1984 Week 3 New York Giants at Washington Redskins

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the year was 1966 LBJ was at the White House that's the last time there was an unsold seat for a Washington Redskins home game a hundred and thirty four straight and they're full up once again today as the Giants take on the Redskins hi everybody I'm Frank Lieber two big surprises here the Giants a tuinal that represents two-thirds of their win total all of last season and the defending NFC champion Redskins are old and - and of course they're after their third straight Super Bowl appearance a record for an NFC team which B is Dick Vermeil let's examine those records first of all the Giants why they're fast guard Frank they're fast starts are playing defense like they've always played they've always been a good defensive team but now they're scoring points the young receivers the final offensive line is maturing much quicker than expected Sims is healthy they're excited about their offense Redskins only lost two games all of last regular season what's wrong with the Redskins well everyone's giving Joe Gibbs a reason right now for losing even his dad is calling for families like Brady they're not playing well that's how easy it is to sum it up they're not playing well maybe they have taken winning for granted and they forgotten how they got where they are third week of the regular season too early to call it a critical game critical game for the Redskins leave it off very critical because if you go down Owen your chances of getting into playoff and then on into the Super Bowl are really slim how about the Giants I think if they could win today they could get so excited that they could go on and become the playoff team that they would love to be new enthusiasm confidence become a winner we're ready now for the opening kickoff the Giants have won the toss of the corn and Jeff Hayes will be kicking off when we got here on Friday it was very warm and humid it but is turned delightfully cool McConkey Phil mikake on the right of your screen a rookie from the Naval Academy and quite a story and on his left you saw number 31 Frank Cephas now the rookie from UCLA Hayes who also as the redskins hunter gets the whistle here we go healthy boot McConkey at the goal line [Applause] and across the 20-yard line John so put it in play first intent from that point and here's how they'll line up Joe Morris filling in for butch wolf beaucoup as a rib injury but may see some action and of course Bobby Johnson one of those great young wide receivers that the Giants have shown us so far this year very young offensive line and it's said this has been the big difference 30 William Roberts one of their number one draft picks and Phil Simms of course the leading passer in the entire National Football League after just two weekends of play [Applause] they go with a single back setup that's carpenter Sims comes out throwing and completes it Vernon Dean who is getting the start for the Giants makes the hit that time on number 88 Bobby Johnson pick up to the 28 yard line that'll be a pickup of seven looks like a second and three as you look at the Redskins defensive line this is the way they shape up that's an all veteran crew but Charles Mann the youngest player just in his second year replacing Todd leavin Stein also a veteran line backing crew anchored by Neal oka wits and the new starter in the secondary which has been under fire as Vernon Dean who was replaced Anthony Washington who was shell pretty good on Monday night against San Francisco carpenter over the right side that the 30-yard line will be very close to the first down carpenter came into this ballgame hurting a little bit with a hamstring full well I was on the practice field in New York on Thursday Frank and he didn't practice because all of a sudden a muscle tightened up in the hamstring area and he couldn't win at all so there was some question whether or not he was going to see action he was actually on crutches earlier in the week third down less than a yard needed for the first down as the Giants break the huddle at there are they for real we may find out today third unless the one that go with carpenters I don't believe he made it or they jammed up that middle so phil simms in the offensive unit head off the field in the crack this ballgame early into the defense of standing ovations you'd think it's at the fourth quarter with a minute to go they haven't had much to cheer about so far this year Dave bust has stacked it up inside along with the help of Darryl grant they couldn't make an inch Jennings the punter and Mike Nelms number 21 is deep for the Redskins [Applause] top hunters in the National Football League elder statesman of the Giants good kick now full field of the twenty seven thirty thirty five and that's about it good coverage on the part of the special of the units on the New York Giants so the Redskins will put it in play offensively and we'll set the offense for you the way the Redskins will line up Virgil c1 newcomer today than the offensive starting lineup because of the injury to Charlie Brown who has a muscle pull the veteran hogs the offensive line veteran offensive line certainly of the Redskins took him to the Superbowl two straight years and Joe Theismann running the show t touchdowns two interceptions the first two ballgames this year Rick Walker the tight end and motion and Theismann will come out throw it over the middle first down at the 48 yard the Giants who had the great night against the 49ers with ten catches for 200 yards picks it up again Williams on the tackle you can see Joe's gonna strop drops take back little play-action there now what swing to the left they're hitting the seams see it right in the seam right there the receiver art monk number 81 actually slanted him too far allowing Terry Canard maybe to deck him a little bit earlier than it would have happened if he had gone a little bit too more to his left 18 yard pickup on the play a first down Redskins at the giant 48 yard line again Theismann throwing intended for month and maybe too hot to handle defensively for the New York Giants Jim Burke the nose tackle they play the three-man front Curtis McGriff is the run specialist they bring in Martin George Martin to pass rushing the Giants line backing crew and the man everybody eyes on of course Lawrence Taylor after the great outing yet against the Cowboys last week and the secondary markings former number one pick as his Terry Cunard and Kenny Hill a new acquisition from the writers just a couple of weeks ago there's Lawrence Taylor second and ten Redskins at the giant 48 Walker again in motion they go to Riggins for the first time in Riggins find some Running Room over the right side and pulls his way down to the 40 pick up of a ton of it'll be seconded to Taylor showing great pursuit here Dec this guy can make plays all over the field this time see him there at the linebacker spot number 56 he just moving back inside moving back inside just hunting that ball carrier there he is he's actually hoping that the ball carrier doesn't get that far downfield and making that kind of a defensive play Frank if he does they know he's giving away too many yards in time third down three look at the numbers on Taylor last week against the Cowboys third in a short three for the Redskins at the giant 40 fake to Joe Washington High has been in trouble he'll run for the first goes down at the 36 he's got the first down by about a yard and he head number 50 for the left side linebacker came up to make the stop but the Redskins have another first down first and ten at the 36 yard line you're talking about Lawrence Taylor how do you block Lawrence Taylor well you do it many ways actually the one back attack lends itself to blocking him nicely because you can put a big tight end over in there then you can put the up back that's the place of that second running back in the backfield on because he's about 240 then you can turn your offensive tackle out on him too which doesn't always work first and ten Redskins at the New York 36 again Walker in motion he's the move tie dentist Riggins gets the call and takes it to the 34 Riggins head only 10 carries against San Francisco the other night that's so like having the night off for him isn't it is that's not a very big day's work plus the bombs have been taking them out of the game plan you know they like to give the ball to Riggins 25 times or so and if those long touchdown passes are occurring against them then they have to change their offensive approach close like joe said it's demoralizing opening possession of the game for the redskins they took the kickoff they should say the chinese took the kickoff and this is the redskins first possession of the game after the Jags were forced to putt second down seven from the 34 brigands to about the 30 Mary Carson number 53 stacking up that play for the New York Giants Riggins moving in on some pretty impressive figures record wise for the Williams he came into the game only needing 21 carries to surpass Larry Brown's record of carrying the ball as a fifteen hundred and thirty times that's a lot of bumps and bruises and of course very close to that ten thousand yard career rushing mark and very few players in the history of the National Football League have achieved that goal Bill Parcells the head coach of the Giants looking on third down long needed for the first down at the 30 yard line [Music] iseman dick south monk over the middle first down at the 20 Jerry Bernard number 43 on the stop josh is going to drop straight back he has a nickel coverage in there there bump and run on art monkey beat number 43 Perry Williams to the inside on that and then the other safety had to come over and help him out on that play first down monk actually was knocked to the ground and got up to make that reception those are the football just inside the Giants 20-yard line the nice been looking over the defensive alignment [Applause] that time in motion now sets himself in the slot off to the left going in the other direction blitz is on Theismann per month couldn't quite reach it as Theismann read the Blitzen unloaded the ball quickly intended for art monk [Applause] now watch everybody there's lawrence taylor number 56 you saw the big offensive tackle Joe Jacobi turn out and pick him up now he's gone for the all still only Frank fingertips off a touchdown it'll be second and ten the Redskins have had all kinds of problems of mass defense the first couple of games I think they may have found their pass defense and that is hang on to the football stay on the field that's their philosophy they like to gamble on defense they like to challenge you in and take away their short passes and every once awhile give up the big global Washington looking for its first first quarter touchdown this year Joe Washington inside the 15 two yard line [Applause] Mary Carson again making the stop the veteran linebacker for the Giants number 53 [Applause] that's the little counterplay Frank that the Redskins have made so famous within this one back attack where the running back just steps to one side allowing the offside garden tackle to pull and then he goes back over there and runs to the right in this case and this kind of runner can run that kind of stuff that old Joe Washington comes a sports third down Redskins need four for the first down at the giant 14th Alvin Garrett is come into the lineup wide receiver bunk at the 10 shoved out of bounds by Hanes but the Redskins are rolling they'll have a first and goal to go just inside the 10-yard line [Applause] John Riggins coming back into the lineup here at the Redskins practice - they worked awful hard did they they really had a fine practice Friday I was there and they went full pads and they really got after it and you could see that they were working and preparing to try to win again first and goal to go see is wide to the right side to the right Riggins to one vintage John Riggins now you're gonna see a big offensive linemen see him pop up there in the middle of screen he's leading through on the linebacker did a nice job of blocking and in comes Riggins in the power now the defensive guys are trying to swarm and put him down you have to swarm tackle that guy one man very seldom will bring him down John Ricketts and his 13th year in the national football that he hated them with the Washington Redskins and so he's done so far this year second and goal [Applause] brigands did not get in good job by the middle of the defensive line looked like Taylor was right in the middle of that number 56 wreaking havoc as for usual the old I formation get the ball deep to him and there he is now get up over the top but you can see Taylor met him through his cracked in the backside and didn't allow him to extend himself over the goal line no touchdown it is third and goal from the one [Applause] Juan's lien motion of a 39 again they go with records he's over touchdown some of the chocolates arguing they fell he doesn't get in there he got in there he reached the ball over and broke the plane in the goal line I saw that from this angle now I'm sure the official had the better angle to call it [Music] so the Redskins score their first first quarter touchdown to the year first possession of the day Mosely tax on the extra point [Music] and it's 7-nothing Washington now you can see the man in motion otis waddling number 39 is gonna kick out block right there he gets a kick out block now Riggins turns up inside now watch him reach there he is there's the ball touchdown seven minutes 14 seconds left to play in the opening period Redskins seven Giants nothing an impressive ball control drive by the Washington Redskins on their first possession of the day and we welcome those have you been watching the Atlanta Minnesota game that's our first touchdown of the day the Redskins lead at 7 nothing Phil McConkey building the kickoff by Hayes it just short of the 20 yard line outstanding job on coverage by Greg Williams number 47 of the Redskins who made the big hit who Greg Williams got a hundred and thirty six total first hits on special teams in 1983 and he was third that shows you what kind of temple they were playing with last year and appear to be playing with today that's a specially of course outstanding specialty teams they spotted at the 21 yard line first in tennis Sims breaks him out of the huddle [Applause] Phylis completed his only pass of the day for seven yards Giants him at the ball just three plays here in the opening period seems to throw on again Bobby Johnson who hit the first time about the same spot of the field for about the same yardage at the 29 Bernadine coming up to make the it Riggins already going to the oxygen well you know a guy 35 years old let's carry the ball as many times as he's carried deserves a little extra attention on the sidelines I think you're probably right see phil simms quarterback rating 140 6.2 now the top you can get is a hundred and fifty seven and a fraction so he is about as close to perfect as you could get no interceptions on the year 7 touchdown passes in two games on second and four and not much there Dexter Manley number 72 makes the stop and Dexter was getting himself all revved up when we talked to him yesterday what Dexter told me says coach I have my game plan no rookie tackle is going to keep me out of that quarterback space and he's got a good rookie tackle you bet that's William Roberts who is the number one draft pick from Ohio State but there of course he's used to run blocking Dexter feels he's a better run blocker and he can beat him with an outside move that's what he he told us yesterday so we'll see [Applause] Jarrod's at their 27 Sims has him on the shotgun [Applause] Sims looking downfield he's got Judson one more time bursting at the 49 yard line of the Washington Redskins Curtis Jordan made the stop three catches for Johnson already right the false was really not the safety the fault was Brian carpenter number 41 he allowed the man to escape and then go to the corner untouched seeing that's too much pressure on that defensive safety in this case number 22 Curtis number 22 Curtis 24-yard pickup on the play Joe Gibbs of the Redskins looks on as dick mentioned he's looked at everything trying to figure out why the Redskins are losing their checking people stealing their signals among other things first and ten from the 49 of the Redskins Simms stay standing strong in the pocket tipped in the air and incomplete intended for Johnson at a good defensive play by little Darryl Greene number 28 who's got high in the air and knocked that one down and Sims shaking his head I think an aberration well not only that he's shaking his head because you'll see on the right-hand side of your screen Dexter Manley number 72 will come on around seats 66 right there William Roberts he gets beat to the inside right there and he gets put to the ground legal contact that'll set up second intent for the Giants at the 49 yard line Dexter had kind of an off year last year the coaches really challenged him he worked hard in the offseason and they said he had a great training camp where his back when he was a couple of years ago [Applause] she stopped maybe got a little complacent last year no flag carpenter looking for some hunting room earns a couple of tough yards to the 47 yard line Richmond lot number 57 making to stop what they really mean in terms of Dexter Maine Lee's performance last year the first half this season he really played well and then the second half of the season his performance was not consistent and they're trying to motivate him to be consistent every Sunday because the paycheck is the same every Sunday they just want to make sure he's earning it that's a good point he's talking a lot less this more this year - I know down jon's need eight for the first down with the ball at the 47 yard line the Washington Redskins [Applause] it's Sims gets it away earnest gray bleeping extended catch at the 34 first in 10 New York he's hurting as he comes off the field he really was extended up there he's back there in the shotgun now you'll see sim just peddling the cross charges inside they picked him up nicely contrary to how they used to do it there he was one-on-one on the defensive back Darryl Greene number 28 and Darryl Green's the best one they had Sims 4 out of 5 for 13 yards gray is shaken up now they use the other two wide receivers the youngsters Byron Williams and Bob Johnson to bring in the plays at least up until this point Joe Morris trying to get outside Dexter Manley got a piece of and slowed him down a little bit and then Vernon Dean came up from the secondary number 32 to finish him off it's hard to run outside with a pull back that way consistently and be successful because the defensive ends Frank play so wide and in that case it makes it really tough for like a William Roberts playing left tackle to block Dexter manual and he just pushed it right on out to the sidelines for the other defenders to make the play no gain on the play it'll be second and 10 from the 34 yard line Byron Williams the speech through caught the long touchdown against Dallas last week is off to the right [Applause] Sims bloating it toward the end zone and the patches made down in the two yard line by little Phil McConkey who came in replacing earnest grave what a catch by this rookie 27 year old rookie out of the Naval Academy had to put in the full time with the Navy and this year he's a rookie Sims dropped straight back there in bump and run coverage and he lays it up over the outside under pressure and McConkey turns back the other way he was actually running looking inside and then saw the ball going over the outside shoulder and made a complete turn to make that play excellent job by an old rookie with an old rookie and there he is Phil McConkey accepting congratulations but a pro this drill just to make this time team first and goal ago just outside the one-yard line Sam's gonna try to jam it ed with carpenter over the left side [Applause] touchdown New York people keep wanting to know why are the Giants different it's obvious they can score points this year where they could not in the past here he goes up over the top the same play you've seen other people do week in and week out from high school level to college level - John Riggins - the little high school back they can all do that when get up in the air and get in the end zone have been scoring so many points that he hasn't had a field goal attempt in the first two games which tells you that your offense is doing a pretty darn good job three minutes two seconds left to play in the first period giant seven Redskins seven we'll be back in just a moment the Redskins long touchdown drive didn't seem to faze the Giants they took the football moves 78 yards smartly down the field a big play the 33 yard pass reception by young filmic Aki Ali Hashi chic and the deep man is Mike downs one of the premier kick returners in all of professional football kick a little bit short now fields this one at the 15 across the 20 is decked at the 23 yard line I mean Robbie Jones number 51 came in and put a hit on him to get him straight up time is out 254 left to play in the opening period what shapes up to be an exciting football game here at RFK Stadium in Washington bill parcells the second-year head coach of the New York Giants looking on and thus far he's got to be very proud of this giant football team first and 10 Redskins have the ball at the 24 yard line following the kickoff iseman leading the ball to Riggins ties the right side after the 25 across the 30 and near the 35 yard line Curtis McGriff number 76 finally riding him out of bounds I love Riggins practice geared he's noticing yesterday he's the most casual Saturday practice guy you'd ever want to see I'll tell you though on Friday he was intense you could see that he is not satisfied with the kind of performance and he was going to make sure that his contribution was going to be positive today he was really working he picked up 9 on that play it'll be second down and 1 needed for the first out Don War III excuse me [Music] Virgil see in motion across the backfield Riggins tried to pick up the first and it'll be close he's somewhere down at the bottom of that pileup one thing I noticed when you were talking to the Redskins yesterday and you were talking to mark May they weren't blaming people for this Owen to start with it you know I got there early Friday morning I walked around the practice field nobody was there and Mark me was sitting on the bench and I went over Tony I said mark things aren't going well are they and he said coach I'm just not playing well I've got to get better this weekend and I thought that was really a great thing for a guy to say it's so easy to blame the other guy in football as a coach you got to love that type attitude love that attitude first in 10 Redskins pick it up at the 35 yard line two minutes left in the opening period 77 ballgame Riggins third straight carry gets maybe a yard ejoute Harry Carson leading the charge and we get a flag [Applause] Lawrence Taylor apparently feeling a roughing call coming up here and unsportsmanlike conduct against the Giants trying to state his case watch the offensive line play that deep the New York Giants do a real nice job Hardison number 79 stacks it up a little bit he gets straightened up moves it back to the other side Carson's right in there here comes McLaughlin they all want a piece of that guy Jim Burton knows guard number 64 I didn't see a personal Fowler well now they call holding they change it to holding and they move the ball to the 49 yard line of the Giants that'll be a first intent for the Redskins maybe not a personal foul but there they say Taylor did hold to the left side Virgil see replacing the injured Charlie Brown to the right Walker the tight end on the reverse taking the handoff from Theismann gets maybe a yard that was a little slow in developing look at Taylor is he fired up he is really pumped up talking to everybody white shirts and blue shirts alike you know he could be their defensive leader if he continues to mature he's a leader on the field what he has to learn to do if he's really going to lead a national football league team is to lead them off the field as well they get some other scores here as we talk about the action a lot of close games today bears are still undefeated at three and OH second down eight Redskins at the 47 of the drys fake into the middle by Theismann gone long down the far sideline intended for month Redskins fans thought that intercourse might be an order as Haynes number 36 mark Haines was back there with him but no call notice Joe is going without the non-glare that usually wears under the eyes it's almost been a trademark with him changing his image mark Haynes did a real nice job of running one on one down the sideline with a fine receiver in art monk number 81 but mark Haynes is one of the better single coverage guys in football he can do that third down Redskins come up to the line of scrimmage needing eight for the first down with the ball at the time 48 yard line score tied at 7 with a minute 7 left in the opening period good protection completes it a war and that should be good for the first down if everything indeed is in order fire and hunts coming up to make the stop on Don Warren the tight end number 85 now you watch the tight in to your right of your screen number 85 see people were putting pressure on him and just laid it out there and man the man coverage with a linebacker by Ron hunt number 57 that is normally a mismatch but Byron Hook can play man-to-man on a tight end many times take a look at the Redskins bench Theismann told us yesterday he remembers Byron Hunt very well he broke a couple of his teeth two years ago first Joe is the only guy in the league that wears that one bar on the helmet everybody else in the league has at least two first and ten from the 34 Taylor is blitzing try to catch up to Theismann and he gets it away just in time and hits monk who sprains loose from the tackle finally prompted the 25 looked like he had some Running Room in Kenny Hill number 48 the former Raider finally ran him down that shows you another play-action counter action in there pulling people he wanted to go deep but it was covered in he came back to his lay off and now art monk it's such an advantage to be 209 pounds as a receiver he has finally pulled down there we're at the end of one quarter in Washington back in just a moment cleaver along with Dick Vermeil as you look at Bill Parcells the head coach of the Jets you made an interesting comment about his team yesterday right now he's watching the Redskins who are second and three at the 26 yard line and we welcome those have you been watching the Indianapolis st. Louis game there's Riggins try to pick up the first down our score here is 7-7 you saw a great ballgame 34 33 st. Louis with a winner well you're talking the Parcells looks like they got the first down he described this giant team is a very fragile team what do you think he meant by that day well meaning they're not used to winning okay and there's always going to be the guys that have been around there in the losing atmosphere and they're wondering is it a mirage are we really this good you know are we going to continue to win the sort of the doubting Thomas attitude that's why if they could get by this one that guy can change the attitudes if these around the moment on first down Redskins at the giant 21 art monkey motion the single back now Walker goes in motion [Applause] thought that Virgil C was going to go log and see pulled up short the pass is incomplete for an NFL Today report let's go to Brent Musburger in New York Frank here's the winning field goal by Neela Donohue for the Cardinals against the Indianapolis Colts the difference in this game was the fact that the Colts missed and extra points and I may go Donny you had one coming he's just a lot of big ones in the last couple of years for st. Louis go back now now Jim Hannifin as you saw Brett a very happy man as you mentioned O'Donoghue has missed a few big ones and a few of those were against the Giants remember that less than member from Monday night game last year second and 10 Redskins at the 21 yard line of the Giants Theismann good protection Spears mark at the 10 and Mark is down to the 8 yard line it's a first down for the Redskins right on the money you can see him going across man-to-man on Kenny Hill number 48 now he breaks to the outside you can see he'll had the inside position on that man-to-man like he should be but he was just a little too far away for a really well throwing ball Redskins continue to do an excellent job of ball control here and the football just a couple of times and Kempton for a long period of time monk already five receptions for 54 yards and we've just started the second period he's a leading pass receiver in the NFC coming in this week first and goal from the eight Riggins getting a block from Walker moves it to the six close to the five yard line before Mike Haynes number 36 comes up from the secondary and the fifth-year man makes the stop bloodlines run deep brother Mike outstanding quarterback with the defending world champion Los Angeles Raiders Don Warren did a real nice job that time of blocking and E headin the left outside linebacker number 54 but like you said Haynes team up there and they made a nice play north of the Paul just outside the five second and goal Washington [Applause] Riggins to about the three Riggins dealing out some punishment of the John's giving him some right back that's going to have had some big injury problems this year now watch the wing back right here in the one back attack go in motion here and wrap right up inside and then they hand the football up there that's the advantage of the one back attack now watching move inside now watching golf Terrence Mac right on the nose guard Burt right there but unfortunately to play broke down outside the point of attack third down goal to go from the three Alvin garroted motion Theismann to throw touchdown till Washington there's a penalty marker at the line of scrimmage could be a holding Paul let's see hold everything holding against the Redskins wipe it out you know that play is really like a little Sandlot play they just say Joe Washington you're going to be man-to-man covered down here just go get over that's a costly one against George stark that's the head hog there the old veteran offensive lineman with crime he's been playing for 12 years he's 36 years old let's see now George stark number D 74 on George Martin number 75 let's see if he really holds here it goes he's gonna probably pull him down right there he's got him there by the jersey fishel didn't like that one that'll move it back to the 13 yard line it'll be third and goal from the 13 [Applause] iseman try to buy some time hits month at the one-yard line he's out of bounds it'll be fourth and a yard needed for the touchdown for art MOOC across the seas going up there he's got a bang engine when the Kenny Hill River forty-eighters got him and the man everyone playing real tight now watch the play right here he goes up in the air the advantage of being the big tall 209 pounder saver here Joe just about gets back right there Chester not be big they're gonna go for that's the reason for the crowd reaction the Redskins trying to quiet him down that was Leonard Marshall coming around from the defensive right inside they've got to Jo late wisely in the backfield along with Wiccans brigade's over the right side he said touchdown [Applause] Brigance stores and it's 13 to 7 Washington but the extra point try to come did you see Harry Carson make contact on his watch a linebacker appear now as he goes up in there now watch Carson boom he hits him right there he doesn't think he scored but he actually did the holes Mosley's kick did not get it missed it left so the kick is no good the Redskins lead 13 to 7 with 11 minutes in 42 seconds left to play in the first half the book on the Redskins scoring drive the interesting figure the time they've had the ball now a couple of times and run off to scoring drive which you've eaten up about twelve minutes on the clock is the deep man for the Giants he's kicking off hi little bit short at the 8-yard line mikake to the 15 he's really unloaded about at the 20-yard line big time hit that time by Anthony Jones number 82 the rookie tight end take a look at mikake as he really gets blasted here day he does you know this kid Jones is a really prototype physically built tight in and you can see he has the physical ability to make plays like that he's going to be a good one Giants ball first and 10 from their 20-yard line shake it up earlier is back to the left hand side Williams is wide to the right up at the top of your screen [Applause] Joe Morris trying to find some Running Room outside gets out to the 22 or 23 yard line Little Joe from Syracuse who broke all of the rushing records there Jim Brown Floyd little all the rest to really come around for the for the Giants had bit of a fumbling problem didn't a person he has great quickness and he also had a reception problem he couldn't catch the ball cleanly and their new running back coach ray Hanley who really had vision problems himself sent him to an eye doctor they found out he needed contact lenses and pick up of three of the play at his second and seventh of the Giants at their 23 looks left goes right when complete an almost intercepted intended for great Darryl Greene was out there we got a flag old everything black was thrown about ten yards short of the point where the ball was thrown so it's gotta go looks like against the Redskins maybe a pass interference call here against Curtis Jordan number 22 and it's interesting to note dick he's not the regular they're the regular is Mark Murphy who's been their quarterback on defense for a lot of years will he hurt his knee here we go with the replay of it now you see Phil going straight back he hasn't pressure up inside he throws it out over there you can see tight coverage I don't see 22 it's really 28 not 22 the official made the first mistake of the day first and 10 Giants they'll take it nevertheless it's a 17 yard penalty and they'll hold the ball from their 40-yard line Williamson motion flag down soon as the throw in trouble gets it away and it's intercepted by Dean [Applause] mix it off with the 44-yard let's check the penalty now I think Byron Williams was moving forward when the ball was snapped the man you saw moving on your screen move forward bright fire of the snap it's gonna be the Redskins ball [Applause] you got it that's got to be a big moment for a Fernand Dean who won his starting job back almost by default this week he was a great rookie form had his problems last year and is being given another opportunity you can see Williams right here number 87 was going in motion and then but he started forward a little too soon and he was heading across the pattern field right there and this man right here this receiver was going taking him real deep trying to get under he had plenty of time coming off the action fake but unfortunately now watch him right there see him forward just a little bit crossing the field underneath the other receiver now he lays it up defender right there interception and we've got a timeout difference take a look at this stat from last year then check the standings for these two clubs we took last year you get Redskins were the best first in 10 Washington from its 42 Theismann sideline throat wide open at the 50-yard line is Virgil C and ripped out of bounds by Perry Williams number 23 that should be enough for the first down statistical note Sims interception the first of the year for Sims and the Giants and for the Redskins defense Dean's interception was the first of the year for the Redskins contrary to lie how they like to play defense they're always trying to contest every throw can test every receiver intercept the ball create the turnover haven't been doing it today they're doing other scores we saw the writers in that seesaw battle finally come up short first and ten Redskins at the giant 45 Riggins about the 41 yard line a pickup of four on that play for John Riggins getting a big workout today in the early going other scores just one there for you San Diego the Houston going to be a long year for the Oilers Warren Moon are not coming up next Saturday on CBS great matchup top-ranked you said Nebraska taking on seventh ranked UCLA that's a revenge thing Nebraska beat him bad last year at UCLA wants to come back tear the other thing Frank UCLA has been pointing to this game since the opening kickoff of the regular season thanks it to the 39 gets two on the play Jill McLaughlin number 52 into the tackle for the Giants happy to get a starting call today mr. McLaughlin I visited with him in the locker room Thursday know he's been a fine and special teams player and he's so excited about being able to actually line up and play linebacker now he's the guy this really is a great example of how important it is to be persistent in the national football to give you one of these the state after the state after him well let's correct that score foyer we were giving it to you backwards Raiders be Kansas City 22 to 20 Redskins from the 40 Virgil see the intended receiver the defender that time he'll Jenny Hill number 48 fell down speaking to the Raiders Hill was obtained by the Giants from the Raiders just about a week before the start of the regular season went now was Bill Curry or was it get heard you know Bill Parcells told me on the practice field Dorjee said you know that that contact I was good enough to play for the Raiders for years he's good enough to play for us [Music] to do the cutting he's one of the better so-called boots pickers international footballer poppy is deep he really does he's a real specialist and putting it out of bounds inside the 20 he only had to touch backs last year in picking that ball way up in the air near out of bounds and mikake in heavy traffic feeling it for the fair catch at the 20-yard line only 20 yards on that pot game zero on the return nine minutes 28 seconds left to play in the first half fine fall afternoon here at RFK Stadium we got a great ball game working kick that ball it never pays to relax now watch this he's gonna take his helmet off boom he gets bumped into by Perry Williams there and they want to eight what you doing there kiddo Verde Bowl shot I think they're with the right ad what do you think he really said first intent Giants at the 19-yard line they trail 13 to 7 second period action here at RFK Stadium at the 25 nice cutback cross the 30 at the 35 yard line and a 15 yard pickup Richmond lot number 57 there's a savvy veteran running back this guy is one of the great cutback runners now watch him roll to the right now watch him cut back up underneath Dexter Manley the defense team into it over penetrated now he gets a block downfield by Johnson number 88 he gets another block out there by the wide receiver I can't see his number right there he's gonna pop that thing he does a great job of cutback running first and ten for the chance at their 36 yard line Rob carpenter one time Houston otter the giant healthy sins under pressure unloads [Applause] the rookie from texas-arlington no cat she prompted juggle had gone out about he hung out of the wall that would have been real no catch because of the juggling act this is the real speed burner in the the Giants young offensive crew it has finding speed but he can also run with a ball now watch two men on Dexter Manuel number 72 Dexter Manley 72 MC William Roberts blocking him right there the young rookie now hard the garden fruit number 67 does a good job at helping him to the inside that allows Roberts to compensate to the outside [Applause] again a good Russian there it goes zum sack back at the 28 yard line Monte Coleman came through on the Blitz number 51 for the Redskins was the first to get there but the reinforcements arrived quickly look at the left side a screen Ronnie Coleman number 51 going to be picked up there by Joe Morris number 20 and a little short guy he's overpowered right there Joe's got to be able to do a better job yeah but that's a physical mismatch he's got 50 pounds on it doesn't hey he could do it he weighs 185 pounds he's tough enough 17 for the times they've been shot back to the 28 Redskins showing [Applause] lotin for Williams Williams the speech dirt did not catch up we got a marker back at the line of scrimmage it's going to be holding against the Giants so a Williamson doing that juggling act he did it a couple of weeks ago in the Giants first game against the Eagles and that time juggle went first on this side then on the far side Carl Nelson one of those young linemen for the Giants they look at what Parcells has done isn't it very close to what Gibbs did in 1981 when he brought in the Hogs these big guys builds on the return from the 34 the 35 is dropped at the 40-yard line the Redskins have poured in play from their 41 yards on the punch and ten on the return 748 left to play in the first half Giants unbeaten Washington winless back in a moment that's the picture here the secondary to play Redskins have a first intent from there it's gonna have to stop those long drives two drives they're capable of building two contesting just a little bit more a little more physical up there in front one drive with five and a half another one went six and a half Riggins this time tripped up behind the line of scrimmage or the blue shirts great job by Andy head number 54 the outside but linebacker right now this is why I've just mentioned it contest the play get it pushed upfield now watch the left side of your screen i watch Andy head number 54 see work up the field making bold back making Bo back don't let him come forward allow the other people to come in and get a piece of it did a nice job control we've talked so much about the Giants defense it's interesting to note they actually had seven new starters this year three guys up front couple of linebackers couple of guys in the secondary on this giant team 12 of the 22 starters all total new second at 11 Joe Washington is replaced Riggins go on to the tight end Warren mcLaughlin 52 there immediately along with Kenny Hill iseman celebrated his 35th birthday my Sunday yes he did his his daughter Amy took him off for her birthday luncheon at Farrell's ice cream parlor here during the week and he sang happy birthday everybody there did he said it was really an enjoyable day Redskins looking at a long floor for the first out from there 45 is wide to the right side pump in the slot off to the left now starts emotional looks over the field intended for mark over the middle talking about aggressive defense that was fairly aggressive the party Kenny Hill they got after him up there and Casey Merrill number 71 force team to go ahead and get rid of the ball he was actually want to go down feel a little bit further with it but Casey Merrill camera got in his face and forced him to throw up quicker Casey was gonna play this way Jeff Hayes is in to do the funny years-plus that's a 10 min on the line of scrimmage great Oh inside the five and that you would say is a rookie mistake you don't feel of that close to your own goal inside the 5-yard line enough at that time they handle the pressure and let it go in the end zone yards on the kick welcome back to RFP with the football backed up to their goal line in the Redskins as they could turn over first intent from the five-yard line carpenter some breathing room across the tent after the 14 yard line there's another another great example of carpenters roll cutback ability did a great job just a great job in the offensive linemen here did a good job now watching start to the right roll see the linebacker 57 moved inside Morris hooked him he jumped bounced downside here now look at that Bernadine number 32 coming in to make the tackle along with Curtis Jordan number 22 9 yard pickup for carpenter Pittsburgh leading the Rams San Diego putting it on Houston in the second period the score 13 to 7 Redskins also 2nd quarter 2nd and 1 Morris tried to pick up the first down we talked to Joe Gibbs yesterday he because he was looking at everything as to why things were going back for the Redskins but they thought possibly that they were tipping their blitz last Monday night against San Francisco well when you blitz a lot it's hard to disguise all of them and many times in preparation for a game Frank knew and the quarterbacks in the rest of your offensive coaches can locate a key it might be this defensive back that doesn't have as much confidence the other guy and so he's going to keep maybe slide to the inside a linebacker maybe for the many different folk in the ballgame for the first time for the Giants running back position carpenter trying to pick up the first and it's going to be close bird a strong defense that time becoming motion number fifty-four [Applause] that's two situations have not been able to come thirty short the guy that did a great job [Applause] great job is Neil over weights over forces Jennings to kick from the goal line nice pun backs him up to the 32 puzzles hook gets it back 30 35 crafted the 38-yard line we got a penalty marker thrown back at the line of scrimmage you think there might be new receiver downfield that's the one we usually see there's the indication though the option will be with the Redskins and they will make the Giants I'm sure punted over again that was a 52-yard kick I would believe they'll ask him to kick it over because Nelms is a great offensive weapon he's normally very close to average in a first down every time he catches a punt because he makes 10 yards that's one first down the offense doesn't have to he's going to get another opportunity so you'd be good top that 52-yard here the elves now to do a little better on the returners we got a discussion going on between though the officials and the chives correction there was no foul on the play 34 was [Music] well the officials talked it over and they decided that Elvis Patterson who was the outside man was legally on the end of the line of scrimmage so we go back down to the other end of the field and the Redskins will take over at the 39 yard line as Joe Gibbs looks live for minutes 12 seconds left to play the first team to set the Redskins have the football first and 10 for 30 [Applause] is called the mood tied into the Redskins offensive motion Theismann those spread-out bassy likes to throw in trouble behind the line unloads it and an excellent excellent recovery by Terry Cunard number 43 who came from halfway across the field to deflect that pass away that kind of play is made by a first-round draft choice that's why he was picked now watch this he just moving inside out on the ball looking at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen here he is Terry Cunard number 43 moving inside lunge bleep great job that would have been a big play if he had caught it and have certainly been a first down as it turns out in his second intent now for the Redskins at their 39 Washington is it Riggins is out wide to the right side first off the bottom of your screen Washington Wellness Bank a fine pass receiver gets a couple that time and McLaughlin number 52 on the stuff McLaughlin's a sixth year man out of the University of Massachusetts signed as a free agent by the Giants back in 1979 normally with Buffalo had some problems with the knee and a very persistent player this was some comeback today by New England they were down as I recall 23 to nothing in that ballgame New England you know they have the people and everyone's raving about how good they're going to be and we'll see him next weekend as they take on the Washington Redskins up in Foxborough Cowboys are six nothing ahead of Philadelphia in the second period of play our score 13 to 7 Redskins lead the Giants third down Redskins need nine for the first down at their 40 a little half roll pass is deflected and comes down out of bound somebody got a piece of that one they put Theismann under pressure but one thing we haven't really seen Lawrence Taylor get through that much here in the first half more estate has been blocked affect efficiently by those people using the different techniques either sliding the big offensive tackle out to him or putting the the movement back on or putting Don Warren and a left formation letting in 245-pound tied in luck Marcel said something of a cocky about feeling that last one at the five Bill's the kind of guy you very still have every misunderstanding especially when he's mad he comes to the point quickly quickly I think he's a fine leader they used to do the Punic no copy at the 25 that's just a yard and that's it 35 yards on the puck one on the return guys been trying to figure out how to attack defense Russ gets much behind defects diggin it [Applause] third down position the shop game since one arm the 45 hurt is his way to the 49 yard line for the first down tell me how he get that one over was a broken coverage they flew it mentally they turned him loose he was lined up in the slot just went down and turned inside and the coverage left him now they're all talking there on defense one guy Tony Peters puts up his hand says who what me who was black running down to the two-minute warning here in the first half the giant suit driving and keep in mind that miss the extra point followed the Redskins suck a touchdown and could be a big factor before this ball game is over [Applause] they're 49 the pressure unloads and a great diving catch by macaca typically pouch at the 35 you talk you talk about throwing the ball under pressure Dexter Manley was right there in his face driving William Roberts right back in to watch the left side of your screen now see him appearing right there here he comes here comes Dexter and he still unloads that ball now he comes back to the ball nicely beating Bernardin number 32 heck of a job by that quarterback mikake his third catch of the day we got a timeout here in Washington the first the first attempt the 35 both clubs have all three of their timeouts [Applause] Williams emotional for a loss at the 37 yard line location they're going to call a penalty on both sides normally do both Aloha belly had been mistreated the Redskins did a great job that time Charles man number 71 a getting up field and not allowing the play to get started he's reading your mail are you reading his one here 63 art blocking right there a rich blot 57 I don't see any altercation oh here it goes now we're going to show up you can't do that Dexter Manley's involved in it number 70 across the giant sit-down at second and 12 from the 37 yard line unloading to the headed for Johnson well-covered dean was over there and so was Peters number 23 [Music] timeouts obviously not a problem here with a minute 44 to go we get into a field goal situation people cheek is one of the strongest legs in the National Football League he's picked him his par has 56 yards coming up at half-time all kinds of interesting things scores and highlights with Breton nerve from the studio in New York to the game feature on bullet Bob Hayes the bumper star the Dallas Cowboys breadstix showing blitz on third and 12 and here they come after sins he has to unload it quick intended for byron williams i would have been a first down at the 25-yard line and since knows it did a nice job of reading it to eat offensive line and back to the dock nice job of picking it up he just stood a little bit behind the guys standing in that's too bad they're gonna give the Sheik a shot here and this is going to be up a moonshot course he's kicked him as far as 56 he kicked two last year attempted one from 66 and missed it line of scrimmage will be the 37 so the spot in the 44 56-yard Ozai let's see where the spot in the 4555 yard field goal attempt [Applause] [Music] a little rust in his leg that's his first field goal attempt this year Parcells told us yesterday that he has seen him kickin 72 yards in practice society - yard field and he feels on astroturf that he would always try another great doubleheader on CBS next Sunday depending on where you happen to be you'll see San Francisco taking on Philadelphia or Washington against New England and the dick and I will be there 49ers seem to be in high gear and the second game of the twin bill you giant fans will see your team in action against Tampa Bay and a lot of the rest of you will see the Packers great football rivalries in the 60s first and 10 Redskins at their 37 as they take over Iseman and down he goes Jim Burt the nose tackle number 64 I don't thought we called a blitz in the nose tackle guess it's done it around the outside now nose guard see him there right to the right side of your screen see 64 he's working they're working right there on rust from 68 he beat him to the outside and looked like a bliss visit got their shot exactly I thought it had to be a place but it really wasn't he spent the whole offseason rehab rehabbing his back because he had her herniated disc injury last year in this good part of the year just case the Redskins get close Mosley wants to be sure he's warm second down 19 games at their 27 again Theismann and trouble in martin saxon back in the 20-yard line George Martin brother Duc is what the Vikings coming through with his first sack of the day and the Redskins are in reverse gear here he is number 75 come in a heart outside rush right there on George stark number 74 he beats him right there with a good jerk move he pulled it forward arey now Tyson has no place to go nice leaping move right there that's the guy that Parcells says is really the leader of his football team because he needs a boat called the timeout to stop the clock they're hoping now that they'll be in position of course the Redskins at least a putt maybe get another shot at a field goal John still have two timeouts left you see the time remaining in the first half 58 seconds we've talked about the youth of the change the experience of the Redskins it's interesting to compare those figures well the Giants averaged 3.5 years experience and the average age is 25.4 and in contrast the Redskins average experience is 6.1 years and their average age is 28 there is a difference it's a much warmer to futur team this offensive line has to be impressive for little experiences they've had the offensive line of the Giants and that's what Gibbs did in 81 he you've got these guys and Parcells says this year don't give me these two hundred fifty pounders I want the 270 pound guys the personnel did apart from George did a great job George young and they gave some players to coach it completes the past no Washington didn't hold that they say he was bottling couldn't see it from this angle but obviously chuckled it out about now the Redskins are gonna have to punt from deep in their own territory and the chance could still be in position at least try a field goal [Music] face 22 yards and 50 yards in Phil McConkey the surprise today with three catches for 67 yards service Bray's been shaken after Joseph Bobby Johnson song wide receiver [Applause] fair catch at the 39 forty yards on the punt zero on the return and the Giants in position we're a couple of forward passes could get them in a position to try a field goal and once again haze does the number coming up September 29 that's a week from next Saturday the return of Gerry Cooney he goes against Phil Brown 10-round heavyweight bout has been two years now since Cooney has fought and he's come down with various injuries but he's healthy he's ready to go he's been training up in Eugene Oregon puts up a week from next Saturday September 29 [Applause] first in 10 Giants at their 40-yard line shotgun Sims over the middle and out of the hands of Tony Galbraith number 30 who was wide open and Sims took a pretty good pop that time look at that elbow he took our shot there too you can see the problem he's having getting the ball off watch the defensive left in Brighton 70 to come off on William Roberts number 66 beat him to the outside and foul he gives him lunch right there before that is really tough Frank when the quarterback can't see that guy coming they're gonna have to give Robert some help hurts even more when the receiver drops the pass second and ten sideline throw intended for byron williams who was well covered by Darrell green in the 28th and that'll set up third and ten Roberts did a much better job on Dexter Manley that time Frank set firmer he didn't allow him to drive him back and then get him turned to beat him to the outside he kept his arms extended much better fundamental teeth better technique that time we're down to 36 seconds left to play in the first half the Giants still have two timeouts to work with if they can pick up a first down [Applause] yo Alice come into the live receiver that there find Ricky Sims what's this time barely got him I think anybody touched Dexter Manley I really think the offensive lineman in the center snapped the ball in the wrong account now watch the offensive lineman don't even move when the ball is snapped boy that is impossible to block the guy evidently Kevin Belcher the offensive center snapped the ball earlier now that really put the offensive linemen like William Roberts in the hole to a good job by the Redskins defense in particularly Dexter Manley a former Oklahoma State star and now the Redskins calling the timeout as they want to get Nelms a shot at a return Dave Jennings getting his instructions Joe Gibbs on the near sideline no Joey Votto and five his rookie year and after that they've turned it around to the pauper in the last three years this is the first time they lost two games in a row that's fun a record yeah he's done a great job of coaching he's a fine football coach which everybody knows having been the NFL coach of the year two years in the world recognizing his great leadership ability on the field watching him coaches football team has really Jennings nice high kick Nelms distained the fair catch and one of the Giants breezed right by him and look out they were up down there [Applause] yeah that really came in there bleating that time so it appeared his Frank Cephas number 31 who's a judge Ricky who they're gonna call a family on now one of the Redskins were shaken up I don't know as a result of the fighter as a result of the play but he's planning his back down at the 32 yard line 36 on the punt and will get a timeout here because of the injury the penalty marker is down with 22 seconds [Music] Kenny Daniel oh the Giants mixing it up with Mota swans Lee of the Redskins like Alvin Garrett is down or Virgil's say I can't see an eight there anyway on his jersey but a bad job so far injury-wise for the Redskins they're ready of 19 players on injured reserve including six since they got down to the 49 roster the week prior to opening day it is I think Alvin Garret Virgil C is out in the huddle one of the celebrated Smurfs a fame with Charlie Brown to ensure they don't meet an injury to another wide receiver no they don't defensive linemen they're really thin right now too they start getting some people back there I think in the next couple weeks and also releasing some of those guys that were heard of training camp because it's been a period of time now they've been able to recover and Rehab and that injured reserve list already dropped down probably 22 seconds left to play in the first half in a hard-fought very physical football game Redskins with two long drives of the Giants countered with one Washington leads a 13 to 7 as alvin Garretson needs some assistance that does not look promising when you see him dragon eat like that well but you hope he just strained it rather than really tore apart major ligaments or anything like that it's hard to tell sometimes a knee overreact and a player over reacts to that kind of pain and then as the muscles relax around the knee and everything then you can better diagnose what is wrong about the last 30 games like I think the second half is really gonna do something first let's pitch at their 33 [Applause] Washington at 40 got the first down at the 46 yard line Washington is still two timeouts left is going to use one to stop the clock with nine seconds to go and Joe will come over and have a word with Jill Gibbs I think the Redskins were checking this week to see if anyone was stealing their signals which they were concerned about after what's happened to him the last couple of weeks coming up just 9 seconds away clock time scores and highlights with Brent nerve and then alleged to the game features which spotlights the great Bob Hayes and who helped change I think defenses around the National Football League when he came in with his blazing speed who's mentioned Joe is the only guy where's that single bar it looks it looks old-fashioned that it does but it's he likes it for the vision he likes the vision he doesn't want the to ever throw the bad ball because something gets in his line of vision and as we mentioned earlier he doesn't wear the eye shadow today either they not glare that you usually see in a on a sunny day x-rays Garrett's right knee and a half time that's the word from the press box will relay the information as soon as we have very close to many of the real old-time bastard records held by Sammy Baugh and Sonny before yes this year [Music] the Redskins at their 46 they'd like to get mostly another shot should be good for another first down Walker number 88 the tight end may bill Sims we said had a tough first half 7 out of 17 through his first interception of the year for a total of 117 yards and carpenter the leading ball carrier for the Giants in the first half with 9 carries for a total of 30 yards Bill Parcells the head coach of the New York Giants and a very courageous guy you know he knew he was in hot water this year yet he made a lot of these moves which are really long-range moves well his philosophy is I'm gonna do it right when I'm given a responsibility to do regardless of the situation or the circumstances he believed the management people are really trying to help him get this thing going and it's obvious that they have their good football team they're playing good right we're wrong they could win this one now he'll be the deep man as the Redskins on five victories in a row over the New York Giants Giants have beaten him since back in 1981 that happened here now at the goal line feeling poly hockey sheiks picks straight up the middle 50 dropped at that point and he went down like a ton of bricks like Pete Shaw number 44 got a piece of him and brought him down hard eighth year veteran Pete Shaw busy with the San Diego Chargers came in at Korea he got him high just on the shoulder pad and really flipped him on his back officials market at the 19 yard line it'll be first in 10 Redskins one touchdown drive five and a half minutes in the first half the other took six and a half minutes so they've done a pretty good job controlling the football till vacation Theismann comes out throwing the second half of play the police at the virgil see over at the far side Kenny Hill number 48 wraps him up those kind of plays don't take very much time Frank he just runs down there runs a six or seven yard hitch pops it in from the corner good positive game and one of the Giants like who is hill who made the tackle we shaken up on the play the ex Los Angeles Raider being tended to in the fire set it's been a position where they've had some injury problems this year with Bill Courier the incumbent being sidelined they needed some help and they made the deal with the with the Raiders at the start of the regular season so he hasn't been around that long but he's done pretty well that's causing some concern for Bill Parcells L'Enfant is the secondary coach from - New York Giants like him because he's such a smart guy coming out of Yale and he really get some stable leadership in the secondary timeout here at RFK Stadium let's forward very close to the first down marker about an injury report from down below Alvin Garrett sprained ankle not expected to return so it's not a knee it's an ankle which is probably good news and to counter that Ernest gray of the Giants is having his elbow x-ray and he is not expected to return so each team is - one receiver and speaking of injured receivers Charlie Bradley proud touchdown Brown they miss him Oh first and ten sighs been looking for month intercepted by Haynes at the forty forty-five back to the 50-yard line and the Giants have a first and ten at the 48 last slightly under thrown intended for art monk who caught six in the first half and virtually all of them in the first period they're coming off a play-action pass here trying to keep the safeties in the center see the safety number 43 sitting right inside Terry Cunard they wanted to keep him out of this now he's coming to the post he had the post but it just came right underneath mr. Hains number 36 to be right underneath that man what great body control intercepts and now hey Riggins go make tackle here John Riggins making his first tackle of the year I'm sure timeout call against Dallas they took three or four turnovers and turned him into touchdowns Bullock got his ribs banged up against the Cowboys was a questionable starter and in fact did not start Giants had their problems in the second period of play this is the way that their various possessions went after one fine drive in the first half and in the ballgame the Redskins in the first half held at 18 minutes plus to the Giants 11 minutes plus Redskins leading 13 to 7 second and nine from the Washington 46 Sims back to throw stands in there strong he's got the cookie 35 30 in the little man from Navy is down to the 25 we got two flags back at the line of scrimmage to hang keys are down and since those no come on now SAMHSA's claiming that he was face masked on the play holy 63 that's a costly penalty for the Giants Carl Nelson youngster guilty of the holding call and soon it's not very happy at all let's see if if they didn't have a face mask er though well he clicked him right there you darn right he got a face mask Charlie man number 71 got there that you got him and I think this has a great sim she's very confident that it was going to be a face mask let him shake it off and play forget it second down nineteen with the ball move back now to charge territory at the 43 yard line Sims under pressure drop back at the 34-yard line Dexter Manley [Applause] Charles man so both defensive ends vowed to meet at the quarterback and they did what Dexter Manley number 72 he's been beating them outside this time he goes inside number 66 William Roberts and William just couldn't handle it but he actually got there in time to shake hands with Charlie man coming from the other side what did you used to call the 3rd and 28th the I was on the conservative type may be a trap play or something like that it's backed up to their 35 yard line third down 28 good protection this time over the middle of Tony Galbraith takes it to the 45 yard line a pickup of 17 but nearly enough for the first down where the judge will be funny the one thing that's obvious Frank is the morale the Redskins is not sag because of the own - Joe said they'd worked hard all week in his office in Fort Wayne you sob Nelms the deep man ears Jennings [Applause] before time for 43 yards in the first half Nelms 35 are up to the 25 and just short of the 30-yard line bumped out of bounds on the far side and more injury problems for the Washington Redskins who've been beat up pretty good that's Dexter Manley number 72 who needs some good wound very big Sims one-on-one coverage deep in the end zone touchdown Giants he saw him coming and just therefore Bobby Johnson and the Giants are an extra point away from taking the lead did a good job reading that defense didn't it he did a real good job the defense was working to his left so he saw the single coverage to his right score tied at 13 in Hachi Sheik tried to break the tie and does here's our receiver right here 88 Bobby Johnson he's just going to take off go right down here beef mr. green right here fade away to the end zone for the touchdown take a look here he goes coming off the line of scrimmage now sea-green sink to the inside because he knows he has no help inside he folded all the way to the back of the endzone for the touchdown you'll just catch that right at the end there it is touchdown so Bobby Johnson the rookie wide receiver who had a try in the USFL comes through with a big play back in 69 Subaru was pretty much there he does get across the 22 the 22 and fire in hunt number 57 of the Giants who wraps him up and now just not happy because there wasn't that much of a hole for ice I sit next to Nelms the other day in the locker room there's the young man who scored the touchdown what an addition he's been Bobby Johnson played his college football at Kansas then had a trial de knee in the USFL I think he was with the Philadelphia stars for about three days but he wasn't worth it he just left well he's turned into quite a fine for the we are John's first antenna Redskins at the 20-yard line the fake to Riggins quick toss out the bump gets a block to the 25 up to the 27 yard line Walker gave him a good block Kenny Hill number 48 coming up to secure the tackle Redskins have moved marked mate from right guard to right tackle and brought in Kent Huff so maybe there's a problem with George start going down with an injury I didn't see it happen or didn't see anything oh here he is down the sideline number 1 traffic Pittsburghers the head hawk [Applause] Oh suck it down [Applause] Riggins hard-nosed football gets it up to the 29 a little bit short of the first down Mary Carson number 53 in this stop and the Dexter Manley's got some problems looks like they cannot afford to lose another defensive lineman they only had six really physically capable of playing today and they remember they use a four down linemen defense so they only right now have one extra lineman suited up one of their guys are saying yesterday we lose anybody else we may have to go to a two-five Tampa Bay in the third period the walnuts has really come back they were down 17 to nothing in that game and our score the chives 14 of the Redskins 13 the Redskins have their work cut out for her down in tune from the 20 iseman try to pick out a receivers got muck and he's got the first down at the 35 laughs and whistled dead at the 35-yard line [Applause] that little run will be futile flowers watch him coming in motion now he's going to wolf but monk is going to work inside like that he comes in here and then he does a reverse pivot move and slides right out there what here he comes now he's going to work up on the defender work to the inside reverse pivot go back outside very difficult to recover and cover does a nice job right there making the tackle but make the first down anyway first intent Redskins and the Riggins comes often Charlie Brown was in there for a player so and that came [Applause] didn't like something so he had a call timeout he's not happy about having to waste that timeout 8:54 left to play in quarter number three one of the newest of the redskins jim young blood on the los angeles ram i saw him in the linebacker drills the other day on friday and he was moving real well for a veteran and i was there when he came up as a rookie in about 1973 or somewhere with Seattle is a free agent this year they let him go the Redskins picked him up first and 10 Washington of the 35 to Washington gotta get outside Lawrence Taylor he does cover a little ground yes he does and that is really the strong side run defense of the New York giant defensive team when you have Carson to run at Andy Hardison to run at at Lawrence Taylor to run at it's tough to make yards Nebraska and UCLA both of them winners yesterday Nebraska take in Minnesota UCLA had a tough time but beat Long Beach State so matchup a rematch of the game from last year that the both clubs are waiting for you'll see it right here on CBS next Saturday afternoon sitting down 8:00 [Applause] 37 chives showing blitz handoff Jill Washington but darter after the 45 looks like he's about a yard short of the first down pshah number 44 making the stop until Washington will just scare you to death eighth year the National Football League fourth with the Redskins as Theismann looks to the sideline for the next play as the way the quarterback stack up so far to give Theismann a slight edge percentage-wise and he hasn't been taking the abuse that Sims has been taking either and what the Redskins at their 45 Riggins is back in there guess who's going to get the ball Riggins for the first down and some change as he takes it over to the 15-under first and ten well the Redskins Riggins the number five all-time leading rusher in the history of the National Football League moving up on the 10,000 yard mark and has given no indication what he's gonna call it quits but he has little scars all over his body little two and three Knicks cars where something has been stitched up and Oh there's the all-time leading rusher as you can see Riggins is number five and he's got the little ways to go to catch OJ Simpson is the number four position first and ten skins on the drive line here Jill Washington wants to throw it downfield for C that'll be overthrowing at the yard line it's a good thing he got rid of it because LT Lawrence Taylor number 56 was coming down his back Terry Canard back there defending was it that Beasley Reese used to say about Lawrence Taylor when he starts to blitz the bells and the whistles and the sirens go off he is really something he can cause you more problems in the preparation of an offensive game plan than any other defensive football player at least that I ever coasted and there's just so many things that he does that overpower you and the people that you assign yeah to be conscious at all times where he is second and ten Redskins from the giant 48 let's Diceman one-on-one coverage far downfield Pass is incomplete intended for seat and Barry Williams number 23 the quarterback covering now watch the tight coverage right here by this first-year player Perry wins number 23 has great speed and he is also taller than Virgil see number 80 running up up the outside and that is an advantage to the defendant nicely done by the young defensive back very good size 6 to 195 North Carolina State he didn't play last year Frank because of his press stress Cratchit quick easy conclusion putting the shoes of Terry Jackson third down and ten Redskins pressure on Theismann who unloads it it's intercepted by pirate hunch 35 40 45 and up to the 47 yard line a former SMU linebacker comes up with a big defensive play they applied the pressure that time kind of hurry that sauce I'm not sure where the pressure came from but I looked to me to be Andy head number 50 for a linebacker ahead and got inside there and gave me shut coming right up the middle here right now here it comes now watch right who he gave him a good one I don't know what my crunches 56 is not Lauren's tater I could not see from this angle nice interception by Byron Hunt he gets going he's going to have his motor running good this room you knew Taylor had to be in the neighborhood somewhere first and ten at their 47 yard line papa bear on the left side dance back to the middle and got two or three yards to the 48 yard line Joe Theismann Player of the Year the MVP in the National Football League last year really being tested as are the Redskins with a slow start this year you go on three you normally don't make it at the playoffs not very often like we said you know if your own two twenty three teams have been on two of the last three years second down six giants at the 48 again carpenter about the line of scrimmage in 1981 the Jets started off on three and they did make the playoffs they finished something like 11 and 5 but it just does not happen very often very often and the Redskins got a toughy next week in New England against the Patriots you got a big come-from-behind win today and maybe unveil their quarterback of the future in Tony Eason as they beat Seattle third down six since pointing out something triple wing formation to the right side and Sims at the gala aspects a one-handed catch and that's a first down at the 41 yard line Erin Galbraith beautiful job yet good pressure coming on now watch the quarterback takes the snap in the shotgun one of the advantages he the rush is not around he slides to his left lays it out there nicely Galbraith reaches out there in a super move with his right hand and draws it to his body Redskins trying to get their offense in shape for their next series of downs they're talking about the defensive alignment new plays back cause the intersect first in 10 Giants at the 41 Brett's gets fake in the Blitz Ernest grave where we told you earlier would promptly and a wide receiver position upper 83 that's the advantage of having the x-ray machine right here in the stadium and you know there were a few years ago when that true at all stadiums the the Redskins are playing with a patched-up defensive line right now their second string defensive left in Tony McGee is playing a left handed total man who started left in is over on the right side Dexter Manley a lot of problems for the Giants in the first half out of the game with a leg injury second down boy [Applause] they're lost of all rich skins recover look like Gerald branch 77 [Applause] so the turnovers are even at two apiece as Daryl crank comes up with a big combo recovering there's counteraction in the backfield now see that now he fakes the reverse right here now watch he faked their reverse that started her freeze people now watch the ball in his hand he cuts back up inside it was knocked out by a defender and he could not see him coming Grantland noses his way underneath their muscles the ball out he's got it turnovers even now at two apiece and the Redskins have a first down at their 34 [Applause] iseman the Riggins [Applause] the 39-yard line as you see the time remaining in the third period of play here at RFK Stadium just over three minutes and the Giants leading the Redskins 14 to 13 and the Redskins have had nothing but problems on their last three possessions contrary to how they were moving the ball in the first half with those long mini play drives Frank you know and just eaten up the clock he had to give the credit really to the Giants defense they're stopping a condoning second down five from the 39 [Music] first down and in the 48-yard line Siddarth number 43 finally showed him without help 74 yards now for Riggins in 22 carries nothing very simpie this easy for notes yeah easy for you to say nothing very complicated about that play we just rolled in here and then took a nice cutback similar to what comforter was doing to the Redskins earlier [Applause] first in 10 Redskins ball at the 47 yard line in their end of the field [Applause] it's been working so far but this time he bounces off a tackle at the line of scrimmage Indy Hardison number 79 the right end defensively a seventh year man from North Carolina comes in to make the stop I said the turnovers were even to two apiece Redskins have actually turned it over one more time they had three that's totally against their personality as a football team dee Hardison you know I know what Bill Parcells causing the Fox so it calls him the Pops because he he was never going to be in a war he want him in his foxhole he's a real competitor second down eight [Applause] walk to the right side seen off to the left in motion [Applause] whoops got his man beaten Theismann overthrowing campaigns beat that time and Theismann overthrew it that happens it also that the defensive back I think Jam Neiman just slow that route down enough to maybe that was the reason the ball was overthrown not so much the ball was thrown too hard it's amazing did you hear the fans brew that yes doesn't take an NFL player of the year and they give them a shot you're only good until the last Sunday right and your last pass third down still need eight for the first down with the ball just into territory at the 50-yard line wide right see a split left looks like Charlie Brown is in iseman running out of trouble as the first down at the 41 yard line great scrambling ability Leonard Marshall number seven he finally made the stop another churnin watch the offensive right tackle mate he's having problems up there as you'll see right now see George Martin 75 he flushed him a little bit getting off up the ground now he's running Leonard Marshall number cept he comes in Terry Cunard 43 finishes him off but to Frank Martinez have a little problem right there protecting [Music] first in 10 the Redskins have reached the giant 41 yard line we're down to 40 seconds left to play the third quarter - has the past - and out of the reach Virgil see of a fireside line born NFL today report right now let's go to Brent Musburger in New York Frank Vince Ferragamo I'll with that broken bone in his right hand if so Jeff Kemp is now the quarterback flushed from the pocket by the Pittsburgh Steelers gets over to the right he's got Hill down field and on the run he's got him Andrew Hill goes in a 57-yard touchdown for the Rams they trail the Steelers by three let's go back to Franken back boy Ferragamo with a broken hand that's all there Rams need second and ten arc score here 14 to 13 the chives needed but the Redskins are moving Peverley marker is done it's going to be passing appearance I believe against the judge which would make it an automatic first down at the five but let's see the giant said obviously we'd like to see it go the other way offensive masseter ferrets and we'll let Jean Bart the referee sorted out the Giants were playing without a free safety 36 here it is you can see now mark Keynes number 36 he's going to try to take him in there now watch he's got him all by himself with no help inside I don't know why it was lined up outside that made it tough I really pass interference on that shot did you well the officials saw it and that's what counts really cut the bull did he caught the ball anyway first at the 9 yard line he did catch the football 2 32 yard penalty Riggins looking for some Running Room about the seventh Curtis McGriff number 76 wraps him up one fellow we haven't seen his Carl banks the number one graphic of the Giants has been very slow to come along let's take another look at that month is going to reach up for that football Bart beans is working right in behind him reaches up with his left hand the ball is being bobbled it ball was not complete pass the ball was not a complete ban the ball hit the turf that's the end of the third quarter with the score the Giants 14 the Redskins 13 we now pause for a word from your look RFK Stadium in Washington final period of play the Washington Redskins trail by one they have a second and goal from the Giants 6 yard ride is out chill Washington is in size with his throwing force II tried to make the one-handed catch and couldn't control it bird you'll see the intended receiver and Kenny Hill was back there defending fine effort by never see now there's where you'd like to have the six foot four receiver going for that it'll be third and six Riggins circars is on the sidelines because obviously the Redskins think it's a passing situation no question the virgil sees Frank are the kind of guys didn't find the movement guys in Kuwait [Music] third and goal from the six Redskins made a field goal to take the [Applause] Tom Warren to tight end at the 4-yard line and that'll shut up before that for Charlie Brown Charlie Brown 87 making his first catch he just went in there as a decoy I think right Mosely has beaten the Giants five times since 1978 in the last second for in overtime mr. chip shot 21 yards to take the lead he's got it 14 minutes 11 seconds left to play the game and the Redskins have recaptured the lead as Jim Hayes take off 62-yard touchdown drive mostly going the [Music] with the field-goal you Steve [Applause] [Applause] near the 30-yard line Anthony Jones number 82 in the thick of things [Music] coming up Saturday September 29th on CBS the return of Gerry Cooney to the ring after two years that fight against Larry Holmes you'll go against Phillip Brown and a 10-round heavyweight bout you'll see it at 3:30 Eastern Time you think you still got it I don't know you know I was at the Gulf time to here a year or so they said several fight schedule has had injury problems Thunder 30 tried to come from me here intercepted Fernandina 30 25 [Applause] who lost his starting job - Anthony Washington had got it back today [Applause] that display [Applause] 36 yards on the interception return Moseley tax on the extra points and the Redskins suddenly have some breathing room but 13 minutes in 29 to play here we come from the end zone he pedals straight back now he turns to his right see now lays it out there and he died sex the ball comes in a big birdie number 32 makes a nice move right there now he's getting excited he's picking up a block from Kauffman lead block there by Darryl Greene 28 and Belcher number 73 just can't get over there quick enough looked like he was going over a hurdle air as he headed into the end zone from the - 2 yard line the Redskins leading the guy's 23 to 14 [Applause] Pease is ready to kick off an RFA stadium is peddler I was Dean second interception of the day McConkey feelin this one five yards deep bouncing in the end zone and they'll bring it out to the 20-yard line with the touch back you're gonna see Vernon Dean right here at the right hand corner your screen now the receiver right here is going to come off and try to come underneath as he does that Dean comes underneath him picks it off picks up some blocks as he goes and it's touchdown now watch it watch the receiver come off I can't see his number right here now once he come over and drilled the label there he goes now what steam coming right underneath takes it away from him he picks up some blocks and off it goes for the touchdown Redskins fans chanting defense now first and ten for the Giants at the 20 yard line Sims undaunted comes out thrown Morris was out of bounds the pass is incomplete notice Sims today dick is wearing one of those flak jackets that's become very popular took a shot in the ribs last week and things very noticeable there there's uniform he didn't wear it and practice lesson I thought he got was inbounds evidently his right heel was just outside the line it looked to me from here in the press box that he caught that ball in [Applause] the words to that effect sucking a jet look like a little misfire there in the backfield as a citizen Morris got tangled up with the handoff Morris finally got it got just a yard or two and the Redskins go to the nickel fellows offensive conferences that the Hogs have been holding on the sidelines here in the second half started to pay off well you bet of course it was the defense I wrote that last one but got to give him some credit the Hogs are coming off the ball better right now and you have to come off the ball against that defense in front company New York Giants Bill Parcells looking on but the regardless of what happens I think you'd have to say the Giants are here Giants have arrived L be competitive all year playing football [Applause] Sims is 10 out of 22 for 161 yards on 3rd and 9th over the middle save its roll the completion is going to be rolled incomplete a tremendous hit that time put on Libra with byron williams number 87 the intended receiver however we got a plague and it's going to be defensive holding carries with it the automatic first down Jil gives him a shot there from the sideline byron williams and he paid the price hand 69 defense first down they call the pen Leon Perry Brooks the Redskins defensive tackle so the Giants have a life they pick up the first down the penalties only five yards but the first is the big thing and they get that at their 26 could this have been a fumble and they called it a defeat almost caught the ball and had it well he got high of it from that angle looked like he didn't have the ball it must have been in between those two people Morrison motion on first and ten Sims looking for earnest gray and gray doing a great job keeping the concentration at Bernardin riding all over his back first down at the 45 yard line for the Giants and they ain't dead yet you know these guys are fighting you know earnest praise the guy they Hicks rate the elbow on a little while ago here he is playing football it's been a bad day for quarterbacks we told you a Vince Ferragamo and a broken hand now we get word that joe Montana's got a rib problem with a San Francisco the Waltons game and he's out of action 23:14 redskins lady intended for manual going up with it was Darrell Green number 28 manual is the rookie who caught the touchdown pass against Dallas last week for an NFL Today reports here's Brent in New York Frank this is the touchdown that has a San Francisco 49ers ahead kill Montana out with a rib injury that Cavanaugh it's Earl Cooper here Cooper gets in and now the 49ers who wants led New Orleans by 20 points are back in command 24 to 20 let's go back to Frank that's a pretty wild football game second and 10 Giants at their 44 yard line trying to come back Sims in trouble behind the line we got a flag out [Applause] throughout in the general direction of Bobby Johnson but since at that point simply trying to unload so let's see what this one is all about offensive holding [Applause] it was a second down play Bill Parcells grew up in the New York area in New Jersey in his second year as head coach have the New York Giants holding [Music] Billy art that moves it back to the 35-yard line it'll be second down 20 other scores from around the National Football League second and 20 from the 34 Sims Rowland at that time almost picked off number 57 for the Washington Redskins rich Malik got his fingertips on that football Sims a lot different ballplayer he's healthy this year and he can tell by watching him in practice his confidence level is really up and he's excited about staying healthy and of course there's a long season but let's not wish him any bad luck but the other thing I think it's made the biggest change is the front line has improved so much today against this panel rush but the first two ballgames he's had better protection than they've had 22:35 sims has him out of the shotgun that's it oh what a catch Bobby Thompson at the 20 we got a flag but I think that we'll be passing a bird watch skits he he's done grabbed him Bobby Jensen bang another dividend to the New York Giants with a great extended catch all the way down at the 20-yard line of the Washington Redskins defense [Music] here you go coming on him see Washington number 24 taken away the inside realizing those no safety help now he's fading the ball over his outside shoulder watch him reach and dive he knows he's beat so he grabs him hey beautiful catch by Bobby Johnson number 88 that's a 45 yard game for the Giants in a first down at the Redskins Tony Williams in motion Sims 2 throat protection is good goes over the middle good defense fine knocked out by Tony Peters number 23 for another NFL Today report once again here's brent musburger in new york frank this may be the knockout punch for the Dallas Cowboys Gary Hogan boom this time has thrown the touchdown pass to the side and look at this the flanker threw it and Doug Donnelly is all alone 49 yards it's 23 10 the Cowboys lead the Eagles back to Frank Bobby Johnson now with five catches for 109 yards for the Giants are on the move the football at the rixton 20 yard line second and 10 got behind the line of scrimmage millat number 57 came through Brooke his read out from underneath him before he had a chance to get moving rich is that real stable kind of linebacker typical Penn State guy you know there's a lot of those linebackers around the league back there's another one on the same team and Larry kuben playing backup middle linebacker adil set up third and ten dads need a first down to keep this one going I don't know if the field goes going to help them that much at this point but keep in mind they're still loving minutes left to play in this game so a lot of things could happen [Applause] since over the middle kept in the air and almost into the hands of Bobby Johnson Ernest gray touched the ball and Johnson was by himself in the endzone he couldn't reach it he couldn't reach it he had some heat on him too and he probably couldn't hold the ball quite as long see now the rush coming up inside you seem a lot 57 give him a shot and right there also good defense also good beat no spotted at the 27-yard line a 37 yard field goal attempt the holder Jeff Rutledge the kick is no good [Applause] who set an NFL record with 35 here goes last year hooks that one and the score remains at 23 14 here in Washington they 134th consecutive capacity crowd here at RFK Stadium looking on as the Redskins take over first and ten at the 20-yard line after the best field goal attempt Regan's on the carry and right now I would imagine in Jill kids might is a little ball control there's a penalty marker down on this play Redskins would like to do nothing more than run off a big chunk of the clock but that won't help because the penalty is against the Redskins a lot of pressure on the Hogs the big offensive line of the Redskins here's gene Bart the referee holy mark mein guilty of the holding call this is the time though that they really like to call on those guys but so called the hogs and get off get bass blocking knock people off the long history agent and groundout we're first in 20 is going to take more than three four five yards [Applause] to the 15-yard line at five or six yards in the end an escort on the way dick now you're gonna see it's a little counter move right here he's just gonna make a little counter move you come on back now watch counter mode both lineman : Grimm 68 Big Joe Jacobi 300-pound 66 here he comes back up inside Riggins carrying a ball they're going to get him down for about a six yard game [Applause] second down 15 let's go from there 50 tailors Blitzen Joe Washington on the opposite direction away from Lawrence Taylor and Ravi Jones making the stop and he set a third down they're still going to need close to ten for the first down Joe Washington last year averaged better than five yards per carry tops and the NFL has gone to the the goggles that's what we have left in this football game time is the ally the Washington Redskins right now as they lead it by nine Giants have to score twice in order to pull this one out [Applause] mocking motion sighs been flushed out of the pocket buying some time trying to pick up the first in his pot from behind short of the first down marker and the man who caught him getting up very slowly Jim Bert the nose tackle he gets the pressure inside he wants to go downfield with the boss and he know the tight ends right out there in front of he gets pressure from George Martin 75 now George's chasing then he decides to run because the receivers are covered downfield and Burt 64 comes up and trips him up behind I think he was ready to go into his slide evening Horford got there I was sort of surprised he didn't set up behind the line of scrimmage get the pan and see if he could be throw it like he you know is really famous for McConkey the deep man and Jeff hazed a punt and the Giants plane returned all the way down by I don't I would say a wise move I didn't think he was gonna fair catch that for a minute I could see that number 51 money coming bearing down on him 46 on the punt no return timeout what's happened to the chives in the last five possessions first in ten new york's brought from the 27 yard line carpenter handing off on the reverse bolos football and that put these six points for Curtis Jordan [Applause] down let's go another turnover converted into a touchdown on the Washington Redskins Dean runs the interception end and Curtis Jordan coming in for Mark Murphy today at the safety position runs in that bumble the judge tried to get fancy in it backfire Dennis do that I know I checked over there to see Bill Parcells at the end of the Bardsley connects on the extra point and it's 3214 now watch the action start here he's going to hand it off right here now it comes back but see Hoffman 55 is barreled inside he gets pursuit inside out from Dave butts he turns it back in and looks like might break the - Makani Coleman 51 comes in and in Bucks came back and knocked the ball out here comes Curtis Jordan picks it up and Sims is no fence right there Curtis Jordan there's another one of those three agents scored a touchdown it was the Giants rookie receiver who was the ball carrier at the ball care what the bone they're going to be happy at Rocco's restaurant Oh Rocco's restaurant is owned by Curtis Jordan and Jeff phase they're in business together they're going to be rocking tonight big in a Jeff haze he'll do the honors McConkey once again the deep man he came to camp last year with the Giants took his furlough in the Navy had spent all of preseason it was impressive they gave him a shot this year and he made the club twenty-seven ilma cookie from the go line after the 10 15 20 and that about somewhere near the 30-yard line the early went out at the 26 yard line coming up tonight on CBS premiere time for 60 minutes brand new show for you er and some cat of hero of show stars Richard Pryor so be watching seven minutes 53 seconds separates the Redskins from their first victory of the season and the Giants from the first loss of the year the score would indicate two big turnovers the Giants beat the Cowboys a week ago so come back to haunt of this way since Charles Mann flushes him out of the pocket gets it away and Williams bangs on for the first down at the 44 yard line Byron Williams and Williams is hurt Bernadine playing with real confidence right now he's had some big plays and he's got the starting job back and he really went up there and gave a real shot he's taken a few to them version 10 from the 44 to the 19 yard pickup since agenda Williams the bow is just short of the first down the sense is really going to have to loosen it up and it's gotta be heaven for the Redskins defensive line because they know they can tee off on it because he's got to throw it he's rotating some fresh team of defensive linemen back in there fresh Terry Brooks just came into light tackle spot Jensen to the left side Williams to the right second in one Josh at the Richton 46 [Applause] since agenda Williams 35:30 he could move [Applause] is really NIC tied at the 29-yard line Williams is gonna have fun trying to get out of bed tomorrow morning again the nice shot of the shotgun formation he's back there he's getting a little heat but he has more time now with Dexter Manley not in here he catches a ball coming across the middle i watch him take the ball in his left hand sometimes they do that for balance but I think that chance Monty Coleman comes in and grabs him by the bat and down he goes another giant first down at the 29 of Washington besides the three scores to pull this one out the last seven minutes [Applause] since there's a bullet at the near sidelines and getting the work out in this series certainly has been wide reciever byron williams here he is coming off real tight now he did a nice job of stopping right in between people's areas carpet coming in to get the tackle anybody had made a noise posi from the 20 sins has it knocked out of his hands that's a loose ball believe the Giants got it back at the 25-yard line Sims never got the arm up Charles man that time applying the pressure number 71 he has played well the entire ballgame starting in the defense he blended left in spot now playing the tight end spot in place of Dexter Manley they're the two-minute drill here with seven minutes left to go on the game second down fifteen sim the Tony Galbraith 20 steamed down to the ten galbraith at the fire first now most of his career with the Saints went to the Vikings and was obtained by the Giants in the offseason trade for Brad Van Pelt who has yet to report to Minnesota and if he doesn't the jacks igano the Vikings a draft choice at the end of the year Van Pelt was in the Giants Stadium area on Wednesday of last week yes he's just really doesn't want a report that makes sense some confusion in the Giants defense you know for how many players they have on the field they're gonna call timeout Redskins are called time because they have players rushing on it off he's hooked up to Ron Earhart the offensive coordinators upstairs I think both phones are set up so they go ahead and pass through his headset offense speaks when they have the ball defense speaks when they have the ball he's talking to his special teams goats right there he's a fine coach a special teams have been a super job Wayne Seaver is their special Paintsville here he's talking to Pat pots the wide receiver coach coming up next Sunday on CBS Nick and I will be in New England at Foxborough the Patriots who had a big one today over Seattle will take on the Redskins and San Francisco against Philadelphia second game of the doubleheader you will see either Tampa Bay faced the New York Giants will be back home in the bed Alliance or the Green Bay Packers against the Dallas Cowboys from Texas Stadium so the Giants and Tampa Bay Tampa Bay's had its problems and the Giants figured if they could come up with a victory here they'd really be in great shape next week but even still they go in with I think a lot of confidence off this ballgame take away a couple of turnovers it's an even game they've done a good job of course they're not satisfied now because they've had a history of having problems in that fourth quarter and sometimes that sometimes you have guys around you that almost expect some negative things to happen I think most of those guys Ernest Bray is live to the left Johnson has split to the right from the shotgun first and goal from the five the intended receiver was seek mo life number 84 Lee that's the first pass they wrote on his direction today they have the Washington Redskins play a lot of insight combination coverages on the tight end and it makes it tough sometimes to getting the ball that's maybe why we haven't seen him pitching balls today it'll be second and goal for the Giants at the 5-yard line they trailed by a score of 32 14 at the lead momentarily at 14 to 13 the Redskins defense came up with the big turnovers the much-maligned defense the taking so much heat to last up Maurice second and goal Sims with time to throw overthrows everybody we had two wide receivers yet three in the manual are right together the backfield in the endzone I kind of believe he threw that over the top on person on purpose they were just you know no one really obviously open and it's all tight different colored jerseys there I think you just put it over the top and the interception Sims was the Giants first draft pick after George Jung arrived at the scene and of course it's taken up several years to really get the dividends to pay off he's had an uncanny shoulder me very impressive rookie here though really is I thought he was going to be a great man you just third and goal to go from the five sims corner of the end zone intended for manual number 86 really nice job by Fernand Dean but that many well is pretty quick did you see that little move that he use I don't think there's a decision to be made here is there now you're gonna go for six points forget the field goal you're down 32:14 with five minutes and 33 seconds left to play our cell says we got to have a touchdown sometimes a shotgun formation down there is a little tough to Linda get that ball off so quickly the second fourth down go the goal from the 5-yard line to the Redskins Simms they have to run it in and has stopped short of the goal line Redskins will take over at the one look like you had a shot at it [Music] smart move on his part officials have spotted at the two yardline and the Redskins have moving out from there with five minutes and 24 seconds up to the factory of the United placement Lawrence Taylor number 56 in the stock he's a man amongst men out there was criminal for a guy to be that size and have all that ability and run a four five forty that's as fast as most of those wide receivers for faster and he's like six for 240 second attack [Applause] brigands Redskins tried to knock off some minutes on that clock now which shows four and a half minutes I think Riggins has become the all-time ball carrier has he no yes he did 21 carries and he has 27 and he surpasses the old record for career carries that's a record held by Larry Brown pretty good run [Music] seven red skins are at their five-yard line stay on the ground and haze will be punting from out of the end zone reminder sixty minutes coming up immediately following the conclusion of the football game we have three minutes and 52 seconds left to play in this contest it will be a four at new premier edition of 60 minutes so Riggins with a workhorse afternoon 28 carries for 87 yards gets a breather Ulric you know I take the NRA magazine being a member and he is now the spokesperson for the last few issues in there talking about no proper gun care and control one fella that the Redskins are missing this afternoon is Mark Murphy their fine safety is a pretty their defensive quarterback I was amazed Juke jokin told us how much the defense he calls he says about half of the defensive signals are audible it's their philosophy to allow them to want the offense to line up and then have their safety Marc Murphy the man who sees make the calls that adjust the defense to the formation of enemy pen it was very tough to miss a guy like that but the course jerk did come up with one of the big plays coming in for they standing about as far as you could that Enzo gets the kick away under pressure beautiful punt McConkey at the 4550 Nataly markers down as is dropped at the 49 yard line he's all over the place Anthony Jones who has been especially teams stop Frank I think the penalties on Brian hunt number 57 and he felt bad about it too because he actually saw him apologize to the red skin coverage man Mel Kaufmann that's who it is pirate huts did you coach your players to apologize to a guy we'd way out not really but another kid hasn't class and he felt bad because that was more than just a little push in the back I mean he gave this shot 51 yards on the punt seven on the return and Sims back to the attack Sims is hit the three hundred yard mark in the passing 17 completions in 36 tries he is at two picked off his first two interceptions of the year Joe Gibbs says they like to Kontest every pass thrown and it was demonstrated today they will gamble they will get fired occasionally [Music] Cepeda the shotgun the last few minutes Galbraith over the middle 45 for the 50 dancing his weight out of the 48 yard line and should have enough for the first down number 28 coming up from the secondary to make the stop and the Giants who have been in this two-minute offense it's about the six-minute mark after Jordan picked up the fumble and ran it into the end zone continue to go without a huddle they like that play obviously gal Breton again over the middle I think the Redskins will give it to Bald a 5-yard to pop well this is one of the few times you're going to get the Redskins a lot of zone defenses back to back they're gonna play zone come back into the zone and you can run those one with the lake crossing patterns against own pokévision 2nd and 1 Giants have two timeouts left and the Redskins have one Sims another open receiver miss Thomas Johnson over on the far side well Kauffman number 55 wraps him up and Sims quickly gets his group back to the line of scrimmage first down at the 32 yard line in the Washington Redskins the 24-yard line the byron williams number 87 his college football at the University of Texas at Arlington which is between Dallas and Fort Worth became a real fight last year he was cut loose by the running toward the two-minute warning sins looking neat but instead goes over the middle in the pass is incomplete you can see that contact coming I was out there playing loose zone and he just collapsed outside in and gave a shot as Tony Peters number 23 leaders young man who was suspended for a year worked very hard had the suspension lifted still a little bit rusty at that safety position but a great football player a couple years ago he was one of eleven children large families play put it in the air 41 times third down - DT for the first down we'll get the two-minute warning after this play Galbraith for the 20 to the 15 to the 10 yard line it'll be first and goal to go the taxes we hit the tomb of the warning mark actually with one minute and 54 seconds left to play in the game of the Redskins with a comfortable 16 point lead [Music] fifteen going for the constellation touch hairnets intercepted and burn indeed gets his third penis back to the 10 to the 15 across the 20 yard Vernon Dean lost his starting job got it back today and comes up with a three interception game never throw the ball late down the middle here we go seize this sit back there's a good time how he steps up inside the pocket and bean just comes across from the outside picks it off now he becomes a running back high school football player out of Los Angeles California went to junior college in on the San Diego's dead score the 49ers are three mo and the same so and 3:30 to 20 the final score many of you will see the first half part CBS doubleheader Redskins giving it the Riggins now to try to run out the clock keep in mind 60 minutes up coming right after the conclusion of the ballgame and this will go quickly now with the Giants trailing 32 14 and worth it for our last one minute 15 seconds of County second down six not much use ready for the judge to use their last two timeouts built ourselves let the clock run down brigands tripped up with the line of scrimmage got maybe a yard or so disappointed fill central finished the day 2240 347 yards but the three interceptions he hurt the times one returned for a touchdown by D now the Giants are going to call the timeout with 41 seconds to go then of course Kurtis jort running in that fumble recovery for his score that's making it too easy on the other team nope ourselves didn't figure they'd go 16 and oh he's a realist he said we were a little bit lucky and Lando's we're a better football team if we can continue to prove our going to give people prophecies I think if we could win this one Sunday he was talking to me on Thursdays the people in that one Thursday he might be real tough earlier than we anticipated but the young offensive lineman showed today that they do need some help they do need some more experience but I they're gonna be fine tackle and Joe Gibbs got a feel like he's at the world off his shoulders some of the reasons for losing have been written on coming up next week on CBS another doubleheader you'll see as far as the first game goes either San Francisco Philadelphia or Washington against New England fired huh - no finger-pointing [Music] Washington ladies the judge with 32 seconds left to play the Giants have just called their final timeout we welcome those have you been watching the Detroit Tampa Bay ballgame you had yourself an exciting game with the Tampa winning its first of the year and beating the lines by score of 21 to 17 and those same Tampa Bay Buccaneers will be at the Meadowlands next Sunday afternoon the place the Giants fourth down rescued simply running out the clock here this football game which is 32 14 Jeff Hayes klutz fielded by mikake with the fair catch with 24 seconds to go turnovers have been the big item in the second half for those of you jaundice lake with the Redskins urn indeed interception for a touchdown and Curtis Jordan scoring with a 29 yard fumble return for a score 45 yards on the punt 24 seconds all that's left and the Giants will be 2 of 1 and the Redskins will be 1 and 2 and hopefully they feel on their way back in the playoff track Ronit up for grabs intercepted but out of bounds Washington Redskins Tony Peters the hopeless feeling for sims at this point just want to get it over with and get off the field start working on next week does give an opportunity right here they hold it can't win with the touchdown but working the three receivers out there going for the big band play we told you about the first half of the NFL doubleheader on CBS next week the second half you'll see either Tampa Bay against the jacks are the first take on the Cowboys depending on there in trouble behind 51 body Coleman [Applause] that should just about do it coming up 60 minutes immediately upon the conclusion to the football game we've got 13 seconds left to go we'll be for all of you except on the west coast where you'll see it at your regularly scheduled time one last playoff is time runs out and simps sit down for pirate Williams and again Peters over there but out of bounds so that's the end of the football game the Washington Redskins have taken a large step on the road back they went at 30 to 14
Channel: HTTR 1983
Views: 15,815
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Id: ZQNB5TZcm9k
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Length: 145min 11sec (8711 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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