I Purchased The Worst Gas Station in America - Gas Station Simulator

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have you ever wanted to know what it'd be like to run your own gas station yeah me neither but there's a simulator for everything these days and that's why we're going to be checking out gas station simulator early days so this is the prologue it just came out and yeah in this one we have to repair and build our own gas station and obviously earn lots of money what looks to be in the middle of the desert i am kind of excited for this one it does look pretty good but yeah we're gonna check it out today and see if it's actually any good and see what it's all about would you look at that we have a piece of land for sale over here i don't know if it's really safe to just stop in the middle of the road but hey i guess nobody crashed into us so we're all good ah the old dust bowl oh god okay you are now the owner of the dust bowl gas station yay 12 hours later what the hell did i do just sit in my car for 12 hours ponder life whoa okay i guess i went to bed all right this is more accurate to real life i have zero dollars and we're on day one find and enter the gas station do i not know where it is i bought it i feel like that's an absolute dumb idea to buy a gas station without actually going into it choose your teammate what the um i want the snake it's so floppy why do you want me to throw it in there all right well let's do it anyways there we go that was an awful shot i think i got to throw these in here boom goes the dynamite high score i didn't even get it in hold on come on all net baby there we go okay help already this game is pretty weird seems like we have a little bit of a problem uh electricity might be an issue here you know in most games you get some sort of bs storyline how your uncle or grandfather gave you their old piece of land and it's at least decent not this place somebody just clearly abandoned this okay why am i picking up a cuckoo clock what the hell is this game like the whole goal was to pick up a cuckoo clock where did it go it just vanished is it in my inventory all right we're starting off real weird here so i gotta follow the voltage cable to find a way to turn on the electricity is it not on oh yes there we go this this feels safe and once you look at that i saved the day look at my kingdom everybody are you not impressed the hell is that noise is there a video game in here what the hell is this oh my god there's a video game car frenzy oh is that this hold on oh yeah i have no money well i guess i'll have to come back to this when we earn some actual money i kind of i'm kind of intrigued though joe's high score what what the hell is this game oh yeah let's just go answer the pay phone that's always weird to me i've seen this in movies too can you even call payphones i honestly don't know anyways what's up congratulations on your purchase and investment little nephew oh my god it is my uncle why is it always my uncle yes i'm a busy person but luck would have it that land you've purchased once belonged to my father since you're not only a potential business partner but family no less i'll do my best to help you go to the mini excavator its name is rudy okay i'm not even gonna question it anymore what's up rudy how are you doing today what's this button oh it's the reset button when you get stuck with this thing okay didn't expect this in this episode well the irony is i run a fuel station and i just ran out of fuel on good old rudy all right there you go rudy task completed can i have my gas cam back perfect thank you i'm just gonna put that wherever i put everything and now we can actually use this so what the hell do i have to do remove sand piles in front of gas pump you know what that actually makes sense oh hold what did that say oh hold hold the pick up there we go is my engine okay the cool engine why is why is rudy overheating why did i use a quarter of my tank to pick up a little bit of sand i also love that there's a sand disposal in the desert all right there we go don't overheat rudy once again how am i cooling it by the way i mean i'm not trying to judge this game poorly don't get me wrong so far i'm enjoying myself but there's a lot of weird situations in games like these all right so there we go i guess that's all we need to open the gas station by the way we don't need to fix anything else so now we just need to uh i guess press the open lever a giant open lever and we are good to go that's a pretty badass open sign i have to be honest oh wait it wants me to test my skills at the arcade i i thought i was waiting for customers i guess they'll pump their own i actually wanted to do this anyways i don't know where i got five bucks by the way but i guess i found it all right once again didn't expect to be doing this in a gas station simulator but hey huh i'm not surprised how does it arcade go to the rc car outside too i don't hate it i i'm just confused what the hell like who who designed this i feel like you should have put more effort into the gas station i mean we just went under a freaking dirt mountain whoa whoa whoa easy now okay sorry that definitely shouldn't have took almost two minutes but we did it yes oh okay so this is how you earn money who's paying me to do this that's what i want oh i i i'm sorry it's my first day on the job i i'm sorry all right i also love how they've been probably waiting as i'm driving an rc car around like an idiot hey man hi how you doing you want you want some feel i mean why are you getting out this is full service here where the hell are you going you just gonna stand there okay well this is weird i mean you could just stay in the car but hey i'm not gonna question it start boosting what the hell is this wait wait wait oh okay so it's like time based and i'm assuming i get money based on how accurate i am what are you doing hey this is this is a weird game isn't it what why did you do that why would you go around me and creep me out i also love how my trash can is so dirty it's radioactive now but i i can't seem to clean that i mean i can throw away trash bags but the actual trash that's clearly poisoning me as i stand here yeah that's all good it's cool oh and i just realized i'm complaining about that as i'm supposed to buy a trash bag and i'm assuming do what i'm complaining about okay cool i kind of love that we open the shop before doing this though it's like ah i mean we could just have crap on the ground it's all good all right it's time to throw this crap away there we go now we're getting somewhere i'm actually excited about this because i do want to organize this place uh i swear it wasn't me it wasn't me i'm running oh god he won't leave he's just waiting there what the hell did you just drop what is this you just dropped this what is that i can't tell what it is i'm so curious some sort of picture i think i seriously saw him drop it this i mean the plot thickens guys all right let's get a perfect score here for the copper that was pretty close honestly i don't trust that you're a copper i mean you're not even in uniform but okay [Music] okay all right i got everything and the kitchen sink so i think that's enough for right now um yeah it's getting hard to fill this any more than it already is i will say it's a hell of a lot cleaner in here now as you can see it actually looks somewhat decent so how do i sell this ah it's back on the handy dandy computer wouldn't this be nice in real life if you haven't if you just you know order your garbage pickup whenever you actually need it that's pretty amazing what the hell what am i why are you peeking dennis will appear on the station occasionally and paint graffiti on the wall stop him by throwing items at him and scare him off problem i i got rid of all the items that are close hold on get out of here dennis you did a little jerk i'll peg your freaking head off bam that's regular this is so stupid where did he go man that is a fast kid oh what the hell these guts you got poison oh that's that's graffiti get out of here man what am i playing what what was that the creepy thing is he did an alien tag okay so i guess this is where we learn how to paint thanks dennis you jerk what the what is going on oh i get it oh my god this is actually kind of hard oh god oh god i swear i'm not drunk there we go isn't it beautiful doesn't it look like the rest of the place now well i gotta say i don't know if it was worth the 20 minutes but it's beautiful sir would you like a free paint job with your fill up unfortunately you can't have one because the game won't let me okay this guy's been waiting here since i painted this hole for people are very patient in this game i i i will say that you know maybe you should just pump your own gas just just saying there you go oh i swear i i spilled a little bit in here how did i spill a little bit in here is that forever there oh thank god you know in 2021 i thought we'd be you know having like these amazing vr immersive games and don't get me wrong there are some of those but i'm sitting here brushing dust off of the floor isn't gaming great shoe desert get out of here oh great now we're doing b e's that's that's fun that's exciting are we are we breaking into this stuff seriously what the hell man i mean i love the attention to detail but i i am leaking pain everywhere huh i wonder if that's the tool i need to break into the car trunk it's it's conveniently placed on top of it what's up with the games and lock picking these days hold a or d to move the pick space okay i've done these in a million different games so they're all extremely similar basically there you go we we got a dust bowl painting ah look at that beautiful art doesn't look possessed at all oh would you look at that we're actually getting into selling things alcohol stand yeah we want one of those car karen hats you want all the commodities that way you sell more this is actually kind of cool though so i got to place these we'll put the alcohol there hats can be by the counter when when do we get into the candy that's what i want to know and car care i guess i'll just place that there perfect i have to buy parking spaces we're in the desert just make them wait i mean we have rudy or ruby or whatever the hell my skid steer's name is oh god that scared me well at least they're free so that's good remove sand piles to buy parking spots okay i guess i do have to use rudy after all oh no no no no no no no no not you you freaking sliding bastard get over i gotta run you over look at this little bastard oh god why would i not make this taller i mean i guess i didn't actually design it give me a second i gotta go kill this kid oh my god i'm gonna smack you so hard get out of here can i please kill him come on kill him how does how does he take a board to the face and still keeps tagging get out of here well five field tanks and 67 of my sanity later and we have a parking lot that honestly took longer than the whole rest of this episode so far so moving dirt not the funnest of things let's buy that oh now now you clean it why can't you clean it when i buy it buy two i can't i can't even sell the other ones oh no he's back he's freaking back sliding mcgee i need like throwing rocks or something around here just to prepare for him all right you little church get out of here at this point should i just let him tag and just like what's that going to change he doesn't even seem to care i'm pegging him as hard as i can he is committed to tagging that alien face you know what just just just do it i don't care anymore the hell do you want uncle can you deal with this kid for me i see the business is doing well i'm calling to congratulate you on successfully getting it off the ground but you can't run a business on fuel alone i've had a few of my people deliver some extra stock for those empty shelves okay time to talk money you all right fair enough buddy find it within your finances to repay the debt otherwise we'll be forced to see the more persuasive methods of reimbursement did my uncle just threaten to kill me goodbye what the hell am i in the mob or something like seriously it's my uncle the dude's giving me 10 minutes to pay the low not even 10 minutes oh god okay well we're really going to sell quick here hey sir i understand that you're buying fuel here but can you please please go buy a hat i'm probably gonna die if i don't sell a few i'm not even joking either oh hi okay we we have people coming in i didn't even see them would you like some delicious alcohol oh you know it all right there we go oh my god they actually take some of it all right what the hell do i have to do here do i press this i don't know what the hell i'm doing uncle please don't kill me i don't know how to sell things what am i supposed to press okay okay i i can actually do it press shift to start the game what am i doing oh hold on i don't know what i'm doing i don't know okay we put it here scan it did it work okay oh i'm i'm not good at this i am not good at this this is kind of cool though there we go oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay we have clearly some uh attention here did you drop something what the hell lady you're drinking even before you leave take you take this with you you freaking take this with you all right a hat a hat a hat more alcohol more alcohol dude is there not more stores around here i mean not that i'm complaining i need to get all the sales i can get no i missed one i owe you one you do literally i mean i don't usually judge people but you have really let yourself go sir you're amazing oh he's so nice i feel bad now i didn't mean to judge you sir did someone drop a skull all right we should probably pay that loan so my uncle doesn't kill me how much do i owe him pay all there's no way that stock costs 4 365 uncle you truly are the mob man well lady i am going to die in three minutes so i hope you enjoy this delicious booze please pay me you know four grand would be nice oh i got a tip 40 cents well we're that much closer i need i need to get some perfects here or i'm gonna die there we go that's what i'm talking about okay a lady came where did she go there was a lady in here what that what seriously you did it right in front of me you did it peg you're in that freaking back well this is probably where i die literally looking at a table past completed wait oh okay it's probably uncle telling me i'm going to die now so let's go uh answer that important call hey where's our goddamn fun i can't i can't take this oh my god oh man i love me a good weird simulator but that might take it to the next level that might be the weirdest that being said it does feel like a really fun game so i'm intrigued to see where that goes and uh yeah we're gonna have to wait this is the prologue the game should be coming out in a few months probably so if you want to see more let me know in the comments below i hope you guys enjoyed this experience though as always thanks for watching and liking and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Drae
Views: 919,815
Rating: 4.9423809 out of 5
Keywords: gas station simulator, gas station sim, gas station simulator game, gas station simulator gameplay, gas station, gas station game, job simulator funny, job simulator, job sim, simulator games, drae, draegast, odd simulator, weird simulator
Id: E1qsMSB82BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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