Using PROFESSIONAL grass cutting methods in Lawn Mowing Simulator!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to lawn mower simulator yes the full game is finally released we're gonna get straight involved in a career mode and i'm gonna offend some ocd people by going for slot three and as i worked for two years before i was an engineer law mowing we're gonna skip the tutorials we get to name our company so i'm gonna be going with the classic kiss my grass and our logo is gonna be a lovely nefarious circular saw blade my name is mr lorne barber and just look how impressed we are with our own puns and sporting the classic green polo shirt we are ready to go all right so now i get to pick my first ever lawnmower in the den we went for this yellow beast a classic retired man that has a lawn that's too small for a ride on well i'm going to go for this one aka the black beauty now this is a mulcher which means it doesn't actually pick up the grass it sort of chops it up and plops it back down a little bit lazy you could see but a little bit of mulching is actually quite good for the grass the old chopped up bits of grass like rot away and sort of act like a fertilizer bit of gardening knowledge there so this costs 2 650 quid which means we'll only be left with 350 quid a little bit risky but uh we all start somewhere so we're going gonna accept that we're gonna head to the old nook cottage now you might remember this place from a demo period but it's been a few months the grass does grow so we're gonna have to remove their lawn and they're offering us 330 quid to do this and honestly i'm quite surprised they invited us back if you uh if you remember what happened to their very vintage sports car uh seem to have got it repaired which is good to see first things first we got to go on to the lawn we got to pick up all these objects that we don't want to run over so we've got a rocket we've got a gnome that won't look me in the eyes we've got a whatever the hell that is we've got an old discarded porno mag and we've got a discarded murder weapon we'll pick all of those up and then we are ready to mow so we'll go get onto our lawnmower which is parked on the trailer but it's about to be abducted by a ufo it looks like all right so we're on so we start the engine adjust the old air defenders because safety first you want to up the throttle to start moving there you go and then we'll gently get off our trailer and we'll head towards oh god oh no not again and we'll just we'll just turn around easy does it easy does it you imagine the owner comes out sorry i noticed yourself some grass on the front of your vintage jaguar so i thought i thought i'd better just cut that oh sorry all right and then we head to the actual lawn so minding the plants we this is it's a really weird machine to look at right so we get our blades onto the grass and then we're ready to turn them on first we need to set the cut height which i believe was five centimeters so we will lower that down to five centimeters lovely we'll press q to lower the deck at the front so check this out yes and then we can engage the blades oh yes we are cutting virtual grass people and the way i like to cut lawns which is the professional way i did this full time for like two years and then literally in all my off time like during university so like three years of summers and stuff but uh you wanna you wanna go around the outside do all the edges so we're just working our way around we're actually going pretty quick i probably wouldn't go full speed oh god i can't see through the bush yeah i'll leave those little entrances to a bit later on in the game all right so then i would turn around i'd probably lift the blades to be honest but i haven't and then we'd go back and we'd do another we'd do another strip the other direction and you got to keep an eye on that overlap this is not too important because we're just doing the edges first oh god look there's like a it's like a trench it's like a brown strip that wasn't me that wasn't me so we're just working our way around doing the opposite direction oh you can see we we overheated there or overloaded the engine basically if the grass is too long i don't think the blades cut properly so we've got to keep an eye on if we go into like a thick patch of grass we want to try and slow down a bit you know ideally you would probably cut a lawn that's this long you'd do on like a higher cut first then you'd come back and do it on a slightly lower one alternatively you can just drive slower unfortunately this game at the forward key is on w so it's a little bit finicky i'd love i'd love like steering wheel setup for this seems a bit extreme though buying a steering wheel set up just for a long game i'm gonna do one more strip on this end but after that we're pretty much good to start the main chunk all right so once you've done the edges we want to do we want to start doing our stripes so we'll lower our blades now we've turned around we'll turn them on again we want to go as straight as possible ideally sticking to one edge like that then you lift your blades you turn around trying not to go in the flower bed and you want to line up with your right hand side just overlapping lower the front turn the blades on and then do some stripes it's all about being efficient you want to you want to overlap your stripes just enough so that when you look back there's no strip of tufty grass that you missed that looks pretty damn good if you ask me it's not the straightest line though looking at it but uh it'll do however however you'll notice you can't actually see the stripes i usually on a lawn you'll see like nice stripes basically i think about like a football field or something you've got the stripes that's all down to like the way the grass is pushed off it's cut so a lot of mowers have like a roller on the back so once you cut the grass it's like a big steel drum pretty heavy and that flattens the grass after you go by and then then you'll do your strike you'll turn around and then you'll see there's a nice stripe and then you start going the other direction and because it alternates it leaves nice stripes they're like they're like lighter colors are stripes like going in your direction so the grass is falling away from you like the darker ones are where the grass is falling towards you have you noticed this mower it's got it's got wheels on the back around the front it doesn't have any sort of roller on it so although you could do stripes you're really not going to see them now which basically means we can just drive around here as quickly and efficiently as we can and we should get the grass done all right we'll just go around this flower bed trying not to mow their flowers oh look at look at that grass though that is so satisfying i feel like this really is the new power wash simulator like just when we thought we were all out of satisfying games wait this got released could not have timed it better all right we'll stick to the edge of this dong shaped flower bed yeah this is pretty much my dream house it's got a dog-shaped flowerbed i'll go around this circular one there's a bit of a tuft i've missed around here you'll see so i have to do another loop a little bit there come here and it's all about trying to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible that you want to always be cutting grass you don't really want to overlap oh god that's that's a bad stripe look at that one come on matt pay attention you don't really want to be driving over cut grass because you're just wasting time you're wasting fuel we're trying to make a profit here oh no i damaged the ground i just incurred a penalty i think if you turn too quickly just like in real life you will churn up the grass so when you when you turn around you got to be a bit a bit gentle you don't want to don't want to even do it all right just this little bit down here today i wonder can we mow in reverse in this game yes we can it's quite hard to stay straight look at that mess but at least if we if we just go in reverse it's a bit slower but we're not going to turn up the grass so no penalties for us oh bollocks i just destroyed a flower sorry that's another penalty all right we'll turn around i'm trying to be a little bit gentler so maybe a bit of reversage and then we've just got this final little bit to do this is so how i wouldn't hold in real life but it takes so long to turn around in this game all right we're wasting a lot of time here we're going across already cut grass that is no good i just missed the tuft as well come on yeah but we're nearly there we're at 98.5 i think we only need to get 99 yep there you go we're done we're done so we'll lift the blades up uh job is done there's no point there's no point wasting time if if they're happy with with what we've done then they're happy with what we're done we're not going to go the extra mile that's not how kiss my grass works so we'll just reverse onto the trailer oh oh sorry sorted the old nook cottage has been cut look at that lovely oh and i miss those entrances as well oh god look at the penalties so we made 242 quid in total but we received 105 pounds 40 pence in penalties uh one pound of that was flour that we destroyed the rest was collisions i don't really remember colliding with anything like i mowed the guy's car but it needed cutting i also got 64 pence fine for the the ground damage from when we turn too quickly so that's fair enough right so there is lawn looking very proud next to the black beauty we've got another job of the kingsbury house now this is another returning customer so we should fly through this one the current grass is between 12 and 20 centimeters long that's pretty long they want a cutting height of six to seven 20 centimeters long that's that's really long grass like am i gonna be able to cut that and we'll pick our employee mr lawn barber and we'll pick the black beauty the only mower we own i think we're gonna aim for a seven centimeter cutting height all right and here is kingsbury house they've got a lot of lord now you can tell they're posh because you've got a thatched roof they got one of these little garden hot things made of oak they've even got bollards in their lawn that's when you know you've made it you know oh i'll tell you what i want to power wash that dog house where's the power wash oh look there's a man there's a man hello i'm a gardener why's ignoring me all right we got we got three and a half minutes to go find everything what is that now we've got a giant spoon that they seem to have forgotten so we'll pick that up and i got some more nudie mags another rocket captain america's shield all right there's also a giant shiny stick so i assume that's made out of plastic don't really know why you want one of them but i don't want it on the lawn okay so the aliens are letting us know okay that the mower is ready to be sat on so we'll fill her up with fuel now we're not going to change the blades i think the blades are fine but we will get on the vehicle starter up throttle up drive down thankfully no classic cars nearby that we can accidentally damage and look at look how nice the grass is i just gotta say brass incredible in this game look our guy is cheering in the air because he's like yes that's the best grass we've ever seen in a video game blades down blades on and we're off so as we're using this machine again i'm literally just gonna cane it basically right we've come to a path it looks like gravel now in real life so we wouldn't even go close to that we'd lift our blades up etc uh however i'm lazy so we're gonna go oh god we've just been eaten by a bush so we're gonna ignore lifting blades up and stuff we're gonna try and speed run this particularly as we have already completed this level before but as we know grass does grow so like most lawnmower businesses they cut the same lawns pretty much every single week there's only so many lawns you can get to in a week before the grass regrows and you've got to do it all again all right i'm gonna try and contour this lawn something i would never do in real life in real life you always want the straightest stripes you can ever imagine whether that's something that my old boss just sort of liked but it's ingrained in me now i'm all about straight stripes i just heard a cow moo well they're cows next door that's another alternative to hiring a lawnmower gardener you just put like some grazing animals in there and they'll eat the grass for you however they do they do leave um waste everywhere then to be fair some of the gardeners i worked with they pretty much do as well right it's not gonna lie i am way preferring this mower to the one i use in the demo the retirement mower i like to call that one now yeah the black beauty is just eating lawn i feel like it's wider as well so it's definitely not taking as long like what are we we're just over four minutes in and we're already quarter of the way through this could be a 20 minute job we're going to go around these purple plants trying not to run them over or churn up the lawn i'm going to try and not move the path as well i don't think that's going to be good for my blade health but yeah look at this look at this this is just satisfying like you can't say that's not one of the most satisfying images you ever seen look how long the grass was look how short it is now and this is just super satisfying oh good that's not satisfying i missed the street i'm gonna have to go back i can't leave it like that but we've hired a drone to follow us now so we've got a nice bit of a bird's-eye view of the whole lawn all right so we're just coming around again now you can see i may have got a little bit distracted there but we're going to be cutting it so it's fine the owners will never know they'll never know i feel like doing a bit of first person as well just to mix it up a bit so you really want to keep that right edge just overlapping so it means we're going as efficiently as possible not wasting any bit of driving oh until we get to here and now in first person you can really you can really see yeah the first passover cut i did if you'd be interested to see a full series of this game though guys please boost that like button i always keep an eye on my videos and sort of how the ratio of likes to abuser and if i see that people are particularly enjoying the series i always try and keep that series going because i am having a blast playing this but it might not make for the best viewing i do not know all i do know is i'm very very satisfied right now and if you are too clicking on that little like button lets me know that but i am really intrigued in this game just to find out like how far you can go i think you can hire like multiple people and send them off to different lawns and hire vans and stuff i've seen like different hqs and things it's i'm really excited just to uh progress as far as we can and i'll probably do it anyway whether it's off camera yeah if you wanna if you wanna see me make videos you know what to do now you know what to do oh i destroyed a flower damn it stupid black beauty you're too powerful for your own good i just got really finicky bits left i'm not sure whether it's worth my time just doing big loops like this because it means i'm driving a lot on already cut grass or whether i should be like turning around a bit all right 98.8 we are very close i wonder where we'll be once we finish this mean tuft i'm really just going at this all wrong i'm like it's so inefficient what am i doing all right 0.1 i think we can just reverse over this bit oh come on just point one oh it's so close right mr tuft i think you're the last one die yes cut incomplete all right blades up let's get the hell out of here we'll just reverse her up easy does it easy does it nice kingsbury house is moon oh that looks really nice to be fair i feel like my last mower was like an absolute mess it sort of left like stripy marks all over the place i feel like this one's doing a damn good job and look hardly any penalties in this one two pounds and five pence so we got 353 quid for that kiss my grass is looking good so it looks like we can purchase new garages and stuff they come with different amounts of bays i assume that's like where these vans are parked maybe i can hire more people each time we've got three new contracts we've got the miller brook now the paddock of the old note cottage so they must be impressed with our previous bit of cutting and they want us to have a little go in their field and then the jefferson garden at hilltop house that looks like i'm gonna cause absolute damage to everything yes let's give that a go we get a lot we get a lot of experience points for that 265 and this one actually requires a mulcher so interesting uh mr lorne barber is going to be taking this job because he's my only employee and he'll be using the black beauty because that's the only mower i own now if we head into the shop we can see i don't know how we actually go about unlocking these i assume just oh look vehicle bays that's what the bays are so i can have more mowers and look at some of these they've got like attachments so that one can have a tiger stripe kit we can put stripes in the game okay i need that mower how much that's eight grand all right we got some savings to do oh we can take a loan but only okay we can only take a loan once we hit certain ranks i guess that makes sense because the bank wants like bit of proof that you can uh make income anyway that's for a future episode we're going to be mowing the hilltop house so this is completely new this level oh wow look at this car now this is just a garage as well look they've also got a classic car in there and a 4x4 porsche thing but look at this one triangle exhausts yes okay i must not go anywhere near that we've got to be very careful getting our lawnmower off oops sorry i'm just trying to get round to the lawn oh the uh anyway before we go and cut the lawn we're actually gonna we're gonna lower the throttle so it throttles down to a hundred and we're gonna go pick up some objects all right so on this lawn we have whatever they are again some stones ollie got a purple tennis ball some more stones oh a black and white nudie mag another giant spoon newspaper and another tennis ball all right so we're back on the cut height is set six centimeters which is what they wanted we'll lower the blades turn them on and then lots lots of right angles in this lawn probably not going to be the easiest of things to do but nice get right under that bush we really want to trim the grass around there oh there's a man there's a man hello man oh oh god i got distracted that was a very bouncy hedge all right so this looks like the perfect lawn to actually do some stripes on so i'm gonna show you real life grass cutting techniques so we'll go around the edge we just want to do the edges oh ideally without hitting the very bouncy hedges we then want to do these short edges with a few more stripes and this is basically just our turning circle all right so that should be thick enough we'll do the same along this end right and then we're good to go so we line up our right side and then we just want to keep that as straight as possible again would be easier with a steering wheel assuming this game supports it but we've done our first strike we've got to the end now we'd lift our blade do a little spinny roundy thing ideally in two maneuvers like that and then blades back down turn them back on the mower i used to drive the toro which looks like this now that used to when you put the blades back down if you didn't disengage them the blades would come back on so that would save you an extra second or so of just pressing that button again but this game doesn't seem to allow that so i'm just going to leave them down like a savage but yeah we're on we're on another stripe things are looking good and we just we just rinse and repeat i said before ideally we'd have the old stripers behind us and then when we turn around it would look really cool because you'd see the straight lines you'd see the stripes i'm not actually going to do this for this whole long just because there's no point there's no stripes there's not even a time lapse at the end devs if you're watching this these are the time lapse at the end i'd love to see the law and actually get mood like all time lapse really quick uh but for now we're just gonna we're just gonna contour it we're just gonna go around and around and around so i'm gonna go left of this bench just try and get a little bit oh nice and also going back to like the real sort of real life mowing when you're doing like those edges that i was doing you probably wouldn't actually do that with the ride on lawnmower itself you'd do it with like a little pushed along handheld mower just so you can get like in under all the trees and around flower beds and stuff and then like on the right there can you see that edge it's not very neat to tidy those up you'd use a half moon which is like a weird spade thing that looks like this and that just allows you to get like a really nice straight edge you can just use a you can just use a spade as well you don't have to use a half moon but the half moon is the tool for it it's literally what it was designed for and then once you've got that straight edge if you've still got some like dangly bits of grass hanging over you'd use the old edge trimmers which look like this and that gets you a very neat and tidy edge if you're not that bothered if you're just trying to like go for speed your jews are strimmer or as i found out most the rest of the world like to call it a weed whacker or there were there were some other names i can't really remember them right now all right we're halfway through the lawn exactly 11 minutes so hopefully i reckon another 10 minutes we might be able to do this because we're not doing the stripe technique anymore it did take a while that i think in contours we should be done in ten all right going around the trees a little bit tricky in this not ideal again that's something you'd probably just come back with and use the old push along mower but i don't have that option in this game we can only afford one mower and this is what we went for the black beauty they've got quite like a lumpy bit of lawn here like where these trees are it's very like it's giving me teletubby vibes they're not the worst thing in the world but it is a bit a bit unusual and i'm gonna assume it was intentional looking at like how new this house is and stuff you would imagine that this was landscaped to look exactly how they wanted it i mean they've got a bloody giant garden gnome it's like made out of solid bronze and i know all about sculptures and bronze and values and stuff hang on i think this is a story time with matt so in the garden i used to work in before university uh they often have like sculptures dotted all around the garden and basically it was like a bit of a bit of a marketing thing so the garden got three sculptures around the garden and probably a bit commissioned as well meanwhile anyone walk around the garden they'd be able to buy like any of these sculptures that they wanted and sculptures are very expensive like we're talking tens of thousands particularly the bronze ones like that can go super expensive and as a gardener on minimum wage and when it comes to mowing around these a little bit scary and uh thankfully it wasn't me but one of the other gardeners he had no idea but he broke one of these while mowing so basically there's a sculpture that had its like hand pointing out and like it had individual fingers and basically a finger got snapped off no one could find this finger i think the owner like was on the verge of like accusing us of trying to sell like a finger for like scrap metal value or something i have no idea i have no idea but uh my colleague he uh he found it in his back pocket he was like what's the actual help like how did her finger get in my back pocket and we think what happened was while he was mowing like he had his back to this sculpture and the uh the sculpture tried to slip a digit in him and the sculpture's finger went into his back pocket and as he moved it must have like snapped off or something but absolutely bizarre but yeah so so he had a few i guess a few hundred quids worth of finger in his back pocket but of course everything was fine it was just he was just sacked taken to court fine twenty thousand quid but yeah all good all good and that was a joke by the way he wasn't fined he wasn't fined do not worry he wasn't he wasn't sacked either it was a mistake and mistakes happen all right so just head down this edge trying not to scrape the wall or mow the gravel oh god easier said than done they were pretty close to completion 93 94 nearly all right so this is the final little bit i think 90 oh 96.8 that means we've still got some tough somewhere there's a little one over here so we'll just snoop that up i guess technically that's one oh i just have a stretch right i guess we should get rid of their strongest shape and it's gonna be a nice feature i felt like the garden was lacking features oh god look at those stripes we have done stripes so sorry strongest grass shape look i actually i churned up the grass i gotta find trying to be funny that's why you should never try and be funny right cutting is complete i will just finish this bit because ocd in it but there you go blades up let's get out of here we'll just turn around into the trailer oh sorry that actually helped me i could pick a reverse now andrew in excellent look how good that lawn looks ignore those tufts why is the camera focusing on those tops they go from a distance beautiful well i think that car might have been a fake because uh the only penalty we got was 33 quid that's not too bad but we gained 478 quid in total so we're on our way to be able to earn the stripey mower but now when you come a rank four which i think means we can get a loan so maybe we'll look to do that next time but for now we're gonna leave that there if you're interested to see the adventures of kiss my grass continue you know what to see people hit that like button but for now peace love and virtual grass i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 184,741
Rating: 4.9633479 out of 5
Keywords: lawn mowing simulator, lawn mower, lawn care, oddly satisfying, mowing tall grass, overgrown lawn, lawn mowing simulator game, lawn mowing game, start lawn care, lawn care service, mowing super tall grass, mowing grass, how to cut grass, overgrown grass, simulation game, simulator game, lawn care game, yard maintenance, mowing game, rce, real civil engineer, lawn mower simulator, grass cutting simulator, grass mowing simulator
Id: 9fWkInh4ILo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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