Cheap Chicken Feed Formulation Part 1

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i hope you guys are doing well everybody has really been pushing me hey come and do a video on feed formulation feed formulation cheap feed formulation my subscribers is there really a cheap feed well i'm not here to teach you about how to formulate a cheap field but i'm here to teach you how to make your own feed and feed is cheap depending on the availability of the raw materials so i will give you the various raw materials that you can use to formulate your feed and substitute remember everything we do is scientific and everything we do is based on poultry my name is antonio innocent mdongi i'm a poultry specialist up to master's level if you haven't subscribed to our youtube channel hey what are you waiting for hit the subscribe button join the family every week a success story comes and every week a lesson comes for free all right i've been watching videos and people are teaching you how to make feeds people are showing you how to make feeds well i can't criticize anybody's work but i'm only concerned being a specialist in poultry especially nutrition on some of the raw materials you have been given you know food is cheap and feed is the main determinant of the success of your poultry farm you mess with foods you may see the whole farm completely either you can make feed that is toxic in the name of trying to make a cheap feed and all your birds die that's a loss either you can make substandard feed in the name of trying to make a feed that is cheap your buds won't lay in time won't let the right number of eggs if it's broilers they won't hit six weeks when they have they have the correct weight this is likely to bring mortalities or you lose a bad that's a loss and if it's canadian chicken or improved kenji where are you all this in the name of making cheap feeds chip is expensive in the long run all right take your notebook and let's hit the road when you're making feed i will first start with giving you the universal feed ingredients the major feed ingredients for making any poultry food all right one you need to have maize maize is the major source of energy and if you don't have maize you can have wheat all right then if you don't then the other ingredient that is very important you need to have bran either maize bran if you don't have mace brand you can use wheat bran i find some food formulations quite you know funny because you're using wheat bran at the same time using maze bran so you're repeating a product or an ingredient just because okay the names are different but what is it that we're looking for in that ingredient we're looking for fiber in bran and brown is very important for digestion all right especially in chicks bran prevents you know soiling and clotting of faeces in the animal sphincter okay so i said you need maize or wheat you need bran that is wheat bran or maize bran and then thirdly you need a plant protein and this is where now things become a bit tricky these are the major cost of feed in in chicken increases these are the major cost lies and that is soybean when eating soybean the only substitute i know of soybean is simpson and simpson cake can be used both as an oil to replace cotton cake or sunflower cake but i'll get there or it can be used to supply plant protein but you need to be very very versed with the feed formulations or the person square in calculation of the dcp so that you can use simpson simpson needs only people who are really experienced because once you introduce symptoms in your feeds it has got a very high amount of oil and when the oil levels increase in the feed it increases the position of fat and especially in layers you will see no egg so for now you can avoid sensing then you say you need a plant protein which is soya how do you use soya that's why in my introductory statement i said your feed can build you or can destroy you soya has to be roasted or soya has to be cooked using raw soya is poisonous soya has good anti-nutritive factors okay or it has good things we classify as phytocanines when they get into the system of the bird they become poisonous to the bird if it is not cooked or if it's in raw form so you need cooked or roasted soya and this you can easily buy it from as a byproduct don't go and buy the real soy itself by the by-product that has been used in feed industries you also need very important either sunflower cake that one is very easy just get it from the factory or from the farm crush and use it as it is all you need cotton cake and this is where the challenge comes in my subscriber if you try or intend to use cotton cake it has to be decorated okay and i repeat it has to be decoticated when i say be corticated i mean when they're getting the cotton seed to the factory to remove oil or to press oil they have to remove the test the tester the outside cover then they can press so that you can buy the by-product those cotyledons the inner mata that has already been pressed to remove oil that is decorated but corticated soya sorry corticated cotton cake is cotton cake with the cover they have just pressed to remove oil and then sold to you as a byproduct used for animal feed corticated cotton cake is only used for ruminants polygastric animals a chicken is monogastric and the reason why we say it's very poisonous for your birds the cotton cake cover the cotton seed cover has got something called gospel gospel is an anti-nutritive factor it's a binding factor it binds with nutrients that are readily available in the system of the bud rendering them unavailable or it becomes poisonous and leads to shutdown of internal organs of the chicken okay you will see no egg but every day you'll be counting that's collecting mortalities simply because you didn't use the correct cotton cake so if at all you have to use cotton cake instead of sunflower please use the corticated cotton cake and then finally you need to use fish or fish mill this is not very important but in the traditional feed formulation you can use fish meal but with the current technology that we are using we are no longer using fish meal i don't discourage you to use fish meal because it can be the commodity that is readily available and cheapest for you go ahead and use it but if it's a bit expensive for you don't use fish meal the disadvantage of fish meal is if you use fish meal in layers you'll find that the eggs have got a very oof strong smell if you crush an egg and you try to scramble it in a glass and then you wash the glass and try to use the glass to drink water you feel that smell that raw smell of an egg it really sticks there and another thing if you use much fish meal you reduce the lifestyle of the bud because of too much proteins the lighting of the egg because of too much proteins a very good experiment i did in somalia mogadishu i took eggs made i took eggs and fed the chicken on fish meal and i took eggs and fed the chicken on concentrate which doesn't have fish meal and we stored them for some time so during the loading and flooding of the vehicles from the farm truck to the the trucks that are taking them the market you find that some eggs cracked now the eggs that had cracked from the fish meal when you could open the cotton box you could find that pungent smell with jiggers but the eggs that had not been used for fish meal you could only see the egg that has cracked crystallizing but there's not that pungent smell anyway that's for another day so you ever need fish meal or i'll give you another substitute towards the end of the video lastly you need lime and this one i just preempt when you're making lime when you're making food for layers you need three percent lime when you come to making grass mash you go to half of that which is 1.5 percent lime and then when you go to making chick mash you just need one point three percent lime when i say three percent i mean three kilograms per hundred kg seed of layers much when i say two three one point five percent i mean 1.5 kgs per 100 kgs of grow as much and when i say 0.75 percent i mean 0.75 grams kilograms per hundred kgs of chick mash lime is very very important for birds that are laying you find that in a in a batch of 10 birds some birds lay more than others and so when the bird lays more eggs it needs more lime for deposit depositing the shell all right or formulation of the shell in the layman's language so this extra lime is stored in the tibula or tibializing the the bones to us just to the lower bones on the legs or we call them the medullary bones when you crack the bone of an overlay chicken that is for the tubular bone you'll see some mesh like white stuff and that is the deposition of lime so it's very important it's used in advantages when the body is laying now all said and done i'll be very brief and very easy i'll just give you formulations for making feed straight to the point take your pen and paper i give you a formula for making a 70 kgs lay as much
Channel: AfriChic
Views: 63,371
Rating: 4.8055754 out of 5
Id: Jxfzo9pfTRI
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Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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