Cutting virtual grass should NOT be this satisfying... Lawn Mowing Simulator!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to lawn mowing simulator yes i've gone back in time as some of you know before i was doing it civil engineering i was doing lawn mowing and a bit of power washing but oh my i am excited let's get in right so this is me yes face reveal apparently i need to enter a company name the strongest so our company name is the strongest s because it couldn't allow me to finish my sentence and we also get to pick a company logo oh god this is dangerous oh no i've got to pick a pre-selected one where's the fun in that game where's the fun in that none of these are like the strongest shape go with that that is disappointing that is disappointing so my name is matt i'm literally going to be doing my first job reveal right now uh no that is not what i look like oh no i've aged terribly there's a lot of characters in fair play they're in quite a lot of detail as well i can rotate them oh if i under click my mouse oh no she just she doesn't like being spun too quick oh they go [Laughter] all right so what did i look like when i was like 15. i'm gonna say maybe that one a bit of stubble i was an early bloomer okay oh my god i can change my hats yep i feel like that's definitely something i would have won oh no i've broken the game well that's the end of lawn mowing simulator you uh pick your hat color and that's the end of the game but yeah it looks looks like we're looks like we're restarting unfortunately right so we're back i'm not gonna change my hat this time too risky i can place the logo just on the front i think professionals just have a logo on the front and the colors yes i'm literally this is going to be my literal outfit from when i worked the garden i think it was that sort of green are you kidding me i can't change any colors when i bloody break it oh okay it worked ignore that i wasn't i wasn't swearing sweet confirm do i risk trying to change my hat now to be fair i think that is actually what i sort of look like this is awesome i'm loving this oh my god look how many moes there are oh the big boys wow this is cool although having a little look through i'm a little bit a little bit disappointed you could say so these are all rotary mowers the blades are all horizontal and spin like under there when i worked in the garden i actually used a cylinder mower which is like has cylinders that spin around but still let's start with a classic sort of ride on the garden lawn mower well if you've got a big garden i guess oh we can test drive shall we take it for a test drive oh my god what's going on with those bends right anyway okay this is freaking quick look how good looking this is oh my god that's like the best grass i've ever seen in a game i mean i guess that's probably to be expected seeing as it's a lawnmower simulator right anyway our lawnmower has been left on a trailer oh look it's even got grass on the trailer oh just having a little stretch psyching myself up right press zed turner on nice use int to change the vehicle's throttle australian modes you can change your throttle so you've got like this one which is just sort of just an idle and then you can you can ramp it up and uh this will use for like driving and cutting and all sorts so oh look at us yes his head moves alright so this is me we're following the arrows and we're heading to the test lawn i think no maybe not maybe not ignore that we're going on to the lawn to cut some grass yes we've actually left tire marks from where we've driven sweet right okay all right adjust the old air defenders i'd usually have some music on under there all right so blades are on warning i'm cutting on the wrong height oh god what's the right height all right here we go you want to do edges first always do your edges go nice and close to that log oh god oh god not too close to the logs matt not too close all right mind mind the plants get nice and under those bushes i mean usually i'd probably come back with an actual push-along mower to do these these edges looks like it's a bit of a pain trying to get this like under the bushes and stuff look at the dirt kicking up as well the graphics on this are insane you know i'm really doing a bad job with these edges as well i'm also stuck in a bush oh god oh god all right so with the perimeter done we sort of we gotta we gotta work out where we want our stripes to go you'd either use sort of one edge or if like this there isn't a straight edge it's sort of aim it may be from here and i'll just say we're doing a straight line so turn the blades back on straight line oh by holding ctrl you can engage preview so i think preview is like in power wash simulator just highlights everything yeah there you go highlights everything cool good to know yeah unfortunately my line has picked a tree not the best not the best all right hopefully you're on the same line as before oh god i'm going all over the place all right and then we're at the end let's be honest i'd probably do an extra like little width and this just acts as like our turning circle right so now we can sort of line up with our last stripe oh god the left and right is so sensitive these are not the straightest stripes i've ever done but i i also would have gone around all the trees first as well and try not to jab myself on that bloody branch i nearly punctured it along then when we get back here hopefully my strips are long enough i can do a turn oh no they're not long enough too and then we're back and oh my god did that just oh and yes that's made me very excited so a lot of people when they sort of first have a little go at mowing they don't realize if you turn too quick you're gonna churn up the grass especially if it's a bit damp if it's not like middle of summer and that's exactly what i've done here so that's really cool little detail uh my stripes are terrible look at the grass i've missed anyway i think we've had a test drive let's get onto a real lawn make some money alright so now i get to choose which one of these i purchase uh my company has three grand and the murrah just test drive costs 2149 however there is also this one which instantly is cooler because it's black but there's actually some major differences between these ones so this one you can see there's a box on the back and that means it collects the grass you can see up here hopper capacity 240 liters that's a volume of grass it can hold whereas this one is called a mulcher so this doesn't pick up the grass they're designed if you're going to be mowing your lawn like every single day it leaves a little bit of grass behind just acts a bit like a fertilizer and i really don't know what to choose i might just stick with i'll stick with what i know for now all right so this is the map and this is incredible look at this i'm gonna assume looking at how green it is like the road layouts this is probably based in the uk oh yes everything's in pounds we are in britain oh and there's a thatched cottage oh god that reminds me of the one i power hosed and power washed him later alright so this is our first contract the front garden of the old nook cottage the lawn is surrounded by flowerbed so take care not to damage them and don't leave grass clippings in the bed so it's a good thing i picked this mower i don't know what would have happened if i use the other mower that doesn't pick up the grass they want a five to six centimeter grass like that sounds quite a lot i'm guessing it's not and it's currently 13 to 20 centimeters long that's pretty long grass have we got four minutes to check the ground and they recommend we cut it in 26 minutes well that's not too painful a sign an employee oh my god i get to hire my own crew but yes we're only a small company at the moment so i'll pick my handsome self and my vehicle of course our yellow beast the stigger estate i never heard of stiga steiger i assume that probably is a real make i just haven't heard of it but anyway let's confirm the contract we are going to do it we'll get 330 quid on the bank 330 quid for mom and lawn easy cash man oh my god these people are loaded look at this classic car that is insane they got a porsche 4x4 in there i really should not be having a mozy round property really but a nice antique bicycle hanging up look at this barbecue oh my god these people must be loaded i wonder they're giving me 330 quid to do their lawn now where is their lawn i'm like i'm literally just like wandering around their house is it down here oh it's down here right okay nice oh wow this is an awesome freaking garden look at the trees and stuff right crap i've only got two minutes 30 left right so before we do any sort of mowing we've got to like move objects out the way there's a gnome is this by the same people as power simulator because that game had lots of names as well oh there's a poo there's a poo pick up the poo i don't know i don't know where i put that that's kind of worrying is that a newspaper why the hell is there a newspaper just out on the lawn anything around here oh look some loppers pick them up definitely don't want to mow over those and apparently there's one more there's one more item i hear it is what is that oh tennis ball we've obviously got a dog or something right so i'm just scouting out and wondering how what's the best plan of attack for this i mean i would i would love to do stripes this way in line with the patio but uh not much of a turning circle is there yeah tell you what they might like stripes they look out going straight down that could be quite nice and i can turn around on the patio as well so oh wow they got a field and everything can i get in here and made the field i want to make the field look there's a phone box there we're definitely in the uk did someone just drop me here and then drive off like where's my car all right anyway let's get involved all right starter up throttle up and let's go careful not to crash into their very smart car get your embedded oh sorry i'm just turning my lawnmower i just oh sorry i hit your car oh and your house scraping up the side oh it looks like that did actually hurt my vehicle condition oops anyway we are in here right so the cut height i pretty sure they said they wanted was it six centimeters so if we lower that down to six i think six is fine and then we'll start the blades nice and we're off and as usual we'll do the edges first trying not to destroy their flowers oh there's even cars driving past on the road that's so cool look at it there's a car sorry keep my eye on the lawn keep my eye on the lawn if i'm going to do this as realistically as possible so i'd go around all the edges wow you can tell people are rich when they got like a proper bench in their garden i'll probably come back to do that entrance i'll just keep doing this nice i'll probably do another little stripe just so we got a turning circle especially down this end after my test drive i need to do quite a thick turning area oh man i'm going to be playing this for hours i can tell all right so we've turned around we'll do this oh man to be honest i don't even know if it's worth doing stripes because this doesn't have a roller on so when you look at lawns and you see like the nice stripes i think about like when you're watching like football you can see all the stripes on the pitch that's actually because there's a roller on the back of the mowers and that sort of flattens the grass after you've cut it it's basically like a big steel cylinder but you don't get that with this type of lawnmower which is a bit of a shame oh man this is like so satisfying i'm absolutely loving this all right let's have a look then let's try and get a straight stripe oh god i'm moving all over the place okay that look good we'll turn around a bit gently usually like on a mower like this you probably would raise the blades before trying to turn around all right now straight oh look at the straight lines oh god i moved a bit nice turn around on their patio and straight lines again baby oh this is so good oh no the the last straight can you see a left a little bit my overlap was no good so to be the most efficient mower ever you've got to get your overlaps just right so i think on this we sort of won that front wheel just on the stripe then when we look back perfect look at that line oh yes here we go here we go oh that is beautiful all right now we've come to a bed so rather than continuing my stripe i would actually just work around the edge of this and i'm pretty sure it can't just be me seeing that that flower bit that's a knob shape that is a knob shaped flower bed if i've ever seen one that is a knob that is a knob which makes it even more satisfying to mow around all right it's one more lap and then we'll go back onto our stripe here we go decent right turn around i don't know why i'm doing stripes there's literally no need as i said before we don't have a roller i can't see anything but i just can't help myself it's just more satisfying to see it go in stripes for some reason and just in my head if a job's worth doing it's worth doing properly alright i'm not gonna do stripes between these i probably would in real life but uh i think we just gotta mow this now well you can sort of see my stripes actually anyway all right all right then all right then so maybe for here we actually want to pick our stripe now that's we'll go dead straight keeping our eyes ahead you want to focus on like one one sort of area and we want to line up perfectly through the trees and there we go there we go i think that was a good stripe oh yeah that looks good that does look good actually so back when i used to work in that garden and i used to mow like every day of my life it's all good doing stripes like this but um it does like over time sort of like flat on the grass so where you've got your nice stripes the grass sort of gets used to being cut in that direction so oh my god look how satisfying that is i'm sorry but that is insane like just look at that that is beautiful so yeah johnny you want to mow in like one direction and then either either the same day or sometimes just like every other cut you actually want to either alternate your stripes like so if you were going this direction down a stripe the next time you cut it you want to go the other direction now just like lifts the grass back up just so it gets cut a bit better or you can actually go 90 degrees and sort of cut it again like in the same cutting session that would create like a nice sort of like a crisscross pattern and i think i've actually got a photo this is really sad but i've actually got a photo of when i worked in that garden i used to mow their croquet lawn with a push-along cylinder mower yes they had a croquet lawn it was a mana house what do you expect the owner was very very protective of his croquet lawn now as you can see from the photo lovely little crisscross pattern going on uh on the diagonal as well pretty impressed with that one this is so fun it's just i don't know why i feel like it's not quite as satisfying to watch perhaps as uh the old power wash simulator but it's almost more satisfying to play i'm pretty sure there's another camera angle as well let's have a look alright so v oh we got first person oh it's like i'm actually there oh yeah this is good this is way better oh this is actually like i'm there if only this was vr and if only owned a vr headset right so on this stripe i'm gonna go and do a circle i'm worried i'm like ruining plants i think it might be okay and then we'll carry on with our stripe oh beautiful beautifully lined up that all right another stripe and then this is where you got to keep going around the flower bed to get your stripes going a little bit annoying but it's worth it why am i loving this so much i don't know i remember when i was actually mowing all day on minimum wage like it's 30 freaking degrees in the heat you're out in the bare sun bloody two-liter diesel engine between your legs sweating your nuts off pay packet at the end of the week barely pays your phone bill i remember saying to myself it's sort of why i went into engineering i was like so although i did enjoy being a gardener i sort of said to myself at the time like there's so little money i sort of said like if you ever earn like double this like you must never complain about whatever job you're doing and then sure enough my first job out of uni doing engineering did pay more than double that no it didn't take long before i was complaining and i feel like the complaining did sort of give me that feeling like the grass is always greener like i think people do just complain about their job whatever it is although saying that if i could do youtube full-time i do not think i'd complain absolutely love making videos now with the cutting complete you now need to drive back to the trailer to leave the location if you have any time left you can use it to clean up the grass clippings left on the path all right okay i'll have a look at that i'm actually going to finish the lawn because i haven't finished there's a tuft look i haven't even done these i'm doing this job properly i don't care what you say game i will be the judge of what is done not you that's where it's a bit different to power washington power sim you have to do everything like 100 this game seems to be a bit more lenient which i guess is a good thing all right let's return to the trailer oh sorry sorry mr jaguar oh oh my bad i'm just reversing oh i'm just trying to turn around sorry i wonder if they'll invite me back right and the lawn is complete it don't look too bad it does look a bit scruffy actually yeah i don't know if i'm happy with that actually there are stripes there are stripes around oh yeah i don't know will they be happy with that would i be happy with that i mean it's cut you can't say it's not cut all right let's have a look at the oh no oh no i gotta find for the collisions 54 quid i'm pretty sure the damage i did to that car would be more than 54 quid but balls i didn't realize that oh i destroyed one pounds worth of flowers that was it otherwise did a damn good job i think all right so as you can see i've got i've got these bars here so i did a bit of damage to my vehicle i think that was from accidentally bumping that classic car blades wear down over time i think they i think they wear down more if you're like over pavement rather than grass uh your fuel runs out obviously and the grass bag gets filled up so presumably i've got to pay to fix all this now i will refuel it that will cost me two pounds and five pence so definitely do that uh empty the grass costs nothing good to know let's see how much six quid to fix the blades oh nine pence to fix the engine how does that work what costs nine pence that would possibly fix an engine anyway she's fully repaired now uh we'll go back to our map it looks like we have our next job kingsbury house we'll select you for this map good work and of course my trusty yellow steed alright so here we are another bloody thatched roof blimey we have got some tasty clients i'll tell you that another massive barbecue picnic bench oh nice little greenhouse what they what are they planting the garden looks pretty intricately it looks lovely to be fair oh these are grass bags so these are like bulk bags this is literally what we do with the grass so we sort of mow the grass and then we would come and fill up these sorts of bags and then afterwards would we come in the quad on the trailer would load these up and then put them on a compost heap in my actual grass cutting job oh look at that dirt i want a power hose i want a power hoser this is pretty snazzy this it looks like it's made out of oak or something uh we got a little toy car looks like pick that up oh another poo gross that's something i had to do in my actual job there you had swans and actually it was a bastard swan his name was fred he was like black and red i probably have a photo of him maybe it was just evil evil and honestly he'd constantly attack you yeah he's literally not afraid of anyone oh look what's this what's this it's a frisbee pick that up oh it gets flat on the grass that's cool oh my god look how like detailed the town is it's like a church like huge pylons oh sorry i'm stood in your flowers i'm stood in your flowers but yeah this might be a lawn where we don't do stripes i think stripes could be a bit of a pain i sort of wish like the power wash game that this had a time lapse at the end so you could watch your lawn being time-lapsed these sorts of like edges where there's like a flower bed you'd do what you're mowing with your machine but you'd actually come back afterwards with uh some edge trimmers yeah they look like these like massive scissors on a stick and tell you what that's freaking satisfying like going around the edge sometimes you'd have to half moon it so this is a half moon tool and that's proper perch like a vertical edge between like the lawn and the flower bed but uh to actually cut the grass like on the corner you would just use the edge trimmers like some people if they're a bit like less patient they'd just use like a strimmer there like a motorized thing that like a bit of cable flings around on i'll just show you what it looks like streamer it's a stream i don't know what i'm trying to describe it just show the image map just show you the image yeah we've we found the uh streamers are a bit they're a bit messy they're very noisy as well obviously with the gardens open to the public so we are just gardening while the public are walking around so you want to reduce machinery really naughty edge edge trimmers really nice little tool obviously silent yeah but generally good tool would recommend what it was i'd like so confused as to what like these sorts of games have turned my channel into like i'm literally just giving people gardening advice now oh dear it's funny it's funny like they came for the bridges and stayed for the lord and advice all right we're going to do some stripes along here because this looks pretty good for striped and yes stripe edge is definitely the technical term for doing stripes definitely bloody can't help myself doing stripes can i i said i wasn't going to at the start of this map but here i am doing stripes all right this is quite a tight turning circle if i go slow i should just about do it i miss that bit and across the path not the best it looks a bit gravelly wouldn't advise driving across a gravely path now but if it's paving and it's flush no problems with that at all i find it quite annoying that the mouse is on screen as well like it's always bugging me just like what are you looking at or maybe it's just my computer being weird don't i have restarted the game and it's still there so i tried to get rid of it guys if it's ruining the illusion that this is real all right here we go another stripe oh man i am loving my life at the moment this is so fun why is it so fun i don't understand menial tasks should not be enjoyable especially in a video game like i don't even i don't get this lawn i don't actually get paid why am i enjoying this so much oh look this is cool look at it is cool you can't you cannot you cannot disagree with me i'm probably getting the hang of the old like controls now like turn around as quickly as i can oh oh no i cocked it up i got cocky i missed a stripe i'm gonna go around this central structure thing i don't know what it's called why are you still doing stripes you are an idiot it's taking so much longer i don't even know if it looks better but tell you what my box is taking a lot of grass so i've been mowing for 11 minutes now it's only it's only a third full that's pretty good all right so i'm going to do stripes down this end as well uh it's ashamed to have enough money to buy that other mower i sort of wanted to see what it was like oh man this is something about this just loving it absolutely loving it it's when you get like your turning circle perfected and you're just bang on the stripe i look at that that's no turning required if you can do it in one movement straight back onto the stripe perfect oh i can actually smell cut across oh that's weird that's really weird that's like phantom smells oh does anyone else smell that wait there's no one here matt they're in a video oh it's really nice i feel like there isn't a better smell than a freshly cut lawn well maybe bacon actually bacon is a good smell oh and puppy paws puppy paws smell incredible but yep let's keep the stripes going that's what we're all about now stripes are us oh that's why i should have called my company oh i'm living in regret i'm living a life of regret now why am i doing stripes here what is wrong with me i'll tell you what sod sod striping there so i'm just gonna do this way stripes oh i can't because there's stripes this end i gotta do stripes i'm sorry it's gonna take a while it'll be worth it these stripes are ridiculous they're so short this is so inefficient oh this is a weird camera angle this is like top down it's like there's a drone following me alright now we've got super zoomed out view that's pretty cool right i feel like we're nearly there we got this little bit to do oh yes look at the progress bar flying up that's what we're all about i am wondering have i done everything else good enough are there any there are a few little tufts floating about but uh the last level was pretty lenient so we'll see if this one is as well all right ready last stripe oh no it's nowhere near done have i missed a bit of lawn or something all right let's hop off have i oh i've missed that bit yeah i'm pretty sure i've done everything else right so you would have noticed the engine went off as i got off the machine that's actually like a built-in safety feature so basically under the seat there's like a little button and now when it's got weight on it it means everything runs as you would expect oh god i didn't bloody i've just been mowing without the blades damn it but yeah as soon as as soon as you take weight off the seat the engine will cut out completely quite a nice little safety feature to be honest yeah but it is annoying because sometimes you go over like a really lumpy lawn like too fast and it cuts out because you've like bounced off your seat they're pretty funny anyway let's press what was it tab what's the pro oh no it was control wasn't it oh god i left loads of grass oh there we go we completed 26 minutes uh pretty tidy though i'll take that all right so i want to turn the blades off that's zed and now i can i may as well to the grass while i'm here right i've got to reverse into it and then hold f to empty oh what's going on what was that all about oh well there's actually grass in it now so the grass magically flew into the bag and you can actually see it in there that's pretty cool right let's drive her up and we are good to go look at our lovely lawn again wish there was a time lapse but at least you can see part of our stripes ignore that bit that was quite bad but doesn't that look better lovely right so our only penalties this time were 50 pence for a collision and 72 for ground damage i guess i turned too quickly or something yeah but we've got 345 quid nice and we've unlocked a new garden miller brook oh no that's the end so i was only that was only a quick demo the steam nexfest demo i've really really enjoyed that that was fantastic really looking forward to the main game but yeah lovely thank you guys hope you found that as satisfying as i did playing it uh peace love and lawn mowers i'll catch you next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 279,986
Rating: 4.9590888 out of 5
Keywords: lawn mowing simulator, lawn mower, lawn care, oddly satisfying, mowing tall grass, overgrown lawn, lawn mowing simulator game, lawn mowing game, start lawn care, lawn care service, mowing super tall grass, mowing grass, how to cut grass, overgrown grass, how to mow the yard, oddly satisfying cleaning, simulation game, simulator game, lawn care game, yard maintenance, mowing game, rce, real civil engineer
Id: KwFrCgPNUfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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