In The Olden Days! 🎨 | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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[Music] Stone AG granny Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig granny granny oh where's granny Pig here I am granny pig is wearing a pretend beard today I am a caveman o granny and her friends are pretending to be in the Stone Age what's a stone age well it was a long long long time ago when people lived in caves ate berries and chased big hairy elephants called mammoths can we be Stone Age too of course you can I've made you both costumes look George we're in the Stone Age come and see what we're doing in the garden here are granny wolf granny dog and Madame Gazelle look everyone here are Stone Edge Peppa and George hello we are digging a cave with our stone tools why don't you have buckets and Spades Stone AG people didn't have buckets and Spades you see today we are living exactly as people did in the Stone Age tea time for thirsty Stone Age people oh lovely do stone AG people drink tea uh not exactly but I'm sure if they could have had tea they would have had tea uh yes yes yes M all this digging has made me rather hungry me too let's gather berries yes berries strawberries you're eating all my precious strawberries but that's what Stone Edge people did well can't you you do some other Stone Agy thing instead I suppose we could Chase woolly mammoths good idea but there aren't any woolly mammoths now grandpa pig can be a woly mammoth yes oh all right if it keeps you away from my strawberries thank you Grandpa Pig you run and we will chase you okay ho I'm a woolly mammoth wa coming to get [Music] you you'll never get me yes we [Music] will got you well done Pepper and George now we carry the mammoth back to our cave yes yes lift o the mammoth is a bit too heavy to carry actually Grandpa Pig would you mind walking oh very well the stone AG people have arrived back at their cave H it's going to take ages to dig a cave with little bits of stone I have an idea where's my telephone funny did Stone people have telephones uh no but if they could have had telephones they would have had telephones yes yes yes yes yes hello Mr Bull speaking hello Mr Bull could you come and dig a big cave for us please I'll be right there marvelous thank you turn back everybody Mr Bull has arrived with his Digger grany did Stone AG people have diggers no but I'm sure if they could have had diggers they would have had diggers there you are now we can decorate our cave with paintings just like Stone Age people did I'm painting us chasing a woolly mammoth I'm painting granny with a cup of tea on the telephone and M a bull with a digger oh exactly how it was in the Stone Age in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry Mommy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you twoo be good we will by bye bye byee how old are you Charlotte I'm 17 17 that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well night [Music] night Suzy yes are you away yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and a baby sitting and going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and I'll drive so will [Laughter] I daddy dog will be a Spaceman yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur [Music] dinosaur and Freddy Fox will be a policeman hey hello hello hello what's all this here then this is our grownup car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what was your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer we will live in a big house with fountains and a [Music] swing and I will marry Pedro or Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there but who will look after all these children we will B time everybody time for your tea no football in the house you you Mommy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being a grownup yes it is we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grownups Peppa and suie need a good night's rest to be ready for the [Music] future the Time Capsule Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup today we are going to make a time capsule what's a time capsule a time capsule is something that will show people in the future how we lived how we'll put special things in this box and then we'll bury it in the school garden will it grow no Susie it will remain in the ground for many years oo now what things should we put inside a comic very good Peppa music very good suszie a toy nay a coin stamps sque a carrot H you do like carrots don't you Rebecca yes all all those are excellent things to show our daily lives Madame Gazelle what will the future be like what do you think it will be like I think in the future I will live on the moon and all my friends will come to visit and I will fly space Rockets hello now we'll record a message for the people of the future say hello to the Future hello to the Future you're probably all living on the moon now and going on holiday to Mars and flying around in space Rockets wonderful is nearly home time and all the parents have arrived mommy daddy we've made a time capsule ah daddy pig you're just in time to help us dig a hole yes of [Music] course daddy pig is digging a hole in the school garden for the Time Capsule there can we dig it up now H it will remain in ground for many years a but I can't wait that long Peppa you are just like your daddy when he was little am I yes I remember when I was his teacher did you teach my daddy yes I taught all of your mommies and daddies didn't I yes M when your mommies and daddies were little they made a time capsule too yes we did we buried it next to a little tree can we take a t yes I think we buried it over here oh I thought it was a much smaller tree oh it was a long time ago the tree has grown a bit since then I found something it's our old time capsule hey I can't wait to open it stand back children yes mad gazelle and what do we have here oh an old comic that was my favorite comic a tin toy my favorite toy Music My Favorite record and a very old carrot that's mine what a good choice mommy and a videotape of your mommies and daddies when they were little oo who's the little piggy in the glasses oh that's daddy pig oh and that's me hello to the Future what a squeaky voice you have you're probably living on the moon now silly little daddy pig making time capsules is such fun and finding them is even better Roman day Pepper and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house they are painting pictures of Polly Parrot my goodness what lovely paintings Pepper and George look at my pretty picture Polly pretty picture po Polly Parrot copies everything that is said I'll put them up here for granny pig to see when she gets home but where is Granny Pig oh she's just out playing with her friend friends here is Granny Pig with her friend granny Pig hello my little ones have you had a nice morning yes thank you Granny why are you wearing funny clothes we have been doing historical reenactment what's hysterical reenactment it's when you dress up like it's the olden days and sit around drinking tea we do more than just drink tea today we were being Romans what's Romans Romans were people who lived a very long time ago and I am the emperor the emperor was the boss of all the Romans oo goodbye see you next week granny Pig bye granny can we be Romans too yes Peppa here are some helmets now what do we do we March around saying beny vichi what does that mean granny it probably means anyone for another cup of tea no it means I came I saw I conquered v v granny Pig loves being a Roman Pepper and George love being Romans too peer and George have been doing some lovely pictures this morning my goodness they're very good they look just like Polly just like Polly the Romans like making pictures too you know did they yes they used colored pieces to make pictures known as mosaics here's one I made this morning oo can we make a mosaic what a good idea you'll need some colored Pebbles follow me I've got a whole whole bag of pebbles in my shed this is Grandpa Pig's shed here we are lots of colored Pebbles George what shall we make a picture of IA good idea George you find the green pebbles for the dinosaur and I will find blue Pebbles and make a lovely sky Pepper and George are making a Roman Mosaic of a dinosaur George adds some green Pebbles Peppa adds some blue Pebbles George the red ones can be the eyes finished well done Pepper and George my word you've got rather muddy time for a bath before mommy and daddy pig come to pick you up no oh dear George does not want to have a bath but George the Romans were very good at having baths and you're a Roman aren't you yes George let's have a Roman bath and George are having a Roman bath it's Mommy and Daddy here are Mommy and Daddy Pig ah Tempest fugit what does that mean it means time flies Tempest fugit tempus fuet temp fuet hello Mommy Daddy we've been playing Romans Tempest fit oo and with these crowns of leaves you are both Roman emperors hooray Benny vyy Pepper and George love being Romans everybody loves being Romans the olden days suie sheep has come to play at Peppa's house hello Suzy hello Peppa I've got something to show you look what is it it's a photograph who do you think it is it's a baby sheep it's me you're not a baby it's an old photo when I was a baby don't be silly Suzy in the olden days you were a baby too Peppa no I wasn't yes you were ask your mommy mommy pig is working on the computer Mommy hello Peppa Susie is talking nonsense no I'm not she said in the olden days I was a baby well you were Peppa look here is some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's Baby Alexander Baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby Peppa baby Peppa somebody sounds like they're having fun look daddy that's a picture of me as a baby I remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our [Music] car mommy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and Grandpa Pig made us a lovely flower garden where's Grandpa's lovely flower garden now daddy pig looked after it uh we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers oh and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and Susie love to play in the garden was suie my friend in the olden days yes you and Susie have always been best [Music] friends in the olden days did Susie and me jump up and down in muddy puddle no Peppa you were babies you couldn't even walk oh what did we do you cried you burped and you laughed we were babies baby Suzy baby Peppa gag gag soon after that you were Toddlers and where was George he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy George you've got a big tummy daddy is there a baby in there ho ho no Peppa this tummy is pure muscle and so George was born and Granny and Grandpa gave George a very special present can you guess what it was Mr Dinosaur that's [Music] right and you and Susie were running and jumping around then one day you saw something amazing monkey puggle Peppa if you jump in mdy puddles you must wear wear your boots you loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles I still [Music] do let's take a photo Now Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles Peppa has always love jumping up and down in muddy puddles play group star Peppa and her friends are at play grp they finished Peppa what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me and George and my mommy and daddy at our house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it really is a wonderful picture here is a play group star wow wow thank you Madame Gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children mommy daddy look I've got to play group star that's fantastic Peppa I remember Madame Gazelle gave me a play group star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when Mommy and Daddy Pig were little Madame Gazelle was their teacher here is a play group star I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup Stars mommy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup Stars too uh it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you you never got a playgroup star Daddy no I never did get a playgroup star not even a little one no anyway like Daddy Pig said it was a long time ago Peppa and they're really not that important what do you mean mommy they are very important aren't they daddy uh yes Peppa are you sad that you never got a play group star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you know maybe if you do a good drawing and show Madame Gazelle she will give you one now playgroup stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups there the roof is all fixed thank you Mr Bull that really is wonderful work have a play group star oh thank you very much look daddy Mr Bull's got a star and he's a grownup H it is evening time Pepper and George are going to bed are you still sad because you never got a play group star daddy you know what Peppa the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class what was your best drawing daddy would you like to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the Loft ah here's my old school bag and here is my picture wow it's a dragon it's very good daddy yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get a star nope H that's sad it is the next day Pepper and George are going to play grp look at this Suzie it's not fair Peppa you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for a grownup he drew it a long time ago when he was little ah Peppa have you done another wonderful drawing no Madame Gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I I remember your daddy did like to draw but you never gave him a play grp Star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy pig you deserve a play group star oh I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star hooray for Daddy Pig the museum Peppa and her family are going to the museum Daddy what is a museum it's a place full of interesting things that are very old older than you yes even older than me oo really old there's one room full of things that belong to Kings and Queens from long ago h I went to see the king and queen's room and there's another room with a real dinosaur wow dinosaur hello mommy pig hello Miss Rabbit how many tickets Please two adults and two children dinosaur and a dinosaur Peppa wants to see the room full of things that belong to Kings and Queens from long ago wow dinur but George wants to see the real dinosaur don't worry George we will see the dinosaur next Peppa these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago this is the Queen's special chair it's called a throne it's beautiful this is the Queen's dress it's so pretty look Peppa this is the Queen's Golden Crown wow what lovely things Mommy where is the Queen's television they didn't have television then no television but they did have computers no they didn't have computers either what did they do all day Mommy if I was the queen I would eat as much cake as I wanted Peppa imagines being a [Music] queen M delicious is there anything else you would care for queen Peppa yes more cake please of course come on everyone coming Daddy Daddy I'm Queen Peppa you must bow when you speak to me oh I'm most terribly sorry your Royal Highness and what do you do I'm your daddy H that must be very interesting yes it's very interesting and what room is this this is the dinosaur room the dinosaur room George this is the dinosaur room dinosaur where is the dinosaur he's somewhere in the room I can't see him he must be very small actually Peppa he's very big wow these are the bones of a real dinosaur dinosaur George imagines being a big [Music] dinosaur it's a dinosaur help [Music] help the dinosaur room is George's favorite room my favorite room is the king and queen's room and it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favorite room which room is that mommy the room with the cakes in Daddy Pig's favorite room is the Museum [Music] Cafe come on tuck in oh yes this is a very nice room the castle today Peppa and George are going to visit a castle what will we do at the castle mommy let me see what the guide book says will the castle be good or will it be boring it will be good will we see knights in armor George likes knights in armor you never know George we might even see a dragon a pretend Dragon daddy pig yes daddy dragons are in story books they they're not really real Peppa and her family have arrived at the castle welcome to the Castle tour cars are parked at owner's risk what does that mean Daddy oh nothing Peppa they always say that in car Parks please make your way to the castle where you will be met by a knight in armor hello it is Mr rabbit dressed as a knight in armor we start start the Castle tour here at the cannon in the olden days this cannon fired these heavy cannon balls high up into the sky daddy is he going to fire the cannon no that would be crazy right let's fire the cannon 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] fire that almost hit our car well we do say cars are parked at owner's risk on with the tour you are going to see the wonders of the castle eat a real medieval banquet wow a real medieval banquet it sounds delicious and meet a dragon this is the Royal throne room where the king and queen would sit who would like to have a go George can be king and I'll be a bossy Queen do this do that your majesties may I carry on with the tour yes you may we have to go through a secret passage but first we have to find the secret passage H these secret passages usually have some sort of top secret button to open them I don't think it's that big red button George that would be too obvious oh yes we try to keep it simple this is fun this passage has led us to the dining hall wow this must be the medieval banquet yes it looks really tasty it's all made of plastic yes it's to show what a real banquet would have looked like oh but of course as part of the tour you get to have your very own real medieval banquet fantastic here it is your banquet in a box y oldi cheese sandwich Jester's pickle and a king's jelly it's a little picnic in a box yes it's not quite the medieval banquet I was expecting and now it's time to meet the Dragon George it won't be a real dragon dragons are just pretend yes don't be sad if it's just miss rabbit holding a little glove puppet oh miss rabbit is driving a huge robot dragon do you want to see it breathe fire yes [Music] please I'm just going to park it h it's in for our car another reason we say cars are parked at H's [Music] risk and that's the end of the tour hope you had a lovely time I think that was George's best day out ever George loves castles everyone loves castles when I grew up pepper and her friends are at playr children today we are going to talk about what you would like to be when you grow up you can use the dressing up box to help you decide Madame Gazelle I don't know what I want to be when I grow up don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to think about it okay when I grow up I want to be the queen so I can tell people what to do I see I think I might like to be a teacher what is it about being a teacher that you like the most Emily telling people what to do okay I want to be a policeman when I grow up the police drive cars with flashing lights thank you [Music] Freddy what else do you like about being a a policeman they tell people what to do right I would like to be a doctor or a nurse why do you think you would like that job suszie because they help sick people get better wonderful and they tell people what to do yes not all jobs are about telling people what to do oh there are lots of other important jobs like being a builder or a it when I grow up I will be a pirate ah Pirates sing happy songs and they go Yo ho ho yes I'm not sure that being a pirate is a job as such either a pirate or a farmer oh yes being a farmer is much better you would grow things and make food for us or to eat and I'll tell all the animals what to do right I will be a superhero being a superhero is a very important job you have to run faster than a train jump tall buildings and I don't want to do all of those superhero things but I do want to tell people what to do yes of course it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children hello my little piggies so tell me what did you learn at playgroup today Madame Gazelle asked us what we want to be when we grow up that sounds nice not really mommy everybody knows what they want to be but I don't do you know what you want to be when you grow up George Dina George wants to be a dinosaur when he grows up you see don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to decide what you want to be okay what do you do mommy I work on my computer do you get to tell people what to do no well that's no good then it is bedtime for Peppa and George what do you do Daddy I could tell you Peppa but I think you'd find it a bit boring I wouldn't Daddy please tell me please okay my job is to design and facilitate strategies of function by material means in concrete do you like your job Daddy I like it but not everyone would everyone is different Peppa H what can I do then think of something you like doing I like jumping up and down in muddy puddles uh there aren't that many jobs I want to be famous for jumping in muddy puddles I want to be famous for having a big tummy pepper but that's never ever going to happen but I'm very good at puddle jumping yes I suppose you are when I grow up I will show everyone in the world how to jump in muddy puddles that sounds like a very good idea night night pepper night night George night night Pepper and George are falling asleep to dream about dinosaurs and puddle jumping Granny and Grandpa's attic Peppa and George are playing at granny and grandpa's house today hello grandpa pig papa IG oh hello Peppa hello George bye-bye see you later see you later where's granny Pig hello my little ones that is granny pig's voice but where is she granny Pig here I am granny Pig gy Pig why is Granny in the roof we're tidying the attic what's the attic it's where we keep all our old things like you Grandpa Pig ha things that are even older than me can we help okay Granny and Grandpa's attic is at the very top of the house that's the door to the attic how do we get up there I have a clever trick hello my little ones it's Granny come on up [Music] oo this is our attic wow it's very full yes it's full of old junk Pepper and George are here to help us throw some things out good let's start by throwing out this this box oh not that box do we really need this that's my ship in a bottle and this that's my other ship in a bottle and these they're my other ships in bottles I need them all well we have to throw something out how about this box no not my hats oh dear we can't decide what to throw out I know we'll let Peppa and George decide okay let's throw away this old case oh not that one this isn't just any old case it's a record player ooh and this was our favorite record can we play it yes oh we haven't heard it for [Applause] years oh this takes me back come on Pepper and George Let's [Laughter] Dance mommy pig is here to pick up Pepper and George hello where are you mummy pig cannot find anyone what's that noise Mommy hello we've been dancing to Granny and Grandpa's favorite record yes Granny and Grandpa played it all the time ooh and here's the record I used to play when I was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie birdie woof woof not birdie birdie wolf woof you were always playing that I thought we'd thrown that out a ages [Applause] ago the birs go woof and the dogs go tweet wo wo wo wo wo the sheep and the [Music] cows again again the beds go woof and the dogs go W woof woof woof woof the Sheep go and the cow's that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out Peppa what should we throw out and what should we keep H I think you should keep everything the baby piggy Peppa and George are visiting their big Cousin Chloe today as well as seeing Chloe you are going to meet your new cousin oo Peppa and her family have arrived at Chloe's house hello hello everyone hello Peppa and George this is Chloe Peppa and George's big cousin but where's our new cousin here's your new baby cousin oo the new cousin is a tiny baby piggy oh how beautiful is it a girl baby no it's a boy oh I wish it was a girl me too George is pleased the baby is a boy dinosaur I think the baby's too little to play with Dinosaurs George the baby doesn't want to play with you it wants to play with me Peppa the baby is much too little to play ball games but if it can't play with a dinosaur or a ball what can it do it eats and it sleeps and it does that Auntie Pig can I hold the baby yes if you're very careful you can hold Alexander Alexander that's his name Baby Alexander what a big name for such a small piggy it's quite nice even though it's a boy good good go oh what's that smell maybe Alexander's nappy needs changing disgusting Peppa when you were a baby you wore nappies I did not mommy can I play with Pepper and George in the garden [Music] yes Chloe is it nice having a little baby brother yes Alexander is very sweet I wish George was a sweet little baby piggy I know George can pretend to be a Baby Piggy he can go in my doll's PR that's a good idea no George does not want to be a baby George if you pretend to be a baby I promise to be nice to you forever and ever George is thinking and you can play with all my toys George is thinking more and when we get home you can play with all my toys George has decided what a sweet baby piggy here are candy cat suie sheep Rebecca Rabbit and Zoe Zebra hello why is George in that dolls PR it's not George it's a Baby Piggy goo but it is George George is a pretend Baby Piggy a is it a girl or a boy it's a girl no George does not want to be a girl baby okay it's a boy I've got some cookies would the baby piggy like one oh no it can't eat cookies George likes cookies maybe it can have one cookie gooo it's so clever and so handsome it's very funny it's the best baby piggy ever George likes this game here is Auntie Pig with Baby Alexander wow a proper real baby piggy it's so gorgeous it's much sweeter than George oh dear George liked being the baby piggy oh George you'll always be my baby piggy maybe it's time for a new game how about some dinosaur chasing too scary George like being a Baby Piggy but he likes being George more move to music pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will use use your imaginations to move to music o what does this music make you think of it makes me think of a piano okay it makes me think of music right use your imaginations what pictures did the music make you think of it makes me think of a cherry tree swaying in the Wind on top of of a beautiful mountain wonderful Rebecca so now I would like you all to imagine you are that tree rooted to the rocky Mountaintop bending in the wind you are a tree your feet are rooted to the ground feel the wind in your branches and the sun on your leaves you're a tree very good children I saw some lovely trees on mountaintops there now listen to this piece of [Music] music what did that music make you think of remember to use your imaginations I know Pedro is the answer a cherry tree swaying on the top of a beautiful mountain H but this music was quicker wasn't it a cherry tree swaying quickly Danny it reminded me of a marching band very good Denny this music has a very strong beat for stepping in time everyone finds something to Bang from the music to imagine you are in that band parching along beating your drops that's it marvelous marching children wasn't that fun yes the next piece of music is a little bit different remember I want you to listen to it carefully and think about how it makes you [Music] feel this music is about space it's an alien birthday party what is wrong with this machine robots from the future hello I'm an alien bloop bloop I am a robot I am a robot Zing Z Zing this is the best music yet no no I think the machine is broken there oh now tell me how does this make you feel it makes me feel a bit bored it makes me feel tired has the Music Machine gone wrong again no this is music it reminds me of a lovely Garden on a hot summer day a young man a broken heart please can we have the space music again that was not music it was the machine gun wrong do you not like this music no Madame Gazelle can you make the machine go wrong again no oh I suppose we cannot all like the same things in life I like the space music and me and okay okay what does this music make you think of I know I know this music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles this way follow me everyone jumping up and down in bodyy puddles squish splash Big Splash with a big splash here and a big splash there here a splash there a splash everywhere a Splish Splash jumping up and down in muddy puddles splish splash splash Splish Splash Peppa loves moving to music everyone loves moving to Chloe's big friends Peppa and her family are on their way to visit Cousin Chloe I love playing with big Cousin Chloe Chloe Chloe oh Chloe hi there these are my friends Simon squirrel and Belinda bear you can call me sigh it's short for Simon and I'm bee it's short for Belinda I'm Peppa we'll call you pep o and this is George we'll call you J oh you didn't tell us you had baby cousins Chloe I'm not a baby but you're both little I'm a big girl George is little uh why don't we all play a game yes let's play hide and seek we don't play baby games anymore we're almost grownup what's about the yes no game what's the yes no game I ask things a you answer what makes that a game you mustn't say yes or no too easy do you want to play then yes ah you said yes that's not fair I wasn't ready be are you ready yes aha I win again Peppa is very good at playing the yes no game can I ask the questions of course you don't mind me asking you the questions I don't mind am I ever going to make you say yes or no I don't think so oh I give up how do you always win easy I just don't say yes or no ah I win you said yes and no that was fun let's play another game have you ever played sardines what's that someone hides and we all try to find them that sounds like hide and seek but when you find them you keep quiet and hide in the same space until everyone is hiding there like sardines in a tin all right let's try it George you hide first 1 2 3 George is looking for somewhere to hide 9 10 you're not here we come George I can see your Wiggly tail pepper is hiding with George move over George found you now Chloe must squeeze in with Pepper and George move up there you all are now Belinda bear must squeeze in too but up we're like sardines in a tin where's everyone one gone surprise can we stop running around now yeah let's just chill out chill out what's that we just sit around and talk about stuff I like talking blah blah blah let's talk about music I dig blues music um I like Red's music I like Green's music we don't don't like children's music no no no what music are you into I like this it's very grown up head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes and eyes and ears and nose Shoulders Knees and [Applause] to George it's time to go home now you will see Chloe again soon I'm coming to your house next week Peppa can we come along too you can come but we will be playing games we like playing games with Peppa and George hooray you can still have fun playing games even when you're almost grown up jumble sale it is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it children we are going to have a jumble sale the money we raise will pay for a new school roof hooray everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale what should we bring you can bring an old toy or something you don't use [Music] anymore the parents have arrived to pick up the children home time don't forget your old toy toys for the jumble sale tomorrow Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale Peppa have you decided um you only have to choose one toy yes and it will help pay for a new school roof okay I'm going to give Mr Dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is George's favorite toy Peppa you can't give away Mr Dinosaur can't no oh bother sorry George dinosaur why don't you give your old Jack in a box okay now it's your turn Daddy what we must all give something to the jumo sale I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball so what shall Daddy give I know the television not the Telly no it's too useful um I know Daddy smelly slippers no too smelly I know Daddy's old chair but that's an antique what does antique mean antique means it's very old and valuable but you found it on a Rubbish Tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it you've been saying that for ages daddy pig I know I'll give these lovely socks that Granny pig made me good I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale here they are thank you and would you like this old chair oh most generous goodbye bye bye mommy you gave away Daddy's chair shh don't tell him he'll never notice it is the day of the jumo sale hello hello Miss rabbit Peppa how about this chair it's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood but it's an antique is it Daddy said it's worth lots of money well I never I'd better put the price up bye hello everyone hello Peppa what did you give Susie I gave my nurse's outfit I gave my parrot balloon I gave my toy monkey oh o oh a I will miss my Jack in a box can I buy this Jack in a box please and I'd like this nurse's outfit the parrot balloon please pleas mommy mommy look what we've bought all your old toys we missed them look what I've bought it's an antique chair Oh Daddy Pig that's not an antique chair it is Miss Rabbit just said so and it matches my old one yes daddy that's because shh Peppa it is your old chair what but miss rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it fantastic news everybody we have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof hooray thank you Daddy Pig you're most welcome
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 838,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: f46FujIr4eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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