1978 NFL NFC Divisional Playoff Atlanta @ Dallas 12 30 1978

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Princeton 36 and 8686 is put the officials promise that they've been around a while 91 years of professional experience in this officiating 328 by Stan Jabba number 29 [Applause] kick-off to butch Johnson he and [Applause] with a 32 Glazebrook for Atlanta Dallas offensive line donovan scott Fitzgerald Rafferty and of course Ray feel right to pick head back at right tackle playing very well the receivers are very very good Tony Hill and Drew Pearson wide Billy Joe Dupree too tight in and Dupree may get a lot of action with this big blitzing the Atlanta defense Dorset and Laidlaw will operate behind Roger Staubach first down Dallas at their own 31 Pittsburgh has advanced to the AFC championship they defeat at Denver's 33 to 10 three main front [Applause] for about five Robert penny will makes the tackle here's the Atlanta defense all right that's Yeats Bailey Lewis and Moreau now once in a while you'll get Lewis out of there make that Bailey out of there they'll go with three down men and four linebackers and they will blitz how about these legs like Captain crazy Kuykendall penny well Brezina resina had eight sacks this year they lost their key man in that secondary Easterling earlier in the year but that group there has played very well as well Alliance is a heck of a quarterback the left side five yards by Wade law on the first down again that time tell us about their offensive right tackle Rayfield right back in a outside trap by the tackle but I'll tell you the recovery by this bunch in red is incredible I might as well say what Jeb Gates told Jerry Glanville his coach before the game he says happy hand grenades and don't take any prisoners it's do or die for us today Laidlaw just about a half yards shy of the first down so make it third in about a half yard Robert Newhouse by the way is available [Applause] 100% so Laidlaw and offense Oh [Applause] for the first Roger gets it himself what's the action of the lineman let's see if we get any pulling action like they're maybe going why'd they do pull offensive tackles pull and Roger goes ahead and dips in after a little bit of a hesitation step wilson fom wena made the stop on Starbuck it's 275 large indeed at their own 39 [Music] that's a serious [Applause] Dorset way behind the line of scrimmage by Roland Mouret I would imagine that time they blitz them that was the first blitz we've seen from this Atlanta defense and they do this they say 65% of the time like the top of your screen you'll see the cornerback blitz and TD Dorsett has nowhere to go watch the top of your screen that's frankly the same and they made the move both outside linebackers came I think I could all was groovin too so it'll be a second down for Dallas they lost six they're on 33 no stores yet [Applause] again there's it's a good throw from stomach it's a quick slant and he had about a yard to half on bias and the ball was right on remember that Rodgers first real throw was right on the money and drop notice that Drew Pearson is wearing gloves in this freezing temperature they're expecting sometime later this afternoon freezing rain Wayman Bennet what a job he's done he was the NFC coach of the year a year ago when he got him 77 here he has the playoffs in year number two be a third down for the Cowboys and the shotgun is unveiled for the first time Weston Pearson back [Applause] we've got it twenty-seven Rick bias made to tackle on another good throw from Staubach Atlanta did not think that the shotguns were bother their flesh [Applause] Atlanta Falcons come watch how thee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] corner and Pearson doesn't drop two in a row I don't think I've ever seen him drop two in a row super throw from number 12 he's still the clutch receiver this is some down the feel you can see it they mark it at the Atlanta 28 when all of that sovan forty-fifth cats for number 88 dallas is knocking already they look [Applause] not much Jim Bailey Atlanta be fair the 260-pound are from Kansas that time they tried the inside trap again you're not blocking the same first person twice in a row and this is the most confusing thing for a disciplined office like the Cowboys where do all the red shirts come from they do twist and squirm don't they Lehman Bennett said yesterday when you blitz as much as we do you're trying to hide hide weaknesses somewhere [Music] but again caught again and rock Pearson great pass protection that time [Music] [Applause] Pearson isn't bad for a free agent that just walked in and said I think I can play rick bias faculty and good pop blocking that things the offensive linemen went out and got Atlanta out on the line of scrimmage enough for Dallas flirt down first down at the Atlanta 14 it'll look like the layoffs heard in the cold had a good Christmas island [Applause] Dawkins now as Billy Joe Dupree comes in motion left there Jeff Yates was the man in the red with the initial contact there's the fellow that said happy hand grenades they are letting it all out it's the option play that time Roger may have thrown that a little too soon to the outside but Yates was waiting penny will came over to help Gregg Brezina is number 50 they'll go sideline to sideline with you with that defense Brezina Kuykendall penny well [Music] luzina says we got to put 11 hats on them everybody on the beach [Music] loss of two on that play back straight back again the Blitz is on they well in the corner and out of the end zone Jennifer Drew Pearson covered by Rick Mayer the amount of secondary while very aggressive is very short by that I mean the tallest one back there is read at 511 bias the man that just made that play is five nine when you're playing a blitzing type defense all the time it really makes tough solo coverage when you're giving away at least two or three inches to every receiver Tom Landry who calls all the plays by shuffling his guards Burton lawless [Music] and Rafferty the 26th postseason game for Landry NFL records [Music] - the last Drew Pearson right all remain the running backs and they post a in the Oh again on the coverage intended for Tony Hill and the safety man came over that's pride more that ball may have been really hot when it got to Tony Hill what should lock my door said okay let's watch this door set shifts back door set we'll come inside tell you they were blitzing again that time a pretty good secondary where he'll did really have a good shot at that Raphael cept in from 34 yards away from the goalpost with Charlie waters holding he's 10 11 up to 30 let's see what he is from 34 he's effective it's good now some chopped 34 yard field goal from Rafael Sofia and with 1004 lat [Music] Dallas leaves Atlanta by the score of three to nothing phase they went 57 yards they got a 34 yard field goal from Rafael's fdn ready to kick off right now Dennis sprinklin deep for Atlanta in his Pearson that big apartment and he averages about 27 yards to kick off this is a good department Fred Lana bound George Franklin is number 40 this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League it's intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent the Dallas Cowboys and the National Football League is prohibited septons kick out of bounds you'll have to do it this time for the 30 and the ball may hang up a little bit more now you've run your people down into the kickoff and Pierson has taken one back this year 100 yards hey whistling Ray's got a new horse this year they all broke down he's always the same and he's always different hit me whistling Ray Ray is always happy get reasonabie Dennis Pearson the only marker goes down on the far side of the field with a good return Denis Thurmond made the jackal Pierson brings it right up the middle Islamic clipping against Atlanta and we might watch this first offensive series Pat after the officials mark this off and see if the offensive line has trouble blocking that Dallas flex defense they may hold on offense to almost everybody does let's look at the Atlanta offense there's the big rookie Ken at the left tackle Scott who will be a working with Randy white man node who's been there for for almost ever filming the big young man from Arkansas in his second year and McHenry the voice of Calif or let's continue the Atlanta setup of course misterfrancis the bomb catcher Jimmy Mitchell one of the great tight ends still a little Billy Rickman who can do a lot of things Bartkowski will have Bubba beam and Haskell stand back for a moment alone setback just a second away being good yardage here in Kyle the cornerback made the tackle this is from a double wing back formation and I'll tell you it Lana's getting big splits in there let's see what happens they get Randy white turned out by vain notes blocked the center Bob Levine had over 700 yards and picks up the biggest first down of the season for me first down Atlanta the Dallas defense familiar to everybody Joe there Jethro Pugh is out of course for three linebackers that very quickly the second area is solid - here sort of a hotel we played collegiately at Texas A&M and played well with Harris made that tackle Lehmann Bennett's strategy coming out running the ball the falcons only average about 103 yards rushing per game and to come out against this kind of a team the best rushing defense in the NFC and take it to him twice in a row is rather interesting the teams that have moved the ball against him Atlanta's doing another ground so far second caste is going to throw caught by Rickman of a catch a heck of a throws well catch number 46 for a Billy recommen he's 510 160 pounds of just bone and shoulder pads good throw by Bartkowski notice that quick to step drop just over Benny Barnes and of course it gets wrapped by Cliff Harris Benny Barnes never saw the ball did he good catch huh what throw first down Atlanta the Dallas 41 846 left first corner Falcons first offenses that's one tackle on Bubba being made by Randy white [Applause] little travel on the line of scrimmage Randy why this of course the peacemaker for Dallas and he does stop a lot of trouble before it happens you would this is quite a resurgence for Bartkowski though who was really during pre-season just food out of the stadium at home it is a barren city had a very poor precision and the fans do it ten o'clock piercing the same play just before flag is thrown by the official is quit Harris took a swipe for the push had the intended receiver I thought that maybe Benny bars number 31 was going to get called for using the elbow but this might be just an unsportsmanlike that's what it is [Applause] [Music] their parents quickly was saying what did I do when they're trying to calm him down now Pearson going up the sidelines number 81 Barnes had pretty good position and I think Harris just came over to do the old intimidation factor which is strong taunting 43 he's a good Baptist point though he didn't curse any out I'm glad you're sure the drops and fires outside park Wallace Francis the receiver boy DD Lewis was stuck to him I blew all the people you don't hear about on his Dallas Cowboy team DD Lewis number 50 might be the steadiest let's see what's happening up front because Bartkowski is getting time to throw even though they're quick drops you see why Harvey's being double let's big pin on him who's six foot six 270 and they held a tight end Mitchell in to help out choice running back as podcast he gives to bubblebeam cut back to the right Thomas Henderson in the first hit Jerry tubs the linebacker coach for the Cowboys the former original cowboy told me that Ben 56 wants to play he has perhaps the best outside linebacker in football he says over the tide in and he's fast he can cover guys by himself and he can really rock and enjoys it look skinny about 222 dozen Kenny hit watch Bubba 18 in Missouri's range already Dallas leads three nothing [Applause] 30-second clock ran out and they'll lose five clay has to stand back got lined up in the wrong formation and these some of these formations look more like they may have put them in DES take advantage of what they might be able to early against Dallas Dallas scored on a 34 yard field goal by Rafael ceptin [Applause] it'll be third down Janet Atlanta I wonder if Dallas will double on the outside of the Henderson cover Mitchell all by himself mark Washington comes out with Frances why'd on the other side it appears has him alone new ver and it's complete that ought to be enough [Applause] very nearly Wallace Francis is some kind of a receiver remember they lost Alfre Jenkins early early in the year one of the good receivers our roll out this time Bartkowski put both backs in front of him to get the extra blocking by the way this ball was really hummed the short out it's good [Applause] mark Washington pushed him back and out of bounds and it's close enough to measure [Music] and burnings going to make sure for Dallas though this is some impressive drivers even though there was one flag dropped in it Atlanta is going right at the strength of this Dallas Taylor this role right Bartowski fired that one [Applause] an overcast cold day in Dallas anybody the stadium knows it at the moment [Applause] he might store it does Vava beam on quite an effort while the draw play from part Caskey Scot the offensive left guard and kin the big offensive tackle the rookie they did a heck of a job setting up this draw what's the right part of your screen that's Randy white woo Scott may have gotten away with a little holding but it's too fast Bubba's bygone see you later Charlie waters had been at about the two here decided the Falcon should be on the board Tim Mazzetti and it's good that takes the lead with six minutes of 25 seconds left first quarter Falcon 7 Cowboys 3 either handles the press conference any better handles the press-conference any better than Tom Landry does no but he looks like he might be a little concerned right now he has a reason to be Bartkowski by the way is three or four for 34 yards at very impressive rolling out good-looking drive for the Atlanta Falcons and they lead seven three zeti it will be Butch Johnson to handle a nine [Music] [Applause] Falcons are down in good shape let by run McCartney number 56 the first man there [Music] [Applause] spider-man comes to CBS uh tell you more about that in a minute but let's go down to the sideline to the great John Unitas and see what he's got now you pat then what I want to do is you see a great comparison of benches the cowboy bench is completely quiet with no no left or anything over there they just boo scored upon and the dippers down here between that bunch of the Falcons everybody is really ready up for the football game and looks like we've got a great one right on our here does Johnny Euler salute chilly down there is cold and the veteran gets a Dallas first down before Frank Reid takes him out of bounds you still run Jackie Smith first catch of the year picked up from st. Louis they really off the waiver sheet a reverse naked reverse by Starbuck he could have run with it himself but it's much smarter to give it to somebody still runs a 4 7 8 40 and still weighs 230 and still loves to play Jackie Smith first down Dallas at their own 42-year lanta lead seven three with 609 lat [Music] hi that was took off get it for to person my ass on the defense fires had pretty good position I wonder if Roger very quickly reddit and decided to airmail that way he's going to have to really do some reading against this Atlanta defense because they don't give you the same front and sometimes they'll fake the Blitz and sometimes they'll send everybody Meriter now has dropped down below freezing down to 30 they're expecting as I said before freezing rain later today and tomorrow the snow will arrive correct second attend Alice as more time and again the ball sails over the outstretched hands of Billy Joe Dupree Frank Reed covering in some of the sharpness seems to have disappeared from the Dallas offense that time they set two linebackers they faked come in with about seven remember Roger now is given a number by the guard that brings it into the huddle and then he fabricates the whole play around that he gets the formation the man in motion what they're going to do after he's told just a simple number by the guard and he will operate from shotgun yes stop going up unto the center at all the shotgun where they usually every time I was bitten Weston Pearson but the ball sailed high for the third straight time and Roger sailed down well for marina and Brezina both went through with their charges and hit Roger Staubach the official was right on top of it look for Xena getting blocked to the right part of your screen watch him keep up its reason he got eight sacks they continued their charge and the official looks no malice no intent meant Tom we know made the first contact it's a lot 275 an ey its first appearance the first down anyway as an X on every fellas any white [Music] last week against the New York Jets he had to put one on the run-up at Shea Stadium and that time nobody for Atlanta forced from the weak side very white looks like he knows what he's doing watch number 11 now he will watch the backers drop he'll go ahead and act like he's going to take this that nobody forces he goes right up behind him of course at the end of this trail a lot of red shirts show up sine-wave yes Kalas gets the first down at the Atlanta 46 let's go to the secondary gate tooth balance Laidlaw Eastside start his first game on Thanksgiving day against the Redskins he broke a 59-yard of that day had over 100 yards he's clever because more riparian [Applause] [Music] Frank Reid finally made the tackle on Laidlaw another Dallas first down at the Atlanta 25 there's that quick-draw [Applause] Dorsett comes in motion the handoff Jeff Merle made the tackle the glade log at four before he went down time they pull the left tackle right on through the hole shot through a hole but the ball carrier suffered a little make it a gain of three by Laidlaw so at second and seven at the 22 Baba we nose in the nose man so the falcons are anticipating pass by Roger the Dodger [Music] I left Roger comes back [Applause] was out-of-bounds hit by Joey McLain it ought to be another Dallas first day of it is remember the first game of the year against Baltimore when 33 went 91 yards with the screen pass there's Donovan making sure cutting down now the wall has already formed and I'll tell you a Roger Starbuck waited a long time to squeeze it off Burton lawless number 66 checks in with a play for star by his first and Alice at the Atlantic 13 and Bennett's team leads by the score of 73 mirakl Falcons Cesar they've had is working on that government well at the press conference last night too [Music] whoops is on and is to go here chuckles and he's had a bound he finally got it but when he went out of still juggling they call a young man from Long Beach Poly High School thrill Hill it was the greatest baseball player in Southern California averaged 26 points a game in basketball look what he almost does just out what a career he had a Stanford as well they had one in Dallas to think I think so Rick bias that's Mike Ditka standing behind time the other is Gil Brandt the so-called super scout [Music] it could judge about 3-4 miles every day still and full equipment [Music] wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stop kid got a surfer glock Fitzgerald [Music] you're right this crowd is purely Texas boy can they whoop it up [Applause] [Music] watch this chair oh right below your screen [Music] hey Laidlaw hit that hole in a hurry sure dude Dallas recaptures the way rap gel set DN will try to add the extra point [Music] waters holding at a seven there's the touchdown was a good blocking Arden Laidlaw hit got hold on her and it was both it was both Scot the four-year guard watching to the left of your screen 68 take Kuykendall cut off the linebacker and Rafferty and Fitzgerald if Dutton family not out of there and that is a touch then Laidlaw cuts through their nunnery to kick off fry for about a zone seven finally stumbles on the artificial turf Robert Steele got a hand on him [Music] tonight on CBS spider-man and demon seed starring Julie Christie's spider-man all right could hang from tall buildings right my thread or whatever rich Weaver will co-star with Julie Christie and demon seed Tama of a woman trapped by forces she is powerless to control [Applause] [Music] Haskell's stand back quite make it back to the line of scrimmage Henderson DD Lewis everybody or DD Lewis really got a tackle penetrated hit him at the knees and dropped him and don't forget that Atlanta was two and six on the road they liked that Fulton County Stadium back in the Southland and Dallas likes it here they were seven and one here is a try seven and one at home [Applause] [Music] second opportunity two drops and overthrow intended for Alfred Jackson the sprinter from Texas Kowski started loded that one up and threw a sailor he's talking to himself about it pretty good blocking on the line of scrimmage McKenna Lee is doing a pretty good job on Eddie Jones he's cutting him at the line of scrimmage and trying to get those gigantic arms down otherwise Bartkowski won't even be able to see 6:9 George Franklin goes into the Atlanta backfield and national stand back comes out it'll be third and 10 happen [Applause] that's Franklin and that Franklin has an Atlanta first down stop by Benny Barnes and Mark Washington helped out along with too tall Jones from behind Franklin only had one carry for the entire season he's a good athlete Leeman Bennett in answer to your question yesterday said the best athlete of my squad might be Franklin and you might see him that he said watch number 43 missing you don't see Harris used the fingernails for tackling very often six three and two twenty-five [Music] Thomas Henderson reps Steve Bartkowski we don't hear a lot about the Dallas Blitz but they come from centerfield an air escape or one side and Henderson right in front caste takes it pretty well remember he has been often injured in this leak he only played what 21 games his first three seasons he's big and strong [Music] even Bennet talking to some of the foul head coaches game they were saying he is the most remarkable man on the sideline they have never seen him lose his poise never seen him yet rather that's a reason her hair [Music] quick-draw on second down Haskell stand back the ball-carrier stopped quickly this is careful time you got a hunter like James you might even think about booting it deep down in the corner and not putting this ball up for the fellas love to get you so they can go to that nickel defense just over a minute and now exactly a minute left to play in the first quarter is Dallas 10 Atlanta 7 third and 14 situation everybody's standing on both benches [Music] Taal was there first [Applause] what's the big tackle McKinley trying to get back the receiver will not have a chance because number 10 didn't as we said at Jones is not only six nine to 75 but he is very quick Alfred Jackson with the we had isolated John James and watch the unusual stance he assumes back there we can he hasn't been dropping the ball very well yet twins about three weeks ago and he's still a very nervous new father they say ooh line shot Butch Johnson Tumblety Atlanta has it what a play he led the Atlantic coverage in the ball bounced right to it Atlanta's in great shape and this job [Music] that will be considered either a mop or a fumble I'm not sure that's a move but Moriarty was right on them up at the perfect pounce and a Falcons have the football with 8 seconds left to play in the first quarter lay it down by only three wait till a fourth quarter any doubts last should be second sack of Oh Bubba they call a number 63 in there through all the great teams doesn't get much publicity face time he'll get you a big sack what's a left part of your screen is what they call barns strong somehow he splits three different blocks and makes the sack as Steve books away and tries to run the first quarter is leavin Bennet has his team ready to play no question about it that some are always Tom Brookshire Texas Stadium where it's Dallas 10 Atlanta 7 Falcons are in cowboy territory and Bubba beam setbacks Rivera Franklin [Applause] back to the original line of scrimmage before Harvey Martin made the tackle dave stalls in the game for Dallas and he's played well lately must have been against the computer sort of a strange call on second long maybe the thing about a Mazzetti field goal attempt well he can get it there Franklin by the way it's the second-year man from Texas a and I as you said Patrick big strong right now he's sort of crude in football ways but he looks like he might play a little bit he sure does look like a good athlete it'll be third down the Atlanta Falcons [Applause] with Harris with the sure attack homemade the first contact and Mazzetti should watch John change I'll tell you that was some pursuit by that Dallas bunch because Henderson was cut down by Van Hook the center and the play looked real good as it usually does here's Mazzetti now he's in James will hold here's the play to the left of your screen now you'll see bad note coming out to the very left and just cut higher it down and all of a sudden the play comes apart like Custer at the Little Bighorn right Atlanta's in danger of letting the 30-second clock expire and that might take him out of range this will be from 42 yards out a little bit further than that Walt when he's tried this year [Applause] and up distance we have a time as bisetti hits here is 13 out of 16 in the regular season he's a fine kick used to be my favorite bartender back to Philadelphia had a putter John James and every attempt to stay warm as a club on his foot [Music] yarp the reverse goes to Thomas Henderson on the other side of field he slipped down and he might have hurt himself got a good block and I don't believe a clip has been caught there were that the opened the opening play of Super Bowl ten if I recall with Henderson men and Henderson came all the way over the 50 that time he gets Pittsburgh almost broke it looks like he might be limping a little bit they nicked him in fact in that game Joella the kicker had to make the tackle on Henderson they might meet again but first Atlanta presents a small problem you know something the fakes didn't get ready many people did there they brought over made the tackle [Music] the atlanta team walks off slowly number 30 Dallas will start from its own 23 four out of eleven [Applause] start [Music] Tony Hill is driven back by Rick bias classes 5 975 out of Wayne State and you know when your team blitzes all the time your quarterbacks don't have any fingernails they're biting them off all the way to the elbow and he and Lawrence just keep banging people they almost always wind up with single coverage not much help when you blitz alive [Music] Robin Lawrence talking about covering Tony Hill said I want to be on them like a bee those emotion they try to wanker trap with Dorset carrying the ball that's in Bailey made the contact first hey Jim collapse that play actually you're absolutely right Tony Hill came in from the flank respond trapped inside we've seen it along with Pearson coming back the other way but that's the first time I've seen member Eddie trapping we've seen Butch Johnson do it a few times to handy Frederick is in the Dallas lineup in place a very feel right or ray field may still be in there and we they have three tight ends that's correct right is lined up as a tight end Jackie Smith outside with you port of attack in Dorset lowers his head and gifts of Dallas first down would help the RIC bias but Dorsett gets the first that's about the first time I've really seen him put the left shoulder down and go into a hole looking for a first down and not looking for a hundred and he banged into that time usually he's more of a dancer than that he does lowered it and got it Andy Frederick is at right tackle for Dallas they operate from their own 37 and they operate with the score tied at 1010 insulate Nebraska's cargo decree and Billy Joel stays this on his feet gets into the territory is stopped by [Applause] [Music] that was a great play they actually brought the man in motion back to the bottom of the screen and made that destroy the left side of your screen now becomes a strong side so the fake is to that way you can see that the linemen are taking it and now he screens back to his Titan who's just sneaking back and BJ Duprey has had some kind of a year throw Bowl and all that's looking forward after they get their playoff ideas gone nine coal boilers on the Dallas team none for Atlanta [Music] tied 1010 editorial note Coney Hill is high let's go down to John Unitas Thank You Pat they're standing down here with the Henderson who hurt his ankle on it the the kickoff play he seems to be alright it's bothering him quite a little bit right now we don't know where he's going to get in this half or not you know this looks like True Grit down there yeah Jeff Moreau put a lot of pressure on Roger Staubach that time and we've said it before but when Roger is inaccurate it's usually high he had an extra weeks layoff he didn't play it all against the Jets the final week of the season and Danny white a heck of a job Dallas first down Town Crier war Lana's secondary made the tackle but Joanie D more authority that time lap time Bennett's Atlanta tables in that three-man front now watch what happens Dorsett runs between penny well the linebacker coming over watch number 59 a little bit of a block by Scott but Dorsett doesn't need a lot he could run in a vacuum I'll tell you [Music] get down to the Atlanta 35 and 36 left in the first half scores tied at 10 this time no place to go Robert penny will hit him first looks like some of the blitzing has been called off by Atlanta I would imagine the Dallas feeling was that they have to really block the linebackers Brezina penny well Kuykendall while you really can't move the ball against Atlanta two tight ends set up for the Cowboys with Jackie Smith lined up on the right side of the offensive line Pearson standing up for a long time with Rick bias and Staubach almost waited too long or the offensive line allowed Roger to look first to true person rennashort out to the left of your screen watch how long he reloads in about four times and safety bouncing to try him was I don't receiver and by us had a chance perhaps to cut in front of BJ and take off falcons only have 12 interceptions because they're so busy playing man-to-man and blitz Preston Pearson join us leo for Dallas would star back Pearson had it dropped it they call it an incomplete pass he almost made a remarkable I think number 89 Dupree thought the ball was for him they're talking it over now from the shotgun they call it L shotgun Oh down here a little bit of pressure this time now watch the prey think he's going to get it and of course Pearson's going for it I think Pierce I might have drifted too far I feel he's probably supposed to take it to the sidelines and pull it up Charlie waters will hold for Rafael sepia eight yards out there is is again sepia you'll do well to get it there [Applause] Boyan else at the end 48 yards out [Music] I'm too and the playoffs of 1978 Malkin's be Philadelphia last week mirakl finishes and now they're against the world champions the defenders Dallas Cowboys Denver who played down at last year in the Super Bowl at the New Orleans Superdome will not be back they lost a Pittsburgh today that's Pierson he can go [Applause] Lag has dropped except in that they might have used too much of a violent tackle I think it was unsportsmanlike he is wrapped him across the helmet with his forearm ten years ago that's the way most people tackle on the sidelines but it's verboten [Applause] good run back by Pearson they'd like to see it again mechanically though we've had some problems with our playback equipment and we will not be able to show it to you again we can't listen to it Calla for sale first down [Music] Yale Septon the violator the NFC playoffs tomorrow Minnesota Vikings against Los Angeles that's always a good matchup the NFL today Earvin Zane the golf play again tip up a beam and he struggles four four five before Henderson back in the game takes him down it's really a fast play it was a draw lead with Haskell stand back going in front watch number 24 go in front of the drawback Bubba beam number 44 Haskell goes through pretty good block on Larry Cohen that note made sure he wasn't holding tell you Atlantis on the attack being scored to Falcon touchdown on that same play [Music] meet again Randy white made the tackle the first contact he had some help quickly Bubba pain played his ball down at Texas Aggies and his only problem in three years as a pro is to stayed together injuries that just don't let a running back take the punishment but the day he looks like he's rather foolish 511 195 since I am for Atlanta now James Wright and the veteran Jim Mitchell right side they go away from it [Applause] brennick where Paris came up [Applause] didn't get to the line being the little decision here for leaving Bennett uh he was the Atlanta ball carrier it would be from 48 yards if they try to go with Mazzetti but they're not going to George Franklin comes in what the pursuit short yardage there's one for it's done decided we'll go for it I like it about a foot let's see if they like it you're right Thomas he is a good-looking runner he didn't want to fumble that ball any only what it was the first down beauty Lewis the tackler there it is from the eye the toss back Bubba being out in front van note the center gets out very quickly for a guys just snap the ball makes a good block and both arms around the hog bladder boy I like to see a coach gamble happy hand-grenades it's a big day for him [Music] [Applause] the Dallas 27 [Music] swings out to his left he's got his man Wallace Francis spins around he goes out of bounds by Betty Barnes all week long we've been hearing criticism of bartowski's moving in the pocket he's not agile he's too big he's six four you're looking at a man that's very agile Wallace Francis the short out now the problem begins with him a benign can fly it was very quick but watch this throw by number 10 moving to his left this is the Bartkowski that we've never seen before confident and thrown it on the dead run it's good throw Bartkowski he was drafted by the Falcon until this year all those hopes have been [Music] love beans stop by Larry Cole but he might have another Atlanta first down he's very close pretty good little move by Bubba right in the hole it was sealed off by Cole and Henderson and he just sort of did almost a skateboard move right between them hi measurement says Falcons new habit three quarters of a football [Music] being as nine carries support five yards only one winner this year has gained over a hundred yards against this Dallas defense that was chuck foreman and fran threw the ball so many times that night for Minnesota you didn't realize that Foreman was getting 100 did you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] himself with a first down he's gonna throw on first down got his man touchdown Wallace Francis the coverage but the Falcons are we'll catch the ball in traffic [Music] Philadelphia late this time he sliced right between Bibby Barnes and I believe it was waters watch this throw folks a man from California has arrived that's a Hummer for what a catch there's cliff Harris not Charlie waters and Betty buyers [Applause] the Falcons now 17 the Cowboys 13 with 4 minutes 26 seconds left to play in the first half falcons look Charlie dust with the safety man and Charlie waters Teddy Barnes was not involved in that play the semi Falcons recover while I still loose safety [Music] a safety I played Bruce mother back into the end zone and it will be an Atlanta safety bar look like something on Hollywood on Halloween night watch this they move that is a month but watch the action as the poem is first hit by Falcons still loose and remember that's an artificial turf just like your living room right and they are still struggling for where it goes off to the right and that's other number 57 who recovers it in the impetus of the fall took it into the endzone is not a safety thought that was a touchback segment all the Falcons were jumping up and down signal touchdown [Music] Laura still the same as [Applause] wait this time yes it does have it look at--look have been at very calmly talking to Bartowski about the next year he's really moving but he's got to put that ball away and the words out don't hit him on city twice that comes out pellet we'll get it number 27 [Applause] Sina loose from Dorset and first down at the Dallas 30 swings to the outside has almost another Atlanta first down before quit Paris takes him down and these Falcons have shocked everybody now watch the left part of your screen and see if Randy white number 54 stands up he does and Scott turns him outside and that's about the fourth could play that Atlanta's poured through that hole Randy at about six three and a half has to look around sometimes you're right he might be a lot concerned yards for being 20 left to play the first half as being struggles the couple he should have the first and he does DD Lewis tackling [Applause] crowd is very quiet and even the cheerleaders have on jogging suits it's cool and right now the Cowboys are have are backed up against it they are cool at the moment now I doesn't seem the same it sure does don't blame me the twenties now [Music] let's go leaving bubble beam long [Applause] [Music] to about the twelve cliff Harris hit him underneath this is the defense that allowed people only about a hundred and seven yards per game and they played some tough people and right now Atlanta is going inside where they live and doing the job [Applause] there's fan note going through on the linebacker table theme is really running with that reckless abandon you hear about look at this and he held a ball five yard pickup will make it second and five at the or at the 13 yard line Bartkowski takes advantage of the 2 minute notification to both benches to come over and talk with Cleveland Bennett Tom Landry will get that message to and he'll talk to two members of his defense you're confused by Atlanta right now puns Atlanta has 10 Bartkowski is 5/4 7/4 59 in the touchdown and Wallace Francis has four catches for 37 yards already highlights of the Denver [Music] get by Henderson you've got a couple look like you might break it for a second boy Henderson moves so quickly at the point of attack that time everybody talks about hard hitters and I think hit ursins one of the best because he gets in position so he can't unload he's not like a fighter if you're reaching for people with the arms at all there's no way you could stick him and Holly would lose the feet very quickly by the way Tom NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle is going to be Britta nerve and Jane at the half and we'll have a live report from Los Angeles where Minnesota plays the Rams tomorrow but caste calls a timeout and comes over to chat with the Atlanta coaching staff the Falcons lead the Cowboys 1713 nubuck Sports spectacular 1979 Falcons and the Cowboys involved in a spectacular Texas Stadium in Dallas as those stand back gets the good yardage before Thomas Henderson's Thompson but isn't enough for an Atlanta first down I'll tell you Big Mike in the rookie for Michigan and Scott and Van note we underestimated their abilities when we said they might be holy and they are moving a Harvey Martin and company out of their whites the left part of your screen right on through Scott goes on Randy white and then cuts him as he goes by band notes out in front after snapping the ball Bubba beam is taking the block for a Haskell stand back Lana's on the move again they have it first and goal at the dallas six and a half yard line Danny white was loosening up a minute ago over by the Dallas bench you know layman Bennett said something that I thought was rather in the street in all the newspapers and out loud yesterday at the press conference Lehman said our only secret is togetherness when we lost Claude Humphrey a great player we said we got to play tougher in other areas and when we lost Bryant our big offensive tackle he said we got to be tougher we got to play together and he is really some kind of a young coach I can see how you'd want to play like gangbusters one fella standing on his left was the Atlanta quarterback the last time these two teams met two years ago when Atlanta won 17 Chen that Scott hunter and his attitude he hasn't thrown the pass or played it down all year long just as happy as he can be part of it now these bulls doing a job upfront against what many people makes the best defensive football 121 left in the first half and it's Atlanta 17 Dallas 13 in Atlanta no less than three first down [Applause] George Franklin to cut back and they cut him off but he still manages to around 4 - Harvey Martin came all the way from the offside and now we're going to get a hurry up as the clock continues alkanes have one more time out left they'll operate from the 5 Bartkowski going and they had his ban Wallace Francis he had the ball just for a second and dropped it Benny Barnes was in his wake did a pretty good job of getting ahead is what's the right part of your screen the quick slant three steps and right over the top [Applause] Frances almost had control of that what caste did something that froze cliff Harris for a second and he couldn't get over and time to help Andrea obviously very concerned got the nickel looking defense Randy huge just came in number 42 anticipating pass again good time for drop laylamon [Applause] throwing [Applause] for Wallace Francis and Mark Washington barely got a hand hi but Frances at five foot ten about 185 pounds can jump straight up great play by Mark Washington he got party and Mazzetti will come in to hold to kick with john james number six to hold eight out of nine from this the Atlanta Falcons 20 [Music] and very very suprising first half the football at Texas Stadium Danny will kick off and the crew Dallas will be puts Johnson and Larry Princeton scoring drive they lead 2013 thank you folks was taken from some stadium earlier in the day I think yes today's kickoff will be hand coyly he bounces out to about 226 he's hit by Bob Glazebrook don't forget to stay with us for that group at the half Jane is the one on the left and the helmet belongs to one of the Cowboys right one of them good [Music] they do quite a job don't they you think the Cowboys might be a little conservative and just going to halftime and try to regroup nope I think you'll unload it in the direction of Tony Hill [Music] the line of scrimmage Cowboys have all three of their timeouts left [Music] Pearson had it interrupted it's called incomplete Rowling Lawrence picked it up and Roger Staubach is down fake farmer we know or maybe a blitzing linebacker got him he is hurting Flagg is lying right under his right arm red wave from Atlanta's defense took him down let's see if we can see what happened see if it's the linebacker penny well or fob we know he Pharma we know is that big man right over the middle and they're stunning from we know 74 74 the linebacker Grambling Stuckey when the ball was a long way out of the quarterbacks hand and Lawrence did a heck of a job on Pearson at this end too dr. Knight working on Landry of course [Music] I sure his concern Danny white what imagine would be up warming up and he did quite a job against the Jets on a win walk it off against Atlanta Danny white walks onto the field he's been warming up already Arizona State just waiting a chance to play this is not the way he would like to enter the game obviously with number 12 down watch this Lawrence at 5:10 he's got 6 interceptions and I'll tell you he's been going after cowboys all afternoon [Music] Staubach is still in his back Cowboys have two timeouts left now Falcons still have 138 seconds left in the first half Atlanta 20 Dallas 13 that was a real late charge by the linebacker obviously when you're blitzing like that you continue your charge but that was a long time after the arm would come through Roger up in a sitting position now which is encouraging to say the least [Applause] [Music] couldn't tell exactly where the contact was was it the rib cage strike it right in the middle of this cake he's having trouble getting up to Rogers of keeps himself an excellent physical but he is 36 years old [Applause] many well waste about 225 [Applause] run at him looks like it could be on his left side possibly his left shoulder we'll find out as soon as we can [Applause] any white is 20 of 30 for one interception and no touchdown yeah [Applause] down the far sideline this is Pearson's third catch of the day again that's a blind snap by Fitzgerald handled beautifully by Danny white looks like he's been in there a long time here's the move by Pierson just cut the white line the fish a look and write down the rail eddie rick bias made the contact with him and took him out of bounds but he did get a first down for the Cowboys Danny white has a nice fluid motion yes sir decision to let him play that last game against the Jets might turn out to be a real stroke of luck by Rollins [Applause] [Music] peaceful little Tabor College out in Kansas everybody that school must be watching Lawrence right now Roger Staubach is behind that group over there headed for the locker room it looks like and being helped that locker room is just about like Municipal Hospital - they'll find out and be able to treat him better than anybody [Applause] Balt sort of Telegraph that last played good man-to-man that's Roger in the Middle East walking better than he was we're out seems a little angry any white sort of sidearm for the second and can breo's DS shouldn't be close to Dallas first down let me Dwight drill that one [Music] slow getting up for Atlanta Dallas uses a timeout [Music] caught in the collision to pray at six for 225 greed at 511 about 185 Moriarity goes in to replace read white drops just went out a little bit too but he does hum this one didn't look at the rush to praise a good target [Music] still haven't gotten any report on Roger Staubach something has happened to our communications the Dallas officials [Music] three inch me for a Dallas first down for Xena's checking with Dean coaches as to what to anticipate past I would imagine twenty-one seconds to go in the first half with Atlanta leading by seven 22:13 I figured it would take at least 23 points to win he's got 20 the Dallas quarterback Staubach has been injured white just barely struggles to get it back [Music] and the Blitz came from everywhere I believe Julie McClane recovered that ball Kuykendall penny well everybody watch them come down they've got a four yard well at the line of scrimmage it's Kuykendall captain crazy from UCLA it really causing the problem mcclain goes right under to get it the report on Roger Staubach is that he was knocked out by that blow from Honeywell and is still a little bit woozy they have taken into the locker room already and they're checking the fumble was not really Danny White's fall [Music] was low [Music] [Applause] almost picked off by Randy Hughes that was the play that beat New Orleans and tried shades of New Orleans he really hugs this you can see all three receivers and they're looking for volleyball action huge makes the ball is still alive they're almost intercepted by I believe Charlie waters had a head on the what it was Alfred Jackson that got to rebound in the victory over New Orleans and he was in the same spot on that play that he was when they scored against the Saints thank for conservative offense they're sort of airing it out speaking of New Orleans we'd like to congratulate archie manning who was selected as the UFC's player of the year this year better person play [Applause] it is picked off by ready Dallas has the football in years might have landed in a position of not to wind out of here there it is it's called wing formation left keep it alive [Music] which is very hard on this back and it knocked the wind out of him and he still [Music] 22:13 Atlanta the end of the first half they better separate up in those dressing rooms it looks tough ceptin kicked off - Tom cried more he heads back in the middle of field for a while penalty marker goes down [Applause] guy Brown made the stop there have been three sacks on Bartkowski but actually the right side of the defensive line talking about Randy white and Harvey Martin has been rather silent equip against Atlanta it is right in the middle you'll see the clip on number 36 on Brinson I believe it's correct [Music] Roger Staubach will not be back in today's action it'll be Danny white the Dallas quarterback [Music] 45 to return it to first polarity now we'll see if the Dallas defense is going to get it going if number 72 decides to turn on the entire defensive cocoon will turn on leaves 2213 [Music] [Applause] and birds quickly another penalty flag is down might be holding and it Jones that time clear down the line of scrimmage and caught the ball carrier at the line of scrimmage [Applause] here's the hop defensive man right now let's see cliff Harris coming up and talking and brooding and everybody and if they get it pepped up Dallas may think they've got a win it on defense [Music] Atlanta look very sharp in the first half as the scoreboard would indicate filmin is 68 [Applause] sidelines Rivard Scott and that's Roger Staubach without the helmet and without the camp Bartkowski is going to be very careful [Applause] at the Atlantis 7 [Applause] and Ed Jones has come book Shire said a minute ago he's a hot man on defense I'll bet you Ernie starter got the entire defensive unit in one corner and the fire and sparks flew look at 72 different-looking action on the line of scrimmage Thomas Henderson was also involved the cowboy report is that star back as a concussion they feel play anymore today 18 their own 6-yard line you're right but Castilla has got to be whoever beam gets out to about the chin maybe the 11 before Harvey Martin submarine em and Landy white got into the action tempo is up and Dallas looks like they're hot maybe they're embarrassed and in a way they probably think they should be embarrassed they're the Super Bowl champions look at this action by 54 they were favored by 14 points and some people thought that wasn't enough what's fun to go against the champion though you know you can lay it all out if you lose you were supposed to lose it plays better against the champion and that's understandable nickel defense time [Applause] no chances this part [Applause] had a crack at it News finally made the tackle again a penalty marker is drunk right me still holding I was hostile stand back who's still on the ground he was the golf run really for not even getting the first down it's holding again I would imagine and that is a signal that the Dallas defensive line is coming off the crowd senses that you can tell that already afternoon in Dallas against Alfred Jackson we thought they might Cowboys refused the penalty maskull Stanback is being helped off the field he's been a great ball carry out of Tennessee first at Cincinnati and down to Atlanta he does everything that Lehman [Applause] [Music] an indication of how well Atlanta played in the first half John James [Music] was dropped by butch Johnson and the Falcons got it back James had one puck block this year for Dallas [Music] [Applause] hit by a touchdown in the third look like they might be serious about it Duncan they're thinking about it [Applause] line drive kick to butch again this time he gets around Moriarty but the rest of the Atlanta Falcons are there very quickly during McLane took him out of bound do they cover punts and kickoffs the Atlanta crazies went after puts Johnson Ekati 13 minutes in two seconds left in the third quarter Lana hit 20 to 13 father was now American Arizona State and mr. white your son has a problem but he's a good football player Dallas first down of Atlanta [Music] as he sipped it into the middle ears hip-hip by Jeff Yates Dorsett went into that carry with 21 yards so you might get him a couple give him 23 yards on 6 carries the guy that at 1325 and a 4.6 average which like the Falcons have laid the defense on to that started right back at right tackle and right now Burton Wallace is the shuffles his guards [Music] just as he goes en effet through person picked off by Ryland Lawrence white was rocked [Applause] Atlanta defense just as he let it go I believe his head ger feels number 77 they've got to see whether rush came from from the left he took the inside not oven never had a chance Lawrence gets interception number seven it's a biggie white seems to be okay Atlanta first down they leave 2013 12 16 left in the third quarter so all with town butcher and we're watching uninspired Atlanta team [Applause] Oh Randy white made the tackle cliff Harris over ran it and you note see Harris missed two open field tackles almost the whole season but he's just missed two at this game but bartowski's in a lot of trouble down here second and five George Franklin [Applause] the backfield here [Music] Stanback was shaken up a little bit [Applause] mutters almost picked it off intended for George Franklin that was the hands of Steve park Caskey that we will not keep looking at close up before scattery reports say he flexes his hands nervously until he's getting ready to get the snap and then gets firm with and in some defensive linemen claim they can go ahead and jump the barrier and take him on when he stops those hands for movie not have to worry about Lyman and reacting to movement of the he stopped they might get a little jump on the gun don't need much of an edge its third down [Applause] on her down [Applause] and Harvey Martin came down the line behind Randy white watch your left Bubba makes one move and has no more time 79 suddenly is alive in a situation like this and of course this time Landry and you think about the Atlanta philosophy you have to be very careful that you don't all of a sudden become too conservative what's the stats on this putter James he's got both feet parallel then he says the reason for that is as bad he can go either direction [Music] this one they did not try to mock and James Atlantic Hubbard is down excellent shape all rising through steps of all on the punch was the leader they hope they hope up returners 25.4 yards a shot they've done it all year tomorrow night on CBS 60 minutes all in the family Alice caz New Year's Eve with guy Lombardo's Royal Canadian and Alice is tough you know it Flo can't find a date for New Year's Eve and that hurts me a little bit special guests on the Guy Lombardo show will be Cab Calloway hidey-ho and Kelly Garrett first down Dallas their own 46 or chefs wings in motion into the right way to objects the trips back they outside almost breaks loose gets about five Tom Pridemore stopped him good block by Ray feel right [Applause] like I can't break that guy's code let's go down and see if Johnny Unitas is frozen yet update report on Roger Staubach he is feeling a little bit better he is to quite nauseated and doesn't recall too much of what's going on at this time the man of Falcon speared to be going away from the game plan of the short quick tight pass has been going for the deep stuff right now the momentum sees they've turned around to the favor of Dallas John thank you nobody was better the situation like this in 1 John Unitas let the truth five late low again the ball carrier is tackled by Fulton Kuykendall back in Dallas something thick for me or coached him at UCLA and said his IQ is near genius they call him captain crazy but he really isn't he plays under control and loves it he can really tackle there's Roger let's walk a little bit better now all the time he's probably clearing those cobwebs huh [Music] you really took a hit from Penny well 19 left through person in a clutch situation 88 is the man they look for is he classy though what's the way mr. Pearson gets the feet down before he goes out near yeah couldn't have done it any better put that and he's there Rick biases number 38 for Atlanta that pushed him out of bounds what's that moving down [Music] land at 20 to the right Pearson again [Music] this time should have a lot of time does for Tony he'll almost had it but a great defensive play by Robin Lawrence got to hand in just at the right time he has no fear to go for the ball Hale is going to complain but all receivers do that super coverage by the cornerback but 510 he covered to one of the best young athletes the NFL action outs foot throw avoidance of great defensive play [Applause] Lawrence is from Tabor College atop Kansas five thousand people screaming right now as they watch 22 through this he's five Jim [Music] six-year veteran right three the big time inside the 22 the 17 [Music] Thomas Henderson [Applause] he's going back in now we gonna get him myself great play by Danny white he rolls out and throws it on the run wait would you play that clear [Music] cuts it up Dallas's movin Danny white exhibits marvelous athlete here away from the rush [Music] hands like suitcases to play those [Applause] [Music] 17 they're on the move Dorsett started in motion by Danny white again rolls through his life goes back left Laidlaw has it with black to the 10 to the 3 [Music] we'll offensive series good call by any reason stare let's call the screen away right over to the right he just threw off the run here and you throw back the Laidlaw [Music] [Applause] now you'll watch the pattern that's Ray feel right top side getting one [Applause] laidlaw's at one time was completely on the ground line they got back up and got back into the pochi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Smith 16-year veteran catches two passes for Donna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for a while a lot to do with this could break the Laidlaw [Applause] there's Jackie did he get him down you betcha man he did take that ball to the bench with him his first Dallas touchdown [Music] cept in headset tie game 7:07 left in the third quarter it's Atlanta 20 Dallas 20 to drive for the Cowboys it took him that distance and tied this game at 20 20 fry for takes the line as it in good shape and almost broke it out to the 40 it was George Franklin I'm sorry it's not pride war and again a penalty flag is down Pat Steele in Atlanta Falcon got into a shoving match what it met Phil it's time for the Atlanta office to get in gear for the second half William infinite watching the happenings Dallas [Music] that still must have started it [Music] sir opportunity that's Robert Steele I'm sorry I say pets pretty good offensive move for Atlanta they have the ball of the Dallas 45 to the left right war and Francis on right at Joan [Applause] fact number four but remember number 72 is the signal when he turns on they all come the right part of your screen he won't be alone back there Harvey Martin came over and told Bartkowski we're here loss of nine number 72 it's even fast in slow motion [Applause] 26 and a half minutes left third quarter [Applause] [Applause] Kowski fires and has the ball ricochet off the bigger tips of Alfred Jackson the ball was there jacks them to the hang around job he's had four catches for over fifty yards he's the spreader from Texas but look at the rush on number ten this time he throws sort of a screwball and it flutters and hangs and Alfred just couldn't start around long enough to catch it they've stalls this number 65 perhaps you saw him in the Dallas rushing unit I used everybody third and nineteen [Applause] servant if do you play now [Applause] is popped on the side by Randy white one that will remember for a while shut up do your running back from Texas a and I Frank that almost went to the wrong thank you just checking the number of the guy or deccan gets the hand which Johnson standing [Music] yes hit 25 addicts out averaging today 44 yards shifting and running around looking for a place to rush Anna starts to move and shuffle Razakars wait [Applause] good kick from James goes into the inside he'll bring it out to the 20 where a Dallas will take over with Danny white as their quarterback you joined us late Roger stop acting that knocked down by penny well in the second quarter they say as a concussion the hopefully anymore in team was staying at the same hotel we were if you have any ideas about them not being big and impressive changing was their huge a what noted I'd pretty bad here on CBS you're set perhaps bribe or finally took him down but he got maybe eight before he got through I thought I saw three or four Falcons going for the footballer as he was making the spin here's Kuykendall moving over shifted into it Lawrence gets some Kuykendall gets a little you have to get about five on Dorsett once he breaks that line of scrimmage get help talking before the game to Kirks Moser who was on the Atlanta staff not coaching staff administrative staff and he said we think it really a best chance the Cowboys to fumble or said again rules for Dallas first down feels made the tackle but number 33 has got it in high gear look like Rafferty company did a good job on the right side watch them seal off ray feel and notice when Dorsett runs the head does not Bob there's no extra motion it's a glide good block by Herbert Scott the pulling guard - he's finally getting some of the recognition that we thought he deserved for a long time [Applause] they didn't put the warm-ups on the posters why crow Tony Hill has it not a pound yet [Music] all the way from the line back it's a good thing he came out bias gets caught what's the left part of your screen at the other block he was on this Dorset seals off a blitzing linebacker but shirk just won't get the job done bias goes out of bounds and thrill Hill stays in here comes Kuykendall well that's pursuit [Music] seven out of ten let's go back there's Cowboys the Atlanta 43 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one is battle bias had no safety help at all he was all by himself pretty good pass action here watch the play action now the fake by white he's going to remember this one if this game goes the other way here's Haley's got bias on the outside and no safety man shows up just beyond I think you should have had some help from somewhere because they weren't glitching the safety spot [Applause] 11:4 95 goes outside village he'll be free ball is loose it's Dallas ball they say that Dupree was the last with possession [Applause] my ass knocked that out I talked about the size of your praise hands this time you didn't put the ball away it's just a turnout and dissipating the Blitz there's pride more than right boy that hit him yeah and bias at a chance of a race race pick up a friend that's the sharing website [Applause] rainbow poor coming [Applause] and is pushed out of bound another Dallas first down [Applause] impressed caste boosting up why it is now 8 for 12 for a hundred and the piglet he just didn't quite lay in there get rid of it quick Gunny that quick out Tony Hill you up kill Frank told me there scout ahead Scout and he'll once better with a uniform on and he does just attract you [Music] Plus here's Dorsett swinging behind it's two or three before Edgar feels and Jeff Moreau make the tackle for Atlanta 2020 tie with 150 left in the third quarter the balls at the 28 path that's the darkness replay if sandy ghost our director can get it up all 11 red shirts end up right over on Tony Dorsett I don't think we had that replay but I never seen a whole defensive team get into it like that [Music] what's second down for the Cowboys [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] so they'll bring it back [Music] feels number 77 I think that made contact he and Kuykendall I thought any white was still up when he threw the ball [Music] we're behind the formation we ought to be able to see it here his Kuykendall on the Blitz got him by the foot left phase down till with ball at hand it was down miss ravier do they over a course of 16 game schedule and playoffs third down packin dog gets to sack that's the first one for the Falcon [Music] my Kuykendall also took him out of field goal from the shotgun and they blitz everybody [Applause] [Music] stop it to cornerbacks converts again with a total blitz you've got three guys back there that are really tearing their hair out white just let him over they're still running the inside there's bias on the right Lawrence on the left got it turned around twice very close to six [Music] keep him honest this time I'm sure [Music] making sure that he doesn't run out of punch [Applause] Bartkowski fries a little bit let's go down to Johnny Unitas on the sidelines okay you're looking at team everyone says a miracle football team they're not American football team today they've played Dallas off their pants for first half and they have the confidence right now that they go out and beyond the rest of the afternoon [Applause] right John [Applause] for the Atlanta Falcons in Dallas Witt says this time ASCO stand back Atlanta first down Charlie waters chased him I believe Jim Mitchell got the big block but tied in Mitchell took Harvey Martin to the right of your screen inside and worked him right in and jammed the linebackers that were blitzing Patrick Stanback came back rather well didn't it yes he was shaken in the first half [Applause] we're Kowski is now 5 of 13 459 at a pretty rough third period [Applause] some are all with Pembrokeshire Texas Cowboys are tied 20 apiece Markowski had a man open it was almost picked off air that's Aaron Kyle who got to rebound shades of the Super Bowl thing in that game penalty markers down back by the Atlanta office [Applause] interception that was penalty was against Atlanta Dallas refuses and Atlanta players hurt what a play by Cliff Harris deep he kept the ball alive and the number one draft from Wyoming came out with it while they were looking for the log throw at this time forecaster tried to split it it's about a 15 yard or in between Harris dies for a legend keep us one alive here comes Kyle out with it tended receiver was Alfred Jackson Jim Myers Danny white and Tom Landry Jim Mitchell is the injured Falcon and Bartkowski talks with Raymond Bennett some of the Atlanta people how he got so open on that pattern against the Eagles last week and they said he just ran a good batter all of us down Dallas the Atlanta 41 tied at 2020 which one tackle still on it look like runaway truck and that's the second time he's carried the football this year not about average BJ [Music] look out of the crash both growling Lawrence that's the end of the third quarter with the score Atlanta 20 Dallas 20 now pause for word few local station secondary man on the left this is for the next passage from nothing abnormal about that this normal action first down Dallas at the Atlanta 21 more quarter to play at least [Applause] any white the Dallas quarterback in there Scott Laidlaw Tony Dorsett bum buh your set gets it back but about a seven-yard game Laidlaw I think came across in a thumb ball but nobody else but 33 makes that move Oh Jay Simpson yes Gale Sayers yes maybe Ollie Matson yes watch this move right in between blockers watch the spin you just can't take that one folks can learn to be more careful with a football however Frank Reid cause the fumble and weight lawyer right did get it back it was endorsed in to see that move soy five wait law has the carry to the 14 September drive down lowest at ceiling down when I think of that name on the wall across there that Bob Lilley the great cowboy played 14 seasons and never missed a game with that kind of action I just don't know how it's done I don't understand it's the circle of Honor [Applause] Meredith Bob Lewis as it not picked off almost picked off by Frank Reid we'll save trapped it didn't want to give the ball back and you can't blame it [Music] [Music] Morita still ejected [Music] like the way the officials at least talk to one another very briefly and said help it was incomplete you know the losing team has a long and everybody's so hot we're already really in sudden death Charlie waters will hold read still complaining it'll be a 31-yard effort breath 2020 [Applause] it's alright but you don't know it when you're hot you're trying to come up with that ball the score remains 2020 with 1403 left to play in the fourth quarter at Dallas or urban Texas I suppose I should say where the stadium is located Podcast begins to stand back good-looking run about nine yards for Haskell stand back from Tennessee and again the big rookie from Michigan 1078 got out in front of him and they get Bryan back this Atlanta team is going to book in tackles that way to 75 apiece both 66 they're all young except old van mode who stays in the middle and blocks as well as anybody the Statesmen they say [Applause] speed receivers both wide left this time - Randy why who's in the Atlanta backfield just as soon as Mike Esposito got the handoff number one a vallini told us when he and white were teammates at Maryland that no matter if he put the red shirt on and it was dummy practice that his own teammate just kept proverty him every afternoon who likes it but he had to hit him to avoid being hit Bartkowski by the way is all for his last seven not for his last seven they did a yard for a first as the clock continues to wind down to 1250 left to play down [Music] caste is going to go for it and much more or he was [Applause] Oh [Music] got the first pans on it second sacral area areas Larry could follow a couple mules right across the plowed field but I say he makes the Penguins watch 63 to the right of your screen Nick who you never want to fumble but we're getting in a situation now where you really got to be careful concerned about a missing man he rocks in front of James these second things out they carefully got four seconds left [Applause] the side of his foot [Applause] poor pun a very bright play by Charlie waters who almost had a chance to block it but he might have run into the kicker [Music] [Applause] [Music] misunderstanding on the far side of the field told you the losers go home the long winter winter will either be here or be in Los Angeles next week where we'll be [Applause] tell me the Dallas cheerleaders with Japan on a trip and the dollar made a big move of course be in Minnesota depending on what happens if Dallas in Los Angeles win be in Los Angeles and Dallas loses to Atlanta we'd be in Minnesota [Applause] would be back here [Applause] mr. Darcy and covering up the football [Applause] yellow flag is move it inside the 10-yard line a great run by Dorset and Rafferty the Penn Stater come out in front did a great job in a situation like this is where the experience of having been in the playoffs really pays off that was a foolish mistake a young game foolish mistake you're right ala for every Wow I'm Necessary Roughness 59 Robert Honeywell is the man who hit Roger Staubach and knocked him out and he's the man who just was called for that violation there's the play I think this one will tell its own story will see the altercation lane strong [Applause] like throws the legs our flag is down Laidlaw keeps his bounce he goes out of bounds to side out of bounds inside the five Billy dopes Billy Joe Dupree might have jumped early he was tight left side receiver and L took the half step layman pennant indicating check the penalty please notify Laidlaw on the sidelines [Music] Saturday night this guy you mentioned at the beginning of the broadcast we talked about the official what did you say 91 years of NFL experience and this crew it'll be first in 15 just outside the 15 they could possibly make the first down without story and touchdown think he goes topside and throws it on first down I think so [Applause] [Applause] Lloris Frank Reid stopped him Scott Laidlaw almost got in to Atlanta players are hurt and Herbert Scott is shaken up watch 68 come over and Lawrence the cornerback who played so well is the injured Falcon or one of them and Herbert Scott go inside you mentioned the game against Washington where they had 100 and some yards the first hand that's Hereford Scott the cowboy card who left boys 65 yards on 12 by a scrimmage Laidlaw and Dorset behind Danny white doesn't make it they say fumble well maybe stop two inches it appears they could have a first down next or what just barely it looked like the hole was there Rafferty fired out but up over the top penny well a linebacker heading there at least a foot well Herbert Scott is that he has a twisted right ankle and will probably be back you're the old days you'd grab grass but this is going to be some line of scrimmage Bob Irwin and there's 275 the big ones and the mean ones will line up a cross [Applause] Jews were like trying to shake it off 2020 [Applause] boys in the [Music] [Applause] indication that he got in Robert penny well knocking him around here's the linebacker Ortega was the starter and pretty well when our tail was hurt and now our taking a kid get back in you've seen two good reasons why the last two plays Brightmore was in there too - the rookie safety man here he is 27 [Music] they still repel each other prey and Donovan [Music] they took him down and Laidlaw went over the top it's Dallas 26 except in a very important extra point 7:20 hold of Charlie waters 946 now at the play of this game Lana Falcons have given the Cowboys everything they get in olden Dallas ha ha [Music] [Applause] between the deep end for Atlanta a Taliban zone which will operate the new look CBS Sports spectacular the east-west Shrine game - ran against Brooks Hollywood stunt competition the NFL cheerleader classic all at Saturday January the 6th Roberto durĂ¡n in Monroe books will be some fight to stay too so much about Brooks Coran yes Maskull stand back over the head of too tall Jones and Esposito stays on his feet until he is taken down by Randy white that's one of those deep screens that's supposed to be behind the line of scrimmage and takes place upfield now watch to the right of you the right of the screen you'll see DD Lewis number 50 get right in the middle of the screen action somehow bouquet comes out the other side once in a while [Applause] by harvey martin behind the line of scrimmage balance there be a loss of about four Martin's had that bad knee most of the year remember the question you asked Tom Landry yesterday asking how was Hardy and he said he's was but he's getting there it was the MVP in the Super Bowl he's made three or four plays in the second half when the Cowboys really needed him Oh we'll make a third of mine Rachel Marron 21 but caste has people chasing rickman but he coming in long many barns on the coverage and good cover and a great play only as the ball touch the hands of Barnes both Rochelle de Paz what's the blocking up front Scott gives brandy white I'm telling you there's some contact Bartkowski has really impressed me though moving around on the pocket as you said before his lack of mobility they have shown the back [Applause] [Applause] get it off the books Johnson has some room to operate go ahead what's to the 40 [Applause] perhaps the 41 [Applause] [Music] 8 minutes 1 second deaf to play the football game with Dallas ahead now by 7e situation here for both clubs particularly Atlanta eight minutes left to play 7:27 Pearson motion gives to Dorset spend on a hand many whale the arms at penny whale and gets two or three not much more than that impressed the way Danny White's been running this multiple office just to put it all together and a playoff situation as the young quarterback that's watched Roger for so long but remember the Atlanta Falcons like the last couple of minutes of the football game who could forget that after what's happened to them this year the whole season Herbert Scottish back in the game guard all Pearson trying to keep his feet inbounds and trying to watch the ball at the same time tip it out Rick bias on the coverage Jackie Smith was open by the way in comes Preston Pearson get that something else Dallas innovated when they started getting some basketball players to play football Cornel green for four years here so well each gym he's in the backfield number 26 as they operate this time from the shot behind momentarily behind Danny white [Applause] got it out-of-bounds and that was a remarkable achievement considering he had three men in red shirts chasin him his intended receiver was Billy Joe Dupree pridemore had a seven yard run the safety spot came right at the pipe he went by Fitzgerald who was blocking in the line looked at him moving up Kuykendall and that is some angry group thank Danny white did a very very fine job [Music] look at the numbers on all three of those guys in education all 50 all line that all me and he white back to country now boys lead the Falcons 27 to 20 time rep go letters involve you try to go out of bounds with it Brickman signals for the fair catch inside the chin at about the eighth [Applause] the good thing he did because the Cowboys had good coverage down there and they will let it bounce and down it at the one normally you wouldn't handle it inside the 10 but he had to you think Atlanta can come back they're going to give it a shot watching his team in a real struggle [Applause] [Applause] Mike Esposito broke a couple of tackles but the referees are going to be involved in the next thing that happens because a flag is down already Dallas really was dropped deep that Cliff Harris was 18 yards the line of scrimmage holding against Atlanta is the preliminary indication Michels back in for some blocking support plus being the receiver and he's been working against Randy white all afternoon and actually has done a pretty good job well that's a day's work operates first and 15 time what an interception by Charlie [Applause] anyway come up with that lieutenant for Mitchell [Music] [Applause] argument on the feel about it Atlanta stained with the offense penalty flag is what the problem is [Applause] [Music] one of the other receivers might have been chucked beyond that five-yard restricting area is inked by Cliff Harris what a plane Charlie waters me now that the Chan is where they finally put all down contact 31 defense is a first down Barnes let's see if we can find where Binney Barnes was those waters cuts under for the safety spot to make this as the world by Barnes County whoa [Applause] where's Bubba beam our Haskell stand back coming out of the backfield Barnes went deep with the outside receiver Rickman that's where the contact must have taken place [Music] let's got to get out of this hole before they can really put it up the way they'd like to 20 a bet will be left by the time the this game was a sellout and it's still in we'll be at Atlanta first down there coming out of that whole time ZD Lewis made the tackle [Applause] Stanback had 43 yards before you know he left injured all right whoo where he cold one way and Randy white ran around a block and Britney devil got a shot you know Jeff van note must have done a good job because we haven't called Bob Rooney's name as I can recall but one time here's a few that middle line make a lot of tacos of course is an excellent center it happened Falcons are out of that hole at the 45 I think it's Wallace Francis who made the catch it may be Alfred Jackson it's Francis Francis is something he comes across the middle absolutely fearless when I tell you you have a family that's a dangerous spot against a Dallas secondary he never even looked for anybody and he did make some contact it's not all that safe even if you don't have a family just effects when you gotta worry about that [Music] Stanback and he may have another atlanta first down in dallas territory Charlie waters made the tackle and note pulled out and got a pretty good block on Henderson and stand back ran outside of it again stand back runs outside in a good block [Applause] Matta has done this year change yourself five times in the last two minutes twice [Applause] when there was no time [Applause] now they're hoping for a time [Music] caste with good time intended for Mike Esposito a little high but block it on the line of scrimmage they took ed Jones by one way and Harvey Martin by the other oh also good coverage there was nobody open on this play there's the war kentley working on ed Jones doubling getting help she needs he's only given away 45 pounds to judge four minutes eight seconds left to play forty-seven Cowboys a hit by seven and victim we'll get the Atlanta first down a perfect call against that defense safety blitz on short yardage and that time Atlanta won the duel [Music] watch number 43 stop blocks odd Randy white burnings having this problem with van known again for Paris on the on a blitz ran right by the ball carrier fast 3:35 now three twenty seven twenty dollars [Applause] but Caskey going deep he's got a man he overthrows him Alfred Jackson was open nine three sprinters what he had open a relay team at Texas what caste is impressive today - yes very cool seven pretend 486 yards [Music] he had missed seven in a row at one point so that statistic has to be an error Fidelis 41 [Applause] throw is outside infinity for Dennis Pearson one of those times type fascist it was thrown just a little bit off time that might have been an audible check off because Henderson and waters both blitz or Kowski did not have much choice Aaron Kyle the Dallas offender and the huge came to any white has quarterback to the Dallas Cal cushion started back inside their own pen and get up guys a suitcase what a play the Wallace Francis and the pass is complete Frances sixth catch of the day and a great effort by Bartkowski but he ran out of the pocket so there will not be any roughing the passer watched Edie Jones chassis mount again he had no choice now he gives himself up and throws it fantastic completion Francis is always there evening you can see that marker he is just a little bit shy of the first down but they gotta go it'll be fourth and a foot by Frances Mike Esposito and George Franklin behind it Bartkowski you were guests Franklin you'd guess right Alice doesn't think he did offensive units already on the field it's gonna be close [Applause] 3:09 left close enough for them to measure Dallas 27 Atlanta 20 Dallas team is out there on the field quite a football game here whistling ray somewhere [Applause] Wow [Applause] is what the Cowboys needs now to preserve this tough victory over Atlanta Dallas 27 Atlanta 20 trying out man to force a punt on three have all the timeouts [Applause] mr. Darcy they shut him down after a couple led by Tom fried for one of these teams will play again when I won't well Jeff Yates just came stumbling across Glanville set his defensive line the only time they can't do anything very well is when they're introduced they're also beat up he takes them about 10 minutes to make the center of the field but they have played the day on that line of scrimmage gates Bailey los Moreau feels wobbly 'no make it second at seven Dallas corset and wait law Danny white Danny white Vitalis first down he gets inside it [Applause] for Jackie Smith and he keeps taking each ball I don't think he'll retire there was some talking I give up after 16 years it looks like he's found the Fountain of Youth again he's happy to be here but the happiness on the Atlanta you can't see they cave on the other side of the great beyond what a year and the town really responded to the analogy Roger Staubach with the gloves on with the cap on up by Mike Ditka it doesn't appear that he is serious very very fine mist started to fall way off tomorrow will place at the Los Angeles Coliseum and in New England or Houston place on CBS you'll see Minnesota against Los Angeles at the Coliseum got the ball covered up which there yuge top of Texas Stadium it's not completely covered get rid of the players [Applause] at the 46 Jackie Smith and Dupree in the game as Dorsett swings behind wait long stays on his feet goes out of bounds in the far side of the field stopped by Greg Brezina he did not get out of bounds and so the clock continues to run and the pursuit of that Atlanta team still is something to see the entire 11 red shirts were right with Dorsett on the far side lines who's got the breath back of it a little bit too Dorsett goes out and Preston Pearson comes in to take his place Drew Pearson already in the game Frank Reid Moorea detects his place no matter if Dallas does hang on to congratulate them something awfully nice about the Atlanta Falcon yeah and he'll embarrass the quite a job the entire Atlanta operation don't they going to camp in three weeks after this season my itouch turn his two coaches Tom Landry illegals better to try business Billy Joe Dupree is the intended receiver I don't understand the play I don't either talking about the Super Bowl if the Cowboys win and Los Angeles should lose to Minnesota tomorrow the Cowboys would host the NFC championship game next Sunday here at Texas Stadium if that happens the Cowboys announced the tickets for that game would go on sale at Moody Coliseum on the campus of SMU and at the central ticket agency in Fort Worth immediately following the conclusion of this game but the Rams Viking game I should say it would remain on sale for two hours the sale would resume the cowboy ticket office especially tower at 10 o'clock New Year's Day tell you about the rest of the ticket information in just a minute third down [Applause] no contact was made Rick by us and it looked like he had a legitimate complaint rick is still valid no he was going for the fall and as the official looked up to see where his hands and eyes work now if Los Angeles defeats Minnesota tomorrow a limited number of tickets for the NFC Championship game between Dallas and Los Angeles in Los Angeles would go on sale for cowboy fans at the Dallas Cowboy ticket office Tuesday beginning at 8 a.m. so hope you got all boys 27 balconies 20 and almost a minute left back to punt for Dallas Atlanta has ball three timeouts left 59 seconds on the school board clock so keeping in mind their history don't leave the phrenic miracle falcons will have at least one more shot bartowski's been sacked 6-times 8 for 22 the next three or four he throws maybe the most important he fires down the middle Rickman had it and dropped it Cowboys think it was a foam all the officials say no [Applause] incomplete pants they've stalls was the one that knocked Markowski from underneath the past and Rickman almost did a flip trying to catch it 20 seconds left to play down a tough little umber ya can't weigh more than hundred and sixty he didn't want to come out either sure that he thought seventy seven passes his senior year in college you'll get a lot of people's attention but you got it that Atlanta still has all of their timeouts left [Applause] [Music] Alfred Jackson was Jenna [Applause] podcasting our task is pool and he is certainly going to be a great quarterback down there for a long time [Applause] vitamin France is trying to come across or Jackson let's see not bad protection there's the receiver on the ground almost fair caught by Cliff Harris it was very careful finally long struggled today do have something about [Music] [Applause] 22:13 sorry I just loved it when the underdog came in and said you're 14 points better than we are prove it you think about what Lehmann Bennett said I was talking about the profit business before Lehman Bennett said it would take at least 23 points to win Dallas got 27 their thing Landry said in a playoff game 14 points is too much to give anybody a cowboy who moved that we didn't see it was Herbert Scott there is Landry boots the rest of his team including as soon as that play starts and the Falcons swarm on the ball carrier late-loss led by Edgar fields and Jim Bailey that's the one that hurts when you're getting ready to go on to another playoff game and the big guys are still mad about going home and not playing anymore Bennett's staff has done quite a job in Sochi 27 20 22 seconds left should be it boys can fight at the line of scrimmage they'll obviously try to strip the ball but had your deals and the rest of the Atlanta defense can't make it work they call timeout they could have fallen on that ball I was just thinking about that maybe they don't know about that game between the Giants and Eagles when they didn't fall on it miss the handoff of the Eagles one little lean don't forget tomorrow the Vikings play at the Los Angeles Coliseum against the Rams people are saying at Minnesota has no chance but don't believe it they said the same thing about later what Turkey that love to do that to the Rams off the Coliseum I can't wait to see Pearson just sort of sifting around hoping the clock will run out and again they chose not to follow me [Applause] maybe that's a Western customer don't give up until the final gunner and that's the last Falcon chime out so they can't do that again white goes over to see this time what Landry wants to do seven seconds left away block stop 7:20 Brezina is over finding out what to do from Lehmann minute on the last play number 50 they're a long time Sakshi hat on the year they look good in the warm-up like to let you know about some of the people who've been responsible for this broadcast other than the two of us that's one of them and that's a good one that's another good one and that's another government over we also thank these two football teams they have put on quite a show that's right Cowboys bending world champions we'll have a chance to defend but turnovers can you imagine having three turnovers in the first half but have a comeback out and I still think the Dallas defense sets the tone certainly seems like it and Danny white who replaced Roger Staubach did quite a job this then is Pat Summerall saying goodbye from Texas Stadium in Irving Texas for Tom Brookshire the NFL on CBS is a presentation of CBS Sports [Music]
Channel: Virgil Moody
Views: 95,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PRHakXKPrhs
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Length: 150min 27sec (9027 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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