Race To The Case #1 | Epsilon Speed Run - Escape from Tarkov

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we're starting now let's go english what are we calling it quick i need a name chat i need a name faster on moist all right let's go um moist you take back quick quick quick we're a bear we're going all right so pretty much what we're going to do here is we're just going to set the task we're going to be getting into the customs and getting some kills in there um the first task pretty much just requires us to get uh first gave kills and some 133 shotguns we can buy these shotguns oh god we're gonna have to examine all this [ __ ] really we can buy these shotguns from i'm just gonna examine some [ __ ] real quick it's just gonna be really frustrating if we don't examine some stuff so mostly meds armors are really important early on um because when you kill someone you want to be able to loot this stuff quick and magazines are important too no time thanks for making my downtime during my deployment enjoyable hosted your mom back home and safe travels all right um it is somewhat important that we examine all the guns and the magazines their task we've got that um i don't even know if we'll do the therapist task to be honest maybe maybe if like they get low as for guns they don't really give us much options too though hey with the standard account so um we'll pretty much just go i'm going to take this early because we can five six and seven and i want to buy a couple of these but really the main focus is going to be um after this ak we're just going to go straight to sks's i think um so that's all we need for that i'm gonna keep looking at fence um for any shotguns to pop up we'll just be every time we get out of the raid we'll just be looking at fence to see what um items pop up i don't really need to examine gun parts at all just guns mostly and armors are the main focus can we get a timer um i can just tell you your times they're the times like i said magazines are important and um and guns and armor all the stuff that i want to want to loot so that's pretty much everything there so we can get into our raid now so customs and we're just going to be going into the morning one actually we're going to go into the night one um all right so it's five scabs four or five skates we've gone for we're not gonna be messing about farming players and [ __ ] we're gonna what i'll pretty much do is i'm gonna go probably crack house i'm gonna go along the top here to crack house and then across to uh construction bus depot not really where the players go because the main focus is like i said to get those scavs if we die um after we kill this guys i'm happy if we die before to kill this cavs i'm gonna rage quit and start again did i lay spawn did i [ __ ] late spawn i actually feel like ragequitting [ __ ] off that's [ __ ] tacos just stop giving me light spawns all right so sks i'm not resetting i'm just talking [ __ ] um i do kind of want to take while we're farming scarves yeah so every time you get a deploy timer you sworn in uh normal all right scavs lake spawns is that you're gonna be pretty sketch to be honest i don't really know the fastest way to get to scabs from here because there could be scabs over by gas station but we're all gonna also gonna get hit from the top my two-year-old dances to your raid intro oh really that's awesome hopefully there'll be some scabs here and not the scab boss not really prepared for a scab boss fight well the scabs here oh yep sky bus it is hummus is still poggers oh my god that was a headshot you hit me then another dude coming uh [ __ ] me what that aka all that hurt two god there is still [ __ ] off we didn't hear him until he comes right up to the door i've got three it's all right it's because i've got perception level zero you're not here then so i think we just need what two more two more that's all right let me top this up customs kind of want to go no time let's go all right so same again we just need to get two more scavenge and then it doesn't matter if we survive the raid or not obviously we'll try to survive the raid but yeah see another lace one's not gonna help but it actually could work to our favor for the fact that scavenger might already spawn in now so down here we might get a little bit lucky five months pesterly go labs for john wick hopefully we'll be able to get um the two scabs here there's someone here or could have been that shooting then it's all about the secret labs box baby less than three all right i'm gonna go check out bus depot let's get up there hmm see most people will be going straight to dorms so all i need to do now is cut through the back of construction hopefully find two scabs on the other side i want to go did he die oh god oh all right job done throw toss is done i didn't know where i shot from then it actually sounded like he was in front of me but no idea cool so all we need to do now is get those uh 133 shotguns we'll check fence um sometimes there'll be extra ones on fence as long as they're complete guns that we can buy can buy them so guns nope so what i'm going to do now is going to just do a couple of factory zero to heroes and uh try and get shotguns and money yep you haven't i don't know why they didn't come in they just stayed there at the door ever told so it's not the best weapon in the game pesterly dive besterly mask pesterly dive pesterly mask pesterly star 3 pesterly star won pesterly star 2 pesterly star 3 pesterly star won pesterly star 2. uh mr credit for the 20 months dude i had to get to the 2-1 all right let's go the scav ran off i don't know why or where to the main reason just searching keys is they can give you good money early i'm not only fond of trying to get involved in heavy farts here so let's him find some scabs and get out about a third party then something we should be doing every time it comes off cool down to it is just getting a scavenge to get some finances up too just a quick factory scavenger on serious hmm does it go so stupid this is just stupid i swear i saw someone at the top all right let's go get these other scarves i know i don't even understand what it is and how it works on level 52. oh god [ __ ] toss it's [ __ ] awesome it's [ __ ] not so uh are they that's class threes this class four it is i have to use that but i can at least put this let's go go go go go before i bleed out cool can't complain it's a mama went in with a makarov so i think i should take out i should be using meds to heal not the actual outs the last thing as it gives more xp but it only really matters up to i think i need to get like level 12 or something by the end of this all right let's check fence again guns 153 all right that's good for the next ride what's the scavenger alright let's go factory see if we can grab one all right so what we want to do here is just pretty much go it's the same [ __ ] right huh saw ads and realized my sub was out i apologize for joining the ranks of the non-subs i'll never be that filthy again sure uh don't we need our ipu block gg for now bezos we saw none of the rage so far by the way i'm sure you'll live just to everyone um all right cool so let's check fence again on five threes there's no one three threes lame cool um just we keep guess we keep going then i think i might just keep doing zero to heroes though are we gonna get away from this guy over here and hopefully kill a scav here run at me scavenge i kind of want to extract to keep up the cash flow in the xp but with the garnier fastest [ __ ] boy level four could you guys hear that um all right we keep checking fence that shotgun look at that mosin holy [ __ ] um cool i don't really think we need to take the backpack for the kids baby pestly moist oh let's go foreign he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] scarf [Music] moist put me in a really awkward position i had to relocate or try and take him on um right now we zero to here again can i don't like these [ __ ] tosses do i want to the ski task might be worthwhile because i have to go um what's his name anyway faster ugh where's his armor by accident so so we're talking about needing to id gun it mags i couldn't i can't reload at the moment [Music] yeah do a chucky's armor somewhere [Applause] ah hmm tap sound thanks to the primate talon stings thanks to the nine months morphology thanks to the two months i missed thanks to the prime fans guns great work great person dot keep it up the two that i need well there's two there what 53 000 each anyway um mechanic cell at that i thought i could put put together the parts from the 153s but it's not letting me apparently you can't put the 153 love you pest all right let's render that probably should have kept those things in case other parts came up but through here sorry we're just farming xp anyway not the worst thing in the world getting ourselves guns and [ __ ] let me take the pilgrim backpack i'd sell it but i just don't have anywhere to put it i think this guy runs up here we go oh i can't go into escape run i don't have room if i loot a heap of [ __ ] i'm not going to put it anywhere ah i should have the game sound on i don't wanna have some music cool ah we need dog tanks actually we need two or three for request cool i think i've got enough for him now for a quick cover on let's check fence one more time sorry if you're coming into a scave run i highly suggest going down this way sometimes there'll be still players lingering around here but there's always scavenge down the end here and um they're usually fairly easy kills uh do we have camera monkey door sweet so we'll just check see there's any dead bodies leftovers players just taking ages to get out of the spawn we can check the jacket here the keys glad to support you for six months now gr 8 work pest um i can't i can't stream with that follower only mode on i love gaming 1008 every time i stream without follow-up only mode i can hit by viewer bots that um spam my chat with like racial slurs and and random [ __ ] it's actually almost every single time i take it off so after after a while i just stopped uh stopped taking it off and i was living on now permanently if someone wants to chat they can follow if they don't want to chat they can look i don't care either way i think bankrupt is slightly better there is like nothing i'm going to be fighting a scav 100 guarantee you i'm going to go up the top here and there'll be scabs fighting they'll shoot me always holy [ __ ] that wasn't the same dude was it i want that hunter 10 round vapor hunter you have a crosser on you mate always love watching you and thanks for all the help and content you put out there can't wait for you to go fishing dude i'm excited still don't have any shotguns it's not the end of the world but when do you get those shotguns captain baloney thanks for three months odd npc thanks to the prime knox 21 thanks for six months those are knives we need to have found in raid 2. uh none of things one of the uh limited edition peso e3 merch uh gayson thanks for buying one as well appreciate the uh support cause all right so um we check again normally there's so many up and i just literally cannot find one right now all right um i'm gonna go to prepper and sell was that found in raid no it wasn't how come a vlog is only 3700 that's super cheap i'm probably gonna go in like this i think so we can make of it bandage brush one more time cool we just keep farming that xp for now but we're in did he run off so real foreign the fighting was down there six months three more baby pestly moist we're gonna go around [Music] sears swearhead moving around over there much love at pesterly great videos and all around great salute pesterly salute ah god you're not that's what phil thanks for three months absolute thanks for five months m uh n buzz 17 thanks for the 15 months captain balloon with three months cricket german thanks to six months rob eggs thanks to the prime oh that's level five what's going on queenie thanks for the 40 biddies film thanks to prime high snob thanks for three months x person was 17 months down and out uh 126 for the six months thai rocks for the three months you guys incredible oh my god probably not going to use many of the aks to be honest we do need aks-74 use um we'll probably use the saga if anything um what does it do we'll hold on to that check vents again five 90s got one we need one more kind of want to hold on to um that stock as well i can cool unload that hello i need dollars cool meds put that in there check fence on the way through three months has flown and look at how much has been done from starlight to punisher loved it refresh cool all right um we're cruising we're cruising this is good back to you let's go when i ride anyway i write in just capital letters i don't write who writes lowercase these days like in in in like handwriting who writes lowercase always capitals no one no one writes lowercase these days so why do you why do you type on the internet in in in lowercase if anything capital letters is the only way you guys should be talking yes oh that's my arm oh my god that's my chest [Music] when you've decided what you're doing mike can you please uh let me know oh just so you guys know i'm out of ammo [Music] four months now i'm gonna kill that guy in the basement there's two there so they must have killed that dude down the bottom ah we're not gonna heal that way okay so hey getting pissed with the game at the moment last six runs killed by level 43 players count power station without turning on the power two times killed it extra then don't go to those places early in the game all right i don't know what you want me to say man these things happen look at all the mosins geez those suppressors are actually worth a bit too on the flame not that you can sell from the to the flea is there there's no limit on buying these healing xp free xp let's go again again build it up build it up buttercup build it up um what i'm after really all right here we go again oh look at that scaveron are there any extra rules in this run uh when [Music] yes bye [Applause] [Music] couldn't get that in the hardcore [ __ ] series come on killed down here with a shotgun oh what i must hit his arms i had to have just been a clean hit of arms 464 damage the other two died to head shots so 70 damage was the other dude that sucks that guy's on like no health right now cool well we got that key that could actually be useful um once we start going shoreline to make money i think we'll check fence again hopefully for the love oh we can get that shotgun just so rough meds that and we'll pre-load this one go thanks for the good fun pesky now in 13 months daddy pesterly also go labs i think this is going to be rough oh okay foreign ah come here [Music] hmm what needs to be found in right cms i'm not gonna be doing that task [Music] the [ __ ] doesn't go on i know he's out there get [ __ ] 22. oh yeah it's all these shotguns we didn't try it not cool um we'll check again it's gonna do that for now what the [ __ ] there we go all right let's like i said last time when i was doing this gonna jump down here and we're gonna go down through here now there's good chance that we play this games here too that scav down there it's a just a normal scope or looks of it uh all right camera bunker door again so we're gonna go underneath we go up here [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm glad you're a bad shot that could be 133 though see the 133 of the 870. did he go in here oh my god we're getting out there's two of them cool we're good uh we've got one already the only reason i'd keep the other one is so i can um so i can do the uh the gunsmith task but now it's gonna do this do you own a boat if so what kind not yet i'm going to buy i want to get back to australia so i kind of want to take that off and then [ __ ] i don't care that much pestly moist i thought oh all right back to customs we go i'm anticipating this is going to be pretty rough to be honest did that or an sks we could take this actually we just don't have any spare ammo for it um thank cool helmet all right one of 14 done all right so um unfortunately i don't have a machinery key so i have to go pick one up so we're going to go straight to the dorm to pick up a machinery key let's check around all the logistics [Music] so uh now hopefully they all go for the mark trim and i can get left alone on the second floor but this could be rough if we can at least get the key then that's a win so oops wrong one i don't have a half mag oh i do i just want to get out of here david thanks so much for watching keep being awesome mate my pleasure dude they watched the buying match do we go we run through every bush that makes it hard for him to see where we are hold on eight months isn't enough support but it's what i've got so far dude that's [ __ ] just appreciate it man long time killed one more didn't i feel like it did there was definitely a fourth one i used to be so against going this way but but now that you actually have multiple options of getting out of this [ __ ] spot actually don't mind it as much [Music] here foreign cool the win two down 12 to go you the best um thanks so much dude uh papa cat with the t3 sub for eight months thank you so much dude it's uh isoto 1981 thanks for the prom send riku thanks for the eight month irish bonds 89 thanks for two months uh my tv thanks for three months to have fun everywhere all right um want to make sure we don't stuff this up so hand that in complete now you don't need to do shootout picnic all right delivering the parts this one's a brutal but we also need a customs key to do it [ __ ] right try and get lucky hmm 114 that's pharmacy i'm just trying to think of all the keys that we might need sub 2 pesterly all right so we could just keep farming factory and getting xp because we're gonna need to get a heap of xp anyway um therapist trying to hold on to stuff that will be useful in the flea market um oh we need to hold on to dog tags for now we just need to come on game stuff like this we need to just make sure we console not taking out heaps of room and we've got the mbss backpack they can be sold they can be sold why is the mbs that's not being sold not cool so these need to be found in ride for request um a couple of these mags can be sold pistol tt max not gonna be keeping tts we also need to level up proper so we need to sell um stuff to prepare where possible might sell that saga in that saga microwave microwave microwave microwave microwave microwave microwave cool pesterly salute i'm not a salute right let's get into another run we need to start checking jackets and also um [Music] falling cabinets we could probably um do this task it is only 500 xp but don't really cost us anything to do it and we could probably do this task for 3300 xp it told us we can just hang straight over we just need to get 3m armors if we see him cool let's go 559 god too personally hey it's because you like something doesn't mean i have to like it i guess two [Music] so oh what what there must have been a third dude there must have been a third dude i had to have been a third dude that sucks why did you not count the body because i thought the second goal was trying to push me from behind so i was going to grab the loot and keep fighting it's not [ __ ] greed at all smart plays um therapist cells okay at level two i'm pretty sure thank you they don't have the flame above them that you are always dude all right i suppose do a quick scavenger [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 338,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: ezpIRgmIDCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 16sec (5296 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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