Dallas Cowboys vs Washington Redskins 1984 Week 7

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today I think that's going to take a little pressure off the running game in Dorset now what Tom Landry says they have to do on defense is he said we have to stop John Riggins general he said specifically on first and ten we can't let him get those six and seven yards because then they come up in those short yardage situations on third down and he said in the NFL today and all of pro football there's no better short yardage runner than John Riggins and we'll see a lot of John Riggins reassure today Redskins will kick off those are the weather conditions just perfect temperature 72 to 80 minute a 51% winds Northwest at 14 miles an hour that's a great day and this field is in better shape than it's ever been this is for Dallas these rats give special teams have done a great job there's a fumble I think the Redskins might have the opening kick walk oldest ones leave made the initial use [Applause] Dallas keeps the football nor dead let's check the lineups now Gary holgaboon starting at quarterback Tony Dorsett and run Springs the runners mic Renfro and Tony Hill back from that shoulder separation started Cosby pass Derek do tighten so Tom Rafferty Baldinger and Cooper a lot of changes in the Dallas office the hills but lied to the last first down Dallas Charles man made the stop but Dorsett got 13 the defensive lineup for the Redskins they are the best against the rush in the NFL Charles Mann Dave butts Darryl grant and town Beasley start up front the linebackers Coffman oklets and Monte Colburn secondary is Darryl Greene Vernon Dean in coffee and Curtis Jordan horse down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Renfroe it's a catch he stayed inbounds just barely bringing demands but Dallas boots into territory okay Renfro really made a move over there on Darryl Greene looked like Darryl Greene thought it was going to be a hook we see the Blitz the middle linebackers blitzing hope the boom reads rent throw free pass Darrell Green hits him right on the run [Applause] now move Renfro gave them a little out move green went for it and Renfro was able to get right beyond him first down Cowboys the rich in 40 [Applause] [Music] ripping inside and stop traumatic loss of two mana Coleman made the initial contact that we were making the the point about Tony Hill getting back and how that can help the running game what was happening I think is that the teams were able to cover the Cowboys just with two corners then they could leave nine freed up nine men just to work on for Santa Claus be phony Hill out there now I think they have to give him a little more class cover who watch Detroit defeat Tampa Bay welcome to RFK Stadium in Washington [Applause] the open e drivers day a screen pass it's run Springs right in the hand however here is the score of that game Detroit beat Tampa Bay 13 to 7 that's a final they went into overtime our score nothing nothing that somewhere all John Madden we have 13 minutes 21 seconds left to play in the first quarter its third and 12 Dallas at the ritz in 42 yeah we were talking about the Cowboys and Tom Landry saying they have to be able to run that's going to be a tough job today because the Redskins are the number run defense in the lake Newson is in the backfield now if they operate out of the shotgun hold of him has time as a receiver diving catch by Doug Cosby that's enough for a first down 13-yard gain green and coffee [Music] Iran's beat New Orleans 28 to 10 that's a final those of you who watched that ram victory welcome to RFK Stadium in Washington the score here is nothing nothing this is the opening drive by Dallas they picked up three consecutive first downs down it's a pretty good-looking bride you know quit mixture corset had a big run in the first place some nice passes that last one was a heck of a throw and catch by Cosby he had two defenders on him Dorsett straight ahead breaks into the second goal we might get gone Dorsett touchdown 29 yards touchdown run by Tony Dorsett with Tom Landry said we have to do we have to be able to run Joe Gipp says that's what we have to do we have to stop corset just like Russian Roulette you never know in any play he can take it all the way who Fowler saying right there see I told you guys been telling you that all week right huh Raffy else at the end with Hodor boom holding brakes on top the new father is successful with his extra pointed teeth referee is Jerry mark bright Landry has to be pretty happy with the situation here Dallas 7:00 Washington nothing right now for an NFL update let's send you back to Brent Musburger in New York and tech here's what happened in overtime gary Danielson who replaced Eric Hipple hit leonard tops and this is the touchdown that wanted both of the lion wins this year have been in overtime and as a result Chicago stays in first place even though they were beaten today by the st. Louis Cardinals let's go back to Patton John and back at RFK it's Dallas 7 Washington nothing except in set to kickoff Redskins have the dangerous Mike Mills back deep Heath Griffin [Music] well 28 left to play first corner the Cowboys took the opening kickoff and took it the link to the field here acceptance cake good [Music] one [Applause] taken down just outside the 20 by Steve deeossie the Cardinals rolled again 3821 over the Bears those of you who watched the Big Reds victory welcome to RFK Stadium in Washington where the Cowboys that's the opening kickoff throw bit the link to the field and live lead 7 nothing there is the first drive it took me six plays he kept it to two minutes 32 seconds and they lead to 7 of mark McGrath's foot wide to the left [Applause] Riggins straight in here breunig and dickerson on the stop let's watch this touchdown here by Dorsett it's a trap you see the right guard pulls leads up on the middle linebacker that's all the block that % needed and he came in broke out to the right right now he knows he has to press down one little kicks all he needs he sees the end zone okay you know at about 20 yards he smelled that end zone second and eight he doesn't need much of a block once again about the twenty nine two tall Jones cut him down the office Joe Theismann the quarterback John Riggins the lone setback mcgrath and monk wide the tight end is Rick Walker Warren Jacoby Russ trim Jeff Bostic mark may and George stark upfront veteran big big offensive money third and three [Applause] [Music] Griffen [Music] - the treatment scrambles out the hands of art milk and the Redskins Jeff Hayes will have to punt Everson walls on the cover that was an interesting play there it was an option all the way they call that the - it's an organized scramble to the right Faceman starts at he's going to scramble that to the right then monk was also running an option pattern if the defender plays him to the inside he goes out he plays him outside he goes in a lot of options and stuff on that last one didn't work though monk just couldn't hang on Gary Allen back deep for the Cowboys Jeff Hays to punt for the Redskins it keeps it very high this one off the side of the store for the fair cap Cowboys will take over at their own 39 yard line with 1054 left to play in the first quarter at RFK 32 yard punt by Hayes no return so that's the net dadless 7 Washington nothing [Music] the Honda Prelude some people like the drivers wise over [Music] when you were the boss of a business with one computer and more than one person who needs it your boss with a problem the solution is Scenic's the multi-user system from RadioShack xenix allows separate workstations to share the same information base and operate simultaneously and as your business grows you can add more terminals so that everyone's productive even the boss the sale price xenix multi-user computer only at RadioShack computer centers cowboy first down their own 39 they lead 7-nothing spring shift in the back into the hand here it is if that I'll tell you that's a funny pass to throw to a guy that's been out for over a month with a shoulder separation a slant because a slant means that you start outside and you slant on a diagonal inside and when you slant inside that's there's a lot of guys in there all the time you know kind of surprised they didn't do something first like enough or it will short out or something so the second and ten [Applause] [Music] he cuts up to about 245 a pickup at 6:00 and for an NFL update right now let's take you back to our New York studios and here is brent musburger again and Pat here's the first team to hit seven and oh the Miami Dolphins did it Dan Marino three touchdown passes this one does SuperDuper that's 20 for the year and already the Niners trail Pittsburgh 700 let's go back to Pat enjoy here at seven Oh as well as you look at Joe Theismann Joe Theismann from the previous years huh Tony Hill in traffic like he might be stunned just a little bit newsom I'm sorry not tilling the hill I'd say you know one thing about hog kaboom he's not a real experienced quarterback it's his first year starting in the NFL but he has such a strong arm that he's able to throw it in coverage now watch this bro here Newsome was between two defenders now Hogan Bo made a heck of a throw to drill that ball into Newsome before those defenders could get there that's twice he's done that The Cosby is enough for a Dallas first down let's get 46 here's the set out of the pack again to get Stan to about the 42 male Kaufman on the stop if for whatever reason Tony Dorsett looks like he's pointed like he's ready to run today five carries 52 yards already look at this pick a whole stuff here he just starts out to his left follows his guard around to the right then take some more step to the right and then back to the left missing tackles Neverland one get a straight shot we got five so at second and five throw goes in motion outside Springs that's a tough one we can see how much of a shadow there you see hoga boom you can see he's in the shadow and again as you say and there's a light and the ball coming out of the darkness of the shadow sometimes is tough to pick up you can see how it's split like that you see just outside the hash marks the edge of the darkness like et or one of those movies that'll make it third and five was wide to the left nothing doing in the handle [Music] wait ho Kagome looked like and it looked like he wasn't expecting to smash like maybe the static came early should we see him and he was there - holy moly that balls not supposed to be coming here yet where is it let me get out of here I'm the quarterback I'll watch all this gun it really didn't look like he was ready they say that ball drums are probably true best pigment Danny white from his own 40 really putting well in pregame yes makes a cowboy one yard line great hunt Danny white Karl Howard was down there - Danna Redskins take over deep territory Dallas leading Washington 7-nothing first quarter welcome to Miller time Miller time begins here with Miller High Life waits for the finest ingredients to reach their golden vest then we go beyond the ingredients and use the finest ruling skills making sure Miller High Life contains no additives and no preservatives so come your Miller time you get nothing but the fresh smooth taste of just pure beer and welcome to Miller High Life [Music] this is Rhonda the happy owner of a Honda Civic CRX Rhonda loves her Honda it's fun to drive love Rhonda's Honda moose her mom and dad who live in Fonda 120 miles away and now see a lot more [Music] it's Dallas Washington with the Cowboys leading seven of eight RFK Stadium in Washington that summer all John Madden massive Dave busts Redskins take over at their own 3/4 an hour down it they did for regular Wiggins gets a little bit of room that's about the five they had Jones on the stop for an NFL update which sends you back once again to brent musburger in New York that the Raiders scored the first time they touch the ball Minnesota came back at him it was Tommy Cramer and the second-year wide man from Tennessee State and Mike Jones burning that secondary of Los Angeles and now it's seven all back to Patton John Rich skims Hammond out at the five now motion movement and problems [Applause] look like the left guard Russ Grimm started to move a little early on that one start number 68 offense second down indeed Russ he's a he's a heck of a blocker but on that play he was going to pull to the left he's number 68 there he wanted to get out there he started a little too soon Big Joe Jacoby over the next two grim on the left side three oh five six seven Redskins third down nice balloon that will go to work out of the endzone and they have him surrounded he's close to a first down scale both they're fighting for the I'll tell you this is where you really have to have fast protection down here when you're coming out of your own endzone what's Jacobean Grimm here on their pass protection double-team and Randy white he always gets a double tame pretty good block and given Theismann time to get that ball out there although it wasn't enough for a first down yard short so it's third and one I'll bet you Riggins who gets this ball 1,000 behind jacobian grim ones liaison [Applause] the lead blocker liens but there's a penalty marker down on the other side of the field grooming made the stop on Riggins you know that's one thing we're seeing more and more in the National Football League right they're holding few years ago you'd see holding a lot on pass protection very seldom on running play seems like the last two years were seeing more and more holding calls on running plays that would have been a first down for the red school that has to be because of the liberalisation and use of the hands now of course the reason they mark this you see so Dallas will know whether to turn it down or not if the Redskins got enough for a first down they'll take the penalty boy didn't get another 61 offense third guy the Redskins did have enough for a first down so now the Cowboys will take the penalty make it third down again check out a couple of others final scores the Jets beat Cleveland 24 20 New England over Cincinnati 22:14 that's a fire its third and six here as the Cowboys lead the Redskins seven enough Cincinnati's having a tough time get one well they did beat Houston Winkle at one wind right Houston's on the phone extra defensive backs in the game for damage the spies Minh retreats very nearly picked off by Ron fellows intended for part moon Redskins were hoping for pass interference did you hear all that talk down there going that was all the Cowboys oh I almost had interception like that when they when you can hear the scent that's what I miss about being up here in the booth is not hearing all those sounds down there in the sidelines those real grunts and groans pose really is amazing how loud it is down there on the side whether popping off my foot zone it's a highway chases Alan back way back to homers picks it up he's at his own 35 good punt by Hayes we'll just have to wait to see good job by hey it was one of those flags that went down early imagine it's probably against the Redskins against the punting team it wasn't one on the return that wasn't the blocking one that was a 57-yard punt by Hayes a six yard return so he knitted 51 that's good [Applause] holding number 21 while the kick was in the air post possession file first down timeout Redskins dig himself out of a very deep hole by Hays gets it done an impact on the fennel seven of it the Honda Accord hatchback and handle the hairpin at Sears Point S is a lie more right away at Daytona even the loop in Chicago [Music] Master what's the secret of happiness no happiness is toward nothing have no possessions be free of material belongings a great one a TV the VCR and the video camera you don't know no no I rent them from Granada TV rental one low monthly payment covers all even free repair in your tape inner bliss my way that who can be rented no dad you must buy seven twelve left to play in the first quarter of our now boys seven redskins nothing [Applause] go boom - dorset [Applause] tripped up after maybe a couple my Darryl Greene who said a little upset with himself [Applause] well of course Mike Renfro got that one on the Darryl green early it was an out and up Darryl Greene went for the out rent for a went for the up you know it hurt that flight really is is Big Dave butts got penetration on that left side and Dorsett had it bounce it out second and ten now boys on their own 28 all the room very nearly intercepted but Springs comes up with it outside the 30 Erol bringing rich will lock on the coverage that's one thing when you have the home-field advantage you always put the visiting team over in the Sun if you get the safe you see the Cowboys they get their heads over their heads looking for shade trying to get some coolness and on the side there and Road Trip Oh Leonard and seven lucemon Springs in the back [Music] first down it's just Tony he'll kind of bounds at the 41 at the Dallas 41 beg pardon 10 yards well Gerald Green was playing deep off a hill and I think what he was good he was expecting he was expecting some help from his linebacker he thought that he'd have a linebacker in there and and that's Ricky Smith who it wasn't it wasn't Darrell Green but the linebacker didn't get out there first down Cowboys their own 41 yard line they've been able to move it yes Dorsett he cracked in their global penalty flags down Tony Peter's made the hit you know sometimes it looks like a the corner gets beat when he's playing off but it's his own and he has to stay back for anything deep in his own respects a linebacker out there linebacker didn't get out in the facemask number 55 defense Mill Kaufman's down first down Dallas Facemash violation [Applause] I watched right here at the NEC Kaufman's coming in to make the tackle watch his left hand it's right up in grab brush sets face man Jim Youngblood the old Rams in there now at left linebacker ball moves into territory now first down Dallas she's an old national league looking guy like the beard go in the eyes the whole thing he'll drive a pickup truck for you in the SheiKra backhoe ever can ask oh yeah twelve year veteran [Applause] few gray hairs in the beard fallen country [Music] Cowboys went that time with tea chai tea Rosetta's chased black box Marty Coleman helped out if you like to be Tony Dorsett you weigh a hundred and eighty nine pounds that here comes a guy chasing your people high weighs about 300 pounds this is what you do say I kind of watch here comes 65 well he's that guy weighs about 155 I'm going down it was a very wise choice there's a putz 12-year pro weighs 290 five six seven that's a load of illegal oak he played one of the great games we've ever seen in Dallas last year against the Cowboys in the rich huggable money : 49 yard touchdown run by it was a superb athlete he had a feeling it was just an amount of time because for a matter of time because ho Kapoor had been forcing the ball [Music] Mosely [Applause] 50 seconds left to play in the first quarter is Dallas seven Washington cent what'd you get I got a Big Mac where's mine you said you weren't hungry I said that too bad too because it's irresistible I can't wait to sink my teeth into this big mouth-watering hey Lester you know the trick is for you to talk while I eat and I seen that trick let's see if you can talk while I eat that's no trick trick you want your trick I'll show you a trick I'll get my own Big Mac and I'll sink my own teeth into it you just sit down save my seat you think Donny you know if I'm playing a match on Wednesday I take my BIC and shave down on this cheek if it's a semi-final I shave up but if it's a month with an R I take my BIC and go across except on Tuesday of course when I start on my chin oh this might give you the idea I'm superstitious no way it doesn't matter which BIC i use superstitious yeah superstitious or not avoid all shavers with more than three letters Wednesday Charlton Heston the Father John Savage the son Maude Adams the woman who married one but loved the other Nairobi affair 7/7 I Monty Coleman has took the interception 49 yards for in touchdown [Applause] all the way back to the back of the enzyme no return let's watch Barney Coleman now he's right here and here's Ron Springs now Coleman has him man-to-man spring is just is gonna run a hook here Coleman rides him all the way back Springs is never opened now again I think Coker boom has so much confidence in his arm he thinks he can get the ball at any time now watch everybody stop it right here but he started right here now watch how he's cut those two guys look like one poker boom still thinks he can get the ball in there watch it of course there's no way he drills it in there here comes money cold on the outside he gets it wet Dallas first down their own 27-7 time this is spring is over the left side Oh [Music] Marty : there's Joe Gibbs over on the sidelines you don't think Joe Gibbs is a fired up guy you know they say well he's soft-spoken he's easy I guarantee you look at those eyes there's fire in those eyes today there was everything was fire in those eyes yesterday yes in that body as a hot hot man I'll tell you Landry has that fire - just doesn't show as much [Music] second and eight for Dallas goes back to Dorset [Music] [Applause] you know that's one thing that Darryl Greene gives this defense you know you think they're number one against the rush and you always think of the front floor and the linebackers but this guy he only weighs about a hundred and seventy pounds he can run like heck about that he's a tough little guy and he can tackle talk about your fiery guys but he's a happy guy that bouncing is walk and bright-eyed good kid it'll be third and eight Plus be our foot wide to the right [Applause] [Music] is Timmy Newsome Nova [Applause] boom just flat mystic I'm Landry says that's one that we want to remember they had the Redskins in new nickel defense they had every there was no one within 30 yards to Timmy Newsome on that one nobody even in the picture that's what Timmy Newsome flam wide open I've never been that open in my life you don't get that open and practice defense out there's always some managers something from a tree any right back to punt another good kick you know [Music] he goes from his own 32 stood on his feet is finally hustled to the ground good coverage by the Cowboys 45 yards Danny white names on the Dallas seven Washington seven new at 259 left to play in the first quarter in Ronald Reagan's America everyone is comfortable and everything is fine but in the real America the one he doesn't see people have to take a second job just to get by millions have no job at all old people worry about paying medical bills parents about sending kids to college in the real America millions are still trying to make it and need a fair chance is America back or can we do better that's the debate Mondale Ferraro fighting for our future can you help me with these can impersonal copiers oh yeah they're terrific and you know they copy in six colors I know well the entire copying process is in this cartridge look so even maintain it yourself I know this one even reduces and enlarges that makes copies at the legal size I oughta know I'm sure I know well if you know all about canopy see copies where you need me for over here sort of known for information call toll-free 259 left to play first quarter seven second screams have the ball at their own 39 haven't been able to do much so far on offense Riggins is the lone setback and goes right up the middle tribes you're about 247 about a yard should I have a first down let's watch that Timmy Newsom here's Timmy Newsom right here now Monty : the guy that just at the intersection for touchdowns here he starts to come before he sees this coming in and he slips and falls down Newsom goes right by him up day and Newsom is going to dream about this play controllers holgaboon now watch : starts to thought he falls down the safety comes up look at this there's no one else in the picture Jenny Dickerson tripped him up that's the first Washington first down right now for an NFL update let's go to brent musburger in new york that here comes the baylor connection for the Minnesota Vikings Alfred Anderson at the half back inside to Allan rice and now Minnesota leads the Raiders 13 7 let's go back to Patton Chive Redskins moving to Dallas Territory at 7-7 no place to go Riggins by dexstar quick scale and by Bob Bruni came over from the middle linebacker spot Dexter Clinkscale we see him there I think the Riggins may be looking for - circling scale today Dexter said during the week the Riggins really isn't a great running back he said he just has a big line I could run behind that line Riggins is a guy who's been after 10,000 yards of rushing today Riggins has had a bad back after [Applause] we talked about is that got better [Applause] intended for art monk over the middle hit down by one of the big Dallas defensive linemen it was probably too tall Jones it seems like anytime a quarterback throws to his right and the ball is deflected it's usually too tall Jones but had that ball not been deflected he had monk open in there Keith Griffin has taken Riggins place now number 35 he's the brother of Archie Griffin let's see if we can see the deflection when you throw to the right I bet it's too tall Tim right there yeah seventy-two you'll knock those balls down for you third down any day [Applause] fine catch my MOOC he gets down to about 237 today that was good coverage by Emerson wall it was just a better catch by art monk ever some walls was all over let's watch it here bump is the outside guy he's going to come down he's going to come in towards us I watched walls close on him he's going to be as close as you can get without doing something about it one thing about monk you know he's not a little guy he's six foot crate weighs about 210 pounds and shield those corners out very strong down inside the 32 about the 28 Randy white tripped him up Riggins got about eight brigands ought to be getting close to those ten thousand yards now he says I want to get his fellows getting those five digits like some of these other guys [Music] [Applause] picked up 26 yards as they change ends of the field it's the end of the first quarter with the score tied 7-7 [Applause] the EPA figures say you can get 49 miles out of a gallon of gas if you aren't getting this kind of mileage from your gasoline maybe you should change your brand of car we recommend you try the car made for high gas mileage the Honda Civic CRX HF the right car for your gastly [Music] by the time I hit the field I've already worked over to studying fields of the guy across the line four hours a night because I believe in doing the wrong way [Applause] many people wonder how come I'm always please at the right time welcome they said he couldn't retrieve his own shadow but you didn't give up on him now comes your time and the time means it's time but the best view you can find [Music] welcome to Miller High Life [Applause] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Miller High Life welcome to Miller time Honda makers of a new Civic CRX HF and by the Bic shaver designed to give you days of close comfortable shave [Music] Dallas seven Washington seven and John Riggins with that last carry just went over 10,000 yards for his career [Applause] he has a little smile on his face and you see the first ones it goes into H hands with is that offensive line Riggins is a diaper guy though who does a lot of that so look at that list collector's item right there he deserves to be with both other guys again over the left side Dexter Clinkscale made the tackle with anthony dickerson with Riggins got the first down by the way water taking rush 400 yards today in the beer 23 carries that is 60 career games overrun regards for Peyton talk about we talk about John Riggins when the guy made up this game these are the type of guys he was talking about when he said fullback he was talking about John Riggins that's the type of guy yes to play football at callback Brigance again to the right side struggles for a couple line of scrimmage is about the Dallas 23 is too tall Jones brought him down Tom Landry was saying last night he said that knew you'd take running backs and their value to a team he said I don't know that any running back is in the game is more valuable to his team than Riggins is to this team regimen he said because he scores touchdowns and gets first downs for you that's what it's all about and they keep the ball because of it second and eight [Applause] the Dallas 23 mr. Riddick - chase - been still going goes out of bounds in the far side of the field knocked out by Ron fellows shy of a first down by about five looks like there one thing I think the Redskins on offense really miss Charlie Brown we're playing with mark McGrath out there and he's a guy that they weigh this season and had to bring him back so what they have to do in the passing game is always praying move Art Monk around he's a leading receiver in the leg after moving around to get the ball to it they try to hide in they hear the applause the crowd standing in tribute to Riggins [Applause] Keith Griffin in Riggins place in the Reston campaign blitz is on Theismann just barely gets it alone but he gets it to Ark mark 12 yard game Theismann really took a shot right at the last instant garrison walls was the defender let's watch if they have motion coming to this side they have triple have two tight ends on this side watch Theismann he's looking all the way he knows he wants in throw it to month he got hit from behind just as he throws it arc monk push Everson walls up and then cut off an out pattern ah it was Bates on the rush [Applause] rates here Brandi right right around the neck like your steer or son that stings outside McGrath the intended receiver couldn't come up with a handle make it second and ten from the 11 fellows the defender [Music] one day about Joe Gibbs and the Redskins as they really had a lot of injuries but they've done a good job of moving people around getting other people in and we just saw mark McGrath for example last week he caught seven passes so it'll be second down Redskins 1253 left in the first half go tied at 7 the Redskins at the door [Applause] [Music] - burger rumbles inside the tune - about the seminar and a white boundaries take a look yeah that's the thing and they were able you know they lost Joe Washington and of course he was there there dad Mark Murphy their defensive captain Alvin gear to wide receiver cronies freshen Tina Todd Leoben Stein he was a starting left and Ken Coffey was out he's back already as was Didier when a player goes on injured reserve you can put as many here as you want to five back Redskins already have brought two back thighs been unsettled about what play they want cause a timeout still 7-7 [Music] at Miller High Life time is everything beer drinkers come to us because we've been brewing in extra quality 129 years that's a lot of our time it's the reason you spend your time with us when you're one of the best beer you can find [Music] the insulation is ready and the time is now it's all up to you to beat those hi home heating and air conditioning cost so controlling add an extra layer of Owens Corning pink attic blanket insulation and score energy savings if you act now you'll get a free warm-up jacket with the emblem of your favorite NFL team a great offer only from owens corning redskins took this time out you really take the call on at a time like this you know one of the head coaches prized posessions there's three timeouts look at Joe Gibbs his reaction when Joe Theismann took a timeout [Music] third and seven from the eighth [Applause] I've been back to throw a receiver has a red stream cuts down there's a flag on the play [Applause] we'll be holding [Music] [Applause] Redskins in the Cowboys fighting for the wave in the NFC East Redskins have just taken the lead with Marc Mosely iseman Hold'em [Applause] the first half move in front of the cowboy touchdown from flies wingtip video 14 [Music] works like a Chevy truck works like a Chevy truck up on the job easy on the buck [Music] if you want a truck that works in place as hard as you do you want a Chevy so many lie beneath this ground have given their lives to defend our rights [Music] they've already done the hard part all we have to do is vote animal torture or scientific progress Sunday on 60 minutes jet pays to kick off for the Redskins who leave the Cowboys 14-7 [Applause] [Music] Barry Allen at the goal line - about the 21 back to the touchdown [Applause] receive Diddy is going to come out he runs up the field just turns he at the defender there was Victor Scott he was a half a step slow let's see if we can watch it from another angle and show why here's Didier now he starts in motion comes here style here's Scott he's going to cover him now Didier comes back up and out Scott then is chasing them all away but you see starts emotion their team stopped now he's coming back but Scott's coming back wetland giddy returns yeah impressive this is a tackle there he still should attack the video about the PDR a size mismatch [Applause] that's one of the problems if you want to run against this defense you have to plot those two big tackles Dave bucks Darrell Graham and that's a job I mean yeah I mean there Brian balding who's trying to block bucks when Titus or block Darryl grant Ernie stunner and Bob Bruni have gone to the chalkboard oh they're drawing up with blitz there Morissette is the lone setback at second and 12 gets it outside to go chef [Applause] might be a facemask again okay we're talking about Dave Lutz you can tell that he's fired up when he plays inside and he starts getting outside there in the screen on the sidelines he's ready to play today he was the second man out there chasing that play-doh you know he's not been known to be a big chaser here's guys that weigh 300 pounds don't chase stuff a lot or the treatment choice mask number 51 defense second be second down Romans doing a lot of things he had that big interception for a touchdown he slipped when Timmy Newsome was wide open now he gets caught for a face man boys are shoveling their cards in with place for holding them Dave butts and the guys shuffling in the plays is the guy that has to block pucks [Applause] Renfro in motion forgiveness contortion let's check out the scores down Minnesota surprising the Raiders thirteen seven second quarter Seattle 17 Buffalo nothing second quarter and Pittsburgh reading San Francisco 10 nothing they fudged it on that last one well watch him he's getting he's going to right take the right shoulder of Brian balding or they're run right by him her right through him and then he uses his left leg to trip up Dorsett seven body out parallel then you can make tackles with them out of the shotgun risky show of glitch hold the moon has time Tony Hill has a Dallas first down at their own 45 yard line yeah a lot of time I'll tell you what it did is it gave Tony Hill a chance to run an option pattern watch enough he's going to start up the field then he'll come in towards us why do you come in here now your spot there you slide back to the outside see that's an option I go in if I'm covered in I slide back outside and you need time to do that Ricky Smith was the defender this is how they got the time to do it pretty good job on bucks look at that put that helmet right in there drive them right to the ground keep those guys on the line of scrimmage yeah Jim Cooper that was indeed a very good take the dorset box is loose [Applause] dude that Kenya okay that last play I'm going to go after the quarterback on this one let's watch it again here he comes he'll start right up the middle right pastor blocker right by Jimmy Newsom he said this is what I'm looking for the old quarter babe the old guy with a low number that'll make it second an 18 from the Dallas 36 Dorsett slits live with a bear Hill on the other side handoff mr. Newsome I believe [Applause] Washington is we set the number one team in the NFL against the rush despite the fact that they've had up so many injuries you see what they did of course the first two weeks and the reason to see how high those fats are compared to the last four week the first two weeks they played Miami in the forty niners two of the best teams in the NFL little different now Hill comes wide to the left it'll be third in 17 newsom tucked up shy of the first down there some might be heard Ricky Smith might be hurt and Tony McGee was hurt on that play he's limping off too 9 yard gain not enough for a first down there checking Newsom's me seven Redskins leave there's McGee limping off looks like you're into winning you bet and today Chevrolet has a car for you Cavaliers come on [Music] two leaders of electronically fuel-injected power front-drive agility and optional sports suspension Cavalier grab why if this is today's Chevrolet it's a winner time today Chevy live it [Music] hey there's only one thing better than success and that's enjoying it [Music] [Music] welcome to the rich smooth taste of Miller High Life [Music] a reminder that next Sunday a CBS Sports special comes your way America's Marathon Chicago 4:30 Eastern Time it will not be seen in all areas but Olympic champions joan boa noite and Carlos slopes are expected to head one of the strongest fields and any of the marathon Newsom has been helped off the field but Smith is still down the player who was injured on that last play it was Ricky Smith who hit Timmy Newsome on to play it looked like it's newsome's knee see here do some catching ball now now Smith comes in right here it looks like it's either Smith's right shoulder or his head and it was newsome's knee he caught Newsom right in the knee solid it looks like there is newson there checking his right leg didn't look like a sprain it looked like it just was a collision well again as we see there what they're doing is they're taping that tile that pal has ice in it and the first thing to do is try and put pressure and ice in it on it so that it doesn't get any swelling and they'll go and they'll take them in a locker room and check it Tony McKee you limped off but he appears to be okay now let's check while we have still no word on Smith or Newsom we'll check as soon as we can the Eastern Division standings dallas and washington tied at four to the dallas has lost twice in the division the Giants are now four and three after beating Atlanta today st. Louis is Ford three after beating the Bears today in Philadelphia's three and four pretty good race here comes the stretch around the kind of thing you can't be too careful with well that's one thing in the National Football League now that there's no reason not to be careful you know they're going to do everything that they can to assure Ricky Smith safety I'm too tough play it wasn't on a play like that they ought to take all the time that they want time is not important here [Music] the word on Newson is that it's a bruised muscle above his right knee it's not me so that much is if an injury can ever be called good news good news of course they still want to get that ice on Newsome and crying keep the swelling down or crying stop the handling the situation with Ricky Smith very carefully and he's still down he is a second-year man from Texas and I 170 pounds Newsome caught him in the head neck area with his right knee I'm sorry from Alabama State they've got him on the stretcher [Applause] as usual this place is a total sellout this might be the toughest ticket in sports right now the crowd is stunned and rather quiet we we see they're putting a brace on Ricky Smith's neck and again these are all precautionary measures they don't want any movement until they can get them off the field and check them inside and then you know if needed I'm sure they have an ambulance here and they'll take him to a hospital for for further tests and checking one thing that they're asking them you know can you move your arms and we see they're the you know sign that he did move both arms that too is in encouraging there is an ambulance in the area it's a League rule NFL has that rule that you must have one in the area that's one roll the other rule that you have to have is you have to have an x-ray machine at the facility any white I'll tell you one thing you know you talk about rivalries and you talk about this and that but when something like this happens a player's injured everyone on the field and in the stadium is for Ricky Smith right now [Applause] and whites got some numerator what it feels like you get this turd pretty hard extra mainly put him out a couple years ago [Music] I'll let you know as soon as we know Washington 14 Dallas 7/8 24 left in the first half [Applause] in the park [Applause] another good high kick there is no let's it bounce and it worlds into the bring it out to the corner good Punk by Danny white 54 yards [Applause] 14-7 Redskins take over at their own 20 there is a college football doubleheader next Saturday here on CBS first the Michigan Wolverines battled with the Ohio hawkeye's UCLA when they're packed in rival with California Golden Bears televisions best college football continues here on CBS that's been going right to work [Applause] hit him away from I'll tell you Joe Theismann hit didier right between one says they have them short and they have them deep to see the corner coming off the safety beep it's a right between the two that's a perfect pass Didier instead of catching the ball out in front he let it come into his body and the ball hit his shoulder pads you always want to have your hands out in front of your body and really drillbit whoops Riggins half-lap management takes off and he's got some new history chased by coach Stan Dickerson gun enough for a first down Oh Joe Theismann said about when you know every other time when he would run the ball he would take that book slide and go down this time I think they expected him to go down at the end of the run and instead he gives a little move you see here he finds a hole here the cowboy in lying was in a spot he finds a hole now I think right here Clinkscale expects him to go down right there and instead about four more yards over the left side he cuts back over the middle he gets about five Mike peckmon to knock it down Minnesota 1310 over the Raiders in the second quarter Pittsburgh chin San Francisco seven now in the second quarter you're not going to keep that 49 or team down for a long time if there well you better get them while you can Riggins got five she'll make it second and five six and a half minutes left to play first half mohamad stop by Emerson wall just acquired from the Los Angeles Raiders [Applause] Kelvin Muhammad is upset there because he knew he caught the ball but he didn't catch it up the field far enough to be a first down let's see how far we get to go on this one [Music] gotten some unofficial information on the condition of Ricky Smith it's a head injury he does have a concussion they say but that is unofficial and they said that he is aware right newsom on the other side Smith collided with the ice above his knee [Music] looks like some of that ice is honestly two dozen third down and inches do you think he might gamble or go to Riggins go to Riggins fact I would almost guarantee you've got a regular this one's way in the back wit Reagan Riggins clicks into the secondary Riggins carrying people down to the third [Applause] for the diesel you know the diesel weighs over 240 pounds you think of a big guy like that you don't think of him as being quick and fast you know he's strong but what's his explosion right here crap he sees that right through that thing up that field up day he's a load you have to tackle that Russ green to spring it and this is a way a fullback should run did you get that thing straight put those shoulders great and anyone who gets in your way just run over this time not much dexter Clinkscale led the defense well I think when you're the guy that basically the deal it's a line it's not the guy you better make those tassels there's Don grow in the maroon jacket there he's signaling it he gets the place from Joe Gibbs the guy in his left there with a maroon jacket the white hat then he signals those plays into Joe Theismann second at 7:00 the Dallas defensive ranking for 1984 a tough time controlling the home [Music] Riggins again Riggins teamers is way down to the 15 move it back to the 16 [Applause] excited crowd at a football team he puts that ball out there again for his balance but watch him he has such big strong hands all he has to do is have one hand on that you know he really likes to run to his left see he can see here behind Grimm and Jacobi you see Grimm he just turned Randy white back to work the new Hamid next icebergs pass [Applause] yesterday that he felt that Mohammed was ready and he was going to get him into the game or he said Theismann has been working with them and he thinks he knows the offense now they got 5 on that connection so it'll be second in five [Applause] try not add to their lead which for p7 already gives to keep Griffin he scampers down inside the five to about the four Dexter Clinkscale he's Griffin is the brother of Ray Griffin Archie Griffin Joe was telling us you know that they drafted him and they didn't know much about it but he can do a lot of the same things that Joe Washington done I said he's just a natural runner said he give him the ball he just hasn't mr. Hall as long as he's been here a third and three he's gripped in one of seven football playing brothers - backpedal he's looking for some place to go and he's caught inside the five he's going to be close to a first down he's caught from behind by Randy white [Applause] for Joe give for the seven-point whether he puts John Riggins in and goes for the first down and maybe a touchdown or he elects to kick he sent Mosley in who is 9 of 11 they needed about two yards for the first down he's chosen Mosley that's a good decision here you hate to think you've given up seven but doggone it you have to take those threes mostly from quite [Applause] 20600 play in the first [Music] 17 dalla set recently two American travelers dined at the Paris home of the famous chef and will the hostess who founded Paris is La Varenne cooking school served two special Sibley but had won first prize in a prestigious competition the guests were complimentary a bowl and when asked where the award-winning Chablis might be purchased a.m. do you know where the chef replied well I should think just about any way you like Sabri Blanc from Ernest and Giulio Gowen all the best to Sears to get you a new battery and it's the lowest price of the season just $49.99 install thanks and I saved $20 well Sears has the biggest savings ever on weather-wise steel-belted radials lowest $34.99 install feel pretty peppy its conquered by Sears installed see [Music] ball falls off the team chef Hayes goes to set it back up Pat Summerall John man RFK Stadium where the Redskins had taken down a 10-point lead over that's the story of the scoring drive kick-off alum let's cut down after 20 by Otis walmsley who makes just about every type of specialty [Applause] I think Joe Gibbs was talking about Otis wands league yesterday and he said that he had a game last week against the Colts where he made every tackle on special teams he said in his career he's never heard of that before and just search out the ball and he just wants to get them he came all the way across from the left side all the way across to the right he's a special teams captain the they say they'd like to get him in the game as a runner more but he's so valuable on special team he gets it out in the direction of Renfro but butts put the big rush on Gary Hogan okay if the Cowboys are going to get some work done passing they're going to have to get pucks blocked because he's really been harassing hoga boom all day let's see if we can watch that you know it's tough when a tackle is giving you pressure and I watch yours but he got the hand pad out in that arm thing on Brian ball dingers blocking him takes his outside shoulder but for a quarterback when you're trying to throw the ball and the guy is coming right up into your face you can't one step up or to follow through that's the guy that big come back [Applause] he'll get the Dallas first down just outside the 30 mil Kaufman took him down I think we should point out here that the guide the normal starting right guard for the Cowboys is Kurt Peterson and he's out today the two-minute warning two minutes left to play in the first half with Washington leading Dallas 17 7 damn something for your desk vice president you learned it today Chevrolet is something for you to discover Caprice Classic Caprice now even better with electronic fuel injection standard plus traditional full-size comfort and prestige you've earned so this is today's Chevrolet welcome to the club [Music] and she's ready to take on the world again thanks to a Liberty Mutual after her back was seriously injured on the job a Liberty Mutual rehabilitation mears worked with Pam's doctor to coordinate her medical care that also controlled insurance costs but Pam is the best result Liberty Mutual Rehabilitation nurse program one way we're going to be in it for you that some are all John Madden RFK Stadium the Cowboys are intense and he white Guerry holgaboon in conference with Landry Cowboys have all three of their timeouts remaining the Redskins have to the Cowboys have a first down here with three timeouts remaining time is not important they have plenty of time Renfro and Cosby life of the right is leveled at midfield Mike Curtis Jordan Hill is living off the bill 19 yard gain it's like a leg problem not his shoulder and the Cowboys are lining up here without a huddle that's what happens when you go inside there's always that pre-safe moldable intended for rent burning the interception at that time as ho the boat was throwing the ball that Tom Beasley was there he's been playing some for Dexter Manley who has a bad right ankle Hoka blooms numbers they're the big one is that interception and I think that's what turned this ball game around here's Tom Beasley here up they a hold the boom has taken his lumps today after here is that ball rent all games with [Music] operates out of the shotgun trying to set up a screen pass over frozen was the intended receiver but the Redskins hadn't read that's right the closest guide to that was the left guard Gwen titanosaur Landru saying well that one didn't work here's a new one we see him he's given to play now - Howard Richards Richards have come in and play right guard balding her goes out third and 10 now it's four out of seven on the third down conversions midfield just shaded shaded in red control the shot go away at the last minute by Anthony Washington intended in Corinth Rome [Applause] the report on Rick Smith is that he had a concussion he was unconscious on the field he regained his consciousness they have taken him to Arlington hospital dr. Nolan of the Redskins is with him and he is out of danger [Applause] another good hi kicked Nelms circles under no it's just that side the 11 steve deeossie was the first man down so the redskins take over after that 40-yard punt by Danny white a minute 17 left to play in the first half Redskins lead by 10 [Applause] when your kids join the NFL super pro clubs they're part of a favorite team members get an official ID card from their favorite team team decal and a whole lot more Wow like this team calendar with action photos of their favorite team stars a giant poster of their favorite team it's also a fact sheet full of team information and exciting photos that will look great on anyone's wall a standing board to track their team through the season to the Super Bowl yeah it's worth a whole lot more than a seven dollar membership fee and your kid can have it all to join the NFL Super Pro Club just send members name address name of favorite NFL team and a seven dollar check or money order to NFL Super Pro Club Fox 9000 Trenton New Jersey oh eight six five oh and your kids can join the team the preceding message was furnished for the National Football League a minute 17 seconds left to play of the first half Washington 17 Dallas 7 Galvan Muhammed comes out wide to the right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Riggin yet Jones tripped him up the Riggins got some more of the arty [Music] I think Riggins was made for football but I think he was made for this type of football this team playing in this Stadium on crash couldn't see him playing on one of those plastic turfs in a big stadium out by an airport something just wouldn't look like it would it 83 yards [Music] he goes again [Applause] Mike and ed Jones on the stop looks like the Redskins are just going to settle or run the clock out which i think is a smart thing they may have learned that last year the Super Bowl remember about the same situation Super Bowl just before the half against the Raiders baseman comes out boom throws a screen pass throws at the jack squiring for a touchdown for the Raiders they never recovered from that I think Joe Gibbs said well that was a mistake I'm never going to do that again we'll run the clock out and go in at halftime regroup meant for it against what they're going to do so the Redskins head to the locker room [Applause] very fierce rival the Dallas Cowboys 17-7 at the half CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Chevrolet who invites you to see drive and live today's Chevrolet Liberty Mutual Insurance Company we're going to be there for you and by Sears where you'll find great values there's more for your life at Sears yeah last time we were here we made history stole that ball make that shot again Mumbai you alone [Music] hey what can I tell you we still got it and never lost it in this uncertain and bewildering world of personal computers the Tandy 2000 stands apart in power speed and graphics the Tandy 2000 is clearly superior the service support and software Tandy is clearly superior available exclusively of RadioShack computer centers compare you two will immediately recognize Tandy technology service and support our clearly superior you probably can't guess where you can find all this under one roof probably not at the stereo store at the mall or the computers town you'll find all this at Sears that's right next suddenly a twin bill of college football on CBS Sports first up big 10 showdown between Michigan the UCLA needs to win against California to stay near the top in the pac-10 Sunday on the NFL today a report on the Cardinals game breaking combo of Lomax agreed with regional NFL action featuring the Washington Redskins against the st. Louis Cardinals and from Chicago Olympic champion John monoid and Carlos slopes are expected to run America's marathon all next weekend on CBS Sports welcome back to New York I'm Brent Musburger along with her cross and Irv the Detroit Tigers are just 21 outs away from a world championship they have taken a 3 to nothing lead on the San Diego Padres through a couple of innings and it was Kirk Gibson slamming a two-run home run in the first inning another San Diego pitcher was shelled mark Thurmond was taken out in the first dan Petry of course is pitching for the Tigers now in the National Football League this afternoon the New York Giants win a very important game push their record to 4 and 3 bill Simms hooking up here with Rob carpenter watch the shot Carpenter takes and he holds on to the ball and the Giants push Atlanta's record to 3 and for the New York Jets come storming back against the Cleveland Browns this afternoon 24 to 20 in Sam Rutigliano his job could be in jeopardy unfortunately for salmon the Browns they are 1 & 6 and the jet-set sailors set sail early brent Johnny Hector taking a ball off his right tackle scampered 64 yards down to the 16 yard line knighting that jet offense and Jill Walton got a great performance out of the sack crack they got to Paul McDonald five times McDowell did have one key weapon is tied in Ozzie Newsome he caught 14 balls for 191 yards that is a brown receiving record but the Jets had too much here's Pat Lyon giving to Tony Paige who goes in and now on the season the Jets record 5 and 2 and you know in a normal division the Jets would either be in first place or just a game out of it but there's nothing normal about the AFC East the Miami Dolphins continue their rampage they have pushed their record to 7 over the Houston Oilers are winless the Oilers have lost 22 consecutive NFL games on the road this year for Marino three more touchdown passes 20 on the year what a game here lead changed hands seven times before the Cardinals pull it out take command down the stretch in the fourth watch here now this was a key defensive play by the Cardinals McMahon was throwing to Jay Solly too tight in many parents tripped the ball and recovered neelam extra pressure on me in the first half but I just didn't went out there - kept my poise and just relying that offensive line and give me the time well we tried to go a little one-on-one with the defensive backs Leslie Frazier was doing a good job on Roy but you know you can't keep him down too long number 81 something else he is indeed something else thus afternoon green a cut six passes for a hundred and sixty-seven yards here is on a crossing pattern setting up still another st. Louis Cardinal touchdown and now the Cardinals record four and three on the season and of course next Sunday in a big game here on CBS it'll be the Cardinals and the Washington Redskins Kansas City's record now four and three great defensive performance by the Chiefs but one superb defensive moment by the Chargers then this is a defensive back stream bill Kenny has his pass picked off at the 1 yard line by killed Byrd who was scampered 99 yards for the touchdown he gets at midfield and runs out of gas a little bit but he still got in there quite a big play and herb in the game bill Kinney had to replace an ineffective Todd Blackledge in the game the fans of course they were chanting come on give us Kenny and get it Kenny they did here's the pitch out now Herman herd breaks a tackle go 69 yards for the touchdown one very bad moment for the Chiefs in this game they have lost their number one pick offensive tackle Bill Moss for the rest of the season he broke a leg and it's doubtful that he'll be back and if he does come back there'll just be a couple of games left for the Chiefs but they win an important one today New England they did it today with a running quarterback 20 to 14 over Sam Weiss Boomer Esiason to the Bengals watch Tony Eason the former Illinois star he sets off he had two touchdown runs on the game 25 and 13 yards and the Patriots like the Jets they're five and two and trying to catch the Dolphins down in Miami Detroit and Tampa Bay for the Lions they can only beat you in overtime both their wins 13 7 for the Buccaneers their records 3 & 4 that keeps them from tying Chicago for first in the NFC Central Division the Phil selphie Eagles win today they are three and four on the season sixteen seven and this is a combination of the Eagles like Ron Jaworski to Mike quick good hands six yard touchdown shot my boy you smile it every time the Eagles win jaws took another shot and he was out but it did not appear to be serious he stayed in uniform and he probably be able to play for Philadelphia next week now the Rams and New Orleans 2810 I can't tell you how impressed I am with Jeff Kim coming out of Dartmouth he was better than Ken Stabler he was better than Richard Todd he was better than any veteran I've seen in the last couple of weeks look at him deliver the ball to Drew Hill Watch Hill puts a couple of moves on 25 yards for the touchdown and then when you've got the white outs doing that it makes Eric Dickerson so much better 67 yards and this is his longest run of the season and Dicker's of his save come on Jeff keep hitting those wide men because that sure makes my job a whole lot easier and a key man for the Rams now as they set sail after the 49ers is the Olympic sprinter Ron Brown here's Kemp going to his left throwing back across his body touchdown to brown 21 yards out and the Rams are now four and three and look out San Francisco they're getting better and the NFL today continues on CBS after these messages from your local stations [Music] animal torture or scientific progress Sunday on 60 minutes Wednesday is Scott Baio's girlfriend perfect to a [Music] it's the Battle of the Bands girls singers and John Stamos is the prize his hearts up for grabs and he doesn't know it dreams this is CBS we're stuck stay calm I'll push the emergency buttons and then ask him a question you're a Democrat and your leaders are promising higher taxes are you gonna vote to raise taxes yes No find out if your Congressman is for higher taxes or just vote Republican they want to keep taxes down imagine me affording a luxury home and custom decorating horizons gave me my own personal decorator and money to decorate with special wall treatment color schemes room designs custom lighting and fixtures built-in cabinets a new life from my old furniture my new homes a dream today worth a lot more tomorrow horizons in skyline City the only condominium made better by design reasons in skyline City developed by the Jonesy Smith companies in a time of advanced technology and luxury cars the 1985 Oldsmobile 98 Regency bromb is the epitome of road manager independent suspension on all four wheels keeps one oblivious to road conditions the new multi-port fuel injected power system assures spirited response this is the luxury of precise performance perfect timing [Music] Glenn Brunner the one to watch weeknights here's a surprise near the end of the half in Minnesota still leading the defending Super Bowl champion the Raiders right now the score out in the Los Angeles Coliseum is 1310 obviously throughout the second half of the Washington Dallas game we'll keep you up-to-date with all the highlights on that one Buffalo and Seattle the Bills have just returned a punt for their second touchdown 1714 the Seahawks with the score there Pittsburgh playing a real good defensive game 49ers haven't lost this year it's ten seven they're in the third quarter of that one and of course the game you're watching right here in Dallas and Washington Redskins lead let's take a look at some of the action in case you missed it Tony Dorsett struck early as the Cowboys moved right down the field broke a tackle outran the Washington secondary and it was seven oh and Tom Landry said now we're in business but Gary holgaboon forces a pass here he's looking for Ron springs instead Monty Coleman who was standing right there picked it off went 49 yards with the interception and after the extra point it was tied at 7 then that seemed to give the Redskins a huge lift Joe Theismann throwing a pass here to Clint Didier he goes in for the 8 yard touchdown and now the Redskins had a 20 yard field goal by Mark Mosley and they're ahead 17 to 7 now we also have a late update on the World Series in the top of the third Steve Garvey has just singled in Tony Gwynn and now Detroit leads the Padres three one more of the second half coming up now from the nation's capitol let's send you back to Pat Summerall a John Madden bat halftime at RFK Stadium Redskins 17 Dallas 7 that summer all here with John Madden and John it would seem that if Dallas can get back in this game a couple of things they've got to get done one they've got to stop Riggins and two they've got to stop Dave butts that's right and I think maybe they have to try and get back to running Tony Dorsett but it's going to be a tough job for him because with the Redskins having a ten-point lead this is now their type of game the Redskins are a ball control type team John Riggins up the middle John Riggins left John Riggins right and when they can do that to you he is perfect as pop he already has 86 yards what kind of blocking combination can they come up with to stop Dave butts well what I think they have to do is take the center and put both the center and right guard on buts always have the center blocking right Joe Gibbs was talking about during the week he felt that there was a lot of propaganda being issued from Dallas he said the team is better than we are they don't look like it right now well they sure Don I think that the Redskins here under Joe Gibbs with the John Riggins running I think you know they're as tough as they ever have been do you think right now as we looked at the NFC East standings earlier it's very close do you think the Redskins have to be considered the favorite to win again I would think so because they have that experience and that you know that doesn't always show in the first half of the season it shows in a second and down towards the the playoff time and I think that they're the type of team then as some of these injured players start to come back I think the Redskins are going to be better when they get a Dexter Manley back they get Charlie Brown back they get Mark Murphy back they're only going to be better all right the teams are starting to come back on the field now at 17 7 at RFK Stadium in Washington here come the Cowboys another good half coming your way chinking up by 10 [Music] the insulation is ready and the time is now it's all up to you to beat those high home heating and air conditioning cost so get rolling add an extra layer of Owens Corning pink attic blanket insulation and score energy savings if you act now you'll get a free warm-up jacket with the emblem of your favorite NFL team a great offer only from orange corner you know a quarterback can't afford a breakdown in protection that's why I use protection of Conoco motor oil in my car I can't prevent all your engine problems but it might surprise you to know that in millions of miles of everyday use the formulation of premium Conoco motor oils has never caused an engine breakdown my protection just never quit Conoco products that protect ah the joys of watching football on the sony what a picture what a game what about the rest of your family remember then they have to use the others the one without the exclusive Trinitron picture the one without the patented one gone one lens system the one that isn't a sony what do you care about your second set you don't really need another Sony do you CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Ram tough trucks and revolutionary new cards dodge an American Revolution Wang puts people in front of computers and buy fresh tansu antifreeze America goes with presto [Music] that summer all of John Madden RFK Stadium in Washington naptime statistics the one big one the one that really sticks out is the one turnover which was the 49-yard touchdown after the interception by Monty Coleman that was the changing point in this game and the other thing I think was Dorsett didn't do much in the second quarter you know in the first quarter carried the ball nine times 53 yards in a touchdown the second quarter had carried it three times four - four yards [Applause] ceptin hits it high and into the end zone and Nelms will just stay there with it Redskins will start operating from their own 20 as a matter of fact the Redskins really won that second quarter that the ball in the second quarter for over nine minutes [Music] they lead 17-7 their first possession of the second half she didn't where they started he's got off a great punt by a penalty and that really got him out of a serious hole controlled spring up [Applause] shuts down [Applause] [Applause] just a great throw by [Applause] [Music] the Redskins have [Music] [Music] [Applause] to a strike [Applause] Dallas seven Danny on the other side of the field [Music] all truck companies talk tough but only one puts its money where its mouth is dodge because only dodge gives you a 5 year 50,000 mile warranty an engine powertrain and outer body rusted it covers new 85 full-size pickups wagons vans and RAM chargers making Dodge best back trucks in America that's guaranteed us think of Peters of progressive ribs have a unique style of John Howard says jazz musicians talk fun and after a gig I think about with a lite beer from Miller after playing Howard enjoys a lite beer that is super cool and a breeze on the calories you dig light is less filling with 1/3 less calories than their regular beer and the taste Howard oh man it's Oh Bob Shaban is lay down break down birdie on the hot side of town he likes it like dear friend Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless they've already done the hard part all we have to do is vote that summer all of John Madden in Washington Redskins [Music] 24/7 come out of there now [Applause] here's the touchdown Calvin Muhammad is the outside guy Ron fellows is on him Dexter Clinkscale is a free safety looking to the inside Mohammed has great speed he runs right by fellows and he runs by Clinkscale that play was set up with the loom motion will show it after this next play will show it on a chalkboard to show the whole thing is it happened still huggable quarterback they start the second half all right to work are going to try to the cony hill that will be enough for a Dallas first down Vernon Dean the defender let's show what happened now here's Mohammed here here's fellows now say go in motion here that brings a rotation of the Cowboys secondary then Theismann Sprint's out to the right throws from here all the way back across the field take scales looking to the inside I would see here comes the motion and watch the Cowboys secondary rotate this way first right now he's Stroeve back left all the way back across to muhammad who gets behind Ron fellows in Dutch replaced a Dorset can't find a whole mountain scampers out for about four or five outside the 30 Beasley made the stop the play-in from landry that is the longest pass play of the year for Theismann by the way his previous long was 51 it's the second longest of his career Regan's know when he's not in there carrying the ball and running with the offense you wonder where he is he spends a lot of time with that guy right there the oxygen guy back to Dorset they've got some room Dorset looked out of bounds like any coffee but he gets into territory when we find your game this is one thing that the Cowboys have to do they have to get Tony Dorsett back in your office in the first quarter Russell in the second quarter and they need this he gets his hands on the ball he can do this with it sometimes you can even do more than that with him 25-yard gain he gonna learn a vicious block by any means but he got a screaming block from Tony talk about that but at any big run [Music] shut up now with our set this time [Applause] to Beasley made the stop I think it was Coffman he was a left linebacker and he knifed in there on a blitz and he got Dorsett before he could get started on that Red Dog when the two outside linebackers blitz Washington defense has not allowed a runner to get over $100 let's leave wet Springs out of bounds by Kaufman again like about four yards short of the first down Holger boom got it again from behind by Monty Coleman there was a mismatch here now watch Coleman he's 51 Dorsett has to block him he dives pulling goes right over him and watch boom right in the back as he throws the ball [Music] I don't even think Dorsett touched him here comes bucks coming from the other side how would that be you get some guy coming from your backside unblock and putz coming from your front side the redskins 38 [Music] hoga boom boxes 1 through the hands of Springs he had enough for the first down we could have held on here comes the funny unit it's talking about halftime how you can make adjustments you know up here and me and the booth they take Polaroids of all the defenses and where they line up and how they're playing in all situations but at halftime you can go and show them to the players in a locker room and decide what play you think can give you the big play obviously about customer Mohammed any wine into fire [Applause] shakes it off the side of his foot and out of [Applause] one of his better efforts 24 yards and it slice off the side of his foot 24 - 7 Washington / down water a no company can simply deliver a computer and feel it has delivered on the promise of office automation at Wang we provide service and support along with our computers so that the people who use them will always be able to perform to their fullest potential we put people in front of the computers dodge announces the toughest truck warranty in America five years or 50,000 miles covering transmissions drive shafts blocks heads fly wheels transfer cases axles u-joints water pumps all internal engine parts and outer body Ruster on every truck we build Ford and Chevy talk tough dodge proves that best back trucks in America that's guaranteed [Applause] Saturday on CBS and UCLA against California starts live Redskins come out of the huddle at their own [Applause] twenty four to seven they start the wave in there there's Riggins John Dutton [Music] did you see what a ride Riggins gave dutton on that that is a big strong guy that was like six seventy seventy-five and that is the inside guy there takes on the block I watch them right here he get he has a prediction for another couple yard brigands four minutes Raskin 18 sighs man broke away from Emerson long the Redskins just got calendar but the Cowboys are given him a respect Everson walls he's looking in at the quarterback Farah is aqua after you get a deep one you can always get short one nearly what that he's got four get behind the line of scrimmage the stand by John I'll tell you dutton got in there that time and he hit him and he stopped him right there in his tracks these are perhaps the most enthusiastic fans anywhere the Redskins [Applause] second and nine from the 29 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 37 yard line that again is an advantage of being six foot three we see Ron fellow close to running Strikeforce prank that's a perfect TRO nothing fellas could do about that one right over the outside shoulder into the hands of art month watching fellows jump there's no way he can reach that ball luckily just gets a hand on there and mock steps out I didn't see where he stepped out of bound it was close well there's Riggins on the counterclaim Riggins inside the 30 Michael down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if he is that a banjo the last time I didn't see him being out of bound watch him here he catch him perfect throat jeez that's a great crowd where he steps out of bounds he didn't step out of bounds there any other step goes out-of-bounds doesn't look like it cuts down to my eyes second and three get again to Reagan he lost the bar Redskins got it back somebody hooked Riggins our ball came out Redskins recover I think that's what the Cowboys need in this game now at some type of turnover some plate to give them the big lift they almost got it right here we see them here Randy white working to the outside right there Michael downs coming up from a secondary position missed the tackle doing so just reached his left hand in and knocked it out Jeff's Bostick the offensive center made the recovery it's that much short of a first down the Dallas 26 Riggins 20 carries yards I'm sure that this is going to be as twenty-first care [Music] these are the kind of situations when he's just liable to break it we did you remember in the Super Bowl a couple years ago one's lame [Music] he's got the first runic made the initial hit Riggins picks up the first down that's what Tom Landry was saying last night and ye Wow why he's so valuable he said it's not near the hundred yards he gets or the tenth but it's when he gets the yard the short yardage [Applause] we'll keep the ball for you Redskins are 17 in two [Music] so he said that point now wonder how they lost those two games and that's Oh right to the right the give is to ring by John Hutten again about three or four yards one thing Riggins seems to be getting some real good holes and that means it that the blocking you know that Joe Jacoby and grim and Bostick and may and those guys are really doing a job on that front for inline back just watch him here we see mark made George start fire off the ball Bostic pulling out leading you see they're getting the Cowboys going backwards and the right to beat the run is penetrate get into their backfield second down of six [Music] off people and ones [Applause] the Riggins cut back to the left you said yesterday said why don't you take my place and I'll take your place he said but when you do always find Grimm and Jacobi get in behind him you see him doing that look he starts to the right he says nothing Aryan runs back he just goes and finds number 68 and 66 and just gets right in room behind him that's about 600 pounds you're getting behind 13 years he'd been running with a football that's remarkable in itself he goes about 2 4 just over seven minutes left to play in the third quarter and here's Riggins with a big hole over the left side Riggins hammers down inside the five okay those are gaping holes over there punch the left tackle 66 Joe Jacoby watch him fire out he gets into jeffco gets him turned around comes off on Bruning the linebacker he just locks into him and just keep pushing look at Big Joe 66 and he's hitting one it got to he's he's trying to find a third guy guy who wasn't drafted next to rostrum about 600 pounds and you said they're to old-time football player on second down here's riggan please to about the five ginge ethical made the stop that old body takes a pounding now hon John when you do that you see where's that oxygen now that I need okay he's a man's man and a football players football player third and one okay looks like one look he gets stuff on his chair grass stains dirt that a little beard going to today's they get ready to play football perfect national leaguer foolish ones Lee the move man not now ones Lee's in front of Regan give a game de rigueur that'll bring up a fourth down see the Cowboys finally got what they needed there they got penetration mark to an a number 71 got it Gibson's in Moseley go for another short field goal Redskins leo already 24:07 trying to make a 27-7 brigands a little worried I'm earning my money today this is a tough days [Music] to help get them off from 20 yards out [Music] is good [Applause] [Music] or that get that Dallas defense out there a long time 27-7 let's do bleed friggin Jack calls for the oxygen [Music] red skins ahead by 20 it starts with a certain plants the enticement of discovering something wondrously new the Dodge Aries K sleek new styling that will captivate you performance that world infatuation you always knew Aries for economy now you'll love it for its beauty it feels to be seduced by Dodge Aries [Music] why is your car need a fresh fill of Prestone a radiator could look this bad after just ten thousand miles of driving on weak neglected antigravs while a Prestone radiator looks this good that's the Prestone difference what gets that concrete set for way under from New York to San Antone Wednesday Charlton Heston the father John Savage the son Maude Adams the woman who married one but loved the other Nairobi affair Riggins went to the oxygen masks they deserves it play that see he has that little beard going here good sweat on him little sneeze into that thing that's all you're worried about [Applause] from the sidelines - about the 22 now with a 20-point lead ensure that found Landry is thinking about this now as a call on the plays you may have to get away from the run just throw it in there once in a while to make them honor it holding number 55 on the return first god when you're down by 20 you have to get that first one rather quickly don't worry about anything [Applause] who's in the sideline about the 22 Riggins went to the oxygen mask he deserves it look at that see he has that little beard going here good sweat on him big hand with little sneeze into that thing that's for you [Applause] from the sidelines - about the 22 now with a 20-point lead I'm sure that Tom Landry is thinking about this now as a call on the plays he may have to get away from the run just throw it in there once in a while to make them honor it holding number 55 on the return first down you're down by 20 you have to get that first one rather quickly five minutes and four seconds left to play third quarter Redskins ahead by 20 points and still huggable it will be interesting to see if we see Dave butts there see how they're going to block and whether they they just keep the right guard on him either Kurt I mean either Brian balding or Howard Richards or if they do double them and bring the center Conrad for the omen what if he's thinking that he's one who's gonna want me to spend get up and get going first down cowboy eleven your setters without wide spring he gets up to about 2:15 monte colburn on the stop Minnesota thirteen the Raiders ten that's still in the third quarter Buffalo 24 and the Buffalo 14 seattle 24 beg your pardon pittsburgh still lead san francisco 10 to 7 and in the world series and San Diego are tied three-three second and six here in Washington leaves Dallas only seven to seven cela Guinness with wide to the left outside the spring struggling to get out of the grass rich from a lot levan elbow what is playing on passing situations aunty wide over on the sidelines as we look at Danny white it was interesting and Joe Gibbs even brought it up yesterday is bad how good the Cowboys are he said you know that Danny white when he was quarterbacking that every game he ever started every regular-season game he started here at RFK Stadium he beat the Redskins and he said here's a guy who beat us every time in a regular season here and he can't even start anymore that's not good they are third is short it's going to be close [Music] [Applause] grasping somebody he said he had a little right foot job there that's going to be short that won't be a first down that's short they had that left foot there first our right foot short they hand it in here Springs on a little counter little con he puts back the linebacker was right there waiting when he got there [Applause] Jim Youngblood Virginia you stop that forwardly [Applause] the first contact and brought him down shy of the worst a white back to point [Music] Mike Mills back deep white hangs at High Elves comes up [Applause] whirls inside cowboy territory before Victor Scott can finally get him down 34-yard punt live light 2:57 left to play in the third quarter with Dallas leading 27 to 7 Washington leading sorry for 1985 cool the Japanese car famous for quality economy and performance now comes with a great new addition for doors no no she's gotta get the coats is important for Dodge and Plymouth wild-eyed us and built by Mitsubishi in Japan so y'all know good it's all the Japanese you need to know nari I have taken on many fighters and try many beers one beer isn't a class by itself my beer from Miller life tastes great and it's less filling it weighs in at a third less calories than the regular beer yes I discover you great as beer but I never met your greatest fighter hey who is this Villa Martin anyway Billy Martin he's warm he's gentle good-looking too I got the mid this guy like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless a reminder next Sunday CBS Sports special this marathon Chicago 4:30 Eastern Time it begins not seen you know here you think of a lot of things you wouldn't like to do that's one run a marathon this is the other thing I've never want to do be a punt returner look at now how he just stands he just keeps going guys hit them spin boom boom Wow all kinds of guys his own guys guys dive on on you after [Applause] hammers down to the 15 a gain of 31 you are [Applause] Griffen that's what you call the old change-of-pace look like Jeff Jacoby was heard on that play but he's going back in watch this you know they found a big 240 pound Riggins on you all day and then they put in a little grip the way he runs the same play it's that counter play here comes Jacobi he comes around he just knocks too tall Jones right down keeps going look at that hole but Keith Griffin had but he does have natural running ability doesn't she go plays go home homework cut here he is again cowboys have picked it up that's Michael downs chased by Theismann and Theismann takes him out of that he's been save a touchdown that's the type of play that the Cowboys needed if they're going to get back they need turnovers that's the first one 2:38 left to play third for Redskins up 27 seven you know people like me were young ambitious these are the uniforms we wear at work but these are the uniforms we wear when we serve part time in the National Guard and the reserves you see in the garden reserves you earn extra money so you not only serve your country you serve yourself yet while you serve you can live at home and keep your full-time job because in the garden reserves you don't have to give up one life to live another the National Guard and the reserves talk to your local recruiter when Lotus introduced one two three software it became the talk of the business world and one two three quickly took its rightful place at the top of the PC software sales charts but people said botas what are you doing for an encore Lotus announces simple [Music] one two three and new symphony software from Lotus one great idea to me bet this has been the story of the game what's the left side of the line here Joe Jacobi Russ Grimm watch him take on Randy white and Jim Jeff go they there's a fumble on the play but they just knocked him back off the line five yards and that's where the game is won and loss on that play was a big play for the Cowboys they come up with a turnover but that offensive line to the Redskins has been handling some job you're right oh the boom back to throw if he has time gets it into Tony Hill Tony Hill stays on his feet gets into Redskins territory to the 46 16-yard gain and a Dallas first down the local witch brought him down now the Cowboys in the third quarter two minutes left in the third quarter again they're thinking in terms of one touchdown but they're thinking in terms of getting that one touchdown quickly it's got to be done pretty quickly now not running less than just about two minutes by the time they get this play off that was last seven possessions they've had six points in one interception all the room back Redskins in a blitz [Music] please wait [Applause] get Dave Bucks blog he's the first guy there watch him on the right-hand side of the screen right here now he's going to be on Howard Richards comes in takes the inside move here he comes right up onto Hogan boom he gets ahold of me and now here comes Monty Coleman but that's the thing that they have to do they had to get bust block they're not given any help you see Radford he went to the left he went the other side but took that hold or after he vacated [Applause] face pretty came out of there to try to pick up a Blitzer here they come again picked off rich millat comes up with the intercept [Applause] I think a lot of it again has to do with the pass rush Holger boom has been taking a heavy pass rush that was that option type of thing Cosby was trying to find an open seam in the middle a lot was just reading the quarterback and he was right there their own 48 Riggins is back [Applause] Thank You Riggins [Music] caught it got away from me wolf is going to be called for pass interference [Applause] when you can get that running going you looking back to the inside then he had a turn when he turned month got by him and you see that he them pushed question about it radars right there where he hid him that was the past interfered son he does it with the left the old double first and goal from the King gain of 41 yards a great day throwing [Applause] he gets to Riggins Riggins behind that left side again [Applause] jacobee that's what he does he says just fine number 68 he ran right into [Music] he gives you good sweat to all 300-pounders to get a good sweat [Applause] to the left side down into about the two all you can do is look remember last week against a [Applause] [Music] to a touchdown his Cardinals will yell the ball for eight nine eleven seconds left to play third quarter the end of the third with the score Washington 27 Dallas 7 so word from your local next Saturday a twin bill of college football Big Ten rivals Michigan and Iowa / and UCLA battles California next Saturday on CBS Sports this is CBS fred spoke to blake if we can lower the bid it's ours i need your best number I'll call you right back I knew you could do it pal Alex cellular car phone service lets you do business anywhere anytime which frees you up for other things I just want to say good night tell mommy I'm on my way home Alex for the business of life are really tough take this new standard Rangers Quinn I beam suspension and the widest cab of any compact this Ranger 4x4 has the same thing plus four-wheel drive and went to Ranger XLT you can get sporty options plus a powerful v6 engine but my favorite ranger of all is the one for designed to my personal specifications I call it riggo's Ranger and now you can win rigo's ranger call your local Ford dealer for details boy it's great to be on vacation yeah and we never go from vacation without Hertz I wouldn't miss my vacation with an unreliable rent-a-car company and Hertz affordable weekly rates save me money but people say Hertz is more reliable but now Hertz costs less money Arnie more reliable less money Arnel more reliable less money her it's affordable Florida only $89 a week now the rent-a-car company that gives you more is less the number one way to rent a car Glen Brunner the one to watch weeknights [Applause] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Pontiac cars built with a feel for the road Pontiac we build excitement light beer from Miller everything you've always wanted in a beer and less and buy Federal Express when you have a package that absolutely positively has to be there overnight Federal Express [Music] [Applause] in Washington [Music] 27 points iseman going for the video [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's watch Didier here again he comes in motion from the left to the right the scene played he scored the touchdown before becomes emotion and then he goes out and just turns up the field and then out to the right side they're using the answer Cheers [Music] we today Washington will be against st. Louis troit penicillin Houston [Applause] [Music] the picture of 3 & 4 [Music] they're one reason it looks bigger one other reason it looks bacon because both of these teams have proven that they can squirrel a lot of point [Applause] go tre Junkin let the special team charge down to stop Allen we have a new quarterback for death thirty four to seven what is it one quarterback was put in this situation once and you want me to go in and go for the tire for the win thirty four to seven fourteen forty five left to fly [Music] on the sidelines now long day for Gary Hogan under a heavy pass rough Dorset quite a minute drop Oh a drop-light nothing doing is a penalty marker down on the far [Music] [Applause] be easily on the tackle no it was an interesting thing in this game it looked like the Cowboys came out they were fired up they get that first score nice Drive then the Redskins get that interception for Monty Coleman his 1e offense declined 2nd down and from that point on it just they seem to be so fired up that everything they're doing they're doing with the ultimate emotion change the whole complexion of the game when they had them pinned down deep and that great punt attacked the penalty under that and they never have recovered its second at 11 well he's under heavy pressure again he gets it out to spring let's kinfe suitors right there : Ellen butts again well one thing they're doing the same thing with Danny white that they did for hope a bone they just don't block Dave buzzers Brian balding or again butts again took that inside on him and he's right up there and has Danny white yeah Andy white spins out of it and gets it to sprayings but I don't think they've walked Dave butts all day what's comes out for a rest now so laughs inch by half 69 in the first half but this half five to 68 for Washington third and seven [Applause] any whitening Cosby the hook sign yep and Cosby gets enough for the first down before being tackled by a Curtis Jordan that was an interesting play you know you have all these sophisticated offenses and plays that he just tells him go up into middle Doug and hook watch here's Cosby goes gives a little move outside comes back to the inside Danny bright watch them all the way break the middle to field developed into an excellent idea 13:10 left deployed that they're only 45 yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] outside the Dorset [Applause] against the midfield by purling Dean [Applause] I'm paying talking about being hurled a knee plate was hurled to the ground just as he threw that ball [Music] okay these cowboy quarterbacks have really take them taking a beatin today but they finally get that thing protected now watch right here just as he throws a ball there's Darryl grant got him hi and there was someone else down below getting him low Beasley second and six they got four on the past to Dorset [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how much time 30-second clock had expired [Applause] rich kids come in with their past rushing bring you up to date on some of the other scores around the NFL [Music] on a very happy day for that man he's saying I don't know why we can't get the ball into the play in there sooner than that this is everybody two weeks in a row for the Calgary second and 11 headed for the sidelines it stops the clock after getting inside the 35 and Dean on the covers [Music] Seattle 2421 over Buffalo Minnesota 20 the Raiders 13 San Francisco was come roaring back and leaves Pittsburgh 1710 here's a completion let's watch Tony Hill out there now with a big lead 30 47 you give the receivers a cushion Vernon Dean's doing that he got turned around there you don't want to let him get deep let him catch things in front of you but don't let him get the easy quick one [Music] well 40 left the play Hills caught six passes for 105 yard white rocks back going deep that's almost intercepted in the end zone Kurtis Jordan almost came up with it was intended for Tony Hill Curtis Jordan is a free safety he sees playing today with a broken thumb you see his right hand he has a cast on his right hand but that's what the free safety does the free safety is free in the middle and he plays centerfield and he plays for that deep ball Tony Hill walks off against the rest Kurt Phillips comes in to take his place so it'll be second and ten from the 33 no kids certainly had his team well-prepared for this one [Applause] makes the cash fine diving catch by Renfro and it is the cat season balance Darryl Greene on the coverage Renfro came up with it crunching now he's going to push up Darryl green and then he's going to just make a quick cut out to the outside Danny white gets the ball right into him I'll tell you that Danny White's a competitor you know he really is and always has been let's watch now they're finally getting the thing blocking in there you see it's a it's a stunt the end went to the outside bucks came to the inside they just zone them out outside man went inside what I meant they kept a solid front up there against that nobody came out earlier [Applause] on the 23 right hello gets into about the 11 Darryl joining us but it's another cowboy first down [Music] 15 yard gain one thing it's very obvious that the Cowboys have missed Tony Hill and now having him back I think I think that's going to help him it hasn't helped him a lot here today but we can see Tony Hill can get open Tony Hill can catch the ball and Tony Hill can make big plays till now with seven receptions [Music] first and goal from the seven they better get it done or setters alone set but that's the ball think bill big Phil Paz Derrick the left tackle ended up with it that's watching here butts is going to again get pressure up the middle see he tried the inside move now that time Radford he stayed there's that gave the guard help but still still knocked the ball down paws Derek number 75 the left tackle comes up with it but see that helped I just keep them laughs for the in their little as went to the inside he saw graphically there so he went back out and that but the guard square up on that second and goal from the 6 [Applause] Iftekhar sudden heat fires into the end zone the trap play up the middle touchdown and he white look very sharp well he did look sharp and he looked sharp last week when he did the same thing against the st. Louis Cardinals and it was too much too late too little too late 77 yards he took him here's the touchdown by Dorsett let's watch we see the center block to the left the guard pull up on the middle linebacker Dorsett take it quick left the middle break off to his left white was seven out of eight for 77 yards [Applause] Raphael septon holgaboon back into hold 10:52 left its 34:15 and 34-14 [Music] drive by the Cowboys under the leadership of Danny white 34:14 Washington leave Pontiac it's brand-new it's from Pontiac and it's called Grand Am the latest in Pontiac Road car technology Grand Am is a true driver's coupe that means it's built for drivers who appreciate engineering excellence as well as exciting Road machinery you know who you are Grand Am knew from Pontiac only from Pontiac they send this by Emery to Pittsburgh and if it's not there by 10:30 tomorrow I'm holding you personally responsible it's not there by 10:30 a.m. dick send this letter to Seattle better get there by 10:30 if you were in Dick's shoes you'd probably do what dicks going to do hello federal Federal Express why fool around with anyone else Washington 34 Dallas 1410 52 left to play gravel cept in set to kickoff Washington is guarding against the possibility of an onside kick with all this time down like nil [Applause] the middle outside the 20 about the 23 you get into a situation and I'm sure you faced a John when you were coaching what about this - quarterback deal is it time to make a switch well that's always a tough thing you know and they call it a controversy when it's quarterbacks but I think one thing if they want to start hoga boom and then if you're going to bring in Danny white I think you have to do it a little sooner like when the score was you know if you see he's struggling the scores 14 to 7 where if hope the boom isn't hot and white is you can still win the game so they may evolve to something like that you know either continuing start off the moment bringing white in sooner or maybe even starting Danny way there's counterpoint of Riggins over the left side again he got a couple yeah Jones on the stop next Sunday on the NFL today herb cross will have a report on the Cardinals game breaking duo of Neal Lomax to Roy green combination that has become one of the most feared in the NFL you know the Cardinals have Lomax to green and of course next week it's going to also be firemen dark month which we found out today this isn't a bad deal and to calvin Mohammadi into John Riggins second down get to Riggins again up the middle update what's happening in the NFL let's go back to Brent Musburger in New York cat here's the touchdown the shocker that has the bike still ahead of the Raiders after a fumble recovery it was Tommy Cramer to Mike Mularkey remember now they missed an extra point so they're sitting on a 2013 lead let's go back to Pat and John here it's 34 to 14 Washington leading with now less than ten minutes left to play Riggins measure he shy of the first down you know we just saw a picture there Randy white standing in there Randy White's been kind of quiet today we haven't heard him making many tackles and I think that maybe a key to this defensive you know job Russ Grimm did a block and Randy way you just think of it no I don't remember him get in the sack yet boy do I remember a lot of tackle nope third and short they come up that website again [Applause] chased by Dutton instead on his feet knocked out of hims finally by Hegman Billy cannon sorry [Applause] with Riggins continues to [Applause] excuse me 31 carries 162 yards for riggan watch him again he's just going to file a rest grim he starts out there gets a block by Otis ronsley pick some outputs that ball to the left hand so he gives him some speed and some balance takes that thing up the sideline they finally knock him down when he was out of bounds you seen Jay he just got him I went right to the bench because I got your first down that's someone else do it for a while Griffin gets a couple Lily cannon again on the hip I know that this is a type of football that Joe Gibbs loves when you have a 20-point lead nine minutes to go and you have a big offensive line you're playing on grass where they're more effective and you just keep running the ball at him just keep running and and you got that big guy to carry it look at that man he he even has a hole in his warm-up jacket they were probably trying to tackle him in the pregame warmup he's wearing that jacket he got balls National League jacket nice burden throws that sack and he is cut down by Everson walls about a yard shy of the first down needed bring up three - they say lock running with eight and a half back everybody [Applause] oldest ones lien Riggins now are back in the game on short yardage third and two [Applause] 165 yards now for Riggins his best as a in regular season play that's a pretty good take of work when you can go mad hundred and sixty-five yards have your team at 34 to 14 lead go over 10,000 yards that's a pretty good day and then still put on a jacket that has holes in it yeah that's football they give on the counter Griffin and he's taken down John Dutton again with Jim Jeff Koch the assist the Redskins are doing exactly what they want to they keeping it keeping that clock running now I'll never forget that second game down in Dallas last year that fourth down play we're where the Cowboys went for it Ron Springs took the ball and Larry kuben tackled him they didn't get the first Tommy Tom Landry was yelling no Danny no that seemed to be the start these Griffin goes outside Billiken is really hammered I build things [Music] has been watching Riggins a little too much he thought he could just turn it up and run over him and he started going backwards [Applause] some energy left I'll tell you we had a thrill yesterday when he invited us into his Clubhouse to see that little Clubhouse yes out there at the practice field [Music] through the hands of calvin muhammed fellows back there in the corner [Applause] that guy we can't recognize her I think used to play for me is an all Raider brigands taking a little stroll behind the bench to find someone to congratulate it for going over 10,000 copies just ignore her [Music] from 47 yards out with Heisman holder is it too not good wide left [Applause] Mosely took a little hit Washington up 34:14 Pontiac when you get a Pontiac Sunbird you get a car that's practical and easy to all know when you get a Pontiac Sunbird you get a car that's technically advanced and carefully built and when you get a Pontiac Sunbird you can also get a car with 115 turbocharged horsepower if you're so inclined sunbird only from Pontiac the great American railroads they were built to cut coast-to-coast travels from the five months to one week and open up the West that pioneer spirit made this country grow today I see that same spirit in energy in hundreds of small to mid-sized companies whose new ideas new jobs and new technologies will continue to build America at first Jersey securities we specialize in discovering these emerging growth companies for today's investors with vision first jersey securities come grow with us monday new heights back in his head now his season premiere he'll dick get stuck with footstep a roof is shot yeah you'll so does it take the reach that we got one day Pat Summerall John Madden RFK Stadium in Washington where the Redskins are in control of things 602 left to play leading 3414 their last five possessions for an interception and the TV TD by Dorset quite [Applause] lunges for a first down gets kicked in the back of the head in the process Mel Kaufman took him down [Music] Cosby he just gets up and he puts this me something's okay you let him do anything out here today [Music] [Applause] second and short in the yard for a first down five and a half minutes left to play only he'll not blind to the right it's back to Russia money Coleman wrapped him up close to a first down but not quite mommy Coleman's had have had a big day there's two cowboy fans that who can't wait to get a jacket on Nicole Coleman's hurt he's been all over the place today Monty Cole but he's been making tackles under on interceptions big day 34:14 fourth quarter 5:11 left to play Washington in control [Music] you know one of the best things about being the next big leader is getting freebies to the game call the front office bingo and once these fans recognize me I probably won't even have to pay for my life here for the hillier I love them these fans know I drink light cuz it's less filling and it tastes great good seats huh no wrong hey buddy come on oh I almost been front row light beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless it's called grand pan it's a truth drivers coupe and it's all new [Music] but better than that it's from Pontiac and you know what that means we build excitement tonight on CBS 60 minutes Murder She Wrote The Jeffersons Alice and Trapper John MD [Music] 5:11 left to play Redskins up about 20 points and a yard [Music] holman is up and walking around seems to be okay neither yard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and he got it [Applause] for an NFL update again let's go to Brent Musburger in New York well Pat here he comes Marcus Allen he leaves in touchdowns of the NFL over the top now and the Raiders are tied with the Minnesota Vikings at 20 all in the world series Detroit now lead San Diego 4-3 they moved to the top of the sixth back to Patton job 34:14 Washington here over Dallas Cowboys got their first down that's the situation with the clock running I'm out - remains like Danny why replace Gary holgaboon with quarterback Redskins one of Whitsitt Monday back out of it white Mazz begets hip inside the 40 21 yard gain Curtis Jordan and Darryl Greene you could see Cosby anticipating contact he was open all the way because Steve Baker would see Jim Youngblood it was supposed to be on him lined up on the other side so no one's on Cosby Danny white was also watching him all the way watch here after he catches that he knows that there's going to be some defenders there that's not a bad combination no Danny white the duck Cosby Jordan is staying in the game playing Danny white is 9 out of 10 107 yard jared has so much pain he can't even put that shoulder pad back under his jersey retreat [Applause] [Music] Tony Hill broke off the pattern Vernon Dean back in the coverage or set in Hill in a little conversation [Music] see what's going on as far as scores elsewhere Buffalo has taken the lead over Seattle 2824 Pittsburgh and San Francisco tied at 17 and in the World Series Detroit for three over San Diego at the end second I'm tuned [Applause] white almost fell down loses the football gets it back and they say it's an incomplete pass [Applause] 3:17 left maka stopped third down and ten from the 38 Cowboys are gonna have tradition regrouping the redskins will take over the outright lead in the NFC East won five in a row that's why I was the different two losses really the Redskins were the first two games in here against the 49ers of Miami golfer [Applause] up into the pocket gets it finally to Tony Hill who's struggling trying to get [Applause] and it'll be fourth and long [Applause] I'll tell you one thing about these Redskins you know you just wonder where they get to play I mean players go down they bring in guys you know Peters goes down coffee comes in in plays for Murphy goes down Jordan comes in Manly goes down Beasley comes in a lot goes down Coleman Kaufman come in I mean they've really had a lot of success when a player gets hurt another player coming in and playing well and I think a lot of that has to go to the coaching staff certainly does fourth and nine there Thoreau you consider they got very little help in the traffic they really have done a good job by rich Milla a lot second interception of the day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three interceptions just had an operation on his elbow [Applause] you watch here again on 4th down now the thing is you have to force the ball on fourth down because you can't throw it away the Redskins were in a zone a lot just went back their flight was trying to find a seam in his own he couldn't do it but on fourth down you have to throw something this is Rick Kane he used to be with Detroit tackled by Randy white Washington took advantage of those Dallas turnovers the interception was returned by Coleman for a touchdown and the second woman resulted in a touchdown two-minute warning Washington ahead by 20 points Pontiac the editors of rodent track called the Pontiac 6000 ste one of the world's 12 best enthusiast cars car and driver called the Pontiac 6000 ste one of the 10 best cars of 1984 so why did we make it even better for 1985 just because the sensational 6000 only from Pontiac I tell you plain polos a lot tougher than it looks it sure is even though the horses do the running you still can work up a thirst so it chucker - we have mr. ins drink Light beer for Miller yeah like taste greatness got 1/3 less calories than a regular beer and it's less filling and that's important because tomorrow we're gonna try our hand at water polo yeah I sure hope those horses can swim me too like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless Tuesday is successful in heavily married couple adopted troubled child Jaclyn Smith in sentimental journey Tuesday the rescues ran 60 plays today Riggins had the ball over half of the time 30 to Karen for 165 yards his best day ever in a regular season game he had 182 in the playoff Rick Cain is lining up now behind thigh second and ten give again to aim sighs the right side gets known back Jones on the stop we're talking to Rick King yesterday you know he came from Pleasanton where I I live and he went to the local high school there Amador high school so I've I've been watching Rick Rick cane for about 15 years he was saying it's kind of a pleasure to be here and play for these Redskins he said it's a different team but everything they do has a purpose good organization and you're right they leave very little to chance giving that extra effort makes winter be all you can be sponsored by the US Army one of the NFL's most versatile runners is William Andrews of the Atlanta Falcons second effort is the signature of his never-say-die style abroad since 1979 he has dragged many a defender in his march towards becoming the league leader in combined rushing and receiving yards by being the NFL's most productive runner over the last five years the best he can be Urmi to one to northwest low fuel heavy weather army to one to radar contact TURN RIGHT heading 1 5 0 with a fog bound helicopter hanging on your every word it doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman only that you're good Roger over landing threshold [Music] come in at 50 left to play at RFK Stadium in Washington Redskins after being behind seven nothing early in the day have taken control which third and eight [Applause] again combo white knocked it loose the Reston's I believe got it back somebody one of the Cowboys had a shot at it he's still the Redskins bull let's see if we can watch Randy way here he goes around the block Cain tries to cut back white this head of his great hit from the wall goes right down Cain's leg he took the chickpea she puts a gun right in the face underneath the cowboy and the Redskins end up with him Jeff roars Dallas number 50 jeff posnick comes up with the recovery that's his second of the day good dirty day [Music] executive producers Terry O'Neill senior producer of the NFL on CBS as Charles Milton this game produced by pops dinner directed by Sandi Grossman [Music] and all the rest of the crew [Applause] I think they deserve it so a bleep this is haze first punch since the first quarter but we'll be held by Jerry Allen [Applause] nothing doing Redskins down here agree that's one of the things gray Junkin down there quickly here all the technical people who make our job sets enjoy not even like a job no I'm not with those guys [Music] Dallas will take over with Danny white at quarterback minute and a half left to play Dallas with two timeouts remaining Ren floral comes wide right [Applause] back an under-pressure steps into the pocket Springs who can't hold on now they say incomplete [Applause] this telecast is presented by the authority of the National Football League it's intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Washington Redskins and the National Football League is prohibited Fernand Dean by the way made to hit on Ron Springs that jarred the ball loose Joe Gibbs first came here they couldn't get on track but since he got him on track they'd been very very good [Music] white gets the screen pass [Applause] chased down by Dave bucks it was Tony Dorsett and putz has had some heck of a day Dave but sure does get fired up against this cowboy defense we said that last year in the second game down at Dallas was the best game we've ever seen Dave putz play and I think today he was equal to it watch that he starts to rush the passer he sees the screen he saw the bat come up there he saw it burst and he just rode right down the line with him that's pretty good when you can rush the passer and cover the pass receiver all in one play down [Applause] Cosby has it batted loose just a little bit behind Cosby Randy white coming up the soonest the game is over we'll switch you back to our New York studio and an update on all the scores around the league the wrap-up show with Brent Musburger 35 seconds left to play fourth down and 12 we're talking about an amazing guy Tom Landry has to be anyone who can win 238 games in this league out guarantee is an amazing man last two weeks having been his week feeling for it's over though he'll have the situation well in hand Tony Hill trying to get out of bounds can't do it Curtis Jordan finden [Music] only four seconds left to play the Cowboys do not take a timeout and they move the sticks John Reagan's headin for the locker room to get the early shower Tony Hill is caught nine passes 434 yard [Music] now is stopped with 18 seconds left to play hey putz spectacular day next week here on CBS match between the Redskins and the cargos figures to be a honey young man that I will be in Philadelphia Detroit goes to Minnesota Chicago goes down to Tampa Bay and San Francisco visits Houston [Music] assuming this one is in the W column for the Redskins certainly it would appear to be Washington is the outright leader Dallas Johnson st. Louis all time [Applause] right strings 12 seconds you're talking about the job that Joe Gibbs did you know when he first came here he lost six of his first seven games he was saying Jesus I don't know what the heck's disbelieves all about the head coaching who was his first head coaching job and since that time he's won 34 games and only lost six and he's taking these Redskins to the Super Bowl the last two years in a row I tell you you know when you think the coaches he may be the most underrated in the league today he was telling us yesterday in our conversation that three minutes a week he slept in his office Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Thursday [Applause] overthrows Tony Hill [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the scuffle going on [Applause] [Music] tired to fight it's been a long day don't think that's much of a fight out there's 60 minutes of football is he hard to lift your arms talking about that man's coaching record it's been phenomenal [Music] started o5 finished eighth made his first year 1982 12 wins a loss Super Bowl champions 1983 16 wins 3 losses lost to the Raiders in the Super Bowl this year he's 5 and 2 and back in the lead again seven seconds left to play [Applause] [Music] [Applause] should do it they say he was in the crash [Applause] probably a pretty fitting ending for today that's is gone most of the time whether the quarterback be gary hope a Boomer Danny white just being molested by Washington Redskins led by Dave butts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from RFK Stadium in Washington DC the final score the Redskins 34 Dallas 14 coming up next on CBS sports the NFL today wrap up show with Rick post [Music] no company can simply deliver a computer and feel it has delivered on the promise of office automation at Wayne we provide service and support along with our computers so that the people who use them will always be able to perform to their fullest potential we put people in front of the computers at sentry hardware we don't sell novelties like some stores do but we sell Karlin great stuff sealant for $3.99 we don't sell children's clothes either [Music]
Channel: Richard Waldrup
Views: 73,669
Rating: 4.7525182 out of 5
Keywords: 1984 Washington Redskins
Id: TfP9_eiXqjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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