stiles Stilinski being iconic and hilarious for almost 6 minutes

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[Music] what did you find how did you find it where did you find it and yes i've had a lot of adderall so okay well how about you help me understand exactly how you came across this we were looking for scott's inhaler which he dropped when the other night the other night when you're out here looking for the first half of the body yes the night that you told me you were alone and scott was at home yes no oh crap so you lied to me that depends on how you define lying well i define it as not telling the truth how do you define it reclining your body in a horizontal position get that out absolutely oh my god what is that oh is that contagious you know what you should probably just get up start the car now yeah i don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look okay in fact i think if i wanted to i could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle road and leave you for dead sorry the car or i'm gonna rip your throat out with my are you teeth at the side of blood no but i might at the sight of a chopped off arm well i shouldn't say i told you so because it's not strong enough how about i'm always right and you should listen to whatever i have to say and never disagree ever ever for the sake of your wovenhood he's been here all night he's been here all weekend i mean like really good all right i get it just please shut the hell up before i have the urge to maim and kill myself all right did you get something better than handcuffs this time yeah much better part of me wants to ask the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything i could ever imagine so uh i'm gonna walk away it's good it's wise choice coach uh maybe i just got it confused with 40. come on man have you seen the piece of crap jeep that i drive you seeing the piece of crap bust that i take hmm oh okay thank you where does he keep it she says it has to be office you know drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years uh well dad there's a conversation that we you're not gay well i could be not dressed like that watch me out you know i put those pants on you all right buddy one leg at a time being all up close and personal with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day so don't think this is fun for me either you know we're actually doing you a favor you you're killing people to death yeah no styles what no style no styles anything evil how do you two losers even survive happy birthday i mean this is usually gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since since the birth of lydia martin hey lydia you look like you're gonna ignore me what okay just so you know i'm not afraid of you okay maybe i am it doesn't matter one more question what do you find me attractive sorry i didn't know it would be that loud yeah it was loud and it was awesome what the hell are you doing here what am i doing god do either of you even play baseball okay why is it starting to feel like you're batman and i'm robin i don't want to be robin all the time nobody's batman and robin any of the time not even some of the time just stay here oh my god fine plus i'm definitely a better yoda than derek okay yeah you teach me yeah i'll be your yoda yeah you be my yoda you're yoda i will be oh my oh my god am i attractive to gaga
Channel: vexstiles
Views: 669,365
Rating: 4.9847183 out of 5
Id: enEyubI9eE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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