DIY Chicken Fodder - Experiment with Wheat

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hello people of the Internet all right so yesterday we did microgreens and today I'm gonna show you my lovely fodder operation that I have going for my chickens so right now we can literally count backwards and how many days it takes to grow this and before we can feed because there is our lovely tray it's not quite ready yet I'm not too happy with this situation and how I'm growing things but I thought I'd at least share with you what my process is thus far so if we step all the way back to what we're feeding this is red wheat and day one we are taking a cup of this it's gonna turn out to be about five ounces into a mason jar that we are going to soak with water yesterday I had you guys using the screen guess what screens are great on top of mason jars you don't have to buy anything fancy chances are most people have a wide mouth mason jar hanging around and if you're like me and you have dogs you're gonna have extra screen laying around because those little buggers will go through it any chance they get same with cats so there you go one cup wheat berries in a mason jar soak it you're gonna leave it in here for 24 hours but every morning and night I want you to dump it rinse it until you don't get any more foamy bubbles and put it back on into the jar these berries are then gonna swell up nice and big and we'll turn this around and then for another 24 hours you're going to rinse this twice a day and then empty it out and let it drain at a 45 degree angle and that way it keeps them nice and moist so they will start to germinate once they germinate let's see if I can find them to do and I am sure if I can get these thing in but I don't know if you can tell there's these little white bits it'll let me zoom in see the little white bits coming out yeah they're starting to germinate once they do that that's when I put them into these trays these trays I've got off of Amazon they are seed sprouting trays they come in a pack of five for about 20 bucks I figured not bad for something that is entirely reusable I have no girl medium I don't have to have any fancy water sprinkling crap so it comes with a screen tray and a soaker tray at the bottom once we need it right now five pack so when they start sprouting you're gonna throw them in there I just dump the whole pan in and then use my sprayer off of the sink and the sprayer actually spreads them out for me nice and evenly so there you go one cup and these lovely trays once you get it here you're gonna put a tray on top so it sits nice and dark and I'm gonna leave that on there for about another 24 hours so there we go day one day two day three here's day 4 day 4 you're gonna notice that they're starting to sprout so this is a new tray but I just decided to let come open to the daylight and you look it there's our little weeks coming up aren't they cute so here you go morning at night I'm taking these to this thing and I'm spraying them down so I just take it out of here and I spray it down and I put it back in when they start a calcium when they start getting roots like this that's when I put water in the tray and I put an ever so tiny bit of maxi girl in there and I sprinkle it around so the roots have something to start drinking and I do that sorry about that there we go so let's see her 1 2 3 4 by day 5 they're starting to get like the little grass Matt isn't that cute and there's still water in there I'm not even gonna bother doing anything with this one I just put these into water this about five minutes ago so this is an afternoon feeding and there's Dave one two three four five six from the second I started working on that kids becoming a forest and it cute I haven't even checked this one so this one's dry this one could use a little more water actually what I might do with this one is dump the water make from b52 day sex I'm gonna dump the water out of here and I'm just gonna hose it down and let these dry out they get too wet you're gonna start getting mold on your root mat no bueno so this guy and a little bit I'll just take over the sink use my hose sprayer spray it down for about a good minute shake it put it back in here without any water don't panic it's not gonna get here we go here's day seven our forest is getting more exciting and let's see what we do in day seven I'm doing the same thing by the looks of it I'm taking it to the sink line and I'm just gonna spray it and I do that mainly because believe it or not the drier these are the better I'm just giving us a drink of nutrients when they first start getting roots and then from that point forward I'm actually just letting them go to the sink spraying it down twice a day so it has water with no water underneath I'm just letting it use the bottom tray as a drainage mat excuse me holy crap Dave they seem to really enjoy date-date I'm back to putting water underneath the reason why I'm doing that is because we're starting to get so thick that if I were to spray on top it'd be hard for the center to get dry again you don't want mold and these do not have mold inside so day8 we have no moon day nine this is a quite a while ago this is one first experiments so this guy even though it's nine days old looks worse than this one and that's because this was a very experimental batch for me and what not to do and same thing I am feeding from underneath because up top is way too thick to be able to get dry at some point in time I'm gonna let this guy go for another day before I feed it here's the reason why you're looking you want these to split into two before you harvest them and I've only got one spire on these and when I harvest what I do is I take this thing totally out I put it into a feed bucket I get a sharp knife and I cut the root mat off and I put that in the feed bucket and then I just pull this out put that in the feed bucket also right now I'm getting about two two and a half pounds I think I can do better off of a tray I want to see more like three maybe four pounds which I think by the time I get to this tray I'll get I'm starting to get some better density now that I figured out my feeding programs so look at the density and that one compared to the density on that one big difference and even this guy's got pretty good density so that's my system we'll keep trying it out in different ways and see if I can make these go any better but there you go day one two three four five six seven eight nine was an experiment so it looks kind of weak otherwise it would be actually be twice as high as that guy so ignore the fact that day nine looks weak it should actually be taller and ready to feed but it's not alright if you got any questions feel free to come back share our videos I will do my best to put likes and links as to what it is I'm actually feeding in the comment section for you hope you have a good one see you later
Channel: Dutch Hollow Acres
Views: 120,916
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Id: nHKii4-mp3I
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Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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