Revelation Chapter 13:17 (February 27, 2014) ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Revelation 13:17

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family bible study on excuse-me ready to get back in our father's word book of Revelation the uncovering regardless of what language apocalypse revelation whatever language you want to say it means the uncovering the unveiling meaning God wanted you to understand let's talk about this 13th chapter that we're in for a moment to refresh it begin with a one world system multi-headed always means governmental and it received a deadly wound not not to an individual but to a political organization one world is a never came to be a fact until the dragon Satan appeared on earth in the role of Antichrist to heal it and it was healed and then in the eleventh verse the religious beast showed up on the scene that is the one entity posing as Christ only is instead of Christ meaning Antichrist and he performed miracles in the sight of man and deceived many people as a matter of fact all those that were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world as it stipulated in verse eight were deceived of them follow him so it pretty well narrows the field and you want to prepare yourself mentally where Christ would say in mark 13 if it were possible even the elect would be deceived it's not possible because you stay focused and know that that religious one is coming starting one of the biggest churches the world has ever seen and he'll call it Christian because he's int that Christ and so really it's anti-christian but people that are ignorant to God's Word will think they're doing God's will what a sad state of affairs but that's what chapter 13 in this great book and he caused he caused everyone to receive a mark in their mind that means to be deceived by his teaching and miracles and a mark in their hand meaning that they were actually volunteering doing his work because they thought it was Christ naturally they would do his work so let's pick it up if we may chapter 13 verse 17 as we complete this chapter and it reads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name in other word you had to be worshiping him that's the simplest this simplistic answer you had to be worshiping him to have the one world systems money and there is plenty of it for everyone because he comes in prosperously and peacefully a chicken in every pot pay off all your bills I mean take care of you big-time but you got to worship Him now that's something that we God's elect will not do for he brings forth the hour of temptation for he's tempting to many people but we find him to be an abomination deceiving God's children in the way that he is and they and their ignorance falling all over him verse 18 listen carefully here is wisdom you want to see you want to understand you want to pray for wisdom always do here is wisdom let him that hath understanding do you do you have understanding that him that have understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six now this religious so-called beast that came forward he's a what he's a man is in Christ it's Satan just like we were made in the image of God in all the angels which we were so is this one made really as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 28 full of beauty lack nothing that's why one of the reasons he's so deceptive I want you two to make a study on the word count that's what you're supposed to do is to count do you know what the word in in the Greek is I'm going to just tell you it's 55 85 off of 86 here's the translation is to enumerate or count with stones war and smooth over a long period of time watching that means taking the Kenites when you have the key of David and tracking them tracing them watching them knowing them for wherever they are that's where the Antichrist will appear that's how you count the number now and and I'll say that again check it out in your Strong's Concordance is no big deal it's that is the method that's the only method that you can utilize to be able to understand the number so therefore the number then is 666 and you have these misled would-be so-called religionist that will tell you they're going to stamp that on everybody's forehead the Satan is not ignorant if somebody came around and was stamping numbers on foreheads any fool would know that's not the way to go but it's what in the forehead in the mind in other words worshiping him what God is telling you his number is 666 that's what this whole book of Revelation is about is dividing God's Word into seven parts with an eighth being new beginnings but six six six the sixth seal the sixth Trump and the sixth vial is the appearance of Antichrist when you go through this book of Revelation and when you understand the sixth seal in your forehead that's the truth and the knowledge of how to count enumerated watching the can it-- and then when you hear the sixth trump a trump always executes the command it isn't just a thing of learning that's execution action and so it is and in the vial of course is where the bitterness comes from that's six also if you check it out in God's Word sixth seal Satan appears six Trump Satan appears sixth vial Satan appears as a false messiah I you know you would have to be pretty dense to let that one slip by you it's just so simple and so easy in as much as that is really the subject of the book of Revelation is the chronological order of events so what so you're not deceived so that you understand what's going by you don't have to hear the Trump you are taught from this book of Revelation what happens in each Trump in other words when you see the appearance of the false messiah you don't have to know whether the sixth seal is transpired it has you don't have to hear this the sixth Trump it sounded you don't have to see the sixth vial it was poured out he's here so it is the knowledge of the seals Trump's and vials that allows you to fix the season the time with knowledge when he says here is wisdom he meant it there is much wisdom in that verse if you absorb it and if you accept it you will never miss the man you will know him when he comes he cannot deceive you you know you will have people in this modern generation will say well is probably talking about a computer chip don't be stupid you know you could implant chips you could write names but as long as you love the Lord Jesus Christ he's not going to send you to hell in other words you could be tattooed from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head with 666 and still be loyal to God you're not going to hell it wouldn't mean anything other than somebody abused you and God would retaliate against that it's what's in here it's how you believe it's whether you love God or whether you love Satan now nobody is going to love Satan except through their own ignorance and that kind of brings a wake-up call for many that you better wake up to the fact that there's not just one Christ there are two there's the true Christ and there's the fake there are two tribulations there is the tribulation of the Antichrist as is written in mark 13 and there is the tribulation of Jesus Christ the tribulation of Jesus Christ you don't have to worry he's not angry at you he loves you but if and and there is nothing in the world that Satan's tribulation can do against you why well we have power over him Christ gave us that power is God's elect if you have the horsepower which is to say the wisdom and you have to know where that power flows from that is from the Lord Jesus Christ in his name so that what a fascinating chapter that thirteenth chapter there's nothing hidden there it's all laid out we've already talked about the sixth seal sixth Trump and we're going to get to the sixth vial and that's not a mystery to anyone just as the word revelation means the uncovering the saying it's unveiled for you now let's move on if we major chapter 14 I want to talk a moment about 14 and chapter 15 so that you have this zeroed in on your mind chapter 14 is written two people on earth chapter 15 is written two people in heaven did in other words let me rephrase it chapter 14 is about the earth and chapter 15 is about heaven and the people connected thereto so having said that chapter 14 verse 1 and I looked and lo a lamb stood on the Mount Sion he's there and with him an hundred forty and four thousand having his father's name written in their foreheads meaning they had seen the truth now many of these 144,000 as long as they are in the flesh many of them are your own relatives that you planted seed with when you told them you were going to be delivered up before the fall sermon this weren't this religious character of verse 11 of the prior chapter they they didn't believe you really they just but it logged in their mind and when you're delivered up for not receiving his mark the deception they're going to say wow that is he or she was exactly right so 144,000 do come out even after the fact the seven thousand will stand and they will draw that hundred and forty-four thousand with them and they will be as virgins if you would now how does he stand on Mount Zion that's Christ himself you've read it before in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 I'm going to go there I want you to cover it Hebrews chapter 12 the lamb standing on Mount Zion verse 22 and ye are come this is the teachings of Paul to the Eber children of Eber Eber those that crossed the Euphrates meaning our people but ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels there so many have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb there uncountable verse 23 - the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven in to God the judge of all into the spirits of just men made perfect God's elect and and our Father having those names written in the book of life 24 and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel Abel's blood he was murdered and it brought the introduced forth Cain is the one that would but God said I hear that blood talking from the ground but Christ's blood washed the sins and brings about the death of Satan 25 see that you refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth that's to say Moses much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven that is to say the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit 26 whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also heaven this is this is not the Cata Bowl we're talking about this is the final shaking both heaven and earth we're going to get rid of a bunch of junk now everything is going to be shaken and you better be standing on the rock that is to say Christ then the shaking doesn't bother you not one iota your choice okay 27 and this word that's the word of God yet once more signifying the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made created that those things which cannot be shaken may remain that those that have overcome those that know the Lord those that are standing on Christ they remain what forever and ever and ever 28 were for we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace that's love whereby we may serve God except ibly with reverence and godly fear knowing we have that victory why verse 29 for God is a consuming fire meaning he is a cleansing consuming fire of evil evil cannot stand before Almighty God so that shaking is coming one more time it'll be the last time the shaking transpires and our fathers in control and the testing is coming the judgment is coming how you fixed are you fixed for wisdom how are you fixed for the simplicity in which Christ taught if you are standing on Christ you have nothing to worry about you certainly have nothing to fear and don't ever let someone pull you in to a state of fear when you have Almighty God that will never leave you he will never forsake you returning to chapter 14 verse 2 and I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps the voice of God 3 and in the people and they sang as it were song before the throne you read of it in Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 and before the four beasts that's to say the four living creatures resume in the elders and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the earth in other words they overcame from the earth do you know how they overcome this is all those seed you planted that you thought failed it's not your right to judge those seeds were planted so that they're fixed in the person's mind and when you are delivered up before the Antichrist and the Holy Spirit speaks through you they know you were right and they as long as they repent in the flesh and step out of the deception they're in God's hand they're redeemed I mean what a part you had in it don't ever forget that verse four these are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins meaning they were not seduced by the false Christ and deception spiritually speaking these are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth these were redeemed from among men by who but the elect being the firstfruits unto God and to the lamb you know when you're studying the millennium chapters in the great book of Ezekiel and in chapter 44 you see that there are the priests and then they're the priests of the sadaq the priests are the priests that went astray when Israel did mean they were deceived for a while but there's a dot the priests of the just the seven thousand pulled them out why by witness by truth and that's exactly how they are redeemed when they see the truth and while they're still in the flesh repent and then there they are forgiven and they are clean verse five to continue and in their mouth was found no guile they had the truth for they are without fault before the throne of God what water what a destiny and what a purpose is to stick with God's Word instead of a bunch of flaky traditions of men that make void the Word of God in the minds of many many many people this is why don't you ever allow yourself to drift away from the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse thus saith the Lord don't be listening to some clown that's reacting rachet going this that and the other and God will tell you I didn't say that I didn't send them but he did send this word and he expects you to absorb it verse six and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to you upon them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people God is the father of all and he has a place for all people and the gospel the true gospel fits all people everything in his proper place verse 7 saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come that fixes the time and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters you want to remember wonderful when does the hour of judgment come from Almighty God not until the end of the millennium so don't go get ahead of the game here you still got the millennium to play in here verse 8 and there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen again turning the clock back to the fall just before the millennium begins that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication I mean she's going to suck as many people into the Antichrist teachings as possible and hey she won't have any trouble babbling means confusion many people are going to be confusion and jump right on it and write it absorb it love it founds a new religion and yet with many others it'll be the same old religion and the sad part about this is this that many elderly people have sit on a church pew all their life being spoon-fed not chapter by chapter and verse by verse but singing Oh glory glory and yet never being taught that the false messiah comes first or the teachings of Schwerner and philadelphia which are necessary ingredients of truth to even have a place called a church and christ be pleased with it that's why the seven churches were written - and only two were pleasing to Christ you don't have to be much of a wizard to understand hey I want what those two have what did they have they know who the Kenites are to enumerate the stones worn smooth over a long period of time that claim to be of our brother Judah and do lie and they're the synagogue of Satan if you don't know the enemy you can get in the sack with him if you're not careful it's real easy to escape the wrath of God best to love him and you sure don't care anything about following Satan you don't find him tempting 9 and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image that's the one world system and receive his mark in his her head that's to say worship him be Eve on him or in his hand that's to say yep Singh with his little Church work 10 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and naturally that's after the great white throne judgment you know we have a very loving father between the fall of Babylon and the great white throne judgment there's a thousand years of teaching we'll get to it in the twentieth chapter it breaks it down for you step-by-step it would be real easy for you to feel sorry for some of these people but by the end of the millennium where they've actually seen Christ when they've heard him teach personally and God's elect also that go out among them as well as the hundred and forty-four thousand that can't approach all people at from from the hand of the elect then there's not going to be any doubt or shouldn't be and if they failed that when Satan is released a short season because they got to be tested or God doesn't want them if they follow that time then I'm sorry it is true they should they deserve that cup of wrath that cup that Jesus really asked if it could be some other way because God's wrath well he is a consuming fire and he BOTS out that that is evil the rudiments of this world verse 11 and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name and naturally if if and should to be blotted out is forever and ever verse 12 here is the patience of the saints do you have patience here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ you know God gives us many truths hidden sometimes away from the eyes of those that should not see or are not ready to see and in the 37th psalm he gives us an acrostic in the Hebrew manuscripts it's a beautiful thing it says there why is it that it always seems like the wicked get ahead or a blessed and that's the the first part of the acrostic this which is in three parts yes don't worry they will never get away with it second part they will be as a lamb on a spit that is to say roasting as the fat not as the lamb but as the fat that drops into the fire will go up in smoke forever and ever meaning they are feigning done with and the third part of the acrostic is you will be there to visually see it that is to say when God Himself mercifully and with justice does blots out those that are unworthy in that lake he is a consuming fire which means one that blots out and consumes forever verse 13 don't ever forget this verse and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yeat saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them what is it now when rest from their dead what is rest it's Sabbath well what is our Sabbath now first Corinthians chapter five verse seven eight Christ is our Sabbath you rest in Christ when you die you instant go to him but what is it you could take with you you want to remember this verse it's the only thing that you can take with you when you leave this earth you cannot take your clothing you cannot take your bank account you cannot take your property you can't take anything well what would you be without those things won't verse 13 said very clearly their Labour's and their works do follow them that's all if you did righteous works if you love the Lord and if you were kind to your brothers and sisters and if you serve the Lord that goes with you for the very righteous clothing you wear or woven from the linen which is formed by your righteous acts so what I'm saying is you don't want to end up there naked that is to say without any works it's when you want to kind of always remember this verse only thing you can take with you is your works what about my faith well God knows that you let me see your works and I'll see your faith I know that upsets a lot of people but I don't want people showing up where we're going to be naked I would rather they were all dressed and you can take that however you want to but I don't like people to be ashamed when they could visit with the glory of Almighty God righteous acts and labors piled up verse 14 and what is it a smile or a mother taking care of her family I mean raising that family and taking care of those children that's a laborer for the Lord and so forth many things 14 and I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one set like unto the Son of man having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle what it was a sickle port for harvest harvest time that again fixes a time for you fifteen and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud thrust in thy sickle and reap for the time has come for thee to reap for the harvest of the earth is right it's fair judgment they're ready to be judged we have one judge that's our Father sixteen and he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped castor down there verse seventeen and another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven he also having a sharp sickle now you know agriculture is a wonderful thing because you know what a sickle is and you know what it's used for a sickle is used to harvest barley or wheat or some type of grain okay and and and so it is and this will explain the next verse which we're going to pick up in the very beginning of the next lecture so you're going to find out what he's harvesting here as clusters clusters are grapes you know anyone in agriculture knows you do not harvest grapes with a sickle there's a message in it we'll pick it up in the next lecture don't miss it alright bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please Ezra and Nehemiah these two books are necessary to understand the returning to the Father in that sense of the example set forth in the end times of the rebuilding of God's most favorite place on earth also within these two books you find the hidden secret hidden from most people's eyes that the study in the Hebrew and the Cal D that is given in these particular books will teach you how that the priesthood itself became polluted during this period of time this is to say about 400 years before Christ walked the earth to the time that he did walk instructing you very wisely setting the example of how it is that we gather back to Christ himself Ezra Nehemiah fantastic you'll enjoy them and ere we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it with us once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people we have one judge that's our Father boy he can cut it he gets it done and and and with that we have the right to discern spiritually who you should fellowship with and who you should not fellowship with that choice is always yours and you have that right so spiritual discernment is a wonderful thing always let him know you loving them those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our in a dress again always a pleasure now got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking you don't even have to say it out loud you know he created you you need different than anyone else your DNA is different your fingerprints are different he wanted someone just like you but he does want you to love him he created you for his pleasure last verse of chapter 4 the great book of Revelation you don't give him pleasure you're in a heap of hurt you give him pleasure by showing love for that's what he wants from you not your burnt offerings or anything else your love for when you love him you serve him father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father Amen okay in question time we're going to take Johnny from Alabama why isn't able in Adams genealogy because Cain murdered him and it was Abel had no progeny so that ended the seed line over Mike from Ohio I love your program this is a question that keeps bugging me if God and the cherubim or other non flesh bodies want to go somewhere why would they need a metallic object to travel in if they are just spiritual and have no body as we know it they would not have any substance that's where you're wrong angels do have substance it's just that they don't they're not flesh but we are made in their exact likeness they have a body that it looks exactly like ours only it never gets old and it never gets sick and it never ages because it is angelic and spiritual but as it is written in the Psalms what do you think men was it fell it was angels food it was the food that sustains the bodies of an angel which has substance and besides that here is here is a flask and that's not showing real well is it let me see if I can turn it of a footprint which we have made that was in stone there we got it a footprint made in stone that's that's thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of years old an angelic being stepped here he tripped on the next step this is in solid rock they have substance they were able to impregnate women so you air when you think that they don't have substance because they do or guess what we'd just be a spook and we're not spooks God's Spirit is not a spook that's why you will never hear me call it the Holy Ghost because God is not a spook and his spirit is not a spook it's his spirit and it's beautiful and it's wonderful its pleasant it's strengthening it's healing and then there's substance there in the being itself the spirit is a different thing you know you have a spirit my car you have set your spirit here with this question from your mind and now with my spirit I have answered it but that doesn't have anything to do with the body okay pastor Murray this is I'm trying to find a name here okay June from Tennessee my question is what book would you tell someone who does not believe to primarily read believe what would you tell someone that does not believe to primarily read to help them to understand my mother-in-law was very ill and dying and she asked me I told her st. John what did what would you say well that if you were if you were led of God to say that you did you were right okay for the moment I trust our Father very much when the Holy Spirit gives unction the first thing that strikes your mind you spoke and I'm sure it was of our Father and that would be very fitting Cindy from Alabama I'm having trouble understanding dimensions could you please help me God in heaven or in another dimension John was taken into the future third heaven age Jesus went back to teach those who died before his crucifixion and wait wait a minute when you say went back you want to really understand that were were the people that had already died they were in paradise today he didn't physically go back to that time period okay because God is not the god of the dead all of the dead or in paradise they're either on one side of the Gulf or the other and all Christ did was went to paradise and taught those that are on the wrong side of the Gulf as as it is written in Luke chapter 16 okay to end to die before the crucifixion one when our flesh dies do we go back into the spiritual bodies it's in us your spirit body dwells within this body and instantly it steps out and returns to the Father that gave it okay in a different dimension yes that must be somewhere in heaven already waiting on us now your spiritual body your soul never leaves your spiritual body and your spiritual body leaves this flesh body when the flesh body kicks the bucket okay dimensions are really it's real easy for a pastor who has witnessed many deaths many passings people in the transition of dying or vista many times with loved ones that have passed away years before I've seen it I've witnessed it I did not see them because they were in a different dimension but I knew the people really well and loved them that were dying and I could see in their eyes the recognition and the actual fact that they were there this person God loves his children and when someone is a little afraid at death I feel he sins someone they know and love very much that takes them through that veil and but it is a different dimension that does not mean they are not real the only reason it is written that no human being can ever see God and live is because he's in a different dimension the moment you die you're in that dimension you can see okay this is why it's written in first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven why you're wrong dimension must go to the spiritual body and then enter Terry from Colorado help me to understand the restoration of this earth I floated down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon and witnessed the age of this beautiful earth many formations revealing evidence of h2o and the creatures who died form form some of the layers could the firmament be restored the ozone it's got to be put back just like it was before okay perfect our Father created this earth he spoke and nothing became everything but when the Kappa Bowl when he shook it he shook it good and as any pilot knows True North is now 90 miles away from the North Pole and whether you're flying east or west you have to either add or subtract degrees because of that offset East is East and West is best it's an old saying that all pilots know and memorize and we're so high-tech now we don't even go buy compasses so much anymore but when I first got my pilot's license many many many years ago that's all we had was a little compass and you had to know the earth and pretty much about it to navigate and they weren't all the fancy technology that we have today where all you can almost set a autopilot and dial in a city and go to sleep not really but it's pretty easy compared to what it used to be anyway he shook it good and it's all going to go backward there's no wobble no Jetstream no storms everything just right real good okay we got Lana from Illinois I thought the spirit buddy was air if so why would Satan and his angels need a vehicle same question I'm going to let that prior question answer that for you they do have substance and and you know if you're not careful you can this is one of the reasons you could be deceived for Satan is one of the most beautiful creatures God ever created God Himself States in Ezekiel chapter 28 I made you the full pattern there was it lack nothing and he he had moved from just ordinary up to where he was given a position as cherub that covereth in other words he was a protector of the mercy seat that's Christ seat with a messiah connotation God really loved him and then he fell because he began prideful within himself so you want to be real careful when you're thinking because they're very real and deceptive why do you think that Jesus would say in Matthew 24 it's going to be just like it was in the days of Noah they're going to be giving and taking in marriage again in other words those fallen angels are coming back and their honks okay and a person a woman that wasn't sure would go about whatever okay Jesus said it'd be just like it was before and there was only one family left that wasn't infatuated with them so it's pretty convincing you could read that in Matthew chapter 24 that's where Jesus taught it in the end times when the angels are kicked out they'll be taking in marriage again so they very definitely have bodies Iona from Florida during the time five-month period of Antichrist will I be separated from my children even though they're young adults but you won't be separated spiritually we're always together regardless of what but whatever God has for you to do you will do it and he will always take care of you alright Howard from Missouri in the past I have back slid and was told I was one of the Fallen I have since repented and I want to serve the Lord is this still possible because I feel like I am being spiritually attacked well who are you listening to in the past I back state and I was told who told you you know you're listening to man you're listening to fruitcakes okay you wouldn't listen to God you want to listen to the Word of God he says when you repent I forgive you and I don't want to hear about it again so it seems to me like you're still listening to a bunch of Ratchet jaws why do you want to do that when you have the Word of God why I do not understand that you're a child of the Living God you act like it you get up you stand out and if when somebody tries to tell you that you've fallen you tell them to go jump in a river that you're a child of the Living God that you love him and you want to serve Him don't let man lead you down primrose lane listen to God by studying his word rightly dividing it showing yourself approved okay Lana from Marylyn that made me missouri north maryland what do we know of the age after the Lord's Day and what do you believe heaven will be like for those of God's grace are deemed worthy through his Savior Jesus Christ we got work to do Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 what does it say you're going to reign with Christ for a thousand priests and reign with Christ a thousand years that means you're going to teach we're going to try to save as many of our brothers and sisters in the millennium age as we possibly can then after that you move on into revelation 22 which we'll be at in a few weeks once a month you appear before the Lord and partake of the Tree of Life that's the Lord Jesus Christ and it's a wonderful wonderful thing Dale from South Carolina but okay but I I ordered a Strong's Concordance from you and when I look up the word again tells me to go to the appendix and there it just tells me the books where the word can be found my question is how do you find that the word again in the Greek dictionary is 509 well because it is okay but that is the word that is utilized there but I know what might be confusing you 509 and the Greek means from above and you're you're quoting John chapter 3 where it says you must be born again and that's not what the manuscripts say 509 gives you the correct translation you must be born from above okay now the word again in the Hebrew in Genesis chapter 4 verse 2 Sokka is your Hebrew word 32 54 and there it means continue now know this the companion Bible will at the companion Bible and the Strong's Concordance doctor Strong's gives you this is why he uses each identical scripture and gives you the number that is utilized there because that is the Greek or the Hebrew or Aramaic word that is used in that particular place it does and there are many words translated for example the word held you've got about three words translated hell and they're all different but it's still held okay and from Florida my grandmother used to tell me to live peaceably with all men as long as it lies peaceable with you I just don't remember what the warning follow following it was well your grandmother was quoting Romans chapter 12 verse 18 all right that's that's what she was quoting it is you ask is that biblical I see there it is biblical Romans 12:18 dear dr. Marie please tell us how an Arkansas farm boy and marine came to learn Greek Hebrew and Aramaic and so much about the Bible you're fascinating I love it when you tell stories about your life please share more of your history well we try to keep personnel including myself as much as possible out of the ministries but you know you take you learn by rightly dividing the word of God to study to show yourself approved but you take a successful farm and Rancher today don't let city people undercut them they have to be the best in many professions veterinarian they got to be one of the best businessmen there could ever be they have to be up on horticulture they got to be a meteorologist there are just ever so many things you got to be a chemist there's a great deal of chemistry goes with farming and I'm not talking about farming little plants that some people like to farm either I'm talking about as a matter of fact if you're going to plant soybeans if somebody didn't know better if you weren't a trained farmer Rancher and you didn't know that our nation is so bored of zinc that you have to inoculate soybean seed before you plant them or they're not going to grow see there's a great deal to farming and ranching that a city dude he could even be a super super college graduate with DDD's and B B's and a lot of BS is behind him all right and he still couldn't make it if he had to go out where you really had to stand up to be a man or a woman and the most of all that farmer has to do is to know how to make a woman happy alright then you can be a good farmer Rancher and have an and make it because it's it can be tough at times but boy what a happy life it is I've enjoyed living it and I guess I've said more than probably I should have but rightly dividing the word of god and a starving hunger for truth drives you into the word and into the manuscripts and it flows like honey over the buzz of your mind and that makes it so easy for everybody true wisdom is to be able to take that that is complicated and simplify where anyone can understand Joe from Kentucky I have a problem my friend has borrowed all the money she can from family putting them in financial difficulty from the bank paying twenty five percent interest not very cute not very slick okay now I think she is peeling me out to see if I will lend her money she owes more than she could ever pay back in a lifetime I don't want to be mean but I feel like she needs some tough love boy I'll tell you it's written all over it and you sure the Holy Spirit's teaching you right okay you don't want to go there sometimes you know you become an enabler and you can drive them deeper and deeper that person is going to have to wake up and learn the hard way on how to take care of her finances I cannot imagine somebody getting themselves I assume that if she's paying twenty five percent interest it's by credit cards don't ever ever bald money on a credit card if you use a credit card pay it every month if you need to borrow money go to a bank it's just like in this town we had we had an old boy that ploughed Gardens for a living a good old man had a nice new cloud gardens and we got a nice little banker here named Johnny here in this town and and somebody was teasing this old farm boy that plowed gardens and said hey how about you're making a lot of money how about loaning me some money and he said the ROM won't tell you something me and Johnny have an agreement that he don't plow no gardens and I don't want no money so that may help you out on that she'd probably understand it okay you don't and so anyway everybody's got to take care of their own business and they got to grow up knowing how to take care of it and if you can't afford it you don't need it but don't ever borrow money where you have to pay more than then the very going rate which is pretty cheap right now yeah where if you're trying to invest money you're not going to get over 1% basically and somebody paying twenty five percent interest when we've got money that can be borrowed for one two three four cents that's bad that's not very Swift Tracy from Tennessee bless you Tracy you stay clean okay I don't care what they say or anything else you stay clean and God loves you and you're going to be fine proud of you I'm out of time hey you know what - love you because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse most of all though the letter your father sent to you makes his day when you study it that's why he loves you so much and when when you do that when you love him he's going to make your day you make him happy it's going to make you happy we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that bless God he will always bless you but you know what's most important you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation z' and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children is written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching in the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold mark from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line-by-line study in God's Word now here's pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study are we're ready to get back into our father's word we're going to pick up again on the day of atonement it fascinates me when we are all out when we can use the Old Testament the Old Covenant the teachings the schoolmaster
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 77,428
Rating: 4.8746824 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Revelation, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Revelation, Revelation 13, Book of Revelation 13, Pastor Murray Revelation, Pastor Arnold Murray Revelation, Revelation Bible Study, Book of Revelation Bible Study, Revelation Chapter 13
Id: vOc2RLiUfOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2014
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