Customs Efficient Loot Route - 500k to 1m Profit Per Extract | Escape From Tarkov 12.8

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Good stuff!

With that being said "Just go solo to one of the three PVP heavy areas" is not what I would call a loot run ;)

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/RageMachinist 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was really good, thanks. Might be the first 30 minute video I've ever watched straight on youtube.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/NeverToLateToChange 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Despite the length of the video and the fact that there was not too much new info for me, I really enjoied the video and watched every part of it.

Nice info delivery during the entire raid and I really liked your live commentary.

Definitely a good video for begginers. Nice job mate and thank you for your effort!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Vyady 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very informative, good content

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kource 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Btw you missed a spot in the Crack House (Med building with large glass windows). On the second floor in the room right before the metal catwalk there is a loot spawn for ammo (which can spawn BS) on the wooden crates/boxes and some more medical loot on the shelves. Also the first floor "back door" entrance there is a medical cart that can spawn decent stuff.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Inverno969 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Quite a few people saying they stayed for the full 30 minutes which i appreciate and am surprised to hear! I definitely geared this towards newer players, i know a lot of you know these areas well, but its cool to see you can still find enjoyment from the gameplay.

It was a fun little morning video project idea that turned into a full day of editing and voice over. I appreciate the critisism and will try to add more value to experienced players in future videos. Something like advanced movement or solo strategy tips could be next up.

Anyways, thanks for reading and not being toxic

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tag_g 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well there goes my ez money runs. Won't be as easy when they nurf the new shotgun/ammo.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Germanboss 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Have an updoot, would watch again

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheHamVip 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome to my customs efficient loot route not only will i show you the best loot spots but i'll do it in a live raid where you can get realistic ideas of what to expect as well as strategy tips nobody else really does this style of guide it will take longer because there's a real threat to worry about but hopefully you find it enjoyable if you get lucky and avoid conflict on this route you can average between 600 and 800 000 rubles in under 10 minutes before we get going i'll show you my budget loadout and what i recommend bringing in so this is what i'll be bringing in and in my opinion this is the best budget setup in the game this is the new ks23 shotgun very cheap ammo very cheap i'm using the strap 10. it packs a punch okay you don't got to spend a lot it hits very hard you can leg people in one hit up close even if they have the best arm in the game this shotgun can deal with them headphones super important this is a game changer these are the cheap ones you get them from ragaman always bring in headphones don't skip them i like the mask because it makes your head darker and you look a little more geared and intimidating this is your armored rig 6b3tm it's not too expensive and it'll save your life many times class 4 armor very good nades are optional a lot of new players you'll see won't be using them just because they're somewhat expensive at around 12k each but really that 12k is very cheap for how good nades are even if you don't end up killing people with them they're just very good tools for controlling players making players move for example if someone's holding an angle on you and you can't really peek you can nade them out of the angle and then while they run away you can peek and shoot them in the back so as soon as you can afford nades you should definitely bring them in and start learning how to use them lastly if you're a newer player and unfamiliar with items and don't know what's worth looting and what's worth leaving you can pull up this website on a second monitor which has updated flea market prices so basically if you find an item in game and you're unsure about it you can quickly tab over search it up and you'll see its value this will help prevent you from picking up junk items it'll save you backspace and it'll make you more profitable hey guys welcome to my skyrim efficient looting guide so looking at a map which i'll have linked in the description we're about to spawn here which is close to the dorms now the dorms has a marked dream with sometimes great loot but it's also a pvp hotspot where all the geared guys rush to as soon as the raid starts so since this is a loot video we're going to skip the dorms our route is going to take place in a fairly specific area mostly the customs expansion zone which has a high volume of concentrated loot and is perfect for quick money making as pmc's our goal is just to get in and get out before the rats and scout players wander through so this means we're not gonna leave the whole map since we spawn on the east side of customs there's two spawn areas west and east we'll head to the factory shortcut here and then enter warehouse four which has a power switch you can flip on that enables an extract in this building here this is one of the hot spots this is the building with the three mgs mounted on the second floor so flipping that power on makes extracting much easier and safer keep in mind though you do need the factory key to use not only the shortcut but the extract that we're gonna power on in warehouse for factory key is great to have so if you haven't bought it definitely do that anytime you spawn anywhere on this east side just head over to warehouse 4 and turn that power on if you spawn on the west side across the river and the power never gets turned on then you're just going to extract normally either through old gas if that's available with the green smoke or zb1012 if the lights on and if not either of those then just go to the regular zb101 one which is always [Music] available so heading towards the middle of the map uh this is kind of a weird spawn for the route we'll be going this is no problem here we have the middle train track next to the gas station we're gonna run along it plug the right side for cover there can be raiders at the gas station so we'll have to be careful of that there's also a sniper that goes up spawns here hop on down and hope hope you don't get targeted by raiders maybe sit low so they can't see you uh the thing about doing this on a live raid is you can get distracted and get killed so i'm gonna try to pay attention while doing my best to explain everything to you guys um this is the factory shortcut you need a factory key for it it's gonna be this guy and we get some nice contacts actually so we'll drop our headphones we'll get them back in insurance and we'll take that um i also would recommend a customs office key which is going to be in the trailer park in the giant red warehouse there's an office up top which can spawn like a graphics card every once in a while and there's also a safe so next to the factory shortcut which is in the middle of the map near a gas station you have this warehouse here and this turns on the power to the extract um that's at the warehouses with like mg turrets which i'll show you in a second so we've turned this power on here which is right next to the entrance um through this door and we're gonna head through this way and go through the warehouse so i'll show you what that power does in a minute here my play style is i'll just sprint and stop every once in a while and listen and then we'll keep moving i don't really like to play slow when i'm making money like this he's in the ground i'm gonna throw a nade oh i see him up top actually i'm gonna close the gap may have killed him yes we did all right sick focus on healing right away because we have a bleed uh it's a heavy bleed i think [ __ ] so we don't have meds for heavy bleeds actually it's my mistake i forgot him so we'll hopefully have these on him not looking good boys it's level 51 and a little shitty shotgun killed him so don't underestimate the shotguns here we go this will take care of our heavy bleed sailor i'm not exactly sure how to say it but perfect didn't expect him to be in here he was especially underground i think he's where he was actually i'm not sure i don't know what he's doing but maybe he's going to the power and heard me or he's looting who knows glad he kind of whipped there though when we were able to kill him definitely got messed up though and this armor saved our life this cheap rig totally worth the money um can't repair the thorax can we so that's gonna be rough take a golden star here or any kind of painkiller you have so you stop making so much noise now we really have some good news so i'm gonna have to do my best to play smart and not get too distracted trying to explain things to you guys and hopefully his killer armor will help save us so we get shot in the chest or thorax i mean same thing i guess this new shotgun is incredibly good we're gonna ditch our rig here because it's zeroed in we'll get it back in insurance even if someone found it they'll likely not take it because it's just not worth money um these attachments attachments are often not worth much um so i don't generally take them unless they're like a meta attachment that a lot of people want and they'll be some pretty good money he's using an ak-74 i don't actually use these because most of the ammo for them is not good but he's got the best ammo in the game for them gold maker seven and three nine oh definitely gonna use this this is very good um the only time i'll use these is if it's bs ammo or the 7n39 bt bp is pretty terrible against armor from my experience i would recommend akms if you want to use ak with bp rounds bb rounds are somewhat expensive but there's they're very good they'll be competing with pretty much any armor you won't have issues taking people down so there are fights now at gas station old gas station which is not the gas station i came from this is a different gas station we're gonna go check it out he's got half a mag which is pretty good so when looting i would have came this way anyways but we're gonna head towards the shots which are where we need to go sometimes you'll spawn here and you can run in there turn on the power and then head this way across the train and here's old gas which i think we heard shots over here there's green smoke that means you can extract there's a body here uh they're inside probably someone's behind us push up on this yeah yeah they're inside they close the door you open the door he's probably gonna jiggle peek out see if it's clear we're not gonna expose ourselves let him fully walk out then we peek you might have heard that there's two it sounds like i can't [ __ ] stand up there yeah oh these guys are budgety check our flank for a sec i don't want to get too close because if they have a shoddy you know get info sprint buy it he's got a pistol he's dead that's called a sprint peak uh it's pretty safe because it's very hard to hit you sometimes it's risky though if he had been right at the door he could have sprinted out while i'm like mid-air uh but it seemed like a decent idea so it worked he only had a pistol so i wasn't worried all right so in here you have loot on the table check you have stock there but that's not really worth much on i think a gun sometimes spawns on the couch and that's it for this room go ahead and reload so quite an interesting raid so far i wasn't expecting this i'm emptying this mag because i can use this ammo for these other mags if they like if i shoot say half this mag then i can top it off with this extra ammo um we're gonna not leave that body because it's in a terrible spot and it's early into the raid he's not gonna have anything very good so jump over this fence here and at the rubble here we have a med bag i just see a head no i don't think so check this and next to the med bag at the tree here you have some items that spawn like there's an attachment here i'm nothing good so it's getting a little later into the raid there could be players anywhere we're gonna go through the fence and cross under the train and here we are at what i call castle but it's just the main warehouse with mounted turrets there's a guy to my right he's he's dead i'm gonna be careful of his teammate if he has one so like i was saying we can now top up this mag go ahead and look for the teammate first so he's crossing the train track what does this looks like it's a scavia scout player so he's not gonna have a buddy take a flashbang why not so raiders can spawn in this warehouse unlikely scenario though right now because they would have killed that scab or this guy would have killed them it's like a 30 chance i believe maybe even less it's not very common this warehouse has some of the best lead in customs so we'll go ahead and check it um we have a supply crate out back supply crates are always great to search in customs there's quite a few of them and they always have some good stuff so here we have screw nuts which are worth about 10k propane is pretty good fine and let's move at this warehouse i like to do the uh loot and clear the top floor first because i think height gives you an advantage so we'll do that over here on this left side this is how i always enter pretty much for the most part actually first i'll show you something extra here so in the basement of this main warehouse in the middle of the map you have your extract and this is what we turn the power on for so with the factory key you can unlock this and you can extract here we're not going to do that though we'll go back up all right let's get up to the top floor quickly and ads and look for somebody up here oh it please up where i came from audio can be weird vertically like when you're up high you might not hear them so don't always trust your audio when there's like levels involved like since i'm up here i might not be hearing them walking i think they might have heard me though and are camping on the wall there's two ways up here actually three there's these steps down here steps on the behind that wall and there's the way i came up right here so these this guy's being very sneaky i don't know if he ran off i assume he's just sneaking though it'll be a little eye girl and try to get an angle the reason i'm walking back and forth is i don't want him to stay still and be an easy head shot okay i don't see him we're gonna play like he's sneaking around somewhere we'll just expect him in a corner at some point and for now i'll show you guys where the lead is so you have like multiple supply crates up here you're gonna have this one here and i'll show you where they all are as well as loot them you can look out past emg see if you see anybody running and you can hop on an mg if you want it can be pretty fun i've used them before to kill people and it's definitely satisfying but often i just won't even see anybody running it's not too common okay so we have that supply crate so there's two on this side and we'll come through here and there's two more on this side i believe check the steps make sure this guy is not sneaking up okay we have ammo here it's bt rounds you're looking for bt bsbp we have our next supply crate definitely on edge because of that player that i heard we had a cyclone here which is worth good money boats are with great money as well so these crates as you can see are very profitable and that was the last supply crate supply curve uh we have attachments here sometimes they're good don't go anything crazy though all right so the top floor has been looted we're gonna go down to the bottom now take these stairs because i'm nervous about somebody check the basement make sure he's not sneaking around down there flashlights are great for blinding players we can toggle that uh we won't keep it on though i don't want to give away my position easily you have a weapon crate here that's been hit if attachments there there's two rooms on the bottom floor to check so check this spot and then you're gonna loot the two rooms and leave go ahead and flash this room clear on the bed here you have rares like chains you have meds to spawn here we have a weapon crate suppressor and nice there's our rig but we're probably not gonna take this actually we will there's no reason not to rigs are great in your backpack because often they'll give you more space for more loot this one is it won't it's just breaks even there's a doesn't add space but doesn't you don't lose space either so we're just pretty much just get the rig for free uh you can find chocolate mres here might ever hit somebody couch here you have a bag um ammo and hot rods can trade for bs ammo with proper this ammo is not good prs only take bp bt or bp or bs if you find the 120 round is then the last room i'll show you is right here you don't want to stay here too long obviously we've been here for a while but faster the better because scout players are going to be showing up if not pmc's okay this room has been hit but i'll show you where the loot is so you have a weapon box i think you can find something on that chair you have a med box you can find morphine there on the bed you have this more weapon boxes you have supply crate you can find coil or uh coils or whatever they're called and electronics here two coat pockets these are great for keys but most the time they're not good every once in a while you'll get a rare okay and we've looted this whole building so let's move to the next one next best building is this uh this one right here the glass windows it's a ways away you can see it though out there i'm gonna head right a lot of players hug left along that wall which is i mean you can go that way if you like i like to go right it's a little less travel here and this is the mechanic shop which will stop really quick before you go over there it's actually been hit because the door is open but i'll show you where the lead is gonna walk up to it just in case someone's in there make sure no one's up top or underneath hiding you still for a second just listen all right it's clear so on top here we have fuel which is worth a ton that's great check the table check the table go ahead and run up here and we have another fuel it's perfect i wouldn't loot this not worth it tool boxes are hardly ever worth it uh we're getting heavy which is rough it's gonna slow us down our painkiller has just worn off so we'll take another golden star pray to god no one runs in here next let's move to the i call it med building because it has a med room in it but it also has a little library with a intelligent spawn which is one of the best spawns on this map and it's almost guaranteed intelligence i almost find it every single time it's unloaded so it's a great spot to check it's going to be looted though but i'll show you guys anyways doors open as you can see if the doors close it means it might be unloaded because it spawns closed if it's open you know people have been there so we're gonna quickly run over here supply crate out in the open not the best delete but we'll check it because i'm a madman absolutely crazy helix when i said coil i meant helix earlier oh we literally have too much loot at this point oh player on the stairs or in the bus i heard metal [ __ ] i should be getting the hell out of dodge but we're making a new video so i don't know where you went i just heard metal and that's it go go we're gonna go ahead and drop the bag so that we can fight this guy if needed it's great that they add that hotkey to throw your bag for situations like this we'll come back to it later so in case he knew i was there we're gonna kind of rap for a new angle there he is he saw me make sure he's dead i don't know if he is oh scabs are being annoying all right we're gonna go for a new angle if i had nades he'd 100 be dead and we would know that for sure but i don't okay she has a teammate we're not going to go straight to his body we're not psychos clearly it looks like we got a body go ahead and pop it twice zombie rule all right i'll show you guys where the loot is in here all right here's your med bay or your med building that's why i call it my buildings you got the meadow room here uh all these tables can spawn morphines any kind of med like that syringes uh bottles of like ibuprofen or whatever check the shelves for more of that and the middle shelf and that's it so you have all these shelves corner shelf middle shelf that's it and here's your little library or office middle shelves spawn intelligence back shelf spawn intelligence on the floor intelligence don't check any of this waste of time so that's the top floor pretty straightforward down here got a body here that i've been told spawns like chains next to it you got a coat in here it's already been hit we've got a room in here with a body and attachments next to it right there you can search the body if you'd like and you have a coat here make sure no one's camping in there to the right you have a med box looks like we lost our mag i think reloading you have met items here and in the front entrance here you have this back room with a coat ammo and a bag and that's it for this entire building it's not too hard so we'll go out to the body now and we do have a backpack we gotta retrieve as well this guy's gonna he's gonna have a lot of stuff on him or not it's a scav okay it's a scout you did get the lead for this building though i thought it would be a pmc but no it's just this guy because we're getting laid into the right so that makes sense a lot of this is pretty good loot um we're not going to be able to take it though oh it's not good leave but it's not terrible either if i had space i would have taken it we'll just take the most valuable stuff and we'll try to find space and we got a player in front of us actually it's probably the scavs we heard let's go to the backpack i'm gonna prone so that hopefully i don't get spotted here we'll drop the contacts not worth too much see can this fit here no it'll fit there though right yep there you go creativity here we go and now we are fat as hell let's try to get out of here we've hit everything what the [ __ ] i look to be a scout which i've never seen right there um i'm not trying to get head-eyes by skype right now ideally divide your own cheeks kid here i'll help you i don't see him it's really annoying that we have to fight scavs but okay we're getting really low on ammo but we do have our shotgun which i'm actually gonna take out for these guys okay we have extract here perfect super lucky it's like that's what i what's that need right now think he's dead i'm not gonna worry about it when you see this light on that means you have extract across the river you have this giant red warehouse pretty hard to miss if you're over there at the top floor you need an office key but there is a top floor with some decent loot it has three computers there's a safe so if you're around there and you want to leave it you can check it i found graphics cards pretty often uh but because of my current situation we're gonna skip that and there is our successful run i hope i covered everything i covered pretty much everything i might have missed some small things but hopefully you learned some stuff from that got three pmc kills and a few player scout kills i think two maybe and that is that sweet that's a great rate could have gone better than that so before i sell all of this stuff i have three million five hundred and fifty thousand so when all this stuff is sold to either therapist or the flea market i will see how much we end with we'll subtract from our initial starting point [Music] so things like the cyclone i can sell the therapist same with the milk dog tags and any kind of meds like syringes the syringe meds like morphine this i usually sell the therapist um not the pill bottles none of the screws or anything because you get way more on the fleet market there's 130k though there [Music] so that sells for 160 000 and this stuff would be worth a lot more had it been found in raid but that's fine still pretty solid money i definitely recommend keeping good ammo that you find from players because it's not worth selling to traders they won't give you nearly as much as [Music] alright so i've listed everything on the flea market and i do have this guy's gun here guns like ammo the attachments aren't going to sell for too much to traders so if you like the gun it's good to keep it or if there's some nice attachments that you can reuse on future guns i would keep the attachments you're going to get more money that way in the long run i think um but for the video we'll just go ahead and sell his ak for just 67 000 which pretty cheap but at the same time it's not that good of an ak either so with all that sold you can check the flea market nothing else is selling so everything is sold so everything we've brought in has sold to either traders or flea market and we're sitting at four million three hundred and seventy three thousand rubles which is about 800k profit a little bit more than that so with that said the guide has pretty much come to an end i hope you guys learned something i hope you enjoyed the fact that it was a live rain we got some pvp action i love doing the live raid guides just because it's fun for both of us kind of spices things up and it shows you kind of a realistic approach how you're going to loot the area made some pretty good money and hopefully you guys do as well in the future i wish you the best of luck on your next raids go out there and kill some custom all right guys thank you very much for [Music] watching and uh okay [Music] you
Channel: vac4nt
Views: 117,727
Rating: 4.8431902 out of 5
Keywords: customs efficient loot route, customs map guide, customs loot guide, escape from tarkov money making, escape from tarkov, tarkov, eft, customs, map guide, loot route, best money making method tarkov, vac4nt, 12.8, customs expansion, escape from tarkov beginner guide, tarkov flea market, Customs Efficient Loot Route - 500k to 1m Profit Per Extract | Escape From Tarkov 12.8
Id: 5-kOk257tnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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