Curious George 🚞 Station Master 🚞 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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George could run toy trains and count to ten how tough could this be [Music] huh could you repeat that what did he say number seven number eight anybody understand that I don't understand him but I trust him foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] out of order again [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] station Master you did say reverse didn't you [Music] real trains were even easier than toy trains for a smart monkey [Music] all he had to do was simply move the number five train first [Music] George was a great train Master the five moved into position followed by eight seven nine and six hahaha [Music] then six seven nine eight and five then seven five six eight nine six nine seven five eight five six eight nine seven seven five six eight nine five six eight nine seven eight seven nine five six five six five seven five six eight nine and then 356. [Music] is it just mere did that sound like a monkey this wasn't like his toy trains anymore George needed help Flint was right outside comparing jelly sandwiches unaware that a little monkey needed him George didn't know why that warning Bell wasn't going off [Music] sandwiches are equal the haves must be too right [Music] thanks for holding down the floor George I'll take it from here foreign [Music] that was the craziest train ride ever you want to believe it George ah [Music] George still wanted to be a station Master but only in his own home where he could eat a one-piece sandwich cutting sandwiches in half only leads to trouble [Music] George couldn't recall ever seeing the Man with the Yellow Hat looking like this [Music] he was usually calm cool and wearing a yellow hat oh here he comes hello good morning come on in ready as promised [Music] ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] I'd rather carry it myself George wear your hat no I want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium Dome [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] we made it safely [Music] okay now George when I get back we're going right to the Planetarium so take a bath [Music] there will be photographers there I want you to look clean and fluffy George was going to take a bath just like he was told foreign [Music] [Music] it sure was a perfect hat who could resist trying it on [Music] George wanted Compass to see him in the Yellow Hat it'd only take a second ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha [Applause] [Music] George saw the Hat fly this way but it disappeared thank you ah [Laughter] [Music] a [Music] the Hat was back home and still perfect almost George removed the piece of branches carefully as any surgeon working on any yellow hat could oh okay there was just a tiny thread there no problem maybe he needed to pull harder or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] George had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich hey [Music] it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than the Hat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard the apartment building where George lived was a very orderly place that's how hunly liked it they are here to clean your carpets [Music] people came and people went [Music] the elevator arrived [Music] and people came down the stairs everything in hunley's lobby was orderly and neat [Music] well almost everything we can't go back into the apartment until the carpet is dry George so you stay here in the lobby while I run my errands all right okay oh oh and in case you get hungry I won't be long foreign [Music] didn't think George should be eating a sloppy Apple in the lobby oh [Music] George decided it would probably be better to eat his apples someplace else haha Hundley had never been through this door before [Music] but he was pretty sure it was against the rules to be out here [Music] foreign [Music] didn't think George would ever get in that way oh so he'd find a better way [Music] all right move it along at least there was one thing Hundley knew for certain home was this way or maybe that way [Applause] [Music] huh huh [Music] [Music] Hundley was getting worried he could just imagine the terrible things that that sloppy monkey was doing to his Lobby we found his building it was even worse than he imagined [Music] but then Hundley saw that it wasn't his street at all but that meant he had no idea where he was [Music] lots more coming stick around come on guys let's go [Music] there was the Rankin Silo the river brought them back home they weren't lost all they had to do was stop [Music] it was a long way to run but when they got to that Silo they knew they'd be completely lost it was the wrong silo they were now even more lost than the Lost chicks [Music] George couldn't even find the river nothing looked familiar but there was the duck Rock again a landmark George had an idea they saw the big duck Rock and what else did they pass on the river [Music] the big trees the boat [Music] and Rankin Silo the sun set Behind The Rankin silo suddenly they didn't feel so lost they ran to that rock foreign but when they got there it didn't look like the big duck Rock oh [Music] but as George walked around he discovered it was the big duck Rock [Music] the big trees they had found the next landmark [Music] and there was the boat another landmark if he followed the river all the way he would find The Silo with the sun right behind it but George realized that if he took the river all the way around it would take too long they could just take a shortcut and follow the Sun [Music] this couldn't be easier okay it would have been easier if they could see where they were going they had to walk towards the Sun but how could they find it now [Music] it was that way [Music] the chicks recognize those friendly monkey feet [Music] foreign [Music] those chicks in the dark George [Music] didn't I tell you to stay at the duck pen oh you brought him home you're a hero monkey [Music] George how did you do it [Music] after a day lost in the country what could be more relaxing than going home to the city [Music] did you see a raft at the river bill made it for us next weekend we take a relaxing raft trip won't that be fun oh [Music] my God [Music] George knew he had to keep Yoki away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it [Music] foreign [Music] had an accurate way to measure the building this tape measure could measure anything [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall how much more oh [Music] now how was George going to measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape [Music] of course George had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long [Music] hey aren't you Jenny the world record book lady you are correct oh I've been a fan of yours for years well thank you I'm here looking for I know what you're looking for Jeff biscetti's is this way [Music] dear's bischetti's restaurant and here's Chef biscotti strum of spaghetti I have got to get a picture of this George could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building how could he measure the difference [Music] when George held the Strand at the top of his head it beat the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti Strand and one George tall [Music] oh yes oh this is going to be spectacular love this Stevie why you don't come back in the middle your genie the world record book lady and you must be Chef to scary yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend yo displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph I just took of it wow does that set a world record Jenny oh I'm afraid not here's the picture I took of Alfonso Dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the Leaning Tower of Pisa none none now I'm never gonna get in the world to record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tallies oh three stories I gotta call a Neti and tell her the building next door is the three stories tall [Music] gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and Chef bischetti broke his second record world's longest cat toy [Applause] may as well not let them go to waste if gnocchi's eating cat food she's not sick what could it be [Music] what will we do without ravioli oh I think I'm allergic to something in here I have an allergy it's when your body overreacts to something like food or a a plant or flowers some types of flowers can make some people sneeze and cough well not you some people don't have any allergies and some have a lot huh I have to move these away from me or I won't be able to breathe at all that seemed familiar but George couldn't remember why [Music] George knew the Tangy eggplant wasn't Bland [Music] oh is this stuffed up nose without a good sense of smell everything tastes boring [Music] here's your dinner [Music] oh thanks [Music] but for the past few days she likes nothing no no no no chewing under the flowers today what George [Music] had the answer [Laughter] [Music] of course you can take the flowers home if you like them hey man foreign [Music] well that didn't work George what are you doing in here what are you I think he's allergic you shouldn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] your cat is allergic to certain flowers here is a list oh really but she tries to eat them don't let her here's my bill so George's theory was right and a lot cheaper [Music] maybe it swam back home George remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur George got a photo of Jumpy by leaving out food couldn't he do the same with a dinosaur what prize photo that would be he didn't have any dinosaur food but maybe they would like fruits and vegetables [Music] hi George George I saw that Fawn in the Hills but I couldn't find you hey you coming swimming George was thinking about something bigger than a fawn much bigger [Music] those tracks couldn't possibly belong to a meat-eating dinosaur could they [Music] sure [Music] could that be the dinosaur [Music] [Applause] [Music] s George decided to warn The Man with the Yellow Hat that a hungry dinosaur might be visiting foreign the dinosaur had returned from the water [Music] tracks were headed towards Bill's house [Music] hiya George did you see the phone yeah I guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so I put these on to walk to the lake I told you I was going swimming remember huh hey now I know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] foreign with no hungry dinosaurs around George still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again but George had enough pictures of that squirrel [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos George oh you know George he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] they worked as a team and found out they were a really bad team [Music] George figured if they lowered the sale they'd stop blowing away [Music] thank you [Music] the island stopped getting further away but then the fog rolled in [Music] wow it sure got foggy fast yeah Hey where's my boat oh no George Hundley George and Hundley were fog bound [Music] another Island [Music] how could they get there without blowing away again the motor [Music] George had a feeling he should have left this where it was [Music] sure sand was messy but Hundley would rather be dirty than float away again now they couldn't have gotten far the water's too deep we can't follow them without another boat [Music] come on we'll need more [Music] if he was going to be stuck here Hundley wasn't going to sit in sand the whole time [Music] that was when George realized he had no idea how to get back to the man with without the Yellow Hat okay we'll need just a few more then we can tie them together into a raft hahaha [Music] hmm [Music] this rock looked familiar [Music] the unusual rocks were almost identical [Music] where could it be which needed to get up high so he could see far those trees could only mean one thing [Music] Footprints meant feet meant people because she don't see a lot of feet on their own [Music] oh do we have enough logs I don't know how many more I can drag we need more ah thanks George [Music] look who found me look who found me only I thought you were lost um you wouldn't happen to have my boat with you would you [Music] next stop home sweet home [Music] hold it my yellow hat [Music] people sure are buying a lot of coffee makers I just wrapped 15 in a row foreign I've been looking all over for you George wanted to play with the rapper people some more but he had to get these pants home George hadn't been gone very long but when he got back [Music] present had disappeared [Music] thanks for picking up my pants George hahaha oh I know how curious a little monkey can be so I put the present away that should take your mind off of it hiding the present only made George more curious [Music] hi this was the first time George noticed the walls were wrapped it looked like wrapping on top of more rap maybe there were a hundred layers of wallpaper under here [Music] or not since he reached the end George tried to put it all back but it didn't want to go foreign y thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign make sure you wash up before Professor Wiseman gets here [Music] and would you make sure that ball of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it [Music] [Music] you can't get away with that [Music] okay now wow what happened in here oh Professor Wiseman help me hide this mess [Music] hello George everything okay oh yeah I'll be right out I got your favorite fruit help yourself [Music] is this a benangerine you can't put skins on fruit George only nature can do that on the other hand nature doesn't make banangerines sorry I'm foreign happy birthday from George and me oh you didn't have to would you like to help me open it George [Laughter] [Music] I never would have guessed that's what was in this big box that's uh that's why it was wrapped that way oh my favorite Symphony you remembered thanks let's listen to it during dinner oh here I'll get that George figured he'd better eat something because this was gonna take a while [Music] George always liked when friends dropped by [Music] when it was Compass the pigeon he really dropped by [Music] George really liked birds and Compass really liked whatever George was [Music] George thought he'd make a pretty good pigeon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you all right George [Music] oh stay right there I know just what we need [Music] for once George had no trouble staying where he was told until the Man with the Yellow Hat returned with butter well this butter is for your foot George not for bread [Music] [Laughter] okay try now [Music] well I I guess I'll have to call the fire department they have the right tools to handle anything rescue requested someone is stuck in monkey bars on his balcony monkey bars on the balcony why don't we ever get normal calls [Music] ah it's not monkey bars on the balcony it's a monkey stuck in the bars on the balcony are you judge it's still not normal foreign we may have to saw through it [Music] she means the chair ah let's use the spreading we'll spread the bars apart and then you can just pull your foot out George oh there you go oh all in the days work for the fire department this fire department anyway [Music] nice say George would you like to visit the firehouse and give them this picture as a thank you [Music] Sharky slip out of her collar yeah this is the tenth time she's gotten away this month I can escape artist but with fur and a tail well we'll keep our eyes peeled oh [Music] hi this will look great on our wall glad you like it now come on George we've gotta go oh George can stay he'll be our mascot [Music] okay have fun George and be a good little monkey mascot George couldn't wait to check out the firehouse tools and equipment George hey have you guys seen George there's there's no one up here but us [Music] there was a whole other room at the top of that pole rescue requested a dog is up a tree [Music] oh that George found him hey George I found George [Music] I wonder how a dog got up a tree I wonder why we never get any normal calls good uh-huh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] it wasn't perfect [Music] yet [Music] George's tree had everything a tree has including a homing pigeon in his new home [Music] wow that's a lot of dirt I'd have totally in charge and when I came back turned everywhere if only I spoke dachshund I wish you spoke pigeon a homing pigeon's been living on our balcony for little blue pigeon with a yellow tag yeah you've seen it too that's Compass I thought he was lost forever and I thought the pigeon would be happier on the balcony if it had a small tree to oh no oh bowling what if one of us spoke dachshund I bought this wouldn't have been a surprise George where are you [Music] foreign [Music] George had never felt prouder now that he had the perfect home the bird could live here forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] good to see you yeah Compass is an almost homing pigeon he won't admit he has a weak sense of direction George the doorman is the pigeon's friend he came to take him home foreign to his real home [Music] what see he's back where he belongs [Music] I bought it for birds to sit in so you can draw them oh nice effort George but birds want to sit in a real tree [Music] pompous look a real tree for you make yourself at home [Music] the pigeons still didn't know what George was but sure made a good tree [Music] George couldn't recall ever seeing the Man with the Yellow Hat looking like this [Music] calm cool and wearing a yellow hat oh here he comes hello good morning come on in ready as promised [Music] ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] I'd rather carry it myself George now wear your hat you want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium Dome laughs [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat [Music] foreign [Music] we made it safely [Music] okay now George when I get back we're going right to the Planetarium so take a bath [Music] there will be photographers there I want you to look clean and fluffy George was going to take a bath just like he was told foreign [Music] [Music] it sure was a perfect hat who could resist trying it on [Music] George wanted Compass to see him in the Yellow Hat it'd only take a second hahaha [Applause] [Music] George saw the Hat fly this way but it disappeared come on ah [Laughter] a [Music] the Hat was back home and still perfect almost George removed the piece of branches carefully as any surgeon working on any yellow hat could foreign there was just a tiny thread there no problem maybe he needed to pull harder or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] George had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich [Music] it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than the Hat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard [Music] he hopes studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] George was glad that noise had stopped maybe it was time to pack up and go home that clock has never stopped ever the big clock on the library stopped well let's go wait Stu what are we supposed to do we're the fire department we'll figure it out foreign [Music] the Big Clock stopped big Library clocked at the whole city depends upon yeah oh that clock has never stopped ever we must move like lightning [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] he was sure he had all the tools but George still felt like he was missing something foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign what a little monkey like you doing in a huge clock like this wait would you like me to help you okay and this goes there now you see [Music] Oh What a Beautiful clock did you make it [Laughter] I know everything about clocks not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] well be more careful in the future hey time is a precious thing [Music] Compass what have we said about bringing pigeons indoors George thank you oh it's all right are you showing him my clock well go ahead [Music] George how did this heavy metal tool box get so [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 473,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: t5u3lyTt9Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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