Customs Loot Guide - Escape From Tarkov 12.8 - Loot Tips & Tricks - Beginner or Advanced

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel on my next escape from tarkov video i'm gonna do a quasi-loot money making guide for customs and then mix in some map knowledge and movement strategies with 12.8 they change the loot tables for caches now you get armor helmets bags info items like ssd drives along with all the other stuff you used to get if you want to see specifics head over to the wiki and check out the tables there those guys do a bang-up job of updating things and keeping on top of it because of this the value you can get out of cash now was insane with the customs expansion they added a few new buildings and loot spots that have top tier loot so now you can reliably make as much money on customs as almost any other map but usually more with a lot less risk i've spent quite a bit of time analyzing and checking things on this map and i've boiled it down to what i think is a pretty steady amount you can make so if you hit a handful of cashes and get out of the map as fast as you can you're going to net between 400 000 rubles worth of loot on the low end and over a million rubles on the high end but most raids are somewhere between 500 and 550k and all of these raids were between 8 to 20 minutes i also did a stream one night to see how much i could make in four hours without using any keys on customs i ended up netting over 7.5 million rules and that was with dying twice fully loaded with loot that would have been worth between two and three million i'm going to post that whole stream tomorrow so if you want to check out my exact routes how i dealt with avoiding players and i made some of my on the fly decisions don't hesitate to go check that out too so to keep this as easy to remember as possible i'm going to give my ranking for loot areas then go into pathing and lastly talk about some strategies now i'm purposely excluding dorms and this building which i call the alamo from these lists the loot here is high tier but both of these locations give you the highest likelihood of pvp action and running into rashala the scav boss for customs so for loot areas the best one on my list is the buildings by factory far corner the three buildings and three caches in this immediate area are some of the best loot on the map this building here with the usex stash is a pmc spawn location as well as being a building stuffed full of several different kinds of loot and you don't need the usex dash key to get it downstairs there's loose loot that consists of weapon parts meds barter items and ammo upstairs there's two sides to look at the side with the green screen and computers has a tech spawn that includes graphics cards there's jackets toolboxes and good loose loot spawns the back room here with the shelf spawns tools fuel water filters and a lot of other loose loot worth a ton of rules the other side's room has a bit of everything meds weapons loose loot bags jackets food like sugar and stuff and on the mannequin here you can find a roller wrist watch on his wrist as well as a high value spot on the floor behind him where you can get golden chains and stuff the boiler building which you can also spawn in has a dead scav toolbox two boxes up on top of the boilers and a dedicated factory key spawn in the lockers here you can also find the military checkpoint key on the couch next to the dead scav so make sure you check that outside to the west is a van that has two computers in it i almost always check these when i run by this last building in the corner is an amazing gym it's brand new and it has a ton of fuel spawns a technical supply crate grenade cases tons of loose loot locations computers green boxes and toolboxes i've had runs just looting this building netting over 500 000 rubles the next best building and it's very situational whether i loot this or not is what i call crack house it's two-story building here that was added with the expansion you have intel spawns a valuable item spawn med spawns filing cabinets sports bags jackets some miscellaneous loose spawns and a technical supply crate just outside if you get an intel some augmentin or stims and then hit the tech crate you can very easily walk away from this area with three or four hundred thousand rubles worth of loot next up is the caches and i group these into two groups primarily one is the area around the bus depot and the other is around the power lines behind the military base cp there are technically 13 caches in these areas but i personally only frequent about eight of them to stay out of conflicts for the most part these are your next most valuable loot locations the power line area which some people call substation power etc has a ton of loot concentrated into one area there are three caches to check two boxes that spawn weapon parts and ammo a med case and a key spawn for the lab's arsenal storage room these two areas are my most frequented loot areas there are a few places that aren't worth going out of your way to loot but if you're passing them you should stop unless you're being chased so first off is the connexes and boxes around scav checkpoint i find weapon parts for the gunsmith quest line good mags and other attachments on these two crates the toolbox and bag are often worth checking and i usually find squash crackers and some other high level food items on these loose loot spawns there's also a cash in the bush over here too but be careful when you're looting it sniper scav will shoot at you here if he's in the tower and sees you the three buildings between the two gas stations is not really great loot but if you spawn here often it's the best you'll get unless you're willing to pvp to take the other buildings to the east now you can get some decent loot in here and it's quick loot because there isn't all that many places for it to spawn in the building sniper scaff spawns in there's fuel filters and hoses that spawn by the van in the corner there's also a black crate loose loot spawns in this conex and a jacket and things can spawn on this desk or shelves here too between the last two buildings down in the pit is a cache that you can check as well this warehouse has two weapon boxes a jacket and some loose loot on the shelves next to it is warehouse four and along with the power switch for zb 1013 it has a med bag various loose loot spawns crates and jackets i almost always skip this building though i never seem to find anything that justifies the time spent there now my rotation usually stays away from old gas because it's just too highly trafficked by pmc's and player scavs but for the sake of completeness i'll go over it old gas has two loot spawns that can spawn almost anything in the game from armor to guns to barter items one is inside the gas station on the desk along with some other loose loot spawns the other is by what we call giving tree which also has a med bag and a cache there's also a weapon crate and some loose flute spawns behind the van new gas can lead to some pretty good loot but you can be shot from so many directions trying to leave and there just isn't enough loot inside for me to justify going there there is a key spawn for the yamacom medical unit on interchange in the ambulance and the goshen cash register key is in the bus so if you're after those it might be worth the risk going here once here there are two caches in the immediate vicinity here and here and then a few crates loose loot bags cash registers and things like that to look through lastly is the old construction building next to the factory shacks up on top here there's a technical supply crate some med spawns and a bag if i'm passing through here sometimes i'll run up and check real quick but just remember you're very exposed in several directions one up on top next we'll move on to loot pathing and these are the ones that i found to be the most effective these take into account the most likely paths other players will take to help you avoid them these are all spawn based but it boils down into three basic routines so first up we'll start off with the field spawns but only after you hit that like button go ahead it's right there calling out for you to click on it so there are four pmc spawns over here on this side of the map and honestly these are my favorite you can hit up some good loot really quick rotate to the other side of the map and extract often without ever seeing a single pmc so at these three spawns i'll hit the four caches the power line area then rotate down to the bus depot hitting the two caches along the way once it busts i move a little more slowly looking for pmcs and then loot the three caches here after that i cut through construction and then check for smuggler's boater ruaf roadblock if i can't get out of either of those and i've heard a ton of shooting at dorms i'll push across the river pretty quickly and head for crossroads now if it's been pretty quiet i kind of take this slow because usually it means there's somebody camping on bridge or hiding somewhere along the river trying to do the shrewborn and heaven task if you're feeling real frisky you can check these two caches by the river but it can be a big risk once across the river i never loot anything over here i just head straight for the extract because i'm usually already pretty full of loot and there just isn't anything over here worth enough to risk all that loot if i spawn up by this cache i don't usually push back towards the power line i hit the cache here run down the hill to the one by the train then pick up the same rotation as the other three the reason for this is you will often run into squads pushing to dorms if you try to go against the grain here now if that's your thing fighting juice players one v3 or 1v5 by all means but if you're one of those people i don't suspect you probably really need this guy these two rotations can be one of the safest on this map as long as you pay attention to the distant shots and choose your pathing to find the least likely places for players usually by the time you're at river player scavs aren't in and you've already passed all the pmcs that either rush to dorms or alamo next up is the spawn by zb1011 these spawns are honestly probably the most profitable but harder to survive than the field spawns i'll try to clear out these buildings as fast as i can i just go to the closest thing first and then move building to building now the longer you're here the more careful you need to be people will rush to this area from other places because the loot is so good once this area is cleaned up i'll push in the field and then pick up the route from the field spawns hitting every cash and loot spot i can the only thing that is different is you can't full sprint these at this point it's impossible to tell where players are at and you have to constantly looking for them until you get to your extract if i get to a cache that's looted i usually make a b line for the wall at gas and get into construction as fast as i can so i can avoid the players that we're looting them if you spawn around old gas or all these warehouses you have a few choices to make you can technically make it to crack house just as fast as any of the other spawns from old gas warehouse 4 or the middle warehouse but you're almost always going to run into conflict if you do that you can also run around to the east and push the loot over here by the boilers but you will almost always run into players if you're successful just pick up the rotation from these spawns lastly you can loot these buildings use the jump over at factory shortcut hit the bus caches and continue that rotation i won't usually hit caches by old gas because you usually end up getting caught up in the open field with players pushing your direction or getting head-eyes by one of rashaw's goons lastly are the spawns on the west side of the river if you spawn on either of these six you can usually get across the river hit these caches push up to crack house run through construction then do the reverse route of the fields i'll usually skip the blue conics cache because you're pretty exposed up to anyone at dorms at this point be very slow moving once you get past bus depot though when i do this rotation i bet more than half the time i run into other cash runners coming from the other direction some bs some plex and with all the trees and bushes it's just a matter of patience they're either going to hear you or you're going to hear them so move slowly and quietly once i get past gas i pick up the pace a little hit these three caches check power and then push to zb1011 a checking loot along the way now if i hear fighting or have a bad feeling about going past gas i'll jump over factory exit and check the zb1012 extract now if you end up with the crossroads or trailer park spawns these are about the worst spawns in the map to do loot runs you usually have to fight through players and often you get beat to the best loot on the map i'll usually skip crack house from these and just hit the river caches and run down main street hitting caches and loot as i can at this point the rotation is the same as the rest of the river spawns but i feel like i almost always run into more players with this it's just how it works with the timing now these routes are a general guide you need to be constantly paying attention to gunshots what sniper scavs are alive or dead and any huge gun fights that you might hear also you don't have to do these routes you can modify them to fit your play style and stage of the game maybe you came into pvp you killed a few players at dorms and the car isn't there for extract you can pick up these rotations at any location at any point to get out with as much loot as you can fit in your bag just be cautious of players if you get more than 10 or 15 minutes into the raid you also need to keep in mind where you spawned where you're currently at and at what point in time in the raid you're there as the raid moves along certain times in certain areas are more likely to have a conflict it's just a measure of how long it takes for one spawn to run into another one advantage you can take is to rate at night this will reduce the number of players you run into it and make it a little bit harder for you to be seen i've had great success doing night runs but they can get a little boring gear is up to you but my favorite set is the belt a belt b gear rig and the new backpack that's the f4 terminator backpack with the tiger stripe because it gives you a great deal of space and doesn't cost a lot of money but you should do what your budget allows you to do even with a scav backpack you can make an incredible amount of money with these runs and that wraps up this video thanks for watching i really hope this was helpful and if it was hit that like button as it helps the channel out a bunch also subscribe if you want to see future content as i do a ton of videos that are very time sensitive when it comes to the economy inside tarkov if you're looking for other ways to make money i make a hideout guide as well as some barter guides that show you how to make free cash i stream on twitch so you can come hang out and say hi there and ask questions or hit up our discord that's full of people that are eager to answer questions for especially new players thanks for watching and we'll see you in tarkov
Channel: Airwingmarine
Views: 135,595
Rating: 4.9501729 out of 5
Keywords: tarkov, eft, escape from tarkov, Flea Market, profit, rubles, rubels, money, quick money, income guide, Escape, From, Tarkov, escape from tarkov guide, escape from tarkov gameplay, money making guide, airwingmarine, escape from tarkov epic, customs loot guide, customs loot run, customs eft, eft money making guide, eft money run customs, learn customs tarkov, tarkov money runs 12.8, tarkov gameplay, guide, usec, beginner, customs, loot, caches, hidden stashes, customs guide, learn customs
Id: drME5nBkknc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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