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to Hundley nothing beat being a wiener dog on a sunny day it was so much more dignified than being a sweaty tired looking man back from the marathon already [Music] and you'll want a trophy congratulations [Music] steady now push that button uh let's put it there next to my cow pasture Sprint trophy [Music] trophies make it hard to forget things you've done because you have to keep cleaning them [Music] huh yeah I got that for climbing and mapping what they now call Yellow Hat Mountain [Music] you'll win trophies someday a trophy is a reward for doing something well so maybe best at being a good little monkey [Music] George figured there wasn't much chance of that but maybe for something else someday [Music] oh hey Jojo Jojo oh see you know I've got no help today huh could you uh [Music] all done thank you so much good artsy [Music] my new dessert the ice cream gnocchi for you Giorgio consider it the helpful monkey award my thank you for a job well done this plate of ice cream was Georgia's first trophy a trophy is a reward for doing something well [Music] [Music] [Music] you come on [Music] turkey where are you there you are [Music] who would have done this it's just mean to melt a guy's helpful monkey award Georgia what did you do leave your ice cream gnocchi in the Sun foreign [Music] maybe I can still use it for something [Music] this time don't leave it in the sun where it'll melt [Music] George now knew he had to keep his trophy out of the Sun foreign [Music] [Music] foreign just how big is this fish you're after George well you might as well be hunting for tadpoles hey go try this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] George knew nothing about water beetles except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles [Music] now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a tadpole [Music] [Applause] giving you any problems are they oh wow good bring him over some time for a visit okay George knew that someday he'd have to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles and he knew he might never see his little friends again back in the city George tried to take his mind off the tadpoles it wasn't easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] George couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it go [Music] [Laughter] but George we just visited the lake we'll go back next month [Music] said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and into what George we've been looking all over for you you got like 800 pounds of boiled lettuce now George really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily George didn't see any signs of jumbo tadpoles [Music] but he couldn't find his friends either oh my God these loud frogs probably scared the tadpoles away [Music] it was time for George to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles [Music] that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how do you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat huh [Music] uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see [Music] the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile George before long George thought the frogs were even more fun than the tadpoles [Music] [Music] well most of the time and I'll be home later remember no bothering the new neighbor who is not an elephant [Music] the new neighbor he had an elephant George felt very misunderstood [Music] why the elephant must have gone out too [Music] well that thing would never fit inside the apartment huh could there be a chainsaw in mabels [Music] so many things made similar sounds how could George figure out what he'd been hearing upstairs for George to be certain he had to go right to the source [Music] that sort of sounded like his neighbor but not really The Man with the Yellow Hat was right George hadn't heard an elephant but then what had he heard that was the sound [Music] so the upstairs neighbor has a Galapagos tortoise that's been wrapping gifts and making juice [Music] thank you George I'm gonna say this one more time there is no way [Music] yes [Music] hi there we're your downstairs neighbors and oh so nice to meet you [Music] George [Music] what's he doing I think he's looking for your um elephant my what foreign sounds um very loud sounds fairy loves oh I I am so sorry sometimes I get carried away working on my art I am an artist I do murals I mix my paint here [Music] [Applause] then I use these rubber stamps I made oh foreign [Music] here's one of my completed works [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the counter huh [Music] what on Earth is that sounds like an elephant finger painting huh it does [Music] [Applause] George thought he'd probably need better bait too well first he'd need bait [Music] George had been eating a carrot when he saw the eel maybe eels like carrots too or other favorite monkey Foods [Music] unless George could figure out what an eel ate bill was going to take it home for sure [Music] if you move fast George could get that eels picture [Music] George I've got something wow it's heavy I won I get to take the eel home ah it's just an old bicycle tire in her tube [Music] no I have to replace this hook I'll be right back you're not gonna have time to beat me [Music] here was George's chance to get the eel first so Bill couldn't take it home [Music] Out Of Reach and George was out of breath this looked bad soon bill would be back with his new hook a hook was just what George needed foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] he could get the water to sit still [Music] thank you foreign [Music] wow it looks like a big one don't worry I'll help you George didn't want Bill to get the eel but he didn't want the eel to remain trapped either [Music] George this is fishing gear [Music] [Applause] oh it's just an old cage hey the eels in that cage and you're the one who hooked him [Music] okay you won but George we have to help Daddy will get back to its home where it belongs well that's why I wanted to catch it to take it home to the ocean [Music] ah [Applause] being a city kid you don't know this but eels travel from fresh water to the ocean to spawn bon voyage Mr real that's the proper way to say goodbye to someone headed out on the ocean [Music] all the fishermen came back with tails that day Mr quint's tale of how he freed a whale George's tale of how he and Bill freed that eel [Laughter] [Music] it was a special day for George a visit to the museum but first a stop at piscetti's for a sweet Sunday treat anywhere foreign cannoli a brown crunchy shell with a delicious filling see two just for us [Music] hey gnocchi you have your own house now you know [Music] [Music] someone's looking for cannoli the last two got taken I don't make any new cannoli today I'm too upset what's going on she has been sneaking into the main room and scratching up at the seats it's a disaster you see she's done can you believe a little gato a sweet little kitty could do such damage yeah I did yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] she wants to come in I feel terrible she only wants to come in because you say she cannot oh foreign I suspect there will be no cannoli until this problem is solved back outside [Music] don't worry George I'm sure they'll solve the problem [Music] oh at the Museum George was too distracted to concentrate [Music] ah Professor Wiseman hey guys welcome to my new exhibit it's called how great scientists got their great ideas these are portraits of some great scientists Isaac Newton Benjamin Franklin Marie Curie and Albert Einstein once you think like a scientist George you can solve almost any problem George had a problem he wanted cannoli you know scientists think about problems and get ideas to solve them they observe then collect information and if that information doesn't help solve their problem they observe more and get a different idea oh dear excuse me young man get down from there oh George wondered what great scientists would do if they were monkeys who had no cannoli because gnocchi had scratched the booths [Music] I say do we know for certain that she did it like the chef believes you must think about what you observed [Music] George did see Noki scratched the door but could she have scratched the booth too If You observe does not support the chef's idea about gnocchi making this crashes if George could prove gnocchi was innocent Chef piscotti would be happy and George would have cannoli oh I love cannoli George had to observe more it had been a particularly rewarding day at the going out of business store George couldn't imagine how this day could get any better maybe it could [Music] Mabel's department store had added a fresh homemade candy counter oh oh I don't know about you but I simply can't walk away from blue candy [Music] but I can't carry this into Maples [Music] the pyramid sort of enhances the pinkness don't you think um I'm working on a rhombus shape but it keeps falling over a rhombus it's a work in progress anyway welcome to Kaylee's candies I'm Kaylee we'd like four small boxes great this is my first order today no one could wait till they got home to try the chocolates [Music] hey George's box has four not six you got short changed he can have two of mine I just wanted to taste anyway so can I have your other three [Music] George didn't think it was fair for anyone to sacrifice there was only one right thing to do [Music] [Music] oh you want to buy two more foreign [Music] you most certainly haven't eaten any chocolate boy you sure have nice teeth [Music] pick any two you want sorry I shortchanged you I put some of these boxes together at home and my cat distracts me [Music] oh dear I need to pick up more stock but I can't just leave hey would you mind watching the counter you're obviously extremely honest and I've hardly had any business all day all you have to do is watch the chocolates while I'm gone thank you so much foreign [Music] the mysterious rhombus George wondered if he could make a rhombus it didn't seem hard [Music] why did other shapes stack better maybe they went together by shape not color [Music] George concentrated on his work George hadn't expected any customers I box of chocolates for my wife do you have mint uh are these mints well what are those [Laughter] that doesn't look like a mint the next blue one had the same filling and it still wasn't meant [Music] well don't you have a flavor chart [Music] always liked helping in the piscetti's green beautiful garden we need more Tomatoes more eggplant more everything that's it we must expand our garden I have a grown up a plan new holes is fresh at topsoil more plants but Chef where will we expand to the reason George liked their Garden so much was that it was right in the middle of the city [Music] the reason you need more veggies is that you use so many to experiment I must experiment how else can I perfect my recipe Jardin no Burger I thought those two were great well they were but only great not perfect the firehouse picnic is in one hour can you get it perfect in one hour I'm not for I am be scaredy [Music] so words are gonna make this perfect onion garlic onion no no no garlic oh onion okay let's try it [Music] oh Georgia you have helped me find the perfect mixture ah [Music] these are my recipes I write down how I make my food so I can make it the same way every time happy with the recipe Chef pisgetti grilled a test Burger wait I left out the pepper where is my grinder Nettie come here tell me what you think of this be honest all of my giardino burger ingredients came from our garden Giorgio taste it taste it oh see this is perfect you're not just making those yummy sounds to be nice right I'm your wife and he's a monkey if we are not honest who is [Music] so Chef pisketti quickly made enough burger patties for the firefighters picnic put this on the back of my truck while I get my grill ready [Music] George put the box on the truck right outside the restaurant [Music] there were two trucks out there [Music] hi hey look there's a monkey waving at me monkeys are so friendly oh [Music] oh Nettie if everyone does not love those giardino Burgers I will never cook again even if they don't you have a book full of other great recipes I don't care if anything at all goes wrong I'm gonna hang up my big whitehead forever please relax they will love them George couldn't tell him something went wrong and maybe he didn't have to if that book showed the chef how to make the burgers George could use it too and make burgers that would be exactly the same the ingredients came from the garden here were pictures of things from the garden so he had obviously found the right recipe [Music] so George headed home with one dozen donuts and everything was perfect laughs I don't have your address he must be late oh you took too long to make the donuts there [Music] you're in charge while I'm gone Hundley [Music] George realized he couldn't go home because then those donut people would know where he lived we're right there [Music] so in the end George headed home with one dozen donuts they [Music] lost him [Music] oh my God [Laughter] oh man [Music] how many saw them outside and barked somehow he knew they were looking for you he's so smart foreign [Music] 's okay [Music] wow those smell so good I'm sorry I didn't ask you to buy more than one dozen you look hungry George I'll make eggs then it's donut time it's a little dark in here I'll open some curtains [Music] so anything exciting happen today George I passed by the D family they look pretty happy [Music] so what do you want scrambled how about fried oh I never realized how nicely insulated this handle is a little careful hey wait a minute I don't remember buying this car [Music] did you put that donut there oh what a waste of food now we only have 11 to eat here's the say where'd they all go uh what a hundred dozen donuts a hundred we have one dozen donuts look [Music] well miss Donuts asked me to give you the bill wow what a mistake how could they think you bought a hundred dozen don't what how did oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh why George [Music] [Music] well at least I know you were paying attention we've got to put these Donuts in bags or something oh what are we gonna do with them all so in the end George got one dozen donuts like he was supposed to hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left George [Music] had three great looking boats but just looking boaty didn't make them float [Music] at last George had something he knew would float [Music] Bill wasn't going to win any contest with a tiny board foreign [Music] maybe it was time to study boats in action wide boats seem to work well steam coming out [Music] a propeller and a good solid bottom okay a wide boat with steam coming out and a propeller hmm all done thank you I'm just gonna drive my bike at home would you mind watching my boat for a few more minutes [Music] thank you newspaper delivery is an exact business people expect it at the same time every day thanks for watching my boat oh where is my boat huh George you built this yourself wow I thought City kids just bought everything where'd you say my boat was [Music] holy cow you did me a real favor George I forgot to close the windows thanks for showing me I would have really been sunk if it happened in the contest model boating requires utmost attention to Tiny details and keeping the water out [Music] come on let's go enter hey you gotta bring your boat to enter it [Music] oh sure who else has a boat like that let's hear it for our winners congratulations George I didn't even know you built a boat I convinced him to enter it and can you see this it says best boat by a monkey that's funny they must have run out of regular ribbons I'll take care of this I'll ask him to make you one that says best boat by a city kid foreign [Music] [Applause] there's nothing an inquisitive monkey likes more than discovering new things and the Museum's a great place for discoveries [Music] like how different something can seem when you look at just a small part of it [Music] hi George [Music] you're getting a close look at our dinosaur exhibit I see then you'll be interested in this this newly discovered stegosaurus skeleton is our next exhibit [Music] discovering dinosaur bones look like the best job in the world oh the museum always gave George lots to think about [Music] turkey who only ever thought about one thing [Music] playing [Music] [Music] he discovered a bone that magnifying glass would have come in handy but charkey was probably blocks away by now [Music] [Music] ha ha ha foreign couldn't let Sharky chew on it what if some dinosaur lost this bone on its way to the museum [Music] [Music] [Music] the stegosaurus had all his bones [Music] so did the Triceratops [Music] in the Tyrannosaurus if a dinosaur hadn't lost it what kind of bone could it be [Music] oh my God [Music] luckily there was always a box of Huntley streets in the lobby [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] huh [Music] George was helping get ready for breakfast while the Man with the Yellow Hat got an early jump on some important work this country air is just what I needed Yeah by tonight my speech for the tribute to Professor Wiseman will be perfect her great vision great Insight exhibit right woolly mammoth her love of the woolly mammoth hmm I don't know oh yeah oh okay okay I'll stop for breakfast [Music] [Music] well fruit and eggs are good [Music] these cupboards are too small for us maybe we should buy less food the thought of having less food made George more hungry well we still need breakfast hey I'll run to the market [Music] maybe you can finish my speech for me while I'm gone [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] ah hey George I'm helping jumpy out with extra nuts foreign food [Music] squirrels hide food in the ground then when they need it they dig it up and have plenty to eat George never knew the ground was such a good place to store food [Music] George and the Man with the Yellow Hat needed a good place to store food [Music] [Music] George could hardly wait to chew the rewards of squirrel style storage [Music] um George these Donuts are delicious judge this fish is phenomenal yeah all right now for breakfast then back to work on my speech where's our food [Music] George I think there's a food thief on the loose someone steal paprika just wanted to explain that he had it all taken care of [Music] do we have gophers [Music] gopher stole our food [Music] my paprika why would someone bury paprika [Music] [Music] Hunley always LED people through the lobby so he used his skills to lead George around obstacles [Music] hello [Music] there was more to monkey sitting George than guiding him around the furniture Hunley cleaned up after him too which had its Rewards laughs [Music] he also helped with those itches that George couldn't reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day George's chair driving improved and Hundley looked forward to coming over foreign good morning to you too Hundley and then something changed remember use the crutches don't step on your cast and be a good little monkey and Dachshund they taught George to use the crutches in the hospital [Music] but he needed practice [Music] George was as good on crutches as he was on his own feet [Music] and as soon as he got really good [Music] news Hundley George is allowed to walk on his cast now foreign George showed Hundley how his leg was healing but dachshunds don't read x-rays [Music] Hunley didn't like to get too far from his Lobby [Music] George wanted to go for a walk [Music] [Applause] also wanted to go for a climb [Music] but that wasn't allowed Hunley was one serious monkey sitter they went to the park every day George drew some good pictures [Music] and Hundley discovered he liked lying on grass and taking slow strolls with a monkey [Music] see the brakes all healed [Music] laughs [Music] well hello [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] George was thrilled to be completely free again back to normal I see good as new thanks for all of your help Hundley I guess you're back on Lobby Duty with me Boy George wanted Hundley to come with him but Hunley had a job to do [Music] [Music] of course [Music] George brought his friends back so he and Hunley could be together [Music] George was back to normal all right [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,338,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: Qe9ansjvF7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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