Interchange Easy Loot Route - 500k to 1m Profit Per Extract | Escape From Tarkov

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Donโ€™t sprint so much. Yes you may save a minute or two, but youโ€™re drastically increasing your chance of someone hearing/looking for you, making it all a waste. You also wonโ€™t get the jump on anyone else when youโ€™re sprinting and not watching where you step(multiple times walked on wood that could have been avoided)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ARSEThunder ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guide might be outdated with the patch that is gonna overhaul interchange.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JamesTC4 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Now you are gonna have to update it for new interchange.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ScavsArePeopleToo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Grrrreat, there goes my water filter supply ;P

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jdelache ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Missed out German & Emercom..... Both spawn GPU

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Kez1919 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Donโ€™t tell the hatchlings๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿคซ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/drippinandswaggin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

good timing, will watch

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/maschine3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Lol at the guy who brought in armor with 7 durability

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MickJaegar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi guys welcome to my interchange Luke run I'm doing this on a live game so I'm gonna show you like a realistic path and how you should play it instead of just like running to all the loot an offline game I think this is more interesting more fun for both of us so my loop path is very simple it's just basically a straight line all the way down from north to south down the mall if you spot on the south side you can just reverse this loop path it's pretty simple we'll start with looting idea there's just one office and idea we'll check then there's four stores in the center of the mall I like to check they're all on the first floor one spawns of graphics cards and the others are mostly just coats pawns after that we'll check out that three text doors which are all next to each other and finally we'll loot the back of ollie and we'll leave an extract from there so yeah I mean the power station spawn I'm gonna check the coats real quick coats are always good to check they have very expensive keys in them every once in a while interchange is very oh here we go not sure what that's worth but it should be good interchange is very spawn dependent if you want the best loot which is graphics cards and tetris is from the text stores and if you don't spawn new to them well then players will get there first and they'll put them in the secure container and you will never see those those graphics cards or Tetris again it's kind of the annoying part if someone has a good spawn they'll get the lead and then even if you kill them it's already safe with them so if you're out of luck [Music] the main tech stores are gonna be hit before I can get there we will check them but it'll be late as far as I know there's like six different kind of stores or areas that spawn graphics cards an interchange is really good if you if hit all of them you will usually find one car at a game so talking over the video real quick we just entered from this northern entrance of idea and we're gonna be heading towards this office area which if you're facing the front of idea it's gonna be on the left side in the middle it's pretty easy to find it's fairly small but it's got two double doors it's the only two double doors you'll find an idea it has a little back warehouse back here with this sponsor graphics cards these shows also really good electronics people are fighting in front of the store it sounds like we'll just quickly sweep that and move into this little office this also has a graphics card spawn on this table two engines not terrible not great either you look for USBs in the computers you can search computers for graphics cards but they're so rare it's almost not worth it I'll search one though yeah oh that's most of the stuff and the computer is just really really bad even the good stuff like good quotation marks is like wires wires are worth about nine Cade hardly worth grabbing okay so I'm gonna pop a combat sting which will boost stamina regen and just stamina in general we're gonna head out here no more loot in this general area so just gonna be looking for a fight this guy was killed right in front of me but seems like you might have been scout oh so you player on him I have no idea I don't want I don't want to heal something to push a cleft push crouching my peak Dex he heard me I'd be dead actually he's dead other guy up the steps with attach it not really a worry got herself some armor and a little shotgun not bad a nice little IFAC up there and we'll keep it moving so just to give you an idea of where I came from I'm at the front of idea steps and to the left here is the double doors we just came out of and that's where the graphics card spawns so always go check that if you spawned you're here all right next door next door is gonna be past this little playground you're gonna come to the mall entrance very shady one tip up a pain killer you can see in the dark a little bit better it kind of highlights edges you'll see loot a lot better especially so head past the playground keep going straight and the first store on our left is gonna have another graphic card spawn so apart from the text or the second-best loot is alley the back of all he has a bunch of shelves and you can find a lot of good stuff the main loot would be like the blue gas canisters which are worth like 80 K propane tanks engines why tubes there's a lot of good stuff you can find like 500k worth of loot and just Ollie alone and it's it's fairly low-key there's not too many players going through day I don't know why it seems kind of underrated so if you don't wanna hit tech stores hit ollie that's kind of like a either after tech stores you can go to Ollie or if you're like a safer slower player I would just avoid tech stores and check out Ollie maybe come to this store here so I walked into the mall entrance and then on the left is this corner store next to the blue fountain or blue whatever that is statue I don't know and then on these tables is nice tech items and this is a graphics card spawn so you always want to check it grab the card here there's bag in the back I find these are a really really worth checking be honest these gym bags not the greatest coats are a lot better we'll grab this house so leaving this store we just came out of you see the blue statue in this hallway on the right now this hallway you look down it this is the central hallway that goes all the way down the mall from north to south or south to north so the opposite end of this hallway you're gonna find the tech stores and Ollie and if you come reverse way it'll lead you to the store we just came out of and idea so on the right here's mantis which is like a medic health store like a hospital basically you can find lots of meds there so if you kind of a newer player that's helpful and then in this store there's gonna be a weapon crate and a coat spawn which are worth checking on your way so I just got the side effects for taking that combats Tim just tunnel vision it's really not that bad I don't mind it I think it's worth using them even with the side effects I'll check this coat what this does actually there's nothing else here keep them moving so actually we'll run in here really quick since we're doing a loot video alright as well right and here's a little med kit box empty yeah thank you I think there's some shelf spawns nothing as a coat it's two coats in here actually so it is worth coming in here I think it's this so lots of sky right outside this this stories up carefully check another little med bag empty not sure why these are empty the way that we did more cigarettes alright moving on next door is gonna be the tech stores you're gonna be that way I'm just kind of heading in a straight path that kind of makes sense hitting each door along the way that I think is worth it here's Cuba so just pausing for a sec this door right here that's Cuba if you wish to unlock that it's gonna cost you about 1.3 mil and two different keys because there's two doors it's got pretty high value weapons and attachments but it's very risky it's dead center of them all and teams will be coming through here trying to get to that door so it's up to you if you want to leave that as a solo player I want to advise it but it is doable so it's up to you once again there's a hole in the ground once you reach this hole in the ground you know that you're at the end of the central hallway and you can see the yellow strip on the wall over there is going to be the text or one of the text doors so we're gonna head that way and if you keep going that direction you reach Ollie and the extraction I like to check a deke actually cuz there's a coat spawn over here might be another one as well [Music] over in the opposite corner we'll check then really don't find anything else like lying around that's very good I can find better in like all the anti stores that's what all prioritize okay there's a random dude out of nowhere so we're gonna drop the site yeah it's a good gun we don't have ammo though and it's not worth much I shouldn't say it's a good gun but as far as shotguns go it is the best my opinion I will probably skip the caddie not good weapon running low on mags to check what does he have here nearly full of BP that's really good not the best a kay but good ammo it'll work they don't do the job okay you just text or next to the hole this one is it's kind of decent dude nothing crazy it does spawn spawn graphics cards though they all do so they're worth checking if you can okay so pausing the video one more time I want to quickly talk about what items not to pick up because I think it's easier to remember what not to pick up first just what to pick up cuz there's just more to pick up so these are the main items you'll find in the tech stores or in computers that you should just leave behind they're not worth your space like drill for example you might think is good but for four squares that divides up into about 5,000 rubles per square which is just under the threshold of what I think is worth it so maybe screenshot this or come back to this video when you need it but try to remember these these few items on the screen here probably already read it though next text Thor is on the corner just diagonally here is Ollie the green grocery store if you can find the grocery store you can find the text stores they're literally just in front of it careful though this cross section alley between Ollie and the tech stores is highly traveled and very dangerous people literally just camp angles on that corner so careful good luck I've died like a billion times over yeah I literally the other game got shot in the back right here from like some crazy far angle so in this story this is probably one of the most dangerous tech stores on this corner because it's got so many eyes into it so many angles and stuff this escalator I like to call suicide because all their loud as hell and you have the entire [ __ ] map looking at you we're just gonna clear tech light before we grab loot it is clear don't know if anyone's been here mmm cords not worth much I like to grab things that are worth like nine thousand rubles per square at least nine thousand still pretty low but like wires are 9 K drop cheese for that so wires are like bare minimum wires and light bulbs you like the cheapest item I'll grab no graphics card it's too bad got a cord that's worth grabbing drop painkillers and will drop drop a light bulb and we have room for this guy and we'll keep it moving alright so we hit all three tech stores next week you ollie and I wouldn't recommend taking the escalator back down you can go all the way down at that Inn and there's a staircase there's like a back end staircase they'll lead you to the opposite side I recommend taking that book the sake of speed I'm not waiting around scav there's always tons of scabs and Ollie careful there's like God just like between 1:00 and 3:00 usually you'll want to take out before you start looting probably I don't know where I kill this guy but we can check for USB sticks in these computers while they're looting them take too long the good loot is in the pockets in the back pack a lot this video these all these shows crazy the not crazy but like where's your time for sure pop of painkiller so we can see items on the shows easier we're just gonna cruise through you see we can find while to replace stuff because if my bags are pretty much full water filter let's good item aside I'm all fine back here is a blue gas container get rid of why's not a fan engine mm too big to take dirty up to gonna skip they're not worth enough to so take the time to grab that can drop on these measures will free up some space cord to burn everything that's good there's a lot to leave in all these a lot of shows here so it takes a minute you trying to get lost on which ones you've already lead it because there's so many shows I need this car battery actually alright quest I believe I'll bigger you Jesus yeah it's a quest item that hoes I got so many hoes alright these are about clued kind of bad loot honestly considering what I usually pull so this is a bad day of interchange you can have much better leave propane's good with drop engine for it I can't think of what I would have missed pretty much hit all my favourite spots now back of Ollie over here and like the warehouse you can find some more stuff on these shows cool box over here which is worth checking I think mainly for the yellow nail box which is worth like 30k nothing crazy but nice little 30 all right um check the rest of these shelves and then we'll head to extraction and see what we made scabs over here let's see if we get like a lab card office cab or something I'd be nice I've card lab card let's go oh it's food yay all right so this didn't take us too long so no one's gonna be extra camping the most far so we're pretty safe to leave with what we got so in just that fairly short amount of time we're already full and that was honestly a bad run we didn't get any graphics cards we didn't get any of the blue fuel tanks I wouldn't call this you know not even close to a good run but realistically it still was good right all right so we got three PMC kiddos it's not bad I'm bad how we're gonna sell all their stuff and see what we made you have trouble selling items trying to learn how to get the most profit from them well I'll show you right here it's not too hard sometimes items will be worth more with traders but it's pretty rare most items you just want to sell on the flea market so you want to see what they're selling for on the flea market and then you just kind of underbid the the lowest listing I still good go ahead and turn in this battery which losses some profit because it took up space a lot of space all right so we're at 150 K and we just sold the battery which cost us a few squares and now we're gonna start adding up what we made so whatever we end up with minus 159 thousand is our end profit let's find out all right strip this a K to begin and so the big items first Oh through my item and then you're gonna set your quantity to one and filter by roubles and you can filter by lowest price here 50 4900 is what this guy's selling for so we'll go 50 4905 and boom we have the lowest listing here you can't see it but it's there cables next 33 K each not the best it's worth about 16 per square which isn't horrible but it's not crazy either but it's a solid little item 33 each flat easy so these are worth forty one thousand flat so with you forty forty thousand nine hundred is what I'll go with you our lucky key from the coat early game and we were 379 thousand that's really gonna pad our income for this raid what I mean you'll get I mean with the Ramana coats I hit you'll get aurora keys like somewhat frequently it's not totally unrealistic and you'll for sure get graphics cards which I didn't get it unluckily but you'll find them often if you run this path make some good cash no matter what anything else we saw a free market junk weapon attachments are not worth selling on the flea market and just tasty long I don't even know if you'll make good profit last item missed 13 I was salted therapist now I'll actually by this court to 8,000 for the RAM I'll take it almost saw the weapon parts by going to see your first here will give us the best price for some of these attachments you can't buy all of them though so we'll head on over to you can ik last saw the leftovers should unload this mag actually cuz has it has BP and we want that EP sells for 729 her so make a good little chunk day it'd be like 15 20 K discard the mags not worth enough to worry about pay our little chest protection we got armor last raid I need to buy a new mag after this load up alright go ahead and collect our money now see we got stuff might still be coming in but here we are eight hundred and ninety thousand rubles and this this was not even the best run I keep saying that but yeah it really wasn't so I made about six hundred six hundred thirty case oh my god yeah so I made about seven hundred Kate profit this was a fairly average run that key and the coat kind of definitely helped out because I got really bad luck for the rest of the game but I did hit all my favourite spots and I hope you guys found that helpful alrighty so there's a little 700 K profit hope you guys enjoyed and maybe learn something off that and can start making more money on interchange so yeah if you guys enjoyed the video and would like to support me you already know you can hit that like button it's very easy and maybe even subscribe if you want to see more totally up to you oh yeah I just gotta throw that in there alright you guys take care and have fun good luck on target [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: vac4nt
Views: 98,231
Rating: 4.8425794 out of 5
Keywords: interchange looting, loot route, interchange loot route, loot path, loot, interchange efficient loot route, interchange graphics cards, graphics card, best loot, escape from tarkov, eft, escape from tarkov best loot, loot guide, max profit, graphics card spawns
Id: 4MGGftu3-W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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