Testing a MASSIVE mower

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i don't know how well this is gonna go i just got the phone call that i'm supposed to unload 104 inch lawnmower out of the back of a semi truck and that's all i got to use it kind of feels like bringing a knife to a gunfight how this goes [Music] so it's kind of unexpected uh i knew i was gonna be testing some new hustler mowers but i just got this weird phone call hey we're bringing them down the street how you doing chris by this guy you must be chris right the guy i've been talking to all day nice to meet you so there they are huh ooh shoot all right well let's go see if you can't see me on youtube already i'll have you so we gotta somehow get these drug from here now if i center these forks i should be able to hopefully i think the best thing we can holy crap i don't know about that other one wait this one's these are ours right here yep these two actually so this was right through here oh right through the center okay perfect good good good yeah i was gonna try to wrap it around a couple but hell if you've got a good way of doing it i'm i'm all up for because these are actually stronger than what you think they are yeah those okay i think we're gonna probably need what one more yeah so as i'm dragging it out what i'm noticing from in the cab it keeps wanting to slide sideways and i don't know if it's because the semi's on a slight pitch of the road but what i'm doing here is i'm trying to drag it away from sliding sideways and keep it centered in the middle of the load so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to hook the fork around the chain just right right there and use the fork as i'm backing up to try to get it otherwise i mean it'll just go right i mean through the side of the semi or dent it or damage it that's not what our goal is so the story actually starts is they sent me these prematurely i wasn't supposed to get them because at this point they haven't been serviced by the dealer so the dealer has to get them first go through all the oils check all the bolts check to get this whole west right that they have to do well they accidentally brought it to me before they brought it to the dealer now this is the 60 inch mower and it comes off no problem this one was kind of i'm glad it was first the next one is the 104 inch more but this one kind of was maxing out the capabilities of the s185 but that doesn't mean i was gonna not try to get that 104 inch mower off but luckily what i figured out is they hadn't done all that dealer prep work so i ended up not only not taking this 104 inch mower off even though you're going to see i'm going to try i ended up loading the other one back up and having chris bring it back up to the dealer so that they could get it properly pre-inspected so what i'm gonna do in just a moment for some of the old older school operators i call it the drag and drop this was something some of you guys are probably familiar with where you get something too heavy to come off from the semi so what you got to do is you're going to see me i'm going to get it brought right back to the thing and i'm going to try to wheely it out like i said i wasn't going to give up on this thing so what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get it the machine rocking so that as i get the mower up i use the momentum to get it up i want to carry it back because it's going to bring my machine down so hopefully i carry it back and then lower it gently like a butterfly right to the ground at least in my mind that sounds like it could work i mean why not do it with a fifteen thousand dollar body or you know home ah maybe i could pull it off so here i'm trying to get it the thing is it's not like it's a pallet block where you don't do it right just have you block tip off this could go bad real fast but i figured some of you guys would like to see me do i wanted to pull it off if i could pull this off that would be cool but my 185 is just not breaking up almost now i'm just trying to get a feel for the balance because i may be able to just at this point i'm also thinking could i just pull it off just on my two wheels without doing the drag and drop but then my guardian angel kicked in and said don't be stupid this isn't the right way to do this so put everything back on and save it for another day oh and now the video starts six minutes in sorry guys that was my unloading experience well that's not going anywhere anytime soon all right you guys we're going to put a very big mower in some very bad situations today and we're also going to be testing a lot of the claims that hustler makes one of those claims is they can mow a football field with this super 104 in under 10 minutes we're gonna put that claim to the test today so what are we waiting for let's try to get this unstuck first that's a big more to get stuck in a ditch [Applause] well before we can get the video started we got to get the more out of the ditch that's always a good way to start right oh you got to be kidding me you've gotta be kidding me i ran out i ran out that close no all right what the heck i'll tell ya that uh warren wench wench thank you you guys told me a wench is like a medieval something another a winch though is what i'm currently using boom i think she's free all right well let's go test this out on a real site let's see how she does how the crews like it i'm gonna donate or donate i'm gonna borrow this mower to the crew to let them take it out onto one of our biggest sites and let them go roll with it today um and then we're going to test it out on that football field and then we're going to test it out in this swamp this thing can do some amazing stuff you guys are in for a fun ride you really can let's just go so the first thing i wanted to do was get alex's take on it because alex hates everything new if it's new he automatically doesn't like it so on this property that we're mowing we have 46 homes and it's like 27 acres or so and we've got a few really big wide open spots but we've got some narrower stuff like this and so i thought well we've got a combo of big stuff skinny stuff let's just see how this mower performs at this point watch the side wing this is where i'm starting to get that aha moment watch the cycling just kind of contour [Music] so each of the side wings works independently they float up and down now all of the blades are working so we're going to run single ptl area right here and what that basically means i'm going to use the timer on the camera to see how long it actually takes us to mow this area so let's get started so in this area instead of creating a pattern really what i'm going to do is i'm going to follow the contour on the back side of the hose and a straight line on the other side just to see what it takes to cover the ground i wanted to see how long would an area this size but then later on what we're going to do is we're going out to an actual football field because hustler claims they can mow a football field in under 10 minutes and we're gonna put that claim to the actual stop watch test and see how it performs okay what does it say eight minutes and 49 seconds so watch how this goes around the trees we're not turning very tight because it's so wide and alex actually brings up a really good point on that that i never thought of we may end up i mean i'll tell you right now if i had two or three more properties like this one no brainer i'd be buying this mower you already did all the back parts yeah it was it faster than with our other mowers oh yeah really probably cut it down in half at a time yeah then that more than the 72 inch really i wonder why 104 inches i know but that's not double the mower no but i mean this thing cruises you can't really make lines with it so you're not you don't really have to focus on going straight and overlapping and stuff you know so you can kind of just zip through it a little bit turns really nice on the grass too so you kind of can come around the corners a little bit quicker too you know it doesn't tear it around those trees right there if i would have done that with any other mower it would have ripped all that grass up going around that tree like that tight little circle like that it would rip the grass right up well it would would have ripped it up today especially because it poured rain all weekend yeah this is super wet grass right here i mean you think it's not wet there you go that's what we're it's wet out here and i just took that printer on that tree pretty quick and it didn't even tear it up you know i wonder why it does so well not tearing anything up because the deck sticks out so far you're not really taking that tight corner to get the edge you know on the regular mowers the edge of the decks right there so you gotta tuck this tire close to that you know and you got to take a really tight circle with this it's farther away you can kind of take it a little wider and still get close to it you know i was mowing with this on on the weekend and i noticed the same thing but one of the things that i like that i was like i was like oh this is really cool are how the wings go up and contour up and down yeah on that edge right there with the regular mower you know it's flat so it's kind of got a little weird ridge yeah right on the edge there so when you're coming by with the flat mower it always leaves it long on the edge you got to weed whip it with this one it contoured the edge and now i don't have to weed with that curb line there you know so you're talking about right you can you guys see this ridge right right here right here oh right here and there's one right here you see how it comes down if i was coming through here with the other mower and it was flat right there you know it's above that it's not going to hit it well that more angled down and got all of it and now you don't have to weep because we've we've whipped this curve we've i don't think we've ever not we'd whip this kerbling with this curb line yeah but yeah i mowed all the areas i would have regularly mowed it probably literally shaved it down in half that's yeah wow well i couldn't imagine a better test we got to try to mow a football field in under 10 minutes we got to just try to do it in between raindrops right we just have not been getting good weather in minnesota oh my god it's just been nasty all the time seems like we're always fighting something up here so it folds up nice i mean as you can see on a standard trailer you put them big side wings up now it will not cut like that that's probably a question some of you guys wanted to know that mower gets much bigger it'll take up its own parking space yeah show you how wet it is today it's gonna be a slick one but we've got a football field to try them all in under 10 minutes let's see if we can do it hustler makes this claim that they can mow a football field in under 10 minutes we want to test that but i realize that my results may not be quite as good as i wanted them to be because of all the rain it doesn't allow me to really whip around all right let's see if we can find a spot to set up our camera i've never actually tried demo a football field before so i don't know how to film mowing a football field this could get interesting i suppose if i can get it done in under 10 minutes i could just set a drone up and let her go but i don't know what do you guys think that's not a bad view we said i think i'd like to get one of those drones here follow you i don't know if it could keep up this thing is all right i don't want to screw this up right i don't want to screw this up so i want to make sure my deck is set to the right height one two three one two three four two three four okay we're set at three and a quarter we're gonna mull at three and a quarter out here which may not be mowing much but it's all right it's not about what we're mowing it's about can we cover the ground so i wanted to be really careful about mowing this because it's technically high school football season and they were going to have a game later this week on this field and the last thing i wanted to be is the guy that turns too sharp and rips everything up the first time i do it i i chose the wrong pattern i go side to side instead of the long ways down i've got to be tripling my turns and that's what's slowing me down and i realized that at about the halfway point i'm like oh man and then my tripod drops over which gives me the perfect excuse to start over again okay that's wonderful now i get to start all over again which didn't bother me so now i'm doing it the long way and i have no clue why danny the editor put dirty timer on there i don't i don't i don't know what that's supposed to actually mean but this is the actual time it took to mow this field and that's using some pretty careful three-point turns and i'm going a little bit longer than the field itself to make those turns trying to find a football field that's actual grass and not artificial turf was also one of the fun challenges because it seems like nobody believes in playing on a dirt field anymore at least not in this neck of the woods down to the wire so the white stripe is the football field the yellow stripes or the soccer field so i'm going by the white stripes minutes oh 10 minutes and 10 seconds oh man oh man wow i bet if it wasn't wet and just get done raining so i could take them turns a little more aggressive yeah for sure so just so you guys know part of the reason why i was taking those turns so slow is because we got standing water and last thing i want to do is erect this high school's football field by ripping up any turf so i was being really careful around them corners a lot more so than what i typically would be i think she looks pretty good though boys i tell you that looks good oh the mower is a rear discharge mower meaning it doesn't shoot it out the sides the entire mower shoots it straight out the back of it that's my first time ever using anything like that as well and i actually kind of like that rear discharge because when i was sneaking in alongside landscaping and stuff like that back on that townhome association it just gave me a little bit extra comfortable feeling that i didn't have to worry so much about angling my mower one way or another way and everything blew straight out the back i mean it's just a matter of retraining your brain to think along those lines we got more tests to go in fact my favorite one is coming up all right guys let's see how this big batwing behemoth starts up cold it's like 40 degrees this morning so it's not frosty but it's definitely not warm efi no choke does it for you you just turn the key electronic fuel injection so let's look at what powers this thing real quick so this does have the hustler hyper drive which is the same drive system that they use in all of their hyper drive ones and that has a 3 000 hour warranty on the drive system the hydraulic drive system and my understanding is it's way overbuilt it's the same drive system in this one as in that one so they've designed them for these big dogs but this thing also has the uh this is the vanguard engine oil guard system vanguard oil guard system right there and what that does for you guys that aren't familiar with this uh motor system this is a really cool system it holds the oil externally and this housing helps to cool the oil and gives it a larger bath but there is a certain amount of oil that's always inside the engine so whenever you go to start it you're not dry starting the engine so that's kind of an important thing to understand and that has efi on it and uh they also offer other engine options i believe but i think the other things we like about it is these wings you see this cylinder right here this cylinder is the key to contouring this cylinder allows this entire wing to float separately from the main moldboard so you have three components to this deck that i've noticed this is layman's terms you've got your main deck and then you've got your floating wing so this is the part right here you can see that floats right through there this this whole thing contours up and down that's how that works let's actually demonstrate just how far it goes they claim 15 degrees but i think you can go more than that i definitely think you can cut more than 50 i want to show you something i've never been able to mow this ditch i've never been able to get a mower down in here it's always been hand trimmed so i was able to lay this mower right in here in fact i'm going to show you exactly i'm going to come in with this and demonstrate on this side and then we're going to attempt to cut that side using the same technique so we'll see we'll see how it works i don't know what's over here it could be nothing good could be good could be bad it doesn't that's bad but i'll lay this mower in here and we'll get it we'll get it it's fluffed right here it's not good in a minute there's a reason why i've never cut this thing so the 15 degrees once you go over 15 degrees it does shut the entire deck off all of your blades well none of them will know it has a safety lever in there so if you go too high in there she just kills it so actually this story kind of started about three years ago i was at the gie and i was just looking at hustler mowers and i'm like why have i not really heard about these things are they junky i mean because nobody ever seems to talk about them so then i'm really looking at them i'm like this doesn't look like a bad boy i mean you start to look at how they're built and put together and like what's wrong with these it just doesn't scalp either that's for my tire right there spinning out because you get so comfy you just stick that wing over and she just goes i don't know man i love this mower all right let's do this side let's see what this will look like on this side i'll come in right there and we'll see if we can cut this stuff out of here we'll just try to cut this little whippity-doo out right there sound like a game plan you guys yes dude that sounds like a game plan all right guys i'm sure a couple of you something like that right so now what i'm doing is i don't know where the edge is but i'm trying to get that wing just to go right into that ditch and clean that up but what i was saying about the hustler brand earlier was i couldn't figure out what was wrong with them i mean why is nobody in social media talking about them why am i not hearing about them what is wrong with these things so all right so when i say i guess i've never been able to mow this i never have otherwise i wouldn't have a big piece of stupid concrete right in it oh what the heck and more concrete all right well let's go over there let's see what it can do i figured this was just going to be some big bulky behemoth of a mower uh me too kind of a mower in the big mower market and i call big mowers i'm not even i don't even think my 72 is a big mower it's not compared to this there's some pretty massive machines out there this was honestly the biggest one i've ever personally used in this thing i i mean you got to take into account the weight okay but it's just so smooth the weight will be a factor coming up i think you'll see my tire spins out a little bit um and you know trying to get it on slopes it's not a slope i don't know what this mower is going to do because we got a hill there right that's my four-wheeler jump then we got the ditch right next to it let's see what these wings do when we come across that let's hit it sideways so you'll be able to see the wings there's our first scale right there and that's because it's got the four-wheeler dip is a four-wheeler jump and then the sides are pretty much straight up and down and so that's asking quite a bit out of the mower to be able to to hit and you guys can see that that's what i hit earlier i think it might be the foundation footing of a foundation i build the whole building this used to be an old farm you never know what you're gonna find what kind of treasure there's stuff buried all over out there not by me so one of the things to take into consideration is it's not meant to float and it's not meant to be a hill climbing beast what i'm saying is that mower like right on that edge there you can start to notice the weight a little bit and you can actually see whereas i'm getting close because i'm literally letting the weight of that wing hang over that edge it doesn't draw you in you just have to take a count for it and it's easy to get kind of complacent in something like that and that's how i like it i got stuck earlier in the video or actually it was later than this but i do get stuck because i get detected boils right down to it i was surprised when it boils right down to it i didn't expect this big mower to do what it did i didn't expect it to be able to deliver i thought it was going to be a big bulky mower that could cover a lot of ground and do just about nothing else so when i found out that it could contour when i found out that it could shape to the ground when i found out that you could flip the wings up and you could squeeze between narrow openings and then fold the wings down the only thing that i would like to see that frankie actually came up with the idea is wouldn't it be cool if when you flip the wings up if you could just get the center deck to still mull because then you could really get into tighter spots with this more but even as is with the wings down i kind of think you can get leverage those wings and it's almost like you're flipping those wings into the tight spaces and you're making it happen pretty cool beans man and that's all i got in this video god bless and go get em we'll see you on another one
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 813,839
Rating: 4.7951612 out of 5
Keywords: mower, lawn mower, tall grass, giant lawn mower, lawnmower, mowing tall grass, mowing tall grass time lapse, lawn mower videos, mowing tall grass satisfying, lawn care, oddly satisfying, thick grass, mowing grass, zero turn, mowing super tall grass, lawn mowing, lawn mower youtube, cutting grass youtube, hustler lawn mower, mowing youtube, cutting grass, mowing tall grass youtube, cutting tall grass youtube, best lawn mower, 4 k video, 4 k, satisfying youtube, Mowing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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