How Elena fell in love with Damon | A Delena Love story 1x01- 4x10

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Catherine um no I'm sorry you just look Elena I'm Damon feeling that's just the beginning you must be Elena I'm Damon Stefan's brother he didn't tell me he had a brother no one says those people who died that was David Davis yes stay away from I'm gonna go on a limb here and guess Stefan finally the best this is your fault he pulled a high around to you how could it not matter it matters and you know it [Music] if I gotta be safe with you [Music] it's nice act is any of it real [Music] I'm sorry [Music] you lost her to stamen please don't please don't hurt him don't do this [Music] I saved your life [Music] was worth saving I wanted to thank you you kissed Katherine not me I wouldn't do that why is it such a surprise that I'm kissing that's not a surprise [Music] I'm surprised that you thought I'd kiss you back you're the liar later there is something going on between the two of us and you know it lying to me and they're lying Stefan and most of all you're lying or so I mean I care about you I do but I'm not gonna be Stefan I need to know the truth you broke Jeremy's neck that he was wearing the Rings [Music] my daughter wasn't wearing [Music] later [Music] I wasn't thinking I didn't think it doesn't matter what you did for Caroline's mom [Music] that's the daemon it was my friend because he's the top okay he needs to be protected I don't protect her I love you [Music] I don't deserve you [Music] my brother does I thought you'd be a nice guy or not nice I mean I like you lie Damon's a lot like me he wants to get many he does he runs away from it Damon I'm your friend I'm well aware of that then a friend usually knows when their friend is hurt what do you want to hear that I cared about rose then I'm sent well I didn't and I'm not there you go pretending to turn it off pretending not to feel Damon you're so close don't give up I feel okay and it sucks you feel guilty let me be human and I'm not human because I'm not human but there's so much hurt a man could take I can't be what other people what she wants me to be [Music] this is who I am just you can't do this anymore teaming not in this town not around me why not nothing I haven't done before why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are a monster sorry to disappoint you Elena but last time I checked I was still a vampire yes I wish that you didn't have to I am NOT Stefan how about you stop trying to turn me into it get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself don't mind being the bad guy I'll make all the life-and-death decisions but you're busy worrying about collateral damage [Music] but the end of the day okay they're gonna keep her laughs don't ever do that again let me be clear about something it comes down to you in the widget [Music] I will always choose you here I was young as I can't stand the idea hitting me [Music] that means who needs us right now it's all a lot of lane to lose everybody else wouldn't make any promises brother that's possible Tyler Lockwood bit me hey I'll do this you want to do something for me keep this from Elena the last thing she needs another grave in one [Music] I've made a large verses that have gotten me here I deserve this I deserved you don't I do it's okay cuz if I'd have chosen differently I wouldn't have met you it's okay please paste [Music] yeah yes I kissed him but it was a it was a goodbye kiss huh I thought he was gonna die I need you change your mind lady you're so hell-bent on staying on that mountain you just gave up what changed or not it was too dangerous that was too dangerous going out there to begin with so what was it why are you being like this what changed your mind Elena I didn't want to see you get hurt okay I was I was worried about you Thanks yes I worry about you why do you even have to hear me say it because when I dragged my brother from the edges of other hand back to you I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone [Music] wait we shouldn't have left I promise you I will never meet you again we will it's a sternum solid quite a bone right here just below the ribcage fix the spine that's your way to vampires hard one day whatever it is you need me to do [Music] no one's gonna you played your part of the plan really well tonight oh you know you'd Rebecca drooling all over you and your marshmallows I thought you're too drunk to notice I was faking most of it [Music] thank you no problem not just for this demon for everything I don't know what I would do if you weren't here means I'm an idiot as I thought for one second that I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore what are you talking about guilty for what for one time no no you know what I'm gonna feel guilty about something I'm gonna feel guilty about this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] you a guess vegan [Music] it's not right that's right it's just not right now you look stunning it isn't obvious REI had you got us plan this should have been a plant you shouldn't be here do you think I like going behind your back I don't if I hadn't asked stuff in health and you would have tried to be the hero need everything sorry for trying to keep you alive clearly Stefan doesn't give a crap anymore yeah you're mad at me for including Stefan no I'm mad at you because I love you I never stopped loving you I mean I mean though I didn't everything possible he pushes my fault [Music] what are you talking about I'm talking about the fact that you're also an overstatement I just what you love me tell me and you don't feel something for him [Music] I don't know what I feel [Music] we're not [Music] [Music] Stefan thinks that I have feelings for you [Music] I don't know problems Damon [Music] when I'm with him just consumes me and I know that I can't let them both in nel with it it's wrong that I when I choose one that I'll lose the other sort of snuck up on me I got under my skin and no matter what I do I just I can't you mean that if class is the one who turned their bloodline then they're all gonna die we have to go back Matt leave what Damon's not with that there's 100 miles out of town I can keep driving to him or I can turn around and go back to Stefan hey where are you [Music] that's taking me home Stefan not just Stefan Damon - Tyler if it was just down to him and me and you had to make a choice who got the goodbye [Music] he gave it to my life at a time when I needed someone I fell for him instantly [Music] no matter what I feel for you [Music] I never unsolved for him hey I got it Stefan it's always gonna be I mean maybe if you and I had met first maybe Damon don't fight boyfriend about what mask life future he's got it all mapped out you don't want it I don't know what I want that's not true you know what everybody wants what mysterious stranger who has all the answers I was just say I've been around a long time I've learned a few things so Damon tell me what is it that I want what a love that consumes you you want passion an adventure and even a little danger [Music] so what do you want I want you to get everything they're looking for I remember everything like how you and I met first you're her stranger told me you wanted me to get everything I wanted for life why didn't you tell me what haven't been a difference [Music] and thanks you saved me thank you I just can't believe that I own one yourself yeah but if it wasn't for you [Music] why did you send a man to come look for me instead of you I sent him because lately [Music] it seems like he's able to get through you in ways that I can you listen to him trust me even when you can't trust me you can admit something's changed between Damon and me much more than it ever used to be it's like I think everything that I felt for him before I was a vampire magnified your feelings for him have been We Need to Talk Stephan told me about the break-up What did he say oh you know stuff I just went online on the bottom and shut up so he didn't tell you why nope but I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird so why don't you tell me you [Music] Jeremy can't live with me Stefan wants to fix me and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way I think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing know what I think I don't think I've ever seen you more alive that dance that they did today kind of reminded me of when we danced together I wanted to dance with you today [Applause] [Music] [Music] lie down [Music] me [Music] you with Jamin makes me happy when I'm with him it feels unpredictable like like I'm free Hey [Music] I don't have to be at school for at least 20 minutes ago [Music] Oh face [Music] something happened today I realized something about you about and you can say that it's the sire bond you know what maybe maybe it is but I'm telling you it's the most real thing that I've ever felt in my entire life I love you [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Jaz Gib
Views: 3,640,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @Delena @vampirediaries
Id: 8Wka6oWJ3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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