Daniel Lecture 16 - vs 11:38 - 12:13 / Shepherd's Chapel / Pastor Arnold Murray

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pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey we're ready to get back in our father's word let's try for the finish of the great book of Daniel and so with that the fact that the false messiah has already appeared on earth Paul giving a back up from verse 36 and seven of this eleventh chapter of this vile person that we were introduced to back in verse 21 of chapter 11 and that Bob person of course is none other than the spurious Messiah Paul made it very clear in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 he said hey I want to talk to you about our getting back together with Christ it's not going to happen until the son of perdition the vile person the little horn Satan dragon whatever name you want to call him is going to appear first and that's why you're a Christian is to stand against him that's the purpose you know I wonder how many people are really prepared for that it is important that's why your father sent you this letter explaining it with such clarity that a child can understand with that having been said we're going to pick it up after this bow one was to place himself above all that is called gods and he calls himself God always beware of that that's dangerous God doesn't like it chapter 11 the great book of Daniel verse 38 let's go with it in word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name it reads but in his estate shall he honor the god of forces and a God whom his father's knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and pleasant things in the Hebrew manuscripts it's obvious he's a little bit superstitious that's kind of interesting you know isn't it it's kind of hard to picture Satan being superstitious but that's what it says and who knows maybe he is he's certainly not a follower of our Father so be that as it may verse 39 the god of forces means I'm big enough to to root around whoever I want to it's going to be my way or the highway all right 39 reads thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange God when he sets up himself the spurious Messiah in Satan's name whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for a gain for a price this is to say the ten he brings with him the ten horns which were the ten toes back in chapter two which are not a loss which is to say mortal man but they're supernatural and they're going to be able to rule pretty good you're going to you're going to see something you've never seen before they even destroy three of the mortal rulers of the we rolled us to say Fleshman when they take over I have no doubt that the deadly wound is connected there with verse 40 and at the time of the end when it's just about to consummate shall the King of the South push at him and the king of the north shall come against him with like a whirlwind with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over this is when one world ISM comes to its completeness now we're mentioning chariots and horsemen and so forth until the Battle of Haman Goggin or McCadden which happened simultaneously in two separate locations Amen God referred to in Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 and of course Armageddon wasn't mageddon is maguet EO and Megiddo in the Hebrew tongue means the gathering place of the crowd what crowd Satan's crowd got it so what you have is full fledge in force ten world rulers that are supernatural along with Satan himself as the spurious Messiah the vile person of verse 21 of this chapter in control 41 he shall enter also into the glorious land that means Judea itself and many countries shall be overthrown just simply taken over by what have what is his weaponry peace and flatteries don't ever forget that but these shall escape out of his hand even Edom that's Russia or Russia and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon this to say Lots children 42 he shall stretch forth his hand also up on the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape why well it's one world ISM okay verse 43 and he shall give have power over the Treasuries of gold and have silver and over all the precious things in Egypt and the Libyans and Ethiopians shall be at his steps meaning all of Africa Libya and again the whole world is going to chase after him why do you think he's Almighty God they think he's the son they think he's Messiah and I could go through all the so-called leaders of every religion but I choose never to mention other religions but that gives you a point to to Buddhist is going to be Buddha and so on and so forth that's how he deceives people verse 44 but tidings out of the east and out of the North shall trouble him therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many now what do you think that's going to be you've already been told I don't want you to forget it what are the tidings that upset him we covered it in mark 13 when Ghazi leg began to witness against him and with the Holy Spirit speaking through both the men and the women and is spoken of by Joel the Prophet and as it happened on Pentecost day not an unknown language but absolutely needing no interpreter understood clearly and distinctly in every language of the world all at one time that's why in the Greek is called the cloven tongue all directions man can't fake that only the Holy Spirit can cause that to come to pass this upsets him that's why when I told you the ships of chittim it's the word chittim means bruisers in the Hebrew tongue and we are the bruisers that bruise the head of the serpent we are the bruisers that Almighty God uses as it is written in mark 13 - witness against his false teachings it's not go making happy but do you know what are you worried about it I'm not that's our purpose that's our destiny and and and I'll read it or some people say well that kind of frightens me did it frighten the three Hebrew children and the fiery furnace they heated it seven times hotter were they singed scorched and not one hair was bothered on them and Christ walked with them in the flame and he in the same book again Daniel in the lion's did did the Lions tear up Daniel of course not why God closed their mouths God takes care of his own you don't have to worry as it is written in Luke chapter 21 they cannot bother one hair on your head verse 45 and he shall plant the Tabernacles of his palace between the Seas in the glorious holy mountain between Mediterranean Sea and Jerusalem are I on Mount Zion of course yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him why not God's going to destroy him this is why Jesus would say when he was asked when is the end going to be and they were marveling at the buildings in Jerusalem he said you better look at him when that time comes there won't be a stone left standing atop another God is going to cleanse it from Satan having taken it over and planet is planting his palace it will be cleansed and a way will be made across Kedron to the Mount of Olives where by the way is made for God's own and the city will be cleansed whereby it can be rebuilt for the with and around the Millennium Temple chapter 12 and verse 1 let's complete the great Book of Daniel verse 1 means and at that time shall Michael stand up everything makes his stand the great trance which standeth for the children of thy people the children of God both the house of Israel and the house of Judah and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time by people shall be delivered every one I repeat every one that shall be found written in the book I don't know are you are you in the book I guarantee you you're in there it may not be the book of life but you're there with all your deeds that you haven't repented of both good and bad recorded right there and actually when you repent the bad is erased in the good stays how much you got written by your name it's important if you be in that book of life then you would have been one of God's elect when what does this name Michael mean anything to you is the prints of our people the Archangel of our people he is the one that we covered in the last last lecture and the one before he that led us until he be taken out of the way it's Michael that boots Satan and his ten little buddies and others out of heaven down onto the earth it is also Michael that will come with his angels when it is time for the second tribulation you see there are two the first tribulation is by the false messiah that is to say the spurious Messiah that's to say Antichrist and all it is he's playing Church peacefully and prosperously paying all your bills making life real good for you friend if you'll bow to him if you'll leave off the Lord Jesus Christ and worship Him because he claims to be Jesus Christ the question is do you know the difference it's really pretty simple a child could understand because the faults comes in the six Trump and the true Christ comes in the seventh it's that simple God has foretold us all things in this letter that he is written and naturally Michael and this is why you will hear me on occasion say it is not written in revelation 20 which angels which strong angel will cast Satan into the abyss the pit but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out that it's always Michael that handles him strong arms II you heard about the great fight back in chapter 10 in this book of Daniel where Michael and both Gabriel were a little bit involved verse 2 and in other word you were you had a time fixed there it's just before the return of Christ verse 2 and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt now me people here they really you know it is amazing when you study God's Word and you know in your mind as it is written in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 to be absent from this flesh body is to be present with God now when you're out of here you're gone you're back with the father as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 as soon as this flesh body dies the spirit the intellect of the soul being the soul instantly that means right then instantly before you could ever put that body in the ground made it whichever way you chose you're already back with the father what does this mean some will awake well let me ask you something how many you think are spiritually asleep today I mean do you think that are spiritually dead erna doornail they have no idea and no conception of what's going on in this world they have no idea whatsoever of what time it is and what's transpiring therefore in as much as God to some put a spirit of slumber upon them they awake to reality to truth to knowledge and wisdom and some of them are going to be real disappointed but let's put it this way what is this dust of the earth who was cursed coming out the gate to on his belly all the days of his life shall he call in the dust of the earth earth it is a statement of degradation against Satan and those that follow him this doesn't mean people in a grave out there the people that their flesh bodies are placed in the ground or long gone friend that's why it is written in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 that we there we that are alive in no way can precede the dead why they're already gone they're already with him so what it means is a lot of people unfortunately on that day are going to have a spiritual awakening and it might be too late ok for son verse 3 and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament put that old firmament when this earth before the catapult before everything was put out of kilter where we had storms to they all that up over our head filtering out every poisonous ray it must have been something to see and they that turn many to righteousness as the Stars forever and ever I don't know where you when when our people stand up before the spurious Messiah those trials will be publicized to the world and the Holy Spirit will be speaking through you you don't have to worry about being some big talker the Spirit of God is going to speak to you the Holy Spirit and the truth will cover the world they will have an opportunity to come to truth to hear truth for the truth shall prevail and it will lead many into eternal life rather than death in the abyss what a time to live what a time to serve God how are you doing you know this is no time for whiny babies prima donnas or people that can't cut it you either got it or you don't and you get it from the Word of God verse 4 but Thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased you know when we take this statement run to and fro many scholars have different opinions Moffat translates it one way it is real easy to to have a denieth in a ration I know I'm going to be top not talking over some people's head I'm just saying I understand perfectly whether is confusion it's real easy to mistakenly translate a rash to a delete or vice versa in the Hebrew alphabet the difference in what it really says and I will teach it so because I it's accurate what it says is but Thou O Daniel shut up the words seal the book even at the time of end many shall run with wickedness and apostasy your companion Bible will basically back me up on this is true also from the Hebrew text and knowledge shall be increased it is for some people but you know you're either deceived or you're not and if you're not deceived the Holy Spirit is going to increase knowledge in a bountiful way perhaps like we've never seen before you know we can understand the scripture but we're going to have pertinent information I mean that is pertinent to the very time in which this transpires God leading his army and you're part of it verse 5 then I Daniel looked and behold there stood other two the one on this side of the bank of the river the lip of it and the other on that side of the bank of the river what River is this - Tigris what's going on there today well you check it out this is where Babylon is of old even verse six and one said to the man clothed in linen that should say something to you what is the linen it's your righteous acts he had a bunch of them documentation Revelation chapter 19 verses 7 & 8 which was upon waters of the river how long this is the question how long shall it be to the end of these wonders what now Wednesday how long is all this gonna go on and tell me the date when is when is this going to conclude verse 7 and I heard the man clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven that is showing obeyence and opened this to Almighty God and swear by him that liveth forever that it shall be for a time times and a half that's three and a half times and when he he who it's important that you know the Antichrist when he the vile person when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished when one world ism comes into play when he the vile person back in chapter verse chapter 11 verse 21 when he the son of perdition from 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 when that's all the same he when he stands in Jerusalem claiming to be God you're right at the door my friend you know it'd be pretty hard I mean it'd be a good any times a good time to start holding Bible classes but it'd be a little late in the day I mean we're about to change shifts at that time I wonder how much you could learn in one night that it make you useful in a real battle and wonder if God could really trust you if you waited till the last minute I don't think so well at least I'd try well bless your heart he counts that is perfect now maybe I don't understand well I do understand why because he loves you but I'm saying don't waste a time I'm not telling you at the same time but to become a religious fanatic you use common sense horse sense you figure things out you act upon it and you follow the plan of God it's written exactly how it's going to happen and naturally we know what is that three and a half times mean well it takes you back to Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 when you say middle of the week well what's the middle of the week three and a half days got it in the middle of the week he the spiria smus ayah is going to appear in Jerusalem claiming to be God okay and actually that time has been shortened and in the next book I teach the great book of Revelation I will document exactly what it's been shortened to now let's go on with the next verse if we may verse eight and I heard but I understood not I pushed three and a half three and a half times what then said I o my lord what shall be the end of these things question old Daniel wanted to know don't we all verse nine and he said go thy way Daniel for the words are closed and they're closed up and sealed till the time of the end now what do you read from that go your way Daniel I mean wasn't gonna happen in Daniels lifetime and he said it's going to be sealed up until the time of the end meaning the people at the time of the end should be able to put it together it's going to be unsealed why well it's very simple the things that were prophesied about concerning the parable of the fig tree being both the good and the bad fig transplanted back into Jerusalem ordered to be built back to Messiah both good and bad that is to say good Messiah but unfortunately also bad Messiah and Satan will take advantage of this this truth so what does that say to you it should say to you that he's going to leave a a panel open whereby at least we can see in maybe dimly for some but at least we should begin to understand the prophecy hey it's happening in our lifetime that's kind of like wake up I wouldn't advise you to wait till Michael comes to wake up out of the dust of confusion I would get my thinking bonnet on and I would concentrate on the Word of God and what I couldn't absorb I would pray to him for understanding okay let's go with the next verse if we may verse 10 many shall be purified there's some eyes gonna be open good teaching we'll do it the Word of God we'll do it and made white that means pure from being indoctrinated into Satan's lies and tried I mean you know and tried means you're gonna be tried in life well I just want to live in my little rose garden and be a sweet little Christian hey what happened to Christ do you think he had a sweet little rose garden life no they ended up crucifying him many times trying to stone him if you do what is right you're going to be criticized when you're tried at times but the wicked shall do wickedly they're going to keep that up you can count on it what's new Under the Sun what's the news tonight and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand do you understand that if you work at it and if you are wise you shall understand that's a promise of God and I'm gonna guarantee you something any time God makes a promise he keeps his word but every word is conditional basically that you must fulfill your obligation to open your mind study the letter he has written to you open your eyes to the events of the world and look at your watch occasionally to see what time it is you know perhaps I should not use that analogy it might throw some people off but I mean look around you at the seasons because in this generation we're supposed to understand the seasons what's happening let's go a little bit further here and see what we can come up with here verse 11 verse 11 reads now here is your answer and it's a simple one don't make it complicated let it flow and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination that maketh desolate set up understand I've told you to watch that word set up that's why and maybe canoes are set up the image in the wilderness and caused the three children to worship it set up being put in place there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days now let me make something very clear there's no need in you wrestling with that when was the daily sacrifice taken away and you're a Christian you should know I shouldn't have to even tell you it was taken away what was sacrificed for you as a Christian for one in all times Jesus Christ of course his blood on the cross it is an abomination for you to offer any kind of blood sacrifice after Christ died for one in all times for the sins of anyone that would believe on him when was the crucifixion just set it in your mind as a t-33 now there are scholars that will differ with that year I'm not trying to set a date I want you to know that so I'm going to take 33 some people think 27 some people think 29 some people think Christ was born in 2 BC and some people think he was born in 4 BC can we absolutely document what we can come pretty close but 33 will work we'll we'll use that so the simply that you have the equation that establishes a formula whereby you can understand the seasons again not the date so what is it then well our Lord was crucified in 33 AD in the year of our Lord and the Domini 1948 the for the first time since Christ was crucified past 80 70 when Titus destroyed the the so called camp of Judah for the last time up until the year of our Lord when it was reestablished in the year of our Lord 1948 it was set up and this fig tree was set out you don't plant a seed for a fig tree you set out a chute so that it's 1948 so what what is the difference here it's saying that from from the time of the crucifixion until the year of our Lord 1948 there would be a thousand two hundred and ninety days so what does that mean to you well it means that if you take the span of I'm from 33 ad to 1948 ad you have a common denominator that you can derive if you divide 1290 days into that well let's let's have a look over here if we may it I mean this is really some fancy cipher in here you'll have to bear with me I just whip this out so that you would have something you could look at the year of our Lord in 1948 Christ was born in the year 33 so we have to subtract those years in other words from 33 to 1948 there were 1915 of our years and when you divide 1290 of Daniels days into that 1915 years you come up with one four eight four four nine now let's let's go one more verse if we may here on the scripture that lets us know what one that lets us know how long one of Daniels days is compared to our time today and now don't make that complicated there's nothing complicated about it okay verse 12 blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the one thousand three hundred and five and thirty days what is what are the world could that possibly mean just what it says you're told that Michael is going to cast Satan into the pit you're told that the second Advent Christ is going to return so 1335 is a time and a mark that you should be very aware of meaning a benchmark to the finality that is to say as you come into the final days before the Lord Himself would return blessed are those that live in year because they're going to see some things that are amazing well let's find out when that year is let's go back to the chart one more time and here we go thirteen hundred and thirty five when we take that by that common denominator it brings us to our year of the Lord nineteen hundred and eighty one point eight again I'm not trying to fix a date I'm not trying to fix a date at all why well we're not accurate now if we were going to be real accurate we'd have to go nineteen forty eight plus May the 15th that I'm going by memory somewhere along there and 33 ad April the first approximately so you did and you have a lot of different times and everything in here I don't want you to get the idea you got to fix a date from this I want you to grasp the season now I told you to be very careful back in the great Book of Daniel concerning the 2300 days it was written there that there would be 2300 days of Daniels days go by from the time that God cleanse the sanctuary for the last time as you would read in the 23rd chapter of Joshua and that particular time would be okay so when we multiply 2300 days times our common denominator of one four eight four four that's this number here of converting Daniels days into our days years then we come up with roughly thirty four hundred and fourteen years naturally that happened 1433 BC so we have to subtract for the last time the sanctuary was cleansed by God himself and has he stipulated in Joshua 23 this is the last I'm going to do it until the end when Christ returns last time so you have to subtract that fourteen hundred and thirty three years from that 34 14 and you come up with 1981 both figures being the same in Daniels reckoning and time and again I want to make it very very clear I am NOT setting a date I'm setting a season whereby you can understand well what happened in 1981 well there were many things mount st. Helen erupted and we saw a faith in a cloud letting us know and we were told to mark that time that nothing would ever be the same and it's not we were told that from the Minor Prophets has never been the same and it's not going to be again it is very strange that it was about that same time that this ministry which was a little Church of 120 in Northwest Arkansas has exploded in teaching this deception that Antichrist would bring all the way around the world and many others tying into it we are living in a very exciting time even the prophets wanted to live in this generation we've got work to do we got things to do it isn't really we that do it the Holy Spirit does so many things are transpiring in this generation you want to pay very strict attention you can play with those numbers all you want to I want to reiterate again I am NOT setting dates I'm pointing out seasons that the Y's are supposed to understand it's important that you're not deceived you live and that timespan you live in that generation now verse 3:13 to complete the book but go thy way a goat but go thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy light at the end of the days and Daniel will stand there Daniel is standing there God is not the god of the dead but the living Daniel will be brought back with Almighty God along with Isaiah and many others all the prophets to a battle that will transpire and everything will be set back right but there is work for God's elect that they must do during the time of the sixth Trump which is the deception of the vile person we will follow this teaching up with the book of Revelation which is an overlay the word revelation regardless of what language you wish to translate it means the uncovering the unveiling or God making no one to you things that are written again I want to recoat from mark 13 God said behold I have four toes you all things where in the book have you read it have you thought on it there's no need for anyone to be biblically biblically illiterate concentrate meditate upon your father's word great book of Daniel what at what a book how exciting Jesus himself made it a part of the New Testament in mark 13 in Matthew 24 all right bless your hearts next lecture we'll begin the great book of Revelation don't miss it listen a moment
Channel: Shepherds Student
Views: 16,665
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Daniel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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