M&P Vs Glock 19 Vs Sig P320 Vs CZ P10C Vs PPQ

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is hex and thank you for joining us for our five gun comparison Glock 19 mm P 45 compact sig p320 rx compact ppq 9 mil and the cz P 10 see I don't know that I've ever had 5 guns on the table head-to-head like this so this is gonna be a pretty big time comparison and hopefully you guys will enjoy this keep in mind this is the 45 MP but we're gonna reference the nine-millimeter a lot and I'll be able to get my point across with that gun for sure but what I've done is we're gonna basically do separate categories as we go along so I'm gonna we're going to talk about how these guns do at the range we're gonna talk about how they carry we're gonna talk about their features their triggers how they shoot all these things and at the end of each category I'm gonna tell you which one I think is the best at the end we're going to talk about some of the pros and cons with each gun and I'm gonna pick an overall winner at the end of this video so it should be pretty awesome and hopefully you guys will enjoy this if you like what we do here make sure you subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell see and never miss a video that we put out and if you'd like to further support our channel come over to patreon I have a link down below for everyone come over and follow us over there become a patron and maybe join one of the awesome tiers that I have set up for our shot team over there and thank you for all of your support no matter what capacity that may be let's go ahead and get started alright so let's talk about specs here really quick the ppq 9 mil again as a little side note I have a review on every single one of these guns probably a comparison video with each one of these guns out there as well so if there's something I miss here keep in mind I do have a supporting videos for each one of these guns so specs on the ppq 9 mil you got a 4 inch barrel here 7.1 inches in overall length height is five point three inches width is 1.3 inches empty wait is twenty four and a half ounces and you have a Mac capacity of 15 rounds it's going to come with two fifteen round magazines it's also going to come with extra back straps in the box alright so that's that one czp ten see again all these guns have been safety-checked you got a 4.0 inch barrel or four inch barrel it's actually 4.0 two inches if you want to get technical overall length 7.3 inches height is five point two inches width is one point two inches weights empty weight anyways is 26 ounces and again you got 15 plus one and the pipe there and that one's going to come with two magazines coming on over to the Glock 19 this is the Gen 5 version 4.0 2 inch barrel again 7.2 inches in overall length 5.0 4 inches in height and that is with a standard magazine one point three four inches twenty three point six three ounces and a capacity of 15 rounds on the Glock 19 this one is going to come with three magazines moving over to the P 320 subcompact this is the rx version it's the only one with an optic we're gonna bypass the optic in this video as far as the shooting part of the review but specs here 3.9 inch barrel you have an overall length of 7.2 inches height of six point one inches width of one point four inches and twenty five point eight ounces unloaded and this one again is going to come with 215 round magazines starting to see a trend here the MMP 45 compact this one has a barrel length of four inches overall length is 7.2 inches width is 1.3 inches wait twenty-eight point two ounces and a height of five and a half inches alright if this was the 9 mil keep in mind this one would be twenty four point seven ounces so more closely in size to these other guns and really this one even though it 45 is very close to these guns the 9 mil is going to be even closer in size to these firearms now most of these firearms are listed as compacts okay and really they're compacts in their respective lines so this is a compact compared to the Glock 17 this one's a compact compared to the full-sized MMP this one's a compact compared to the full-sized sig p320 but in reality if you're a brand new person coming in and you look at these guns in your life man that's a compact so it must be pretty small small enough for concealed carry I get plenty of rounds that must be pretty awesome keep in mind these guns you can't carry them for sure but they are they are on the upper end of I would say more of a small full-size gun so you know you're talking about well you know into the two-pound range when you fully load them up with ammo plus an extra mag there so keep that in mind the word compact gets thrown around a lot with these guns but it's just in their respective lineup that they that they really are a compact type of gun so specs and all that kind of stuff is is great and all but let's actually compare the guns and I think the easiest way to do this really they're all essentially the same width I mean for the most part so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna put them all like this so there's your width comparison right there and you can tell I mean across the board they are very close in width now one thing I want to point out here as far as their height the p320 Rx obviously has the optics so it's gonna add a little bit of height if we were to take this optic off it would pretty much be right in line with the rest of these but having the optic on there really does not help things so we're not really going to count that in this just keep in mind if you get a regular p320 it's around five to five point three inches in height which is almost identical to the guns you see here on the table but just starting with the Glock and moving way up you can see the natural progression here the MMP with the 45 in the 45 caliber is gonna be a taller gun in the 9 mil it's gonna be right about the same size as the ppq maybe a little bit smaller actually in the grip ok so just keep that in mind so overall when it comes to specs in this smaller full-size range the Glock 19 is the winner when it comes to size and weight considering that they were able to get this same amount of rounds in a gun that's that's smaller than the rest of these guns so it's actually that's one of the things that Glock is great at is getting their size to weight to capacity ratio pretty much unmatched compared to the rest of these guns because you also have a gun that's you know at least an ounce and a half lighter than the rest of these it doesn't sound like a lot but it may if you're carrying the gun all day long all right so let's talk about features here the ppq is there pretty much all loaded with features so the ppq you got front and rear slide serrations you have a nice 1913 style Picatinny rail you have a squared off trigger guard here undercut in the frame this is the m2 version so it's got the standard magazine release that magazine release is protected from underneath that you can see how it kind of has that guard around it the magazine release is reversible and it's got a nice positive response when you get those mags and you press that button those mags just come right out which is really nice slight finger grooves in the front and I really like what they do on their stippling it's not aggressive but it's it's does a good job of keeping the gun locked in your hand if you carry this gun and this is up against your skin you're not even really gonna notice it which I really enjoy that lanyard loop in the back and again you do have provisions for your back straps in the rear they do have somewhat of a loaded chamber indicator so it's actually on the side right here whenever you have a round in the chamber this is actually this is actually gonna depress there's a little red notch right there and that allows you to actually if you have a round in the chamber of course these are things you never want to fully depend on but they're there nice little additional features its serrated on the top of the slide to keep any kind of glaring during daytime shooting polymer sights and a nice three dot set up for you and it's adjustable in the rear there alright so definitely loaded with features slide takedown notches they're wide they work very similar to a Glock you just kind of pull the slide back and pull these down and that'll allow you to take the slide off so you can clean it or whatever you want to do serrations are really nice they're cut deep into the frame and you really feel like you get a positive bite whenever you charge the gun a little bit on the stiffer side this gun is it's got a single spring on the inside polymer guide rod but overall a nice gun almost am fully ambidextrous you got your slide stop on both sides there and there it's nice and wide but what I like is that it sits close to the frame so it's not gonna be in your way but when you need it boom it's right there and you can drop the slide very easily with it so very nice the mag low is not flared or anything okay so that's just one one little thing I wanted to point out right there but the mags you really won't have a problem getting the mags in and out when you're doing those changes like that all right so that's the ppq as far as features let's go over to the cz P 10 see this one is set up a little bit differently obviously you have slide serrations but they're not nearly as wide or as tall as the ppq they're where these go all the way to the top of the slide the cz kind of keeps everything centered in the slide you can see your nice line right there but I do like their slide serrations as well this thing is really nice very aggressive when you charge the gun up you really feel like you get a positive bite on the gun so I do enjoy that single slot right here for your rail most attachments like the streamlight tlr-2 work just like that okay so that's not a problem at all squared off trigger guard which is serrated high undercut in the frame again you can see where my hand lines up on this gun fits me pretty good full-time ambi slide release and you can see how much different the slide releases are alright this one is very minimal again close to the frame which is good but you really got a you got to stretch out a little bit further to get the slide release to engage it not a problem at all just something I wanted to point out one nice feature they do is they actually give you little serrations right here so whenever you actually hold the gun and you're firing your thumb has a nice positive spot whether you're left or right handed shooter your thumb has a nice positive spot where it can sit and rest there as you're firing the gun magazine release on this model this is the original one so this is one of the the complaints on the original guns is how stiff this thing is and compared to the other guns it is stiff but it has loosened up quite a bit over time the newer guns now are coming with a reversible magazine release which is a heck of a lot easier to engage the grip here is nice so what they did is you have little squares on the side which are less obtrusive so if this gun is up against your skin while you're carrying it's not going to be it's not gonna hurt you it's not gonna be uncomfortable but on the front and back strap where you really need that extra grip they definitely made it more aggressive and I can definitely appreciate that especially when it's hot you're sweating you're firing the gun and everything's going on this is really a perfect balance of comfort and usability all in one package again you got your 15 round mags the magwell is not flared on this gun but again it's not a problem getting these mags in and out the mags are pretty responsive on this gun but again you lose a little bit of that positivity because the magazine release on this gun is is is stiffer than most guns that I've used I can easily say that on the new ones though it's like I said it's definitely easier to to use those the magazine releases sights are of the three dot variety this one actually comes with night sights from the factory adjustable in the rear nice orange sight up front the new P 10s that I got it's not the optics version ready but it actually came blacked out in the rear with a with a bigger orange front tritium site up front there and this one does have a loaded chamber indicator as well so it's going to show red towards the front here closer to the chamber whenever you have a round in there just like that alright so there is your CZ p10 see let's go to the sig p320 rx again front and rear slide serrations these one have more of an angled forward type of cut to them not as tall as like the PP q and not as wide but they give you plenty to bite onto in the front and rear if you're doing your press checks especially you can see how that compares to the cz right there as well not cut nearly as deep as a cz I don't feel either or the PP q but they do a fine job either way 19:13 style rail so again I have the what do I have I have the 1913 rail actually on this this one right here but I don't know I may need a different attachment or I may need to loosen it up for this particular Raylan see ya there we go got it right there so I can tighten that up and I can use it just like that alright square it off trigger guard undercut in the frame so if I compare my hand to this like that with P 320 compared to the pp Q again I have smaller hands so whatever that may mean see you the P 320 is right there it's got a very comfortable feel and a lot of that is because of the grip so this is the only one that has grip modules so you can take this module which is 50 bucks and go buy a new one it's not the gun it doesn't have any trigger components or anything like that it just allows you to change the color the size depending on the compatibility with your slide there are some configurations small medium and large like on the P 10 C which this one does come with back straps as well as opposed to doing that you change the entire grip module if you want to go bigger or smaller okay but they have a nice grip texturing okay again so it's not gonna it's not gonna rough you up it's not like the P 365 which I happen right here that is much more aggressive than the p320 so if you're carrying this gun again it's not gonna it's not gonna tear your skin up or your shirts up but it's got a nice solid feel in the hand whenever you're gripping the gun really the grip texturing on this one is probably the the least obtrusive in the hand when firing magazine release is reversible all right these mags do a decent job is getting out of there I don't know they seem to be a little slower in reaction time then compared to some of the others but it does a fine job this is one of the newer grip frame modules as far as I know I know they did some redesigns back in the day so it's got the guard right there on that side it's got a guard here for your right hand side for left-handed shooters reversible magazine release of course and overall this gun is pretty dang nice this is one of the only ones that comes with a beaver tail right from the factory okay so it's got a nice feel in hand a little bit higher of a bore axis but that doesn't mean much to me it doesn't bother me at all and I guess I should say and this one actually does come with the Romeo optic alright which is a nice feature again we're really not gonna we're not gonna use this while we're at the range we're just gonna look right through the optic but it does come with the sig light night sights alright straight from the factory I love these night sights they co witness with the Romeo optic they set up high enough for that of course and it's just got a nice overall look very small extractor so if you compared that to like the P 3 like if you compare that to that P P Q right here you can see how small that extractor is and it kind of bulges out a little bit when you have a round in the chamber alright so that's your p 320 compact rx let's go over to the Glock 19 Gen 5 alright so this is the only gun on the table that does not have front slide serrations they do make an FS model get FS front serrations so you can't pick one of those up if you want to and it really does make a difference when you're doing press checks alright I noticed my thumb slides around on there when I when you don't have slide serrations that's whether they're four so it just has them in the rear they're not cut very deep they're straight up and down when it comes to serrations this gun has the worst on the table in my opinion single slot again so I have the 19:13 style attachment there I don't oh yeah it does work alright there is a Glock attachment for this as well but again that doesn't make much of a difference because pretty much all manufacturers are making these to accommodate Glocks 19:13 style rails whatever you got squared off trigger guard here for the most part serrated when it comes to undercut in the frame you can see the Glock pays a little more attention to that area right there which makes a big difference when you compare how my finger can sit up against in this frame under the trigger compared to this one it's just you're able to get much higher up on the gun it doesn't seem like a lot but it really makes a difference when you when you have this gun in your hand just I don't know it feels good I really like that I appreciate that they do that slide stop right here probably the most minimal on the table very flush to the frame full time ambu lease on the gen 5s now but it does a nice job if you want to drop your slide you can do that I don't know if I showed that on the P 320 but you can do that on that gun you can do it on the not on the cz so much I had a magazine in there so if you have a full mag it's gonna be easier to drop the slide with the magazine release but it's a little bit stiffer than the then the rest of these for sure this is the Gen 4 oversized magazine release right there that is reversible and their rough textured finishing their RTF grip texturing is actually pretty nice you got these small little pyramids here that are pretty aggressive on the front and back straps pretty much all the way around again this is not a grip that's gonna tear you up so if you're carrying every single day I would not worry about that at all this one actually has a flared magazine well which they did for the Gen 5s which makes getting the mags in and out a lot easier which is a nice feature and this one comes with three Mac's so I really do appreciate that the famous Glock sights I have not changed them on this gun I don't carry this gun a whole lot but I have care so if this was my EDC these sites would already been changed but I don't it's not my daily carry so I don't but Glock sights again you can get a variety of different site options if you want you do have a little notch back here so this one actually comes with a host of different options for your back strap you have these channels right here you push this pin out you take whatever back strap you want whether you want to beaver tail or not a larger size whatever you want you can add these into this channel they slide up like this and some of the ones with the beaver tail pop on the back right there and overall the gun is pretty simple man it doesn't have a lot but it has everything you need nothing you don't all right that's the Glock 19 Gen 5 and then the last one the MP 45 compact again we're gonna reference the 9 a lot here so this one has front and rear slide serrations they started doing this with a little tiny serrations up front it gives your finger just enough to bite onto if you want to do your press checks and this is gonna be the only one with the fish-scale style serrations which look really cool in my opinion it sets it apart 19:13 style rail rounded-off trigger guard undercut in the frame is pretty good I can get my hand high up on this gun and the first thing you're gonna notice instantly with this gun is the texturing on the grip is very rough they've done that to make to ensure that when you're firing this gun you're gonna have a good grip texturing so what I do with a gun like this if I'm gonna carry it which I have and do from time to time in might Ulster I will actually put a shirt between my grip and my skin and put this over my undershirt so I don't end up tearing my skin up alright I don't really care about my shirt as much as I do my skin ok palm swells right here you can change these out really easily it actually has a little tool that you take out right here these palm swells just come out just like that and it actually comes with 4 of them so you have a variety of options that you can choose if you so desire magazine well is not flared on this gun this is a 10 round mag for the 45 and then 15 round mags on the compact M 2.0 version slide stop again very minimal alright really nice right there slide stop ambidextrous magazine release is reversible and this one has a loaded viewport so if you have a loaded chamber you can look down see there's brass in the chamber and verified that way of course you should always check the chamber like that steel sights straight from the factory alright which are pretty nice and there's a host of options for sights for pretty much all these guns if you want a different size setup you can get them this one has a nice ledge straight from the factory so you can do your one-handed manipulations if you need to extended rigid frame that they did on these new and 2.0 guns to reduce flex and torque whenever you're firing the gun like that okay slide stop right there very minimal so if you're a newer shooter and you're like man I gotta have a safety on my gun really the only option you're gonna have is the MMP that's the only one that I know that comes with a manual safety the p320 may have an option for an external safety I'm I'm really not a hundred percent on that actually you can get the m17 which is kind of close to the p320 if you wanted to go that route that one actually comes with a manual safety but the only one I know for certain this particular model this specific model is the MMP that you can get with an external safety but keep in mind these guns are designed to be carried locked and loaded keep your booger finger off of the trigger and you'll be just fine okay they're not they're designed to be carried with a round in the chamber and there's internal safeties to protect you as long as you're doing your part and being smart about it now there's a few additional features that I want to mention pretty much all guns are going to a optics ready and non optics ready version obviously this one comes with the optics straight from the factory so that's a bonus pretty much above any optics ready gun on the market right now so that definitely gives the nod to the city if you want to go with an optics ready I've used this optic quite a bit and it actually does a really fine job but you can get the optics ready again for pretty much all of these models different colors and variations of each one different calibers of course I think when it comes to purely options and features the p320 has these all beep because you can get the different grip modules you can get different slide kits and variations and they're their model actually comes with an optics so that to me for the price you're gonna pay for one of these is actually above and beyond these other ones at this moment in time again grip modules different colors slide and Barrel kit so you can change your calibers out so this one definitely has loaded with features that you can that you can get right from the factory I'm not going to take any of these guns down but I just wanted to touch on them these three right here work off of the takedown notches that you have on each side so you pull the slide back you may have to pull the trigger and do all that pull these notches down each one of the slides come off so you can take the guns down easy this one right here has a little slide like that right there that you can simply pull the trigger and come off like that so if you're a new shooter and you're looking at he's like man how do I maintain these guns they're all pretty much gonna work in the same fashion they're very easy very user friendly so you can maintain the guns and and keep them you know for a long time the sig works off the same premise but you don't have to pull the trigger on the sig lock it back rotate this down alright comes off like that dual captive recoil spring on the sig here's your trigger assembly that you can take this out and pop it into different modules if you would like column or frame on all of these and that's what keeps the way down on each one of these alright so let's talk about concealed carry here really quick these are more of winter carries for me because I have more layer of clothing I can carry in a variety of fashions that I normally can't in a summertime so these are really good for when style carry outside the waistband inside the waistband shoulder holster our ways that I like to carry these guns if I'm going to carry inside the waistband I want as little material as possible to make these guns as comfortable as possible because they're already bigger than what I typically will carry on an everyday basis so of course I like using toaster because you have a very minimal material that's that's gonna be rubbing up against your skin or adding extra weight you can see they cut areas that you don't need and make sure you have everything you do need ok it's very minimal I have my magazine release right there so I can change my mags while the gun is holstered and I have my adjustability my can't adjustability here so if I want to change positions inside the waistband I can do that these guys are fantastic if you've been watching the channel at any any length of time you know that we work very close with holster they make an awesome product or discounted through our channel but if you ever catch me out and about 95% chance I'm carrying at ulster a hundred percent chance I'll be carrying a toaster if I'm carrying inside the waistband I use them everyday because they're just they make an awesome product and they're very again minimally invasive ok I don't want a lot of extra material on me that it's gonna cause me to sweat or whatever the case may be now this to me is probably their best setup for inside the waistband carry for a bigger gun double loops here I can adjust this can't really as well if I want to I really need to tighten that up but really this is the best setup because you have double loops here it's gonna carry a little bit more weight a little bit better in my opinion a little bit more secure because you have these these snaps like that that you kind of put on at an angle like that and to me this is one of the best setups for a bigger gun like this okay so I do carry this guns I think that the Glock 19 is the is the winner when it comes to concealed carry just because it is the lightest the grip texturing is not obtrusive at all so when comes to carry this is kind of an easy decision for me the Glock 19 in this category wins alright let's talk about range time because each one of these guns offer something very unique let's go over the triggers here really quick ppq you have a dingus right there in the middle you come to the wall pull the trigger it breaks reset right there very nice trigger on the ppq on the Glock again a safety Danish right there a little bit more creep in the trigger and it breaks reset very positive very audible snap right there P 320 all of its safeties are internal so no external dingus there come to the wall and it breaks this one has more of a more of a plasticy kind of clunky type of feel but it's got a decent trigger that it's it's way better at the range than it is here on the table the MMP they use their split hinge design so it basically works just like the safety dingus in the middle there but a little bit different in concept pull it back the trigger straightens up hit the wall breaks reset and there it goes again and then the cz p10 C again safety dingus wall break reset very short when it comes to triggers if I just had to grade one in two I'm gonna give the P P Q number one the cz Pete NC number two this gun right here is awesome at the range you may notice a little more muzzle flip because this bore is gonna sit up above your hands a little bit higher than the rest these guns but it has such an awesome trigger on it that I can take this gun at 50 yards and feel like I can hit the target all day every day it's just that good inside the 10 yards especially I mean it's just fantastic and this is one of the benefits I've really carrying a gun at this size because I have a full grip on the gun I have full capacity and I have a gun that I really am confident in shooting so this is just an absolutely if you can handle the weight these are some of the best carry guns because of that comfort and reliability because of the confidence that it gives you with these smaller full-sized guns the Glock is gonna do a great job it's gonna sit the most level in your hand you're gonna have the least amount of muzzle rise with this gun because of how low the bore is in your hand alright it's got a decent trigger the sights really don't do it for me but I can shoot this gun pretty well the grip angle is different so with this gun I'm always having to adjust myself if it's been a while since I've shot a Glock I got to adjust myself to the way the grip angle is on this gun compared to like a MMP where it's more of a point shoot boom it's there almost like a 1911 the Glock is different than that all right so that that grip angle really makes a difference but you can learn how to shoot any of these guns I'm really not going to spend a lot of time on this because if you do your part with a with a with a pistol unless there is just something inherently wrong from the factory with your particular gun you can shoot these guns really well but some lend themselves better than others just because of a you know a good trigger or whatever the case may be the p320 rx if you're using the optic it's really going to be a fun time but even with the iron sights that it comes with again we were looking through the optic for this particular review it does add a fine job you have very minimal room for error but what's nice is because you have that optic you have a flat spot in the in the sight picture so really you're pretty much lined up right off the get-go alright you have very little room for error there and it actually helps me out a lot to be honest with you again this one has a very comfortable grip angle to it okay it's very very 1911's you know I get this gun in my hand I point I shoot I'm there it's just it's very natural for me great trigger on this gun as well and the M&P again I touched on that earlier but it's a very natural point-and-shoot type of gun my sights feel like they're lined up right away and even in the 45 this gun does a fantastic job soaking up the recoil and doing a great job and this gun in nine is is very soft shooting the cz is a heck of us gun at the range man if you're looking for a a gun if you're looking for a gun with night sights straight from the factory that that has one of the best striker fired triggers on the market your cz fan whatever the case may be just this may be the one for you because this again is a very natural pointing shooting gun I like the contrast between the white tritium sights and the orange dot up front to me this is just it's an awesome range gun for sure but if I'm gonna pick a winner in this category again when it comes to trigger when it comes to at the range ppq hands-down cz is going to be a very close second and then the Sig then the MFP and then the Glock again I'm gonna base them on how well I shoot them but how much I enjoy shooting these guns as well okay so it there is it is subjective but you're here from my opinion so that's that's the way it is you know I have fun shooting some of these guns more than others so that's just you know it is what it is their comfort in the hand I think that we we kind of just touched on that a little bit but when it comes to an overall great balance of the grip texturing the overall point shoot and natural point of aim it really comes down to the Sig into the mfp to me you know this one has more of a this is a great grip texturing for a really hot day when your hands are sweaty if they get sweaty like mine do anyways this gun will stay locked in your hand for as long as you wanted to very natural point-and-shoot type of gun and the sig is less abrasive so if if grip Tex rings like that bother you this may be a good option too so while this is very subtle in the hand it still has a very nice point-and-shoot type of feel to a very natural grip angle and overall man this this gun is just very comfortable so when it comes to just comfort grip angle and point-and-shoot I'm gonna give that nod to the sig because I think it's just a little bit more natural bringing this gun up to the ready and getting my sights on target now one thing I'm gonna mention just a couple of pros and cons on each one again I'm not going to go over the whole gamut because we do that in each individual review but just just in the scope of this video I want to touch on a couple so the P P Q absolutely fantastic trigger great range gun great feel in the hand comfortable grip texturing absolutely love that gun the Glock 19 very simple it's going to be reliable Glock perfection they are very close to perfection when it comes to reliability they're not totally perfect I don't think any manufacturer is but these guys have it have it pretty much down pat and if you want a simple gun that is compatible with you know 33 round mags like this one is right here they're mad compatibility it's pretty much unmatched across the board this is a great option alright it's just it's one of those things it comes with three magazines absolutely fantastic simple type of gun the cz Pete NC offers a lot for a very good price actually nitesite straight from the factory really nice deep serrations they're in an awesome trigger I really do like the trigger on this one and little nice features too like this little grip pad for your support hand really do like that gun right there it's a great range gun the MMP value minded this is in terms of this video it is the cheapest gun on this table most budget-friendly I should say and it offers a lot in return lifetime warranty through Smith upgrade to trigger at least from the original MP series alright they've definitely stepped up their game in the trigger game as well this is a great shooting gun but between the original MPs and the 2.0 they have really done a nice job you can get these guns with night sights from the factory if you want in a variety of different calibers and sizes but to me grip texturing shooting if you're at a competition or something this is one of the guns you want to have in your hand because it is one of the most natural pointing shooting types of guns out there lifetime warranty through Smith's such an awesome handgun that is and then the p320 rx when it comes to just balance really the price with an optic it already comes with that straight from the factory just a nice overall balanced gun night sights hi night sights that will clear your optic ambidextrous controls so and this one actually has a decent trigger - it's much better at the range like I said then it is here on the table a couple of the cons on the ppq you're gonna have a little higher bore axis so you may have a little higher muzzle rise this area right underneath the trigger guard right here it's flat it's got a flat spot and I don't know it just feels weird on my finger whenever I'm firing especially on this side right here I think that little little notch right there just kind of digs into my into my middle finger into the back of my middle finger it just kind of feels weird there polymer sites not a big fan of that at all to be honest with you and overall looks it's got a funky kind of look to it I I don't know it's kind of triangular back here it's just got a kind of a funky look but I really dig it love the German proof markings on it as well I think that's pretty cool the Glock no front side serrations it has things that you know like the sights they haven't updated and ever you know things like that really bother me about this gun because I feel like it could be so much better if they would put some of these things you know like a standard metal sight on the gun you know a three dot setup maybe a you know front slide serrations just things like that I mean they've made some improvements no finger grooves now which I really do appreciate I love the undercut and the trigger guard it just has some things that I wish they would touch base on or improve or change you know I really wish they would do that the cz magazine release on the original one sucks the new ones are a lot better other than that the cz really has a lot going for it I don't really have a lot negative to say about it I don't think I did in my review either it's been a while but that gun is just fantastic it really is so other than that I think the slide stop is a little harder to use on this gun compared to the other ones again not so bad kind of nitpicking at that point because it's such an awesome gun and it offers a lot now one thing you will notice the sights sets it much lower on this gun so it may take a little bit of adjustment whenever you take this one to the range but that one's not so bad the MMP this is going to be an acquired taste so this grip texturing right here you're either gonna love it or hate it personally I love it I think they did a great job but it may be a negative for some of you guys that are looking to carry this gun and other than that that the price is right I mean these guys it's very similar to the cz I mean they don't they don't really get a lot wrong the trigger on this one when it comes to triggers on this table it's probably my least favorite out of all of these just saying but it's a great shooter so does that really mean a whole lot I don't know maybe it does and then the sig p320 this one does come with an optic but you don't have many other options besides this optic so as opposed to like a Glock 19 MOS where you can put a variety of optics this is the one that it comes with okay there may be some other modifications you can make I don't know I don't look at that kind of stuff look at what factory options come and what can you put on there from the factory if you're talking about different modifications I don't I don't do all that and then on this one although it is a pro that you can get the grip modules if you just want to change your back strap you like everything else about it you can't do that on this gun you've got to buy a new grip module so you know they're 50 bucks it's not a whole lot of money these grip modules they scratch really easy they kind of made them disposable in a sense but you know it's just one of those things it depends on what you prefer if you prefer change in a back strap or the entire thing that's really gonna be up to you so we talked about a lot I don't know how long this video is gonna be it's definitely gonna be up there in length but I hoping that I was able to convey enough information to y'all to give you some things to look at if you're looking at any of these guns some extra things to think about alright so before I pick a winner I do want to say this really quick what are these guns best for alright and home defence concealed carry competition range concealed carry is probably the least at what they're really good at but all of those things can be an application for these guns alright so it makes them very desirable plenty of capacity it's just it's just an awesome size gun but I got to pick a winner now and this is really tough for me because I like all these guns okay but if I'm gonna pick a winner right here right now even without the optic I think the p320 subcompact I think the p320 compact does it all for me even if I buy again you know I just think it strikes that perfect balance of comfort in the hand concealed ability if I want to have this up against my skin all day it's not gonna tear my skin up I like the way the mags go in and out I like the way this gun reloads I like the way it shoots at the range I like the functions and features of the gun it's very comfortable I can change out the grip module make it a little bit smaller for so Kerry height-wise or make it a little bit bigger for competition there's just so many things this gun is good at and I know it had to drop safety issues and things like that you know sometimes manufacturers have issues but I just really like what sig does with the p320 believe me this is not an easy decision because I would take any of these guns at any point any day really but I just think this one overall with the balance that it provides and the way this thing shoots at the range I just think overall it's the best gun on the table at least this moment in time so I'm sure some of you disagree with me maybe some of you agree with me whatever your stance is leave me a comment down below which gun you like best and why and if you're a power patron or up make sure you look for your special outro coming right after this we will see you guys in the next one and as always hold them down [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 201,968
Rating: 4.8246255 out of 5
Keywords: m&p 45 compact vs glock 19, m&p 45, m&p 45 compact vs p320, p320 compact, p320 compact vs glock 19, glock 19 vs CZP 10C, CZP 10C, CZP 10C vs glock 19, CZP 10C vs m&p 45 compact, m&p vs glock 19, m&p, glock 19, PPQ, ppq vs glock 19, ppq vs m&p, ppq vs m&p 45 compact, ppq vs p320, ppq vs p320 compact, CZP 10C vs ppq, glock, sig, sig p320, sig vs ppq, sig vs m&p, sig vs p320, sig vs czp 10c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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