Joel Salatin Chicken Feed Mix

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[Music] this morning josh is showing us how to mix your own chicken feed for significant cost cutting like Joel Salatin good morning Josh good morning you ready to mill some grain yep we got there well this is just a little book that my wife put together we did some research and we had to kind of tried to do a business plan and figure out what our costs were going to be and this is how we formulated our feed cost we talked to Ryan we said what do you sell corn for he said well that's 19 cents a pound soybeans are 30 cents a pound so we just figured out our percentages and averaged everything and we came up with 29 about 30 cents a pound which is a huge savings over what we were paying back home for organic chicken feed at about 82 cents yeah we're off from what you said yesterday which was I think you said 19 yeah exactly Oh 29 cents versus 80 what it was 84 80 all right cool cool little journal it's good to keep that going in corn we had a soybean roasting service come out with a huge truck and they took a big grain buggy like this full of our soybeans and then roasted them and puts him in another buggy so now all i gotta do is grind them that's what it looks like finished that's yes that's what the soybean meal looks like after we grind it and then that's the corn what what kind of meal is that I'm not sure it's Ryan I know he got it from premiere one okay I think their web site is premiere one supplies calm but if you're just Google for mere one this you'll find it and based on what you said this is probably good for a homestead level not necessarily yeah actual level like you're at if you had a couple dozen chickens this would be perfect but for we've got 120 boilers right now and 300 layers and this takes a really long time so what we'll do is we'll start it and then we'll go work on other things like the egg mobile or whatever and then we'll just come back and keep checking it and swapping out the bucket okay so one thing we've noticed that helps is putting the bucket up on some blocks so that it's closer to where the feed comes out because we notice when the wind blew that some of the finer ground stuff was blowing away [Music] these are the screens that go in it and give you a different size grind so this one is for flour and we have found that this was too fine I have heard that if you brown grind it to fine like this that it can cause blockages and you could lose chicken imagine trying to eat a spoonful flour it wouldn't be very pleasant and you probably chose yeah that's just creep it alone but there's plenty of except to do while this goes so it's no problem at all now we're going to show how to actually ration it up mix it right there classic recipe from Joel's elves and it well for the chick starter yeah we wanted higher protein because we didn't have our fish meal yet so we dropped the corn and raised for soybeans by 5% that's how we came up with our numbers yesterday what about a crimped outs 11% oh no oh no this is the broiler that's why this is our national ad lately that did point nine percent yeah the layer ration we actually had right here I got from his website okay okay so there's our layer rations act okay there's your 10.9 all right good starting with an empty bucket you're going to weigh that out make it 2-0 so that doesn't account for the weight of the bucket the bucket 1.4 pounds see okay so now a way out our form so what are you going by well we'll make a hundred pounds yellow that we want forty nine point seven pounds of corn okay let me put it this is the layer ration 49.7% corn so that's easy if you make a hundred pounds forty nine point seven pounds there's 22 ok there's 23 pounds so this bucket will only hold about 23 pounds so there's 23 71 26.7 more huh mm-hmm it might be a little tricky for this situation because he has so many buckets it's just like the third bucket of corn right yes but if you're doing this on a small scale and say you were just getting this much you could mark that with a sharpie somewhere on your bucket and say corn and then you would know exactly where to put it you won't have to weigh it every single time that's what we did when we mix our own grain but we wrote a smaller scale and we're actually just measuring out scoop didn't live that all right now we're going to move on to the soybeans and we need 30.8% soybeans so so once these soybeans are roasted actually smell like peanut butter smells delicious it actually doesn't taste too bad either if it's good enough for your chickens is getting there for you right jars yep matter of fact you can buy I they call them soy nut so you can buy roasted soybeans at the store just for snacking good morning sunshine how's it going how's it going buddy pretty good on 10.9 Oh in the book you suggest that you crimpy oat or roll the oat it just makes them a little more digestible but we don't have a crimper and that's kind of expensive so it says in the book it's okay to use whole oats rather than ground yeah but um you know we'll eventually we'll get them groans or crimped eventually it might be tricky on this scale but you could also so today's ration overnight you could put in the bucket let's say a day's ration is that much you could soak this at least four inches over it and that makes it at least 15% more digestible 9.9 all right now we're going to move on to the small stuff so we're going to do aragonite which is actually just ground mussel shells and we got five percent of that three percent virtual nutria balancer that's your bacterial cultures probiotics and minerals and then 1/2 percent guilt meal and then another thing it will tell you in the book is you want to mix because these are so small you want to mix them all together first mix them all together and then you add them last and just make sure you mix really evenly so that you don't get globs of minerals here and none here so now we want three pounds of the neutral balancer where'd you get a nutria balancer well I went to Farrell's website and I searched for dealers in my area I just put in my zip code and I found a couple of them and I called them and I found out which ones were this stuff has a shelf life I think it lasts three months Mapleton I just found the people that are there's a farm around here that they order it every month so you know it's fresh so cool the first place we went to they were all sitting on pallets in a warehouse and they were super dusty and they just looked like they'd been there a long time there was bird poop on them so same thing with the kelp set where you got it - yep I got that from the same people okay portrayal kelp portrayal nutria balancer I like that company myself we use them myself now these grains you grew yourself yes Ryan did yeah but still if you're buying your own grains you're still going to cut costs significantly if you buy them whole and mix it yourself you can get them at this sentence maybe at the same places you're buying your grain it so special order it for you but you can get on the places like then I know new country organic ships all over America you can go in on coops if you don't have an area you could if there's maybe a nautical up in your area maybe you could start a co-op so if I was if I wasn't working with Ryan and I was doing this by myself I could still do this for the same price because I could just come to him and buy the grains and that's what we're doing really we're taking what he sells his corn for what he sells his soybeans for and that's how we're formulating this price of twenty nine cents a pound cool small ingredients in the bucket I'm going to mix them up together really well and that will just give us a little more even mix when we put it in the drain a little dusty oops Ryan start mixing or I'll start mixing one of us will start mixing the grain and the other one will sprinkle this end slowly while the other mixes so that we get a more even mix but Brian is really busy right now because we're we've had some good weather and it's time to start planting so I'll just do a little bit at a time and I'll mix and then I'll add a little more I can help you okay you like like here's a good example you see oh there's oats hanging out in the corner so I'll stand it up and I'll pull everything other corners and then mix some more otherwise you get little pockets in the corner to check out all right Thank You Josh appreciate what you're doing buddy you've done a good job thank you at a different location same farm the cow operation what you guys doing we're going to pump some water to refill their trough there's an old hand dug well here what and we've got this pump in a hose will stick down there and pump the water out you want to see a hand hand dug well wow they didn't have to dig very far no fills right up so I must be a spring here yep so you take the top part of it off there may have fallen in so we're in the process of getting our perimeter fence put up around our pasture out here we're going to rotationally graze these cows we're going to move them every single day yeah and so right now they're in this pasture here they're continuously grazing but we're going to move them as soon as we can get our finish getting our caches already over there so as you guys have noticed Ryan's an experienced grain farmer but Josh and Ryan are working together to start or add an animal farm so this is just beginning good job where you going to learn how to rotationally grain I've been reading a lot of books grass productivity by Andre Voisine I've been reading holistic management by owen savory grass-fed beef by Joel salads and I learned a lot from Dennis back at full circle farm so yeah good point he mentioned salad bar beef by Joel Salatin listen there's a summit coming up Joel Salatin is going to do an online presentation on his book salad bar beef it's going to be good it's in Marjory wildcraft summit I'm in it I'm in it with keeping a family cow Geoff Lawton David the good I'll cut 40 different presentations I encourage you it's free for one week sign up in the description below that tank that was in the maple syrup room it used to be in the back of my truck and I'm having well watered down ok and then I just started doing this you know for the time being yeah I was I was eventually going to do is make it so they can go down and just you know get their head into the creek yeah and not the back but since Josh came I'm like why put all that extra fencing and they're not going to be here anyways yeah I'll do that and Josh you under you okay cool yeah you're better at that part yeah if we hit the sides we suck up dirt so now dessert just go right through it well yeah if it's small enough again but he's tight I imagine just right through and I fell in the eye cool then eventually just settles in there you know okay usually lasting about a week you ready Josh buttonhole the first time I did this I wasn't expecting so much pressure I always watch the lowest all right yeah cooking it out there it is so how many cows do you have here okay what other hand promise today yeah but we get the picture thanks guys you guys ready to go to the car Wawa one arm for each of you we were about to leave and look the cows are out oh here they come these three steers yeah what breed ready to read Angus and uh ones like a Hereford well he'll be plump and come fall yeah just a butchered one right before we got here and when we got here we went to the butcher and pick it up incredible steaks good morning to you too guys these guys won't won't ever get grain they eat grass like they're supposed to yeah you lucky dogs sometimes they want to be friendly and sometimes they a crevice all right you guys get to see the cows go on tell them bye good bye bye back at the bus let's check on mom and Gideon Oh get in mom and Jonah hey beautiful one hello that's it I see you got a quick breakfast I am okay today we are hitting the road tomorrow will be a Niagara fall straight tomorrow's vlog not Agra fall got the car hooked up you can't ride there you got to get in the bus you're getting it ride right there you good all right I guess you're the only one here Yeah right have a plant so Ryan's busy planting living the dream Murphy still sound sick I'm so sorry yeah poor thing she's pretty rough in a pretty rough shape we wish you well Murphy you guys want to give them a hug goodbye I was good to see you guys again well thanks for coming by guys have fun be safe on the road okay thank you have thank you so much for your hospitality [Music] significant cusp on you
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 219,553
Rating: 4.8871942 out of 5
Keywords: mixing chicken feed, mixing your own chicken feed, how to mix chicken feed, how to mix your own chicken feed, making chicken feed, how to make your own chicken feed, joel salatin chicken feed, joel salatin chicken feed mix
Id: PuPyOvwXhW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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