Curious George 🐡 George Whizzes Away! 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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oh [Music] here was all this fresh snow just itching to be played with but it was too deep for george hey george [Laughter] guess the city kid wouldn't have seen cross-country skis before it's the most fun way to travel on deep snow ah hi ha ha i've got an old pair of skis you can have wanna come with me [Music] this was fun george took the skiing like like a monkey to skiing [Music] think you can handle that big hill [Music] with skis on george could go anywhere there was snow [Music] or so he thought [Music] you can't attack a steep hill straight on like that george [Music] you got it zig zag it [Music] when you stop angle your skis like this so you don't slide back down er yeah that's it [Music] there you go george that's the way to do it george had a great view up here he could see houses and farms [Music] and there was his house [Music] and then he thought he'd better head home right now because the man was making the last of the cocoa and no one can resist the drink me now power of coco not even the man with the yellow hat i wonder what that could be i'm gonna go take a quick look around you wait here [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this wasn't good he was getting even further from home [Music] hey george down here i couldn't find what made that sound i'm heading home now have fun at least it was all downhill from here [Music] figured he'd be home in seconds [Applause] [Music] there had to be a way to get that ski [Music] well one ski was better than none [Music] that was awesome [Music] [Music] george had toys for summer and toys for snow but there were no toys for just playing cold there weren't even birds to watch but even the dullest monkey day could be saved by a visit with bunnies [Music] the hutch was empty there must have been a big bunny breakout [Music] [Laughter] what's wrong george oh are you looking for the bunnies uh-huh oh don't worry i brought them in out of the cold i'm glad you're here we have to go to my grandmother's can you do me a favor while i'm gone george knew bill was going to ask him to take care of the bunnies it's something he'd dreamed about [Music] george would pick only videos that bunnies liked and games they could win and show them his best bunny picture books i'm taking the bunnies to stay at my grandmother's house for the rest of the winter well it's too cold out and my folks won't let me keep them in the house grandma has a warm place they can spend the entire winter [Music] so could you do me a favor and put out some nuts and seeds for that jumpy squirrel every day uh i don't want him to go hungry if the ground gets too cold and hard and he can't find food [Music] see you later [Music] [Applause] george remembered how it was not too long ago [Music] why did all fun things have to be taken away just because of some old season [Music] he wasn't going to let winter ruin his well ruin his winter [Music] this little monkey was going to prove that winter couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted [Music] really cold water can change a monkey's plans just like that [Music] george i'm back i bought some of that really good hot cocoa [Music] uh what are you doing soaking your feet in warm water because you gotta chill well when it's too cold to play outside it's hot coco to the rescue [Music] [Applause] the next day felt like the coldest day of the year don't forget your scarf [Music] but george was not about to let it stop him from having fun the way he wanted to [Music] time for fun [Music] george had won he was having fun like winter had never come [Applause] [Music] attention will the antarctic research team please report to the conference room immediately come on george duty calls [Music] here we are guys the antarctic [Music] our objective is to observe and record the behavior of the region's flightless native seabirds uh we're here to take pictures of penguins see this small family of chinstrap penguins well this breed gets its name from the unique marking on its head we didn't see them on our last visit and i'm worried i need you to find them in your gear bags you'll find a waterproof video camera [Music] radio mics for talking to each other over short distances check and a photo of a chinstrap penguin to help you identify them any questions um yes on the left um were we chosen for this mission because of our fine work in outer space and under the sea oh well not exactly my usual team is on assignment in the sahara desert [Music] but you lucky guys get to meet penguins [Music] george couldn't wait to meet a real penguin oh this is great okay i'm moving on to the nesting grounds of the emperor penguins you'll meet us at this spot at 9 00 a.m right right remember if you get lost use the outpost beacon to find your way back don't worry if we get lost we can always find an igloo for shelter no you can't igloos are found in the arctic not in the antarctic oh that's right good luck getting pictures of the penguin family thanks [Music] let's check this side of the outpost for the penguins okay but don't go too far george if you see penguins call me using the radio mic like this oh it's gonna be a great day [Music] hi uh um i found a penguin well it found me but it's not a chin strap i think it's an adelie penguin [Music] [Laughter] that sounded close like something on the other side of this snow [Music] okay [Music] george had found one of the chinstrap penguin family george was so excited he forgot to call the man with the yellow hat he also forgot to look where he was going [Music] the camera was waterproof now george wished it would stay in one place [Music] remove the reservoir cap and check the coolant level huh oh hi george i told luke and ada i'd tune up their summer shuttle but i can't find my pliers huh [Music] oh right now where did i put my cold drink [Music] oh thanks george hey after i'm done with the shuttle we can take it for a test drive to cool off okay [Music] ice it was cold just like snow [Music] ice cubes were much bigger than snowflakes though [Music] using the ice crusher george would have something just like snow in no time [Music] ah [Music] hmm hey george what you doing cooling off with ice water city kids you can't build a snowman with pieces of ice george you need soft wet snow to make a snowball huh these ice chips are too hard and too thick see [Music] feels good well back to my paper route thanks for the ice george [Music] george needed something else to make his snowman something that would stick together [Music] george are we out of ice cubes already oh here they are you mind if i take a few huh careful where you step [Music] george we don't want to track mud into the summer shuttle mud it wasn't as cool as ice but it was easier to mold into shapes now where could george get a lot of mud [Music] [Music] [Applause] this mud was just as useless as those ice chips for making snowballs hey george having trouble with your mud pie recipe the perfect mud pie depends on the right mix of soil and [Music] it water george was on the verge of making the world's first muddy snowman and nothing could stop him [Music] oh i'm sorry george when it comes to mod they have the final say around here stay cool [Music] on sunny snowy days [Music] george usually got up bright and early [Music] but this day he discovered that bill had gotten up even brighter and earlier hey george [Music] snow blocks i'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is igloo yep i'm trying to earn my sprout badge in winter camping and to do that i have to build an igloo and sleep in it overnight suddenly that was exactly what george wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like bill [Music] you want to help me and sleep in the igloo too uh why not let's get started [Music] george that's not the proper technique guess i better show you city kids probably don't know much about non-mortar construction [Music] see the first thing you do is mark a circle in the snow that's your foundation then you take the biggest blocks and fit them together like this bill showed george how to build up the igloo walls block by block making sure that the top layer overlapped the bottom [Music] yep and when we're all done we can just smooth out the inside [Music] as they built it up the igloo started to look like a volleyball cut in half see we keep shaping these blocks and put them all the way around until there's just a small hole left in the center [Music] and we fill that with a large block called a keystone you have to cram it in so it'll hold the walls in place [Music] now i'll just make a few air holes and once we fill all these cracks of snow it'll stay pretty warm yep we're done let's go check it out [Music] george was so excited he had never been in an igloo before the inside of the igloo was smaller than george thought [Music] he had wanted a funny glue one that was big enough for a bed and a tuba and his friends sort of like his room only better [Music] you want to build your own igloo sure i wish i could help you but i gotta fill up these cracks and then do my chores so george started on his second igloo of the day with help from the man with the yellow cap but this time he built it wider [Music] and taller and brought in some furniture [Music] wow good window are you sure you want to spend the night in here george okeydoke i guess it's time to make the cocoa hey george how's it wow this is huge you put a bed in here and a sofa wow the only thing is it might get cold at night the bigger the igloo the colder it gets george wasn't worried he figured he'd just wear his coat to bed sometimes it's tough to explain what makes something really really funny and sometimes it's not and after that i decided to only wear yellow oh that yeah that's my lemonade stand one summer i got a new soccer ball from running that stand [Music] which reminds me there's lemonade in the fridge if you're thirsty i just stocked up [Music] ah i am really looking forward to coming home and having ice cold lemonade be a good little monkey [Music] the shorts were a gift from my grandma george wasn't thinking about funny shorts now he needed a new soccer ball [Music] and if a lemonade stand worked for the boy with the yellow hat it could work for george [Music] hey george it's a real scorcher huh [Music] oh you want a lemon crate sure go right ahead [Music] george now had his very own lemonade stand this was pretty easy wow is it ever hot hey is that lemonade [Music] thanks but i can't drink all that don't you have any cups [Music] that's still a lot how about huh there that's a good amount george never knew you could make one cup of lemonade into two delicious let me give you a little something [Music] what a great business george wondered why everyone didn't have a lemonade stand here you go thanks [Music] he wasn't sure how this was gonna work but george wouldn't give up while he still had lemonade left [Music] george didn't speak dog or cat but he knew begging when he saw it [Music] he couldn't give them too much because this lemonade was going to get him a soccer ball but charkie and gnocchi didn't know george's plan they were just thirsty [Music] i'd like some lemonade [Music] or maybe not [Music] can i give you some advice [Music] people prefer unlicked lemonade [Music] oh [Music] people sure are buying a lot of coffee makers i just wrapped 15 in a row there you are i've been looking all over for you george wanted to play with the rapper people some more but he had to get these pants home george hadn't been gone very long but when he got back [Music] the present had disappeared [Music] thanks for picking up my pants george i know how curious a little monkey can be so i put the present away that should take your mind off of it but hiding the present only made george more curious [Music] this was the first time george noticed the walls were wrapped it looks like wrapping on top of more wrap maybe there were a hundred layers of wallpaper under here [Music] or not since he reached the end george tried to put it all back but it didn't want to go [Music] then he thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] up is that you george make sure you wash up before professor wiseman gets here [Music] and would you make sure that bowl of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it [Music] [Music] you can't get away with that [Music] huh you didn't wash this hand is all sticky okay now what happened in here oh professor wiseman help me hide this mess [Music] hello george everything okay i'll be right out i got your favorite fruit help yourself is this a bonangine you can't put skins on fruit george only nature can do that on the other hand nature doesn't make banangearines sorry i'm happy birthday from george and me oh you didn't have to would you like to help me open it george [Laughter] [Music] i never would have guessed that's what was in this big box that's uh that's why it was wrapped that way oh my favorite symphony you remembered thanks let's listen to it during dinner oh here i'll get that george figured he'd better eat something because this was gonna take a while [Music] a warm country day george's favorite time to go boating toy boating that is even a toy boat captain can hit rough seas in his favorite perfect pond [Music] sea captains don't cry they make repairs or ask a friend to i can have it fixed for you first thing tomorrow morning captain [Laughter] so at exactly 10 seconds before the first thing the next morning [Music] right on time there you go ready to set sail again [Music] george rushed back to his perfect pond to set sail [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now he had a boat but no pond and the creek was only a trickle where could a whole pond go [Music] he didn't find his pond but he found a strange wall in the creek [Music] [Music] here's what happened to the water it got stuck behind this wall [Music] hey george looking for the beaver family the beavers built their dam to make this great pond bet you never see beavers working in the city huh [Music] yep that's them now working in the woods i took pictures of them ah don't get too close while they were girl who'll get upset bye so these were the beavers [Music] george tried to tell them their branches were floating away he must have gotten too close [Music] if the beavers didn't want him watching he'd just sail his boat [Music] [Music] if they wouldn't share their pond he'd make his own all he had to do was build a dam like they did [Music] there must be an easier way to get wood for a monkey dam [Music] this is rankin's scrap wood been having lots of fun with your boat [Music] oh you want the scrap wood do ya take it i'll even hitch the cart to leslie to help haul it now he had wood what else would be good for stopping water there that'll warm you up george was thinking two things hello boy was this coco good and that he was giving up how can a monkey have any fun when his stuff all freezes up he knew exactly how [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm afraid it's gonna be even colder tomorrow sorry you can still have warm dreams though good night colder tomorrow george couldn't wait [Music] don't forget your hat [Applause] [Music] george's plan was working [Music] [Music] george had made an ice bowling set [Music] he was finally having fun then jumpy did something unexpected [Music] at first george thought squirrels must really hate bowling but jumpy only wanted to get the frozen nuts [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] george and jumpy played nut hockey till the sun went down then he set up for the next day in the morning george bundled up you're not gonna need that hat and scarf it's warmer today [Music] it was a perfect day it turned out winter could be fun [Music] except now it wasn't cold enough to freeze anything solid all that work inventing fun stuff and it was all for nothing [Applause] [Music] winter it was like a roller coaster of blah [Music] it started already we're supposed to get a ton of snow tonight well good thing i bought a new shovel maybe inventing stuff wasn't all for nothing it helped him survive the dull of winter till the first snow george it's snowing in the house yeah winter is a roller coaster and monkeys love roller coasters you ever thrown a surprise party for mr quint before well it's the only way to give him a party because they're such a big family exactly i'm watching for mr quinn's boat no sign of him oh you don't have to watch yet bill he won't be back for at least two hours [Music] whoa it's not my birthday george i'm not supposed to get surprised he's home early no what do we do take him to your house and keep him there till party time [Music] not yet george well hey there young fellas ooh looks like you sprung a leak bad luck today huh ah not all bad got to see part of the river i never saw before the bottom well i gotta change my soggy socks don't i mean come to our house we want to build a fish pond and need expert advice about fish uh well sure well let me just get some dry clothes here dry clothes go help him all right mother if you say so huh no quit can resist fish crackers they may come in handy okay goodbye have fun [Music] so george and the man with the yellow hat kept mr quint busy with lots of questions what do you think well if you make a pond that big you can have almost any size fish as george was about to ask exactly how many whales he could have mr quint's brother flint quint showed up hi george it's mr quint's brother the train station master hi clint happy birthday hey flynn happy birthday oh didn't you know the quints were born together so flint can't know about the party either okay the quints were twins now george had two people to yell surprise egg it couldn't get any better you know i said you needed help so i came right over well this here's fish business not trained so you can weigh anchor i'll meet you back at my house don't go we want to know about running a train around the pond we're planning i'll be right back hello oh it's mrs quint disaster the bakery truck broke down so they can't deliver the birthday cake don't worry i can go pick it up oh thank you it's mr piscato's bakery over in franklin square you can't run tracks across the pond it'll scare the fish well then we'll just have to tunnel guys could you monkey sit for me while i run an errand uh sure we'll just figure out the pond while you're gone [Music] george it's your job to keep the quints here so the surprise isn't wrecked okay george knew this would be easy because the quint brothers would probably argue about the pond for hours well we've got it all worked out the perfect pond and train so we'll monkey set you at my house where we could draw up plans [Music] george had to keep the quints here it was important the surprise [Music] fish crackers oh oh well um we could have fish crackers here and then go to my house that's a good idea [Music] eating this many crackers would keep the quince here a long time [Music] somehow this didn't look fair [Music] fish food could arrive by train at ten o'clock and three o'clock those look delicious [Music] my brother's wife requests that i proceed here to provide back up hey clint happy birthday hey flint happy birthday hey wint happy birthday huh well didn't you know george all those quints were born together course i'm the oldest by two minutes the quints were triplets now george had three people to yell surprise at even better fish crackers reel in your hooks we were here first huh george was gonna need another plate to keep three whole quints here [Music] nice but where's the police boat [Music] hey i've got juice at home that goes great with fish crackers let's eat these at my house [Music] george [Music] well that's the same juice okay we'll stay here so we don't have to wait for fish crackers fish crackers [Music] [Music] george had to admit he had no juice happy birthday boys happy birthday [Music] george meet our sister sprint quint the track star she won three olympic gold medals [Music] that was long ago [Music] count them three the quints were quadruplets now george had four people to yell surprise at this was the best hmm so i hear you need help putting a jogging track around a pump are those fish crackles oh [Music] but before he even tried to split 12 crackers onto five plates another quint showed up plant plant went sprint happy birthday happy birthday [Music] george meet our sister mint quint she prints money for the government whomp sandals are my latest work so i hear you need help figuring out the cost of a pond [Music] five oh yeah that's right this is all of us we're quintuplets [Music] uh-huh [Music] i wonder what this belongs to oh george i found your lost boat in the freezer you know george if you were a little more careful with your toys you wouldn't lose so many of them [Music] [Laughter] you almost ready to go to the park [Music] hey aren't you glad we found your boat george george [Music] sharky wanted to play in the mud too wow [Music] hey george what do you say we go home and grab some lunch maybe you should try and clean up a little bit before we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] we could be here all day doing this you can clean up at home george [Music] okay george lunch is ready george you have to get cleaned up before you can eat just take a quick bath i'll wait [Music] there were only two things that could get george to take a bath bubbles and and springy the frog george wondered where he could be george george what is taking so long [Music] [Laughter] you can clean your room later after you clean yourself and after we lunch [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hop in [Music] oh i get it you want to be launched like a new ship huh all right here we go into the sea [Music] you're tickling me look i know you took a bath already this morning but you're muddy george no hey look at all the fun bubbles [Music] see there was no way george could take a bath without springy who had to be around here somewhere george oh and there was no way george was going to admit he lost another toy [Music] who had to be here somewhere [Music] george [Music] george george aren't you going to take a bath are you going to take a bath tonight you don't know tomorrow ever [Music] well i can't have a muddy monkey messing up the apartment [Music] okay george forget about giving yourself a bath how about we give your truck a bath huh [Music] you don't mind if i wash my car while you wash your truck do you [Music] george loved making bubbles anywhere he didn't need a tub a bucket of water and a little soap work too they were so light and shining and filled with air [Music] but making bubbles reminded him of springy [Music] there all clean good job [Applause] [Music] hi guys oh you're looking good george well at least the right half of you is i guess someone's due for half a bath i wish but george won't take a bath anymore i don't get it and maybe george feels he's getting too old for a bath of course that's it my little monkey is growing up [Music] now i know exactly what to do come on george we're going in oh thanks professor wiseman you're a genius well yeah i understand your problem with baths now george and i agree it's time for you to start taking showers [Music] turn on the water george and see what happens [Music] [Laughter] george okay won't take baths won't take showers [Music] i need to take a walk and not think about any problems for a while [Music] but sometimes not thinking about something is harder than you think [Music] bubbles maybe somehow springy was nearby [Music] hi betsy hi steve hello betsy made pretty good bubbles but she was no plastic frog hey george we're washing dogs to make money want to help yeah george why don't you help there's soap and water and bubbles and soap great george can help me make bubbles to attract dirty customers [Music] figured the triangle bubble maker was broken but a square bubble would be just as good [Laughter] they fooled me the first time i tried them too it doesn't matter what shape bubble maker you use they'll always turn out round [Music] all this bubble making made george miss springy even more [Music] sharkey you're more mud than dog hey george would you help me could you wash charkie's ball [Music] don't be shy about getting some of that clean water on yourself [Music] of course the park the mud sharky no no no no you're getting dirtier george slow down okay i'll meet you back home oh [Music] wow you beat me home uh why were we racing george you're taking a bath [Music] okay then enjoy i um wow i wonder what that was all about
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 550,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: bFNiexoeYZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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