Race To The Case Finale | Epsilon Speed Run - Escape from Tarkov

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so i don't want to go up there it's bad shooting ah break my arm [Music] um moister than a gallon of water to the point where it's damp i suppose i go to the west wing now and just camp the west wing for the last two grizzly going to chill with monsoons when you're back oh my god a darn man like that foreign never wondered thanks to the prom scuttle queue thanks to the prom so moz1 thanks for five months why not looting the bodies because i don't really care i don't need the money i'll put the face shield down when i get up there man so where was that chap busted bow i'm still living in europe much further so [Music] uh so um so that's sanitar i didn't know yo it's inside the building you know you guys inside the building hello maybe it wasn't him me so well the heavy grenades went off so it has to be a player in the area i'm just going to play the rhino ford so so favorite weapon in taco pb19 and the m700 that last car wasn't a player was this guy um you know if you can join an ongoing game or when you spawn the map is always fresh um you can light spawn but usually there's no longer than two minutes late usually what would that come from i'll do let's go ah do i run straight across the swamp and just like try and cut people off as they're going to the resort do i run straight across the east wing maybe i should just run straight to east wing and fight him over at eastwing do you have any tips on how to make friends um irl we're in taco like in gaming join my discord would be the first step if you want to make some friends for gaming i literally started my whole discord and started my whole community based on the fact that i didn't have any real friends to play games with anymore so how do i make our old friends dude the older you get the harder it i'll watch you is players instead of continuing my suffering my honest advice would be um join join communities or social groups that have like-minded interests so if you're into cars do you wanna like a car enthusiast group or if you're in a motorbike join a bikey gang you know foreign thanks for three months too good extra camp with at least one million in the backpack i think i'll watch you planting flights instead of continuing my suffering that sucks dude [Music] these wing always seems more shall i say busy so hey pesterly thank you for the awesome content i win i win job done may have lost that mag we'll get it back melted that first one's head how when i came out of that room and i faced that shall they go on the face there was zero recoil it was literally just like this dude how did okay how did i shoot him in the head all right this guy i shot in the head 100 damage what was he head to the side and i shot him in the i don't know was his head up doesn't have the ear protection i must have got him in the air stop that for now uh they're gonna be both going holy holy that aqua fps just wrecked me and i'll respond with true awkward spot to be doing that but i don't really care i don't really want that all that all that all that um uh time to go oh uh what am i eating stir fry after you kill the next two man you have to say welcome to another escape from tarkov video channel your inner aqua lose all your rubles welcome to another skype from taco video channel you're is that what he says in his videos is it all right fed well fed buff plus five to endurance two quests to go and we finish punish your task i've got to get packer 6b helmet kills and then i'll get svd kills then we're done [Music] oh there's 21. pack apart is most annoying not really just got asvol packers 6b helmet you'll instantly kill them or you die instantly and just keep doing that what happened to your cigarette live chair i got my own ergonomic chair back we're going to have a r 16 amazing months of pesterly content and achievements i'm glad i am part of this great community cheers all right dude thanks for the 16 months oh forgot about that kill 10 pmc operators you must be wearing a packer and a 6b helmet all right all right challenge accepted first up we need help we need room all these keys can go the rest of this challenge is done completely on factory hmm i could probably keep the bp ammo just in case we use an akm want the bt for now m80 can stay gone gone gone gone just trying to make room for this all the svd stuff can go in here it's not gonna hurt should i use the hk i suppose i might as well it's not going to hurt us is it good about that um oh the other way around cool except i need enough room right now for that and that cool what else do i need i can stand there for now cool that'll do let's go 10 kills one ride let's do it at time chat get out to my fault i'm gonna do for my twitch contract i'll just vendor some for the next second okay so expensive oh what 14 months of dedicated service oh your throat oh oh guess what it is what it is three down he got me first bullet first shot just destroyed me basically booked it was a shotgun it was a saga it wasn't an svd so [Applause] um um one two three on four where's number five so how many do i kill so fine took some shots scott thanks for wanting a limited edition hoodie man appreciate it man five to go that really should be switched around but anyway one more ride if you shoot yourself all right we need the number 10. don't worry all that bro [Music] call me rafiki thanks so much for following gifted subs dude i really do appreciate it man you're a legend don't give this up make sure you say thanks guys and dude thanks so much man where are all the m4mr but pistoly happy about meds now how's he alive i just blew in a bit he's not i just got hmm there's a guy over here somewhere but where the scav just lit me up for a while and recently i knew about that scav i was talking about a player hardcore series keep up the skype just own me no insurance um because i'll probably be resetting this account tomorrow i'll i'll be over i'll be finished this account within the next probably hour and a half i don't really need a backpack um take that we need um i totally missed that message i will read it in a second i apologize for that it would be much cheaper to probably buy these on the flea market uh not really not to unsure him funny how this gav is the biggest threat in the map um let's see that's plenty ammo really hey less than three cool i think we bought three more three more let's see if we get it done now so that used a bit of ammo what did you have what gun oh my god two more [Music] hmm we'll go okay the last tip was up here on the left i think so [Music] bully i believe average alex things have won a uh hoodie appreciate it man no level based match banking is not a good idea no sort of matchmaking system is a good idea for talk of besides what they've got at the moment without late sworn matt's having a blast for the sound of it i think he is he's playing fortnite i think with my nephew with his nephew my cousin but just calls me uncle paul um let's go sell some of this stuff we don't really need any other gun now besides svds um well we might as well stretch the hunt coming strip this down to whatever it can be without losing it i think you can take that off cool and with this one um how many macros is it five macro you can sell red guns now no you can't oh you mean sell i'm not selling them i'm hanging in a quest you can't hand in quests that aren't egg sorry guns that aren't complete only two m4s three eggs um oh okay 74 ends gonna be lazy cool 15 pmcs with the svd and i need one more bear dog tag which i'm pretty sure i can buy off the flea market does it say found in rain pretty sure i can bite off the flea market cool um we don't need them anymore seven five don't need grenades cool that's plenty there let's go that wasn't bad shooting [Music] ordered a hoodie as soon as you put it on discord looking forward to coming home uh definitely thanks so much for the 15 months dude and i hopefully missed out the last one the moist range will be coming back least that's the positive really bad so hey so uh this one to the left around the last windows so what are you doing oh no we'll take it he actually scared me i wasn't ready for that 11 to go we still need a bed off tag what was he going to do with this maybe he's like i didn't put a sword on it mr professor haines thanks for the prime sad boy al thanks for the tier 2 sum for three months appreciate it man uh dirty bird thanks to the prom ice cold killer double one thanks to the prime slow mo move thanks for the prime and definitely enjoy the 15 months was there anything it was it was what it is was it is please stay stay safe while you're in the military man and um um killed my player uh one two three four five is that a player that is real dead paid act door they're in the game i killed two he this guy killed one and the scavs could stole one from me that put us five six six we can hand in that dog tag now are your viewers helping you i hope not you think i need help from my viewers so many nakeds on factory what do you mean that guy was a it was a dude with an mp7 class for ammo how is he naked petty snake right open your eyes chat open your eyes i've got to bring a um what's his name off if i had a problem then i would have been perfectly fine but apparently i missed all my 10 shots and that up that was a mistake by me if i had taken a purple in there i would have been fine he legged me at the start and i couldn't move i lost all my stamina i was trying to move to the right and just i failed this city get rid of this shitty side cool let's go stakes were made because you know three hits isn't enough where the did he go run lightspot this is gonna be rough pug i'm dead i get hit again really that's the bleed not in good shape not gonna lie mosey man's probably gonna kill me here leave want to leave i know where he is make it like a tree and get the hell out of there no man take me by the hand he did do some damage he me up hit me once in the chest and i think in both arms actually i think it might have been arm and then shot me in the chest through the arm i mean definitely me up how many left seven i was camping the other exit and you took that one easiest band of my life moist leave that rat on the ground diggy dolphin thanks to 300 bits leave leave that rat on the ground how long did i stream yesterday uh 10 and a half hours 11 hours i don't know there was 10 and a half hours of the playthrough yesterday smb the best time ever motion arguably yes i bring headphones on factory whenever it's so close it's good to know when you it's good to be able to hear other people it sounds the most powerful tool you've got in the game i'd rather go no helmet and compact than helmet without oh then how it was there but i made the decision to uh do this what's the best gun for crappy aimers as well at range it's not but at closer range as well you can spray that thing and it just shreds doesn't have much recall p90 yeah p90 would definitely be up there as one of the best guns for crappy aimers no recall on that one shreds i thought the new patch came out this month i don't know you're telling the story man how come no one runs science header um people would run it more if they survived one with it i are going to hit him in the arms it looked like his head snapped back but i reckon i hit him in the arms oh we traded i did hit him in the head as well that's not decent that's just literally shooting each other at the exact same time six to go let's try the seven in one oh why are you pushing me it's gonna take a minute to think about my life and everything i've been doing and why i'm doing it and um i might even just restart the raid let's restart the raid um what was someone like alton with an aacp see like it's a class for mama i was like i was trying to figure out like what was it going on about what's wrong with it please don't wear alternates with class fours about to die foreign there was a second dude here potentially one more so nothing's been opened what's been opened you out here why told me to get out ah that's already left got his quest done and got out uh enigma three south thanks dude everyone please wish at real amanda happy birthday happy birthday amanda thanks for the 500 bits six bt cummins real amanda there's chitchat faster that's chirp mate thanks dude i always sound like elmo when i try to sound like commando one [Music] here please two to go hey let's go let's find these last two no what have you run out for point no that count how would they know how would they know oh amanda fink thanks to the t1 let's take that guy's gun we'll take that um what else can we take that'll do like i care about the gen 4 last one what is your sensitivity i don't know anymore i changed it recently caprara charistos thanks for two months mate did amanda say what she wanted for a birthday i had quite a bad day in tarkov yesterday i got killed by sanita in the same place like three raids in a row it was a big sad do you want to kill sanitar for your birthday minotaur let's go add some chat again that's my contract i'm gonna sit here and talk to amanda about her birthday presents see what a good company had a happy heart that's very nice for my birthday i just want a little cake a little wine good company now happy huh sounds like fun what do you really want what do you really want deep down desires amanda don't make me drag you into discord i want for nothing everyone wants something in life tell us what you really want we don't we play tahoe oh there's a play shoot me in the back oh actually might be a player oh oh i'm up i'm up one second please not gonna lie chat my butt clinch went like that just then i thought it was dead i understand 100 thought it was dead then well epsilon container done i'm guessing he has shitty ammo i think that's the only reason why i'm alive right now bp yeah literally the only reason i'm alive right now it's not it's not the worst ammo but it's really not that good um i prefer bt over bp but who's doing punisher part five maybe what level is he 28 yeah that's good good chance fbs i can't even heal uh it took 150 plus three hours 50 plus i don't know three hours 45 plus uh 10 and a half what's that 14 14 hours 15 minutes oops wrong button 1450 yeah 14 hours 15 minutes congratulations aqua can we get some collapse in chat from the akronation clap that's an aqua nation there was definitely some things i've identified as i did badly i did poorly done how much chris did you think you could have done it a few hours quicker with the couple of changes there was i i had a couple of bad runs like like a bad beds i call them like sprees or something um as much as it sucks i think it's still just best farming to level 10 in factory before you even do anything else i actually i actually honestly think that you farm to level 10 in factory and then you've got enough xp to not worry and not have to worry about a lot of things and then you start doing the proper quest and then by the time you do the private quests and that you can do also the mechanic quest and that kind of just all works together that's probably the the big one i would do i missed like a couple of things like for example uh the introduction quest i've ran past it i literally could have got that i think it's like 8 000 xp four and a half thousand xp like when i was i suppose that was already punisher part four and i didn't need much more xp at that point um but i probably could have saved some money because i wouldn't know what to do as many gunsmith tasks i don't know i have to think about it i'll think about it what now um i'm going to start again and we're going to do leveling i'm going to do 8 hours of leveling and then um yeah we go again [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 188,537
Rating: 4.9177089 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 27sec (5187 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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