Klaus Mikaelson: The Great Evil

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You're a survivor and survivors need names. How bout, Marcellus? Marcellus? It comes from Mars. And it means little... warrior. Niklaus Mikaelson, my mentor, my Savior, my sire. This whole thing with Marcel. Rebekah told me that you two once loved each other like family. I made Marcel everything that he is. Klaus loved him like a son. 300 years ago you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it, but then you left. We must run. Actually you ran from it. He made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. I thought we'd found a home here. this town was my home once and in my absence Marcel has got everything I ever wanted. My home. My family. My rules. Marcel took our home! And our home is worthless! without family. Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you. Nik, you drive us away. There is no power in love. Is that so? What have I done lately? Other than cooperate? And bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you for the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home! Look the other way sister while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel falling again for a man you shouldn't be with! While he controls the Empire the we built! I'm the King! And this city, you can have it. That he took! I want what he has. I want it back. That M. He stamps everywhere. Is not for Marcel, it's for Mikaelson. I want to be king. And if I have to push him out to get it? Then that's exactly what I'll do. I am Klaus Mikaelson! Yes you are! Klaus Mikaelson! You are the most ruthless, wicked beast to ever live. Big bad wolf. Whoever picks up... whoever picks up this coin this coin! gets to live. Take the coin. What? He won't stop until everyone is dead and he will kill you too. End this. Pick up the coin. Enough! Who has the power now, friend? You have the keys to my kingdom. It's yours. Thousand years ago before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia, Created in this person before me. They've come to laugh at you. Someone I can barely even recognize as my own brother. All you have to do, All you have to do is trust me. You're too scared to trust. But you have to trust me. I am scared of nothing From now on I am the only one you can trust. I don't trust anyone. In your paranoid mind nobody can be trusted! Where does it end?! There is no end! This, this all of this. This is the world you created, Niklaus. All of your scheming the enemies that you have made every single day of your miserable life. What results did you expect? That your child would be born into a happy life, that the mother would be alive to know her daughter? That we could live and thrive as some sort of family. That was your fantasy brother. Not mine! No! Brother! this was our hope. Now, we have fought together for centuries and once again to break your enemy You broke I needed her and you've broken me. Your family. My parents left me, yours turn your backs on you. Look at us now Klaus! Now one day your daughter will know exactly the kind of man that her father is. I saw this scary monster who looked like my dad. Who taught me how to mix paint. Who called me princess. I didn't know which version of you was real. You are the architect of your own unhappiness. Hope will always to be the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid killer, with a thousand enemies! She's deserves something better than what we had. That is all I ever wanted for her. Something better. Fight back! fight back! Don't you get it? It's you! You're the threat! When I'm so mad, I want to scream. Well, welcome to the bloody party! I guess I'm another one of your failures like how you failed at making hybrids how you failed your family. Dad, I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this. I don't wanna live like this anymore. Perhaps I was always bound to leave you broken. You really think I'm broken? Now, it looks like you're even gonna fail your own kid. Why'd you paint it? Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine the canvas, the color. As a child I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it. But art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life. Every artist has a story, you know? And what do you suppose his story is? He's... angry. Dark. Doesn't feel safe and doesn't know what to do about it. He wishes, he could control his demons instead of having his demons control him. He's lost. Niklaus, we didn't choose to become what we are. To be or not to be was taken from us. When Esther and Michael stole it. The necklace. You Niklaus, you're the most special. It made me weak. I sought to protect you. You ruined me. She made me weak. You were never weak, Niklaus. In a thousand years I never seen anyone successfully stand against you. Not even our wretched father. Not one of the countless devoted to your destruction. You'll protect our home. Show yourself, witch Even in the face of an adversary, such as our mother because that brother, that is what you do. Your daughter's around here somewhere, isn't she? I'm not gonna let anything take you. I promise you that. Well, who's next?! Always and Forever. Always and Forever. What if there's nothing after this? No peace. Just darkness. We face it together, as always. Why do you want Klaus' body? He's my brother. We remain together. You are a sentimental fool. I have not lived an honorable life. You know that. Don't let us down. But doing this, taking the darkness into myself so no one else is afflicted by it, that is an honorable death and I can do that. I can do it. Because you've helped me feel something, that I never thought was possible. This child could offer you the one thing that you've never believed you had. Unconditional love. Hope. And what of Hayley and the baby? Every king needs an heir. You're my heir. I love you. What kind of father let's another man to die this child? The kind that loves her! I love you! You will take my life. I've burdened you enough. Your daughter needs you, Niklaus!. I'm not gonna kill you! I know who you are you know? Strongest in the world. Strong enough to keep all the bad things away. In fact you've helped me believe in something your uncle once said. Family is power. Family is power Family is power. Whatever it takes to save our family. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. The deeds of the mighty Klaus will be remembered by no one! You will remember me! Klaus Mikaelson! The great evil. Meet... Your... Your Maker. ...Maker. You will never destroy me! I'm the hybrid! You're the hybrid. You've heard of me, Fantastic. I can't be killed! I am immortal. I don't need anyone nor will I be warned by lesser men! I am the thing that lesser men fear. It's a trick Elijah. No brother. It's a gift. It's your chance. It's our chance. To what? To start over. Take back everything we lost, everything that was taken from us. And we remain together always and forever. I wonder if perhaps this baby might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself.
Channel: Daddynegan
Views: 9,030,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fZdzhUfX6Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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