Complete S-F Gun Tier List - Escape from Tarkov

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on the youtube on the screen just to flash up right now the pestilence that's the f2 list gun t-list not the chat twitch chat youtube video comment section s to ft list well i think it's good all right moving on all right so what we've got here is all the guns best use oh plus scroll to zoom in and out this is frankie's cheat sheet so we've got all the guns to escape from charcoal for the majority at least and we're going to put them in this spreadsheet right here spreadsheet this this tier list right here all right so this is my t list you're not going to agree with it there is going to be a gun in particular you guys are not going to like there's actually going to be multiple that you're not going to like so where do you want to start do you want to start anything particular do you want to start like should we start with like the smgs and shotguns and save a lot of dirs and and stuff for later or do we start like with the big bertha kind of [ __ ] like the mark 18. start small move up like pistols first all right if we're going to start pistols first we're going to start with the first pistol being the makarov now some of the cleanest fun kills i've ever had have been with le makarov all right i don't think that makarov is the worst gun in the game but i don't i don't feel is deserving of saying f to you all right it's so cheap no one ever loots it it's got it always comes back from insurance and it's it's got like a bit of fun to it you also do have the 84 round makarov which we have an emote for it's the uh pesterly agony emote so it has a bit of a historical um historical value to the chat so to me the 84 so the the uh the makarov is going to be sitting like it or not in the e2 i'm going to make it nice and close just because i think we're going to have a few in in these all right not the worst cut of the game has a bit of a bit of resemble like it's got a bit of like homeliness inside my uh inside my community but it's still a pretty bad gun it would be better if if um i'm actually i'm actually like really tempted to put it to d because of the 84 rounds but we're not we're not all right uh moving up let's do the nine mils i think we've got the glock the p226r then m9a3 um what else we got there that's pretty cheap the glock 18c as well in the garage so now let's start with the let's go to p226r now personally i don't like this gun at all i actually really don't um i don't think it actually does it does a lot for for for the game it's really [ __ ] [ __ ] um and it's the only thing it has up on the only thing it has up is it's better than em9 a3 all right so whatever we do it has to be better than m93 so for me it's gonna be uh the same as the makarov i'm gonna put it nice and nice and cheekily into the uh into the the e category and i know you guys are like what what do you mean the m9a3 is good no it's not it's not have you guys seen the sight on this thing it's like a bloody like you've got the two little things coming up on the side and then this big [ __ ] fist just straight in the center it takes up half your screen when you're trying to shoot it all right and so then you don't know where the point of aim is to try and get your hand your head taps and it's just horrible it's horrible the m9a3 is is one of the worst pistols and if you could pick one another one to use it but this is ft this is f there's no there's no arguing about it this is straight up f2 right if you guys enjoy that gun good on you good on you but i hate it i absolutely hate it it is ft now we're starting to look at the good ones the goodies the greatness the beautiful of beautiful pistols all right starting off with the grunch the gracie gracias we'll call the gracias all right i love this pistol it's beautiful 18 round mags porter famous is is delicious you can actually get really clean headshots from distance all right um personally i love it it's actually a really good pistol it's not too expensive it's a d-class pistol all right it's it's right here with our good friend just above our good friend al makarov um and it's just a lot of fun to use and it's really good if you've got any if you actually if you're going to use the nine mil it's the second best so it has to be up there in in some it's it's d for grash all right um now we have what what do we got left for the nine mil category we have the the glock 17 and the glock 18c so uh personally big fan of the glock i think it's a lot of fun and the modifications are really cool you can do john wick runs with blocks particularly the r7831 it um has a lot of modifications it's actually a really fun gun to use just in general um people like dottie hack have like made full careers on on on twitch around the glock so um i actually do enjoy using it a lot i just don't use it anymore i probably should now that the 1731am is in the game so uh where do i wanna where where would the glock sit for me now i think it's definitely better than than the garage i'm putting it in the sea uh i i've gotta i've gotta think of this tactically you gotta think about it i i there i know which one my favorite pistol is in the game so i need that i need room for it you know i need room for it but it's a balanced pistol it's it's not too expensive you get big mags for it you can have good ammunition for it and you're also um and you can also uh mod it a lot so it could you know what you know what no i do need to change this it needs to be a b it is actually it is actually a really really uh fifa based all right it's a base pistol um all right so now last but not least uh based on what base because i said based all right b double s like bass subwoofer bass all right so um it's a bass it's a bass pistol all right b double s all right uh glock 88 um the initial john wick runs started with the glock 80c uh but it wasn't they weren't called john mcruns uh and we also had what's the song from from our initial day you know that song i'm trying to remember it we supply oh my god it was so much fun all right long story short big rounds big mags really fast firing rate and a hell of a lot of fun to go fully geared full auto and just run at people and just go like that's all you have to do is run people go and they would just get they'll just get deleted we used to use this with [ __ ] ammo and just watch them their armor would just be destroyed absolutely destroyed so um glock 18c is there because it deletes people um a for deletion that's how we uh we rank the clock 18c uh moving up the calibers in no particular order um we should actually be going back down to the macro of caliber being the apb now the apb slash aps gun this is this one here uh it uses the 9 by 18 ammunition i used to have all my money runs done with this gun because it's full auto you use sp7 ammunition which does if i'm not mistaken 70 round base damage uh apb all i used to do was go prone soon as i see someone go pro straight into the ground they always shoot above you and then full auto with their legs it was like that and oh my god it used to destroy people it would absolutely destroy people um so it's a lot harder without the the stock that's why the aps is better um but the apb is definitely a gun that uh it's it doesn't get as much credit now as it used to because it was just a cheap budget way of doing money runs and leg matter the leg metas kind of died off a bit maybe we could try and bring it back you know maybe as a community we could try and bring the leg matter back or we'll start a whole series on just winning by legs only or something i don't know but apb definitely a decent gun um you know what i'm just thinking about it where do i want it to sit where do i want it to sit would i would i use a glock 17 over it i would i would with with sp7 ammo i would i would use it over a garage um but would i use it over a glock probably not glock 1731 versus ap b i'd probably go the goal so it's the c it's the c it's a comfortable c c for shooting them in the [ __ ] yep that's it the third leg makes it makes it easy to remember all right let's go the tt all right now i don't know if bond uses the tt but if you guys haven't seen the golden tt in uh in tarkov it does this flip out and i used to have this clip which is gone now but um i used to i have the suppressor on it and i'd flick out the uh the tt and uh this is like clip of me running in shoreline i i hear a guy on the bottom floor i run along drop down through the hole and as i'm dropping through the hole i take out the golden tt flip it land on the ground as a land on the ground un like no ads just to from the hip tap tap straight in the head and drop this guy fully geared in in the face hitbox and um it's got a little bit of a little bit of uh you know nostalgia to it for me it used to also be the go-to gun for like creeping around uh creeping around maps and shooting people with a pistol back in early days we're talking about point three to like point seven or something like early days it was a really good pistol to use now it's complete trash so just because of the nostalgia the only reason this is getting put here is for nostalgia reasons that's it that's it that's the only reason why it's not an f because besides that it's really bad it is really bad so um yeah i'm trying to make sure we've got enough room because this is going to get cluttered maybe i could i don't know maybe i can what did what how do i how do i shrink the image does it shift on the corner no oh oh i shouldn't be touching [ __ ] so let's start with the uh 45 kilowatt now the uh i'm right we're saying the m1911 is 45k right oh it's not gonna look silly because i've i've honestly barely used this gun this one and this one i have barely used i honestly don't even know where i'd be putting it um i have used the m45a1 a little bit more i just okay so the reasoning behind this is they didn't add the ap rounds straight away so for a long period of time the 1911 and the uh 45a1 didn't have any apm on target of um but by long time in like three months so they added it to the game didn't uh they didn't um uh what do you call it they didn't put the ap ammo in so it wasn't really that good to use um the other issue was seven round mags i think that might have changed now um i don't know have they have they added bigger mags to this gun yet 11 rounders it does have it does sound really good i'll give it that and oh apparently you can't spam it fast and they're expensive well let me have a look where we at you know what if i go this is okay so this is me i know i know you guys aren't going to agree with this you guys really are you i know i can i imagine you guys sitting in in your chairs or on your toilet seats or wherever you're watching me right now sitting there like what the [ __ ] is he about to do and um don't at me all right don't even don't even at me i don't know this gun i'm not going to use it i'm never going to use it yeah i know i know you guys are mad right now this makes me happy that you're mad for [ __ ] trash all right now we get to the uh the bigger pistols all right the good ones all right i know you guys are sitting there like holy [ __ ] he's still on pistols this is going to take hours it probably will so you can just sit there and be patient um we're never going to get the hardcore pistol at this rate all right all right five seven shrimp shrimp um yeah just so you guys know about the shrimp the biggest issue we've had with the shrimp in this game is the fact that the if you had a suppressor on it it would hit well and truly at the low point of aim on the iron sight which made it really difficult to use so it really wasn't a good gun for a long time now more recently um it's it's gotten a lot more popular just based off how much it cost to run it and it has gotten a lot better i still don't use it a lot i personally don't like it that much but it is it is better than the majority of pistols what i'm going to do is i'm going to put it in the big in the b and we're going to we're going to sit it right here for now and um i don't have much more say for it b for base yep and then 5 7. do we really need to talk about this do we really need to talk about this you know it's the only gun i use really it's i don't even use any of these other guns we could pretty much end this whole t list right here i know i could just use the five seven for the rest of eternity it's honestly it's honestly amazing fun it's it's great beautiful clean head taps the iron slot's perfect it's very accurate it does a lot of damage it has 20 round mags it's pretty much the only gun you need when you're not using a full auto gun i'm not even joking you might want to use a vapor hunter or something like that but really if you're just going in and just gonna go shoot people in the head um one bullet taps five seven does it that's all you need pistols are done this is done i'm sure you guys are out there thinking what's he doing with this [ __ ] this doesn't make sense everything else makes sense but i don't care i don't care it's my list this is the pestilence if on the youtube on the screen just to flash up right now the pestilence to f2 not the chat twitch chat youtube video comment section s to ft list for i think it's good all right moving on there's some jets and smgs all right so oh do we get shotguns first or smg's smgs or shotguns shotguns all right we're doing shotguns all right um we really don't have a lot of shotguns to look at we've got the remington the mossberg the mp153 the 133 um and the saga and um and that's pretty much it okay it's 23 case 23. can't forget the case 23. so got a few to talk about starting off with the most simple and um basic one is the mp133 i don't like it personally i think it's crap um it's not really fun to use it's frustrating to use you go oh i've got this perfect shot of someone you sneak up you shoot them and their armor absorbs all the damage you hit him in the back of the helmet and you're sitting there like well i'm dead even though you can put eight round mags on it i personally do not like this i i don't really find it you know that good at all it's not that enjoyable to use um out of all the shotguns it's probably the second worst so for now it could stay like that you see it was ctrl t i'm learning chat all right now all right so uh i'm doing it this way this is how i'm doing it so uh mp1353 i love this gun i have a lot of fun using it it it it works really well you can use ab 20 ammo sniper bit from long way away you can use flichetti's you can use um 8.5 ml buckshot and it just shreds it absolutely shreds it's it's a really strong gun to use and you won't be disappointed by using it now at the moment the way it sits in the skate from tarkov as as of the shotgun classes go i would say that the mp153 is a very based gun it's good i like it i think it works really well um it's it's i'm not gonna be like oh all right we're doing one five three runs this is gonna be sweet today you're not gonna you're not gonna be like um you're not gonna be excited going out on a run with a 153 you know you don't you don't load into the raid be like yeah yeah wait you know you don't have that feeling it doesn't give you those jolly feelings and and if it wasn't like this gun is the reason the only reason why you can get through setup the setup task in the game is trash i hate that task but it's not trash it's just hard and it's hard because by the time you actually get to it other people actually have armor and have guns and it makes it really difficult to do the task and it just it it just really frustrates you because you'll get some really good shots off and then you'll just die but you might get one or two kills a raid i think the most of it was five but it's really rough sometimes um so uh mp153 is the savior of the setup task so we need to put it there in the b all right uh next one we've got is the remington 870. this was really popular when it got to the game it doesn't it it hasn't really um people would like to meme it and it makes different kind of loadouts for it but honestly i don't really have a lot to say about it i don't think it's really that fun to use um but it is it is uh well it's probably more fun to use than the 153 but i don't think it's um it's not very good that's what i'm trying to say it's not very good so because it's not very good we're going to put it in the d it's definitely better than the 133 because of all the modifications you can do to it that's pretty much how you save you for that one all right mossberg um 590 a1 this one um i know you guys will be like why is this one better than the 870. now this is going straight into the c and i'm going to explain why um i have memories of this gun and it makes me happy that's pretty much the one reason so uh charity event we hit the million rubles there's a million rubles the million dollars for charity um and uh and 41 was like get to mossberg put 8.5 mil buckshot in it and let's go for it let's go for a run and i was like all right all right he's like you gotta you're not gonna be complaining just and i'm like and literally like i was like boink boink point three geared players i don't know how it did it it might have been the blessing of 41 but uh and you take three i don't what's 41's name like voicing game now it's like john is not frank anyway um i have really good memories of it it's pretty much the same quality as the uh as the d i think it comes with a default it's josh his name's josh in the game the voice josh um i think it comes with a default eight round mac i think that's probably the bonus of it um so um we can put it in the old charlie for that one all right uh where are we at so we have three shotguns left so i can see and uh we're gonna go on with the let's do saga now this one uh it's a little bit brutal for a shotgun it honestly it's it's up there is the most devastating shotgun in the game because you get the 20 run 20 round mags the drum mags it you put for chetty's 8.5 mil you put ap20s and and if you use this correctly it just destroys people um you can put ap20s in it you can put a sight on it and snipe people with it like this has a lot of versatility and i think a lot of people um probably don't rate it highly enough on how good it actually is so for the modifications big big mag you can use it in different ways and it's actually not too bad it's going to be an a it's it's a pretty straightforward decision for me so it sits right up here a and um yeah it is what it is all right so i'm going to discuss both of these at the same time because i feel like there's going to be a lot of mixed different a lot of mixed emotions a lot of mixed emotions around these two half of people will be like polish should be on the on the s and the other half of people it's going to be thomas should be the f and the k is 23 uh half people will be like ks23 should be f and ks23 should be s so like you're gonna you're gonna hear it straight from me how it actually is and and and just sit down and listen i've done ex extensive research of the total shocker i have done guides and guides and guides explaining explaining how bad this gun is it is absolutely trash there there's like 14 different types of rounds for it right from from slugs to buckshot and they all do the same thing nothing like literally the i the the the pen rounds can't even get through packets half the time right anything above a packer the toss stops that's right it stops the tossing rounds that's the pen rounds right so there's nothing you can do with it there's literally nothing you can do with it besides like meme with it and you can put it like a side on and try and do some sniping right and and here we go here we go i can imagine i can i can see you sitting in your chair squirming squirming all right now the ks23 other side of the picture got added with probably the most fun round in the game i i have not laughed much more than when i've been using the ks23 the star rounds i know you guys hate it but i love him i love him i went into a raid with swagger souls he needed to get his pistol kills so you know i was like you know what i don't want to steal your kills i want you to get your pistol kill swagger so i've got the ks23 shotgun i took in eight rounds of star rounds and i just ran at all the enemies and blinded the [ __ ] out of them and then and then swagger souls with his beautiful voice black black headshot headshot killing him killing him left right and center it was amazing it was beautiful to watch and and the people just running on the spot into the wall it was actually one of the most fun things i've done in a long time and um and i recommend it out there if you all got a friend who's through the [ __ ] of the game or i'm not saying swagger soul's the [ __ ] of the game but like sure i'm going to get a quest done like pistol kills or or something like that grab a kiss 23 shotgun take a heap of style rounds and just get in there and just just be the just be the support just be the support and uh yeah you'll have a lot of fun with it so the ks23 shotgun uh also has the shrapnel 10 rounds which if you are at close enough range to hit every single pellet on either the stomach or the leg you will one shot them this is arguably the first gun in the game that can comfortably one-shot people do i need to say more don't at me don't send me hateful emails this is how it sits don't like it thank you for the ad revenue if you've been watching this stream old youtube video you can leave now smg's time smg's time i can see the pitchforks right now oh smg's all right we'll start with the uh s'mores caliber ones and then we'll build up so uh we've got saigon on a slogan is nine mil where the [ __ ] the the clint sorry clinic hit up my brain's not working uh all right can't clin and ketter now um these are very similar um i i think they're not bad like to be honest they're actually not bad for an smg no one will loot them or minimal people will loot them sp7 ammunition like 70 plus damage really does shred it's like the aps but um more controllable and um yeah it's it's really underrated both of these i i like the clean with the suppressor um which we don't have here on the t list but it does have the ability to be suppressed so personally i actually don't mind this gun at all i actually prefer this gun over um probably using some of the aks i'm not even joking with that if you guys said oh you know you can use an aks74u i'd probably like or a clin i'd be like do i get to mod the aks74u because like that would probably be the only thing that would save me in wanting to do uh using a hair7 for you so um clinton head up i'm gonna put them both on the same uh as you know the clinton will be slightly better because it goes suppressed anyone corrected me from wrong does the cheddar get suppressed as well or is it both sorry the clean doesn't get suppressed the cater gets suppressed so for that reason clin will be d for doodles and cat up will have the uh kettle will be up here a little bit i feel like these are a little bit bigger oh [ __ ] wrong button i think control r what do i do after i press ctrl r how do i cancel that is everything all right what does control r do control r is rulers it's fine all right oh god all right cool all right so i just want to tie this up we've got a lot to go let's get moving uh let's do paper shaft before we do the nine mil what what i'll do is i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna move that there pop shaft is uh it's a lot of fun it has a massive magazine and i know you guys are spamming f right now but when this gun was added to the game it brought a lot of joy to me it did i know it's not the greatest gun i know you're not going to go in the games and be like oh this is the one that's going to carry us to victory but it it does bring a lot of fun and i think at the end of the day fun is important all right if you have fun it's important so um yeah don't don't dis a gun just because it's not good all right we do that for the toys it's not that todd's is not fun you have just death after death after death the puppet shaft you can get lots of kills it's leg metal and and if you get five mates with 84 round mags and all five at the same time you can also lag the server i don't think they've fixed that yet but if you have five friends all shooting at the same time it actually makes the server start up so um and it looks cool because they're just like from everywhere so you know this there's some fun fun to be had so uh i know you guys aren't gonna like it but i'm gonna be putting it uh up here i think i think i'm gonna put it here i am i think i think that's gonna that's gonna be really good there uh next one we'll use we'll do the nine mil so we'll do the saga nine and the pp19 now i know you guys aren't going to agree with this one all right uh i will do the mp9 because that's normal as well you're not going to agree with me but the pb19 is my favorite gun in the game i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna be very open and honest pp19 is my favorite gun in the game i have two favorite guns pb19 and the m700 i know they're not the best guns in the game but my god i have a lot of fun using them and when i kill people with them i know they're hurting because i killed them with the pp19 and it's actually really good now because it has even better ammo um in saying that i still do believe that just because it's my favorite gun doesn't make it st alright so i'm gonna put that out there now the difference pretty much between the pp19 and the saiga 9 is the pb19 is full auto whereas the saigen 9 is semi-automatic uh and the mp9 is full automatic so uh honestly i don't use the mp9 nearly at all and the main reason behind it is i just feel like there's not much spray control it it does seem to just spray a lot more on the initial burst all over the shop um yeah like initial kick and so it generally doesn't really work well for me and when you can use stuff actually there was actually more because we've got the mp5 here too this is nine mil as well and the mpx too so these are all your nine mils there's a lot of nine you'll say i don't know how i missed that oh and now the vector too it's been they okay vector was added recently these ones have been around forever i don't know what all right so these are all your nine mils uh this is not the order they're gonna go in by the way but uh vector really fast firing rate really accurate doesn't have a lot of kick the uh mp5 also really accurate slightly slower firing rate um whereas the mp9 is a uh it has way too much kick initially i'm going to be really honest tiger 9 is trash sorry let's just get this one out of the way put this down here it's it's just not good semi-automatic uh smg's is just not worth it you're better off taking a pistol because when you get someone when you kill someone with a pistol um when you kill someone the pistol at least you have two primary slots like weapon slots and you can loot their really good guns and put them in your primary slots take a cycle9 it takes up one of them whereas uh if you're taking these ones they you can shred your tread i don't care if other people's favorite guns just slug it on all right don't care all right slogan on down there now moving over to these ones um mpx can be mode a lot more than mp4 there has been a lot of additions to the mp5 uh with um different types of stuff you can add and mods but you know which one would i prefer to use generally probably the mp5 uh with the 50 round mags the mpx does have like really long barrels now so this is actually um this was this is actually a laser being fully modded out the issue between the mpx and say the vector is the firing rates so um i'm just i'm going to put these how i feel like they should go and i'm going to do it really rapidly so there's there's not as much time for you guys to have a reaction and stress out so i'm going to put this one here because it's just it's really fast firing right super accurate pb19 favorite favorite gun in the game and it's a lot of fun and super cheap to run nearly always get it back mp9 i don't really like it way too much kick doesn't really do it for me it's gonna be down here uh the mp5 it's kind of sitting do i go mp5 mpx uh i'm probably gonna go i'm probably gonna go mp5 here and npx here i think this is where i sit uh mpx fully modded you know what [ __ ] it mpx fully modded is a lot of fun i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i think mpx is b i do so i'm gonna tidy this up real quick so we can uh move on and have plenty of room i feel like that needs to just be a little tiny bit smaller i'm pretty happy with that i don't know if you guys you guys agree or not but this is where it sits with me the smg's um definitely the vector is the best smg or the best nine mil um and pb19 my favorite has to be up there it's honestly pb19 the reason why pp19 is so good guys just for anyone out there who's gotten to here and doesn't know all you need to do you get a pp19 a cobra site which costs nine thousand rubles right so you're like twenty seven thousand rules deep at this stage or some [ __ ] or thirty six thousand rules deep somewhere around there and then even nine by nineteen pst gch done you know and you will always get it back in insurance like nearly no one loots them um they might take the side off you and you don't even need to use the side and literally first board his point like point of aim second ball it's a little bit high and every other board after that is pretty much point of aim has nearly zero recoil but if you are farming scavs and raiders headshots with this is easy really easy works really well and you can mod them and have a lot of fun with the modding all right so uh for the last of the smgs we've got the p90 the mp7a1 the vector and the um let's start with the uh let's start with the vector norm now um the um was only a recent addition with the vector and i've tried to use this gun multiple times it has a really really slow um firing firing rate i know you guys are being like so um the ump really slow firing rate and i don't know how much you guys have been playing around with it um but it goes up it's really slow and it bounces around a lot all right it's trash it's absolutely trash like it's honestly i i would rather use a bloody makarov all right because at least i know would i die with a macro if i didn't lose much money whereas the uh the uh um ump trash all right this isn't counter strike all right this is tarkov this is tarkov so yeah i would honestly rather use a macro of i'm not even bullshitting because at least i know i'm going to get my macro back they're gonna strip the ammo out of it it shrinks down into a two two twos a two by two all right it's trash and cs as well i know but look you know what i mean you know what i mean um uh and the vector 45 now i've i've used this a lot i've been i've been i've been oops i've been bouncing around this one and this one a lot and trying to work out where they sit in my mind and where i and how much i enjoy them i don't know what it is but the 9 by 19 vector is here's the fun 9x4 that's right the the 45 vector is i don't know it's like it's like it's like being blue bald you know what i mean it's like being blueballed it you kind of feel like it's going to be great but for some reason you just don't get there and then you're just sitting there a little bit disappointed you know i'm sure i'm sure it can be great and i'm sure i'm sure it's good out there out there and you can get some good kills and stuff with it but for some reason it just doesn't sit right with me a little bit underwhelming i guess would be the the correct terminology um so yeah people are saying it's still high firing rate and high damage but it's just got smaller max i don't know i just didn't really find that it it works well for me and i know people are going to be not agreeing with this but for me this is right here this is right here right in the middle it kind of gets you there but it doesn't finish here you know what i mean same see if the clock blocks perfect yeah i think if i had bigger round a bigger mags it might get it might be a bit better all right um all right so i know these aren't the same caliber um but they definitely need to be spoken to at the same time due to the fact that how much these both these guns decimate p90 is up there is probably the other go-to gun for me for when i want to do runs so i'm a very lazy player of tarkov alright so the reason why i have specific guns that i like is because i don't have to spend 45 minutes in my stash modding them out and changing stuff on them right p90 you literally just put a sign on it right it's good five seven just put aside on it you don't even put a sign on it you just use it um vector you just put it you put a chuck aside on that one you don't have to mod it's good to go mdrs you know all these kind of things i don't have to do any sort of effort and i love it same with the mp7 now there's the mp7a1 and a2 um the a2 you put whatever mod whatever for grip you want on it so um was that with p90 i think for me p90 is probably just not st it is great but when you go up against really really um really really geared players unless they if they have a facial like an alternon i feel like um you just kind of fall short because it takes too many bullets to get through them and so because of that reason i'm putting it as an a whereas the mp7a1 is um with the 40 round mags it's just it just destroys it just destroys it's i think it's probably one of the more underrated guns honestly guys i actually think it's one of the more underrated guns um so i'm probably gonna put it i'm not gonna probably i am putting it as an st the only thing stopping the mp7a1 from being like the meta is the availability of the aps apsx ammo if you could buy a thousand apsx ammo um for mp7a1 you would literally just run that like i'm not even joking guys like it is it is the only reason why that gun is not the metal right now right this very second fast firing rate really high pan and uh 40 round max so yeah it's i i don't know what else to say i know that probably will trigger some people i know some people in chat right now spamming that the vector should be the 45 should be up here this is my list all right but i just i have not had the same enjoyment from the 45 that i have the 19 number 19 all right so um so yeah that's uh that's where the smg sit we don't have any more smgs um it's not 80k for mags when you're buying yourself just so you know um for the mp781 the vectors like sneezing the ammo is available uh the mp5k i've just got that sitting with the mp5 like otherwise there's too many variants right we'd be sitting here all day all right i could i know some people were really triggered if if you're late if you're late to the party on the live stream um just understand i explained everything as we went all right how are we going to do this what about mp7a2 uh it's this for the mp7a1 yeah otherwise we just take four like this the list would be massive we need we need it to we need to be able to fit you know all right um now let's go with bolt action let's go with bolt action so we've got this one this one this one this one this one this one cool start with smallest go up it's not really the smallest caliber oh i'd have to see it i actually don't know all right we're gonna we're gonna go with the uh the vpo first anyway vpo has had a recent uh boost in popularity it hasn't really had a boost in popularity because the ammunition got added to the game at the same time the gun did but the ap ammo for the uh the vpo is beautiful it does a lot of damage and it does a really high pen it's a little bit underwhelming because of um the the uh the velocity of the round and the drop makes it really hard to shoot at long range so for example the other day i was shooting um from the top of sniper hill on woods and i was trying to shoot down at people and anything over like 200 meters you're literally aiming like i don't know like on the screen like an inch above them and it just makes it really hard to aim so look a little bit underwhelming i'm i'm going to put it down here somewhere um oh yeah look you know what i'm going to put it as a knee i honestly it's fun you get it back from insurance but it's just not it's just not there for me you know it's it's just it's just not it doesn't give me the satisfaction i would like and you understand why i want to start talking about other guns um i'm going to go dvl and m700 first before i go on to these actually okay dvl m700 and t5000 um before i speak about these two um now starting off with the m700 now i love this gun honestly um you can mod this gun like crazy absolutely like crazy um whereas the dvl you can't i suppose the the biggest thing about the dvl is the suppressed dvl sounds amazing like the suppressed dvl from range the other side of this the actual picture is like insane like someone someone takes a snipe from like forever away and with a dvl and you don't even hear the shot like all you hear is like a bullet just laying on on your foot or or leg you and you're like what the hell is going on you know and like so suppressed dvl is amazing but the non-suppressed it just doesn't it doesn't have the same effect for me uh and i feel like the t5000 just was being added to the game people got excited for and and it's a fun gun to use five round mags it doesn't really have the same impact for me um and it kind of just underwhelming underwhelming whereas the m700 it's a it's it's my favorite gun for a reason so with the uh with the availability of mods and um and just things you can do with it personally i love it it's my favorite baldi so the way this is going to go all right it's pretty straightforward this is going to sit down here with the vpo because that's where it belongs the dvl suppressed is going to boost the dvl um stats so i'm gonna be putting the dvl right here and the m700 being my favorite uh gun in the game and just a really really fun gun to use it's gonna go right here all right i know this might not appease to some people but it's gonna but this is where it sits for me ryan turkey pump dude thanks so much for the uh host had a great stream get a shout out please for ryan turkey pump make sure you get in before you guys check the next time you're streaming dvlb of m700a no because of that dvl you can't modify dvl you can't modify all right the only mods you can do for it are literally the um you put a suppressor on it that's it where's the mosin why is t5000 so low because it's just not good it's just not it's just it's just underwhelming all right last two baldies last two bodies now sv98 i used to have the biggest arguments about this gun for the longest time for the longest time because you guys would be like there's no trigger delay there was a trigger delay for the sv98 for the longest time and you guys used to make me so mad because you i didn't you didn't make me mad but like you guys used to just frustrate me because um you guys would be like there's no trigger delay there was there was and ever since even with the suppressor i just feel like the sv98 just doesn't what's the wording the sb19a8 just doesn't deliver have you guys felt that whenever you use the sv-98 you get a kill even when you do get a kill you just don't feel like it it was even that good you know you're like ah yeah i killed him but like so even like even when you do get a kill with the sv98 you don't even feel good for it you feel like ah it's just i don't know what it is but something about the 98 just makes me not excited but it isn't the worst gun now after they fix the uh trigger delay and they've got a good suppressor on it now um it it it can do decent kills but i feel like it just doesn't have the oomph that i would like out of a bolt action rifle so it's going to sit here i do think it's better than the vpo 215 and the t5000 there is a lot of misconception out there about my thoughts of the motion and i want to be very clear right here i actually don't mind the motion at all for the longest time like i've had a lot of memes about the mosin with f off with the amazing like i actually have merchandise that says f off with emotion because that's all everyone was using my issues with the mosin ammunition was it was too cheap but everyone seems to think that my ambition in life was to destroy the most and out of the game that is not true the mozin is actually a lot of fun and particularly when you're uh when the first came out it was a lot of fun going around destroying people all right the the thing was the motion um was the ammunition in particular was unbalanced and it needed a price check and holy crap did reddit hate me for it right a lot of people hated me for it the most itself not a bad gun do i think it's better than the sp-98 yes and why you can mod it you can you can you can you can make it look nice and sleek you can put different sights on it you can suppress it there's a lot of fun with it i honestly think there's a lot of fun to be had with the uh with the mosin um and for some reason i i don't know you get a lot of satisfaction when you kill someone with demotion like i know i know with the sv 98 when you kill someone i said you don't get satisfaction something about killing someone with the mosin makes you go eat a dick eat a dick mate like you you know they're mad that they decide almost on the other side and you just feel that you know that they're mad and they're yelling at their screen they're potentially smashing their keyboard and you know they're closed and all that for the game and because of that reason that that enjoyment that you bring others yeah it's it's not better than the m700 it's not going to be better than my favorite bolt action but it is i like the motion you hear me you hear me saying it right here ew dvl is better not in this world mate not in this world someone just called me brain dead for putting the m9a3 and the mp5 this low the the um the m700 is here and the motion is like 80 it's not true it's not true um whilst the m700 is a lot of fun it it it it just doesn't it just doesn't deliver it doesn't it no yeah no bolt action is st there's no ball action can be sd that's the way i should be wording it um and i think this is a good representation if anything i could probably move um the t5000 down to f like out of all this you know what i am [ __ ] it [ __ ] it so yeah i think that's actually a good spread if i had to rate the best the worst that's what that's the order i would do it is it just the trigger people the only good thing about the t5000 is it sells for 100k it's literally you find one in the market you'll be like hey easy100k that's literally the only reason like you're like oh t5000 100k the vpr is not better in the sp 98 um and and the reason behind that is the vpo can't be better than the sv 98 because once you go out past like literally 100 meters the vpo becomes really really hard to use all right all right where are we at now it's gonna probably be these next am i right i i know that vss goes under assault rifles doesn't it these are our next ones i guess we'll start at the top i i'm going my target categorization all right technically the tx15 should be over here too next up we're doing these ones i know like rfb could go across and and tx15 we'll just start with these ones um so we'll do the ops ks and the sks first now um i know you guys aren't going to agree with this but for a long time the op sks was one of my favorite guns in the game and the reason behind it was early on in tarkov i'm not even joking like there would only be about 10 of these guns in the game when like when i started playing tarkov there's about 10 of these guns in the game not even that and the opsks was kind of like our like kind of like our go-to sniper rifle i guess like you'd use the sv 98 but the trigger delay was really frustrating and the dvl was in the game but it was super rare and super expensive so instead um opsks pso site with a suppressor was a really budget way of running uh running a loadout and with the bp ammo would one tap nearly every single helm in the game so for a long time the ops ks was a very solid meta for going more budget being able to kill anyone you want so the obs gas sits really like nicely with me um and for that reason it's going to sit higher than the majority of you guys will think um but it really doesn't hold it hold its value anymore um it still works quite well the sks slash op sks um but there's a reason why we actually separated both of them had both in the game so um the sks itself just a a bare naked sks is a pretty solid gun works really well you chuck bp ammo in it um you don't even you can top load it now in the past you couldn't upload it you can top load it now so you just bpm on the pockets sks and you can literally go negative if you wanted to and you can drop fully geared players and for that reason i actually do believe that the uh the sks could probably well and truly see it in the detail but um i think with the overwhelming amount of guns that have uh have moved into tarkov over over the time and it's actually made it not as as solid of a choice uh it's gonna sit in the e2 all right so it could quite easily sit in the d but it's not okay all right um now uh when it comes to the op sks a little bit different like i said before uh for a long time it was like a really really fun gun for us to uh to use so um it's really like sks can be used early what and and like as a solo gun and light wipe you can just use the naked with the bp but um it's really just not that strong anymore there's the ops gas because of nostalgia reasons alone so for me the opsks is going to sit at c it's going to sit here uh and and like i said for nostalgia reasons putting a suppressor on it and a pso site a lot of fun and uh i know a lot of people out there are going to be like what the [ __ ] like you'll see it i can guarantee there'll be someone on the twitter post when i post the image at the end they'll be like i don't understand why is that sks there how is it better than all these guns i'm going to put these we're actually like running out of space so i'm going to put these uh like this so they're there svd we'll do later sr25 and rss because these all use the same caliber now these guns these guns at some point in time have pretty much been the meta or a close to probably not the sr 25 but the vapor hunter the m1a and the rss have all pretty much at some point become the meta or i'll bring the rfb in here too um these three the vip behind m1a and the rss have all uh pretty much hit the meta at some point they are really really really strong like bang for buck really strong right now the metaphor running for killer is naked with a vapor hunter with an m61 um and absolutely destroys m1a it was uh it was one of the times it was probably around 0.9 where you could buy from peacekeeper for like 300 or 350 dollars it was really cheap and you didn't have to like really do any mods to it just you just had a little bracket to put on it and a site and it was good to go uh and it was really good and clean head taps so it it works really well sr25 it's the big the big boy of them now um it's kind of taken over the rss you could use either of these they're both really strong um and they're actually like really really strong in in as an overall sense but me personally i don't like semi-automatic guns in this game it there is there is two issues in escape reticle when it comes to semi-automatic um the uh first issue is some guns don't let you left-click very fast um which i think top my head the rss is really good with it you could spam the ass as fast you can click and it will shoot and i think that's why the rcs has had kind of held strong for a while um i don't know if there's an issue with the sr25 i probably believe that there's no issue with the sr-25 so um i think these are probably really strong still but the problem is overall escape [ __ ] off fully automatic will always hold the matter uh until they do some major changes to recoil um which i don't think they're going to so um now where do i put these on my list you guys probably won't agree with this um but i absolutely hate the web hunter right now with a passion um so the vapor hunter right now is dead to me vip hunter um i [ __ ] hate right now so because i [ __ ] hate it it's going to go in the f uh i'm going to chuck it down here right next to the t5000 and bom bam bit bad dead to me i hate it why the height because right now every time i go into interchange i die to a verb hunter naked vep hunters are destroying farming killer all they need to do is fix this i'm going to talk about this again all i need to do to fix this is put like five scabs in the center of interchange every single spawn every single time the game starts fire scouts the senate interchange the naked vapor hunters won't be able to run through there naked they'll die to a shotgun i don't care what you say um all right so assassi for a longest time was uh really popular um and it's it's a very strong gun a lot of fun i'm going to put the rss up here uh just because of the nostalgia reasons as well i do i do believe it's really strong um but semi-automatics just don't sit well for me and because of that it's gonna sit there the rfb uh also known as really [ __ ] bad is it's just that it has a lot of kick doesn't it i i haven't really found it to be really useful when i if i honestly if i was going to use a gun instead of an rfb i would use the mdr or the 762 mdr um or the 308 mdr so um i would use that over the rfb every single time so because of that this one sits down here i just don't like it i i don't know maybe you guys have had more success than me but this one sits down here uh sr25 personally i haven't used it a lot i really haven't used it a lot but i know it does it does slap like the rss um but i can't give it the i can't give it the credit that the uh that the rss has for the fact that i don't have the nostalgia with it so i know people aren't going to agree with this but the sr-25 for me sits right here all right it's it's right here um base purely off the uh the doesn't have the same nostalgia as the rss and it's a semi-automatic and then lastly the m1a will come down here it actually the m1a is really fun to uh to to kill with and uh to snipe with but unfortunately until until fully automatics actually um can get balanced out a little bit more against the the semi-automatics this is where it sits for me and i know you guys aren't going to agree with it you don't have to agree with it that's my t-list and and this is how i like it so um i need to i need to make some space because there is a lot more guns to go still so just bear with me i might try and see if i can get the sks next to that i don't want to make these top ones too small because they deserve to be big i i know the tx15 i'm going to put the tx15 with what we can do you know what all right before we go any further we'll do tx15 with the 8r all right because i know they do technically fit in this category all right so we'll do dx50 with ada um now i'll be honest a quick with this because i'm i'm really biased um t15 i think it works really well really accurate but i just don't think it it really is that good of a gun um you can you can put nine and five minute in that and i have a really really awesome highlight video a while ago where i went in with a tx 15 and a 60 round mag of 995 into labs and uh it was when i was still living in europe and i dropped like a five minute squad or it was it was like a three me two three men's man squads or some [ __ ] and they were all one taps to the head it was just one of those raids where you know everything lines up you have that will ferrell moment in um you know old school where he's doing the debate and you kind of like just everything lines up and you do everything perfect so i do have that memory of using the tx15 and absolutely destroying like everyone but um you can't do that consistently with the tf15 um uh but the these aren't the positions they're in by the way uh but the ada for example i don't know you know you know what i hate about the ada and i'm gonna be really honest about this is you know how when you shoot data there's that click noise it used to it used to be in the game and it's really annoying anywhere in the map so much usernator you get that really click noise and then um uh it went away for a while and now i think it's back and for that reason right now ada is uh he is is gonna be sitting right mia and uh ts15 is gonna go here i just don't think they're as consistent as as they need to be for me personally um this is where they sit so i think this is fair and if you don't agree i agree with it then yeah that's all right adr 8r5 is faster i don't care you can do it you can make a tx15 shoot very like laser beams i suppose you can do the same with an 8-hour really like in all seasons you take the center of the 8r out and you can mod it should look like an m4 but um but yeah so all right um back to back to over here we have the svds and the mark 18. um now svd's been the game a little while now it's it's an absolutely devastating gun um and when you hear an svd in the map you know that they're going to have snb ammo in there and it's going to destroy any armor that you're wearing and it's got always going to one tap you in the head and two tapping in the chest uh and so it's a very devastating gun to try and push so for me the svd is one of those guns that even though it's semi-automatic um you can absolutely destroy and i know those people are gonna be saying but there's a lot of recoil in the svd if you mod it it's a laser beam like honestly it's an absolute laser beam so um where does it sit i actually do think it's better than the rss i actually do think it's better than the rss so i'm going to put it as uh as a but the mark 18 the mark 18 is right now the most enjoyable gun to use in the game i don't care what you say if if you if you have used this gun in the talk of right now it is the most enjoyable gun in the game you can go into woods with this gun and shoot someone from across the map and literally the noise alone just makes you like that little bit extra moist like like women in in in the distances like they hear it and they're like oh what was that like it has like that effect over everyone like even men you know like it's just holy [ __ ] so like um right now because it is the most enjoyable gun in the game and i love the fact that they made the ammo only found in raid so if you're going to buy the gun and buy the ammo it's like 20 000 rules around to buy the best ammo on the game and the fmj rounds are like i don't know it's probably sitting around the ten thousand rubles around i can't remember exactly the top my head but the ap ammo like the best ammo that can one shot anything is i know it was twenty thousand rebels around it people saying right now there's forty thousand rubles around which i think is good i actually like that idea there is a gun in the game that can one-shot anyone in the thorax no matter what they're wearing but it costs a hell of a lot to to to use if you want to take a 10-round mag of ap the ap ammo in sorry i'm going to say ab20 so the a the the fact that it can one-shot anyone in the in the chest then um no matter what and it cost a lot i think it's i think it sits really well with me uh as a balancing point as well it's just it's it's here um so it sits right here um it's an st it's a hundred percent an st if there if there wasn't a thing about a vest here it would be that you know for now we're just gonna sit that like there all right if there if there was like a gun a gun that could sit above the st it's it's going to be this right here all right s plus all right maybe maybe we'll make an s plus make a p for p pasteurity could we could all right we're getting to the pointy end now we're to the pointy end starting with the aks we'll start with the um the the vepa136 and we'll move up we'll move up so um uh vapor 136 i don't really like it i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna uh beat around the bush about it now you can buy that now from skier level one i think they made it available you can buy it straight away now so in the past you couldn't buy it from skate level one um and so it actually is combating the sks now the difference between the sks and the the 136 is the fact that um you can have bigger mags but the the sks you can top load so you don't need to buy mags um it can cause you to die because you have to quickly reload because you missed all the shots but um you don't need to take a rig so you can go in without a rig with a sks but you can um yeah so i don't know for me the 136 is probably on par with the sks depending on how you want you want it to sit like if you want to if you if you want to take a rig in you can you can fire a lot faster but um the skates you don't need to take a rig in and so you can top load so i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it with the sks because i kind of feel like you you really they're kind of even they're kind of even now the vepa uh 366. for me this is a bit different um i don't know why you'd want to use this gun i'm going to be completely honest so this is my mentality is i always think about progression so i know other people won't um see the same as me but i think about progression so i go all right what does using a a vepa 366 give me over the vpo the way i see it the vp0215 levels your sniper skill and that helps your progression whereas the 366 doesn't and so whilst it might be a um a decent gun to use because of the ap ammo that's been added to the game overall it's a semi-automatic trash gun right it really is i know not everyone's going to agree with that um but semi-automates don't sit well with me they're not going to sit well for a long time so the 366 is sitting down here and that's the the main reason behind that is the fact that the vpo levels up your sniper skill um and i if if you could use the 366 or you could use a lot of other ones then i would say a lot of other guns you would probably pick the other guns all right the only thing that is your arguing factor is the ammunition and when you can use the ammunition and the vpo you're better off using the vpo all right uh rpk time rpk time so uh actually we might go with aks74u now aka 74u for a long time there wasn't really that many different types of guns in the game uh when it came to uh to the 545 categories and all that they used to be like the aks-74u the ak-74n s etc so just so you guys know um akm covers all the other variants ak74n covers all the variants all right and that's why there's like ak 103 slash 4 aka 101 slash 2 ak105 so just otherwise we'd have like we could do a t list just on on the a case otherwise there's that many um aka aks-74u for a long time was actually really popular because it was one of the like the cheaper easier guns to use and bpmo and btml was like pretty much the meta for a long time unfortunately unless it's modded it's really really hard to shoot accurately uh as full auto and it's as a full-auto gun it's one of the worst full audio guns um if you and if you said to me would you rather use an aks-74u or a pp19 i'd use the pb19 every day of the week i'd use it over any like i used probably all the smgs over it so because of that i don't actually think it's as bad as say a 366 um vapor so i'm going to put it down here in the e in the e list but it's definitely not it's not it's not good it's not good and uh yeah so i'm gonna put it down here i could make that just a touch bigger and the christmas that sucks the quest with it is is a fun quest in my opinion um because i like the idea of a run to dorms i run to a gas station i get out and i kill everything along the way um but yeah it can be quite rough if you're not using good ammo it can be really rough all right uh so for the other 545 guns we've got the ak74n the ak-185 and the rpk we'll start with the 74n um for a long time and this this covers like 74m and all the other ones like that for the longest time this was a a really fun gun and and you would there would be the argument to use aks over m4s and m4a case the slower firing rate over the m4s makes the ak slowly less popular but it's still really good gun to use and um i think it will be a staple for a very long time because of that it's going to sit right in the middle uh and as like a staple and it's going to sit right here in the middle on on the c and for that reason it's a decent staple for it now um for the ak-105 it is very similar to the ak74 and i i think it really does kind of just sit with it the only advantage of it i think i think you can get the stats slightly better on it for some reason i'm trying to remember off the top of my head um but it doesn't really make much of a difference which one you're going to work which one you're going to use so um what i would probably say is um it's going to sit there kind of with the the other stable so i'm going to put it in in c with it so i'll quickly tidy this up and so then that way we can have both right next to each other um but i actually feel like these are both pretty much um very similar if anything the ak-105 just kind of looks cooler um that's that's probably the only major difference and uh it's shorter if i remember riley it is actually one square short like one length shorter right now with the uh the rpk now this is a slightly far faster firing rate really easy to mod you get the rpk you put um you put a four grip on it you put a sight on it and that's all you need to do it does have a bit of kick but because uh like you can use the 60 round mags on it it does kind of narrow its gripping down really well um i might be actually is it faster firing rate it's not faster for me alright been corrected it sounds cooler then all right it sounds cooler and because it sounds cooler and i like it and killer uses it um it's better all right purely based on the fact that it sounds cooler um what do i think it was faster firing right um but yeah you can definitely mod this one out to be really cool and it's really good to use uh is it better than um how where does it sit on the list though where to sit out of all the aks would i make it would i make it my my favorite of the a case yes yes i would um i'd rather use an rpk over an akm and um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this right here i actually i actually like using the rpk i like using it a lot you'll see me use it a lot um for a 545 gun if i'm going to buy one i literally go to the flea market i scroll down the list i try and find one that still has ammunition in the mag because sometimes people put them up on the on the flea market with the mag still attached it's got 1739 ammo in it and you can actually get it like you can actually get it cheaper it costs you get it for free pretty much because the mag's full so keep an eye out for that it's a little trick that you can use um so yeah uh 1739 with and bsmo was really wealthy rpk and it's a lot of fun now on this side ak-183 104 and the akm so these are your seven six twos and the ak one and one or two are your five five sixes so i might use that with the put that with along with the m4s so we'll move into that one next so the akm or the ak-1831a4 now personally i don't really like using the ak-183 104 for some reason for a while was i think the metal over the akm i think it has taken over again now as um as better than the akm someone could someone correct me did it just did it did it just get to better stats now because okay so the way it works was the akm had a higher base recoil and the way mods work it works off a percentage base so because the stock standard akm had a higher base recoil the percentages from the mods actually made it lower than the uh the ak-103 but the ak-183 now has um has better recall and ergonomics if i'm not mistaken so uh where does this sit on this list though that's a good question um for me i actually would prefer to use an ak-1a 3 104 or the akm over an ak74n or ak105 and for that reason i'm going to put both of these into the uh the beta male section being the the the b and uh they're going to be together i actually feel like they're not really like not ones not slightly better than the other um they kind of just bounce right next to each other a lot um and uh do i like them over a lot of other guns not really but they do slap with the the bp ammo so you use bpmr with these and you have a lot of fun with it and uh yeah so i think they can sit quite nicely there all right now we have let's go with the uh the five five sixes and then we'll move up to the uh the seven six twos and then we'll do the rest now i know there's gonna be people upset about what's gonna happen next um so buckle in fasten your seatbelts fasten your seatbelts now i love the mdr out of out of out of these ones here which ones would i like to use in what order it's going to be very interesting so ak 102 101 i don't like it it's trash i'm going to be very honest right now it's not that good i don't like the fact can you even put a 60 round mag in it yet have they changed it that you can put a six round mag into it 101 102 yet or is it still just the 30s no you still can't all right because of that reason it's sitting down here i'd rather use a tx15 i'm not even joking i have not used this gun i have not really used this gun since it's been added to the game you get one off for sharla um you get one off roshala and that's probably the only time i've ever used it when i kill rashallah i grab his gun um and then i'll use it for the rest of ray because it's got 856a1 in it and then i just i just uh i unload the ammo and i sell it um so yeah um i don't trash talk to tx i just think it just sits in the middle somewhere so yeah ak 101 i just it doesn't it doesn't sit well with me it's like how do i word it i'm trying to think of a way an ak-101 is like going to a pizzeria and ordering a steak that's probably the way i could explain it all right can we agree on that one we'll go on a steakhouse and order a pizza yeah all right i'm glad i'm glad we can agree on that um now where do these sit i know you guys aren't going to agree with me i i know you guys aren't going to agree with me i'm going to have to make some room you guys you guys will be mad here all right this is where it sits all right this is where it sits and you guys are gonna all right do you want me let me do you want me to put them into the spots and then talk about why or do you want me to talk about why and then put them into the spots first option all right so this is how it goes all right there there there pause for effect all right you ready here's why hk has a 50 rpm faster firing rate than the m4a1 right so that reason alone you're going to pick the hk over the m4 there's no real other argument there the they bounce between which one's got the better recoil control and which one's got the better ergonomics um so we can uh it's pretty safe to say that hk is better than the m4 like i don't think we can ever really get over that discussion so has gonna be definitely higher than m4 why is the mdr better than the m4 and this is why this is why you put a side on it you go into a raid you put aside on it you go into a raid oh i'm so sick of multi guns side on it go into right bam done six round mag done don't even put a grip on it slide on it go to the right anytime i'm so sick of making a mod i just say i die four raids in a row i just want to i just want to like get it all right and just shoot some people i just get a 60 round mag put eight five five a one in it and then i put a side on it i get into a raid and it's cheap it's not too expensive to run uh you can pick them up on the flea market cheaper you can um it yes it has a slow firing rate right but the firing rate doesn't matter if the first ball shoots him in the head think of it like that too so at the end of the day the mdr like if you could pick you could pick for different reasons the mdr is not the best gun in the game it's not even it's not even a great gun in the game but it's better than the m4 and that's the reason why hk faster firing rate than the m4 the mdr it's a very basic gun that get that can kill anyone in the game and works really well so then use the ada no because if you missed the first shot you want a chance to be able to still kill him all right firing rate doesn't matter if the first ball hits him in the head but if you do miss that shot and you need a spray you've got the option all right just remember that all right with the adar it's it's slower so um this is my this is how i would do it and like i said i know this would piss people off i know this would make people upset but it makes it makes sense you don't have to agree but it makes sense does it not you put the hk better than the m4 because of 50 firing rate but the mdr is better than the m4 with 200 less what pistol you drunk you didn't listen did you we're going to go these two next and then we're going to finish off with these ones it's gonna be like a two-hour youtube video wasn't meant to be this long i know you guys are like always gonna put the dt mdr if if you've got the the 308 version if the 556 is there and then the sd58 where could these possibly go you know and and there's factors that you need to take into into um into account right modding modding is very expensive when it comes to the sa58 however um it is probably it's not probably it is arguably i'm trying it like damage per second the sa58 is the highest damage per second in the game i'm not even joking so unless the mark 18 like you can fire faster but i guess reload time and all that so the sa-58 is the highest damage per second in the game so i think we don't really need to talk about it too much more than that it is an st gun it is 100 an std gun because of the fact it's uh it's the highest damage per second m61 rounds will kill pretty much anything in one to two bullets uh depending on where you hit a thorax or head um and it devastates so um yeah but where does the dtmdr fit if uh the sa-58 is up there now i love the dtmdr and it sits exactly the same as the uh 556 the if you want to go kill killer you put m61 in this you put a side on it you don't have to do anything else and for that for that reason there both of these sit right next to each other like that and it's literally that you i love the fact that i can literally just put assad on both mdrs and just go into raid i'd have to think about it yeah i might not survive the raid but i can definitely kill everyone and i can have a lot of fun doing it so that's where it sits with me that's where it sits the dm dtmdr is probably my favorite gun right now yeah they're a lot of fun did you get the pepper hunter f after because of a big salt mine yes i hate the i hate the bev hunter right now the only reason the mdr isn't uh st is because of the 20 round mags i could agree with that if for some reason there was like a 50 round mag for the gtmdr i would probably i would not probably i definitely would uh ester it because whilst the um the sa-58 is better sorry um you you need it you really do need a modern s858 you can't just go in stock standard if you're dropping some serious cash whereas the dtmdr you don't need to do that all right we have five to go all right this is the order we're doing them so as well vss let's do them first because they've been around the game since pretty much the start um and they're one of those guns that sometimes we have a really lovely relationship with and sometimes um we get very frustrated for a long time the asval and vss were the meta and people were really frustrated for the fact that it was only the only gun people were running you were like that was all that you'd see and they did a lot of changes to accuracy they did a lot of changes to um to the cost of the rounds and and and everything else in between um so i feel like um the the reason why the asl on the vss is one of those guns that i love using is the fact that i literally just put a okay p7 side on it and just ma get max i don't even i don't put a fork grip on it i don't put a laser on i don't have to do anything else i just put the side on it and grab some extra mags and we're good to go um and it's still really good gun one of the things that people don't understand with this gun sp5 ammo can absolutely destroy the only time the sp5m is going to really cost you is um is really close quarters but a little bit further away um and particularly if they don't have if you see them before they see you sp5000 will shred everyone so it's it's actually a really good ammo ammo and it's really cheap so for that factor it's gonna sit and i know you guys probably won't agree with this oh you probably will actually um it's going to sit with the uh what the [ __ ] why do heck many moments later all right let's just do it this way i'll go click and i'll go here and i'll paste and then we'll move it to where we want to put it all right so aseval is going here no it didn't work all right they're sitting there all right this is where these are sitting that was frustrating and then lastly lastly we've got these three why is this a laggy now sorry ash 12 mcx now the s12 water is devastating the best relationship um like the the the 12b ammo it really does punch hard but it is a meme gun um it does like i said it it does hit hard but it's heavy it doesn't really have good recoil it doesn't a good recoil at all and it just doesn't really it's not consistent yeah that's it and so someone just said it's inconsistent i agree with that um so for me luber calls it the best worst gun until it's not i would i would largely agree with that and so for me the ash 12 is gonna see it right here and i know people are going back i don't care that's where it sits for me that's where it sits for me all right mcx i have not gotten along well with this gun because i am i am pushing through i am pushing through and um it has gotten a lot better it has got a lot better i think when they bring out some more mods for this gun it's going to be it's going to be godly it's probably going to be like right up the very top um so i feel like the mcx it's it's it's great but it's not excellent you know what i mean it's good but it's not it's not it's not getting us all the way uh all the way there so the mcx um for me it sits right here so don't at me but that's where i feel like the mcx sits with me it's kind of sitting there with the m4 it's great but it just isn't there there's there's two groups of people in chat right now there's the s pluses and there's the ft's right what do i think about the gl40 honestly i don't run into a lot besides labs and every now and then you'll you'll see it on a different map but it's not very common it's turned into this weird meme where people they don't use it unless they're memeing or they're cheating kind of it's kind of it's kind of where it sits with me so um if you want me to be serious with it if you actually wanted me to be serious with it uh and where it sits in the actual uh in the in the list i don't really know where i would put it but where do i feel like it sits in escape from tarkov i kind of feel like it doesn't it doesn't really fit and escape from tarkov so for me it sits right here i actually honestly think it it doesn't add value to the game it's not enjoyable it's not like it's not an overly enjoyable gun to use and it's it's the opposite of the mark 18. right the mark 18 you shoot someone and you get this little and you have like this little fun because you actually have to aim as well but you get that little tingle feeling of like um that like this really through the body and it makes you feel great there's yellow 40 you kill someone you laugh at him you just laugh at him you're like peasant like that's the only thing like and then you're like move on loot move on it doesn't really feel like yeah so this is my t-list i know there's a lot of people out there right now going why the [ __ ] does these things sit here why why is this like why is this like like it is how did the m9a3 go down here and why is the pp19 all the way in a but the mp5 is all the way down in d there has been two hours of reasoning well probably about an hour and 45 of reasoning and about 15 minutes of photoshop tutorials but um we've this has been for about an hour and 45 minutes i will be condensing it into the shortest youtube video we possibly can it's probably going to be an hour long just to be able to get all the information in so if you have enjoyed this and you've come in late that it will be up on youtube it will be up on youtube but um what i want to do is once i publish a youtube video i'll i'll make this um i'll make this photoshop uh image like this actual photoshop thing available publicly so if you want to do it with your friends or if you're a streamer out there and you want to do it on your stream with your community um i'll make it so you can do it and then you don't have to do all the cutting and pasting and all that [ __ ] so um i'll probably try and get this video out in the next day or two and then um and then uh yeah um if you want a summary though um from bottom to top uh gl40 i don't really feel like it sits well in the game at all it doesn't really make the game any more fun and it just really frustrates people and it's not even that fun to use it's kind of like you use it once you're like yeah fair enough um m9a3 i hate the iron sight on it uh the 45s i just don't really use them the mags are small tos [ __ ] gun there's nothing really good you can do with it cycle9 why would you use the psychonaut and the pp19s in the game on 45 it's slow firing it jumps around a lot it's just hard to use t5000 doesn't really give me any enjoyment um it's just like a big expensive bold action pepper hunter frustrates me all the naked's running with the vapor hunter into into kill killer and killing me when i'm fully geared trying to play the game like normal and the vapor 366 i just i just don't know why you'd use it over a vpo 215. um and then for the rest of it you'll have to wait and see in the youtube video if you missed it or you can watch the vod [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 729,171
Rating: 4.8553753 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: RRSPo1nNoyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 50sec (5330 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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