Back to School With Daddy | Go Buster | Baby Cartoon | Kids Video | ABCs and 123s

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[Music] is at daddy's house today oh look it's daddy bus tomorrow buster is going back to school it's going to be great but first they need to get ready daddy bus has a checklist of everything buster needs before he goes back to school tomorrow [Music] he needs his rucksack a lunch box his school book a pencil case and a ruler hmm rucksack checked lunchbox check [Music] everything else check [Music] and last but not least the shark tooth from his holiday for show and tell wow [Music] buster needs to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow [Music] good night buster [Music] there goes the alarm it must be time to get up oh no buster has gone back to sleep oh dear and now he's going to be late for school quick they've got to get everything ready huh [Music] what does buster need rucksack check [Music] lunchbox check [Music] pencil case and school book check but what is he missing the ruler [Music] aha there it is it's time to head off for school wait a second buster forgot his shark tooth quick buster quick [Music] shark tooth check they're going to have to race to get there on time go buster [Music] looks like the teacher is getting worried [Music] all his friends are already at school and he's going to be late oh no [Music] phew he did it just in time [Music] what a crazy morning [Music] buster bandit and mira are outside playing with their soccer ball daddy bus is fishing he hasn't caught any fish yet [Music] buster has some great skills whoa and so does mira that's a big kick bandit watch out mira oh oh no the ball knocked mira's hat off where did it go [Music] it's not over here it's definitely not over there mira is upset that her favorite hat is missing don't worry mira we'll help you find it buster has an idea we can look for the hat using our imagination now we can turn the search into a fun game off they go it's time to look for that hat whoa those are very big footprints [Music] they decide to follow them and see where they go stop what's that up ahead it's a dinosaur and he's wearing mira's hat uh-oh run they're going as fast as they can but the dinosaur isn't far behind and buster spots a big volcano up ahead they've got to get over that puddle foster and mirror make it but oh no bandit gets stuck buster is trying to help bandit get out uh oh the dinosaur caught up with them he looks very scary but what's the dinosaur doing he's seen his reflection and i think he likes the hat but that's mira's hat and she wants it back looks like she has an idea wow nice shot mira the ball knocks the hat right off oh no but looks like the hat is flying straight towards the volcano how are they going to get it back now buster can do it using his imagination it's super buster off he flies to save the hat [Music] it's getting closer and closer to the volcano he needs to be quick go buster he got it [Music] thanks buster you're a great friend they played a fun game and mira got her favorite hat back everything is more fun when you use your imagination i wonder what buster's going to learn at school today oh a volcano wow they're going to do an experiment the teacher is showing them what to do first a drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly wow it looks like an erupting volcano isn't that amazing everyone is so excited they're going to do the experiment all by themselves what a mess it looks like bandit didn't do it right [Music] oh no scouts didn't go right either maybe buster buster has made just as much mess as the others why isn't it working can ash get it right buster's going to check ash is still putting ingredients in whoa it worked nice work ash but how did ash get it right when everyone else's went wrong oh he followed the instructions on the board what a good idea the teacher is proud of ash now the others are going to try again but first they check what they need to do one drop of white powder then three drops of food coloring then some vinegar to make it all bubbly hooray it's working the volcanoes are all bubbling over don't they look great good job everyone it's amazing what you can do when you follow the instructions the teacher is so proud of everyone [Music] buster has arrived early for school today there's scout and digly whoops buster slipped on some oil oh dear the blackboard is wrecked scout flipped too [Music] phew oh no the clock is broken too what a mess hey and here comes the teacher they'll need to clean everything up really quick but the board is too heavy for scout and digly can't pick up the letters buster tries to fix the clock but there are so many pieces [Music] i think buster has a plan they can swap jobs scout can collect up all the letters then digly and buster can lift the blackboard together [Music] scout knows her abcs she can put the letters back [Music] now for the clock digly can fix that he loves fixing machines [Music] they're all done just in time here comes the teacher everything looks normal [Music] apart from that letter and the time isn't right [Music] and the number one two three four goodies and ash are on holiday at the beach mommy bus and mommy fire truck are preparing a barbecue and buster and ash are building an amazing sand castle [Music] whoa those waves are really coming in quick the sand castle could be ruined ash to the rescue he's protecting the castle with a wall of sand great idea ash oh look it's iggy the ice cream truck hooray oh no ash's wall couldn't stop the waves they've ruined their sand castle buster is very sad [Music] but ash has got a plan to save it buster is too upset to help [Music] maybe an ice cream will cheer him up i wonder what flavors he'll choose [Music] wow that's a huge ice cream whoa steady ash is still fixing the sand castle [Music] buster couldn't get ash in ice cream too but he's upset with ash because his wall didn't protect the sand castle buster's only getting ice cream for himself whoa ash has rebuilt the sand castle good as new buster now feels bad he didn't get ashen ice cream so he's giving ash his be careful don't drop it iggy gives them another cone now they can share the ice cream yum yum delicious it's jessie the jeep she's got a cake wow that looks tasty but here comes bandit bus he looks mischievous oh no he's eating jesse's cake that's not fair at all poor jesse there's buster the bus and there's bandit driving too fast look buster's gone to play with scout he's given her a soccer ball as a present look at scout go [Music] look at that digly is building a colorful tower but here comes bandit i wonder what that awful bully is up to [Music] oh no he's knocked over digly's tower bandit is a menace uh oh he's seen scouts fall bandit is stealing the ball for himself what a bully buster wants to do something poor scout is really upset buster wants to help his friend he's going to stand up to bandit and get him to give the ball back i don't think bandit will listen to buster he's going to bully him instead it's not fair but wait jesse is standing beside buster scout is here to help too they're all fed up with bandit being a bully there's otis the police car enjoying an ice cream bandit has backed into otis otis looks mad sir spanned it right being mean to everyone now buster scout and jesse can play soccer in peace it's the end of school and it's time for scout to return the school flower that she'd been taking care of now whose turn is it to take it home and care for it hooray it's buster's turn buster is going really slowly he wants to make sure he takes good care of the flower it's time to say goodbye to scout and ash whoa careful buster that was a close one buster is so happy to be caring for the flower that he's drawn a picture of it he's even brought it to dinner i don't think it eats carrots buster it needs water instead to make sure it grows strong [Music] but now it's time for bed good night flower the next morning buster is super excited for school careful buster you don't want to knock the flower [Music] oh no the flower has smashed what is buster doing he's hiding it because he's afraid he'll get in trouble hmm buster is pretending to be ill but he doesn't have a temperature oh now mommy understands buster doesn't want to go to school with the smashed flower he thinks he's let everyone down but mommy knows what to do they'll put the flower in a brand new pot it looks even better than before there good as new buster returns the flower to class everyone is really impressed with its lovely new pot good job buster now it's ash's turn to take care of it hooray time's up i'm really looking forward to seeing all of your science projects uh i will start off with the rainbow water experiment ah but wait what are we all missing class [Music] i miss my mom uh gogus that's right buster goggles [Music] whoa what is it uh that's my lunchbuster [Music] this isn't rainbow colored well i look forward to seeing your experiments after break time hopefully with more success than mine whoa your rocket looks super cool bandit i know your volcano is pretty cool too i guess when i pour this vinegar into the volcano it will erupt [Music] my electric rocket the rocket is so powerful it's taking the lunch to outer space hmm those batteries did look quite big [Music] after that rocket i'll get it buster look out it's speedy scouts [Music] [Applause] [Music] find it jump on your side when i say go ready are you sure about this no [Music] sorry i thought you said go that's not good [Music] uh buster quick we need to block the crater the sun ash [Music] that was close that was amazing whose project was that uh everyone we did it together but you'll have to clean it up i'm afraid and i'm going to eat my sandwich hmm i don't really like rocket in my sandwiches buster's birthday mommy and grandpa are setting up a very special party don't eat the food yet buster you've got to wait until your guests arrive oh look here they are it's scout ash and bandit everyone's so excited for the party what's banned it up to [Music] hmm that cake looks yummy not yet bandit first we're playing party games they're playing musical statues they have to dance until the music stops great move scout [Music] and freeze oh no scout is losing balance and so is buster [Music] they are out of the game it's only banded and ash left and dance [Music] bandit is losing balance oh no he knocked ash over so he could win and now ash is out of the game but grandpa didn't see bandit cheating hmm that wasn't very nice bandit now they're playing past the parcel they pass the present and when the music stops they can take off the wrapping paper hooray for ash bandit has cheated again he took the parcel after the music stopped [Music] poor ash [Music] bandit isn't playing very fair buster is telling bandit that he's making ash feel upset he needs to think about how his actions affect the feelings of others it's time for some birthday cake [Music] blow out the candles go buster what a feast all the delicious food has been eaten well almost [Music] don't worry ash have some birthday cake bandit feels really bad for making ash sad bandit is really sorry and gives ash his ball back whoa it's okay bandage ash forgives you but remember it's not all about the winning it's about having fun together buster's kindness saved the party happy birthday buster hey buster looks like another day to have fun oh no it's bandit the bus buster watch out you will crash wait what's happening oh wow you're floating in the air [Music] this is incredible buster i wonder if you can fly oh wow you've turned into a superhero [Music] you are so fast super buster is here what is buster scene it's otis the police car i wonder what otis is looking for inside the tunnel wait it's banned at the bus what is he up to this doesn't look good oh no he's pushed the boulder over the edge and trapped otis in the tunnel you've got to save him buster you can't let band at the bus get away with this that boulder looks very heavy it's okay buster you're a superhero now you can save him oh buster your eyes wow you have laser vision well done buster you've set otis free now let's catch that naughty bandit bus there's bandit looks like he's up to no good again scout watch out poor scout [Music] look who it is you're in trouble now super buster is here buster you can stop him [Music] super buster is too strong for bandit that should stop him now buster just needs to help scout out of the pond look at bandit he's stuck now oh it was all just a daydream i don't think the teacher is very happy it's buster time to wake up it's a bright new day [Music] look mommy has made buster's breakfast already jam on toast buster's favorite [Music] ouch buster drove over that toy it's okay mommy can kiss it all better [Music] there oh now buster can go out and play soccer how exciting now buster is playing in the park with scout nice one scout [Music] but oh no the soccer ball has gotten stuck in the but tree mommy has knocked the ball free again well done mommy now they can keep on playing [Music] what's this mommy and buster are painting a picture it's so much fun to paint together look the sun has a face [Music] but oh dear buster is sleepy it's been such a busy day time for buster to go to bed now first mommy reads buster a bedtime story [Music] oh good night buster [Music] it was so much fun spending the day playing with mommy she really is the best [Music] hey there buster what's that poster there a fire truck sure looks exciting doesn't it look it's ashley the fire truck [Music] i think buster wants to join the fire brigade go on buster time to get ready for your first day on the job just a few little changes and wow look at that buster really is a fire truck he's got a ladder a siren and a water hose uh oh the fire alarm there's a fire somewhere ashley has to go and take care of it you stay here buster hey it's tony the truck watch out for that puddle [Applause] oh no that falling box started a fire at the fire station what are we going to do [Music] quick buster the fire truck put that fire out [Music] uh oh the fire has spread to the roof keep blasting water buster hooray robin is here to help and ashley's back too [Music] you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one whew the fire is out at last nice work buster and ashley [Music] look it's that poster again now it's buster on the poster whoa you really are a hero but buster and mommy bus are visiting terry's farm today wow the farm is so cool buster is so excited oh look an adorable litter of puppies how cute buster has spotted a soccer ball he loves soccer mommy bus is here to check that all the puppies are healthy but buster has other ideas he wants to go and play some soccer on the farm what was that one of the puppies followed buster outside [Music] looks like she wants to play [Music] hmm but buster wants to play by himself there she is again the puppy won't stop following him buster is throwing the puppy a stick to distract her that will make her leave nope that didn't work and now the puppy has taken the soccer ball what a cheeky little puppy finally buster got his ball back but the puppy still wants to play [Music] stay there puppy [Music] buster is hiding behind a stack of hay bales not again maybe buster can lose the puppy in the corn field the puppy is sad she can't find him but buster's plan worked oh no how did that puppy get up there she's going to fall and mommy bus and terry haven't noticed quick buster quick go buster [Music] phew he saved the puppy that was a close one oh mommy bus has noticed a puppy is missing but don't worry buster has brought her home what a fun day at the farm [Music] oh not again buster is having fun splashing in some very muddy puddles outside his house look it's grandpa bus oops now they're both covered in mud but grandpa has a plan where is he taking buster [Music] they're at the car wash to get cleaned up hooray [Music] it looks like the car wash is all out of bubbles [Music] aha there's the soap grandpa adds a small squirt [Music] and buster turns on the car wash go buster go hang on that's a lot of soap grandpa bus buster is covered in soapy bubbles how funny that was a very good joke grandpa now it's grandpa's turn to get cleaned up [Music] looks like buster's got a plan [Music] he's getting his own back grandpa is covered in soap he looks very silly [Music] look terry the tractor is here for a wash whoa go easy buster [Music] the bubbles are overflowing oh dear what a soapy mess [Music] otis doesn't look very happy time to clear up the mess what a silly day hooray it's time for the big race digly scout and buster are going to race to see who wins the cup oh bandit is racing too ready steady go and they're off buster's driving as fast as he can and his wheels are going round and round bandits in the lead but buster is passing him hooray buster's in the lead everyone is driving really fast look out scout is speeding ahead scout's taking the lead uh oh a low bridge little scouch can fit under but everyone else will have to go around [Music] buster and digly have reached a river how will they cross nice digly made a bridge it was a shortcut now they've caught up with scout there's bandit oh no that's an oil barrel spilling all over the road scout and digly are sliding on the oil [Applause] what a cheater but buster is still racing he's catching bandit bandit skidding he ended up in that pond serves him right there's the finish line buster's speeding ahead hooray buster won and as his prize he can have a nice tasty ice cream and of course the winner's cup it's a sunny day at buster's house and buster and grandpa are having a great time playing together [Music] mommy bus is off to work will buster and grandpa be able to make dinner together whoa some real cooking buster is very excited let's cook grandpa sets up the stove but what comes next buster has an idea it's chocolate sauce hmm grandpa doesn't think that's quite right for dinner let's take a look at the recipe they've gathered all the ingredients together buster starts by adding some flour to the bowl whoa easy there buster oops the flower has gone everywhere now grandpa and buster are covered in flour buster is adding the finishing touches to the mixture careful the mixture doesn't go everywhere great job buster oops grandpa's tomato sauce has splattered all over the floor and what's going on at the stove the pot is bubbling over oh look it steamed up his glasses and now he can't see where he's going watch out grandpa oh dear this isn't going very well grandpa and buster are clearing up the mess but mommy bus is coming home from work uh-oh they still haven't made dinner what are they going to do grandpa get some fish fingers out of the freezer this gives buster an idea time for chocolate sauce mommy bus is wondering what buster and grandpa have made for dinner just as they're finishing up i wonder what they've cooked it's fish fingers and green beans and chocolate sauce are you sure about this buster he gives it a try hmm delicious mommy also gives it a try and it's surprisingly tasty well done hey there buster looks like a hot day out in the desert whoa look at that ahead a big mountain with smoke rising from the top what was that it's frida the sports car she's speeding off toward the smoky mountain i think she wants to race buster and rita are speeding across the desert together rita is faster go on buster you can do it buster is using that ramp to jump after rita [Music] whew that was a fun race to the top but look what's that hot molten lava i think this is a volcano it could erupt at any moment uh-oh buster careful of that rock oh no it's fallen into the lava nothing happened [Music] oh no i think the volcano is erupting quick guys get out of there oh no there are fireballs shooting out of the volcano look out they'll be really hot oh no rita is stuck in the sand buster is being brave and going to help his new friend great job buster now quickly drive away faster faster [Music] phew that was a close one here's ashley the fire truck she doesn't look pleased she's going to have to put out all the fire buster and rita aren't saying anything they didn't mean to set the volcano off that was close but buster made a brand new friend along the way bye buster bye rita buster and cozy coop are playing in the park [Music] there's iggy the ice cream truck buster's going to grab some ice cream but what's that it's robot buster he's turned yellow like buster [Music] cozy thinks it's the rail buster and wants to play but oh no the ball hit robot switch and it turned him mean [Music] robot buster is leading cozy away now buster is back but he doesn't know where cozy went poor buster there's iggy what's robot buster up to oh no he's throwing tomatoes at iggy that's very mean cozy looks very upset robot buster is running away now poor cozy doesn't understand meanwhile terry is playing the accordion nice [Music] oh no robot buster smashed the accordion poor terry cozy is standing up to robot that was really mean but what's this it's buster hooray there's the good bad switch cozy knows what to do [Music] now robot buster is nice again good job cozy and buster now robot buster is making up for being mean iggy's all clean and terry's accordion is hooray and his friends are at school and today they have a very special visitor it's mommy fire truck hooray she's here to show them what a fire truck does when a building is on fire you have to call a firefighter as quick as you can what happens next a hose is attached to a water hydrant and the water puts out the fire hippie it's time to practice they have to knock the cones over with a jet of water ash is first [Music] yay well done ash and scout that's better well done now it's buster's turn [Music] wow watch out buster [Music] that was a great day but now mommy firetruck needs to get to work goodbye mommy fire truck thank you now it's the end of the day and buster is heading home bye scout bye ash [Music] what is that it's smoke where could it be coming from oh oh no it's a fire what should buster do he needs a firefighter buster is getting mommy fire truck to help [Music] teacher will take care of ash go mommy go [Music] there's the fire aha and there's a water hydrant next step attach the hose [Music] oh no quick phew the fire is out here what great teamwork it's the next day at school teacher is calling buster up to the front what could it be for [Music] look mommy fire truck she's here to thank buster for all his help and award him with a special fire truck hat go buster oh wow buster's become a rocket and he's going to space five four three two one blast off look at buster go [Music] all right you did it buster you're in outer space what a cool place to be i think buster wants to go space exploring look at that it's a red planet let's go in for a closer look hey there little space buddy i bet that alien has never seen a bus before where are you off to now buster oh a yellow planet it's so beautiful with that huge ring around it look at that buster's gonna go for a drive around the ring let's see how fast you can go whoa that was fun what's buster seen now it's a purple planet isn't it huge whoa round and round the planets buster goes round purple planet the yellow planet and the red planet [Music] but wait oh no a blue planet buster's going too fast i think he's going to hit it [Music] oh thank goodness it was only a dream you're okay buster look scout is using her telescope to look at the night sky take a look buster there's the purple planet the yellow planet and the red planet hello little space buddy buster ash and mira are playing hide and seek tag in the soft play area there's buster hiding in the ball pit ash has found him now ash is trying to tag buster quick buster ash is right behind you [Music] oops looks like you found mira tag well done ash you got him there's daddy bus he says it's time to go but buster ash and amira don't want to leave yet looks like they have a plan run and the game is on daddy bus is trying to catch buster but buster is too quick [Music] almost oh no daddy bus has crashed into the ball pit it's the perfect time to find somewhere to hide where should they go oh mira has found a place behind the play blocks [Music] buster has seen a space behind the slide but ash is already there quick buster quick daddy bus is back on the hunt for them [Music] now where is buster there he is but daddy bus hasn't seen him yet [Music] daddy bus spot some wheels by the play blocks hmm who could it be it's mira well found daddy bus now where could the others be [Music] what was that moving behind the slide boo there's ash but where's buster there he is hiding behind the tunnel looks like he has an idea to distract daddy bus [Music] what's that a bouncy ball [Music] daddy bus is going to investigate now buster can find a new hiding spot that's very sneaky [Music] maybe buster can use that trampoline to help him hide hmm daddy bus still can't find buster anywhere he's found a new hiding spot in the ball pit oh well daddy bus ash and mira decide that it's time to go [Music] oh no did they leave without buster [Music] we found you that was very sneaky well done guys now it's really time to go what a fun day it's a bright sunny day and buster wants to play outside but what's this huh he's left his toys all over the floor buster knows he should clean them up but he really wants to go and play [Music] whoa buster's cleaning up all the toys super fast but not very well [Music] oh dear he's knocked that glass over and now his mopping up has left water everywhere soon buster is outside playing what was that mommy slipped on all the water oh dear the room is still such a mess buster feels really bad for not cleaning up well but he can make it all better he just has to clean up properly and take his time to do it right mommy and buster can do it together like it's a game [Music] chores are so much easier to do when you find the fun in them and they're so much faster if you work together there buster is even cleaning up that drink he spilled [Music] perfect the room is all tidy at last [Music] now buster and mommy can go and play ball together hooray it's a brand new day and it's time for buster to head off to school there's digly they can go to school together they're going to race to school whoosh i wonder who will be fastest whoa there's a little duckling in the road he should be more careful [Music] there's a mommy duck she's trying to cross the road with her ducklings but look out here comes terry [Music] here comes the teacher too oh no phew thanks to digly and buster the duck family can cross the road safely oh they're going to swim in that pond uh oh that duckling is walking back to the road good job buster now the ducks are going back over the road [Music] buster and digly are helping them cross safely [Music] mommy duck is crossing too well done everyone for helping [Music] but terry and the teacher want to get moving or they'll be late wait a minute i think buster has an idea hmm what are they doing with those paints white lines and some signs it's a duck crossing now the duck family could cross the road safely whenever they like [Music] there's the teacher again he's telling them to hurry up the kids had better get to school or they'll be late nice work everyone [Music] today buster and his family are having a picnic buster is so excited mommy bus is off to get grandpa [Music] and while she's gone buster and bandit need to prepare the picnic first they have to lay down the picnic blanket whoa the wind has blown it away it looks like a cape it's super buster bandit wants a cape too and it's a tug of war buster is imagining that he has a superhero super buster flying through the sky it's bad guy bandit [Music] he's stolen the picnic oh no superbuster has got to save it they are chasing through the sky go super buster go you can catch him [Music] oh no bad guy bandit is aiming at super buster with his laser shapes but super buster is too fast wow look at him go hooray super buster has saved the picnic but what is that it's a giant blue laser ball oh no what is super buster going to do [Music] aha he's using the flagpole as a bat bring it on bad guy bandit great shot super buster wow that was such a fun game but oh no they've made a huge mess and mommy bus and grandpa are on their way what are they going to do quick they've got to clear it up as superheroes of course super buster and bad guy bandit are clearing up the city even superheroes need to clean up after themselves [Music] just in time great teamwork guys [Music] yum yum delicious [Music] and all that superhero work has left them very hung around and hear the fairy tale of buster the wizard there's buster the bus looks like he's driving through the enchanted forest but wait what's this by the road i think it's a spell book wow buster can use that to do magic look it's scout terry and jesse in the town square i think buster's going to try casting some spells let's see now [Music] whoa a wizard's hat buster really is doing magic i wonder what spellbuster can use to help terry abracadabra wow buster made the plants grow nice work wizard buster [Music] what other spells are in the spell book the b spell oh look buster turned scout into a bee she's having so much fun flying around i think jesse wants to fly too what spells are there for that bubbles [Music] cool jessie's floating around in her own bubble nice work wizard buster oh look he's very sleepy time for a nap buster [Music] uh oh i think something's gone wrong the magic is out of control queen buster you've got to put everything back to normal hurry buster [Music] all the spells are cancelled but i don't think buster's friends are very happy with him buster's putting the spell book back where he found it and that's the end of the fairy tale of buster the wizard
Channel: Go Buster Official
Views: 38,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gobuster, buster the bus, little baby bus, little baby bum, cartoon with bus, wheels on the bus, cartoon, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, baby songs, nursery rhymes, kids songs, kindergarten songs, education, children entertainment, abc songs for children, lbb, learning videos, Learning for kids, learning for babies, baby learn, vehicle nursery rhymes, vehicle songs, bus songs, Back to School With Daddy
Id: 9mDmaAWBLm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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