I start Tarkov with just a knife | Escape From Tarkov: Rags to Riches [S4Ep1]

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you guys have decided through the poll that i put out the other night and my god that's the biggest poll numbers we've ever seen so thank you so much for communicating through the community section as amazing and hope we could do more of those in the future but the winner and i kind of expected to be was right to riches now do not worry for those that are really interested in doing the amazing normal play through at some point it is coming i promise you but it is time to begin the show are you ready [Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to season four of rider rich's season four it's it's it blows my mind already on season four the game already kind of had an idea what we're going to do we're just bumping up a number bumping it up one and we're moving on because oh i'm so excited but what's different about this playthrough is we're not doing bear we're doing you sec i figure it's time it's time to do something different we have different faith let's write there's a new face to sound like does it does it say or does it make a i got a noise feeling about this i'm gonna go josh even though you guys can barely hear that because apparently uh i turned on the voices instead of the game so you could barely hear it it's whatever well i never really use the in-game commands anyway oh man season four uh i know a lot of you are probably gonna wonder what's the goal what's the goal goal right now for season four is just to see what we can get i think throughout the series i'm going to create miniature goals here and there obviously at some point we're going to go for the cap container but that's not really my main focus for this season but we'll see how it goes i'm excited though very very excited wow this is an interesting kit uh this is totally different than what you're used to getting is it because we picked the uh the usac i wonder if the bears got something different wow this is really cool actually now obviously this is all going to be gone and a little bit of a snap of the fingers much better much much better and for those that are unaware of the rules of ragged riches we'll go briefly over them because why not we might as well uh there's not going to be fancy overlays like the nomad series because well i want to get right into this uh it's currently 11 13 at night on christmas eve and i wanted to get one episode filled before christmas that way i can pop it out so you guys can have fun enjoying watching that i believe it's going to be the 26th this is coming out so the day after christmas yeah i thought that was a pretty good gift to give but anyway the actual rules of the series are uh we start with nothing obviously everything is completely just destroyed we have to start from scratch other than the bayonet i keep the bayonet because i'm not a madman we're not doing the hardcore series right now uh beyond that there are no rules there are zero rules beyond that we start from nothing and try to work our way up we can use the flea market we can trade with all the traders we can buy sell order anything that's the only rules of this it's basically a normal playthrough except where i start with nothing hence right riches so yeah that's the only rule and let's move on friends uh i'm gonna be honest we're gonna start this a little different than we normally do normally well that's really cool i don't think i've ever seen it set up like that before anyway we'll get to this gap at some point now for us i'm going to do i'm going to do woods first and i'm excited to try this only because of the fact and if they they just updated woods and i want to see the expansion if we die we die it is what it is we're not really worried about our record right now but we'll see what happens i just want to check it out that's that's that's what we're doing yeah so let's do this let's jump in the woods let's check it out together while hopefully trying to find a weapon oh we're in okay uh i don't exactly know where the new area is so this will be this will be an interesting start considering we're right next to everyone let's go explore have a little bit of fun do you want to kind of discuss a couple things while we were well running around the new map and everything um pretty much how this the season's gonna go yeah it's it's it's not gonna be a rush uh now obviously between beginning of the first like seven episodes or even maybe even the first first ten episodes of season three there was a lot of missing content and i i want obviously that's something that i never want to have happen is missing content because i want you to see everything so this series will be every single raid every single thing i loot just like we used to do like season two and season one you won't be missing anything no extra looting in between oh yeah just want to give you a little heads up on that for those who they were kind of concerned beyond that that's that's about it okay nothing inside the building there is uh weapon crates though that we should definitely hit up first that would be the smart idea that we can hopefully get a weapon or something oh and those are curious uh we did get the secondary pc uh up and running now i get to get a couple things first i do have to get like uh extra ethernet cable i need to get um well i need to figure out the audio first because it's uh it's a little more trickier than doing a single rig setup so probably like early 2021 we'll be using that but for the beginning or the the ending of 2020 we'll be just using the single rig so the quality is not the best i apologize it's still going to be decent but it's not going to be as good of quality with two rigs set up so but yeah that's exciting i was able to get it set up had some help from a buddy of mine and uh yeah it's it was great it's great to get bill to get that set up uh where's the boxes there they are it took a little bit to get in this map too it's like three minutes oh i wonder how many people we're going to run into oh i don't believe well actually there may be a weapon piece down below i remember where the heck it's at though where is it at where is it at the way back here already oh there it is i always get so confused about this okay let's be lucky nope not today if anything else have to run maybe kill a uh scab with the uh the knife oh look at that two good scopes right away i'll take that oh i can't even take i can examine it though let's get that xp at least she doesn't give you the xp once you pick it up oh i forgot about that so forgot about that parts for days i'll take it all every single bit of it all right it looks like it's it goes this way this is the expansions north i think this is north don't quote me on that because i don't know this is exactly north where it's good we're gonna go this way i know for the longest time they were talking about doing this but i'm excited to see what it looks like i didn't i didn't watch any streams any youtube videos or anything i just just i kept myself in the dark about everything pretty much just you know it didn't seem like a very huge gap between season three and season four which was nice i uh i was a little worried that there was a chance that like it'd be like months and months and months in between but this wasn't that bad this was really like what like i think we were only a month and a half two months in between which is not that bad i'll i'll take it although i did not expect this i kind of logged on to the nomad account one day and boom there you go or happened having the uh ham on that dang it oh that'd been so nice to get uh they found out there's going to be a white that was interesting um let's see weapon case i like this new area so far oh that's a weapon hey that's an adar the dope back scope so that's oh actually no that's not no that's i don't even try i know those aren't going to work that examined i should really start working on the actual why not let's just drink it first oh we gotta be careful i don't even check how many bowls are in this gun delicious delicious less than half okay oh there's like a roadblock down there okay oh one day one day maybe maybe they'll be they'll give us the fun fun parts of the the game which is driving vehicles i don't want i don't want anything crazy like tanks and stuff but that would be cool to get on those oh i like this i can already start examining everything get the wires oh this has got to be an exit there's no way that's not an exit right we could just check you know bridge extraction outskirts oh maybe not maybe it's not ah that's another weapon isn't it it's a cutter oh it's a helmet oh oh oh that wow that's a really good helmet oh okay i will take that uh we i can't take any more parts but we can at least examine it maybe oh you know what we don't get the xp unless we're actually picking up i completely forgot about that oh there's some stuff we want to get radio we got rations nice give me the stuff give me the good stuff what's that oh apollos okay um yeah let's drink the milk i should probably take the [ __ ] to shankar just like i said continuing to build up that stuff nice nice well i think this will fit in there do this unload wow there's only two shots in that thing that's really bad that's really bad oh we got a bigger magazine now they weren't joking when they said less than half well we got to find ourselves some more ammo then that's got to be an objective or just get out and not get seen that'd also be a thing okay that's fuel just sit on the ground it's good to know a bunch of broken stuff all right this is gonna be crazy to see where like what the good areas are go there's a village there there's a village and there's more stuff way back there okay i i'm already really intrigued about this map and i don't want to go near that with only two rounds does anyone else feel like that'd be the death i mean sherman's here that's what the shooting is german i have no idea where i'm going like this is this is so confusing i know where the outskirts obviously is there's a factory gate where's the factory gate can i go up here oh you can go up here wow you can get really high up in this map now oh is this where the sniper used to be but i heard somebody for a minute i think this is where the sniper used to be i would be careful though like a tower up here man woods is like what's trippy now dude germans going cray-cray as usual see anyone down there that's yeah that's where sherman's like down that area what's in this this met oh it's tech okay hopefully one of them will be medical we really need to get the medical stuff complex already yeah we want items they're gonna suffer money and weapon parts seem to sell more now can we get down from here's the question uh that's an svd i can't oh ammo apple ammo obviously none of this will work for this gun because why would they give us this type of no oh crap i mean the snb is not bad obviously but uh pp rounds not the best what are those circles over if it circles all the way around we'll we'll just move that way i mean you could be here forever i mean what's the time i was like 38 minutes okay yeah enough time you could literally be on this map for forever if you like and not run into something after how big it is i'm happy they didn't increase the size like i feel like giving people a chance to like learn the map first and then go for it like like increase the numbers is a good idea i don't know if they're actually going to increase the numbers they don't hold into that but it would be a good idea just just bumped up a lot now i'm not talking like like 50 but i'm talking like maybe like bump it up to like 16 17. that way you know you get a decent base of players like on the map at all times i'd like to find a scab body that would be a big big big advantage for us but same time i'd like to also not die with two rounds almost empty yep make it we can make it i'm trying to get like orientate myself that's where sherman is we have people fighting by the outskirts checkpoint should be like right up here gotta watch the carry weight too almost 7.5 we're good we're good i guess they lower it down to like 35 and then you start getting like the like the overburden type of thing it needs to be 40 or something like that oh billy oh billy billy billy yeah normally we go like i said we normally go interchange at the beginning and see where we can go from there but i'm actually happy we decided to go woods this is sweet it reminds me of it reminds me of like those like hunting games used to play back in the day you look you like hunting for the good deer except for here running for people where the hell am i oh oh oh oh oh oh right there that's a checkpoint right yeah that's checkpoint yep there's the giant rock you get on yep this is all making sense wow they opened up all this it's so big now it's a huge and i'm gonna i know i probably said that four or five times this map is huge now but it is it's so awesome how big they made the map i felt like it was way too linear before like i'm so glad that they decided to make it not as linear come on karkov give me one more weapon okay we're not oh someone's getting mosin uh how are we going to play this since the guy's got a mosin how far back can we go to get all the way around that's the question bridge extraction okay okay so they've got like snipers that way okay so you can't go super far but you can at least get a little bit of a wide berth as long as i don't pass those signs we should be okay i just try not to run into a person right now good all right let's keep going the cabin should be like right there or like the scav cabin if we continue around that we should get to our exit i don't even care that there's not a lot a lot of uh scabs wandering around the woods it's actually entertaining just to run around at least in my opinion it is it's actually really fun careful the signs this will be very difficult to see bodies though like i said i want to try to loot one of them at least before we get out but then again it may not happen i have to remember that if we hear some screaming we should probably not go near the building i don't see any dead bodies oh we got somebody right there like he's running towards the middle okay we're going to do a quick pass over here in the middle yes and see if i can oh nope nope i don't know if that's at me and i prefer not to get killed i don't think it is though see there's anybody make maybe dead over here i don't see anybody like sniper rock and then we're outta here that sucks all right we got loaded to bits we're out of here we had our fun and we actually you know we got some upgrades which i'm happy about because we can we can buy the backsight for this gun too so it was not a loss to actually pick up the adar grant i'm going to hit my shots if i want to actually get it did they move the outskirts exit oh they must have moved it it used to be right there there we go whoa i have no idea where oh i see him oh i just saw the last second we made it out just in time 1400 xp i'll take it i'll take it for the first read of season four by the way i hope everyone had a great christmas and christmas eve i had a we had a fantastic time uh over at the in-laws i had a really good time hanging out with him i haven't seen a long time because all those crazy covet stuff so very happy that we got a chance to go hang out with them very very fun time but let me know what did you guys get for christmas anything good um anything good or did you just spend time with family i'm just curious i always like to know what kind of presents everyone gets oh let's just hope we get good loots after we sell some stuff okay so we obviously didn't get a lot but this stuff will definitely sell decently get all this out apparently the glasses are good for like against like flashbang stuff oh yeah let's see there it is right there thirty percent uh okay cool i like that and it also does something with the raid drops off obviously too so you got two little bonuses right there uh we'll pull this guy off as well he'll let me there we go um oh sorry i gotta examine the cap the parts of this which is all right a little bit xp from that i'm gonna see if we can get some m855 though would be a nice little upgrade we're gonna sell all these parts here because obviously now this stuff will work anyway raiders mechanic hello good sir oh i have so much things to unveil oh we've got some fun i'll do that other than between episodes though just you where that's what we're going to be doing you're not going to be missing much it's just that uh we'll hold on to the tashanka though oh we can start working towards therapy stuff obviously peacekeeper peacekeeper peacekeeper i need to get a couple dollars let's do like 200. oh oh maybe not we'll do well we need to buy ammo though 100 i have no idea how much 100 will guess but we'll try get that actually hold on skier you have any scopes available i don't think you do no you don't go at the peacekeeper then and we'll put that on there and then we'll buy the ammo let's buy like just 38 rounds oh not that much 38. that i'll be in there i think a 40 round mag should be good well we have 33 dollars why don't we buy the rest of it do how much can we do um 20 1 21 20 yeah that's all i can do is twenty one rounds what do twenty one around an extra so that way we can at least have some backup if we go through it all and then we gotta buy some meds too by all the goodies we're gonna need this on our adventures oh and i afford body armor which i don't think we can we cannot unfortunately about to save it for it riggs 10 000. do we sell that's a sh yeah why not i'll sell it to shock it's really not that hard to get a hold of my it's not that bad uh let's buy big boom boom and then we'll grab all the stuff out too that should be good there happy about that four five six seven and we'll leave the splint just in case we need it yeah that'll work we're gonna obviously have an open chest but both to deal with it this is the best we can go with uh now we need to think about where we want to go next uh i should you want to read the scab out we could bring the scab out let's do one more pmc run if we had to pull this cat out afterwards we can um thinking why don't we go get up city preserve i'm liking the idea for reserve let's go there then we get some medical items all right we're in oh wow we starting underneath okay this should be an interesting spawn uh it was i think we actually know we're on time we just we had a very long loading screen which is not necessarily a bad thing uh since we're here we might as well try to go for medical on our way anyway anything i don't see at all let's move it let's move on pull yep we're full and i gotta get across the way to that big building there now i can see from the people on my right or behind me or or behind me they're everywhere crap well let's fix that split real quick or let's fix it with a split oh boy i'm in a weird spot right now oh wow someone already hit it [Music] well just the arm got hit we're good [Music] let's try to see if we can get a grenade yeah better some behind me i really don't want to waste the healing in my arms just hope there's no one inside and maybe someone inside that door is not normally open oh no it is i'm sorry this is the bathroom okay i think we're in the clear nothing yet well oh there we go let's see gotta be something in here right it was something good nothing good irene i still don't know if chlorine's good or not it never it's one of those items that i know it's it's a barter item but i don't know if it's actually worth taking or not oh that's good that's heavy bleed protection right there cool okay hopefully we get more of those in the future never gonna need a lot of i mean obviously we could buy the single-use ones nothing wish i had the key for that that's for sure medical really all right let's get down to the basement basement sometimes has stuff gonna be a little bit quieter than normal just because of that that beeping going off it's hard to hear players when they're when they're coming around with that beeping on hey and as they say it it goes away thank the lord bandages not really the best but i'll take it all right give me like something good oh okay whatever i'll take it we're gonna do it later anyway no medical really or i shouldn't say no medical i should say decent medical anything i can eat nope nothing here anyway this is usually like the go-to spot that i go to every time lunchbox will need that anyway for later on no documents let's get lucky get lucky lucky lucky observe don't let me down okay cause right now right now you're you're losing out uh to woods okay woods had better loot than you so far and that's that's saying something i'm just saying what are we going to get led 40 no we need the miniature ones miniature ones will be what we use to upgrade the the stash later before we get to the underground let's check here what we got get rid of it really quiet though i don't know how i feel about being so quiet all right let's head down to the big boys area i'm sure we're bound to run to somebody down there there's also a medical box down there too we can hit up but let's just hope we get something good man it feels good i i don't know about you uh you guys but i love the white i really do i it's it's one of those things where every time i it comes up it's a fresh start to me every time and i know some people you know they they hate losing that progress but you know what at some point it's gonna happen we might as well have it happen early and it did it happened pretty fast this year oh someone's talking one of those i don't know if that's above me or not i think it is it was not we got a backpack too oh loot it all i think i could fit this in there yep oh nice bandage i'll take this out take this out as well for the heavy bleed looks like they hit up a lot of the stuff already but we'll let's see what we can get i have a strong feeling someone's probably hanging out downstairs by the hermetic door we're at the hermetic door but one of the the big doors in those stairs i just have a feeling they are but you know it's the easiest exit for us to get out so we might as well just take everything we can get our hands on i can see if there's any documents on the table it doesn't look like it so check out the cabinets or maybe something good was that a cheap phone oh it totally is a phone okay why not we'll take it okay this is some good stuff i'm happy with it i think this is there's an open slot isn't there there is wait okay i totally missed the top one what the heck light bulb it might as well start collecting them i mean we don't have a ton of space in the stash but we're gonna need it at some point money dollar bills y'all electric or insulated tape maybe we'll take it it looked like what i was looting the scab someone did go through all the uh they went through all the boxes in the front so they probably ran through looted and scooted i'm very happy to lower the sounds by the way it used to be so loud when he broke stuff or walked through a bush oh thank you bsg you guys are my friends for doing that i'm going to remove some of the stuff because that's actually worth a good penny you're obviously noticing that the difference between this season and last season we are changing some stuff up i am using the alpha container not a lot of room anyway so we might as well take advantage of what we can i can't fit that anything well i could i don't think it's i don't think it sells for much maybe some grenades nope no grenade oh i forget how to get there oh they didn't go through the medical strange means you wouldn't go through the medical that's a silencer whoa that's a good that's a good item to get we might as well take it all right i think we have stayed for long enough oh somebody died down here we could do this yeah there we go the guy probably joined all his stuff was like gotta go buddy nobody we're good yeah i was so worried about someone just hiding behind that little door right there i guess i can pick something else up and there anything else good inside the middle the light bulb yeah me come on there we go i know you make so much noise doing that but dude i'm hearing myself walk thinking someone's behind me all right this is the scary part both the god nobody's camping i'll be extra capping this would be horrible of you i don't understand the thought process of leaving this stuff behind you know like maybe well he could have obviously had better stuff though all through those that should be everything i don't think there's anything else left yep you already opened it sweet we're out of you then oh that makes life a little bit easier yeah when d2's raid video is already open and i can just go right through oh the stress level goes way down way way down look at that look at that folks that's awesome that is seriously awesome i'd like that a lot uh i think i am gonna make one rule though uh before we can use our scab just so we have a little more play with our with our pmc we're gonna wait until level 10 before we actually use our scab i think that's a i think that's a fair thing to do because that way we're not uh losing the ambiance of the right to riches and uh yeah the game's doing it again pretty sweet sweet okay we've got some extra rigs which will work out hopefully in our favor soon stuff out gotta do this back oh i am totally doing this backwards whatever we'll do it the hard way on that one there we go your life's a little easier oh let's pull this stuff out everything must go everything it must go you will money slot i had a feeling too i was like after i put the 40 round megan in there i was like i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need a three slot to actually put anything in there again so thank god we got that backpack uh let's see let's see let's see let's go and sell and that's all well actually we got morphing we take that alex we'll need that for therapists at some point in therapists what can i sell to you all this stuff you shouldn't have saw that that's uh i think i'm gonna keep the medical items actually and then we'll go to [Music] the rackmen so the hats there you go ragman enjoy the hat okay enjoy it buddy you you deserve it you really do i'm gonna hold on to the ak sell all these other parts though that should be good oh there we go oh hold on hold on let's not let's not go drastic we need to have that um i'll i'm gonna hold onto for right now maybe we won't that we'll see get all the stuff kind of moved up the knives i'm actually gonna hold on to for now because if we ever have to get a point we need to mp5 or if we need to work on jaeger once we unlock him then we can do that but that should be good enough for us right now all right we have 195k to work with that is more than enough let's do some searching i want to get myself a pack up let's get that on there that should be a little bit better yeah not the best but it'll help out a little bit medical supplies we got all those yeah i'll heal up on that let's just we'll use healed and go buy a couple more anyway they're pissed i'm gonna buy a couple of your amazing a12s or jesus piece of cheeses could also maybe gone through a couple more of those cabinets now i think about it got some duct tape get a car med kit that would have been nice and then we'll put this in there for now yeah i like that okay i like that that's good enough that's good for us right now we are gonna do this we're gonna go to therapist and also mr prepper wait okay we started all that stuff subquest complete ready what i completed subquest ready anyway uh yeah we're gonna go to customs see we get a couple kills on some scabs and maybe hit the the medical area again grab all the sale was so we can get those a therapist and go from there let's do this i don't know if it's just that maybe people are doing quests right now they're not like super worried about um players but i'm surprised that we have not run into a single player yet strange to me well obviously other than the guy at the end of uh woods he was sniping at us but a bit strange that we haven't run into other players but again it's it's early wipes so people are probably trying to work work on those quests and why not get me hard drive better it's only 15 aha mine's better very nice i have no idea what we're going for here other than obviously going for the medical items so we'll just kind of see what happens when we run into stuff you i do want to check this building up here though because obviously there's a chance for a graphics card spawning would not be a bad item that should get right away just start collecting him obviously but you know what it's not on this side it's right i have to actually go through the building it's up there i should actually start focusing on grabbing some uh wait you know the exam i'm not going to pick that up but i should also start examining um some more stuff and also go through coats because keys obviously are a big thing boards they're collecting them at least i'll grab so i'll just keep grabbing a couple hard drives just so we can buy some more backpacks from peacekeeper uh oh there we go i was like what's going on here board that's actually good enough right there somebody out there you can barely hear him but he's out there all depends on who's gonna break first and it's not gonna be me i mean i'm trapped so at this point i might as well just wait i mean he's he's gonna do one two things he's just gonna wait for me to come out but wait two come on buddy i heard the metal i know you're out there oh that first shot was not a head shot whatever did you get pack oats i could take that ooh ammo 2 which is great oh you found you had a grenade nice probably s b yeah smb he's already been looting the heck out of this place it will remove the pliers and stuff probably should have closed the door behind me that would've been smart right all that oh i can i can go inside of things oh i like that go in there you go in there and boop it about good enough uh that should actually how well is this lower hydration doesn't go down low at all oh we need hydration actually oh hold cow i didn't pay attention to that we need to we need to find some water oh and pliers it's gonna be a while before we can actually start making the uh paint yourself like like scab scat boxes and ammo boxes so it's gonna be a bit i shouldn't worry about that right now so i need to focus on getting some water because it's really low lower than lower than i thought it was going to be a crappy key crappy key give me the juice i need the juice please all the juice matches croutons exactly what i need game that's exactly at this moment okay let's keep moving actually i didn't check this one before i forget let's get this thing loaded up so don't go too far and forget oh we should go to the other top area first see if there's any there should be food in there nope get our new secondary reloaded oh come on i should be evelyn oh evolated she's elevated but nope this is technically speaking better than what i was using so i think we'll keep this in our hands for now went through all that stuff already no water though surprising mannequin man you got anything for me no okay yeah i guess we'll check in here i don't know why water would be in here but you you gotta check it right okay we got time i'm not dehydrated fully yet i'll get stuck on everything no flash drive okay let's get out of here what the heck just shot at me oh it's a scab that's not the shotgun we need so well there's some definite definite lag i can tell you that want to give you some type of drink oh would that be damn nicole him i think it would be let's see you didn't have the shotgun windy anyway that's a that's an auto shock and it's not what we need at all good body he's already looted though we'll skip him what else could we get water we could actually the factory here you can have some water is definitely a good place to go check and we got the vehicle back there too layers over the all the place flashlight i could deal with that bullets i shouldn't be running either surgical kit nice i'll take both of those all right focus we're about to be dehydrated we need water killing me gabe you're killing me with no water all right where else can we get water from uh all right yeah let's let's quickly go check let's just see if maybe we get lucky with the with the truck i don't think i had water did they water me must be really i'd be ticked at myself i found out i had water on me someone's been through here it just really okay we're not going that way i know going up top and you know in the ability to my left would be a good idea to get a vantage point but we're all about survival right now get as much stuff organic action will always come obviously in this game how nutty would be if someone or she already had a factory key there's gotta be one person that has one at least if there's any water in here okay or at least let's try to get out of here because we can we can buy water from therapists we got five oh well we may just get out before our dehydration starts happening duct tape nice rip ammo huh you can go get across the bridge now the scary zone obviously everyone's going for all the medical stuff so like you know the quest item so everyone's like focus on that main area and then you'll obviously get the key is gonna be the dorms but i'm sure i'm not the only one that's just now starting this late at oh night i think i just saw someone let's be a bit careful there's a scav oh my certain my helmet just got hit really hard oh no my body oh it my body armor protecting me i have no idea what just hit me who was it it was a scav wherever he is i wonder actually is the campfire on you can't see it from this angle nope it's not on no exit for us oh oh he didn't die ow oh i'm also dehydrated forget about that oh i got him okay we we traded shots oh i need to buy another splint i don't know when he wasn't going down i don't know if i can put this inside that oh please be a water no let's just drink clean look uh oh i can nice bandage that's better actually and it actually repairs really nicely yeah shotgun you're staying behind suck up the pain suck up the pain sir we have got to move we gotta go can't run fast because i'm dehydrated as long as we don't run out of energy which we can't because i've got uh oats on me we should be just fine i forgot about the uh about the painkillers they don't last as long because you have to work on that skill there's so many things i have to remember about the about the update i read some things not everything though right through the pain sir fight through the pain about half pull this guy up for now an eye out for anybody i guess we could have to hit up the medic hole right here and see if we can get our hands and don't say the wall it's rare but you know it's right here right next to the exit oh that's actually good that's very good and let's remove oh what do i want to remove we'll remove the health we just used it's a big thing right there okay now obviously if we had the flea market open that would sell for oodles it really would it sells so well on the flea market i think they're usually like 150k at the beginning of the wipe if we can hit level 10 and if we feel like we don't need those because we only i think we only need one to work on the medical stuff anyway wouldn't be a bad idea it wasn't health but not by much duct tape okay i want that up the oats wait the tashang after the raid i prefer not to dehydrate myself that much more than i already need to oh they fixed that so you can't back away so far that's what it seems like at least stan egg not a bad idea actually we'll drop the rubles we'll take them the stan egg and we can have a backup magazine i'll take that watch out for that for the ninja scam that's hopefully not gonna be around here but it could definitely be here oh we're just gonna we're just we're gonna leave please let me jump oh yeah we're gonna get out of here i told you ninja scabs they're everywhere you you have no idea how oh like i knew that was gonna happen ninja scabs dude they're the worst avoid them look at those there are two of them they came out of nowhere they try to message you at the end just to see if you see if you just fall for it like oh just one more kill one more no no ninja kills ninja scabs are the worst dang thirty two hundred xp i almost hit level four almost well we are screwed up okay apply it we got the money let's heal it up a little bit get all those broken parts out of the way ow wow wow wow wow what a fantastic and freaking tastic beginning of rag to riches okay now we gotta figure out what we want to sell oh i'm just dosing by the way new music this is new music i'm not used to this it's nice though well bring this back out and pull the crap out good good so much stuff so much loot already oh that feels good that feels good ladies and gentlemen and we can repair this thing really nicely too that's only 11 000 and it stays so well uh level three two that's going to be amazing now what else we want to do we want to sell some of the stuff off obviously and we want to buy some backpacks just so we that way we're we're good to go for a while you can buy two of those but you can set the backpack inside of a backpack pop that in there we got an extra there and we got these two here okay now i need a little the water will heal up itself at some point i want to get everything sold so actually let's turn let's turn this in before i forget to ask oh it's only three now oh they really lowered that oh wow wow they really lowered that a lot uh first of all let's go to the hideout i wish the music would continue and say hi now that'd be nice uh medical that up and running uh i could buy those let's go buy this real quick therapist buy one of those and buy one of these holy chutes i know again germans are not oh whoops i buy the wrong bandage oh i bought another splint that's okay i needed for the uh for the raids anyway right there oh that's right you need the fuel i forgot you need a feel for that one okay well we're gonna forget to start working on this thing that's not as bad as i thought it was gonna be that if it's only three we're in a good spot then yeah all right i'm just gonna have to go through all this stuff figure out what i want to keep what i want to sell what i need to buy yeah there's a lot to do here uh ladies and gentlemen i hope you enjoyed the first episode of the rag to riches series what a come up for our first oh it's such a good such a good start i'm so happy about that we're getting better if you can't tell we're getting a little better at this game considering we uh we did really well there um a lot of action but we found a lot of stuff survived and i'm happy about that but if you enjoyed this episode give it a thumbs up don't forget if you're new to the channel and you want to see the rest of this content make sure you hit that subscribe button it's completely free and it helps out the channel so much biggest two things liking subscribing helps us out a lot i'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Halfman
Views: 730,645
Rating: 4.9239554 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from Tarkov, Lets play Escape from Tarkov, lets play escape from tarkov part 1, Escape from tarkov Rags to Riches, escape from tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov ep 1, escape from tarkov guide, Escape from Tarkov learners guide, escape from tarkov tips, Halfman, Halfmanlive, Rags to Riches, Escape from Tarkov challenges, Escape from Tarkov episode 1, Video games
Id: l8gvqOn5NDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 12sec (4212 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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