Last Wilderness

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the last wilderness I'm going to talk about it just a little bit Ganzi left are going to be delivered before the false messiah at his time when that time comes and when it does happen we don't have anything to worry about it because our Father is with us I'm just going to tell you coming up to the gate coming out of the gate I'm going to document to you that when the false messiah comes God promises that he takes care of his elect exactly as he did the Israelites coming out of Egypt how did he take care of them he fed them he led them he had the pillar of fire he opened the Red Sea they had everything and time he promises he's going to do that for you the reason I'm doing this a lot of people before war before combat and this is a spiritual war they get a little antsy ok and and that's alright but I don't want you to be afraid to act I want you to know that you are God's child and he's with you and you don't have anything to fear and that's why God wanted you to know what happens in the last wilderness of this dispensation of time to open your Bibles if you would to Revelation chapter 12 we're going to start talking about a woman and this woman is representative of mother Israel or God's elect in the first Earth Age and then she represents Mary in this earth age and then she represents you as God's elect in these end times so pick it up if you would with verse 6 in chapter 12 the great book of Revelation what is it that revelation means it means to unveil to make no one there's no hidden secrets here God wants you to know and to understand it reads in the woman this is the woman that had the manchild that was taken up to the Father meaning Christ of course and the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God who prepared it God did okay that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days now what is a prophecy that is given in days that's for God's children what is a prophecy given in months that's moons that's nine it pertains to Satan so we know that 1260 days is three and a half years we know that well as our study this morning we know that doesn't apply anymore it's been shortened from two five months into two two and a half months periods so she's well taken care of regardless of what the time is and in as much as it is given in days it means God handles it it has to do with his people that is to say people that love him and anyone I don't care who you are if you love him and you let him know he's your father he's the father of your soul and he wants you to love him it just really makes his day it really pleases him so naturally when this woman gets in trouble if it were to be so he's gonna he's got it all set it's all prepared and what happens immediately after you are given that assurance verse seven and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels we got the Nephi Liam the Fallen Angels Michael and his angels and we got war in heaven and prevailed not Satan prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven it's time okay guess where he's gonna be guess where he's going to end up though right here on good old Terra Firma okay he and all of his angels verse nine and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent you're gonna hear every name Satan is called here called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him the whole lot you know that would frighten a lot of people that's oh my but Jesus gave you power over all your enemies and I hope that Satan is your enemy I hope that all his little angels are your enemy and in Christ's name you have power over them they're afraid of you you've got to you've got to condition yourself and discipline yourself to know that in Christ me they're afraid of you so needless to - don't get the adrenaline flowing and get on a high of combat and enjoy it too much know that God's with you he's going to take care of you and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ that's to say his Anointed One Christo's The Anointed One for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night did you know that Satan is up there saying oh Lord did you see what she did or did you see what he did you know and and that's one of your elect come on he's good at that and you know something he doesn't miss a lick but he's still afraid of you because God has anointed you with that power and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb how did they do that don't ever forget that they overcame him by the blood of the lamb by declaring it by having that lamb on your doorpost that the Death Angel must go over as Passover as the true meaning of it thereof and by the word of their testimony that's what they do they speak out they have that testimony when the Holy Spirit speaks through them and they loved not their lives unto the death do you know who the death is Satan Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 Christ said I came to this earth to destroy death which is to say the devil so you are going to be delivered up before him fantastic that's great man what a champion you can shine for your people and let that testimony bring many lost souls to Almighty God when they see the faith that he is and where he stands therefore rejoice ye heavens I mean we can really have it nice up here now why and you that dwell in them woe to the inhabiters of the earth into the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time he's going to try you he's going to see what you're made of but you're made of Almighty God you are made and saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and you have power and authority over all your enemies and they had better be afraid of you that's why you've got to know how to take names and kick dragon be sweet about it but Satan's not your friend okay this is what we get into these kicks of well and that's politically correct well it's morally wrong if it's morally wrong I don't politically correct doesn't mean a hill to me okay I could care less about politically correct if it's morally correct I'll go with it but all that is called politically correct is not moral they try to take a Satan's way of trying to remove God from your being and he's your protection board would he have a field day if he arrange that but he knows he's got but a short time what happens then 13 and when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild he persecuted the the woman and her offspring that brought forth Christ the only begotten son of God that made that blood available that was the sacrifice of all sacrifices giving you that freedom and peace okay he doesn't like her well that her is you that's the Bride of Christ gender has nothing to do with this and when she what happens then when he tries to persecute her 14 and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle do you know from Deuteronomy 32 that I our Father is as an eagle to us do you know what an eagle does to a young that starts to fall and can't fly learning Nick's about carries them and so he does you but he carry this Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place did it say someplace Knights her place its prepared their gods had it there all the time it's in his plan where she is nourished for a time and times plural and a half time from the face of the serpent that old dragon the serpent being the name in which Eve was taken in the garden he's going to be this is why Paul would teach in first Corinthians chapter 11 verse 10 woman keep your head covered not with a hat and not with hair but with Christ because the fallen angels are coming back again it says because of the angels because they are coming to do nothing but harm but the hand/arm you 1 you're disciplined you're a soldier for God you know better and you know what's correct you know what's morally correct and you're gonna do it but God has this already taken care of and naturally that three and a half years time times plural that's three and a half is the time has been shortened that particular time to two and a half months but it doesn't matter it still happens exactly that way okay and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood flood of lies the floods already started the flood is by a bunch of his little diehards that are kind of running Scouts ahead of time saying you got us get God out of your vocabulary what's wrong with you are you ignorant that you believe there's a god you know they've there it's it's terrible but you're coming to that time and that's why you must be prepared because God has already taken care of it for you if there's a condition if you believe if you know his word you can't play Church Christianity is not a religion it's a reality and it's happening right now and you have to be prepared for that verse 16 and the earth helped the woman what the wilderness and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth and the dragon was wroth with the woman no wonder she's going to tear him up and went to make war with the remnant of her seed that is to say even to you today which keep which do what which keep the commandments of God and have what have the testimony of Jesus Christ the truth not playing Church but the truth that Christ brought forward about this false land being kicked from heaven to deceive the world if it's possible and of course he's saying I'm Jesus I've come to save the world and a person that is biblically illiterate was going to after them now I wanted we're gonna go to the Old Testament and I wanted to share with you that this was planned by our father long ago and I think I'm going to use an example let's go let's go to Exodus chapter 15 I want to show you what God did do in bringing the children out of Israel because I'm going to document that he's going to do the same thing for you that's why he can say that it's already prepared it's already set but I just want to go here just for a few verses to show you how our God takes care of his children okay because the same thing that happened coming out of the wilderness is going to happen to you if you read about the two witnesses in Revelation on eleven about the work blood being turned water being turned to blood you kind of get some hints about that okay that many of the things that happened in Egypt the witnesses accomplished God's elect accomplished okay so let's just read a few verses here all I'm doing is showing you what God did this is a song that Moses and his sister and his brother saying this is not the song of Moses but it's kin verse 15 of Exodus chapter 15 verse 1 then saying Moses and the children of Israel this song into the Lord and spake saying I will sing unto the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider had he thrown into the sea he met the children across and then BAM he drownded the whole army of beara that's how he took care of them do you think Bera had a chance do you think farah actually had a chance to hurt them no God takes care of his own and he's gonna take care of you that's his promise he's going to take care of the woman that believes and will be the Bride of Christ the Lord is my strength and song and he has become my salvation he is my god and I will prepare him and habitation have you prepared him the habitation in your heart that's what he wants he wants to dwell in you and I will exalt him I'll trust him I'll follow him verse 3 the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name you know it is wonderful and you'll have these religionist they will say brother you are so wrong you talk so course God is love don't you know that God is love and you're supposed to love everybody Satan - you know I mean you got to have some limit somewhere it just you know naturally you love those that follow God that love God but friends you better know who your enemy is because he's out there and you know og who I'm gonna tell in a Bible story here and maybe I'm digressing I don't know I'll risk it Jihu was running along in a chariot and who did he reach out jonadab the key knight he said hey good buddy how you doing call right up here in my chariot if you think I'm your good buddy and you who took that key Knight right into his own chariot I mean that's like reaching out and getting a hold of the devil's hand and saying welcome aboard it didn't work for him okay but it saved the key night that's all he cared about because gee who was gonna kill the whole bunch that went against him and he won the can I wanted to be real close so he didn't get killed yeah lie lie lie and trick trick trick I mean they will do it all right but God takes care of his own regardless of what for Farrah's chariots and his hosts hath he cast into the sea his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea the depths have covered them they sank into the into the bottom as a stone they went down like a rock well what did your enemy have a chance there none why God killed them okay God dispatched them the right hand Oh Lord thy right hand O Lord has become glorious and power thy right hand O Lord had dashed in pieces the enemy that's what I want you to get from that is what did happen when they came out now as I promised you I'm good a document where God's promises he's going to do the same thing for you turn with me to Isaiah chapter 11 you know that Isaiah chapter 11 is where it speaks that certain animals that are carnivores are gonna lie down with lands and that Christ is going to return at the second advent and put everything right but what I want to do I want you to go all the way to the 16th verse we're going to read it and then we're going to back back up to the 11th verse the 16th verse so you know where we're going and why we came here of Isaiah chapter 11 and there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people this is at the very end you understand which shall be left from Assyria like as it was to Israel in the day that they came up out of the land of Egypt it's going to be exactly the same I'm going to help them that much okay so that that's in your mind now back up to verse 11 and it shall come to pass in that day what day is that that that Christ returns the second Advent that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left from the Syrian the serious took us captive okay in the beginning and from Egypt and from Pathros that's Upper Egypt and from cush Africa and from Elim and from Synar and from hey Matt that's a home in the kid night and from the aisles of the city I'm gonna gather my children that's to say those that love me from all over the world and he shall set up an insin for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together this is the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth in other words Judah and Israel always separated one house the house of Israel the house of Judah said I'm gonna bring them back together okay so that lets you know what time we're talking about okay I am ffice eyes 13 the envy also of Ephraim shall depart in the adversities of Judah shall be cut off Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex Ephraim in other words all the tribes are going to get along they're gonna be together again one stick ok join but they shall fly up on the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west they shall spoil them on the east together they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab you know that's Russia Russia and Moab and the children of Ammon shall obey them shall be obedient to God is how it really should be translated ok what they're either obedient to God or they won't be very long ok time of teaching and the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptians see the Suez and with his mighty wind Ruach the spirit shall he shake his hand over the river and shall smite it in the seven streams and make men go over dry-shod that's to say with shoes on fine I won't take care of them and there shall he be there shall be a highway and highway for the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt exactly the same he's going to do it for you I'm going to read a few verses of the next chapters and in that day meaning the same time the same time that Christ returns and he's gathering his children from the wilderness and and in that day thou shalt say O Lord I will praise thee though thou was angry with me thine anger is turned away and thou comfort us me God wants to do that you know when you feel that Holy Spirit and the warmth of it he is comforting you why he's telling you he loves you when he blesses your family he's loving you behold the behold god is my salvation a friend there is no other okay Satan will toy with you awhile but he won't save you alright I will trust and not be afraid for the Lord Yahweh is my strength and my song he also has become my salvation again there's no other therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation and that water runs deep and that water is eternal once you thirst it you drink of it you'll never thirst again he's with you he'll never disappoint you he will never let you down now there are a son that will say well life is just tough so what is just right for God's he left hey bring it home let me show you how a champion of God's people works all right we can handle it it's no problem why God is with us you can go through the valley of Achor it's trouble but you're going through you're gonna make it and you know it coming out the gate there's never a doubt never a hesitation you're a champion when you are disciplined in the Word of God we're about you have the faith to stand for something or be good for nothing okay verse 4 and in that day shall you say praise the Lord call upon his name declare his doings among the people make mention that his name is exalted 5 sing his sing unto the Lord for he hath done excellent things this is known in all the earth he does it cry out and shout thou inhabitant of Zion for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee did you get that in the midst of thee is he or is he a stranger to you have you declared that and performed that habitation do you allow him in you know many people come with some that were there inhabiting something other than Jesus okay they won't help because they've given somebody else a home and it's destroying them so make sure that doesn't happen to you hey Satan's real friends he lives to especially get God's elect whisper in their ear and lead them astray he just really loves it I've got to I want you to learn a Hebrew word not Greek this is Hebrew as we're here in the Old Testament and the word is mid-body okay mid-battle and what it means it means wilderness but it comes from a prime and it has another meaning that would be very difficult for some people to understand because it is the wilderness all right and she's there she's in the wilderness but it means speech okay in that unusual it's very unusual but it doesn't means as well as the wilderness which means pasture okay food but it means speech why because she's going to be fed and she is going to talk you just ask a woman yeah it's gonna you tell him hey but I find that mid bata is an interesting word wilderness in the Hebrew tongue that it's prime comes from talk okay to talk what talk God talk truth and in that wilderness that he's prepared it's a place of safety for you where you can speak out against Satan and he can't stand it drives him crazy and that's good okay and that's why one of the reasons why when somebody says oh god just never does anything for me well no wonder no wonder you know I mean can you blame him well let me have an hour and I'll tell you my troubles don't want to hear it doing God's work I don't have an hour okay so don't ever let Satan get you on pity parties because you're a child of God you're part of that woman do you know where I'm going to take you now very soon God's gonna say I'm gonna lure her that's like saying I'm gonna woo her into that wilderness and I'm gonna prepare her and protect her and she's gonna do my work see hey Jesus is gonna stay on that throne of God until all of his enemies are made his footstool you're gonna be busy you bet you are you're the one that's going to put them there and we can do it we can cut it okay why with his power no problem so here we have this wilderness which at the same time it means pasture which do you know what a pasture is supposed to do he's supposed to tend the path sure he's supposed to feed you from it where that you have stability energy faith and a closer walk with God but at the same time this particular pasture teaches you to talk and to talk God's Way why you're not even to premeditate what you'll say before you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan as it is written in mark chapter 13 but here this wilderness documents that brings it home and you can do it why because you love him and not only do you love him but you love our people and it irritates you that they're being misled it irritates you when you see little children when they try to have that our Pledge of Allegiance taken away from them it just grinds right to the heart right because you have compassion means you're one of God's elect and that's why God loves you that's why he can use you okay let's go with let's go to Ezekiel chapter 20 Ezekiel chapter 20 and let's pick it up if we're going to pick it up a blonde about verse 33 this will be the Lord God again talking about taking you into that wilderness when Satan comes against you and that you have nothing to worry about verse 33 of ezekiel chapter 20 reads as I live saith the Lord God swearing by himself surely with a mighty hand and with the stretched out arm and with fury poured out while I rule over you so you want to kind of put that in your mind and know who's boss because he is and that's good and I will bring you out from the people and will gather you out of the countries wherein you are scattered with a mighty hand and with the stretched out arm and with fury poured out I'm gonna set things straight okay and that day is going to happen he's not gonna prolong that much longer and I will bring you into the wilderness of the people that's where the woman goes okay and there will I plead with you face to face in other words you're going to be fed and you're going to speak face to face mouth to mouth do not premeditate what you'll say but speak that that he gives you at that moment and as it is written in Luke 21 even the gainsayers will be convinced by what you say why it's God speaking he's guiding you that's why you're a winner that's why God loves you so very much verse 36 like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt so will I plead with you saith the Lord God it's a guarantee just as he brought the children of his those that loved him out of the land of Egypt freed them with a mighty hand we're talking supernatural here beloved we're talking about being delivered at the second coming when Christ returns we're talking about God's children as they take this message to the world you're going to do it God's those that love God are going to do it and it's his promise that he will lead you he will protect you just as he did them and they were they had the victory all the way he fed the manna from heaven that's what's in his pasture in the wilderness is manna it's that white stone mentioned in Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 with many truth God's Word and he just as he protected them it is his promise this woman that goes into the wilderness I will lead her there and that woman is to be the Bride of Christ that woman is to be those that love the Lord Jesus Christ and those that follow him those that love him and those that serve through you and that's have you had do you have that habitation that place for him then that's why he loves you he cares do you know something do you understand what he's telling us here I guarantee you the victory I just guarantee it write it down believe it because it's true and just as he brought them out so does he take care of this woman in the wilderness this met Bhadra which is to say speech in food truth God's Word you know you can do a lot with God's Word when you absorb it when you digest his truth and follow and you know his guarantees and then he continues on and I will cause you to pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the Covenant you know what the rod is it's a shepherd staff okay and each night when a shepherd comes in when he puts his sheep away in the Sheep cot they pass under he tells them tell her you know like at a bank a teller on he's telling sheep they passed under that rod are you mine woop-woop-woop-woop-woop this coal this went out okay in other words some are not gonna make it he only takes the real thing he only takes one that belongs in his pasture and then he takes care of it but he does count do you understand and this that's fair okay because you know why too long do we let the enemy jump right in the sack with us okay right in our secret planning okay you take even in church planning do you realize that they're there they try to be that's fine I like to convert them okay oh that's that's a challenge okay you know a real good Christian can be converted pretty easy but boy when you got one of the enemy I like to twist his tail good you know make a believer out of it don't never be afraid okay we've got the victory all right 38 I will and when they pass under his staff you know you know that little staff has a crook on one end of it boy he can reach out there that that was gone okay watch the heart and I will purge out from among you the rebels and them that transgress against me I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourned and they shall not enter into the land of Israel and you shall know that i am the lord as for you o house of israel thus saith the lord god and then he goes on to say if you want to serve idols and if you want to serve something else bye have a good trip okay your choice okay you can love God and follow him and have a guarantee that he will always be there for you fighting the devil when he's cast out in his name or you can go the other way party with them if you like right but I'll tell you it won't be a pleasant trip why would anyone want to lose their credentials of passing under that rod staff for what a dead man has to offer because Satan is a dead man he's already sentenced to death Ezekiel 28 verse 18 and 19 now to conclude turn with me to the great book of Hosea which means salvation in the Hebrew tongue Hosea immediately following the Book of Daniel we were in this morning [Applause] book of Hosea we're going to go with chapter 2 always know that God loves his children you know why he created his children to give him pleasure if you give him pleasure then he's happy if you don't pleasure him he's not happy at all so Hosea meaning salvation and let's pick it up if we may in the fourteenth verse of this great second chapter therefore and listen carefully these are words of love from your father the speaking of the woman that flees into the wilderness okay and this is the capstone and we will complete with this scripture therefore behold I will allure her I'm gonna call her I'm gonna talk to her I'm gonna whisper truth to her I'm gonna feed her knowledge and bring her into the wilderness that is that medibot pasture food and speaking and speak comfortably unto her I'm gonna tell her what to do I'm gonna be with her I'm gonna give her everything hey listen what have you got to worry about what have you got to fear when God loves you to this point that he says I'm gonna lure you I'm gonna speak with you I'm gonna tell you what to say I'm gonna take real good care of you 15 and I will give her her minyard's from thence and the valley of Achor you know what a core means in the Hebrew tongue trouble I'm gonna give her the valley of trouble for a door of hope and she shall sing there as in the days of her youth and is in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt there again I'm gonna take care of her hey do you know what happened in the land of a-kor trouble she went on through and that's what he's telling you here don't ever let a little trouble upset you you know you you somebody throws a lemon at you hey have a lemonade it's good good for the soul in other words God's gonna you you got to trust God enough to know that when something like that happens he has a purpose for it why you're that woman in the wilderness he's got things for you to do and sometimes when you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer he's got to kind of nudge you a little bit sometimes okay thank him for it kissed the paddle and say thank you Lord and gold and do his work yeah because he's going to protect you he's going to tell you teach you and you're gonna have the victory all right 100% even if there is trouble there bring it on we can handle it that's no step for a stepper 16 and it shall be at that day saith the Lord that thou shalt called me is shy and shall call me no more Bailey which you know what his shine means it means husband sure husband do you know what that means the wedding's taken place you're no longer gonna call me Lord you're gonna call me husband okay four four I will take away the names of beylin out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembered by her name and in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of the air and with the creeping things of the ground and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth and will make them to lie down safely remember where we started back in Isaiah chapter 11 where it said the lamb will lie down with the wolf well you know a wolf will tear a lamb to pieces but not here because they're no longer in the flesh they're no longer carnivores when we come to this point we've graduated into that world that is all his and do you know something you will have had a part in establishing it in as much as you were in his Mubarak wilderness of pasture food nourishment of truth to defeat Satan and to be able to speak face to face and mouth to mouth a truth that no one can question that no one can argue with because it's the Word of God you can't go wrong that way said there you're no longer gonna call me Yahweh you're gonna call me you sure you're gonna call me husband okay we're speaking in a spiritual sense and apply there's no gender it applies to everyone 19 and I will betroth thee unto me for ever how long forever I will be trophy unto me in righteousness and in judgment and in loving-kindness and in mercies it doesn't get any better than that but there's trouble who cares if God is with you to that point can't you handle a little ache or hey do you know what you do with the Lance stomp up okay take charge all right be a can-do type person am i telling you to be evil don't be gracious be kind and don't take nothing off nobody okay you're a child of God and a child of God doesn't take advantage of anybody despair and everything but fairness also can rock the other way if somebody tries to take advantage of a person that's being fair okay that common sense that's natural and that's God's Way 20 I will even be trophy and to me and faithfulness and thou shalt know the you'd be your husband your family your that close then God loves you boy does he love you you know he's really leveling it out right here about the woman in the wilderness and how he loves her I will allure her I'll talk time to her okay that's kind of like saying I will court her okay so that you have the spiritual connotation and it shall come to pass in that day what day the day this happens I will hear sayeth the Lord I will hear the heavens and they shall hear the earth it's all we're all going to communicate okay why because heavens going to be right here on earth if you ever read Matthew revelation 21 and the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oil and they shall hear Jezreel now we're in the book of Hosea salvation and God told Hosea to go marry a harlot okay in the first one of the first children said named him Jezreel Jill Jezreel in the Hebrew tongue has two meanings to scatter and to soul okay God said I'm not gonna scatter you anymore because he did he scattered the house of Israel all over the world he says and but to sow means to bring back to reclaim and that's why he would use this child's name here verse 23 and Jezreel chose because the word is soap and I will sow her unto me in the earth - who - me that's God speaking and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy that's I will that's new rohana in the Hebrew and rahama not mercy but mercy I'm gonna love her in other and I will say to them which were not my people Lu ME not my people thou art my people you are in me my people and they shall say thou art my god how could you not call him your God when he makes you promises like that but that very wilderness met but you're fed and you speak and you bring forth truth changes the world don't ever think don't ever think for a minute that that Christians at this time are not making a big difference I know we are and and if you listen closely it shows but when I say we are I'm talking about we that have our habitation in God and he's doing it okay give all the praise to God for your coming into that time where he leads and he utilizes people he needs people he guides people and just as he promised you're going into the wilderness you're gonna go out there Satan is going to be on your case but I'm gonna swallow up those lies by feeding you real truth and you're gonna scalding okay you're gonna take good care of him why because God is with you he's always promised that so why did I bring forth this lecture don't ever be afraid don't be afraid to being delivered up before this the the Antichrist it's a blessing to have God with you and wanting to speak through you just as he led the children out of Egypt took real good care of them he's promising you the same thing praise Him you don't have a care in the world as far as the Victory's concerned because she loved him don't ever forget that and know he's shy he's her husband he's that she said I am going to rule this earth not Satan I'm going to so hey always be on the winning side Heavenly Father we thank you Father for your promises for your food father thank you for the pasture thank you Father for leading us guiding us directing us father let each and every one of these father be a blessing to whom they come in contact with father knowing there has been one of your children in their presence father use them and bless them we ask it in Yahshua Jesus precious name amen amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and do you know what that word is in the Greek it means a language you weren't born with why so that you can go there and teach God's Word where the people that speak that tongue can understand it know you to say that you could do nothing in God's name that's that somebody's robbing you and somebody is ignorant now probably what they're thinking about is the pinnacle stole tongue do you believe the Bible or do you believe people that's what it comes down to have you ever read Acts chapter 2 verses 6 & 7 of what the Pentecostal tone actually is Pentecost that means simply 50 okay it was the 50th day after the crucifixion no big deal no secret name no password it's just 50 days after the crucifixion then Christ told them on the 40th day you wait until you receive what I'm going to send you the Holy Spirit and in verses 6 and 7 it says the mystery was it wasn't unknown just the opposite and this is the proof of the evidence of the Holy Spirit every language in the world could understand it because it was in their language man can't do that but the Holy Spirit can so the true Pentecostal tongue there's nothing unknown about it okay I hope that helps you re Rd Rd Adrienne okay Adrienne from California I certainly enjoy studying with you my question is how will a true Christian be deceived by the Antichrist a true Christian will never be deceived by the Antichrist a true Christian knows that Christ has warned us the Antichrist is coming first and that we are to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us as it is in chapter 13 know anyone that doesn't know that this is why do you think why do you think Adrienne that Jesus was only happy with two of those seven churches because they knew they believed him went and knew that the synagogue of Satan was going to be set up before Christ's Kingdom and rather than being forewarned they run in to the synagogue of Satan instead of stand against it so how could you call them and I know you're not but I want you to think about it how could you call someone that would run into the synagogue of satan' a true Christian I couldn't nothing true about it most people many people unfortunately listen to people that are sluggards I'm gonna use that word okay because I just hate to say lazy okay God considers a Slugger to be like a hinge on a door okay only he says it's to a mattress that's a proverb okay they just flip from one side to the other you said that's what I think of lazy people you've got to get into God's Word don't don't be lazy and expect someone to spoon-feed you without checking them out all right to study with someone but don't you ever dare be lazy and not check them out this man or any other person that's teaching you make their work stand up and if it doesn't stand up on its own it'll fall okay but you check it out for yourself or you will fall because you'll listen you possibly would listen to some what Jerry from Minnesota we have learned more from you and in the word than we ever did 50 years before well thank you that's quite a compliment if I remember right you said Satan's job was to guard the mercy seat but I find the lid of the ark to be the mercy seat Exodus Leviticus and Leviticus was there more than one mercy seat now it's talking about Jerry the one in the first Earth Age okay and you'll read of it in in Ezekiel chapter 28 when he was the cherub that protect ahthe okay the one we had in Exodus and in Leviticus twas only a copy it's one Moses made but it looked like the original okay but it wasn't the that Satan fell from sherry from Minnesota I think this is the second one we've had from sherry today my question is if no I had to bring two of every flesh on board did that mean he had to also bring two of the Nephilim no nafeel iam were not flesh okay Neffe Liam comes from the prime route in the Hebrew not by Natha Liam not thought means fallen fallen angels they were not flesh though they were able to impregnate woman white because man is made in the exact image that means exact exact likeness of God and the angels and naturally if Adam was then they were able to impregnate one because even angels food manna sustains the angel body it also does a flesh body so you have that exact copy only once flesh one isn't ok flesh is very perishable but the angelic body doesn't age ok this corruptible meaning one that ages and get sick must put on incorruption it's talking about body's not Souls Bobby from in Indiana what scriptures do I read to learn about where the Israelites were after Jerusalem was destroyed in 71 ad the Israelites went into captivity 600 years before 7 671 years before 71 AD okay it was all over about that time the the house of Judah went into captivity about 400 BC so with Israel go in 600 BC Judah 400 BC then a few came back but half of them were Nathan in meaning people doing liturgical duty claiming to be preachers but not I'm out of time hey I love you all know why you enjoy God's Word most of all God loves you for it brought to you by tithes and offerings and we helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that but most important this is what you do you stay in our father's word every day in his word even with trouble still a good day you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 19,449
Rating: 4.9449224 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Study Bible, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, KJV, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds, Chapel, Arnold, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray
Id: z1cYKXr6hmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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