How I feed 30 chickens for $1.25 a day

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thanks for tuning in guys in this video I'm going to show you how I feed 30 chickens non-GMO all natural stuff on a dollar 25 a day in like less than 10 minutes okay uh but first this is the first time we met I'm pretty much the apron wearing permaculture chicken Ninja Master and I'm gonna show you an amazing chicken trick today but I teach people how to live more sustainable lives Freedom filled by potentially growing their own food and getting started with starting with chickens because they're the Gateway into it so real real quick guys the first thing you can do uh to cut your feed costs is coal unproductive members get rid of the oldies anybody two and a half years old got to go their egg production has been cut in half and then you want to get rid of excess roosters okay how many roosters do you need one rooster can service 15 hens so get rid of those extra roofers there's a couple ways to call one is put them in your belly okay uh the other way if you don't feel like eating them you don't have time you don't want to do that thing you don't want to eat stuff with a face then put them up on Craigslist there's a crazy chicken lady she'll come get it I'm I'm witness to that this crazy chicken lady came she put all these chickens in the back of her car no no cage or nothing pooping all over the place they're there okay guys you can easily get rid of those unproductive guys and get rid of the punks and by punks I mean those guys that are picking on everybody else you don't like them they're not pretty you know they're they're just being they're getting out of the fence and that kind of stuff so that's that's that's the first and one of the most important things you can do guys the second thing you can do get a real quick bang for your buck is ration out their feet listen chickens are pigs with feather they're going to eat you out of the house and home and it's in their Instinct that hard times are coming and to eat everything they can all at once so stop putting all their food out there once why because they will overeat they will get fat and that will affect their production what's up buddy you want to be on the show okay so that'll affect their production and that don't work around here if I don't play we don't we don't put up with that okay so let's ration it out they need no more than a third a pound to feed a day and so to do that go ahead and get your uh grain I'm assuming your feed and grain mix already so go ahead and weigh out a pound of it um in my case you know and then uh so there's a pound and so then you could pour it into here and and find out where three pounds are and then you could uh do it real quick like that like in my case I've got 30 birds so a third of a pound each a day is 10 pounds of food a day and so if that was going to be in a grain mix like a commercial feed mix well then I would feed them 10 pounds a day but I don't want to take 10 scoops of this every day so I would maybe fill this up with five Scoops and see where that is and know where five pounds is and then just give them two of that does that make sense I hope that makes sense let's move on to the next one okay guys I should have introduce you to Mr Brown this is Mr Brown my sidekick he was not happy so I put him on a stool getting in the fridge now you happy Mr Brown you happy okay now you'll be quiet I'm gonna show him the third one okay got okay guy and then we're gonna go outside and show him the rest the third thing you can do is food scraps 16 of your waste is going into the trash so we eat a lot of Whole Foods so we're throwing a lot of this away so this is like a day okay this is like a smashed up banana that Mr Brown got a hold of this is uh uh these are eggshells there's some eggs in there there's some like this is from like my Fusion drink this is a herbs there's peeled carrots in here there's a bad apple okay there's strawberries there's a citrus in here if it's got some flesh in it like the oranges okay we've put uh chickens and Chicken in here we've cooked you you could put potatoes in here all kinds of all kinds of crazy stuff if you're gonna eat it they can eat it Meats veggies fruits uh toffee grinds and if they don't eat it because of the way I'd set it up um if they don't eat it it stayed on the ground or in the compost pile and it just goes back to the Earth anyway so it works out the fourth thing I'd like to present is other Farm Foods like eggs why not we're gonna we have extra eggs right now this is a great source of protein this is a pound and a half I'm me a dozen is a pound and a half or more of straight up protein another thing guys is so you feeding back to eggs but look we had a Mr Mr a thing thing one over here left the freezer open and we we lost some of our meat right like he left it over for 24 hours and so it was a little weird it might have been edible but why not turn that meat that might be edible meat into like fresh eggs and chicken meat right guys so uh every day we put about two pound two two or three pounds of that into this it's cooking on my wood stove the reason I do that it's a lot easier to cut off I can feed it to them raw but it's a lot easier to cut up and that way everybody gets a fairer share another thing you could put in there is like a um a butternut squash guys like this okay and this has been grown in our garden it's just been storing out in our unfinished room and it's still solid still fresh I could totally cook that in there and makes the chickens makes it a little easier for the chickens to eat guys you could put Slaughter waste in there from your animals um stuff that you definitely wouldn't eat but also stuff that maybe you should eat but you just not got your mind around it yet like the oval like the liver and stuff like that cow tongue all that stuff chickens will love that okay guys we had some uh we have extra milk right now because we have a family milk and cow and look let's give this to the chickens what do you think beautiful one everybody looked a beautiful one is to ripe she's on the show she helps make this happen not now the chickens will not eat the plastic wrap Mr Brown you should know better than that so let's add this to the mix and also let's get my meat and cut it up and we'll add that to their mix all right let's get our steak out of there yummy yummy cut into this bad boy oh yeah look at that guys okay guys so I've cut up the meat there's look I've already put some of the meat in there look that's some liver okay about three pounds worth um gonna put the broth in there too okay don't want to waste that they will drink that and get its nutrients oh no what happened to my assistant you have a blowout you have a blowout in your diaper buddy okay we'll wait on you okay so you all changed up nursed up ready to go Mr Brown you ready okay let's do it all right let's take the scraps we have so far I'm getting heavy foreign guys let me teach you the one third rule real quick I've already took part of it and that's that a chicken doesn't need more than one third pound of food a day okay you add to this buddy good thank you so one no more than one third pound of food a day but then also a chicken if given the chance I believe we'll eat one third of its diet and like greens food scraps vegetables that type of stuff grass another third of their diet in grains and nuts not necessarily like the traditional grains that we know of but like seeds and stuff like that and then the other one the other third would be animal protein so basically what I'm doing is dividing that up so I have 30 chickens they're going to need 10 pounds of food a day so I divide that up to about I usually give them a just a hair more so I I pretty much weigh out at least three pounds of meat a little bit more three or or you know in that meat it could be eggs or milk just any kind of animal protein okay and then I would give them three pounds of of whole grains and then I would give them three pounds of of food scraps grass hay if I don't have food scraps so it's pretty simple and pretty inexpensive that way and let that leads up right into my next one so here's another quick trick for you guys instead of buying it and um buying your feed pre-mix buy it in whole grains why it will it lasts forever-ish okay and then you could use it for sprouting but that's a whole nother story a whole another day I I mix my grains and put them in this bucket and then I scoop them all out together okay so let's go ahead and get that mix right now like I'm gonna scoop my three pounds I know what that looks like in this blue in this blue scoop okay and there's our feed for for the day so add that to the mix if you didn't have animal proteins guys I would probably do two scoops of that and just to make up for bulk and then add 10 of your feed to a pound if you have 30 chickens um since you're giving 10 pounds a day so a pound ten percent needs to be into uh fish meal it's it's like 97 crude protein and guys it's gonna be hardest for you to come up with the animal animal proteins and the fish Mill is the easiest quickest way to do that so 10 of their food 10 of that one-third uh per chicken is gonna need to be uh crude Pro and uh fish protein guys and then let's put in some minerals too hey guys so if we're just doing whole grains we're gonna add you need to add some minerals okay this is a nutribalancer you do two percent so if I have 10 pounds of feed that's uh 0.2 pounds okay so it's just a berry little bit that helps them digest Dairy okay also you can do free choice kelp aragonite and uh hopefully your own calcium shells like your own eggshells from the chickens uh but or maybe oyster shells from the feed store definitely their own uh chicken shells um and oyster shells if you need to and free choice oreganite so they can have that option if they need it okay so there it is so there it is guys it's game time let's get it to the dinos don't you know chickens are dinosaurs yep the closest living relative to the T-Rex and they act like it sometimes for sure you guys will see you guys will see just wait until I feed this thing to these guys you'll see what I'm talking about okay you guys ready to eat okay I'm gonna start with the milk guys I put it into these feed pans that way I don't lose the nutrients into the ground these are feed pans from Miller Manufacturing they're awesome they're rubber you can pick them up from a tractor supply or on Amazon you like this Mr Brown you seeing the you see in the dinos you pointing at the Dinos yeah look they're excited they see this bucket oh you're cheating you're cheating hey I haven't started this yet okay so guys I'm gonna dump this out into their these feed pans I'm dumping it into the feed pans because there's a lot remember remember the uh the the beef broth I want them to end up drinking that they'll get the nutrients look pandemonium going nuts you guys like this gobbling down the meat I see you go for the meat first Ducks too oh nice swallowing down the meat I like how they look for that meat man look look check it check it check it big old chunk of meat oh look look yeah did you see them down that meat good job lady good job there you go oh look the new guy he got something I think he got a tea bag I think he got a tea bag you can tell he's a new guy he ran off with the tea bag poor God bless his heart oh so where I came up with those numbers dollar 25 a day is based off the price of those whole grains and those minerals in there okay I the one to save people more on that go directly to the Farms I went to Sunrise Farm it's the same P it's the same people Joe Salton uses it's in Virginia and that's counting my shipping cost all the way down here to North Carolina sure I had to order 40 bags but remember they last that'll last me a long long time okay and so I ordered these 40 bags it came out to about 18 19 a piece with shipping it's crazy so it came out to like 35 cents a bag for the grains and the goons I keep saying grains but like there's peas in there so there's some legumes and um I can't believe like 35 cents a pound so I'm I'm feeding three pounds so it's a little more than a dog a dollar so then I added in I figured some expense for those minerals that are in there so easy a dollar 25 now if you don't have your own protein Source like I do like eggs and milk and spoiled meat um you can um do that fish meal and it's not gonna double it but let's say if it would still worst case you're feeding 30 chickens on two dollars and fifty cents not bad when they those chickens are going to be giving you two dozen eggs in their height right
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 1,991,232
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Keywords: feeding chickens, how to feed chickens without grain, how to cut chicken feed costs, how to lower chicken feed costs, how to feed chickens from my land, how to feed chickens from my farm, how to feed chickens from your land, how to feed chickenks from you own land, how to save money on chickens, how to save money on chicken feeds, creative chickens feeds, alternative chicken food, alternative chicken feeds, what to feed chickens, how to feed chickens
Id: gIPqGyhX7_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2016
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