Our little fodder system

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hey guys Chad here seek a knife and tool thought I'd show you a little bit about my fodder system right here is the garbage can that we store our grains in this is a mix of barley and field pea every now and then you'll find a little stick of corn or a weak stick or something like that but it's comes from the producer that way but it's barley in field P and we use a 2 cup copter it's all one cup but we use two and a half cups and two and half cups because we fill it pretty much to the top of the opening there and as you see though it's dried we store about 140 pounds we do two 50-pound bags of barley and a 40-pound bag of field pea that there is my wood spoon that I use it to mix up with the water bleach mix here is a picture of some of the sprouting that takes place after being soaked for one day and then also being one day inside the white tray that helps promote that growth you're starting to see right there here's the second day inside the tray so that's one day of soaking in the red folders can and two days in that white tray this is ready to go inside a black tray now you'll notice the roots have gotten considerably bigger since the previous day that's what you want when the roots are like this you put it in a black tray and that keeps the grain from sliding around into black tray while it's being water this root system really helps lock them together and now here we go we'll just transfer everything out of that tray you just saw into a 12 by 24 inch fodder tray these fodder trays I get them from Amazon if I got a link I'll throw them in the description down below in the box but these trays were about a tenner 12 pack for around 3035 blocks something like that and you have to drill your own holes in them right here that's the white tray again that's a I'll show again later but we get these from the hospital and they're free we drill holes in those the holes in the white tray as well as the black fodder tray there are about 3/16 of an inch in diameter I'll drill a bunch of them in there now I'm packing all the grain down as I water it I pack it all in and keep it all locked together what this does is it keeps the grain from sliding to one side of the tray because you'll see later that my trays are on angles I keep the trays that way because water drains out better than it does to leave them flat with all the holes the two things you always want to make sure with doing fodder I've learned us quite a bit its watering and drainage now here's the white tray this is that white sure it's approximately nine inches by nine inches about three inches deep that red Folgers can there that's had that grain sitting in it for 24 hours I have a little bit of bleach inside it but not much I keep a mixture about 50/50 or so inside a water bottle and I'll spray you know four or five six squirts inside it not a big deal but Folgers can you see it's about off 48 ounces I believe it was and what that does is I just fill it up with water poured the two and a half cups of grain from the candy saw previously and let them sit there for 24 hours this is the important part though is making sure this tray is rinsed well you're going to rinse this tray out really good rinse the screen off well and you're going to get a lot of the dead debris and materials and such that we're floating around inside there and clean the grains off really well then once that's done we're going to go ahead and put it up on top of the rack above all the other fodder trays now I'm here just cleaning out a little bit you'll see some of the debris running around in the shower pan that's all that got washed off from that white tray put that up there now this is that tray so this is 24 hours after soaking in that red Folgers can let's clean up a little bit here these little racks are great they're like 20 bucks from Lowe's so let's go up to the top here and I'll show you the rest of this process there's a waters trickling through watering all the trays and you'll notice that that one tray there I call it a diffusing tray simply because there's no grain in it what it does is it helps the water pour out evenly among the trays that are down below like that one if I didn't do that then all the water would completely rush down into one spot and it would disturb the root system and they're the fodder and you don't want that you want to keep a nice even watering throughout the entire system the other thing is is you want to make sure you put your newest grains at the top and your oldest at the bottom this keeps from any type of cross-contamination there's a quick picture what that tray looks like before we and then after so again we just we drill these holes in there about 3/16 of an inch or so in diameter and drill a bunch of them in our grain won't fall out all right guys I wanted to show you what it looked like this is the night before we feed them so this is what the trail look like the CDs again this is filled peat and barley it's got a really good give you an idea what it looks like my hand here and then that's a rough map it's a good rope mat right there kind of give you an idea what it looks like here so it's nice and thick it's got really good tall grains are really strong so these things are it's uh you know it's probably six inches tall these are good four inches in here but do you want that density clinks and look there's nothing no waste no grains down there every once in a while we'll get a little bit of a a loose seed here there we'll get a loose seed every no.9 but as you see and every one right there but that's it but gives you a good idea what the root mat looks like and how I'll tall everything is so hopefully this video is going to be helping you out and it's not the biggest or the best video I've ever made relation anything but hopefully the video helps up and it works out well for everyone so appreciate it thanks for stopping by the channel thanks for taking time to watch a video like subscribe comment question answers whatever you got leave it down below if there's anything else I'm sure I've put it in either before or after this but again thanks for stopping over and hopefully this was useful for you for helping to feed your rabbits chickens goats horses what it maybe take care
Channel: CK Knife and Tool
Views: 1,809,811
Rating: 4.8175921 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, handmade, custom, knives, knife, kitchen, edc, backpacking, hunting, camping, bushcraft
Id: 5BhKGBdTfH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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