1979 - Oilers vs. Steelers (AFC Championship)

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[Music] oddly enough this dynamic team is led by a man who seemed to have no personality at all somber Chuck Noll took over a team in 1969 which had not won a division title in 40 years and led them to three Super Bowl victories yet he remains a faceless enigma to all but his closest associates when Chuck Noll first came to Pittsburgh back in 69 he told Joe Gordon a director of publicity for the Steelers I told him straight off the bat look let me make one thing clear I'm not interested in becoming a personality I'm interested in building a football team and winning football games and that has been the case throughout here is a guy who does not do commercials and I think that's a major reason why he's not known to the nation and why he's often referred to as Chuck Knox also he says that the players have a short career so let them have the commercials and make the money and there's no question by taking that stance he's passed up hundreds of thousands of dollars and he's quite an amazing person I think I know it he is but I think that the ballplayers think that he's amazing because he can sit there and he can talk to you all about anything that's going on he talked to you about flying talk to you about scuba diving talk to you about stereos and talk to you about philosophy talk to you about probably anything that you can cover he's a very astute man he's he's a student of a lot of things probably a student of life in general he's a very emotional man most people don't see that because he can control it very quickly and by the time that the cameras panned the side line he's under control and so the viewing audience really doesn't see it in 1974 Oakland and Miami were in a playoff game which Oakland won and there was a lot of talk from Johnny Madden and various people that the Super Bowl would be anticlimactic because of this great game that's played between Miami and Oakland and we're just beating Buffalo and we're getting ready to go out to Oakland and Chuck came in said those guys think they played in a Super Bowl and checks the mouth is only about that wide when he's playing serious and it's turned down in both corners and his eyes are just slits you know and he says those guys that think they played the Super Bowl we're gonna show him what sunny they haven't played in a Super Bowl Joe Green jumped up and yelled and and the fire went through that team and from that point on the Pittsburgh Steelers I think became the team of a decade and I can almost point to that that very instant that that was the time that the pittsburgh steelers developed the confidence themselves that has carried on through till 1980 techno has taught to be very distant with his players I'm not sure how true that is for example just two nights before Christmas this year Carrie Bradshaw and his wife and Lynn Swann and his wife and moon Mullins and his fiancee went at Christmas caroling and showed up at Chuck Noel's friend Thor they sang him Christmas carols he invited them in for a little Christmas cheer then he looked at his wristwatch and noted that it's 13 minutes after 11:00 you've broken curfew but I'll forget it provided you are not arrested on the way home Michael intimidation is generally a part of any big football game but I don't think either team is gonna scare the other off the field today well Jack ham was telling me that he knew the Steelers had it in the bag last year when he saw Ken Burrell run his first pass route like this a big that'll happen I don't think so either RESP ECT Aretha Franklin saying it but it's in the air in Pittsburgh on both sides of the fields the Oilers and the Steelers for the AFC Championship Mike and I will be with you at halftime but for now we're moments away from kickoff let's go back to Three Rivers we join Dick Enberg & Little's Thank You Brighton making a great job two quick facts one the current temperature 22 degrees fact number two the guy who wages above on a contest like this says it's a ten point game so it is a Pittsburgh powerful Pittsburgh team that has to be beaten can you stand do it Houston has fought its way into this game with hard-fought victories on the road they've done it with big plays and with emotion as was shown by Rob carpenter and his gallant effort against and Ian tried to save a timeout crawling back into the trenches was carpenter was that kind of emotional output by Houston turnovers might be the story in this game the Houston Oilers lead the league in turnovers they've taken the ball away 52 times and certainly one of the most exciting 50 times and one of the most exciting things for us was watching Vernon Perry work last week against the San Diego Chargers now the Peripatetic Perry had four interceptions he blocked a field goal ran with it he seemed to be all over San Diego Stadium some say that he was even selling popcorn when when his home offense was on the field that's the kind of place you need especially when you are an underdog and with a slick ball believe me it's going to be slick and hard to hang on to today those turnovers might be critical as we said Houston leads with 50 takeaways pittsburgh has given the ball away 52 times that's number one and give aways the NFL Berlin they're talking about Pittsburgh being the of the 1970s and one of the reasons they play so well at home and also when they get into bad weather Terry Bradshaw seems to play his very best Bradshaw is at his best at home in the playoffs and in cold weather I think it's the best bad weather quarterback in all of football and he has some great tools to work with here's John Stallworth against Miami not only can he catch the ball knows how to run it into the end zone but these are the money games the ones that lead to the big payoff the Super Bowl and you talk about the money back number 32 Franco Harris 15 playoff games Harris has led all Russia is 12 times and if I had to choose one back to run on a slick field and we've got some icy spots on this field he's right there number 32 Franco Harris an upright style has both feet on the ground he's incredible on a slick day you feel there's no question Harris versus Campbell Harris's style is built for this day we're going to have to keep an eye on Campbell right from the beginning to see if he can run on this field and offensively you talk about the Steelers they're counting freshman cleats number 58 Jack Lambert he's always looked that way to me and I'm sure to often see players across the lake but he is the heart and soul of this defensive team he's an incredible player and he'll be doing his job out there today so it's powerful Pittsburgh against surprising Houston the winner goes to the ball in Pasadena well almost a Cinderella story if Houston can pull it out today they've taken it against long odds it's going to be exciting to see if they can make this one and a sellout crowd of over 50,000 and Three Rivers Stadium will be rooting for their beloved Pittsburgh Steelers we're just moments away from this AFC Championship game and we'll be right back to lose all the weight of the Super Bowl BC Sports presents the best of the National Football League the American Football Conference championship game today from Three Rivers Stadium it's the Houston Oilers and Pittsburgh Steelers today's game is brought to you by dodge test drive the new 1989 cars engineered with room styling ride and handling by Budweiser for all you do this Bud's for you by Allstate insurance companies you're in good hands with Allstate featuring new 7th day and weekend super sabre rates Avis surprise hider and succeed [Music] from across the Ohio River its Three Rivers Stadium Pittsburgh Pennsylvania home of the defending champion Pittsburgh Steelers they were nine and oh here in 1979 the only NFL team not to lose at least once on its home field and inside a full house of over 50,000 fans to see if the defending champion Steelers will go to Pasadena two weeks hence or will it be the underdog amazing Houston Oilers who have competed in the same AFC Central Division this year that goes to Pasadena Jim Thome is the referee and we're about to have the official toss of the coin to decide who will get the ball first [Music] Pittsburgh comes out a winner they won the toss already Bella Houston Oilers also won something they've got the better footing at the left side is left into the field as we look at it and they'll force Pittsburgh to go into that rough turf let's talk about the field condition again Merlin to our right the end zone to our right was frozen this morning they were chipping the outside of that end zone where to the left with a sunshine that's the part that will have the poorest footing today that field basically although it looks ok as frozen they've also used a chemical di sir on that part of the field and my experience with that dick is that it puts a scum on the ball at then scum and I think the ball is going to be very difficult to handle today it is cold about 22 degrees and we're going to see a lot of fumbles I think and a lot of turnovers in this ball game today we're pleased you've joined us for this AFC championship game of course the winner will take on the NFC champion either Tampa Bay or the Los Angeles Rams in their game to be played later Larry Anderson the deep man for the Steelers at the 7 yard line Tony Frisch will kick it off for the white jersey houston oilers fresh on his way to the pro ball named the top kicker in the AFC [Applause] it's Pittsburgh weather the indoor Oilers feel that they are [Applause] Anderson at the 10 look at him skate his way [Applause] you saw him skin and State Terry Bradshaw takes his team onto the field offensively it's Bradshaw quarterback big Sidney Thornton fine blocker teaming with Franco Harris as the running backs for the Steelers Lynn Swann and incredible John Stallworth the great tandem outside for Bradshaw with big Benny Cunningham the tight end first down at Anderson actually through that crowd got all the way to the 34 yard line on his return and it's Rocky Bleier there instead of finding Gordon Franco Harris [Applause] or 69 with Arn stringer 53 on the tackle Nick we don't get a chance to see the faces of these offensive lineman Ted Peterson is in there for John Cove Sam Davis the captain the center maybe the best around in fact I think he is Mike Webster right guards deep coarseness one is way into that lineup and maybe the best of the bunch this year Larry Brown amazingly strong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two yards for buyer the former Notre Dame star will bring up third three flyer on his 11th year of course that great Vietnam story defensively for the Oilers and odorous has had a great year left in curly Cobb a lot of pressure on him on the nose and Elvin birthday he's almost goes I am one of the oldest bodies around a horse and Ted Washington Bingham their leader the other two linebackers stringer Wiley Robert great Bobo learn all-pro Claire [Applause] bradshaw's first throw as a man open [Applause] the defensive pressure Carrie Bradshaw is one of the strongest quarterbacks in the NFL he probably should have been sacked we're first going to give you an idea why John Stallworth was open it all worked it by a little pattern carefully made us turn a simple shift at his feet around almost like a basketball players shuffling Greg Stemm Rick made the tackle an 18 yard pass Pittsburgh at Houston territory on their first drive fake to Harris [Applause] he fires too tall for stallworth and it appears that Pittsburgh's going to work on that batch of Stoller against Drake stem Erick the Houston oiler deep defense features for men who intercepted 23 passes this year and of course they were led by Mike Rann Bell the NFL leader with 12 JC Wilson who played here at Pittsburgh breaks Tamarack in the other corner the man of the hour last week Vernon Ferry and ride jump with his 12 left to lead the NFL second down [Applause] defensive backs in for the Oilers liar in motion [Applause] Ranko trapped but he still has that mind speed to the outside and made six years its third and four Franco Harris surprisingly quick for a big man has power but also knows what he can and can't do on this slick field and you saw him there not trying to make that violet touch but easing his way and finally just went out of bounds we've got to ask the question again as soon as we get a chance to see Houston on offense can Earl Campbell make those cuts this junk is so vile they are the earlier this morning protection five-thirty [Applause] [Applause] turn over city again and they have got to believe that Bradshaw simply through into the coverage watch it right here there's no way that that pass goes to anyone but Vernon Perry and Perry of course taking full advantage how could you believe that the man who was so fantastic last week could come back and put them on the right page at the beginning of this game they've got their six they're going for seventh what a tremendous break for the Houston Oilers Neilsen to hold [Applause] good burn and Perry you did everything but score a touchdown last [Applause] from Jackson State has gone 75 yards for the first score of the game with a pass interception of Bradshaw I asked Vernon Perry in the locker room before the game I said have you got another big game in you he said I got two well he started this one operate that they dick he certainly did and Perry as Houston on the board was 7 12 and a half minutes remaining in the first quarter Frisch to kick it off Larry Anderson deep for Pittsburgh [Applause] it's just one deeper Anderson had [Applause] yard line boobie Clark the former Bengal makes syntactical for Houston [Applause] pittsburg lost this year it was because they turned the ball over and credible amount of time so that was always on the road I would say one thing to in the last two trips here Houston asset turnover trouble fast arena has thrown five interceptions and then each of those last two games played on this curve Stallworth left Swan to the right from the Pittsburgh 24 Harris live behind Bradshaw [Music] liar for the 29 five break Bingham and Robert Brazil made the tackle that interception returned the longest in championship history Vernon Barry has rewritten the record books for the defensive backs it's just two short weekend he's had a bigger race around a man cut by the Bears three years ago went to the Canadian Football League and this is first year in the NFL had three interceptions all year and has had five and two playoff games [Music] [Applause] Paris you saw a statistics earlier as the number-4 rusher all-time that does not include a thousand 186 that doesn't go 2,180 six yards rushing this year but look at that upright style and watch the cutting ability of Franco Harris he has such good vision and such amazing ability of cutting back against the grain and I think with the emotional pursuit that's been one of his digits and playoff game [Applause] Perry why with his interceptions burnin Perry also leaves Houston in tackles in these playoff games he's everywhere he certainly has played some great ball we're going to get a chance to see him in action you see right there the bottom your picture number 32 coming in and actually tried to take the head off of Rocky Bleier let's see how he got there quick breed you see him started back on the pass reads run he's got a force inside out gets away from the blocker gets a good chunk of seven magazine and so is Jesse Baker number 75 a defense liar [Applause] forty-seven made the tackle interesting call by Bradshaw now I think everyone in the park including the Houston Oilers expected Franco to have that ball but it goes to Rocky Bleier and flyer knows exactly where he said it he almost sniffed that extra yard [Applause] injured Euler number 33 JC Wilson one of the things that's happened for Terry Bradshaw all year when he has started van Linna game he's had a hard time pulling himself out he looks a little tentative in the early going here and certainly that interception has to have bothered him he stayed on the ground which was his game plan originally he wanted to establish the running game let's even get his confidence back and get rolling Wilson out number 33 seriously [Applause] [Music] liar 43-yard line and again you can say the tentative actions of both passer and receiver they want to make sure those feet are underneath them solidly and then making any quick darting moves that you wouldn't see well in the September or October game so this in a bill year what a contrast stick to the way that Bradshaw and these Steelers came out against Miami last week they came out and just tore Miami's defense to bits but they are tentative they are concerned and a champion can't afford to get conservative in the big game Houston leads by Vernon ferry 75 yards in second and 10 Narus on the quick boss to the houston 48 yard line him there by stringer 53 in hartwig 36 it'll be third down and five we've got a four-man rush then Mike's been screwed pick number 67 their early fix it dirty come on Cordova the bathroom put him in a place that curly come so they won't go to a poor man or I've just change stand five seconds remaining [Applause] Bradshaw pressure he gets loose a man of saving tackle by 65 Eldon Bethea the veteran Bethea just as Bradshaw was going to skip out of that pocket and had a lot of Running Room to his right but they caught him by a heel one of the things we may see today at Bradshaw running he hasn't done much of it this year except a good time but in this game he'll do it just here right there had he gotten by but they he might have had that first down of Eck I think he would have dick Craig Colquitt in to punt for Pittsburgh deep to return yes Richard Ellender wasn't supposed to play today's another one of those injured Oilers he has a cracked yep and he's in the game calendar 17 now the Steeler fans will cheer for their defense 40 yard kick 3 yard return [Music] AFC championship game has Houston in front by seven Houston Oilers have their first play from scrimmage Pittsburgh 13 plays the owners about to put it in play for the first time seven nothing useful Earl Campbell and does he draw a crowd Robin Pohl 56 John Vanna sak 76 Dan Pastorini the quarterback for the Oilers the greater old Campbell two years two times the Russian champion NFL blocking back Tim Wilson 45 wide receiver can burrow their long ball threat Richard caster the veteran former jet on the other side Mike barber the tight end will also see Mike red borough-wide left pastor win right second down [Applause] Campbell again [Applause] Gary does 67 @lc Greenwood 68 with a tackle and Jim Tony warning the aggressive 53 Dennis Winston be cool let's look at the men who opened the holes for Campbell the Janos 2 championship Leandre I think the best flash blocker in NFL David Carter's moved at a left guard the center Carlebach he's a tough with bright guard at Fischer one of the unsung heroes and Conway Hammond at will right [Applause] [Music] for Pittsburgh [Applause] number 68 Elsie Greenwood is the premier pastor of this team he just blew by number 70 Conroy Haman and smothered an Pastorini faster in he just does not have enough mobility to get out of the way lifts parsley in to bunnies in his own end zone with Bo bail out at midfield for Pittsburgh parsley has done a great job punting in the playoffs [Applause] short kit fell at the 40-yard line tackled immediately [Applause] thirty-six made the stuff for Houston a 30-yard kick so Pittsburgh gets it back with great field position and we have a timeout seven minutes left first quarter Houston seven Pittsburgh coming Earl Campbell to carries two yards what did you think well I didn't think he had any trouble there's pudding but it's kind of hard to run when you got about eight or nine Steelers picked around your neck pittsburg the shortcut puts it in play they complete Pittsburgh team and Bradshaw to the air JC Wilson back in the game the Houston defender got to believe that maybe Bradshaw is pulling a little of that fire out of his defensive team and right here attacks that pass gets it this one who for years has been his favorite receiver let's see how Swan gets open utilizes a quick turnin you see the slip right there the split by JC Wilson made it possible for him to be open first down Pittsburgh's deepest penetration at the Houston 26 they trail 7 nothing 622 left first quarter Rocky Bleier flag down why're bullying his way all away [Applause] the penalty will go against Pittsburgh for procedure well it's a big big family they are already already in good field position that would have given him a first down inside the 15 dick but it's motion penalty against the Steelers and that'll take it back to about the 31 yard line [Music] Cunningham did not appear to get set for the full second well he jumps and that's allowable if he can get back and get set for a full second before the snap the men on the end of the line can move inside if you lift your hand that way the penalty is automatic swanned to the right as he always will be and Stallworth to the love first and 15 from the 30 play-action [Applause] on a screenplay like that the offensive line is supposed to let the defensive linemen true but they accidentally screen curly off too well he saw the big tight end Cunningham slipping to the outside and even if cutting Abbott shot the ball I think curly would have had him he's a smart nose man a lot of pressure on him today he's got to control the middle of that line and he's working as you pointed out against the man regarded as the best blocking Center in the NFL and Mike Webster second down raccho two four seven thus far and of course the one big interception [Applause] and odorous from one side number 69 and JC wilson from the corner to make the tackle and also credit Greg Bingham 54 he's usually where the boil is the Oilers employing a four-man rush their deck as they put in an extra defensive lineman I think Bradshaw was hoping he could catch him in an all-out rush and pop Franco through there often if you can do that you can get some good yardage but they read the play beautifully and made this Bradshaw breaks free Running Room [Applause] 25 yards for the scrambling Bradshaw one of the things you have to say about Terry Brett is he can take what appears to be a loss and turn it into a big play he does it right here with his running ability and as we said he has not run much this year but in a big game like this he will run he'll go for every extra yard the asad right there he dies out of bounds there down inside the 5 yard line first and goal with apologies to our speller but not to our artists you'll see some of those caricatures today first and goal at the floor my yard didn't appear the Harris really got off to a good start at all and we saw that play in the Rose Bowl open using that tight end in motion and sending him into the hole here comes Sidney Thornton number 38 big powerful young pull back from Northwestern Louisiana second leading rusher for the Steelers this year with 585 and touchdown sending Fortin brings to that lineup is some speed and they do use them frequently outside maybe they're thinking of taking this play outside second and goal at the three Pittsburgh trying to tie it up excellent play by you with strainer and also Vernon Perry and on the stop but stringer the first hit from Ball State one of the inside linebackers they're trying to get Sidney Thornton off tackle on outside but they get the great force inside by Bingham and arch trainer number 53 actually the man who got on his ankles and then the [Music] third and goal the loss of a yard third and goal at the floor Swanage stole [Applause] Carter Hartwig it appeared 36 was a man who deflected the ball and the Steelers will have to go for the field goal dick one of the other things that I have noticed in watching Terry brass on a backseat on a bad field he seems to have the ability to keep his feet on his balance watch here a lot of people are sliding around the bradshaw just kind of shuffles over there gets a little extra time and waits as a quarterback must until the last second to throw that fast but a great play defensively to knock it away bar to try it 21 yard field goal hold with the hole [Applause] now the Steelers have floored for the first time let's go back Jesse Baker 75 was the man who deflected the pass in the end zone the defensive end we'll take another look at that when they come back 7 3 Houston sit back well I think everyone is glad especially Jesse Baker that he was in that end zone a most unusual position to be must have been knocked off that line down there trying to get trying to get into position to do something unusual to see a big defensive end in coverage Matt Barr settles for the 21 yard field goal now will kick it off the connor Hartwig and Richard Elam do 7 2 3 Houston leads at 4 minutes remaining in the first quarter in Pittsburgh 22° calendar the 18 Ellender has good speed but he didn't seem to get it going and he had some blocks downfield I don't know whether that was the field of the fact [Music] the Steelers defencive lime in the forward portion of Steel Curtain LCS I am on the sack earlier Mean Joe green the building block of this defense Gary Dunn and on the outside Vic John bonacic Dennis Winston dirt Winston Lambert and of course on the outside of the other side Robin Colbeck in the liner [Applause] [Music] first down at the 18 for Robin for a loss at the 16 the SPARC Ambo 3 carries as no yardage very very aggressive defense number 56 robbing cold just coming across and tearing Campbell down Campbell really has had no chance at all to use his cutting ability they've been on him before he can get any kind of momentum and he'd love to get those big packs running toward the sidelines when they don't Pastorini has thrown the Boyett deep in his own end at the [Applause] here's his first pass screen to Wilson he's got blockers 20 25 30 35 50 and he's all the way to the 45-yard line of pittsburgh a screen pass to Tim Wilson and here come the Oilers rather amazing if you'd ask who the bane man and this offense is going to be everyone of course will say Earl Campbell but as Earl's flocking mate number 45 Tim Wilson that makes their first big offensive play get some great blocking pulls out of a couple of tackles and he seems to have great balance and maintaining his foot control on this field to Nick but there look into the field let's see how they do down there 41 yard play Ron Johnson made the tangle here comes Campbell and again the Steelers keen on the Oilers top runner drop him for a loss back at the 46 a loss of 2 so Campbell now has carried four times and he has a minus 4y our total Ron Johnson and company of the Steelers Mel Blount the old pro corner Donnie show another all-pro season from him and safety at JT Thomas filling in for Mike Wagner and admirably so Thomas back from that blood disorder that kept him out all of last year been a valuable aid to that deep defense of Pittsburgh I just said Dwayne Woodruff onto the field and apparently got there too late they sent him back Bob Lambertson too late brings up third and 10 Joe green and his body right in that hole well and one of the questions we asked at the top of the show is starting to be answered here either because of the great defense or on that play just look like Campbell couldn't get those cleats down to where he could afford to push on watch it for yourself burl Campbell just not able to explode it not getting any room [Applause] let's take a closer look at it now maybe we can see what is number 86 Barbaro we're not looking at Cabell work we're looking at the cake back Ilana on a defensive player there by a couple of offensive players Robin cold had a great job of fighting off the two Oilers from the pittsburgh 45 going for Ronnie Coleman complete 17 18 yard line Ronnie Coleman and what a throw - rainy Lambert and Woodruff made the tackle it's a 32-yard Houston game well I can tell you you're not supposed to throw that pass when you've got two guys all over your receiver but Pastorini throws it in there anyway and Ronnie Coleman catches it that's an unbelievable play it's marked at the 13 yard line 32 yard game right down the bottom of the well ruin any better than this well there's nothing wrong with Pastor Amy's arm dead Ronnie Coleman and there's nothing wrong with this catching a bow they either reception in the late going at San Diego last week Houston lays Campbell that's his best friend of the day Nets him about to the nine Lambert the all-pro metal Packer from state quarterback in high school he grew up just two miles from the Cleveland Browns training camp in Hiram Ohio was always a Browns fan and a Jim Brown fan so it should be said and Earl Campbell's benefit that that entire Steeler defense is peeing on Earl Campbell and their watchword today at stop number 34 stop Campbell second and six nests number 64 from Rhode Island right there to make the hit Campbell loses to the 11 yard line it'll be third down and eight let's look at the surge of the lines and obviously the Steelers getting the penetration down there deep Joe green number 75 what a big play by that man he's played well against the run this entire year and that'll be the last play of the first quarter of this AFC Championship Game one quarter in the book the score here at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh the Oilers seven the Steelers three we'll be right back after these messages from your local station world premiere high I swear a dare becomes a deadline there's no way down man and machine challenge the killer mom okay but one man who can save them is trapped still bleeding but not his life David Janssen Tony Masotti and gretchen Corbett in the most dangerous rescue movie ever hi yes after little house Monday now is the right time to get more than just interest on your money when you save at your neighborhood Mellon Bank because right now you can get any one of these great Timex clocks at a great low price when you deposit $100 or more in a new or established Mellon bank savings plan or deposit $500 and get this electric alarm free that's why now is the right time and Mellon Bank is the right place Mellon Bank a neighbor you can count on this is a drilling rig capable of drilling over 20,000 feet to find oil and gas US Steel's oil well division provides the equipment to make a rig like this work we also manufacture a broad range of machinery and provide services for the production of petroleum and natural gas oil well has been serving the petroleum industry for over a hundred years an industry critical to the economic health of the whole Western world experience at United States Steel it's one of our strengths hey that's the spirit Steelers Dick Enberg with Merlin Olsen 22 degree Pittsburgh Pennsylvania third down and eight at the Steeler 11 yard line as the owners with the ball are now in the better part of the field it is not frozen to the left or at least it was not at midday in Pittsburgh and that yardage is kind of sneaky because those 63 yards have gone big plays a perception and a screen these dealers have driven for theirs but if you score it doesn't make any difference and of course the touchdown on the 70 will interception by Vernon Perry carpenter in motion great protection carpenter and nine and Houston will have to go for the field goal Lauren saves 51 Robin Cole in on the tackle for the Steelers and here comes Tony price for the Oilers Frisch who missed only four of 25 all year Pastorini ran all of his backs out of there into the pattern and carpenter out there trying to get a little edge extra room hoping I think maybe to get the first down they've got the touchdown but they will go for it right here for the three points 27 yard attempt by Chris who is 3 for 3 in the playoffs right down the middle for the veteran from Vienna Austria and we have a timeout in Pittsburgh almost a full 14 minutes left in the first half Houston builds its lead back to seven it's 10 to 3 [Music] our new house is costing plenty so Ted's painting it himself to save money watch it Wow we got it save every way we can you can save 15% on Allstate homeowner's insurance 15% it's all state's biggest new house discount ever your house is brand new so you'll save 15% the very first year boy that'll buy a lot of paint maybe some paint remover - you're in good hands with Allstate and that's a promise from us the good hands people well that calls for something special make your own weekend a little more special for the smooth and mellow taste again sports world is back and better than ever as basketballs filed Fritz Meadowlark lemon returns with a duty events of old friends joining metalmark will be with us till timber and marques Haynes that's metal markham of muckateers next Sunday on sports world well the owners went 72 yards to get Krish in position for that 27-yard field goal and now he'll kick it off to Larry Anderson standing at the 8th for the Steelers just underway in the second quarter ten to three houston leeson anderson at the 14 the 20 25 30 and to the 33 yard line as he slipped through an attempted tackle by jeff growth and finally stopped by Bovie Clark both quarterbacks seemed to be getting a lot of time to throw Merlin well again I think that's the putting factor deck the defensive linemen have to initiate the action on a pass rush and when you try and explode off that line of scrimmage and you can't keep your feet underneath you you simply can't make those quick moves to get on that quarterback I think it might mean that Bradshaw and Pastorini will go more to the pass on to the run Bradshaw Swan right Stallworth left and he is back to throw and he completes at this one first down at the second catch card Springer made the tackle number 53 Bradshaw rented that through some Houston oiler arms and again the thing that happens in the secondary when that pass receiver knows where he's going to make his cut and he can take that easy shuffling cut let's watch Swan here watch the shuffling cuts he's a little tiny step there and the defender cannot make that instant reaction either he's a puncher a counter puncher he can't get back up there because it can't explode off those feet because if he does fall down it's a touchdown instead of a 17 yard gain Bradshaw will throw again incomplete tended for John Stallworth fresh off pretty good pressure on him that time this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League it's intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the National Football League is prohibited focal point of Chuck Noll now 48 years old his birthday yesterday 11th season with the Steelers as he started the decade of the 70s he had just come off a 1 in 13 season and told his team were gone to the Super Bowl eventually been and they had this choked through some smiles in that Steeler locker room but he certainly has led him there the only team with three Super Bowl win [Applause] he's down to three seconds on the clock and dumps it off to Harris good solid tackle by Vernon Perry oh he is quite a defender a gain of six third and four grad shot doesn't want to get into those long yardage situation he doesn't want to allow them to put that extra two or single D benzy back in there I think he start right there what he thought would be an opportunity to get a quick drop to Franco and let him run a little bit but the man of the hour number 32 Vernon ferry great ball reaction here protecting his own and an excellent open field tackle on frank O'Hara [Applause] or Cunningham the tight end has split away out of your picture to the right and it's the flyer first [Applause] thirty-six Greg Bingham and JC Wilson on the tackle some question of Eustis defense is trying to take away the outside receivers but they're giving them some rooms short right here they're also giving them some room underneath and of course flyer taking advantage of that as he works against the very dependable Greg Bingham he's led that team in tackle for seven years now that kind of consistency is hard to be the Steelers are now on the part of the field the footing will not be yes sure from here to the Golan Harris Frank Bingham made the tackle at the 33-yard line just when Harris is about to put it in that second year we just got through talking about number 54 Greg Bingham he is a tremendous player watch the action on the inside Curley come working on Webster - keep this position Webster does a good job on Culp but number 54 Bilson slides up admirably makes the stop would be second about 7 yards to go and Brescia would like another yard or two on that play he like about second five seconds sick wide receivers to the left one in the flyer to the 30 and that will bring up third down and a short for third in the short for curly Culp and Greg Bingham on the tackle one of the things that curly called brings to that position is great strength but he has to give up strength to this Pittsburgh team I tell you their offensive line one of the strongest in football especially in Webster and Corson Blancos guys bump over 500 pounds and sculpt who's a strong man in his own right really is is not at that great an advantage when he goes against these guys third and four pittsburg trailing ten to three early in the second quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fans are booing and order that came flying in after the tackle but did not hit swamp well we said that Terry Bradshaw was going to have to go more to the past and his if on cue he has done exactly that with this drive and Swan of course doing his thing as he always does he's nursing a hamstring and still able to make the nice cut able to control his balance and fight for that extra yard and Swan well he does handle that ball like a magician Bradshaw looking for Swan too long Casey Wilson who's back home here in Pittsburgh close friend of Tony Dorsett number 33 on the coverage no question that Swann had beaten his man JC Wilson deep on that particular play let's see what kind of movie put on it just a little half stop there forces the reaction up and then gets deep and had the ball been on target it would have been a touchdown second and 10 as Jim Smith comes in or Pittsburgh and Swann goes up and again the receivers on a day like today and especially at that end of the field by knowing where they're going and these Pittsburgh receivers especially they know this field they know we're doing where they can stop where they can nice play of this Drive Pittsburgh trying to tie it up to the right Stallworth left second antenna supplier dumped rudely at the 16-yard line is Andi Doris finishing his best season in the NFL seven years out of New Mexico State led the charge Chuck Noll with a hundred regular season wins now and a hundred twelve overall since taking the job here in Pittsburgh he spoke quite a football power but his team trails ten three five remaining first half a big third and seventh [Music] [Applause] the pattern [Applause] 16-yard and the steelers will go for the the Euston orders the receivers trying to take them away from [Applause] bonding by going to the man who would sing Zingo covered by number 32 Vernon Perry and the big play this time is not Perry that belongs to Cunningham the burr 89 Cunningham at 6'5 at 247 to try my bar [Applause] [Music] the Steelers with 10 apiece Ireland perhaps ironic that that's the same kind of coverage and the same kind of pattern that Vernon ferry intercepted for the touchdown early in this ball game this time the touchdown belongs to the Steelers you see right there that Cunningham and beaten ferry it's amazing output you could go from hero to goat this game Cunningham good position had time to turn and Bradshaw knowing he had that tall receiver out there laid it up high let it go get it well and again that end of the Beale is preterist and it's going to be especially treacherous for people who are not used to it and who have not played on this kind of turf actually it looked like Perry was shielded by number 33 JC Wilson his own man we have to have to give him a break on that and we didn't see that in the early going good replay [Applause] thirty-six and Richard Hill under 85 are deep for the Oilers test Matt Barr will kick it off 33 left in this first half hi but short hartwig at the 1620 [Music] wrestled down by Larry Anderson say next Sunday we've got a great lineup on NBC we'll start the day with products basketball eight Frank Perdue takes on ninth rated Syracuse in a national telecast then at 3:00 on the season premiere of NBC Sports World Basketball of a different kind the magic and hilarity of Meadowlark lemon Wilt Chamberlain the Puckett ears basketball wizard Ribbit's very best then at 4:30 the excitement of the PGA Tour great golfers great entertainers the Bob Hope Desert Classic that's all next Sunday on NBC sans Casper in motion dumps it out to breaks one tackle but is down if any game dennis winston and ron johnson collaborated on the stock neither team has really been able to establish a solid running game Pittsburgh perhaps a slight advantage in that regard both teams have done their better work offensively through the year it's interesting to look back on the previous games between these two teams the games that pittsburgh has lost in houston have been games [Applause] torini what a catch by Renfro at the 40-yard line and a first down Renfro left his feet too soon and SILS narrative Pastorini did an excellent job of avoiding the rush that's the most mobility we've seen out of him you get a look at Joe Greene 75 in vana Zach 76 vana Zach diving faster rhenium really wiped out as he got that AHA but that's another big play and we've seen them all three of them on the passing game so far for Houston and that's where they've gotten all the yardage so far and Renfro even though he left his feet too soon able to get his hands on the ball and a first down at the 41 yard line laughs first town [Applause] Campbell clothes in a hurry 56 made the hit after a gain of a yard let's see what Gamble has done this far that is his eighth carry his total yardage zero well there's no question that Campbell has not fully recovered from those injuries and it's bothering his performance but I would have to say - again you can't run when you got a bunch of Steelers draped around your neck and he's had him around his neck all day long Pastorini facing a past situation second down and Campbell yes Winston [Applause] that running back this year was her all Campbell most of the defensive teams in the NFL they lose their number-one linebacker on the outside at this game didn't jack ham are in trouble but these guys just slept they stir twisting in there for Jack ham and he comes up with that kind of great play the play before was Robin Thole number 56 doing the same Campbell Kimbra apparently [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wide receiver [Applause] in motion where the cat said a first aneurysm 15-yard line is going to be very close to a first down I believe he's got it [Music] [Applause] apparently Pastorini didn't get the ball off in the 32nd time dick that's one of the things that can happen in someone else's stadium when all of the crowd noise kind of seems to dominate you and you often make mistakes like that and also because you have to audible eyes and yell more deliberately which takes more time now that's the kind of mistake that Pittsburgh made when they play [Applause] [Music] about 17 the middle - Renfro the Houston the Steeler fans go crazy is but gets the fumble recovery but one thing for certain you'll never see Pastorini ever throw the ball better than he has thus far he has been perfect [Applause] have the ball we have time out six minutes left in the first half [Music] how a hidden camera is catching reactions to the sticker price of the new Dodge Aspen which includes six passenger room automatic transmission power steering white walls and more the features of this one has for under five thousand dollars that's a fantastic price and I thought you were gonna surprise me in st. Louis under seven under five that's been the only six passenger car in America for under $5,000 test drive total performance from dodge the Xerox 9400 is one of the fastest duplicators in the world it's also one of the easiest to operate push a few buttons and it can automatically feed and cycle originals collate and copy on both sides of a piece of paper it's so easy to use even the boss can use it father you did all this by yourself yes brother Donny it's a miracle America you're gonna want to hear what this man has to say Karl Malden is back in a powerful new role scan we our premier tonight on the big event first turnover for the Pittsburgh Steelers as Renfro had the first down tackle lost the ball no blood recovered it's a first down at the houston 49 for the Steelers in a 10-10 time cunningham tight end splits away both wide receivers wanted stallworth to the left Franco gets four yards down to the 45 going back to Dan Pastorini he is six verse six and he had another completion cold back on a penalty we also talked about not only the fact that they were going to be turnovers but the ball was going to be hard to hang on so you see her right here Renfro has a good grip on the ball but he was caught changing hands with it yes I'm he knew he was going to get hit and wanted to change hands and had crossed into football see right here changing hands shifting it over and he got hit by Donny Phil number 31 right the middle of the changeover shell force the fumble Blount recovered second and six at the 45 [Applause] liar [Applause] the 37 the defensive charge the Steelers in a tent tent I Drive into Houston territory last week against the Miami Dolphins they Steelers just used their strength and power to blow the Dolphins off the they do it right on this way as they open a huge hole in the middle of the line and Blair gets through there for big yardage first down at the Houston 37 quick toss the Harris [Applause] the flag is down Harris skipped out at the 30-yard line as he ran behind the block of 66 Ted Peterson I think we're going to have a holding call over there it's in an area where it's either a holding or Jim Sonny making the call and Bradshaw is not going to be happy with that that's going to move me back a good 10 yards big 10 yards to again they're down on the slick part of that field how it does that was a tremendous explosive charge by the Pittsburgh offensive line on that first down run by Rocky Bleier [Music] they Cunningham guilty of the foul first down 20 at the 47 as Houston comes in with a four-man front two linebackers and five defensive backs Steve portion of Internet [Applause] [Music] Bradshaw going long [Applause] moment to watch as the graceful Swan made one of his patented time leaps and almost fold in six Swan was the picture of concentration as he waited for that fallen scientist jump Bradshaw has the ball slightly off target Swan adjusted beautifully and right there I think he makes the catch if he doesn't get hit on cue by number 33 JD Wilson Wilson is out of the picture he's beats altogether watch him come back in and hit Swan right at the last critical second and Swan knew it and that I could have had that if you had to bump me he would updo right there another beautiful shot of it by the way just wanted tration on the ball the way swamp hangs in the air he is really an athletic marble Swan unhappy that he didn't come up with a touchdown but that man made a fine JC Wilson hits second-hand 20 the 47 that's a big recovery he was out of position the Harris [Music] [Applause] Sam Davis the offensive captain number 57 through a qiblah same kind of way we saw Houston run for big yardage earlier in the game again the play-acting by the quarterback to pull the defensive line in Brazil had a chance at it expected Franco to cut back Franco just outsmarted him stayed to the outside and with the bad footing Brazil would beat Franco was down there for a big game but they do have a critical third down here and I don't think they're yet in field over [Applause] Bradshaw I walked down to 325 left in this half [Applause] Harris [Applause] here on picking his way through the middle that Houston defense well these Pittsburgh Steelers they'll trap you when you get off the bus and you come into this town and they run that inside trap better than he came in football right here number 72 Mullins get this crap makes it possible for Franco to cut back into the open territory and as we said earlier he's the finest cutback runner in football great shot by Webster on Colt keeping him off the backside but look at that cutting ability by Franco Harris on first down Brett into the end zone [Applause] and a playoff game in a row is caught a touchdown pass it's 16 to 10 as they line up for the extra point far out of Colquitt hold and looked like Swann was up there thinking that ball was thrown to him went over his head and into the waiting hands of Stallworth it just with 2 minutes and 34 seconds left in the second quarter the champion Pittsburgh Steelers have taken the lead 17 to 10 [Applause] Stanley makes saws to cut any job down to size crosscut saws to cut across the grain rip saws to cut along the grain compass saws for odd shoes coping saw stir curves for precision cuts back saws for metals axes Stanley saws are made with tough tempered steel and selected hardwoods and then packed in a protective sleeve packed with information by any of these specially tagged saws and get up to a dollar fifty we've a from Stanley [Music] [Music] [Music] all that way for our Strong's Oh surprise me none [Music] miss Bryant Gumble in New York as the Oilers near the end of the first half trailing 1710 they're still better off they were a year ago a year ago they were losing 14 3 when Ronnie Coleman fumbled this ball and set up a touchdown pass a brad shot a swan made a 21-3 the steelers went on to a 31 3 halftime lead let's go back to Pittsburgh okay Brian 17 points scored by the Steelers in the last minute of the first half last year and the orders want to protect against that now and we're in about the same situation 234 left in the half the Oilers trail 17 to 10 as barque good Ellender at the Tim and he's down at the 22 Zack ballot there made the stop big plays and this is the kind of patented throw and catch that fit Fergus has from Bradshaw and Stallworth throughout this year looked like maybe it wasn't going to be that kind of day but it has exploded in that away for them watch though worth coming on his own into the end zone again total concentration on that football thinking of nothing else but catching it they have the touchdown I was interested too and watching Bradshaw who was looking left all the time at the on the step left [Music] perfect six four six fashion gift at the Campbell Campbell is hit at the 30-yard line white-white number 78 the veteran defensive end made that the use the Oilers have changed their offensive philosophy they've gone into the two tight ends and Campbell a single back in the backfield they'd like to get Campbell off the corners and isolated on the defensive back but he was unable to get rolling that time only a short gain puts them in a longer teasing situation on second down and we have the official two-minute warning here Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh where the score raised Pittsburgh 17 the Oilers down there are 2,000 miles on this river you can find quality beer Miller [Music] but you gotta get them behind the wheel and you gotta you gotta show them what kind of product you've gotten we've got a good 150 owners of t-bird Grand Prix Monte Carlo came to test-drive America's newest personal car Mirada by dodge engineered to be gas efficient but none of the expense of styling or luxury and not at the expense of performance better than two out of three who drove Mirada preferred it to their own personal car this Marauder is a car that I'm gonna drive that's gonna be my car test drive total performance from Dodge NBC sports teams up the 1980 golf season with dramatic fourth and final round coverage as tough roads including defending champ John Mojave try to take home the title of the prestigious Bob Hope Desert Classic next weekend on NBC [Music] number 77 Steve Corson leaving the field with an injury course and replaced by the veteran Terry Mullins and Mullins on almost the first playthrough a great trap block that helps set up that drive to the leading touchdown by the Steelers there in front 17 to 10 or the rushing totals are significant Campbell unable to game and at second and nine with two minutes left at the 30 whoops in an empty patch of Three Rivers carpet at the double safety blitz number 24 JT Thomas and number 31 Donnie shell both blitzing to the outside Pastorini just doesn't have enough people to pick it up and you saw it right there that was 24-hour I think JT and had a been able to get it up it's number 31 Donnie shell coming from the outside Watch Hill right here hips past the readings arm just as he starts to deliver the ball right there pad Pastorini thrown a fraction of a second sooner he had Mike barber open it would have been a touchdown wide open third and and again the Steelers have an 11 now they back off [Applause] the Steelers have a chance to pass to lead that looked like an interception sotas had left his hand I never should have been strong I'm sure that Pastorini knows that that's the first bad path being thrown on this half time out Pittsburgh with plenty of time to add to a 1710 Lane how many times have you wanted to pack it all in and take off well what hurts the economy fairs but time to go is now our slip compacts only 14.95 a day weekends and just 98 dollars a week all with free mileage larger cars are only dollars more a day and if you rent for three week days or more hurts as special economy fairs for that too hurts the economy fairs now you can't afford not to rent from number one if you're looking for a light beer with a full-bodied taste of your regular beer your search will end with Michelob light the rich full-bodied taste of Michelob light don't just compare it to other light beers compare the taste to any beer you like it's that good Michelob light compare the taste to any beer you like [Applause] and one interception during the year he saved some big plays for the playoffs in Pittsburgh and this could be a very important part of this game with 148 left in the first half Pittsburgh is scored a quick Turner up out on the interception how they go for more Franco Harris an excellent play made by number 59 Ted Washington the outside backer from Mississippi Valley and Harris is stopped for no gain but let's go back a play and look at the critical action you see Mike barber trying to save a little bit of pressure on his quarterback cuts the legs right out from underneath the rush put the ball there and I think what happened dick they suckered Pastorini enjoy the live action air sound a little checkoff passes down at the 50-yard line pittsburgh calls time after the five-yard gain it'll be third and five they made it look like a blitz coming he just been hit by the Blitz and then they pulled out of it they got him into a blitz audible and he threw the bad pass turn it over Bradshaw comes over with a little gesticulation something involving a 2 1 minute 16 seconds left Pittsburgh leads by 7 meet Mary Smith volunteer she and others answer crisis hotline 24 hours a day they help people in trouble direct them to Wrigley House and many other services I'm calm on for the Houston Oilers and this is Ripley house an agency supported by United Way Ripley house holds the Hispanic community together just as United Way holds the whole community together thanks to volunteers and that's not all there's free medical attention classes and English ways to keep kids off the streets and hopefully off drugs it's a good feeling and you help people get help like Mary and the others that's what makes United Way work volunteers thanks to them and thanks to you it works for all of us the United Way Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers late 17 to 10 over Houston breeze hitting announcements furnished by the National Football League third down and five at the 50-yard line Jim Smith is N is the third wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers he wears 86 Steelers come up with six out of nine on third down they need five ratch over the middle to Harris he has the first down inside the 45 the clock 107 Pittsburgh has [Applause] crash off we'll call this play right now as two wide receivers right Cunningham split left with 50 seconds left and a half at the 47-yard line the second sack for the Oilers who on the year one of the top pass rushing teams in the NFL in fact third best with 51 sexes that was big 67 my crew who got in there a couple of things we ought to know before the end of this first half Kenny bro is that played for Houston that means they don't have the deep breath and they've been able to get pressure on Pastorini it seems that Bradshaw has had four more time at this half wears on except for that last play where they finally got to it I think Jim Tunney is going to call time to add or to take time off the clock Lynn Swann was late coming back to give Bradshaw more time the clock had been stopped in a sac at 47 seconds and stayed there with no timeout being called we'll see whether Tunney is going to tick off a few seconds because in essence Pittsburgh did gain an advantage their honey was saying start the clock but the clock was not starting at least the one up on the scoreboard now they run the clock at 41 39 that's what they've done it's down to 34 second and long Harris again gets to the 43 Augusto running into one of the officials and goes over to see if he's alright he is fourth down and make that bird down and about eight Matt bar of a rookie Penn State anticipating a possible long field goal fry 26 seconds remaining as pittsburgh exercises another timeout Vicksburg has demonstrated the ability to move the ball down the field but still the story of this first half is the story of big plays dick the big interception that started off for Houston and their whole productivity based on throwing the football on offense not on running it they have really been shut down and bump Phillips a head master the Oilers has to be concerned duro Campbell has been held a little nothing in this first half by that Steel Curtain say tonight folks on the big event dramatic 3 our world from there Carl Bolden is scag he's a Pittsburgh steel worker man who fights for what he believes in it believes to his family a story of survival and a lot more has been critically acclaimed those who have seen the early editions the preview editions why don't you join us tonight Karl Malden is scag tonight on NBC I have to enjoy Carl Mullen as an actor and get my work in as a despot I enjoy watching him work he's really a pro 44 yard line pittsburgh has the boil in houston territory third and nine look at that statistic the National Football League's top rusher held to a minus two in this first step makes you wonder if well Phillips won't go toe maybe some fakes to Campbell and give the ball to someone else the way Pittsburgh is king on it now they're going to have to do something because what's happened right now is Pittsburgh's balance in Pittsburgh strength is beginning to pay off big indicating the clot he's actually ticked off another three seconds down to 21 that has to do with that delay of two plays to go that we talked about Bradshaw 39 [Music] he needs another first down to get that deal go the forty and out of bounds [Music] [Applause] Harris has done it again 13 seconds and he also stopped the clock we talked about Franco Harris's ability to run on this field he continues to amaze me how is it that he can run at full speed and keep his balance and make their cuts at Earl Campbell who is one of the most unbelievable runners I have ever watched carry a football cannot keep his feet underneath him today I think it's just a difference of style the fact that Franco runs straight up has his feet on the ground that has controller everything he does our Campbell runs for that forward body lean well he's played almost out on his stomach when he's running it 13 seconds left Redshaw the blyer seven seconds left and here comes the field goal unit for Pittsburgh Terry Bradshaw delivering that ball right on target but he also has to pay a price for that [Applause] Bradshaw after the fact we'll get the chance to deal here it'll be a 40-yard attempt as you see Bradshaw the courage that quarterback must have Doris dumping him seven seconds remaining in the half at a time has been called by Pittsburgh that's their final timeout an unusual one called apparently the right personnel not on the field for that field goal kicking team there was a little hesitation by Bradshaw Merlin you felt that Terry was seven seconds left wanted one more play before the field goal team came on well they certainly has time maybe to get one quick one obviously they're playing it safe right here [Music] as it was last year the final minutes of the first half so critical to the game Pittsburgh scored 17 points Brian talked to you about that in the last minute last year and now they're trying to get ten points in the last three minutes this season I think what might have happened on that last play of the kickers job one of his jobs is to count the number of players on the veil that looked like Pittsburgh may have had 12 men on the field of course 12 men is a familiar theme for these Houston Oilers they'd have loved to have seen that let's help them to win two of their games during this season including last week against San Diego when they kicked the field goal Chargers had 12 in on the field penalty to the half yard line they ran for the touchdown and that proved to be the difference in the game this will be a fairly long attempt on that slick surface 40 yards bars longest this season 46 yards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Gregg Colquitt to hold [Applause] he hooked it to the left that is a very big miss for the Houston Oilers they can now go into the dressing room down by only a touchdown there's still two seconds left and usable that one more play before the gun emotionally because it would have given them a ten-point lead and also they fought down the field under what appeared to be very adverse circumstances fighting the clock Bradshaw doing an excellent job of using his time and using his receivers well getting him out of bounds getting the clock stopped but they didn't get the payoff they didn't get the points at the end of the drive the others will have that final play see you at bum Phillips is ordered both Renfro and castor are left barber the tight end anchors align to the right and Campbell gets one final call and down he goes after a short game Lauren saves [Music] the Oilers struck quickly and early on burnin Perry 75 yard touchdown with an interception but Pittsburgh came back in the second quarter and lead at the half by 7 of all small pickups one stands out the new Dodge d50 it's ramped up biggest pay low biggest load area more than all the rest most leg room most storage room more than all the rest d fifties gutsy four-cylinder engine gets great mileage ratings manual or optional automatic [Music] this Bud's for everybody who puts in a hard day's work [Music] yeah just for you that distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser [Music] this Bud's for you NBC sports world is back and better than ever watch as basketballs fine prints Meadowlark lemon returns with a new team and some old friends Meadowlark lemon and Love Bug azir's joining metal bar will be the best big man ever witness till chamberlain and the whole family wizard marcus eaves that's federal large lebanon up bucketeer making their national debut on the season premiere of NBC sports world next Sunday [Music] with the score tied 1010 following a turnover Terry Bradshaw goes to the air finds the Steelers most valuable player this past season John Stallworth touchdown the Steelers take a 17-10 halftime lead today's AFC Championship game hello again everyone I'm Bryant Gumbel welcome back to NFL 79 halftime today's game it's 1710 Steelers enjoying a better than two-to-one advantage in total yardage so far we'll have halftime highlights and a flashback to the old days of the AFL all that and more for these messages from your local state Karl Malden is scag in the three hour world premiere his family always turned to him without him were just orders in that hospital then a stroke here for the fight of your life now he was dependent on them and he couldn't take it you know what I see me people his son couldn't face it he was begging the confiscatory of survival and a lot more a series premiere tonight [Music] you're a girl who can run bang beautiful place shop the thrift drug cosmetic center for Charlie that gorgeous sexy young fragrance available in concentrated cologne perfume dusting powder and body silk all at the cosmetic center at thrift drug one beautiful place to save [Music] [Music] in the 80s with three all-new Ford or cutlass sedans just drive one today at the Grand old's gang [Music] Genesee country I couldn't wait to get back here in my job I meet the who's who in harness racing the racing tradition at Genesee country is world-famous and so is our Genesee because that Jennie taste is a winner every time [Music] Pittsburgh Steelers out in further new spoilers 1710 today's game xx AFC championship should say xx American football championship back in the old days the AFL used to get together for some slam-bang affairs Lenny Dawson a part of many of those affairs when the American Football League first began twenty years ago most of the teams played in stadiums like this one rickety old high school or college fields that barely held 25,000 fans especially in third down situations he has been able to pick up the slack this is what some of the action looked like early on for a while the one-man wrecking crew Vernon Perry number 32 you remember what he did last week four interceptions here he picks Bradshaw pocket and goes 75 yards for the score Houston led early on seven to nothing on Pittsburgh second possession Bradshaw what's what happened here you know his ability to run is like an extra man on the field uses got everybody covered except Bradshaw he goes 25 yards down to the 4 yard line they had a settle thorough field goal 7:3 Pastorini here for the screen pass to Maryland Tim Wilson who was a bit of the shadow over all Campbell much the season he gets bruised for 41 yards and situation pastor Ernie with a lot of time to pass you really thread the needle here 32 yards to Ronnie Coleman over Jack Lambert they Hannibal the back at 10:00 to 3:00 and then Bradshaw went to work look at those bats 14 for 25 cutting ham overburden berry to tie the game at 10 apiece and Earl Campbell looked on on the sidelines and Pastorini got the ball back and found my current role over the middle now throw most of all here and number 47 male ploughed picks it up this outfit next score Bradshaw time John Stallworth over the middle the Steelers NVP the Steelers on top 17 of 10 that's the way of sans Brian I'll see ya after the game in the winning locker room ok Michael thank you very much two big questions as we go to the second half can the Steelers continue to contain Earl Campbell and if they can can the Houston Oilers find another weapon to get the job done this 1939 AFC Championship game is brought to you by Schlitz make the most of now the life to live to the beer you drink go for my gosh test drive the new 1981 styling ride and handling my AC Delco quality automotive parts for quality motoring go with the names you know ACDelco and by Pennzoil the ask for motor oil when your cars were caring for Pennzoil is worth asking our halftime score has the Steelers out in further you slaughter 1710 but it's still anybody's ballgame they're still up earth and Pasadena yet to be had we'll get to the second half right after this well they're dominating by controlling the football they've made about two out of three in fact 77% that's better than two out of three of their first of their third down situations go for them and convert it into the first down the other thing that they've done is that they've managed to put themselves in position where they only need more of the scene to win this Houston on the other hand has got to make some very big decisions before they can get going in the second half one of those may be do you play a role Campbell who did not run effectively in the first half it's 17 to 10 the team's take the field will have the second half kickoff in just a moment and step out falling free two miles straight down you miss Berg leading 17 to 10 there's the report card first 30 minutes incredible that the best rusher in the NFL for this season the fourth best rushing team in the NFL held to two yards rushing in the first half and those 90 yards 99 yards that's even deceptive because most of that on three big pass plays one screen play Bradshaw and his Steelers on the other hand have grounded out pretty well 251 yards total offense and it's pretty well balanced as you can see are you prorate that for a game that's over 500 yards in offense for Pittsburgh whereas Houston would be under 200 Houston will get the ball first had it not been for Vernon Perry's touch time with an interception game would not be in Houston's grasp at 17:10 they're still in it bar hits it high Ellender Watson at the nine Richard Allen during [Music] not running at full speed he's carrying the painful hip injury Lauren caves who has played an excellent game he's made four tackles most of those on special teams or special third down situation let's see you in that starting backfield now for Houston is Campbell in there Wilson we see his number 45 and as they break out of the huddle well yes Campbell is there so bump Phillips did not go to rob carpenter there was some speculation on the press level that carpenter might be in for Campbell Tim Wilson and he gets out to the 25-yard line a gain of three but the interesting thing on the first play it was it was Campbell blocking for a wilted knock Wilson blocking for Campbell maybe they've changed their philosophy about who is going to carry the ball and who is going to block again Ken burrow one of the three key players for use in the yard was injured last week has not seen any duty today and Renfro is the wide receiver to the left Richard caster [Applause] that's his biggest gain of the day out to the 32 yard line I'm close to a person very close to a first down I just said dick and Earl Campbell have got to be thrilled he finally got a little bit of daylight gets away from Vanna Zack 76 number 56 Robin Cole gets tackled almost slick for the first down they're going to measure it watch Jack Lambert 58 steps in and slides to the open area See's Campbell breaking clean and makes a very short tackle honor Oleg it will be a Houston first down we're pleased to have Sam Rutigliano the Cleveland Brown head coach with us on our NBC booth and congratulations to Sam on his honor AFC coach of the year and one of the comments he made to us everything else that pittsburgh does well they just tackle so well you think doll amber that little extra [Applause] [Music] Oh Joe Greene Hey Joe Green has been around a lot a long time but he has played the running game this year as well as he ever has and you cannot play the running game and Earl Campbell any better than that isolation on number 75 right there just beats the block by Fisher on the line of scrimmage and nails Campbell in the back any times at all-pro and that was a big hit brings up second down mastery Nina Renfro and [Applause] but the pass was wobbly short Pittsburgh going to the Blitz again Donny shale number 31 blitzing to try and put pressure on Pastorini faster reading really is their trump card right now you get a quick look at Renfro Renfro had enough room put evade to catch the ball thrown short I think because of the pressure to Bob's up by the Blitz on math reading double zero Kim [Applause] [Music] second [Applause] carpenter [Applause] the orders and there's a penalty flag and someone is going to be hit with a personal foul it looked at them blunt where the guy that was causing the trouble I think blunt was just trying to hold Fife endure so he wasn't going to get the fight with Lambert who apparently had hit him quite late but well below before the whistle snapped and again dick you've gotta understand that these teams are very emotional on the field they're gonna hit the double foul I think what I think blunt was trying to be a peacemaker that's not his usual role Rob carpenter and Mel Blount the man with a ball the man tackling the ball carrier hit with a foul no harm really in that penalty it brings up fourth down on the dead ball foul and ten yards plus for Houston vo Bell drifts back into the pittsburgh 29 yard line is bum Phillips cutter cliff parsley from about the 23 but of the first half it was a short kick [Applause] short again fell on the run [Applause] Dowler the Oilers they both have their hands on it the ruling is Houston the owners get a break and they needed something of that sort trailing 17 to 10 Bell coming up to catch that dying quail and fumbled it forward to the orders it appeared that David Carter covered the ball it's almost as if this were on this trip coming up to try and field that ball on a cold day when the ball is sick the old Bell might have been well advised to let it go watch it again as it comes down short and Bell either has to get up quick enough to get position or turn over a chance for Houston to do something here [Applause] [Music] pastor Amy play-action goes for barber [Applause] and he took quite a pop from Mel Blount he Furness at the other end was pressuring Pastorini the battle between these two teams is as physical as any battle in football Pastorini hit as he gets the ball Barbour hit as he reaches for the football Mike barber a fine tight end operating with two sore knees out on the field he's given it everything he can he can't help but remember the shot he took last year from Wagner that put him in the hospital with an operation he went to the hospital SC Wegener who's in the hospital ranker just checked out that's a good thing I'm Ike Barbara [Applause] vault [Music] Levi Joe green green is just overpowering his man line is the Steel Curtain then Joe Greene carries the keys he opens although Joe Greene is playing against the fine garden at Fisher's that a great year but somehow thee there must be some extra oxygen for him during these playoff games he has really got the butt-fuck blood pumping and the adrenaline pumping [Music] to Pittsburgh 40 [Applause] it unable to grab the ball [Applause] [Music] and that stealer it's a standing ovation please after they bumble of bells was recovered at the 41 Houston has to kick on fourth and 14 Birkin trying to run with that football before he got a come [Music] firstly the kick bell we'll get another chance that's the best kick today by parsley to the seventh at the 14 yard line fine hit they buy number 50 Darryl hunt the former star at Oklahoma at that thing that's the first good field position that uses that all day they've walked the opportunity 11:48 left in the third quarter the Steelers lead by seven if you missed the recent Delco battery sale here's great news ACDelco slashes its regular prices on the three most powerful automotive Dunkel freedom batteries freedom is the original never add water maintenance-free battery it's powerful dependable and it's from Delco check Delco freedom battery prices for quality AC Delco parts are sold then take advantage of our reduced regular price you'll say thanks Darko the computer technology that would boy ajar in space puts Voyager on the road the Voyager radial tire from Kelly Springfield computer design thread for all season factions computer design shape that reduces threat aramid construction for a smooth ride the Kelly Voyager radio we put space technology on the road Kelley Springfield we're off to change America's tires for the first time on TV the to Fox Awards with host Matt Davis and George Segal yes Kenny Rogers Daniel Tucker Crystal Gayle Paul McCartney blondie and Lord Tuesday there's the MVP the Pittsburgh Pirates Willie Stargell II came in disguised as a Houston oiler fan you know where is heart is right here in the Steel City well I billet as the city of Champions and the Oilers would like to change part of that championship image if they can unseat him today but so far the Steelers doing pretty well to keep their reputation intact Bradshaw sets this line at the 14 first possession for the Steelers flier and Harris behind him Stallworth left Swann right Harris out to the 16 and pin there after a gain of two Greg Bingham 54 with a hip frustrating de ferrol Campbell II knew the road to Pasadena went through Pittsburgh well a lot of big Chuck whole spirit Three Rivers he just can't get himself at full speed we're having a few mechanical problems here in the stadium the phones on the Houston side the phones that carried their information to and from the press box have gone out and the official in a ruling that really stands for equity on the field have ordered the Pittsburgh coaches to put their telephones down they're using signals on a sideline to communicate [Applause] the good old days 2nd and 8th liar nothing good defensive search by the Oilers Andy Doris 69-53 Springer and 54 Bingham fall in on the play well they must have cleared up the problem I see George George purlettes and some of the other coaches putting their headsets back on mom doesn't wear one of the headsets feels it interferes with his constant the game most of the assistants the assistant coaches that you see in season putting on their headsets over there will be in a communication with the coaches upstairs who have a better view of the game third down and seven for the Steelers at their seventeen [Applause] fifteen to ten and bradshaw's first throw the second half [Applause] down at the 9 yard line as Doris made the play again he was drafted by Cleveland in 73 played for a while at New Orleans was scrambling for work and he's really found himself in Houston and has had an outstanding year at left in that's the third sack of the day and that's very important because it backs the punter into the end zone any mistake down there is a possible three points or maybe even a seven point maybe a safety you don't want to make a mistake when you're back in your own endzone Houston should come up with good field position again aw quit [Applause] takes a snap from Webster drives up Beauty Ellender all the way back to his 45 has some blockers at the 50 one man ran right through all that blocking wall robbing poll number 56 and not only strip the interference but made the hit one of the questions that might be asked why is Ellender in there we'll talk about that after we come back from a commercial 46 yard kick under pressure by Colquitt the Oilers had the ball at midfield when you have questions like these about your money get professional answers I need so many things how do i establish credit what the kids at our school our savings haven't you need to go but you we keep it all in a savings account what else can we do keep your checking and savings at a full-service bank and get professional answers to your financial questions America's full-service banks we've got the answers [Music] it was built its business on one simple thing trying harder [Music] by trying harder we changed an entire industry we're not about to give it up now sports world is back and better than ever as basketballs filed fritz Meadowlark lemon returns with a duty events of old friends joining metal dark will beat the still Chamber heart disease that's metal rock in the rocketeers next Sunday on sports world it looks like a Pittsburgh pistol against a Houston cannon now the reason that they have a tube out there is so that that live heat our very hot flame there doesn't come out and burn anyone either your hands get a little down you stick them down thank you you gonna form it's own 49-yard line 946 left in the third the Oilers trail 1710 this is Campbell he can't get outside flag is down [Applause] you saw the speed of Ron Johnson there's an indication to the Campbell isn't 100% you won't see him do that very often gotta wonder what the call is whether it's Campbell for pushing in the face or something into the facemask by Ron Johnson our blood actually probably on base man against Pittsburgh watch Johnson over there shot right here Campbell when you get him outside get him isolated one-on-one on a back normally when he is healthy there is no contrary to it right there he just grabbed her right hand right on the mat I think maybe Earl knew he had the yardage why hurt yourself on that's a kink in the wire [Music] first down actually they marked off a seven yard penalty the line of scrimmage was the 49 they marked it off from the spot of the foul which was the 49 of Pittsburgh so it's two yards plus the five on the [Applause] Tim Wilson and he uses a straight arm and gets out of bounds at the 43 in to the Steeler bench it'll be second and nine for Houston the Oilers trail the favorite Steelers 17 to tempation Jonas late burn and Perry the star of last week's victory at San Diego for Houston intercepted a Bradshaw pass in the first couple of minutes of the game with 75 yards for a touchdown to give Houston an early lead this for kicks a field goal boilers came back to kick a field goal to make it ten three Pittsburgh in the portions of the first half Lord a couple of touchdowns to take the 1710 play action barber [Applause] [Music] that's the kind of pass two quarterbacks have to apologize for be hung that ball up there Barbara had to wait and wait for it gave the defenders time to get over and they've really made him pay the price watch the ball hang a little bit and while he's waiting for it JT Thomas covered the ground and just destroyed any opportunity to catch it Barbour is open the balls needs to be thrown quicker the timing off and again I think you'd have to probably lay that off on pasteries injury he hasn't practiced much of our few weeks Jay Thomas playing for the intro the defensive play good protection this is carpenter at the 40 he pushed down to the 37 that's not enough for the first now we'll bring up fourth and three little annotation over there excuse me Jake a little hesitation they may go for it here they haven't had good field position except for the two times they've got the ball in this step one time on the fumble and then this time and vomit [Music] you talk about your riverboat gambler you [Music] two yards normally this wouldn't be a bad gamble because rural camels picks up the artis in this situation but not the way Campbell [Applause] Campbell it's going to be very close Campbell that was one of those patented lure the shoulder and fight for a yard and a flag is known well and that's the kind you hate to see right they're going to get a little extra barely Pittsburgh with all the noise here Houston didn't get the play off in its 32nd allotment that's twice today Louis Pasteur Puck [Applause] second as if BOM Phillips's gambled of course we looked at that gamble he made last week when he refused the three-point and went for the seven provided himself the winning margin in that game got San Diego it looked like the gamble here which was one that would be questioned by many coaches were going to be successful only to be taken away by delay of game penalty [Music] firstly aims it toward the sidelines and it dies out of bounds over on the 20-yard line they mark it at the 21 so parsley does not get a good kick he had been kicking brilliantly in the first two games of this play on him in the playoff series a 24 remaining in the third quarter Pittsburgh leads 1710 the number one gasoline mileage car in America is here the dodge Colt hatchback from a passenger car line which is in total the most technologically advanced fleet in Japan cold is engineered with front-wheel drive and the advanced MCH at engine we have increased availability of dodge Colt priced from 4331 right now let's see Hamilton will cross our path eight times today we're a smart we own the companies that supply her peanut butter in turkeys rubber gloves and baby nursers fertilizer oil filters and motor oil gasoline we're Esmark a big company with a big stake in Nancy Hamilton and in you that's Berk has the ball at the 20-yard line let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network for a better look at Steel City news take a look at Steel City News Now the Steeler defense bolts Houston after they lost the ball and a fumble did the Steelers and then on the punt started at the 50 yard line but the Steel Curtain too tough and Pittsburgh leading 17th and now has improved its field position out to the 20-yard line Franco Harris to the 23 yard line it'll be second and 7 Curley Culp Robert Brazil on the tackle for the Oilers the responsibility very clear-cut for the Houston defense they'd like to get another turnover or at work force a punt from deep in Pittsburgh's own territory but one of the things that it's always amazed me about Pittsburgh is their ability to drive the ball long distances to control the football and they've done it today with third down conversions they're gonna try and do that again eat the clock maintain their Lee Bradshaw has thrown the ball well to play action stream and Cunningham drilled by art stringer who read that stream very well and it's a loss of a couple back to the 21 to watch the play from the endzone the play was never really there it looked like it was ripped too well to be anything but Gregor's just doing a great job also curly come read it from the inside we saw him break up one earlier in the day I believe on the same play coming back on this side now Webster number 52 he's the man that they'd like to get in front of the play he did his job but unfortunately the other linebacker stringer was there to cut him down Webster fifth round pick out of Wisconsin all-pro it's now third and nine there's your open man Cunningham incomplete he trapped the ball so Cunningham who probably would not have had the first down at that spot they needed to get the ball across the 30 but that's academic it's fourth down and nine incomplete pass Houston is in this game because of big plays the turnover a 7 point that Vernon ferry got for him early and then the big pass plays of Pastorini they've had two chances here in the second half they've not converted on either one I think they've got to get something going here pretty quick or it's going to be too late 650 left in the third quarter Colquitt to Ellender Ellender stands at the 40 another good calendar they have touched the ball in this [Applause] breakbulk with 65 yards his longest of the year was 66 boy heel position really turned about on that kick by : [Applause] he kicked that ball exactly where he wanted to kickin Houston starts deep in its own end I didn't roads have a slight aircraft caringly banners of advertisement there are three of them overhead and at times dangerously close to one another does that seem a wise choice to have so many planes in such a limited area 50,000 fans beneath them that's a mirror tragedies in that regard in other cities on the field Houston helped him back in its own end after it enjoyed field position on the last two possessions Pastorini throws for Renfro and throws it away blunt had Renfro beautifully covered one on one well he is tough he just throws a blanket around his man on that one-to-one coverage a chance to watch the rush on Pastorini and the kind of pressure he's going to get the play-action fools people momentarily Pastorini has the early go but you see the black shirts starting together faster and he did unload that football and wisely so George / let's see 50 coats on two sidelines jumping for that possible head goes only 25 feet over his head July perlis has a defense Pastorini started out six for six again play-action dumps it off the Campbell looks for a block and Earl bounces out to the 25 yard line and a first down and Pastorini is down as he delivered the ball he was hit by Steve Furness we watched after any being carried out of this stadium earlier in the year on a stretcher Dan is up now but he really gets leveled and of course the great concern from the Euler bench is because of his injuries how much of a beating is he going to take and his offensive lines in a pretty good job of protecting him today but hard to protect against the Steeler rush you can see the tackle here by Furness it's not a vicious tackle it's just that that frozen carpet went past when he falls that were it hurts it wasn't a tackle itself but the double penalty on the artificial surface they're escorting Pastorini off to the sidelines now you see again what hit him there there ask him about his injury we may have to see Gifford Nielsen who played very well although conservatively for Pastorini in that victory last week bum Phillips out to talk to his quarterback but what a tough assignment in this 26 degree weather when you have an antelope football sense pregame warm-ups over two hours ago and then to come in to a crucial game like this just to be warm much less accurate and efficient and of course the difference as we said in this game have come from Pastorini from his throwing arm got to wonder if they will give Gifford Nielsen the opportunity to go for some of those big ones Pastorini being attended to out at the 31 yard line and helped off the field and Gifford Nielsen will come in now it's appropriate I think to talk about this a Serena's courage a lot of people can't play when they're hurt when they're in pain that's Irenaeus had to do it throughout his career and has played extremely well extremely well today under pressure and you pay a price for that as you see here again I think you're right Burnett's really not trying to injure pastorate he's just trying to get him stopped and that hard surf - whiplash part of it appeared to be the most damaging thing that happened - then on that play it is a first down at the 24 yard line and Nielsen gonna throw the ball right off the bat to Wilson on a little screen and Wilson gets good yardage almost the first down to the 34 yard and Pastorini tonight because of the completed pass but he says I feel a lot better now get me back in now Pastorini and bum phillips that entire organization are gonna feel better if they can get the ball down the field of giving in the end zone take and Pastorini tonight because of the completed past but he says I feel a lot better now get me back in Pastorini plumb Phillips that entire organization are going to feel better if they can get the ball down the field and get it in the end zone they can if they can get to you can control it as they have on these last two down getting those first down working themselves down the field it's a free down for pasture any second and less than a yard Campbell [Applause] yard-line whoa when they created this game and made it an oblong ball they brought unpredictability into the game and there's a case where the steelers had it surrounded and almost as if it had a magnetic force it was drawn to the one owner in the area Mike Renfro I've heard it said I'd rather be lucky and good the Oilers are lucky the balls stripped away right there linebacker goal I think slipped it to Steelers had a chance but Renfro right on top of it big play watch the ball stripped away from the outside that's Robin Cole right there just stripped it away from him and they had a chance great play by Renfro five Steelers and Renfro and Renfro gets the lucky bounce first down at the 48 and a half 17 to 10 Pittsburgh leads we have four and a half left in the third quarter Renfro is knocked down and that will be a penalty on blood blunt used his left forearm or elbow and Renfro with a contact felt and that drew the flag at the 36 yard loop on the sideline again when that ball is in the air you cannot touch those receivers I don't think blunt is going to argue with it it realizes that he tempted what's the one-on-one situation here Brent fro down the sideline that the contact right there no question about it good call by the official and Renfro showed the hit but didn't play act the thing he I think he knew the official was close by the flag of becoming they called it an illegal chuck it appeared to me that the ball was hard in the air and should have been interference but it's a 5-yard penalty and it takes it to the 47 a Pittsburgh I'm surprised too I thought the ball was in the air Tudor Houston Dan Pastorini back in the shuttle the Oilers trailed by seven late in the third quarter Campbell and even with the power of Campbell you could see he's just not generating that early speed that he possesses when really healthy now they're trying to run in behind the blocking ability of Leon gray number 74 and they're just not getting those Pittsburgh defensive linemen and linebackers off football pittsburgh is controlling the line of scrimmage and that makes it awfully tough so Steve Baumgartner number 63 using his helmet as a chair second down eight faster any the Renfro first down at the 23 Jack Lambert made the tackle and the Oilers are generating a long march except from the early drive that really was a to play drives of screen pass and a long path it's the first time they've had a sustained offense all day here it is again again off the play action to Campbell and what a bullet thrown by Pastorini catching Renfro in the seam Lambert drifting back to make the tackle first down at the 23-yard line Renfro had the touchdown catch that proved to be the winner last week in San Diego Wilson and he powers to the 20-yard line a gain of three second and seven Elsie Greenwood 68 white white 78 made the tackle Jack Lambert got up limping noticeably he's had some ankle problems is wearing high-tops shoes to try and protect those link of his but they don't want to lose him he's the main man down there I almost have to drag him off the field that spot on his ankle is from the stickum that they used to try to help grab tacklers hand possible interception nothing to do with the injury the trellis in completes a caster and he was wide open as Ron Johnson flanked castes are very loosely in fact that's the first time Pastorini has gone in casters direction but he was wide and out of bounds incomplete third and seventh Johnny shell complaining about some of the activity near the line of scrimmage watch him right here he's working on barber barber a little unhappy with the way shell is trying to hold him on the luffing does a little work of his own cell saying don't you do that to me a very physical player himself is show third and seven is the crowd chants defense Wow master any calls for time well a very tough thing to do amazing to me because you don't want to give up those first downs you're behind over timeouts you might need them later on it stops the clock with 2:20 left in this reminder that a week from today next Sunday we have a triple header in sports as you can see our college basketball coverage continues got a dandy for you Purdue ranked 8th takes on sir Q's 9th ranked of the country over joining Allen Billy for that one in West Lafayette Indiana that'll be followed by a different kind of basketball Meadowlark lemon the bucket ears you know the fun that lemon brings to the game in Wilt Chamberlain also in action and then our golf season begins on NBC and always one of the best sunshine out there in Palm Desert California the Bob Hope Desert Classic the final round 4:30 Eastern Time that's all on NBC next weekend talking to the Houston players yesterday and today before the game deck one of the things that they were very quick to they wanted to talk about was the fact that they did not want to repeat of last year's blowout in this AFC championship game and they said we've grown a lot this year they've fought hard they've worked hard to get back here they had to come the hard way again as a wild-card and today even though they have not played as consistently as the as the Pittsburgh Steelers they have come up with the big plates they've come up with the interceptions they've come up with the turnovers if they can get this one into the end zone for seven points they got a tied ballgame third down seven at the 20 Laurent Aves 51 in as an extra linebacker if you jus daun past coverage carpenter behind Pastorini blitz Coleman he makes the catch first and goal at the 7 yard line as Ronnie Coleman went over the top of Lauren saves and how to Pastorini ever unload that one he was hit just as he tried to lob that high rainbow to Coleman the Pittsburgh Steelers have gone to the Blitz to control Pastorini they couldn't get the get the rusher and the pressure I'm with the regular plays but Coleman as he did last week and an incredible catch and as he did earlier in the game watch Jack Lambert here they're blitzing almost everyone Lambert trying to come into shield Pastorini Pastorini did not know that that ball up in cocktail he got up off the ground oh look at that dirt Winston unloading on faster reading with a minute and a half remaining in the third quarter the Oilers 6 yards away from a tie it is Renfro touchdown or is it out of play we call the official in that any signal [Applause] [Music] I don't think they can see the play he looked down the end to ask a call from the other official he did not get a call the officials are meeting now they're trying to get the players out so they can talk about it they may have to get incision from Jim honey well we're going to sit on the replay and we'll be able to decide whether or not Renfro got his feet down in time it was a tough call and this might be a spot where an instant replay would be important let's see if defeat come down now he's got the ball he does either they get inside it is a good question about it it was not cold one but there's no doubt that was a Houston touchdown well they haven't made a final decision in the end zone they're still down there talking about it there's no question about this he's got control he has both feet down clearly in the end zone it is a touchdown first the officials did not have the luxury that we enjoy of seeing that instant replay the man on the spot didn't see it so he couldn't call it and now [Music] [Applause] bomb - just eat that cowboy hat [Applause] Mike Renfro makes a fine catch of a well-thrown ball by Pastorini gets both feet down but no touchdown is at all sometimes the camera angles can be deceiving let's look from another angle and watch again the feet one to clearly down they've got bucks question on there is no question on that one it's a touchdown but the story means 17 to 10 Pittsburgh gets second and goal at the 6 yard line the Oilers overcome the bad call Lambert making the tackle hustling from behind now let's go back and look at what may be the most critical play of this game a touchdown which is taken away from Dan Pastorini and Mike Renfro because the official was shielded by number 29 Ron Johnson I can see why he couldn't see it but the other official have to be in position to make the call there's another official on the backline of the end zone under the uprights than he should have made the call as he was not screened no one told it so the orders did not get a touchdown now it's third and goal [Applause] [Music] carpenter scanners have forced the Oilers into a field goal cry so instead of seven that they [Applause] there's home-field advantage and then there's hope field advantage the error is human Dan Pastorini trying to get it in throws shorts a carpenter who played so well but right there number 47 Mel Blanc and he the sure positive tackling these v burke steelers makes it virtually impossible to get into that end zone when they get ahold of it and the owners get another bad break they're now going to go from the good end of the field as the third quarter ends now they must try the field goal from the I see less sure footing of the endzone to our right time out into the third quarter 17 to 10 Pittsburgh after years to come a touchdown that was ruled no touchdown as a former player what are your feeling about dick I hate to see the big plays in a game maybe the biggest play in this game not made by the players on the field but made by the official and I do sympathize with their situation I sympathize with the fact that they are human but this is a touchdown and Houston frankly was cheated out of their six points their possible seven points in a tie in this game a perfectly thrown pass a beautiful execution of getting the feet down inside the end zone but again the official shielded a second official who is in position to make the call apparently was not looking the result a four point turnaround and now instead of being tied with a chance to try and get the football and go into the lead they're still behind in this ballgame by four points Thomas is the way that bum Phillips enjoys it though that's the kind of TP said all year through all that adversity they've cut through and and gotten themselves this far and they're only four behind the world champion they've done it the hard way all year everything maybe that's the way they'd want it today don't forget scag tonight that'll be an 8 o'clock premiere here on NBC Larry Anderson to the 10 he's out to the 23 yard we're jido Birkin Steve Baumgartner so Terry Bradshaw and the Steelers leading by a four and you wonder how Chuck NOAA will play it here what does advise the Bradshaw has been you keep an open game going or as you get into this fourth quarter are you very careful with that 4-point lead sometimes a bad break like that dick will serve to inspire a team I I don't know whether they know yet that they had the touchdown and it was taken away from him I don't know whether they've been told [Applause] first down from 36 yard line a gain of 13 yards for Franco Harris that gives him a total of 61 for the day you're going to see some great holding by Webster number 52 on the center look at him dragged number 78 Curley cope right out of that hole and Franco Harris number 32 up for the big gain watch it again he gets on Curly's outside an influence play now watch him grab him right here and pull him away from the hole and does not get caught things are going pittsburgh's away at this juncture a first down at the 36 liar no gain at all early cult perhaps angered by that last play elven Beth a Noah's buffet who shot in from his defensive right in position fight I talked to Mike Webster he said after Culp adds a bad play he's going to come back and knock my head off especially so when you hang down here's what happens when you hold curly cuffs surely he gets bad well he didn't give him the blow I thought he might control his area that's for certain second call at 11:00 liar we have a penalty flag back at the 37-yard gym Tenney's crew is going to be written about tomorrow so let's not fair way to introduce them but you're going to be hearing the names tomorrow honey is the referee Pat harder the umpire Tony Abbott Terry is the headlines when Jack Johnson is the line judge the men involved in the possible call of the touchdown no touchdown were Stan shabby the back judge Don or the side charge and Bill O'Brien the field judge who were the deep men holding penalty against number 89 Benny Cunningham on that last play well the one thing I would say again I I don't want to be the one to defend the official accept it how can you make a call you can't see and it's a tough thing they have to do it again it's a shame that it happens on a play that is potentially the most important in the game second down and 20 changing his play [Applause] good protection [Applause] as he was covering Lynn Swann Swann didn't like the fact that Corey was resting on his ankle and picked his way free Barry had his eyes looking for his second intersection very well I would love to grab that one I get another turnover on Terry Bradshaw for some reason Greg Stemm Erick is out of the out of the lineup Arden Hartwig is in but watch Perry right there he's just waiting in his position and just hanging on down there I think he read that banner coming out one drug his foot a little bit they're very reactive to that and a lot of emotion between these [Applause] that is 25 [Applause] 14 minutes left in the game Bradshaw a lot of time and there is and I believe he has the oh what an athlete [Applause] houston oilers trying to get the pressure on Bradshaw with a three-man rush and on a slick feel like this you cannot do it you just can't do it and Bradshaw will find who singled up where the man who breaks from that double coverage in this case number 88 lynn swann big big first down looked like maybe they were going to get them forcing the punt have a chance to get down and get a touchdown or some points on the board but Swann and stalwart for Swann and Bradshaw in this case erased that opportunity they're going to see if they can control the drive down and in contrast the pastor any you saw Bradshaw with all that time to throw Paris to the 49-yard line a gain of about four it will be second and six on the clock pic so age 12 25 left final quarter here at Three Rivers Stadium Pittsburgh and Harris gets up slowly eris such a brilliant playoff player back we told you earlier this rest all other runners in 12 of the 15 playoff games in which he has appeared and has pressed for over 1,400 yards in playoff action a record second and six Cunningham the intended receiver by stem Rick Perry Vernon Terry Puhl CFL when he played at Montreal first year in Houston and a man who has introduced himself to the football public and rather dramatic way these last two weeks Bradshaw now looking at a third down and a short seven let's see if Euston comes with a blitz to try and get some pressure on there [Applause] you have a four-man front this time and terrace and he asked the first time I believe they spotted at the board and that looks good enough for the first down one of the things that Pittsburgh Steelers do Bradshaw calls his own place he's not afraid to pass on a first down and he's not afraid to run on a passing down he gives it to his trusted Franco Harris and Harris bust a major dent with his calipers go for the first down they're gonna major it see if you got it / sound [Applause] leading 17 to 13 have another four dams and that says it all Franco the other thing that's happening now dick the Steelers are not only controlling the football as they have time of possession through the day they're also controlling the clock that every tick box Houston another opportunity to try and get back in him and even if they don't store they're also buying real estate enforcing Houston deep into its own M Bradshaw in well protected with that brilliant outside pass receiving team has the cat sent a first down at the Robert Brazil blitzing from the right side and number 77 person made a beautiful pickup right there you see it at the top of your picture to give Bradshaw time to grow and again if he has time he has such great receiver shut up mom seems that he has two or three seconds more than Pastorini he has time to look for that second and third man burst out at the 29 10:47 left in the game Pittsburgh leads five-four flyer [Applause] [Music] gain of seven more a very impressive drive by the world champion stealer down in the pits it's another trap play forsen coming across from his guard position to trap they're getting good watching flaps in there for Webster and of course Rocky Bleier what a trusted workforce he's been zat's adding a big day today what's up as slotted left at Cunningham splits like a yard in lay down below Ranko out of bounds at the 22 that'll be no game three art Springer let's root of his name he run at the play from his middle back position and James C Wilson from the left corner to make the tackle I think Bradshaw has been at his best today on the third down he's picked up almost 80% of his first down conversions on the day that's really an incredible day and of course the owners are not as flashy defense either they've come right at you 59 left third and three Pittsburgh at the Euler 22 [Applause] bingham the big play man in that defense jarred and free from Franco Harris as he timed his tackle perfectly [Applause] maybe just oh well done per minute he might go for it there but he sent his field goal team onto the field Juan looks to be wide open doubt in the corner you can see the disappointment on his face but that pest might have been caught we're not for the great hit brought on a receiver by Greg Bingham it is a 39 yard attempt by bar he missed earlier from 40 yards Colquitt who throws the ball very well by the way for a punter is the holder and the Pittsburgh lead is back up to 7:00 minutes 50 seconds left Steelers 20 fighter 13 it seems you've raced a thousand miles a quarter-mile at a time and every time you've got a proven over again the crowd and yourself so you go for it you go for all the gusto you can get making the most in your beer and the one beer brewed with gusto since 18-49 in Schlitz the official tear of the Winter Olympics go for it hurricane Frederick strikes the Gulf Coast leaving behind over a billion dollars worth of damage before the winds stop all state people were at work using new techniques of handling claims like radios and computers twice the risk employee place the left quarter glass speeding up settlement of thousands of claims both auto and homeowners this is that old my arm of the ohlmeyer the lady with a hat and Bruni watching intently we're down to the 950 mark fourth quarter and Pittsburgh leads again by seventh and now very big that play in the end zone has turned out to be first now the Oilers need seven points to get them back into a tie in the possible overtime in this ball game here's bars kick as he skips it down and over the show and he's able to bat it out of bounds for the second time at the 12 yard line and a fly goes down Richard Ellender flying despite an injured hip and not as mobile as he would normally be and now fly goes down apparently at first it looked as if the gym Tony was saying against the Oilers but he would just motioning come back this way oh it's possible that they might be calling him for banning the football but they're having a discussion on the sidelines ll endure obviously wanting to knock that football out of bounds didn't want to have it recovered by the Pittsburgh Steelers he'd done it once earlier in the game in a situation with a punt down on the sideline he did it there with a kick and of course the sad thing is no matter what happens here it's very poor field position for the Houston Oilers we're doing batting the flag by the receiving team in the kickoff 15 I think a 15-yard penalty against telander on the Houston Oilers although in that regard Houston can't come up much worse than having the ball down at about their 11 yard line even though Pittsburgh now unless they decline the penalty or they don't have a choice apparently of declining the penalty well it's almost seen that the Steelers are being penalized for an oiler penalty here they would obviously like to see the football in the possession of the Houston Oilers right at that spot you can see him batting the ball he's not allowed to do that and obviously the steelers wondering will pay to they have declined the penalty it will be first to Houston at the 11:00 the bounce at the 11-yard line so that's where the play will be initiated so in 9 minutes and 42 seconds remaining in the game that problem has been clarified Pittsburgh wisely declines the penalty Houston has it at the 11 yard line and Pastorini during this tool I stayed on the sidelines with his heavy parka to stay warm he comes onto the field with his team down by 7 I think the ruling there if the man is trying to pick up the ball he's trying to pick it up and he Pat's it accidentally they wouldn't enforce it but if it looks like an intentional banning of the ball and it is a family against the offensive team and that's the case here it was obvious that he was indeed trying to get the ball swiping out of bounds to protect first down for pass Tyrrhenian terrible field position at his own 11 yard line but plenty of time 942 left in the last possession Pastorini led his team the full distance of the field to an apparent touchdown when the ball was not made by the official the Oilers settled for three the others really have had two drives during the day but again have had to rely on the big play they need Pastorini they need a strong arm play right here to get them going and Wilson would him in the backfield caster on a win [Applause] almost fumbled the handoff Robin Pohl 56 and Jack Lambert 58 made the tackle one of the things you're not going to do very often is foolís Pittsburgh Steeler defense there are veteran defensive team they have excellent speed watch right here dick here's what you talked about castor almost lost it right there but that's Robin cold sick sand Jack Lambert but two fine linebackers teaming up he had no chance do tackle your well along home for Houston second and ten [Applause] at the 16-yard line by cold again there were two blockers on him he was able to fight his way through and make the tackle of Wilson after a short game when it appeared Wilson had big yardage ahead that's the kind of play we saw earlier for big yardage and they're the same part of the field again a little bit of play-acting get everybody inside jump it off to their running watch it right there [Music] about four and a half yards to go and this is a very desperate situation it's not over yet but if they don't [Applause] [Music] carpenter so the 31 Lauren tapes showing you why they like him on past events in Pittsburgh he ran right with carpenter chased him down from behind but not until number 26 carpenter has a first down at the 31 Pittsburgh Steelers and cent insert James on passing situations because of his coverage ability the robbed carpenter comes up with one of the big plays that have been so familiar for him in the last three weeks and if we said that's not quite a do-or-die situation but at the midpoint of this fourth quarter seven and a half minutes remaining Pittsburgh 20 Houston 13 this Lord [Applause] Marina Wilson - feelers there Dennis twisting 53 made the first contact with Donnie shale 31 securing the tackle one of the things that a quarterback has to do and this is a player go has to look over that rush you see all of the arms and all of those big bodies that's especially difficult against the four-man rush not so tough against the three-man rush of course Pittsburgh employing four big linemen get those arms up in front of Pastorini I think he's done a heck of a job today getting the ball on target as often as he's put it there Gary Bradshaw is Sammis in front by seven second down [Applause] [Applause] and only Wilson's desire to gain yardage gets him out of the hole and he picks up to make a third down and five Robin Cole makes still another tackle along with 67 Gary Dunn when the running game is not going the play-action passing as not as very effective but that Pastorini is continually faking the run I don't think the Pittsburgh Steelers are even worried about that they're going right after him they spotted at the 35 so make a third and six for Houston double wing formation Coleman they like to go to him it's set its Quito merkins for pebbles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] catches the ball dead the ball may have been blown death [Applause] no official signal the sailors have the ball [Applause] Perkins the third-string quarterback emergency wide receiver caught it fumble we have a timeout 546 remaining Pittsburgh with the ball and the lead 20 to 13 the second time today the Steelers on a Houston completion have forced the fumble and have it now at the Houston 45 yard line we talked about how slippery that ball is on a day like today and we have seen it bouncing around a great deal it ended up in the hands of the Pittsburgh Steelers on what appeared to be a very big first down catch for the Houston Oilers we'll see that play again right after this first town effort by Bradshaw he needs only appealed gold all but put it away 546 remaining Franco gets a couple of yards to the 43 let's go back Pastorini to keno Merkin a Sophia may have wondered whether or not Birkins was down when he fumbled here's the answer it's another great throw by pastoring looking off-balance he throws flat-footed drills it right to merkins and it's just a matter of blunt stripping the ball away Renfro almost got Abaddon eesh l-31 recovered for Pittsburgh and it's another example of the very physical tackling and a very physical defensive football that these Pittsburgh Steelers play second down and eight quick toss to Harris [Applause] 37 it'll be third and to tack Lambert's defensive unit has played with its typical toughness and they forced some turnovers when they didn't appear to really be there I have to say though if I were picking my player of the game right now would be Pastorini I think he's been the most impressive player on the field under tremendous pressure Pastorini may have never thrown the ball any better bowl 26° he's hit his targets he has been the offense they've had no running game [Applause] big play for Houston trying to stop the Steelers that's all going deep [Applause] fell down the coverage that's just a matter of liars so wide open was an easy completion and the finesse town had to be lofted over the head of the defenders Bradshaw again as for Menace time but look how he hangs the ball over the top lets it drop right into the hands that's a fine catch by Rocky - he does his job as well as anybody around reaches low for that one scoops it in for Texas Oh at three and a half minutes left Bradshaw has the Steelers deep in Houston territory leading 20 to 13 [Applause] liar [Applause] thousand plus seats in three rivers most of them have not been used today half this crowd has been on its feet since the opening now Rocky Bleier taking advantage of the fact that this Houston defense trying to make the big play right now still kept up that they're almost over pursuing Springer running out beyond the play briar cuts in under Oliver a coherent down to two minutes and 50 seconds is Bradshaw now has it second down and call it two and a half [Applause] it appears he's short of the first time by a made the tackle but all the time the clock coming to 28 the Steelers unless Houston's balls time do not have to run a play to the two-minute warning let's see if Justin stops the clock I didn't know that Rocky Bleier was this fast he seems to getting to be getting faster rather than slower jumps to the outside gets around a block it's great for Superman [Applause] the owners left 30 seconds run off after that play they did not use one of the timeout we'll see how critical that is two minutes remaining in the game I'm out 22:13 and Steelers can taste it and they know how well it's digested as they are now at the 9 yard line of the Houston Oilers third and one one of the reasons Houston didn't call time there remember Pastorini had to call time [Applause] [Music] they have only two remaining burden one the Oilers have to gamble defensively and stop Bradshaw [Applause] Harris [Applause] clock is running 148 147 Franco Harris gets three yards plus in the first no and again watch the cutback by Harris the pursuit out in front of him Harris just merely times his cut lays in under the pursuit dived for the first down very very big play there eating the clock up 128 left to go 84 yards now for Franco Harris as he's been the top runner of the game but that comes as no surprise down to 119 left Harris again no game surely cult finished off the tackle but the man down Lois Andy Dora 69 time Houston stops the clock 1:07 left well is there any hope for the artist we'll get Merlin Olsen's answer to that when we return right now with a break in the action here in Three Rivers Stadium the Steelers lead by 7 67 seconds away from a trip to Pasadena Earl Campbell all but shut out by the Pittsburgh defense today the Steelers are down at the 6 yard line second and goal and the owners have only one timeout left 22:13 Pittsburgh Harris to the 4 yard line and time call by Houston with one minute exactly a minute left and you obviously try and strip the ball away in a situation like this you asked about a chance they do have a chance but they've got to get a miracle right here and I don't know maybe bombers run out of miracles in this season they certainly has gone to that magic Leonard many a time interrupted just the right way 1 minutes ago timeout its third and goal Pittsburgh Pittsburgh the city of Champions were the baseball pirates and the football Steelers and they have a third and goal up side the Houston four yard line with exactly a minute then the owners cannot stop the clock liar [Applause] perhaps fitting the rocky blyer Gary that touchdown into the end zone to put the six on the board they'll go for the seventh but everything is behind them now they've got this game in their back pocket power kicks it through Teddy Nathan sent our director George Finkel our producer that series of pictures really told the whole story the joy of Pittsburgh and the disappointment of Houston a quick shot again supplying blocking in there with 63 Tom Jorn Brooke over there to make a beautiful trap block and again this Pittsburgh team will trap you every way but loose they trap that one right into the end zone Terry Bradshaw a very happy young man he's had an outstanding day today reminisce we have a moment here I want to thank and congratulate Commissioner Pete Rozelle of the National Football League and his capable staff for all of their support during the course of the year all of the teams front office's that have made our job so pleasant our sincerest thanks it's been a marvelous year one that we've enjoyed thoroughly we may also have given Commissioner Rozelle something to think about with that end zone replay and I know how difficult that particular pill is to swallow they do not want to take the responsibility off the field I can understand that but it's tough again when the big play in the game is made by a touchdown in the quarter although that last touchdown kind of makes academic doesn't take 27 to 13 the kick comes down to Rob carpenter who runs it out of bounds at the 25 yard line first the clock stops as soon as the play is dead anyway but carpenter headed for the sidelines and now it's a matter of just 49 seconds before these Steeler fans really celebrate but wait'll this year yep Terry Bradshaw the Steelers Mike Adamle will be in their locker room hear their comments and decree and I'm sure one of them will be the great respect that they earned again after playing Houston talking about Houston I think it's only appropriate to talk about the great season that they have had you talk about fighting your way into these playoffs as a wild-card two years in a row and today giving the Steelers who are the champions everything they can handle I'm really impressed I think they're a great football team Tim Wilson complete [Applause] she'll and you know the Oilers win or lose are going to have a big party at the Astrodome the fans down in Houston some 47,000 showed up last year after they lost here in Pittsburgh they're planning the same type of gift together to say thank you to their team after today whether they wanted her loss T to be commended those Houston fans are as vocal and as supportive as this Pittsburgh stroke completes the barber 14 seconds 13 12 11 the owners with two great mysteries to get here but again the favored Pittsburgh Steelers have proven they are the class of the American Football Conference the finals for the champion Pittsburgh Steelers 27 the Houston Oilers 13 thanks to Barney McKinley Tim Fogarty here on our NBC booth coach Sam Rutigliano and our congratulations so the American Football Conference champions the Pittsburgh Steelers thanks Joe Costanza statistical work Franco Harris Terry Bradshaw that defense the Steel Curtain other than the long interception touchdown by Vernon Perry they technically kept the Oilers out of the end zone and I think one thing you have to know about these Steelers they've been working all year to get back into that championship game that Super Bowl game they really weren't even very loud and noisy in their locker room that last week I have to wonder whether they're going to celebrate that much today although I'm sure they're happy about beating a tough Houston team we do know one thing their goal on this season was to get to the Super Bowl and win it again and that has really helped them well they are going to celebrate their so to hard question and they deserve to celebrate they played some great football today they also like to play their last game here and warmer climes and they're on their way to Southern California where they get their comments directly from that Pittsburgh Steeler locker room and even at that you can see they carry themselves as champions but it isn't the boisterous sophomoric kind of display of emotion that you might expect in other locker rooms at this time of the year and the importance of this game there are real professionals that I think one of the things that helps them so much in the playoffs is that they start the season expecting to be in the playoffs a lot of teams start this season hoping to be in the playoffs so that when the Steelers get here it's something they have prepared the whole year for Bradshaw that whole group they kind of just fought their way through the end of the season waiting for the chance to play for the money now they have a chance to go to Pasadena and do it you've said it so many times teams reflect the character and personality of their coach and so it is you saw it Chuck Noll walking almost like he was something that wandered in off the street no one's paying a lot of attention showing no emotion but you know inside the the great joy he must be feeling is he's an outstanding coach if in fact since 1972 the first year the Steelers were in the playoffs his teams have the best record of any National Football League team so stay tuned we're going to meet the champion Steelers on the Budweiser NFL report right after these words promotional fee has been paid to NBC football but this was the play that people won't soon forget in this game it was the touchdown in the Clausen the Steelers went ahead and beat the Oilers 27 to 13 this is the Budweiser NFL report brought to you today by Budweiser for all you do this much for you hello again everyone Bryant Gumbel welcoming you back to NFL 79 headquarters our final today on the AFC Championship Steelers $27 13 that controversial play the very big item of this football game to that end we're going to effort an interview with Vito stalino he works for the Pittsburgh post-gazette he is the pool reporter who we will talk to the officials involved Mike Adamle will try to have an interview with him along with that and Mike is in the pits for a dressing room we'll get some of their comments Sam Dover in the houston dressing room will have some of their comments too far as the game was concerned it was tight all the way which is why that play looms so big that man earl campbell did not have a very good afternoon 17 carries 14 yards but it was the Oilers using last week star who got on the board first with a big break Vernon Perry stepped in front of Benny Cunningham off to the races 75 yards carry all the way offense never on the field Houston goes out in front seven and nothing but Terry Bradshaw isn't one to let his mistakes get him down Bradshaw operating under pressure here drifts out of the pocket and then picks up 25 yards this set up Pittsburgh's first floor meant for a field goal cut the margin to 73 still in the first quarter Donte Pastorini playing well up top number 47 Ronnie Pullman down to the 32 yard line here Houston got a fresh field goal that made it 10 to 3 then in the second quarter Pittsburgh ball third and six Donte up top again touchdown Benny Cunningham that tied in at 10 a 16 yard score still in the second quarter third and 17 Houston Pastorini looks and finds Mike Renfro but when he's hit by 31 Donny Shelly stripped of the ball Mel Blount picks up the interception it begins a pittsburgh scoring drive before the half is out at Fran Shaw once more of the offense he was 19 for 30 219 yards in the day touchdown strike here two Stallworth them the big play of the game first and 10 through the seventh Pastorini throws what is a touchdown pass my red crow watch the beef told me come down in bounds but the three officials involved rule no sport and bum Phillip feels the agony there on the sidelines as Jim Tony waves off what would have been a tie ballgame Houston had to settle for just the field goal and trailed 1713 we look at it one more time a very very big play indeed Ron Johnson screening the officials off the play but there's no doubt that number 82 has both feet down still trying to come back four points down pass three looks he finds he told merkins over the middle but they're a crucial fumble and it's Donny shale who comes up for the ball Pittsburgh recovers and then they drive get this score flyer from four yards out making the final 2713 for the fourth time in the last six years the Pittsburgh Steelers members of title town USA are in the Superbowl we're going to come back live postgame comments a lot of highlights all that and more after this work [Music] to everybody who puts in a hard day's work [Music] this Bud's for you for you there's no one else does it [Music] [Music] yeah just for years that distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser [Music] [Music] from top to bottom from drafting to execution the Steelers are indeed the team of the 80s but the architect the man in charge on the field is Chuck Noll he's with Mike Adamle right now Michael O'Brien I'm with another successful victory and AFC Championship Chuck your perceptions of the game well I you know going into this game we have a great deal of respect for Houston and we still have a great deal of respect but this football team wanted it very badly and they played very very hard we were able to come up with some big plays big plays defensively and big plays offense early I think that was the difference it was a you know tough defensive game it seems historically a lot of AFC championship games have been decided by controversial calls today Mike grant frog caught a ball over Ron Johnson where were you when that call was made I was on the sideline and I have no idea what happened I trust the officials were on the call do you think officials are conscious of the fact there was an onside kick in the game in the Astrodome that went against you that you could have been in a position to win the game are they conscious maybe making up for a call like that I have no idea why was this a bad call I didn't see it I thought it was called on the spot there was some discussion I don't know about four different angles it was it was a you know obvious touchdowns but I don't think it tarnishes the victory at all again congratulations coach right now let's go back to Brian Gumbel in New York and we'll get Terry Bradshaw Franco Harris and a couple other guys thanks okay Mike thank you very much indeed from all different angles it did look like a Houston touchdown but it will never appear in the books we're gonna come back that's our looks and then touchdown but after this word from people always say you talk funny but when you talk about natural life here you make sense to all my fans at Fannie thy thank you natural life does have a taste on its own cuz there's nothing artificial in this fear that's the finest natural ingredients including lots of volleyball for a full a taste in a less filling beer yeah tastes natural light the difference is what we put in and don't put in this is no laboratory light beer this is natural light meat I take care of myself here and here that's why I use skin bracer from menon it's for men to take care of their skin every day you have to shaving is rough skin bracer tightens your pores that's the tingle it refreshes your skin and smooths it hey it's not cologne its skincare that feels good you need that after shaving thanks I needed that men and skin bracer takes care of men who take care of their skin championship clubs are always characterized by outstanding talent and outstanding leadership Pittsburgh is on the field leadership on defense provided by Joe green on offense by Terry Bradshaw Mike Adamle has the two of them now Mike to the stars of today's game Terry Bradshaw Joe Green you were awarded a game ball for your key playing today last year the Houston Oilers were just happy to be here this year they were a little bit better prepared did you feel that the game would be as tough as it was physically yes I did they were prepared and they played a tremendous ballgame they played their hearts out and it's just too bad that things happened the way they did for them yeah Joe you know one of the key ingredients I guess the Steelers success has been coach Chuck Noll a quiet man yet a lot of his success has been his relationship with with all the players but in particular the black players you have been transferred from mean John Green a guy out of North Texas state to one of the real leaders of the Steelers team what is your relationship bin with Mike with coach Nutt no well over the years I tried to play a defensive tackle and I'll be roaded into other roles other than that and primarily because I've been around long enough and I can be a leader to the some of the young guys to try to transpose to them some of the information that Chuck has given to them to me and the ballclub okay Joe congratulations thanks a lot thanks okay Terry last week Vernon Perry had a sensational game four interceptions today you went out you threw right in his direction he picked you off for 75 yards they did really like what happened on the play was I had a hook to Benny and when Benny planted he leaned to the right and I threw the ball right at him will actually reason he was leaning was because he was pushing to the left because he felt Perry coming so I threw the ball right at him and when he moved Perry was right there then I got clipped right off the money and couldn't you know try to make the tackle Jerry again another outstanding performance congratulations good luck in the Super Bowl thanks for right now let's go to Sam Dover who's in the houston locker room with Dan Pastorini Sam thank you Mike what a difference 90 feet of corridor makes while the Steelers are celebrating obviously they are very unhappy in the Houston Oilers dressing room I have Dan Pastorini Dan it was a very courageous performance and I assume that you will always reflect on the pass out of bounds it's a tough thing to reflect on but you know if you're if you're playing for Pittsburgh it would have been a good call if you're playing for us you know we felt it was a bad call but that that wasn't the the point in the game they were very good football team there's no question about that we played many times and if you're gonna go to the Superbowl you got to go through Pittsburgh there's no question about that they played a great game today they have good concentration they had a great effort from everybody we had a great effort from everybody and we've got nothing to be ashamed of it's just it's a tough pill to swallow but you know there's always gonna be another time somewhere you have been able to beat this team during the regular season split the regular season series the last three years in fact but the playoffs have been another story this probably deepens the frustration I'm sure yeah it's a little frustrating to get this far you always like to go one more game but I think it's a it's a good representation of our division and we're pulling for him as far as the rest of the year okay hopefully they'll win Thank You Dan very much congratulations to you now let's go back in the seat a dressing room in Mike Adamle Mike two years ago in the AFC Championship game there was a very controversial call Rob Lydell fumble the ball for the Denver Broncos apparently it was recovered by the Oakland Raiders they did not rule it that way up until that point the press was not allowed to talk to the officiating crew that has all changed they have Henao adopted a pool reporter a local reporter from a local city this unfamiliar face is Vito stalino he is the designated pool he has talked to art McNally and Jim Tony's crew what was the call I took to it Jim Tony the referee he said the side Judge Donald or ruled that well renfro's two feet came down inbounds he did not have possession of the ball when his when his feet were inbounds and possession till after he went out of the end zone and he said the conference was because that he wanted to they checked with all the other officials to look for help to see if anyone else had a different view Bill O'Brien the field judge did not have a better view and no one else disagreed with that with the call and so ORS call that while his feet word came down and bounced he didn't have possession when it speak came in bounced that that's the call the stood oh thank you very much for getting that report for us let's go back to Bryant Gumbel in New York okay Mike Adamle thank you very much you've heard Vito stalino he was the pool reporter have got to talk to the officials official Don or rule that red faux did not have possession of the ball when his feet were down our replay leads us to believe otherwise we'll continue after this word from for all the people who make the sidelines a part of the show [Music] yeah just for year that distinctively clean crisp taste that says Budweiser sharp razor blades are designed to give you a closer shape great for my beard but can still be irritating to my skin so I help protect my skin with Rhys Rhys is thicker than the leading foam look I can't even shake it off rise up spre Tek my skin against irritation so for today's close shaves get today's thick fries helps protect your skin against irritation thicker Rhys helps protect your skin against irritation the Budweiser NFL report has been brought to you today by Budweiser for all you do this Bud's for you the executive producer of NBC Sports is Don ohlmeyer coordinating producer Ted Nathanson today's telecast produced by George Finkel and directed by Ted Nathanson our technical director was boris Ruis associate producers kenneth Edmondson and michael Hadley associate director Richard Klein as we sign off for this AFC Championship game we also sign off our coverage of National Football League action for this season the names you're seeing the names of the people who brought you the games all year long but even as we finish up with football we'd like to remind you about a big weekend of sports action on NBC next weekend we'll get it all started on Saturday 1 o'clock Eastern Time with Olympic diary they have Lake Placid trials 70-meter ski jumping trials and speed skating and the Muhammad Ali tract that'll be followed by a regional basketball action followed at 4 o'clock Eastern Time by the 3rd the Bob Hope Desert Classic that's all he on Saturday will come back on Sunday one o'clock Eastern Time a nationally-televised leads a basketball game between a highly ranked Syracuse ballclub going against two purdue boilermakers that'll be followed at 3:00 Eastern Time by the premier third season of sports world that followed at 4:30 Eastern Time by the final round of the Bob Hope Desert Classic from Palm Springs California so it's a big weekend of sports action on NBC right here coming to you next weekend but for now from all of us who have brought you football all year long our thanks for being with us Brian Gumbel saying have a nice afternoon [Music] this has been a presentation of NBC Sports Network of the 1980 Olympics we're proud to bring you the best in television David Janssen stars the most dangerous rescue will be ever made is a world premiere Monday well somebody is doing something about rising food costs food line has announced a 90 day price freeze on over 300 store wide items and in addition to the price freeze food land is also offering weekly specials that double your buying power like Heinz blend in the 1 quart 14 ounce can buy one at the regular price of 75 cents and get one free with a coupon a price freeze plus weekly specials that double your money's worth because at food land we know what it is to feed a family ever wanted to do this go ahead Toro just invented the power shovel it's like easy to handle if you don't like the shovel let the power shovel shovel the new Toro power shovel hey don't break your shovel get a Toro power shovel haven't you done without a Toro long enough Charl power shovels are going fast but winter isn't don't get caught without one never worry about driving in snow again 200 AMC Eagles have landed in the Pittsburgh area now get immediate delivery on America's first 4-wheel Drive compact car in your choice of two-door four-door and station wagon models including a special caller Pittsburgh area only the fabulous steel city eagle in a classic tan finished with a special steel city decal drive an eagle and fly through rain mud ice and snow wherever you go see your nearby Pittsburgh area AMC dealer now catch the spirit and back our super Steelers all the way to the Super Bowl [Music] the WIC TV postgame show is brought to you by your nearby giant eagle supermarket and 44 giant eagle soars throughout the Pittsburgh area giant eagle bringing all of the best to you now let's return to Three Rivers Stadium [Music] this is D Thompson and Steeler locker-room we're standing here with the face it may be unfamiliar to a lot of you but it's number 49 Dewayne wood with a rookie who before this season started never dreamed he would be with the Pittsburgh Steelers how does it feel now Dwayne to be in a championship locker room oh it just feels great the only thing I can try to explain how it feels you know all the football players across the nation how they dreamed it would feel it's everything that that is and it's really super spirit I noticed after you had your interception just before the half you wanted to keep the game ball oh definitely I hung onto it all wait till I got off the field gave it to our trainer now I'll keep that ball you know it's a thrill for anybody but there's money involved in you to $14,000 at least year 35,000 out of the Super Bowl I bet you'd almost equals your paycheck I know the exceed my paycheck you know it's uh you know that too but you know it's more than money it's uh it's a team thing and you know it's you never realize how great a bunch of guys these are with Ron Johnson and Mel Blount and JT and Zack and uh you know you become so close as you know so close like a family you know this rule a super experience to be around all these guys that go to a thing such as Super Bowl well it's gonna be a great thrill I'm sure you're gonna be looking forward to it oh they enjoy yourself definitely all the way Ronnie can you talk there for a minute please Ron Johnson right here Ron Johnson was involved in that controversial call that the network was talking about earlier Ronnie was it a touchdown the way you could see it they're saying it was because he had both feeding well well I didn't think it was a touchdown at the time but when I saw the replay the play was a lot closer than it appeared to be on the field I still don't feel able to touch down on me well at least you want I guess it's a thrill to be going back to Super Bowl again oh definitely my second year going back to the Super Bowl I'm looking forward to being there I'm really glad to be a part of it all okay we'll be back with more guest Sam Nova we'll be back with more guests right after this message [Music] congratulations Steelers you've done it again with another great victory and giant eagle has done it again with a great price on ground beef just a dollar twenty eight a pound it's lean delicious and ground fresh several times a day and just a dollar twenty eight a pound in packages of five pounds or more stock up on food Club grade-a large eggs - they're just 68 cents a dozen this week and for your convenience Giant Eagle stores are open 24 hours a day from 8:00 a.m. Monday through 10:00 p.m. Saturday [Music] hi rusty Jones you know what I'm the one new car option you can buy that'll appreciate value that's right cuz I'll stay with you through college long with Sheldon winter and summer day and night not even a coffee break working to save your car and a rust-free car is worth more so a new car type insist on Rusty Jones [Music] Sam no fur back into Victoria Steeler dressing room I say victorious but every time I come in here after a big win like this I'm always amazed at the fact that it sounds like you're losers I mean that the noise is almost non-existent at this particular point well I think we're content to win we're satisfied I thought it took a great effort from our football team to beat Houston today because Houston was very emotional very physical and I always have been again on defense so the fact that we moved the ball especially in the first half very well score 17 points was next we proud of our team Mike Webster probably assisted in controlling the line as well as the Steelers have against the Houston Oilers because you told me you didn't think they played as well in this particular game as they did in the one Monday night game down in Houston well it has a lot to do with your game plan Terry never gets enough credit for application of his game plan in the last two games against Miami and Houston today and last year in the playoffs he had just been outstanding as far as changing things up a little run a little pass little play action and stuff like that it all helps against the 33 and makes our job a lot easier and you pick up chunks yardage you get ball possession and you score points Mike as our viewers may have seen just a few moments ago I was in the Houston oiler dressing room and Elvin Buffet and Dan Pastorini and a few other Oilers were shedding tears rightfully I guess justifiably so in as much as these guys put their heart and soul into this ballgame well I feel bad for him in that respect because they are champions they are men that play with everything that they have you know what Pastorini never gets enough credit you know the guy who's back from being hurt actually in the game and I probably hurt pretty bad but he still sucks it up and came back out because we wanted to be part of a victory but Houston is Houston's coming on in their future is bright like the Superbowl is almost anticlimactic don't you think Tampa Bay or Los Angeles know you can never say that now for me it's never gonna be anticlimactic because that's what it's all about you have to take it one step at a time and that's the game that's the most important for us right now regardless of whoever will who are gonna play Tampa Bay or Los Angeles they're both gonna have a great defense so my work is cut out for me super job thanks again I appreciate it Lenny can we get you up here Lynn Swann come on give you a lift up here well you've been here so often I guess it's almost second nature now it feels good especially going out to Pasadena USC want one the Rose Bowl and now we're gonna go out and try to win the Super Bowl Mike Webster said he felt that the Houston Oilers did not play as well today as they did in the Monday night the victory at Houston do you share that sentiment or do you think they perhaps wanted it even more I share that sentiment I don't think they execute it as well as they did on Monday night I think there's no denying that they won at the ballgame very very much they played well enough but defensively we're able to shut them down pretty well offensively we played good we didn't play the greatest playoff game you know of all time we could have played better we made mistakes but we overcame Lynn Chuck Noll always talks about big plays and Vernon Perry made what appeared to be or was going to be the biggest play of the football game two and a half minutes into the game what were you guys thinking that play looked too big he picked it off and ran for a touchdown and yep last facts of what happened in San Diego where he picks up four and he blocks a field goal and almost takes that one in for a touchdown but fortunately our team has has depth of character and we rallied around the mistake and said hey we won't let it get us down we came back off ins got some points defense held him now we're over the win the ball game the neutralizing of Earl Campbell is a story in itself I don't know what the final stats are but when I came down to the field it was like 15 yards and 17 carries that's incredible one of the defensive linemen came over to me and told me that he had 17 yards on 19 carries well and you have to figure probably that is because he is hurt and he's probably suffering a little bit with his injury but you still have to say it's great defense our line held him they gang tackle him and make sure he couldn't get the extra yardage and they hit him hard the secondary of Houston rather effective I thought except for the touchdown passes they allowed but I think in amount of completions for bat it might have been a very difficult afternoon for you guys well I don't think throwing the ball was that difficult we took the short passes we tried to go deep in number times they put some good pressure on Brad and we weren't successful as often deep as we would like to have been but we had a lot of lot of open area in the middle of the field we had some backs open and we just in the running game was working good for us so instead of trying to force it and push we just took things nice and easy conservative offensive game plan and we scored we you and Bernadette will see a lot of friends and neighbors and family when you go back to Southern California joy going home back to the Rose Bowl okay thanks very much lynn swann of the steelers will return to the Steeler dressing room have more of the celebration here in the Steeler dressing room right after this [Music] congratulations Steelers you've done it again with another great victory and giant eagle has done it again with a great price on ground beef just a dollar twenty eight a pound it's lean delicious and ground fresh several times a day and just a dollar twenty eight a pound in packages of five pounds or more stock up on food club great a large eggs - they're just 68 cents a dozen this week and for your convenience giant eagle stores are open 24 hours a day from 8:00 a.m. Monday through 10:00 p.m. Saturday [Music] [Music] Sam dopher back into Stata locker room with Ted Peterson a John Stallworth elven but they said some people who know this game better than I did a job on you Monday night in Houston did you do a job on him today I think Sam that I played a much better game than I did on Monday and I had practice accordingly this week in practice and in preparation for him I tried to set much lower because he is so strong and he's a little shorter than I am and I only get in trouble when I when I play too high so I tried to practice and and keep a lower tone to play this week daddy I told our viewers just a few moments ago when talking to Mike Webster that buffet was crying in the locker room I guess the kind of emotion that the normal person is expected to react to but I guess football players aren't supposed to cry for some reason he really wanted the game it was obvious by his postgame reaction emotionally I think everyone on that field at every time of the game really wanted it very badly it was a very hard football game and I respect the Oilers a lot for that you got a right to be proud you did a hell of a job thank you congratulations to you John step in if you will thanks Ted very much the Houston Oilers have traditionally played the Steelers very tough that's obvious did you go about doing anything differently or still try to do with the Steelers always do well just stuff it down their throats defensively we did that I think the only question we can Lynn was impressing I wasn't pregnant so we weren't really able to prepare well physically for these people we tried to get him down mentally I think we did that and that was one of the keys in the ball game tearing down there and when we played them in Houston didn't read his kids very well and we made some mistakes with our receivers and running the pass routes so we were able to play it mentally I think that was one of the keys offense early John did you get double all day you and Lynn both the type of double coverage they had was rotating their corners up and trying to jam was coming off the ball so we got that all day they tried to delay us maybe make a little bit more time for their pants for us in to lay us in our routes while Bradshaw may have not been as flamboyant as one would expect from the premier quarterback in the National Football League I guess it's a subtle football game like this where you can really appreciate his play call him this talent isn't it oh for sure superb game of day there was some misses we he stayed with one receivers when it needs to be and there were instance when he went from the first to the second and third receiver completed that he played a superb game can you as a receiver appreciate the work of the offensive line when Corson has to play in Peterson has to play and you don't have the regulars that you're usually accustomed to having the front oh for sure because they don't do that job of their I can't do my pressure I can't do here's Franco can't do here yes it all starts with them and we want to get anybody because of him a Super Bowl won't be anti-climactic to you I guess no I suggested that earlier Webster want to throw me off the off the stand here yeah congratulations thank you nice victory very nice John Stallworth and Steve a dressing room we'll be back with more of our postgame show right after this [Music] congratulations Steelers you've done it again with another great victory and giant eagle has done it again with a great price on ground beef just a dollar twenty eight a pound it's lean delicious and ground fresh several times a day and just a dollar twenty eight a pound in packages of five pounds or more stock up on food club great a large eggs - they're just 68 cents a dozen this week and for your convenience giant eagle stores are open 24 hours a day from 8:00 a.m. Monday through 10:00 p.m. Saturday [Music] Dave Kelly Steel City news whenever one of us gets ripped off we all get ripped off my job is to call attention to the crooks and the liars that are doing it to Mary Ron Jackson I love the people story I get to go out and be part of people's lives in a very special way jacket first of all I'm a journalist I'm a reporter well I'm glad there's no law that says I can't have a good time with the people of Steel City news your kind of people your kind of view [Music] Sam no fur back in the Stila locker room with JT Thomas and Franco Harris and I guess as a Steeler fan we would all feel good for every one of the Steelers but you have to feel particularly good about going to Super Bowl 14 for this gentleman JT Thomas who a year ago didn't know if he'd ever come back to play in a football game let alone a Super Bowl yes you're right Sam has been about being a big blessing in my life and basically uh you don't happen to be here last year I was in the stands watching this game and walking around congratulating the players and like I say it's something I worked all along I guess ever since last November try to come back and play and I'll say I'm very thankful Jimmy the fact that you came back as a quarterback and had to play safety when Wagner went down I think that's just an inspiration to everybody in the defensive unit the fact that you did it well I had a lot of input from everybody my teammates you know they got behind me encouraged me to coach in and they took a lot of time working with me and you know we just kind of put it all to get the right time and here we go to California would you say Franco would you say that this was as difficulty hitting the tough hitting football game as a typical Pittsburgh Houston game or did this seem to lack something really good game and I just went down to the last minute and even with a minute ago we were only up by seven and going on third down and you still feel a little scared okay that that something might happen and then when rocky crossed that gold line then there was you know we had that feeling that hey Pasadena here we come Franco there's got to be some poetic justice and the fact that blyer makes a big pass reception on the final drive and gets the touchdown that clinches it in as much as if Sydney is healthy you got to think he's gonna play most of the day well you know City wasn't healthy today and rocket came in and most of the Iraqi wasn't healthy but rocky came in today and just had a fantastic game and and you know like the you know like a real great thing about a person is when he can make a big play and those two plays you said right there were big plays and rock and made them both family I mean I just feel very excited about it I don't know if you stop and try to psychoanalyze it but you talk about big place you have been the biggest play football player in the history of this franchise and you hold a lot of Records now as regards touchdowns and rushing yardage and all of that what is it about big football games and important games that you get yourself year well let's enjoy it I mean this game today even though you get nervous and like it's scared I really can't wait until it until it's here and until you can play and I'm just very excited about it and first of all happy that we're in a position that we're where we can play and since we are I just want to go ahead and go all out and play very hard and enjoy it and win and look we know we've been able to do that you have indeed congratulations we'll see in Pasadena buddy thanks Franco very much before we close there'll campbell 17 attempts today for only 15 yards houston only gave 25 yards in the ground that is that shows you that this team is built on defense unbelievable defensive effort by the Steelers the Houston Oilers were game and a remarkable football team and I think the emotion that I saw in the Houston dressing room is symbolic of the fact that these guys wanted it every bit as badly as anybody in this dressing room and today Pittsburgh was a better team date yeah well we're going for number four yeah Pasadena now we will see you all in Pasadena hope you enjoyed our extended a postgame report from NBC's and we'll see you during the course of the week with more reports on the 1979 pittsburgh steelers the AFC Champions headed for Super Bowl
Channel: ironbeatyfly
Views: 190,274
Rating: 4.7158179 out of 5
Id: bw4by31W24g
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Length: 215min 59sec (12959 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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