How to Solo Interchange with 1M+ Extracts - Escape From Tarkov 12.8

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You lost me at the part where you solo kill a 4 man while fending off a fifth. Instructions unclear, my screen says [head, eyes].

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/RageMachinist 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I play this sooo differently to you.

At the start of the match I just head straight for the mall. In the hundreds of raids I've done at Interchange, there has only been once that I've ran into another play outside off spawn and that was because I spawned late and checked a cache on my way. It's not something to worry about, just head straight towards the mall.

I also NEVER enter from the ramps or front entrance. Go to the carpark and either take the escalators near the safe room extract or the back stairs near IDEA (closest to power, not the front facing ones).

Then once I've taken the escalators I'll turn around (doesn't matter which escalators) and go through the back doors to the back stairs. Take these to the second floor. The only reason to ever be on the first floor is if you've just killed Killa, or you've cleared out the PMCs and power is on and you're heading for KIBA. Also, if you take the OLI stairs then remember to disable the KIBA alarm on your way. And shut all the doors behind you so people don't know you've come that way.

Once upstairs I'll either head straight for tech lite and med (if power is on) or I'll go to the middle balcony and/or KIBA sniper and look for Killa and Killa runners. If I'm in the middle then I'll make sure to disable the tech lite alarm while I'm there if power isn't on.

If I'm heading for tech lite and med then I'll jump up on the counter at one of the food stores opposite Papillon to scope out the area first.

If it's down to 35 minutes without any power on and the mall seems clear/quiet of PMCs then I'll go turn the power on myself. I'll first make sure both alarms are disabled, then just make my way to the power station and will wait until my stamina bar is full before switching on power. This is the only time I'll enter the store using a ramp. I'll take the far ramp from Power Station, head through the side entrance to Goshan, go through the side doors, make the jump over the boxes, and head to the back stairs near OLI. It's all rushing here, you want to get to med fast.

Once you've cleared med, go open the safe room. Then take the back escalators down to KIBA, open it up and shut the door behind you. Loot all you can, then head down to the hole in the floor to safe room. Get any other loot there then extract.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/StupidSexy_Flanders_ 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I see guides like this all the time and usually think to myself that they're not accurate or useful, or poorly produced, but this video was well thought out and as concise as I think you could have made it, and most importantly I think it's actually good information. Good job.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/xRustySpoon 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh I've seen a couple of your videos! I subscribed a week or two ago :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/masonrie 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to my solo interchange strategy guide today i'll share what's helped me navigate one of the most complex maps in tarkov so that you can not only find loot but also make it out alive interchange is known for being one of the most brutal maps highly favoring teams but when played right a solo player can still find great success keep in mind this map has way more loot than i can cover you're free to branch out and explore but this will hopefully give you a solid foundation to work from so before we jump into a live raid let's take a look at the recommended loadout the akm is by far my most used gun in tarkov and it's what i'm going to recommend here it has full auto capability and fires one of the cheapest and most accessible armor-piercing rounds in the game 762 bp the gun starts out super cheap and it can be effective with just a few mods but later on it can also be fully modded to compete with the late game meta definitely level up your traders if you haven't because you'll gain access to that cheaper ammo and also cheaper attachments which is just super helpful using solid ammunition in tarkov is one of the most important things in the game and in my experience the akm has always been the best bang for the buck as for armor and backspace just use whatever you can afford or find i prefer to run budget level 4 armor or rigs and i'll typically only wear a helmet that i find in a raid all right with all that out of the way we're going to actually load into a live raid with real threat and we'll start the guide all right so we spawned in interchange we have the emicron extract spawn we're gonna start off by painkilling so we don't get caught out in the open and crippled it's very important for early spawn you have players on your left and right always no matter where you spawn you're always gonna have guys on your sides sometimes you'll see them sometimes you won't sometimes people will hold your spawn with like a scope so you gotta kind of move fast zigzag so you don't get headshot and just check your left and right and push in as fast as you can i'll give you guys a warning that there will be a lot of cuts and like fast forwarding just to make the video as short as possible because i don't want to sit here for 30 minutes i hope you guys don't mind that make sure my laser's on better hip fire accuracy sometimes you have a guy down on the right on the road all right so we're now at the back of ollie ollie has a really solid loot in the back of this store so we're gonna swipe that up as fast as possible just kind of glance at these shelves as you walk by to see if there's any gas tanks or anything like that on them you also have car batteries in these crates and it things can be on the bottom of these shelves all right so this is the main part of ali i'm gonna come to the left and just hold hug the back here this is one of the most dangerous parts of the run because you'll have people looting in the back of the store with you as well sometimes move quick just i would recommend just looting the back part i wouldn't move up because you expose yourself too many angles and you're going to be in the store for too long we're just going to check the back really quickly and one and run through so eyes peeled for players and we're just cleaning the back shows as fast as we can all right once you've reached this corner of ollie this is one of the best spots to leave you have a lot of rare loot on these shelves just at the bottom of them like here gas tanks are worth probably the most in this store also water filters from up here you have loot that can spawn here on the front and we also have this circular computer station here two computers at each there's more computers like this in ollie but they're just a bit too exposed i don't think they're worth looting um the ones i'm talking about are like this right here you have more computers right here there's a little office circle but since it's out in the open i wouldn't check it this is a really nice angle if you want to just hold this hall here this is the tech hallway you have tech stores all along here right there the right and left and up the escalator so a lot of people pass through here uh we're not gonna go there since we're solo and it's way too dangerous but you can hold it from here if you'd like once you've hit this corner you can come back here and we have more offices to left at the fire here we have a bag and under the step you have a weapon box i went ahead and put the hollow side on since we're now in the office always i usually like to play with the close range site for this we're gonna be in a lot of hallways like this with offices because they're much safer as a solo player you have like hardly any angles to worry about and you can deal with multiple players much easier it's more controlled a lot of players also just don't travel through these hallways so you can safely get a lot of lead here's an office in this room and with the power of editing it is looted so here's what we got we actually ended up with a graphics card and i'm hearing shots out in front of ollie so we're gonna have to be careful now so once you've hit this office you're gonna come back out and out this door is the front of ali here we have this office area we're going to leave but first we're going to check for any enemies down on the left yep we got a guy sprinting and he's coming up here to loot this this is where we just came from and looted this corner here we can let him run by and we should have a free kill or a nice corner here can't really be flanked so this is a nice spot to hold if we do hear someone like this he stop moving so i'm gonna push up so we're just gonna creep up and he shouldn't hear us as long as we don't ids reload make sure he doesn't have a teammate i'm just going to aggro now that we're exposed seems like he's solo a pilgrim but that's a little too big for me i like the low profile of my bag so we're gonna keep what i have all right we'll fall back to where we were earlier i'll show you this up next office coming here you have i think three or four doors you have the first one here there's one computer per door so boot that computer come to the next door with this computer also check the back shelves for loot come to the next door you need a key for this need the computer and check back shelves really and then one last store here which you also need to keep for once again just loot the computer and check shelves for loot leaving the last room you come on this door be careful of this angle here and the steps here listen for anyone coming up that and to the right out front you have one computer here and one computer here it's just two computers this whole office netted me this loot so not much but sometimes you'll get more it's not much but all this stuff is gonna add up so once you've hit this we're gonna move down the steps into the garage careful of your angles here out front zigzag try to be fast and let's head down there you go so that angle that i was looking at out there it's the reason we're not gonna go that way because this is just a million angles and people camp it so come to the garage and we're just gonna cross over to here diagonally watch for scouts and sometimes players will be here but usually it's clear except for early game early game people will rotate through here but after that it's it's pretty easy to navigate so once you come around to the right here uh you do have a extract there so be careful of anyone that might be moving to there and we have this escalator here and there's actually a team above me so i'm just gonna listen for a second figure out what they're doing okay so he's in the furniture store i'm gonna drop my bag and sneak up here i think there's two ones in the hallway here and one's at the furniture store you're gonna be looking at the hallway and the store when so he had an interesting angle i could not see at all go back to here use this cover so typically i would go up that escalator at a flashlight is that just always on is there a dude the flashlight so they're gonna push out here i'll peek in a sec we killed one we gotta look for the second now go ahead and push get him out of the back of the escalator it's definitely does nowhere to go oh gosh so there's double kill nice and there's a third all right so i've healed up and we're just holding the escalator now oh i just i played with the car here okay so i've been pinched i'm gonna move left all back get away from the pinch swap to our scope hop off this mag find a scope for that guy i missed he would have been dead we're gonna heal up our arms all right we're not going to peak escalator now that we're healed out i believe he jumped down there we heard him all right one day you have one left you just last spotted out here heard of fifth how many are they armor is zero so you just gotta move very carefully so using this hole that i was able to back up too we can pretty much avoid being flanked and just take these guys one on one as like a 1v1 damn it you went up the escalator gonna swap the hollow and push this guy so these guys have disappeared so we're gonna push escalated see if they're camping it go and loot these guys all right so i finished looting these guys it seems like the teammates just straight up ran away i have a metric crap ton of loot i now have alton and gen 4. so i'm gonna go ahead and bank all this stuff and then i'll be back at this exact spot on a fresh raid and i'll show you guys where else we can go [Music] why is there a dude running by me oh my god this fully good guy just is running to the extract [Music] waited too long on accident hold up is that a play god damn it oh my god i just one tapped him wait four minutes left and i just got extra camped let's go [Music] all right so we got halfway through the loot run and i ended up running into a team and we got four kills and i just had to book it to the extract a lot of the times you're not gonna run into teams like this it'll be march show from my experience so if that's the case then you're gonna continue the loot run and i'll show you where that'll be all right here's our loop for that run we also got the graphics card we're back at the escalator we were talking about and this is early spawn let's see it's 42 so we've been here for like what three minutes this guy was just running through i'm not sure where he was going pretty odd to see this but all right there we go and looting him i just realized we forgot armor so i'm gonna go ahead and equip his rig and put the black rock in my backpack all right so all these steps that we went down are just over there and you're gonna run diagonally through the garage near the hole and you'll have this escalator here and this is what i'm usually going to go up and a lot of times you won't have too much action you'll still have plenty of space for loot so after you leave ollie you're going to come up here we have another office here on our flank but first like before you're going to look through this window this guy had hopped up here on some boxes i guess i didn't know this was an angle but now this is one to look for and also just clear down the hallway here and then once that seems clear you're gonna be peeking up here and the whole reason we use this escalator is so that we don't have to run or walk through this area here this is like the dead zone this is a suicide area this escalator here goes up to the tech store you have more tech stores here you have another tech store down this hall behind that wall so any traveling through here you're opening yourself to a million different angles teams can camp back here or in all sorts of other areas and they'll basically just kill you and you try to leave this tech store or go up the hallway so i mean really i would only ever loot these if you got a suicide wish or you just have like a hatchet or a pistol then go for it otherwise you're just gonna come up this and then quickly run back here you can hop up here and here's one angle you can play and you can just be that guy that kills the the people looting tech store once you get bored of holding this angle we're gonna come back here into this hallway we'll go ahead and swap to hollow so this hallway here we obviously are going to have another office and we also have this stair here now i'm going to go up these stairs and i'll show you another angle you can hold all right so we're up at the top here sometimes you will have teams that will come through this route to go to the tech stores just because it's safer and you don't have to go up the escalators so be mindful of that but if you're the only one that comes up here and you're going to have a nice angle on the tech store here that you can camp so here's tech light this is the tech store with the best flute on interchange and you have a clear line of sight on it so if you had something like a duo you could have one person hang back here watch the escalator and hold the texture while you push up and go loot if you're solo though you could just chill back here with the scope and try to get some head shots the hard part though is even if you kill people it's very hard to push up and loot that as a solo because you're gonna have a lot of people coming through there and also just a lot of angles exposed back into the steps we have a weapon box here next to these steps we have our next office and the loot in here looks like this so not bad a little bit technically like i said before though it all adds up leaving the office you go further down the hallway here and you come out at the red grocery store here the back of the store goes pretty deep and behind that wall is like more shelving in like storage areas so teams will travel along like the very back out there and there is some loot i would avoid going back there and instead we're gonna hug the front here and we have some loot on these shelves you can find ammo here and there's also a weapon box here once you get closer up to the front of this store there's scabs it right there yep we're gonna put our scope on we got the scope on now and we can just get a clean head shot off okay so we came out here the goal is to get to the opposite end behind the tent at the very other end you have another door exactly like this with more offices so that's where we're trying to get to the best way to get there i have found is just to move near the front i wouldn't travel through the back just because you meet players there more commonly here we have lockers with like chains and things of that nature i didn't find any chains here but sometimes you will push up to the front here and here we're going to switch back to our hollow because we're going to be close range moving fast now so i listened for a sec made sure it was somewhat clear i don't hear anybody so we're gonna go ahead and move now i'm gonna hard w key this area here careful of scabs and players around you and just be ready to full auto them if you see anybody but for the most part we're just gonna be sprinting as you run through here i forgot to mention i'm in a different raid right now but you have this door here in the bathroom and this is a side hallway which actually gives you an angle to the main hallways here of the mall you also have many stores out here with loot which i don't actually go to as a solo usually because you open yourself to too many angles but this is an important route to keep in mind and you do have nice angles here if you wanted to hold here you can also see down the hallway here you can hold this angle and you have this store here that you can go to the back of and there's just some good angles you could hold here if you wanted to play kind of defensively and set up angles as a solo player this is like a there's tech items in this store here that you could keep an eye on this is a really high traffic area over the mall so you should definitely expect teams coming through here all right so we made it to the next office here and the loot in here looks like something like this i got a little unlucky here only got three small tech items there are dvds and hard drives but i skipped those just because they're a bit too bulky at the back end of this office you have another staircase which will take you up and give you another angle you can hold which i'll show you now moving through the always don't expect it to be clear always you know check your angles all right once you've made it up here you're gonna switch back to scope and if you hop up here you've got a clean angle all the way down here players are going to come up the escalator here and they'll move left towards tech light sometimes you have players coming the opposite direction going down the escalator so watch for that up here you also have a weapon box here and there's one right there as well all right let's head back downstairs down the steps we have a door here and we're going further down the hallway and we have another angle to check here down this angle you have an escalator the people are going to move up here you can hold this you also have people passing through this hallway towards the center of the mall so you can watch for that and i'll actually go ahead and play a clip from yesterday where i peaked this angle and i ended up seeing people and i'll show you how that went oh i just whiffed i think he's dead there's a yep all right i killed that guy too so yeah i didn't end up netting myself three kills there uh the only issue is the bodies were pretty hard to loot out in this area because you don't have much cover and you open yourself to a lot of angles you definitely gotta be careful if you do end up killing people in these spots now from here you've traveled through quite a bit of the mall and you probably have a lot of lead so there's two options you have here you can either go down this escalator here and you can head towards extract either railway or you can go back to emercom but basically you're just gonna use the tunnels through the parking lot to navigate yourself to an extract safely the parking lot's fairly uncontested you shouldn't have people camping down there or anything like that i definitely say this is the safest way to extract if you want to keep looting or you have teammates or something like that that have room for more loot then you're gonna skip that escalator and we're gonna head to idea this is the last store that we haven't checked out just hug the right here and run back here you want to avoid this area here because there's too many angles and then we're just going to run through the middle of this store across to the opposite end and there'll be an office down there that we can check and loot on the way there you do have this yellow pillar thing and there's a little bit of loot just scattered around you can grab if you'd like alright so moving further deeper straight across to this office here so this is the office building check your angles you do have scabs that wander out front of you if you see two doors open like this you know it's been looted only one door will spawn open these shelves have rares check them shelves here also have rares and there's three computers in here you can check you'll often find gpus and tetris here but this has been already hit so we're gonna move on like i was saying you have scabs out front there's this guy seems to be de-sinking there's multiple scabs out there uh we're gonna head out the front here and i'll show one loot spot and then we're gonna head to extract there's one scout dead all right so front of ideas here there was our office we needed we're gonna head down the front steps and the last place i'll check it's going to be here on the left you need a medic key for this or a pharmacy key and in here you'll find a few little meds but it seems like are there anything this right i just got one little bottle all right and that is going to conclude my safe route through the mall if you're feeling greedy or you actually ended up spawning near idea and you loot this first then obviously that office will have loot and you also have a power station on the corner of the map in this direction if we come out here i might build a seat actually down this road you have the power station and if you're not familiar with that if you spawn near it you can definitely loot it there's a little office that's pretty easy to loot just check the shelves and the computers if you don't spawn there i wouldn't recommend going there just because the loot's probably already taken and people can camp the roof and just all over the place and trying to push up to the power station there's almost no cover it's very easy to get camped i've been sniped running to and from it too many times i just don't think it's worth going to power station if you haven't spawned there of course you can take the risk there is an extract there that cost three thousand rubles there's a vehicle you can take but trying to push up to the power station is kind of rolling the dice on your life so you can make that call if you'd like otherwise we're just gonna head to the railway extract we have here on the way to railway extract you'll have a few stashes you can check especially on the left side there's like three or four but i usually just check this one here if i come on the right side and then make sure you have stand for this part sprint across this road and you probably know this map is kind of known for extract campers i don't actually run into them too often myself but it is a thing that can happen pause the video don't ever say what i just said i totally jinxed myself not even two hours later i had all this loot and look what happened playing with my dude i'll go clear the exit camera for you kamikaze i'll tell you where he's camping you can kill him perfect i got him oh oh there's actually a new over there he's in the corner by the tent behind the tent he's in the corner yeah i'm dead i'm dead in front of the green truck oh my god he's by the tent yeah i threw a naked joke where oh dude what do you mean behind the tent he's way to the left yeah that's what i'm saying behind all right so there's a decent little second run all right so here's a lot of the stuff i came out with after those two split raids some of it also went into the junk box and if you run this route a few times your junk box is gonna start to look like this too i also ran this route like almost all day yesterday so here's some of the loot i ended with after each run a lot of the time you won't have much pvp encounters so you'll just end up with all kinds of just like tech items and especially when you go through ali you have a bunch of gas tanks and just one of the raids alone ended up netting me 1.5 mil after everything was sold all right and with that we're gonna wrap up the video it's dragged on for a bit longer than i would have hoped but if you made it this far i definitely would appreciate a like [Music] all right that'll be in the video i'm not sure why but
Channel: vac4nt
Views: 16,344
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: How to Solo Interchange, how to make money in escape from tarkov, tarkov money making, how to make rubles in tarkov, tarkov rubles, interchange, escape from tarkov, 12.8, interchange strategy, strategy, tarkov strategy guide, interchange solo guide, survival rate, tarkov survival rate, bets money tarkov, win pvp fights, eft, tarkov akm, best tarkov loadout
Id: 5HN57TuVYy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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