Cut Your Feed Bill IN HALF!!! | How To Ferment Your Chicken Feed

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hey you guys Tiffany and Leon here and welcome to our organic life so you guys asked for it so I'm gonna show you how we ferment our chicken feed now there are countless benefits to fermenting your feet and it's not just for chickens ducks geese we actually sometimes we actually have even fermented our horses feed and some of the benefits is of course probiotics it really helps give that it really helps them build beneficial bacteria in their gut the probiotics of course also come in hand with it and and it also kind of creates a living living environment in the feed from life by understanding it also creates new vitamins specifically B vitamin B like riboflavin niacin things like that in your feed which of course benefits ducks so the only downside to fermenting feed is now you can do it I personally prefer fermenting whole grain feeds we use a new country organics feed and a lot of the grains are crushed but they're mostly whole we actually just switched to a turkey grower for the for the turkeys and the meat chickens finishing out but because I've had a higher protein count but you can ferment pellets I just just note that it's gonna become a mish mash it's just becomes basically a Slav mash which is not a bad thing the chickens are gonna love it regardless so it can be done with pelleted and whole grain whole grain just holds them better so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead you're going to need a food grade bucket we get ours from tractor supply it's probably the cheapest place that I've found you can all share our link down below where you can get that so I'm gonna go ahead and take our feet and we're feeding the broiler chickens our chicken nuggets and they're eating a lot right now they're in the end stages it's almost time for us to harvest them so they're eating lot so I'm going to go ahead and do three scoops now another cool thing about fermenting feed is that because the feed is soaking up the water and fermenting it's becoming it's it's it kind of becomes alive in a sense with the beneficial bacteria but it also becomes softer the nutrients become more available so with the feed being more palatable softer and the nutrients being more readily available the chickens aren't going to eat as much so this actually can cut your your feed bill or your feed costs for free I guess feed consumption by as much as 20 to 30 percent so I've definitely noticed that when I'm fermenting feed the feed definitely tends to go a lot further than if I was just feeding them dry feed so I'm gonna go ahead and three scoops and you can do however many scoops you can kind of test it out and see just know that the feed is gonna almost double in size in in in a sense depending upon the feed that you're using so all right so we got our feed we're gonna go ahead and go outside and get this filled up with water all right so I've got my buckets here this is the bucket that I just prepared to put the feed in I haven't had any water yet but this is the feed that's been fermenting for 24 hours now and so I can I just want to show you just in the 24 hours the difference which means look see I'm gonna go ahead and stir it up so you can see some bubbling here and that's what you want whenever it starts to bubble that means that the fermentation process is working so we're gonna use this to pick this up so if you can look at the feed now compared to what it looked like before I mean just look at that difference that is such a huge difference so Ivor had me just for simplicity sake look at that that is like I mean look at how watch the feed change is just from soaking it that is just insane I mean if that's not if that's not a seller right there I don't know what is that I'm so glad that I learned this trick because it's definitely made a huge difference in their feed and another thing with certain feed mills you can see how there's like a lot of powder and it's just it's just from the refinery from whenever they crush it some of the stuff gets left behind well because this is what it sticks to it so none of it gets left behind but what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go ahead and add the water to our dry feed so just kind of stir it up make sure that it's incorporated and you basically want to make sure that the grain is completely submerged in the water you want to break up any clumps up form just make sure that there's no air pockets and the feed is completely submerged in the water you're gonna want to at least let it soak for 24 hours just so that it can kind of soften up but the best way to do it is to let Kermit for two to three days before you feed it to them so you don't have to have two buckets I normally just run one bucket I'm just into two buckets so I could show you guys kind of a side-by-side of what it looks like when you first start versus what it looks like 24 hours later they don't get like substantially more small swollen it just kind of becomes more nutritious from there so you do want to make sure that you're stirring it at least once or twice a day just to because it's as it for immense it's gonna create bubbles it's gonna aerate it and that's that's a fermentation happening so you want to make sure you're stirring it up just so that it kind of loosens those bubbles and you'll even see some bubbles rising to the top but then of course 24 hours you'll start to see stuff starting to sink to the bottom and it'll settle and then you just I use a a mesh strainer and I just scoop it out and it strains it out strains it out and we're all good to go this guy's fed this stuff we're going crazy in the background I swear I feed them they act like I never feed them but there's the Cornish cross they're just they're just eating machines they just so you want to make sure you're [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Our Organic Life
Views: 63,034
Rating: 4.8744392 out of 5
Keywords: how to cut feed costs, save on chicken feed, how to save on chicken feed, save money on chicken feed, cut chicken feed costs, how to ferment chicken feed, fermented feed for chickens, ferment feed for chickens, fermented feed for ducks, whole grain chicken feed, new country organics chicken feed, new country organics, chicken feed, diy chicken feed, diy fermented feed, how to ferment feed, chickens, reduce chicken feed, reduce chicken feed cost, cost of raising chickens
Id: YyAFNpfAtOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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