Growing MAGGOTS as CHEAP CHICKEN FEED | Black soldier fly Larvae

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okay guys just look at this look at this oh my god oh my god guys just look at this okay i know you already know what it is but yeah black soldier fly love it oh my god i'm so excited guys i don't know why i didn't start doing farming earlier this is so satisfying this feels so good oh my god just look at this guys just look at this the larvae they have started to grow oh my god all right let me come the excitement down and i'm going to tell you the story of this black soldier fly love you for me guys welcome back to the channel dr daniel here and i'm very glad and excited to tell you uh about what i'm going to be doing today so guys today i'm telling you guys about the black soldier fly farming as you guys might already know i started out a rant against commercial feed some weeks back or probably months back i'll probably leave that video in the description right here and guys i decided i'm going to start growing black soldier fly oh my god it's so bright i hope you guys can see me so i decided i'm going to start growing black soldier fly and here we are oh my god guys just look at this what i started doing some time back is that i started preparing for this black soldier fly you guys saw me constructing the love nests and all this kind of stuff and guys are wondering hey what are you doing i think you can see one of the loudness right there in the background i'm not using it at the moment because um the people that i got were not enough to feel to loveness so i just decided to utilize one of them which is right here it's probably too bright for you guys but you'll have to bear with this so i constructed a temporary structure this is the structure very very temporary and you might wonder why i decided to construct the structure like this so guys the reason i constructed this structure like this is because like i said it is temporary now you need to know some things about constructing structures for black soldier fly the insects or the flies right inside that cage love light sunlight is like their weed like when they take when they get sunlight they're high and when they go high they can reproduce so they need lots and lots of sunlight so i decided to do this because i was just testing things out i wasn't certain if it would work out or if it wouldn't work out so i needed something very very cheap that you know won't cost me a million dollars just in case something bad happens so i erected these small pieces of timber and then i used this polythene i know you guys can see it this is just polythene and the reason i use that polythene is because it's clear sunlight can go through but water can't go through because these are insects you don't want rain hitting them of course down there is space and no rain will go through down but at the top i have to make sure i cover them now ideally if you're constructing a bigger house it's very okay for you to you know construct with bricks or whatever or iron shapes or anything on the side but at the top you need to make sure the roof is clear so what people people usually use is that they use either transparent iron sheets or they use polythene just like i used and the polythene is way cheaper just that of course it gets spoiled earlier and all that kind of stuff i'll see what to do when i go on to the bigger stale inside here we have our flies and these flies the number has reduced right now because unfortunately there was a bottle i was using to spray you see down here we have some cotton wool and that cotton wool you need to make sure you keep it wet because the flies all they do is suck and you need a humid atmosphere inside here so i put a spraying gun right down here to make sure that we spray that cotton wool to keep it you know wet and moist so that it's humid on the inside but then someone got that spray gun and went and used it to spray plants you know some maybe insecticide that they use for spraying plants and then they brought it back here as you guys might know i work as a doctor so i'm not here full time so i had no idea so when they brought it back and they started using it here it killed very many of the flies and that's why the number is down but the number is going to be getting back up again um i've been told you know a few days back it was even way less than that but the number is going back again now you might wonder how i actually got these black soldier flies onto the farm i actually didn't bring them here as flies i brought them here as pupa and you guys know that people don't move you know they are senile they are just waiting to come out of their shell so you'll see there's lots of pupa on the floor right inside there and they're still coming out you know they are still popping out becoming the flies and what happens is that after some time the flies lay eggs and those eggs are what are utilized to you know form their maggots the maggots you guys have just seen actually came as eggs yeah so when i got the original package all i had was eggs because they are also immobile and the pupa so the paper became the flies and the eggs became the maggots so we have some eggs and what we're going to be doing guys is that we're going to be getting these eggs out and then we're going to be putting them in some kind of medium prepare them to hatch and then you know we shall be having our larvae now let's go up and check out on the lavi and you know the lobby that i just showed you guys let's see how it's doing so yeah guys i checked the love nests for all the crevices where the black soldier fly actually laid eggs and i managed to get some oh my god guys i'm so happy now this one actually dropped it which is such a bad thing because they less a few eggs and you don't want to lose any so it looks like i lost this one but these others actually do have the eggs so ideally what i do is that i'm going to remove the eggs from here and then i'm going to put them in this plastic basket now different people do it differently but i want to put it in this container this plastic container and then after there i'm going to put some feed for the eggs you know when the eggs hatch we should be in like five days time we're going to have those little tiny larvae that you guys [Music] saw [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] love me guys love you love you oh my god lovey and these things have no disease on them they are very okay to touch um you might wonder what i'm using to feed them now these ones because these are my breeding stock i want all of them to grow up perfectly and in perfect condition i'm using wheat bran maize bran and some excess garbage that we have around now this other package actually has uh same thing with brian's amazebrand and guess what pop pick pop yeah um and that stuff they love and that's what these other two have but the the latvia very okay you know they are moving inside here they are feeding when you look on the surface you see nothing you guys just saw that i just turned this and already there's nothing on the surface yeah because this lovely naturally love love to borrow you know they love the darkness so as soon as you turn them they're going to burrow downwards you know i'll just do it again for you guys you see lots of larvae loads and lots you know hundreds and thousands of larvae and they're all on the surface but within the next few seconds they're going to be borrowing downwards so what you're going to do is that you're going to be getting the eggs from here put them in this container and then we're going to put bro assist oh i don't know if it's called broadcast you guys know like the byproduct of brewing alcohol brewing beer i think they use ballet other people use millet any of that stuff the idea is that it should be fermented it's better for the eggs when they have just hatched they love to feed on that so that's what i'm going to be getting out that's what i'm going to get someone is going to help me pick it and then we shall put it here to cover the eggs so that when they hatch they already have something to start feeding on and then they will grow up and they will become our next flock you know for reproducing you guys can see i'm using the plastic jerry cans oh my god these plastic jerry cans they're like a million dollar thing for me i've used them for like everything i'm using them from black soldier fly i've used them for making drinkers i've used them for making the plastic trays for their father oh my god they're like a life saver for me you guys can see it's probably just a minute or two and we have nothing on the surface all the larvae have already burrowed downwards so they love to borrow so they're going to grow and then what will happen is that after some time they will pupate or when they prepare it i'll put them in the love cages that way after some time you know they hatch they become flies and give us more eggs and that will be another population of black soldier fly larvae what i'm trying to do right now is that i'm not feeding them to any chickens as you guys can see i don't have any of my chickens around of course i have grandma's chickens they're local chickens and they will also enjoy this but for now i'm not giving them any because i want to grow the population when my chickens come in which should be in a short time um i want to start feeding them this black soldier fly because it's very rich in proteins very very rich in proteins i want to stop buying feed as much as possible if i can get down to zero percent that will be perfect so for now i just want to you know guys i just want to grow this stuff cultivate it oh my god i'm so happy i'm so excited guys living on a farm is so cool by the way if you haven't subscribed to the channel please don't forget to hit the subscribe button and hit that notification bell that will never miss out on anything and don't forget to smash that like button okay by the way guys just in case you're wondering i wasn't born with this knowledge no i actually went somewhere to do this training and it was at a fee i have a friend he's called martin i'll leave his number right in the description just in case you know you want to do some of this training he can train you of course it will be at a fee he's a very good person he helped me out to get this black soldier fly larvae i was hustling and stressing to get them so if you need them just hit him up he will be able to help you so guys yeah that was it thanks for watching thanks for coming back for checking out the channel um don't forget to always come back and see you later lots of love bye
Channel: Farm Up
Views: 396,180
Rating: 4.8846588 out of 5
Keywords: farm up, poultry farming, chicken farming, chicken feeds, black soldier flies, bsf, maggot farming, backyard chickens, backyard chickens free range, black soldier flies for chickens, black soldier flies larvae, black soldier fly bin, black soldier fly production, chicken farming in africa, chicken feed, chicken feed homemade, maggot farming for chickens, maggot farming for fish, poultry business, poultry feed
Id: YcEEzrn4RnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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