CUT Your Chicken Feed Bill IN HALF with This SIMPLE Process! 😱🐔✂️

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i am someone that really believes no matter what your economic status is you should be able to reap the benefits of healthy chickens laying healthy eggs for your family good quality chicken feed is not cheap so what i want to show you today is really going to help i'm going to show you how to change this into this when i was a little girl i wanted to save the world when that didn't happen i decided to create my own world where things changed for the better every single day welcome to chickenlandia hey guys welcome to chickenlandia i am a backyard chicken educator here in the pacific northwest but you can call me the president of chickenlandia my husband who is also known in chickenlandia as the first man he used to joke with me that every egg that my chickens laid was worth a hundred dollars but i'm happy to say that is not true anymore i have learned how to cut costs now i do this on a small scale because i have a small flock but you can do this on any scale in fact there's like big farms that use this process to not only increase the volume of their feed and bring feed costs down but also to have healthier chickens and healthier eggs so what i'm going to show you is how to ferment your chicken feed [Music] i normally feed a non-processed mash feed this is scratch and peg feed and i am an ambassador for them but you can ferment any kind of feed you can ferment pellets you can ferment crumble you can ferment non-medicated chick feed grower feed any kind of chicken feed you can ferment it and what it's going to do is it's going to make their feed more digestible it's going to increase the bioavailability of the nutrients in their feed and it's going to increase the volume of the feed so that not only will you have more of it but they will likely eat less of it because it's so nutrient dense so let's learn how simple it is to do this [Music] so the first thing you need is a nice jar or other container it can be much bigger than this if you have a bigger flock and you're going to want to have a lid that you can use on that container of course you will need feed and you need water but you don't want to use chlorinated water you want distilled or well water and if you don't have that you can just leave water sitting out for 24 hours and then the chlorine will evaporate [Music] so you're going to want to just put the feed into the jar and you want one part feed two parts water it doesn't matter what size container you're using you just want one part feed two parts water for a oatmeal-like consistency which is what most people prefer i actually usually add more water than this because i mix my fermented feed with my dry feed but if you want an oatmeal like consistency this is the ratio you want to use [Music] before you put the lid on you want to stir it really well do you want to put the lid on super tight no you do not put the lid on fairly loose so that any gas that needs to escape can do that place your jar in an area where it is room temperature and there's not direct sunlight and then you're going to want to stir it once a day and you'll see i have three jars going here because it takes about three days to get that yummy kind of yogurty smell that lets you know it is ready if it smells off in any way then do not use it but i have never had a batch go bad on me it's very easy more than likely you're gonna have yummy fermented chicken feed that has expanded really well in about three days okay you like it [Music] sometimes when i'm feeding my chickens i think about all the joy that they bring to my life there was a time when i didn't have all the things that i have now a pretty lucky person if my circumstances had never changed and i couldn't afford the things i have now would i still deserve this joy that i'm experiencing of course i would everyone deserves the joy of chickens that's why it's so important to me to keep chicken keeping accessible and affordable so that everyone can have this experience because we all deserve health and happiness regardless of our life situation at least that's how i see it [Music] so you might be saying okay this is great but i want to save even more money that's why i want you to click on this video right here it's all about sprouting grains and seeds for your chickens as always it's 100 friendly backyard chicken education and entertainment and you're gonna love it [Music]
Channel: Welcome to Chickenlandia
Views: 276,097
Rating: 4.916203 out of 5
Keywords: chicklandia, how to ferment chicken feed
Id: 7Ga-pzxbrt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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