don't have to nothing by any means in your faith and making that stand against the false one nothing can hurt you your father looks after his he stands he controls the fire he controls the water he controls all things and especially when the false one is here he will be in control utilizing his people notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven you know what you're in the book of life it means written there even before the foundations of this world as God's election written there that's what you want to be thankful for is that you made the stand against him even in the first Earth Age don't let that throw you it's a fact always judged spiritually by spiritual facts that's pretty well documented 21 in that hour Jesus rejoiced in the spirit and said what did he say rejoice because he saw Satan fall upon us What did he say I think the old Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent they haven't got a clue and has revealed them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight and of course those babes were that final generation that would live as God's election and see that truth and that knowledge would flow over the buds of their mind to stand against this one having power and authority to not fear but to conquer the devices of the wicked one all things are delivered to me of my father and no man North whom who the son is but the father and who the father is but the Son and he to whom the father son shall reveal him I don't know he'll reveal him to you if you'll listen if you pay attention to his teachings if you listen to the voice of the Lord and absorb it he's not going to leave you hanging out somewhere not knowing what comes next he's going to share with you verse 23 and he turned him unto the his disciples and he said privately blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see and I will say that again to you today blessed are the eyes that see what you see today because they are a many that are so very wise they've got all kinds of titles behind their name dee dee dee and Dee Dee this and BS that but they haven't got a clue what's going down do you know why in simplicity they have not studied the Word of God they do not understand the voice of God whereby they can hear see and understand 24 for I tell you that many prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things what you hear and have not heard them they listened they wanted that you understand that even the prophets wanted to hear and live in this generation in which you lived in which he utilizes the voice of God the thunders sealed the little book he handed if you'll dig you'll know what the thunders are and one of the thunders announces the appearance of the false one where you're not caught off guard that's very important that for always be prepared and you're ready for battle spiritually speaking and so it is now let's return back to the great book of Revelation chapter 16 Revelation chapter 16 verse 12 the voice of the Lord and the sixth angel I want to say one thing I want you to remember when the tenth chapter we begin reading about the seals you were still into the power of the sixth trunk you understand that because naturally it's in the sixth Trump that what happened Satan's cast out you just read from the voice of the Lord probably how that will come to pass because it is specifically recorded six days down to five and boom chapter 60 verse 12 being having been under the still the sign of the sixth trunk that's not the seventh but the sixth we read verse 12 of 16 the sixth vial of course and the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates that's the one we're watching today even and the waters thereof were dried up that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared the swarming and disa lodging and Brotherhood's taking over and you know something most people don't have a clue what the Brotherhood is the four demonics turned loose and they're operating full-time verse 13 and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs they weren't frogs it said like frogs meaning kind of gross come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet now you're not what is said by Satan does that frighten you it shouldn't why we just read you have power over those things in the name of what Christ of course so frogs don't bother you Satan's words don't bother you because you're a child of the Living God and you understand the voice of your Lord and the voice of your Lord you will follow why you love him because of the price he paid for you that you can be what you are a loved child of God that's priceless that brings peace of mind that brings understanding 14 for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the Battle of the great day of God Almighty and it's coming that be the seventh trumpet vial is poured out he'll do most of that fighting but we lead up to it and so it is one more verse to complete this lecture behold I come as a thief blessed is he that watches are you watching are you studying are you watching the times watching the thunders and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame your righteous acts of watching we've defined linen that you wear robes any in heaven the heavenly body how precious our father's word is the voice of the Lord and the voice of the Lord is mighty you know this is kind of a short lecture but a lot in it if you have eyes to see and if you haven't years to hear you learn from God's Word six days five days bingo something were supposed to watch where it closely wine he told you it's time that is the time now what year will that happen in that we don't know but because it is revealed to us this day along with the Euphrates and the swarmers and we know we're getting pretty close we're counting time certainly so there you have the voice of the Lord what is it I think you could absorb that it's beautiful it's wonderful and know this even the prophets wanted to know what you know today the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska a white all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we don't judge people as they as today's lecture goes God is the judge we judge no man but God certainly does you do have the right for spiritual discernment and know who to listen to though listen to your father those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure of hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address it's always a pleasure hearing from you now you've got a prayer request you don't need the number or an address why God knows what you're thinking right now he loves you you may not love what you do always but he does love you and he wants that love return if you want part of that power you must love him and let him know that makes his day you can read in the last verse of Revelation chapter 4 created all things for his pleasure that means you you either give him pleasure or you probably not gonna receive any blessings okay it's that simple let him know you love him that pleasures him father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father Amen okay question time we're gonna go with Marie from Texas if I can't understand the book of Revelation what other book in the Bible can I read that is like revelation no no I don't want you to go there I want if if you if you've had my tapes on Revelation I don't think you probably have study it with me you can order the book of Revelation or it'll be taught it would be a while before it's taught on television but it will be again but until then it's better that you order the tapes or CDs and let me lead you through Revelation because it means to reveal God wants you to know what it says that's important and it's simple but sometimes you need a teacher and to take you through it that word so III don't want you to go somewhere else because if you can't understand the revealing you have a problem but I know you can and with my help I know certainly that you can and I highly recommend that you do that you could I could tell you that the Book of Daniel is simply an overlay of the book of Revelation but if you didn't understand Revelation you sure wouldn't understand Daniel so you need a little bit of help there and that'll get it for you Robert from Illinois you said Satan will be released this year 2012 can you please explain this more I did not say that the only thing you could have heard me say is that we're in the generation of the fig tree and Satan will be released during that generation but the year certainly was not mentioned I know a lot of people are getting nervous about December of 2012 because the Mayan calendar ends there so but it's just the end of a segment okay supposed to start over then again but it will be interesting to see what happens there an interesting time but I did not say Satan would come this year he will come to this generation because we're in the generation of the big tree Stacy from North Carolina okay when teaching the Book of Jeremiah you mentioned that there are picture grams pictograms okay isn't in the Bible I don't I didn't catch the verses or meaning so can you please where they are located in the Bible and please explain how to do our homework on searching and edifying the picture grams it's it's not picture grams it's pictogram okay and what are pictograms okay it is the particular one you're talking about is Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 26 a pictogram and it's done two times it's done again and if I remember right in the 51st chapter and it is the word translated Shishak she Shack know what makes it a pictogram is they take the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet and make it the first and make the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet the last and so on and so forth until it it makes could we say a crossword puzzle okay in other words there's a hidden message within it what what it ends up actually being is bbl which is what babbling it's babble or confusion and that's what the pictogram is well why would God do that he wants your attention he wants you to understand there are a little deeper truths so he makes it a pictograph and there are two of them there's more than that but to using Shishak that's how you will find it if you have a companion Bible it explains that for you in the column the side column you see some English people are not great scholars in an Aramaic or Hebrew or Greek but the person who put together the companion Bible was a fantastic scholar in both Aramaic and Hebrew and in Greek he was so good at translating that he is the only Christian that ginsberg allowed to proofread the Mesaba that's saying a lot that may not mean a lot to some people but that's a that's a bun that's tall cotton okay and certainly that that edifies and God leads God directs and how good it is but a companion Bible would help you on that okay Peter from North Carolina best Murray thank you and your son's and staff you welcome if the elect are going to blow Satan's cover as Christ why would he even bother with them if I were him I would run from the elect and ignore them does he have to deal with the elect because it's God's orders no you you underestimate Satan how much of the world do you think Satan has following him practically all of it do you think I mean he's supernatural he thinks but he's good enough he can have the even the elect eating right out of his hand you see you're under estimating him he's gonna go for you to win your heart buddy so you you want to be set for that all right that's what he thinks he's that good and why wouldn't he most of the world after him they think he's a great guy and laugh at Christians okay we got Noreen from Louisiana my question is this I am aware not to we good tidings and so forth to those who follow false teachings but what about my wishing my boss a nice day off when he comes does not have to work it you know you have to use God places convictions on people that means he let you know when he doesn't want you to do it it seems to me like your boss is pushing religion at work don't you that's a mistake that's where you make your livelihood that's where you make your income so you can teach God's Word somewhere else and plant seeds and everything don't do it at work but what I'm telling you don't fall into his trap okay he's a little bit on the ignorant side so you could you could you're big enough that you can you can live with that and you can figure it out okay but sometimes you have to you have to make your own decision and so it is but you're doing good I'm proud of you Scott from Wisconsin you're welcome thank you for I have I have Stage four living at colon cancer I don't know how much time I have left but could you answer these questions on the air thank you how do I properly repent you gonna do is tell him father I repent of this sighs erased from the book of life and have a change of heart you know I know you have a change of heart or you wouldn't be wanting to repent all you gotta do is let him know father I'm sorry I did it and I if I cannot tolerate chemo anymore is that okay with God I cannot take being sick or suffering anymore well hey Scott you know what it's your ship you're the one sail in ER but do you even know like in today's lecture I said always pray for God's will if God still has a purpose here for you even if if you stop the chemo if it's making you that sick where you're not having any quality of life then if God still has a purpose for you you'll fix it without it I'm not saying he would do that but I'm saying that's what happens when you pray with God's will but Oh partner what I'm telling you is your body is your ship you're the captain of it don't you let somebody else tell you within what you really want to do you talk it over with the father and you go for it you sell your own ship don't you put her on the rock but you you sail her proudly and bring her forth with God's will okay rich from New York I'm very very upset about my wife leaving me with my best friend she left without any word to me just up and left me I struggled immensely daily with not being able to forgive either one of them I want to but I haven't been able to I've been over six months now what should I do well hey why are you worried about them they're not fit for you you you don't why I let them bother you you deserve better okay you deserve better than those two why would you let them upset your life and and and everything when they're not fit to worry about okay trash is trash if that be the case so I'm just helping you to get your head screwed on right so that you go on that God has something much more important for you and you go for it okay sorry this happened but it happens in life and and if somebody's not good enough for you sometimes God takes them out of your life be that as it may that's one way to look at it Barbara from North Carolina my question is about children who die before the age of accountability I am in a Bible study group and they believe that children are innocent and are thus saved because of their innocence II of our age don't we all have to account to the Father for our salvation and decide to love and follow him I think this decision is made during the Millennium please give me scripture to die you meant and do children under age of accountability have an angel but have you haven't you ever read Matthew 19 verse 14 and 15 what did it say they were kind of telling Jesus they thought well he's tired get those kids out of here kidding get him give them back get the children back he said you stop don't you ever suffer the little children to come to me that means you bring them forth don't you dare try to drive them away from me he brought those little children forth and what did he do this is important and I'm sure it's the fifteenth verse that he laid hands on on it if Jesus lays hands on children or anyone else they their own brief friend so I hope that helps you God is so fair that innocent is innocent that means exactly that they there are there are some people you see maybe what you're forgetting is there are some people that are just too good for this earth age and sometimes young people are taking home I believe for that very reason God loves them but it isn't because they didn't earn it they'd have to wait till the Millennium they earned it in the first earth age I will stop there patty from Florida my question is simply I supposed but I was wondering if the beautiful bouquet of floral arrangement that you have behind you if they are fresh flowers the reason I am asking is because I have been told that it's biblical to biblical order to have fresh flowers to offer up to God when we come before him or the church settings well when you look like I do you got to have things on the set that kind of help out okay they are real they are fresh and they're beautiful and they they maybe even make me look good and I know God is play thanks for asking but they are their real flowers and God just beautiful we think our Father for all of his nature Annette from Ohio Arnett from Ohio I was brought up in a Christian home I was baptized when I was 15 I think of myself as a backslider what must I do I've always believed repent that's all you have to do is you can't be saved again once you're saved that's it Christ does the safing he doesn't fail you can drift so far away from the salvation backslide and you can go to hell but don't ask God to die on the cross again as it states in Hebrews 6 to save you he's already done his part now you have to do yours repent and let him know he forgive you that he will forgive you and let him know you love him my ex wife passed and was cremated it was her choice that's fine no problem that's this this she's already with the father and and the bodies back to dust Rachel from Oklahoma can you tell me when a child becomes old enough to be held accountable for the their choices no one can ever give me a definite answer you have blessed us by teaching me and I am sharing with my children well thank you well when a child becomes accountable that means when they know that Christ died on the cross for our sins and when they make a commitment to him and and with full knowledge if you ever see baptisms by the chapel if you see a real young child being baptized you will note whichever pastor is baptizing that child will usually talk to them a second you won't be able to hear it most likely but it's to determine if the child is accountable and I would never you know many people would say well we just don't if they're not 12 years old we're not going to baptize them up now how would you feel if a six-year-old that love the Lord and bless your hearts we've got a lot of five and six years old and even younger that study with us in the simplicity that Christ teaches that are very accountable they know more about the word than a lot of adults because of proper teaching but how would you feel if you were a pastor and a six-year-old that felt accountable asked to be baptized and you refused and on the road home there was an accident and they were killed how would how would you handle that I mean really before God how would you answer so it's best not to judge people and it is best to know that accountability is I know some six year olds that know a lot more Bible than somebody sixty some people sixty years old be that as it may lauralee from Pennsylvania we do not know if there are or will be more intruders and intruder enters our home well well not leave when asked are told I want to back up a situation occurred that could happen in my world so I would like to know what correctly to do trigger enters the home and will not leave when told we do not know if there are or will be more intruders we do not know if they are armed or could use something in the room to harm us we didn't know that persons and others can overpower us we wonder if after if after seeing they will leave people who can ID them alive in the room there is more than one person that can kill if killing should be take place question we wonder if a window of opportunity opens do we or can we kill them considering the above and if this happens in a place in the community do rules apply morally as home or yeah it's have you ever read first Jim chapter 5 verse 8 a person that won't protect your own families worse than an infidel lorilee don't ever you know always OBO to obey your civil laws okay because there are some places you're not allowed to have a weapon but there are more equalizers than a gun there's crossbows there's thing don't don't don't let somebody enter your home and bother your children you did not invite them in they are worthless or they would not be there and always make certain that you know who it that you know it's not a relative or somebody like that usually I have a way that if you hear somebody breaking into your home or coming into your home at night a flash of light always startles a person I don't care who they are so you take your weapon if it's legal in your state and most states now have a permit to carry concealed or at least them any most any state has the right to protect your own home armed citizens or as it should be and go to a light switch and when that door is broken through flip that light on it will startle them they will probably throw their hands up and if they are already in your house and it's obvious they have weapons in hand or something and it's not old uncle Peck or somebody else's drunkard and three sheets in the wind you know all confused then that's it protect your family yes you have every right to do that okay don't let someone abuse your family get rid of them okay you know crime really goes down in states like Arkansas where many of us have permits to carry okay I mean criminals when we're armed and can take care of business they don't want anything to do with us and that's good judgment on their part Gloria from Wisconsin okay when we pass from this earth and go to paradise do we communicate with others who are all also waiting judgment sure you know your family that's already passed on and so forth and communication communicate communicate God is not the god of the dead but the living and they were very much alive even though the flesh is turned back to dust that person is very much alive with the Father in paradise or on the opposite side of paradise and they're communicating to probably crying a lot in in their coffin well they don't have a coffin in paradise okay they're they can't afford one they're just there we know they don't have any clothing on necessarily because they don't have any righteous acts but anyway they're there and that's it and I'm going to have to get to this one in in the next broadcast why because they've been lied to later so you first have the main mark of one of God's elect you know the truth and the truth is what sets you free so my guess is that you probably are one of God's elect but anyone that has free will should make the stand also so there you go we let God take care of that part Katherine from Texas where I live almost everyone believes the raptures doctrine I have learned to plant a seed not to go all out it just makes them angry this is a good there is a good chance I will be delivered up how will I know if it's the Holy Spirit speaking through me you will know you intuitively will know and it is truth when you're planting seeds you don't dump the whole bucket on them okay it doesn't matter how much you know is that you must plant a seed that will bring them up to where you if that seed will sprout but only God can make that seed sprout we can't and so that is that's God's nature and God God knows whom he wants and whom he doesn't want right now he wants all of his children to love him but there is the sacred order of things Clinton from Kansas you welcome for I enjoy the teaching several years ago you baptized me in a little creek not far from the church during the baptism I couldn't help but notice several little fish jumping out of the water it seemed like they were celebrating I couldn't help from feeling that it was the presence of the Lord well he's always present in a baptism that Holy Spirit is always there that's why we always anoint before baptism it's a sacred thing my question is did God create us in the first world age at all at the same time or do we believe we were done through one no if he did it's probably read proverbs chapter eight wisdom speaking and it pretty well documents it okay for you that would be proverbs chapter eight where wisdom speaks wisdom was with God from the beginning wisdom is something you never want to lack if at all possible the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is to love God Andy from Minnesota my wife and I have been learning so much from your program and would find it very hard to go without your ministry well thank you I appreciate that we are both in our 50s and feel we have missed so much by not knowing what the Bible truly says thank you for helping us understand God's letter as it should be intended well thank you when Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by Satan was Satan and spiritual or flesh body in his natural body Satan has a natural body he is a cherubim and earlier in this lecture the lady had it spotted and in Ezekiel chapter 28 it declares he is a cherubim okay is the Lord's Day immediately following the death of Satan no no no he's second Peter chapter 3 verse 7 and 8 be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years with us okay so the Lord's Day is during that time when the Lord returns for 1,000 years the truth is taught and all that did not have an opportunity to learn truth this is not a second chance or they didn't have a chance to start with they are all taught and God's elect will teach them that's what we were talking about God was talking about earlier when said you're going to teach angels whether in angelic bodies their spiritual bodies and but Satan doesn't die until the end of the millennium Revelation chapter 20 in the very last verse and I'm out of time then that begins the new age you'll read of it in Revelation 21 it's perfect there's no tears why Satan's gone and everybody this that deserves it out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to bless you you can count on it father does love his children he loves you and and want you to return that love we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you he wants you to love him most important though you listen and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is a Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music]
Channel: ontheflyfloridagirl
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Id: Ukw438dc-no
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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