Traffic Lights Are Fun 🐡 Curious George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies

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George was happy just about anywhere city or [Music] country but jumpy squirrel jumped from tree to tree because that's about the only place he felt [Music] comfortable hey is that jumpy squirrel woo h [Music] ha I don't know what that guy's doing I didn't get a good look at it a monkey like Curious George can't stand a [Music] mystery you want to go back and see what's up don't you okay but remember be a good little [Music] monkey hey [Music] George poy for a city kid he's one fast runner he saw a Workman back on the road and has to see what he's doing didn't you hear they're putting up a traffic light a traffic light out in the country well I guess you can't stop [Music] progress jumpy squirrel couldn't stop because he was busy gathering up nuts to store for winter and he'd found a lot of them across the [Music] road oh those branches block the [Music] light see you by [Music] jumpy was sure this was how he crossed the road and what was that thing what happened [Music] here there was no way to get back safely [Music] George noticed that people seem to like red a lot because they all stopped to look at it people who like red didn't like green when the light turned green everybody drove away and when it came to Yellow so far people only liked it enough to slow down and look a little [Music] bit the lights were always changing people didn't get much time to enjoy their favorite [Music] colors so George thought of a way to make it more fair for [Music] everyone George made a special green side because someone who liked Green was bound to show up a yellow side for those who might prefer yellow and a red side which George predicted would be the most popular now I'll be home later remember no bothering the new neighbor who is not an elephant H the new neighbor wasn't an elephant he had an an elephant George felt very [Music] misunderstood why the elephant must have gone out [Music] too well that thing would never fit inside the apartment could there be a chainsaw in Mabel's H so many things made similar sounds how could George figure out what he'd been hearing upstairs for George to be certain he had to go right to the [Music] source that sort of sounded like his neighbor but not really the Man with the Yellow Hat was right George hadn't heard an elephant but then what had he heard that was the [Music] sound so the upstairs neighbor had a galopagos tortoise that's been wrapping gifts and making [Music] juice George I'm going to say this one more time there is no way [Music] yes hi there we're your downstairs neighbors and oh so nice to meet [Music] you [Music] George [Music] what's he doing I think he's looking for your uh elephant my what oh we heard some loud sounds um very loud sounds very loud oh I am so sorry sometimes I get carried away working on my art art I am an artist I do murals I mix my paint [Music] here then I used these rubber stamps I [Music] made here's one of my completed [Music] [Applause] [Music] works oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the [Music] counter [Music] H what on Earth is that sounds like an elephant finger painting it [Music] [Applause] does there were only two things that could get George to take a bath bubbles and spry the most awe inspiring toy frog that ever lived and the best bubble maker George ever met a bath just wouldn't be a bath without them [Music] [Music] I wonder what this belongs to oh George I found your lost boat in the freezer you know George if you were a little more careful with your toys you wouldn't lose so many of [Music] [Laughter] them you almost ready to go to the [Music] park [Music] hey aren't you glad we found your boat George [Music] George chy wanted to play in the mud [Music] too [Music] hey George what do you say we go home and grab some lunch maybe you should try and clean up a little bit before we [Music] [Applause] [Music] go we could be here all day doing this you can clean up up at home [Music] George okay George Lunch is ready George you have to get cleaned up before you can eat just take a quick bath I'll wait ha there were only two things that could get George to take a bath bubbles and and springy the Frog George wondered where he could be George George what is taking so [Music] long you can clean your room later after you clean yourself and after we [Music] lunch hop [Music] in I get it you want to be launched like a new ship huh all right here we go into the sea hey you're you're tickling me look I know you took a bath already this morning but you're muddy George no hey look at all the fun bubbles [Music] see there was no way George could take a bath without spry who had to be around here somewhere George oh and there was no way George was going to admit he lost another [Music] toy who had to be here [Music] somewhere [Music] George George perfect pyramid looks like I do pretty good with no help at all can you help me again I want the largest package but I don't want to mess up the [Music] display no the package under that [Music] one no the package under that one no the package under that one [Music] thanks so much this is such a fun unusual [Music] store George was thankful the grocery store didn't sell bricks that lady looked like she needed monkey help I guess my pyramid wasn't so [Music] perfect what do you have there it's the diagram for our new window display it's going to have a tree colorful balls and other fun stuff oh I can't wait to see it me too but I can't set it up till my son gets back I'd better put the diagram in a safe place it was here a second [Music] ago the grer didn't have to wait for his son George would set up that window display for him first he looked for a tree he found one behind the [Music] boxes a and colorful balls and above the balls he found some stringy fun [Music] stuff that diagram couldn't just get up and walk [Music] away I love this store I just had to come back and say Merry Christmas huh hey Merry Christmas huh why is everyone wishing me Merry Christmas all of a sudden your window what a great idea [Music] huh oh hi George I whatever you're paying that monkey he deserves double I've never had such helpful service me neither have you been working here all day helping customers and this [Music] hey Dad this window display you came up with is pulling in customers the store's crowded it is I guess this is our first annual Christmas in July sale built by our Employee of the Month [Music] George now can we get out of this window it's July I'm roasting [Music] I know the grocer told me all about your job I am very proud of you [Music] George keep up the good work and you'll be able to buy that oven yourself but I got you a little something to hold you over until you [Music] do this icing is great
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 211,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: IX1MyvELLyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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