Amazing Adaptations Part 1-10 | How Animals Survive in the Wild | Wild Kratts

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[Music] okay hold still Plato this is the comfiest Hat you'll ever wear probably the only hat you'll ever wear the hat Taps into the bill sensors so we can see what kind of information she's picking up [Music] Jimmy I'm getting it I'm picking something up what is it come on hearing smell sight touch your taste no no no and no it's none of the five senses the Platypus has a sixth sense she's psychic no an extra sense when we don't even have Electro reception Electro what Plato can sense electrical charges ready for visual Cokey activating platypus cam it works this is the info the Platypus gets from Those sensors it works kind of like our touch sensors but instead of being pressed like a button these sensors are activated by tiny electrical charges given off by objects see Plato's picking up the electrical charges from those rocks knows they're there and doesn't bump into them wow what's that crayfish [Music] right on now that's a sweet video game and a totally cool Sixth Sense the helmet recorded the signals that I need for the Platypus sensory power I'm on it Play-Doh did I mention you're a genius [Music] is that digger wow he's funny looking cute oh isn't that sweet amazing what a way to start our mission the mysterious nobody ever gets a chance to see them secretive beyond belief Aardvark let's go [Music] whoa nice claws they're like mini shovels on the end of each finger thanks pal hot diggity Digger got it we use the front claws to scoop the back feet to clear the Earth away and the tail to Scrabble the dirt flat she's the best natural digging machine in the world georga come in any luck with the Burrows guys great luck we've just come across an aardvark in her baby in fact we've got a new home being built right now uploading its location for the master map we've got it Chris huh okay so this is a hard what Aardvark it's an aardvark got it Aardvark never heard of it you know their nickname to Earth pigs aardvarks are actually more closely related to elephants yeah but they're really one of a kind with Clauses strong as a pickaxe I never knew fingernails could build a house he's got beautiful fingernails and so thick they don't break guys get ready to have the most gorgeous fingernails around Gorgeous Nails don't you mean digging power yep that's what I said Gorgeous Nails I'm getting to work adding that power Digger to the creature power suit zap out uh oh did you hear that laughing sound yeah I like laughing but not that kind nope nothing funny about that spotted hyena oh hyenas are serious Predators for lots of creatures out here including aardvarks you can't get back to Roberto so it's Plan B dig in a skatepole aardvarks can do that in five minutes flat oh yeah good thing she had a head start oh no it's not deep enough yet She's Gotta Buy Herself time those claws are good for something other than digging the slash defense [Music] the hyena didn't like that one bit [Music] yes she did it now I know why holes are so important out here [Music] whoa this backpack's a lot heavier when I'm running from hyena that's it the baby Crocs are calling for their mom we gotta make more noise louder everybody [Music] check it out top side she hears them guys she hears you I can't believe it she's coming to the rescue maybe I was wrong about her all right nice croaking gang hey Trump Ella don't stop now [Music] here's mama whoa I never thought I'd be so happy to see that face [Music] uh on second thought she's eating her babies I told you oh these crocodiles just when I was starting to trust them it's fine she's not eating them she's just picking them up she knows how sharp her teeth are so she's super careful huh Martin it's comfy in here too her throw pouch holds 20 of us she's even taking the baby turtles that's nice of her okay I think we got a full load bus is packed and ready to go but where are you guys going to the water oh truck ahead [Music] can't believe it now I'm totally Blown Away Croc moms are are we know they freak you out no more dedicated more committed they're amazing okay first and only stop the crash that's a fancy word for the nursery pool a nice calm quiet section of the river everybody out well hey everybody's looking good you know baby Crocs are expert swimmers from the minute they're born and Mom is off to get the rest of the kid Crocs these ones for you down or at least don't take off until I catch up I've gotta see how you do it what's your trick to being one of the only gliding lizards in the world how's it going MK going up but not as fast as Zippy hey tell Chris to hurry I could use some help yeah about that okay I got ropes boots yeah Chris do your climbing thing ah who am I kidding thinking about climbing is making my knees lock up I've lost my climbing Mojo I've come down with a fear of heights hey Chris I know a lot about fear I'm afraid of the dirt between my toes losing my controller and Heights too but check it out that's why I play with this Chris Kratts climbing extreme I programmed in all your moves that's the swing flip with the Lemur Landing play this seat you'll get all your moves back oh nice one Jimmy you just me I'm gonna go for a walk not a climb just a walk control tower to Pilot you're cleared for takeoff sippy the Draco lizard is lining it up face down is the takeoff position are you kidding me that tree must be almost 60 meters away can you Glide that far a little breeze coming in from the East can you handle it Zippy okay now show us your creature power little buddy what's your secret what you've got Wings where did those come from huh that's not gliding wow [Music] okay now we're the right size to solve the squirmiest wormiest mystery of all why do worms come out in the rain the answer somewhere down here in the in the worm world alright we need worm Clues so let's start with the worm body is like a giant pink water balloon with about 136 segments even tiny hairs and a head with no eyes hey Chris you're talking to the wrong end right pinky no I'm not you're talking to the wrong end uh no you are no you are you are that's the worms behind no the funny looking Band-Aid feature is right are you looking for this uh yeah that how could you forget this face no eyes no ears no nose just one big mouth now that's a slimy one and the funnest thing about worms slide [Music] Pinky's on the move all the worms are on the move I wonder could just be a clue maybe if we follow the worms into their holes we'll know why they come up again when it rains well partner at least just get a move on and find out then why us up some worm Clues how about partner worms Going Underground yeah hey wait for me [Music] whoa hey the worm gave me the slip whoa wow check out these tunnels whoa the worms can really tunnel through this moist soil [Music] it's wet down here press come on speak up remember what dad always said no mumbling down here listening to him [Music] up wet it's wet down here why didn't you just say so look all the rain water is seeping down into the ground when it rains the underground worm World soaks up the water like a sponge if there's so much water under there when it rains really heavily the tunnels might get completely flooded I always thought worms came up so they don't drown underground me too grab on whoa Chris really needs something to help them get around Underground I hope [Applause] sperm well at six o'clock now that's a huge whale uh no that's a huge whale mother sperm whale it's her calf is that big enough inspiration for you Aviva might be it might be willpowers let's see a sperm whale can dive deeper than any other whale she has flexible ribs that can fold up under intense pressure and she has a thick layer of fat to keep her warm in the cold deep Waters I can learn a lot from these whales this is gonna be the best creature power suit yet okay whoa what was that it's coming from the Big Mama sperm whale's head okay it's true sperm whales are the loudest animal in the world they're echolocating on us yeah that booming sound comes out of her big bumpy head bounces off us the sound waves travel back to her lower jaw which takes the sound up to her ear then to her brain that's what you call sonar and the sperm whale gets a sound picture of us or her lunch whoa she gulped down hundreds in one mouthful that's like a bathtub full of squid in one bite and she can eat eight bathtubs full of slimy squid a day [Music] look how closely the cat follows his mom I'd say looks about a year old I'd say looks like a little rascal oh I'm gonna have to come up with a funny playful little name for this guy who can't be too little of a name he's already as big as a minivan following a mom who's as big as a school bus they're heading towards you Tortuga wow the sperm whale is the largest tooth Predator that ever lived on planet Earth there she blows do sperm whales rule the sea or what almost but not quite they can get ganged up on by PODS of hunting killer whales drifting fishing nets called ghost Nets tangle them up and then there are the stories of epic battles with giant squid but no one's ever seen it because they meet in the Deep what's going on up there the whales are each taking a big breath in through their blowhole a whale breath is the same amount of air that fills a car they must be getting ready for a deep dive yeah going deeper looking for bigger squid oh okay we're not a beach ball or a bumper boat bumper that's it your bumper the newest member of the Wild Kratts team here we go nobody's ever followed hunting sperm whales into the deaths we're with you bumper okay Aviva how deep can this sub go deeper than any mobile sub ever created by humans she knows her prey needs to surface to breathe so she lies in weight Ambush style for what's swimming below to Papa could be a beluga whale or a seal or maybe I think the crew might want to see this deploy fly cam a walrus Martin usually wears blue but he looks pretty good in green the crap Rose had a comedy show I totally watch it I think we just did oh do we have a lock on their coordinates Cokey yep North 65 degrees west now it looks like there's a hectic blizzard to the west but the Bros are all clear ready for liftoff Timmy Z not yet the joystick is stuck oh so bad so that's where it went teleportation delivery is out of here polar bears need to be patient and focused unlike you Martin they can wait for hours for the prey to pop up what do you think oh it's over [Music] huh what's that hey guys did you get the package yeah but your delivery was a little off oh [Music] okay whenever you're ready I've modified your creature power suits for Arctic survival you know the drill touch the animal hit the button and Lisa you got creature power what I was almost chewed by a polar bear a knife to touch one to activate my suit ciao ah she's parking her cub telling him to stay behind while she hunts better listen poby Hobie yeah poby polar bear Toby they don't see me my Iceberg disguise is working somebody pinched me ow ow I didn't mean literally well it looks like the brainless Brothers have a dancing bear not for long look at that she Blends right into the ice and snow with that Arc to camouflage the waters don't even see her oh it just gets better all the more dancing varm it's the merrier of the crowd's gonna love it an Isaac Farm attack will be so rich it'll make your head spin hey I didn't mean literally now go catch those poppies whoa she's attacking the walrus can hardly move up here they're like big blubbery caterpillars [Music] amazing barely the bear is in control on land and the wall just rules the water [Music] whoa we've been working non-stop how about a snack break huh bark you're kidding me you expect me to eat a bark sandwich oh you're eating that soft inner layer of bark the cambium uh can I at least get some jelly with that whoa bark sandwiches are popular around here wow the habitat the beaver makes even helps creatures like a moose moose eat water plants from the Beaver Pond and love to eat the bark and twigs from new plants that grow in here realize how special you are wood mud no other animal can do what you do collect supplies to build something that completely changes the environment look Timber it's filling up we're doing it Timber the pond is coming back by the way I get that the pond is great for so many creatures around here but why do beavers need a pond yikes wolf timber and look out ah the beaver tail slap that's an alarm sound that tells all the other beavers to the tether I get it the pond is your safety zone when you're in the water you've got one up against a wolf or any other predator some animals use quills to defend themselves or a hard shell you create a huge safety zone of Water by using your Dam building skills [Music] all clear Martin come in go Chris we're ready for more logs on the damn one more load and we'll be able to bring all the animals home oh no problem we've got the last load all set to go more wood coming right up what no no no no no no no not that way [Music] all right [Music] oh no oh stop oh I thought it was gonna land right on our damn no [Music] oops well you said you needed more wood this Windstorm came out of nowhere we're not going anywhere we're too light I know we're running out of energy fast it is that's maxilla number 12 with the curled antenna she's going down and so are we when you're in trouble Nature's know-how can pull you through [Music] hey a boat whoa everybody's waiting out the Windstorm yeah a butterfly only weighs about as much as three tissues so when it's windy or rainy they just have to sit tight I wonder who the nice people are they're letting us all rest on their boat butterfly them no free rides today catch those correct all of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] wind levels are down ready for takeoff hurry dude here comes stabio [Music] nice day for a swim I will get those butterfly barrettes if I have to go to the end of the Earth to do it Mission Monarch Day 36 the cold weather is on its way up here all the milkweed plants that the monarch caterpillars need to eat are dying with no food and cold weather on its way it's no wonder the monarchs headed down to warmer weather Chris Martin and maxilla have made it 1600 kilometers and counted we've just received word from a creature teamer that they made it to Georgia about two-thirds of the way to Mexico hey want to see a loop-de-loop yeah maxilla we're doing about 190 kilometers a day pretty good Pace I'd say it'll be smooth sailing from here She's Gone Gone where'd she go there oh no you're right Martin now she does need our help come on maxilla I'll get you out behind you oh I'm too late nice spider were just passing through [Music] got you bro I can't believe it why did the spider cut her loose why did he let her go sh tastes bad yeah I'll stick the hot dogs no really it says right here that they're poisonous look at this all it takes is for a predator to try eating a monarch once and he gets so sick that he'll never eat another one as long as he lives so that's why the spider didn't eat maxilla he knows monarchs are poisonous wow it really helps to have a few tricks like that when you're on a 4 800 kilometer Journey over forests through cities until after 3 200 kilometers the butterflies have to pass through this thin strip of land to their final destination Mexico [Music] oh the honey badger is tough so tough a lion will think twice about tangling with him wow that puts the honey badger right up there with the African honeybee on the tough a meter time for now and the honey badger is a fierce Sweet Tooth too he's still following the honey guide honey badger and honey guide now that is a dynamic duo let's program some creature power suits I'm with you honey Okay who wants honey guide powers and who wants honey badger oh you're over here did you have to ask hey it's my turn for the more powerful creature Chris I had caterpillar Powers last time well a butterfly isn't exactly powerful I should have the badger Powers because that Line's mad at me for bumping them I gotta watch my back yeah but if I had Badger Powers I could watch your back uh guys you're not gonna have any powers because the animals you have to touch to get the powers are getting away [Music] what he is following Wild Kratts and honey the little bird did it let us write to the honey and now it's the honey Badger's turn to do his thing [Music] whoa nobody can be that tough so stung ow I feel your pain no animal can survive that many bee stings he's gonna run I didn't see that coming [Music] whoa oh of course honey badgers are members of the weasel family and they shoot a stinky spray from beneath their tails just like his cousin the skunk except the honey badger also uses his stinky spray like a living canopy repellent [Music] Oh They'll actually attack a swarm of stinging bees and stand up to a lion the honey badger is the toughest animal in Africa yup he scores a 9.5 on the Wild Kratts tougher meter the toughest yet but as tough as he is he still has a little friend sweet tweet and tough oh two very different creatures working together one is the guide one grabs the goods and they both get food now that's a cool symbiotic relationship and I can finally have breakfast [Laughter] [Music] back up Martin Black Rhinos are the most ready to charge rhinos in the world [Music] relax if we don't move she can hardly see us poor eyesight remember but the nose and ears are super sensitive that Rhino will charge if we sound or even smell like a threat I took a shower did you how about cleaning those ears oh I mean the ox peckers crawling right into the Rhinos ears picking ticks like flying Q-tips the Rhinos get their ears cleaned the birds get a meal both get something out of the deal it's an amazing symbiotic relationship oh yeah I think the coolest part is that the Rhino can chill out and eat because the ox pecker will sound the danger alarm dude you got me on that one [Music] uh did we just set off the Rhino alarm yep we set it off did you see that see it I felt it ouch oh I mean the ox peckers hung on even when the Rhino charges now that's the coolest thing I win okay you got me but what I don't get is who would want to mess with the third heaviest land mammal on the planet and take on that charge [Music] so that's who the Rhino was going for we were [Music] dead thank you amazing that's a 1300 kilogram Mega mammal with some fancy Pokemon I've heard of tossed salad but toss the Lions incoming oh that horn is a serious weapon Rhino defense is awesome huh oh no I just tuned it up I like it gives her character you know that made no sense Black Rhinos are solitary they've never Stampede in a huge herd it's unnatural [Music] gotta see if my bass programming works I thought hey what's better designed for swimming than a fish I'm itching to see if I made some progress on the aqua Dynamics but how long does it take to find a fish depends if you're going for largemouth or smallmouth bass I'm looking for largemouth Smallmouth in a snap Largemouth Smallmouth either bass will do What's the diff they're different species who live in different habitats the smallmouth bass is smaller and its jaw goes just under its eye the largemouth bass is bigger jaw goes behind its eye giving it a larger mouth smallmouth bass living groups largemouth bass going alone like Rocky areas and love to eat crayfish Largemouth lurk in weedy spots and Munch sunfish smallmouth bass are Scrappy and great jumpers Largemouth get really really big okay whichever one you want just touch a bass activate the creature power suit and test the bass Powers okay I'm on it I'm under it [Music] permission to go ashore captain you have the list popcorn candy corns ice pops not the munchies list Jimmy the supply list I've got it have a fun time in town [Music] I'm hot [Music] yeah sometimes even the world's most genius inventor needs a day off no world changing inventions today and uh no Wild Kratts ah okay I'm a big bass now where would I hang out I park it somewhere I could spot my prey yeah where I could see them but not be seen maybe in here oh nice largemouth bass oh yeah let me just tickle you under the chin huh a school is on fish whoa you are the largest largemouth bass I've ever seen and hungry the way you go down Sonny's I've gotta call you golpa hi Finn thanks for the win activate creature power suit [Music] Martin ah you win some you lose some this is the only time to see fireflies they only come out like this for two weeks of the year and each lightning bug only flies and flashes for this one time in their whole lives when they flash they're talking to each other the male fireflies fly around and Flash to get the attention of the females the females are on the ground watching the flying flashes if she likes what she sees she'll flash back so the fireflies are flashing so they can pair up and lay eggs they turn into glow worms they turn into fireflies but what are they saying to each other it's like a code a code that we don't know we've got to figure out the lightning bug code bioluminescence light created by a living thing most light creates heat but the Firefly's glowing belly isn't hot it creates Cold Light how does it work how do you do it blinker his name's blinker how do you know it's blinker oh I'd recognize them anywhere okay so at the bug Olympics how does a firefly start what are you doing I'm telling blinker a joke and Firefly at the bug Olympics how does a firefly start the race how on your mark get set glow [Music] look at the fireflies I caught all right have a good look at them then let the fireflies go [Music] bugs [Music] she's captured all the male lightning bugs from the meadow danita's jet is at a due east she's heading to her Smoky Mountain mansion good job koki keep tracking her we've got to go now and rescue them the fireflies only have this time to flash lay eggs and hatch glow worms if they don't there will be no fireflies next year hold on how are you gonna rescue thousands of lightning bugs we need a plan we don't have time for any plans you know Danita she'll put them into suspended animation and try to make flashy jewelry or sweatpants out of them if we're too slow we're too late oh blinker you're still with us you're the only male Firefly left and he's the secret to the code if we can crack the flashing code we should be able to communicate with the lightning bugs and lead them to safety I already know how to talk Firefly they call me the Firefly Whisperer Firefly Whisperer who does could you guys use a firefly disc for your creature power suits yeah I just have to figure out how their bioluminescence works first okay Jimmy take that luciferase in the green tube and pour it in the large beaker [Music] that didn't work and you should probably wash your hair [Music] okay I think we're on to something in the weird looking walrus mystery whoa that's one way to use those weird looking tusks like sled Runners to slide across the Mucky ocean floor then the walrus shoots water into the sediment to break it up looking for something in the mud hey so is Blobby whoa look at those whiskers go hey Bobby have your whiskers grown in yet whiskers they have 450 of them give or take a couple whoa their whiskers work like magic fingers in the mud can't find things with nose hairs my troller chill Jimmy I made it waterproof pudding proof too see just like fingers each whisker has muscles to move it so now we know that walruses use tusks and whiskers to search for something in the muck but what is it I know I'll make a creature attachment for the creature power suit and maybe you guys can dig in and find out hey waste no one not [Music] looks like there's a whole pile of clams right under my yacht couldn't be smarter [Applause] ah or in more pain I cut my finger in half [Music] Jack Bart Jack needs ointment [Music] I don't mind giving Donita the Arctic Pearl to show her I mean business big business [Applause] him what oh no oh hello Donita Zach I'm on my way to collect my fabulous Pearl so you'd better have it ready for me uh-huh well take your time ah gotta go deadbox jackpots find that Pearl [Music] what was that brace yourself Martin it's a walrus stampede ball something sure spooked those walruses but now they're back on track look those whiskers have found something oh a clam that's what they're looking for down here clams walruses eat clams too but how do they get past the shell to the yummy part inside oh I say she'll crush the shell then eat it swallow the thing whole she'll use her Tusk as a can opener [Music] that's it walruses suck clams out of their shells with one giant slurp I'm making the little tea Devils climb so they can get higher up to get a better sniff on the carcasses over there let's go [Music] we're getting close to the guy's location what's up koki aren't you supposed to be keeping track of the tag tea doubles I can't get any work done because rotten meat and carcasses gross me out I hear you but as part of the Wild Kratts crew we're gonna meet all types of animals live ones and ones that have died of natural causes yeah but animals that he rotten stuff yuck hey Somebody's gotta eat maggoty meat at least it's the tea devils and not us nothing left but bones and the tea devils are still munching look at all that good stuff inside bone marrow that's nutritious food if you can get to it yeah not every animal has the tooth and jaw strength to bust open the bone and get to the marrow but tea Devil's dude [Music] hey stop breathing on my neck wow your teeth are huge they're growing tea devil teeth never stop growing why that's why chewing on hard bones wears them down they need teeth they keep growing so they can crunch bones hmm the great thing about being a scavenger is you can eat things that other creatures can't nothing goes to waste when a tea Devils around want a bone T-Bone hey he was just with me a minute ago I'm not getting any signal on the tea Devils you've lost your tea devil mind and now T-Bone is lost too what do you mean Loft the radar Cokey oops I'll be right there Martin oh no what's wrong cookie ten tea devils are quickly moving West together that's unnatural and then their tracking lights go out and they're gone it's tag number nine that's T-Bone one of the disappearing teeth Devils yeah and number eight his mom oh no [Music] hover back Zach thoughts introducing the tea devil bought two thousand [Music] That's What I Call kid proofing hey it looks like we have a giant Pacific octopus coming our way oh yeah I see him too hey I think it's seven [Music] four five six seven eight not seven but talk about a creature with amazing creature powers giant pacifics are like a team of superheroes all rolled into one they have Escape tactics amazing stretching abilities and they're super smart but does he have the power to find my suits I'll ask him hey guy what's up [Music] whoa he's thinking I'm out of here using jet propulsion hey he must be trying to escape from a predator I'm a big fan of jet propulsion how does an octopus use it okay water goes up into his head and then into a tube the tube has muscles at the top of it which quickly squeezes water out the hole in the back and that shoots the octopus forward at about 40 kilometers per hour it's like having a jet engine right in your head super cool Chris take over driving I'm gonna add debt propulsion into the Octopod movement system if I fasten this tubing into the intake valve over here it'll run water into the auto pump that'll squeeze it through this tube it just might work if anyone can do it you can Aviva oh you were right Chris he was escaping your Predator that great white shark [Music] maybe octo just said eat this and shot a cloud of ink into the great white space Damascus Escape [Music] didn't only take off to escape his ink has chemicals that are poisonous even to him oh it did a super job at irritating the shark's eyes so the octopus could get away oh add an ink defense to the Octopod Aviva oh yeah an ink defense How's that gonna help us find the suits the octopus has it for a reason so the Octopod should do it worked great for him because the shark is gone I spoke too soon the shark must think we're an octopus he's chewing on us oh no he might bite through the power the power line then we're going down with no way up no better time to test my jet propulsion feature than now [Music] too much it worked way to go be a favor awesome thanks guys Inc defense is next and I have just the thing to help me add it to the Octopod I brought a celery and seaweed Shake in case I wanted a snack seaweed ink defense what a great idea healthy not harmful exactly a basilisk so cool looking oh in a dinosaur kind of way check out those feet they're huge claws wow oh look how fast these skitter I'm gonna call him skitter any lizard could be called skitter and this guy does way more than skitter for one he walks on water oh you're right Chris I need to come up with something that's all about being a basilisk they Munch fruit and Gobble up bugs so that means a basilisk is an omnivore eating a lot of different things but isn't it dangerous to hang out in the open on a branch with so many predators around we're about to find out uh-oh Eagle two o'clock it's a harpy eagle a harpy a harpy eagle has the longest towers of any bird of prey on the planet Talons as long as a grizzly bear's claws aren't harpies known to pluck monkeys out of Treetops sure are uh Martin you look kind of like a monkey holding the jumbo fruit oh maybe but this giant blue monkey is too big for even a harvey to snatch but a basilisk lizard isn't [Music] ah yikes oh that's why a basilisk can hang out like that because he has a Quick Escape he's walking on water running up River whoa check out those big waffles splashing away oh that's what I'm gonna call them Splash claw cool name he ran over two meters per second on the water that's fast yeah wait a second that's the same as eight kilometers per hour humans run that fast you're right we can run that fast so if we do maybe we can cross the river too hmm on your mark get set go well that didn't work speed's important but it's definitely not foot speed alone that makes the Basilisk walk on water maybe it's the size of those wide back feet they're way bigger than the rest of them and it's those feet that he was water walking on oh I have another water walking trick up my sleeve actually in my backpack in the rainforest hey you might be more organized but I'm better prepared on your mark gets it go well at least we got a few more steps before we sunk hey where'd the Basilisk go you can't learn the mystery of water walking without him foreign not likely this looks like a bachelor herd only guy elephants in these hurts right male elephants are way bigger and have giant tusks thornsley belongs to the other kind of herd matriarchal just moms and their babies check out the way the elephants spray themselves with mud and sand the sand keeps the bugs off them and the mud keeps them cool on hot days like today oh sounds like a good idea to me you are you cooler now yep and muddier you should try it I think I will all right mud Cannonball here I come up the elephants trying to get some leaves to eat does they have to be this tree [Music] [Music] whoa [Applause] elephants have the strength of a bulldozer yep if they can't reach the branches they want to eat they just knock down the whole tree and look how strong their trunk is that's a huge brand she just ripped off hey who needs hands when you have a trunk yeah trunks can do way more things than hands can [Music] it's getting late Chris we'll find thornsley's herd first thing in the morning okay I'll take a few branches back for thornsley to eat [Music] oh thornsley's bed looks great guys okay so elephants only sleep four hours a night and not four hours in a row oh and they need constant physical contact when they're away from their moms [Music] so sweet we'll take turns keeping an eye on him well you guys get some rest what harm can he do Martin oh well he already fritched out cokey's computer and squished Jimmy sandwich baby elephants can be pretty playful and that's why we love him good night guys sleep well thornsley hmm [Music] what whoa whoa we found them red kangaroos yeah the males are red but check out the females female red kangaroos are blue be out in a second I'm setting up the digital measuring meter so I can get the distance of their leaves [Music] so Chris how many Rus does it take to hop over your head before you look up huh that last one just leaped 12 meters that's about half a meter shy of the max jump distance of the red kangaroo the greatest jumpers in the creature world terrible I'm gonna add that leg power to your creature power suits cool jumping over and out hey you might be small but I think that last Hop was almost a meter high 40 centimeters to be exact I'm gonna call you Lobster you want to take me on huh you're a tough little guy aren't you oh it's Gotta practice for a kangaroo kickboxing is as important as breathing and eating because oh nice one Lobster he got you good Martin hey Lobster where are you going we didn't even finish round one probably didn't want to hurt you now here's what kickboxing is all about one male ruse saying to the other I'm tougher than you so for kangaroos the best kickboxer gets to be the top Roux of the mob I wouldn't go near that boxing match one kick from those powerful hind legs could cause a serious stomachache it's a good thing kangaroos have an extra thick layer of skin on their belly to absorb blows like that one good luck Challenger if you win you'll take over as Rue boss oh and the robust wins and stays ahead of the mob hey where'd Lobster go I want to play with him again yeah he's definitely more your speed Martin hey Lobster I'm over here [Music] I knew you'd like me buddy hey you want to play hopscotch wow looks like he'd rather play keep away with our keys two can play at this game hey get back here with those keys [Music] nice the squirrel got it now he hops off digs a hole pushes the acorn in covers it with dirt Acorn hidden to eat later yes that's squirrel power so that's not the only acorn in the forest and Oak Tree can drop 23 000 acorns in the fall and the Blue Jays got one she flies on foreign pushes the acorn into the ground blue jays hide acorns well squirrels can remember where they hid the nuts and dig them up in the winter and hey Blue Jays are bird brains ah for a blue jay that's a compliment because because this bird brain is smarter than a squirrel a blue jay is so smart but she can remember where she hit her acorns through the winter and into next spring and come back to the exact spot to eat it oh better memory you couldn't do that hmm get this any Acorn a squirrel forgets to eat stays safely in the ground then when the snow melts and the sun shines in the spring those acorns grow into oak trees that's how the gray squirrel plants the trees that feed it well any Acorn a blue jay chooses not to eat stay safely in the ground then when the snow melts and the sun shines in the spring those uneaten acorns grow into oak trees that's how the blue jay plants Oak forests [Music] [Applause] Blue Jays better great squirrel's greater blue jay hey squirrel oh gray oh gray hmm check this out a gray squirrel digs a fake hole to fool Acorn Predators like deer and wild turkey turkeys eat acorns too yeah look turkey is tricked the squirrel buries the acorn safely over there now that's clever and we can bury 300 acorns in a single day please just one Acorn at a time us Blue Jays we can stuff one Acorn into our expandable throat pouch then two three four in our throw pouch and an extra one in our mouth then fly off with all five acorns at once [Music] all the way over here ah we Blue Jays can carry more acorns at a time and carry them further up to eight kilometers away and plant them so blur ready to have some fun she has you on her sights Chris how's this looking for gazelle Behavior blur likes what she's saying cheetah looks very gazelle who isn't paying attention so I'll just focus on looking for some nice gazelle grass to Green apps to dry too spiky the cheetah stalks as closely as she can a cheetah can run super fast but only for a short time the gazelle can't run as fast but can run for longer so before she makes her move a cheetah tries to get close she's getting pretty close she's getting really close pan dropsy of grass nutritious high fiber Chris oh [Music] a cheetah runs with long strides at top speed each stride covers eight meters the length of a small school bus it's the backbone look at that it's bending when it bends down it stretches the legs out further so each stride is longer so the cheetah covers more ground with each step oh she's catching up fast must engage evasive maneuvers because the exact he's going with the zigzag like a zigzag yeah the gazelle zigzag pick a zigzag trying to throw the cheetah off but the cheetah can get zigzag too he's staying on Chris's tail s look at the Cheetahs it's whipping right left off down right left keeping the cheetah on balance oh she's catching up I can't shake her the bendable backbone feature is exactly what I need oh oh don't look at me like that [Music] how about that tail balancer can you put in one of those Aviva you'll need one for turning through the rough Terrain [Music] ah I can use a little help here Chris quit playing around I'm not playing the cheat is playing with me [Applause] foreign [Music] hey but I did discover something interesting on this last takedown except for that sharp dew claw for hooking and tripping a cheetah has nails like a dog oh yeah almost every cat Lions house cats leopards have retractable claws these claws stay in the Paw when the cat is walking or running to protect our sharpness and only come out when the cat grabs something look at that in and out but in the cheetah the claws are always out because the cheetah is a runner and Runners need traction the claws dig into the dirt so the Cheetahs can push off to top speed I'm on it we'll add traction claws to every foot [Music] even as babies they're strong it's so wild that a baby orangutan is strong enough to grab and hang when he is just six hours old when he's around a year old he's as strong as a grown-up human [Music] foreign [Music] oh his arms must be sore from all that swinging yeah Miranda and spend 90 percent of their time climbing and swinging and with all that climbing even orangutans get sore muscles Bros come in we're here we just discovered that orangutans get sore muscles from swinging and climbing just like we do yeah baby orangutan learns that when he's really young okay we get it we get it we're sore and stiff and can't do anything I can't even work on orangutan Powers oh please hurry back with some medicine don't worry we're on our way yeah but if we stay we're gonna have to work together to get by that huge orangutan hugeot hugeo hugeo huge orangutan huge oh huge oh sounds good initiate operation slip past Hugo cover me dude cut your back bro [Music] clear [Music] clear [Music] unclear whoa oh no bro Chris where'd you go oh hi Hugo uh those cheek flaps ears are very impressive wait let me guess we're back with the orangutan mom and baby how'd you know field Joe keeps even Steve's back here for a reason no way it's just a coincidence why is she eating leaves that are so gross chewing not eating she's not swallowing those leaves just mashing them up into a frothy green paste [Music] it's like a green bubbly lotion I don't believe it she chewed up those leaves into a paste a lotion that took the ouch away the orangutan made medicine the orangutans are prime it's like us 98 of our DNA is identical so if that medicine works on an orangutan it'll probably work on Aviva koki and Jimmy Z let's go [Music] hey where is she going [Music] she has chicks oh they're kind of cute and a really weird way they look hungry oh bird moms always bring food back for their chicks yeah the thrush brings worms Blue Jays bring caterpillars and peregrine falcons bring other birds so what do pigeons bring cupcakes french fries pizza crust wait a sec huh her beak's empty what's going on [Music] huh by losing my mind or is the mother pigeon spitting up milk for her baby a bird giving milk but but but kangaroos feed their young milk horses feed milk Bears feed milk but not Birds for the pigeon a milk-like liquid is definitely flowing out of the walls of her throat directly into the chick's beak pigeon milk pigeons are one of the few birds in the world that feed their young milk weird but way cool we've really gotta rethink our thoughts on pigeons yeah even the most ordinary animals do extraordinary things uh Chris do you realize you're leaning on your activation button while the pigeon Peck's your nose Chris Chris [Laughter] uh Chris you're eating an old French fry hey brother of mine whatever that is oh and by the way I'm not thirsty for Pigeon milk right now or ever Martin I'm feeling really weird birds of a feather flock together peregrine falcon she's hunting pigeons here she comes she's going to that dive called the stoop fly bro fly [Music] we found the Falcon but the Falcon found Chris in his pigeon suit on our way one good thing what I thought was pigeon fat is really pigeon muscle these pigeons have powerful chest muscles pumping their wings speedometer reads 60 kilometers per hour fast for level flight but the Falcons faster 380 kilometers per hour oh Wings tucked in hyper streamlined she's letting gravity pull her to Earth cutting through the air like an arrow the fastest animal in the world this is amazing this is incredible this is scary look out Chris she's getting a Talon ready she's going to tall and strike you out of the sky thanks for the play-by-play roll right whoa whoa that was close oh he's still after you Chris hey maybe there is some power in this pigeon suit after all you level flight the pigeon flies fast bro we just started our survival trick maybe you shouldn't be drinking so much water I only had three sips I think it was more like five sips maybe four but you're right we might be prepared for our Trek but we're up against one of the biggest baddest deserts of the planet the Australian Outback only five centimeters of rainfall a year daytime temperature 39 degrees Celsius and the best way to handle it is by following the desert creatures for leaves like the thorny devil it's like a prehistoric mini dinosaur but I've seen better dancers whiny little guy I'm gonna name him spinester hi oh don't get too close Chris it's drinking what do you mean there isn't any water no puddle no stream remember the most amazing part of the thorny devil is how they drink those water attracting grooves on their skin that lead to the corners of their mouth that's right they can actually drink water from Dew that falls on their backs oh I can always spare some drops of water for my thirsty lizard friend the grooves collect the water and then as the thorny devil drinks the water is pulled through the grooves right up to the corner of his mouth it's like he's got straws all over his body so he can suck the water right into his mouth oh if I had that I'd pour lemonade on my back all day [Laughter] oh boy from the sun's location we have about three hours before it gets dark so we had to keep heading east the opposite direction that the sun sets and learn more about survival in The Great Australian Outback we'll try to make you proud spinester [Music] see ya proboscis monkeys have the biggest nose of any monkey it doesn't seem real but it is I wish I had a nose like that it's cool that's what I'll call you schnozzle after that cool nose question is what is that nose all about why in the world would a monkey need a nose like that one thing's for sure that nose doesn't slow you down follow that monkey's nose [Music] you proboscis monkeys are good in the trees looks like there are eight monkeys in this troop and schnozzle is the only adult male everybody else is a female or kid monkey I think this knows a young guy not so fast [Applause] [Music] did you catch that boost nozzle hurts hurts Martin Chris oh [Music] you find this pretty funny do you schnozzle you guys figuring out that the mystery streaks are the proboscis monkey [Music] oh hello we're just wondering what these noses are for uh hi there hi hey Chris suddenly we're pretty popular around here okay guys I think you figured out one thing those noses are for we did yeah yeah the girl monkeys like them oh you're right in nature lots of animals have certain features that show off they're healthy and strong like male moose and deer they have big antlers to show females that they're survivors for proboscis monkeys it's all about the nose the bigger and droopier the nose the better and I think I know someone who's not happy to have two more monkeys in this troop we'd better deactivate uh oh come on Jam them up uh you better back off sorry gotta leave [Music] this looks good okay you grab a nap spot SWAT and I'll scan the area [Music] this cheetah eyesight is amazing I can see so far cheetahs have one of the best long distance eyesights of any mammal war dog at 200 meters giraffe at 400 meters Rhino two kilometers elephants at three kilometers [Music] oh his little spot's one having a nightmare it's okay little wow honey badger [Music] a honey badger looks like a cheetah cub or a cheetah cub looks like a honey badger just never do that again okay like never again never ever again this Gina suit's out of control oh [Music] I've heard of charging rhinos but never anybody charging a rhino that's what there [Music] oh I'm just gonna have to remember who's who you look almost exactly the same like your mimics as long as your heads are down and you're not snarling foreign oh come on not again I'm not running this time I'm not running no way huh wow a black mamba and now I know why it's called that because it's got a black tongue the black mom is the only venomous snake in the world that can rise up high enough to sink its fangs into your face did I just say what I think I said uh did I ever say protecting a cheetah cub was easy [Music] Tortuga come in Tortuga we've got a battle here between a black mamba and a honey badger he was famous for eating all kinds of end of mistakes he eats cobras fun the Black Mamba is the most aggressive snake in Africa and it's a big one went down the wrong pipe I don't care it's her oh well that's a nice surprise half the secret to finding animals is just being outside all right this is our chance now no sudden movements no loud sounds no surprises whoa look at her huge hind legs that's where the caracals extreme jumping power comes from foreign [Music] told you caracals were the hissiest of all the cats you did no you didn't I meant to anyway you're right she's even out hissing the crocodile she's got one tough attitude make that one tough attitude and what a jump we gotta see that again check out those Lightning Fast reflexes and her powerful leg muscle Shooters straight up into the air just Out Of Reach of the Crocs Jaws only the caracal kit oh no we lost her again kept up with cheetahs and lions and leopards but we can't catch up to a caracal we let the caracal catch us huh oh a bird lure we can activate our suits with guinea fowl powers and let the caracal catch us uh no did you see those claws I will activate the creature power suits anytime I can but is that birdie in caracal country no way I was thinking more of a bird mobile a bird mobile nice Aviva come in change in plans we know a Surefire way to find your birdie and get it back I'll try anything how about a miniaturized bird mobile and a guinea foul disguise a guinea fowl flapper I'm on it get back here as fast as you can it'll be ready [Music] one Guinea pal really nervous times four equals 100 caracal yes [Music] oh two guinea fell in one Leap that cat has some quick pause too cheetah wants it on the action hey that's cheating cheetahs rarely steal food but competition is fierce out here between the Wildcats this isn't cheating it's cheetahing wait oh no we lost her again foreign nothing like repelling down from the sky onto the African Savannah this is working great we came down right in the middle of a herd of zebras almost too great we could have landed right on top of a zebra careful Martin if they hear or see anything unusual we might scare them off lucky for us viva's Cloud camouflage worked like a charm I'm going in you with me oh right behind you bro now that is one amazing Maze of stripes huh whoa I'm already getting dizzy from all these Stripes me too but I can still see that zebras are actually black with white stripes you mean white with black stripes no black with white Scout their black noses and lips ERS grow out of that hey I bet this herd is migrating zebras have to keep moving to find lush green grass looks like they're headed across the river huh Jimmy's coming down for a landing oh Easy Does It Jay-Z nice and quiet so you don't [Music] scare the zebra heart run I think the herd thought they were being attacked by a giant turtle whoa oh the zebra stripes are blending together oh if you were a predator how could you single one out that's one of the reasons zebras have stripes to keep Predators like lions guessing confusion camouflage and it works you can't tell where one zebra ends and the other begins Stripes lots of Sprites oh that zebra heard sure got out of here in a hurry hold it somebody crying oh it's a little zebra fall he got left behind in all the confusion I bet he got scared from the sound of the loud Landing [Music] poor little guy has lost his migrating mom and the herd sorry I never landed their Tortuga surrounded by Sky camouflage before it's okay Jimmy we just need to get him back to his mom don't go yet the little guy stripe pattern is perfect for our new Wild Kratt crew jackets it's more like a fun maze to me hey I'm gonna call him maze uh no time for jackets and mazes we gotta move fast we don't want his herd to get ahead of us I'll just snap a few photos of maze's pattern to work from I want the fabric to look exactly like zebra stripes thanks mates I can cut Martin out of the photos easily what is that Martin I'm still here where'd you go I'm over here the flashing light oh okay I can see you coming over you're not Chris you're an angler fish whoa those teeth are awesome some of those fangs are so big they don't even fit in your mouth wow clever fish most of your teeth are tilted inwards so it's easy for your prey to swim in but not out pretty cool careful bro she's a dangerous predator so watch out [Music] catches [Music] oh wow look at this the light is actually millions of glowing bacteria trapped inside this little sack she uses it to lure her prey close so she can catch it like it tried with me but I'm way too good of a swimmer swimming's my thing [Music] Martin can't catches [Music] where are you going whoa oh dude I think it wants to meet you more like eat you [Music] yeah faster oh a deep sea shrimp perfect [Music] that deep sea shrimp has the best defense mechanism ever when it feels threatened it shoots out a glowing glue that confuses its predator while the Predator attacks the glue the shrimp Slips Away well I'm covered in glue oh I'm like a glow-in-the-dark Target yeah we better get you cleaned up before you get gulped down oh okay blur check this out I'm injured oh oh my leg I can't run fast anymore I hope a predator doesn't see me yes my trick is working Predators usually Target injured or weak prey they're the easiest to catch ow I'm so injured huh uh oh it worked but on a different Predator a Python's got a hog on me pythons are constricting snakes that means they squeeze their prey until they can't breathe anymore this wasn't exactly slap but I'll take it could you please press that button for me yes I'm a python wait a second no animal eats adult pythons I'm at the top of the food web not so fast Chris we're checking something what yup it's right here it almost never happens but big adult pythons are sometimes caught and eaten by a super hungry lion or leopard you mean kinda like that whoa you got to be pretty hungry to tangle with a python whoa not this time catching food can be dangerous business for Predators too prey defends itself and getting a meal isn't always easy so it's official it's rare but leopards and lions will tangle with an adult python if they're desperate wow I better Slither off and follow that lion gotta slide see a blur [Music] okay I know a lion would eat a better Fox and you probably have to be on the lookout for spotted hyenas too hey if I could just find one of those I know you probably don't want to find out but I have to finish my food chain huh Marshall eagle nice move the old roll on your back kick and bite defense a battered Fox classic hey it's not easy being an animal when things are constantly out to get you huh see what I mean a pipe hey Martin [Music] you're a python yeah and you're lucky I'm not hungry cause we eat patterned foxes yeah it's rough out here I know animals always have to be on the lookout for another creature trying to catch them imagine if humans had to live like that every day hey we're almost there one more creature to find see you at the top I'll be waiting for you wow we know this Bigfoot creature can climb what can't it do there it is oh he's fast I just made out a giant shadowy furball I thought I saw his tail it looked like it was striped come on you call Chris and Cokey tell them it's a climber and seems to have a striped tail [Music] coming from the inside the cretera clue number five the eight eyed creature can drive huh hahaha nice we found the bigfooted creature it climbs has a striped tail and we're sneaking up on it right now we got something here too the eight-eyed creatures inside the cratera our creatures uh uh it's a a raccoons a giant raccoon actually three baby raccoons each with two eyes and there's Jimmy's controller but it's an eight-on creature wear the other two eyes I bet the giant raccoon is their mother she must be but she's huge how'd she get so big the raccoon must have fiddled with the miniaturizer controls that's possible with their thing all sorts of latches and locks we gotta check out our clue list [Music] wow the eight eyes and the giant feet really threw us if it weren't for those things we probably would have guessed it yeah so let's see omnivore raccoons definitely eat both animals like crayfish and plants like berries great climbers that explains all the scratching noise we heard don't forget about the grabby hands raccoons can catch food by feeling for it smarts that along with the grabby hands and these guys can figure out how to to get into anything and that classic striped tail by the way love the mask too what's that for it helps them with their night vision and prevents glare well you really had a stumped Mama raccoon hey speaking of Mama raccoon how are we gonna get her back to the tortuga so we can make a normal size and reuniter with her kids well one thing we know about raccoons is they're excellent mothers oh yeah so we know she'll definitely come back for them but when and we need a way to get her into the miniaturizer a little bait wait a sec why don't I like the sound of that whoa Chris what are you doing oh today's the day we're getting that honeybee footage we always wanted oh he won the coin toss so he gets to do the filming while I stand guard and make sure nothing goes wrong well I always like to see my miniaturizer put to good use oh this will be good all right the ultimate super close-up of exactly what a beat does inside these flowers what's it like in there Chris oh it's amazing like a forest of stamens stamens what are those they're these long stalks with the yellowish orange stuff on top that yellowish orangey stuff is oh pollen [Music] wow they're sticky they have to be Chris me coming awesome he's a honeybee and a cute little guy called that cute oh you may not be cute but you are beautiful A Beautiful Beast let's call her Beast who needs seat belts when you got a sneaky policy to sit on all right are you getting that next or drinking Chris huh oh yeah drink it up Beast wow that pollen is sticking all over her furry face I know how you feel Beast pollen sticks to everything Chris you're like a giant pollen grain cool but I'll just hop off in case you I'm stuck stuck hold still Beast I'm just gonna give my brother a hand well a couple fingers anyway ah uh oh I had a feeling you were ready for takeoff what this mission is going berserk Follow That B [Music] do you have footsteps [Music] okay it's okay we're gonna have to remember that the surface the gecko walks on is totally 3D they can walk anywhere on any surface but how do they do it the answer is right there in her feet do you think she'll let us have a look well the toke is one of the toughest geckos but I think I could keep her entertained oh okay tokay cooler than your average reptile friend of mine you want to hear a joke what do you call a lizard who sings tile that was a joke what frog sing toad sing but lizards don't sing except the gecko oh the gecko is the only kind of lizard in the world that makes musical sounds okay it's okay okay okay this is astonishing a gecko has toe pads with tiny microscopic features called CT like hairs in clumps it's like there are hundreds of tiny toothbrushes on each toe pad and they have an electric charge Chris can you grab me a plate of glass sure okay okay yeah when the toe pad touches a surface these millions of tiny electric charges attract to the tiny electric charges in the surface an attraction strong enough to keep the gecko on the surface and the power in a single toe pad is phenomenal the power charge meter is pegged to 11. hey but if they're so powerful how does the gecko ever lift his feet wait a second there's something very different about gecko feet our fingers Bend this way but the geckos bend the other way when the gecko bends her toe that way the toe pad begins to peel off and the electric charges are turned off John charge off turn on charge off and that's how a gecko can lift her feet so she can run upside down on a Surface that's it we've figured out the secret of with that keep her busy Martin and I'll get this power programmed for the creature power suits okay with me if it's okay with okay tokay oh it's amazing all the things you learn when you take the time to talk to a gecko what a gecko washes its own eyeball with her tongue oh now that's way cooler than blinking way big wait I wish I wish I had something in your eye and couldn't get it out if you had this Gekko power you could lick it out [Music] moose [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh okay so let me get this straight so the wolf pack was starting to surround you [Music] foreign was he with the pack then no at four weeks he's too young to go on the hunt but Jimmy his teeth are just coming in he's got to try him out on something well all the adult wolf teeth were already in and I didn't want any of the big dogs trying those out on my moose behind so I knew before they closed the circle around me I had to do something Chris deactivate get out of that moose suit [Music] Hoops don't work that way well then work them the way they work right sometimes these creature power suits are too creatury but remember a moose can't outrun a pack of wolves for long you'll have to think of something else soon can't run anymore of something else [Music] antlers could they be the weapon against wolves [Music] antlers work on one wolf oh but not on a pack of us only have antlers on one end and wolves can surround a moose an attack from all ends what a moose can swim Chris are you okay what are you doing the music battle [Music] the moosey paddle good one bro the moosey battle oh come on guys give me a little rest while you cool off I'll track the pack wait up oh no moose Hooves how am I gonna deactivate with moose hooves oh brother Here Comes Trouble make that three troubles don't move how about I just do this Wilbur come back look at that confidence he's stomping his feet and rattling his tail to tell them he's coming through whether they're there or not yeah he's saying don't mess with me or you might get hurt those quills aren't only defense but they talk too whoa when you have a defense like that creatures listen oh that young line better be careful a porcupine can't shoot his quills but those quills are so loosely attached that just a touch is all it takes to get a pawful or face full of quills easy it s binding backwards charge now that's an impressive move the best defense is a good offense [Music] ouch now that's the cool defense in action amazing hair that can keep lions at Bay oh and that young lion is lucky he just got a bottle because a quill in the wrong part of the Chester face can even kill him there goes a great defender wait he can't go we need more quills and we've got to keep up with him if we're going to get more at the Den I've got a rope and an idea [Music] uh we're with him nice day for a stroll there he goes follow that path while the kids are snoozing the bats are cruising oh yeah I love that good one hey did you notice something about bite size Martin It's not catching mosquitoes anymore hey he must be full because if insects are abundant a little brown bat can fill his belly in the first two hours after the sun goes down right yard bro a brown bat can eat as many as 3 000 mosquitoes each night and almost all that happens right after the sun goes down speaking of going down bite size is heading straight for that pond King on the Fly gotta try it [Music] not that thirsty uh it's more like this bro [Music] little sips like that [Music] uh you were saying bro bite size is a perfect name it's a dangerous World out here for little brown bats hmm maybe we should watch our backs with a little echolocation look around good idea I'll give it a try something's bouncing back Rhododendron Bush down low awesome my turn oops sorry dude let me try that this way it's working there's a tree trunk and a branch and oh an owl a screech owl fly fly fly fly fly [Music] follow bite size [Music] another close one tell me about it oh here it is the cleaning station that's it that's the cleaning station there's nothing there and what's the little Remora doodle sticky head doing oh he's just waiting for a ride a remora swims around like that until he finds a new shark to hitch on to incoming shark oh and she's a big one looks about five and a half meters that's the largest predatory fish in the ocean right there but what is she there for what gets clean of these cleaning stations do hickeys anyway she does yeah check it out and he's the guy that does the cleaning well him and his buddies cleaner fish hmm Lord she's pulling into the station the body position telling the cleaner as please clean me I may be a shark but I won't bite promise and the fish version of a dentist says problem that's what I do they're picking parasites from the shark's teeth and mouth for them it's food so it's a good deal sharks rays and all kinds of fish line up at these cleaning stations sucker heads making his move he's on we better get in there okay here we go nice Sharky Sharky yeah how about Razer mouth look at those teeth yeah well whatever Sharky razor mouth just just gives you honest big girl just want to find out more about you whoa you can rows of teeth coming in behind the old ones oh yeah those teeth never stop coming we only have two sets of teeth and that's it sharks just keep growing them ah and look sharks get loose teeth too but got it wow they're serrated with those super sharp ridges on the edges just like a soft Rose teeth are serious slicers and dicers Chris look out we're drifting oh no a current it's pulling us off course yeah and on course to be her main course I hope she's not hungry if she is we're about to be shark bait whoa please don't close your mouth please don't close your mouth [Music] close one time to meet this Mission head on engaging head soccer place Eddie his daddy we're about to make contact three two one yes we've landed the first successful Mission onto a great white shark in the history of creature adventuring yay did it Mission Control to Remora sub well done guys get another bird paradise around here somewhere that didn't take long listen perv bird of paradise he's calling after the female to let her know he's about to do his courting dance ah the superb might not be the most colorful bird of paradise but this guy has talent he can sing and dance oh and he's about to put on a show for the female to prove he's healthy and strong show's about to start I'm sure he can teach us a few cool dance moves whoa look what he can do with his feathers he's dancing circles around her wow with a huge blue happy face that's impressive I'm gonna name him Smiley because of his big blue smile oh there goes the female guess she thought Smiley needed more practice I gotta try some of those moves what oh nice trip see you next fall oh that's harder than it looks hey Aviva did you see smiley dance sure did but I still don't think I can dance like that stick to the stuff I know I'm good at like making a bird of paradise disc for your creature power suits I collected these beautiful feathers outside the tortuga cool over and out [Music] good oh okay Aviva you okay fine Cokey just bump into something how are my feet bumped into each other dancing just isn't my thing good luck Chris okay googly eye I'm ready to learn tree leaping from the master [Music] whoa the spring in your legs is unbelievable it's the long legs isn't it they're longer than your body okay let's do this googly eye so you use those frog-like legs to leave off the branch like this I love this vertical clinging and leaping I'm ready for more farther yeah farther farther oh well human legs definitely can't leap as far as guitars here oh gotta break his fall Chris fine coming at you oh thanks bro that was good [Music] I'm good with the leaping for now what's the next tarzier tradition well looks like they're getting ready for something really important everyone is leaving home tree even googly Jr [Music] we're right behind you googly eye wow she really does look like a dinosaur yeah and some dinosaurs had feathers too yeah when you're looking at a raptor you are looking as a direct descendants of hunting dinosaurs he found something yeah trouble and his name is Black Mamba [Music] that's the kind of snack surprise you don't want to find in your lunch bag unless of course you're a hunter bird the Mamba can't get a bite on his skinny legs plus they're covered with hard scales that protect them from the fangs and there are Talons on the feet and the hunter bird uses those talents to stop snakes [Music] yeah stop that stop specialty [Music] stump is an incredible snake predator whoa that was totally prehistoric Raptors Rock okay I'm in on this Raptor Roundup me too even though they're like living dinosaurs they're too cool to be afraid of and they must have all sorts of amazing creature powers great that's one Raptor found and only 320 to go oh uh that's how many species of raptor there are in the world 320. well check this out our hunter bird has led us right to a few more work a chanting goshawk peregrine falcon a spotted eagle owl a white head vulture and a marshall eagle sharp bills front of head for hunting check talents check well when the Raptors round themselves up for a drink at a water hole a raptor Roundup is a breeze like the owl the best the eagle could eat meat Falcons are my faith it's gourmand what a move go stump go get out of here gotcha Ball but he got the rest were you wondering which Raptor to have for dinner when I've tasted them all I'll let you know oh [Music] what's he up to now don't know for sure but I bet it involves barbecuing our Raptors guys get the tortuga ready for takeoff come on Chris we'll track gourmand nobody is gonna mess with the pride with he who breathes fire as the guardian he must be 180 kilograms and as big as a lion gets yeah a napumuamoto looks to be five years old and in his prime and that's his job to guard the lionesses anywhere from 2 to 20 plus his Cubs from danger of the 36 species of Wildcat lions are the only ones that live in a big social group a big old family uh then where's he going [Music] all right yeah he's going on patrol every few nights or so he'll Patrol the Pride's territory to make sure there is no Intruder like other Lions around he doesn't wait for trouble to come he goes out to stop it yeah but what if trouble finds the pride while he's gone well the Lioness are tough but if trouble shows up that they really need help with like a really big clan of hyenas or other male lions the Lioness will call for the lion and he'll come charging back saving the pride with the lion powers keep going are you kidding kidding when a lion of a pride trots off to survey the territory what do you think we do have a cat nap in the cretera no way we're going on Lion Patrol naturally take your time [Music] foreign how a lion pees backwards male dogs lift legs male cats spray backwards hey why we track him let's map his territory yes because this termite Mound is like a signpost on the edge of his territory and his pee is like a message to other lines that says keep out trespassers will be attacked and maimed and in other ways have a very bad day uh something like that engaging map actuator while we track him let's charge his territory and we'll end up with a map of a Napo Kingdom foreign looks like he's on the prowl let's move [Music] they are so cute hey you want to do something a little different today sure this time why don't we name all the line comes yeah why not and we'll surprise Martin when he gets back I'll name him little cubby and that one and cute [Music] wow he really is the king of beasts wow we've traveled so far so fast yeah a line on patrol can cover 64 kilometers in a single night in just an hour we're already eight kilometers away on the far reach of the Pride's territory okay now go easy easy oh we're just an ordinary hippo don't worry Martin I built this hippo sub pretty tough it's basically indestructible even for a 4 500 kilogram creature with one meter razor-sharp tusks so let's just find the disc quickly then okay we gotta ease right into the herd it's mostly females in their calves but then there's the bull he's the most aggressive of all making sure everyone knows that this is his stretch of river well you just tell him that his stretch of river has my disc you can tell him that I'm just gonna make sure he's not around Chris come in any side of tusker yeah you're clear he's right here on the beach busy making sure that even the crocodiles know that he rules this part of the river but hurry he can't stay out of the water alone hello overheat they need that River to keep cool during the day okay Viva let's make our move before tusker gets back hip hippo hooray we're going in oh they just hit pop along the bottom of the river like astronauts walking on the moon Ah that's why I love hippos that little guy is so cute I'll name him hipster eponymous first name hipster last name eponymous look at him go hippity hop hippity hop oh hi little hipster crocodile I thought hippos ruled the river yeah but Crocs will grab a calf if they get a chance Mama eponymous to the rescue that was close where's hipster bear what's he doing oh yeah let's go [Music] oh no he's heading back mayday mayday mayday mayday whoa yuck yuck with this slimy Rock hey you're not a rock [Music] you're a hippo so that means this is not slime it's natural hippo sunscreen thanks bud I wish our skin made a natural sunscreen like yours does whoa Gotta Go Gotta keep my eye on tusker if he finds that hippo sub In this River there could be trouble oh and there's the trouble Martin Aviva come in that's it try to get past that big beasty varmint oh and we may just be too busy to help if they get in a jam [Laughter] we should really remember to finish cross country in lining before the sun rises yeah look all the smart creatures are heading to the shade foreign just consider it another thing you learned from the animals yeah and there is one good thing about getting overheated in Africa it gives you a good reason to cool off in a mud wallow what are we waiting for last one in is a waddled Bell bird huh [Music] uh I guess we'll have to find another mud wallow are you kidding this wallows where it's at look [Music] rarely seen Wildlife moment oh yeah yeah we're not going anywhere they both want to go into the mud to cool off but there's only room enough for one whoever's the most powerful wins who do you think is more powerful Rhino or an elephant that's like asking me who has a fuzzier cottontail a bunny or a rattlesnake of course the elephant's more powerful no the Rhino wins his face off orange down an elephant weighs more two tons more foreign with a charge of 50 kilometers per hour an elephant can't even run only walk fast yeah but he's got a fast walk with a lot of weight behind it plus an elephant is so strong he even has 100 000 muscles in his trunk [Music] [Music] [Applause] I get rid of all their mud that'll really mess them up the big gray things will get all dried up and Chris and Martin will have no fun I bet I should ruin their day jackpot stop no not you the plane stop the plane I've gotta see this spy Cloud whoa what was that a dust devil or the mud's gone doesn't matter they each found their own mud wallow [Music] and you know whatever it was it really cooled me off yeah me too oh they make me so mad I want to flip [Music] I'm the World's Greatest Adventure not a big topics jackpot find out what they're up to wait [Music] termites activate termite power [Music] termites here I come hey guys ready for another worker in The Colony okay I get it there are already millions of you but have you seen two girls that smell strangely like Savannah grass hmm guess not did Aviva add a new feature to this suit whoa my antenna are picking up a termite pheromone oh there it is a pathway of chemical pheromones that shows all the termites the way back to the nest okay termite Pals let's ride this pheromone Highway straight to your nest and hopefully Aviva and koki are there [Music] it's the way to do it stick with one of the best termite Finders on the planet lead me to aardwolf imagine that being able to hear termites chewing yeah the ears oh if only I could hear termites cutting grass like she can jackpot you just can't hide from the hearing power of the aardwolf oh then the tongue comes out that fat sticky tongue it's the aardwolves built-in termite collector oh hey wait a second not so fast one of those might be my friends Oh no you're like a machine I know you can eat thousands in one sitting but I can't keep up amoeba if you see a couple that look like little people just don't eat them okay termite overload [Music] are we there yet [Music] all right already you don't have to be so rough about it Cokey look what are they doing I read about this during the food web challenge that we did they grow a special fungus on the grass that fungus helps break down the Plant so that when the termites eat it they get more energy whoa so this is like a kitchen where they make the food for the whole colony ew no I told you I'm not a piece of grass looks kind of pretty yeah thanks okay we have no idea where we are no way to call for help so there's only one thing to do make fungus hats no we've gotta find a way out of here [Music] first let's get this grass smell off of us so we don't get carried right back to the grass kitchens come on I hope those creature Bros are looking for us because I'm no termite expert who knows what's down these tunnels it's amazing how wild turkeys have made such a comeback 200 years ago they were everywhere one of the most plentiful birds in all of North America and then when the Europeans arrived they kept hunting the wild turkeys until by 1930 there were hardly any left but then they were protected and now they're making a comeback and are starting to show up in the country backyards and parks where do you want me to park oh there's good all right got the mobile invention kit this will be the most challenging creature power suit yet trying to program turkey Powers it's hard to say that with a straight face we're here we made it we'll show you where the turkeys are this way all right hey wait for me [Music] you weren't kidding you guys nailed it way to go how do you know they're wild turkeys and not just Farm turkeys that got loose well it can be hard to tell but wild turkeys tend to be a lot leaner and lighter and the dead giveaway is that farm turkeys can't get off the ground but wild turkeys can fly there is no way those big birds can fly coyote oh they know what that coyote wants to do [Laughter] yeah exactly gobble you up see wild turkeys are smart too [Music] and they even speak English we are not buying it no they're not gonna get off the ground oh yes they are turkeys whoa okay I'm buying it wild turkeys do fly oh and by the way coyotes aren't really dangerous to people regardless about news media likes to portray them but that's a whole other Adventure look at that bolt that's what you call a baby turkey a bolt oh he's lightning fast for a little guy he's so cute I've been hit by a pult of lightning and that's it your name's lightning pulse maybe just lightning would be better yeah you're right lightning it is wow for the world's tallest animals giraffes for sure hard to find I know we found endangered frogs that are easier to spot there's gotta be some giraffe around here somewhere oh hello Martin we found a giraffe where right there yeah oh there you mean he found us first things first if we're gonna understand what a giraffe's neck is all about we gotta know how it's built great let's get a measurement all set Chris two meters that's taller than most people a neck as long as a person that's incredible just a little tied up here necktie that's a good name mind if we call you necktie guys stop messing around I need to know how that neck's built we're on it I can see that but I need to know what's in it scanning neck and uplinking image feed back inspection complete income and scan image one two three four five six seven same number of neck bones as we have only the bones are much longer than ours or gazelles and what's that special valves on the blood vessels it takes so much effort for the giraffe to pump blood all the way up to his head that he has an extra large heart and special blood vessels to keep the blood from flowing all the way back down wow with all these special features a long neck is definitely important for something hem reaching leaves neck battles anyway this scan is what we need to replicate the neck for the power suits if we just adjust the programming in a few places should work okay disc maker engaged [Music] all set Aviva is the suit done yet just finish the disc putting the suit back together now hurry we don't want to lose this giraffe okay okay I'm going as fast as I can now are you done okay easy guys I mean really wait did I install the deactivation module we can't wait uh okay okay yes I'm done there all set Jimmy zap it pulled that off in record time no problem [Music] hey these little figs are good you know a lot of animals only see in black and white but this is why most monkeys in APC in color to be able to spot colorful fruits amongst all the green oh wow if only we could get to those of course a prehensile tail a tail that can grab with a pad on the end that even helps it grab better a tail that can grab that increases a spider monkey's reach and her overall ability to climb this could be the greatest creature power suit yet [Music] don't forget prehensile tail okay we're almost there [Music] come on [Music] harp eagle look out whoa whoa there go the largest Talons in the world close call hello [Music] yeah yes the old Leaf glider trick never fails hey grabsy I can't see we're at your hands oh Beach monkeys to Turtle Beach monkeys far away from the trees come in Tortuga sending location [Music] hurry up Chris this is awesome miniaturize starting I think or if it's starting to weave her orb web looks like she's sending the first strand in your direction using the wind to blow it across and touchdown right on the mark tugs to make sure it's secure and she's off spinning another strand as she goes then she drops straight down to the center of that that's the beginning of the spokes of the web like a bike tire whoa I'm surfing the web threads aren't sticky yet that comes later bro after the structure's done oh it will be soon she's putting the spokes in we gotta get a close look at her spinnerettes [Music] silk comes right out of her abdomen but how does she make it uploading a body scan for Aviva this will get her started on a spinnerette prototype I hope so because this is the most beautiful silk in the world no other spider has golden silk like this and it's also one of the strongest spider silks on the planet beautiful and strong now that's a good combination keep spinning orbit [Music] he's spinning [Music] there spider silk fabric so soft and light unlike anything I've ever touched I love it oh oh we make teeny dresses for spiders no no no dresses for me and other people who pay me for them I need millions of spiders to do it I need their silk all of it oh get the jet davio we're going to the rainforest [Music] can I see that scan again cookie coming up okay so the web starts as a gloopy liquid right here in the spider's body then the liquid gets squeezed out of the spinnerets yeah all these tiny nozzles make up the spinneret each one shoots out a teeny Strand and together they make a thread of webbing but the magic of the spinnerette is that somehow when the web liquid passes through it hardens instantly like that that's the part scientists have had trouble with okay got it I'm ready to test this prototype spinnerette Jimmy is the webmixture finished I thought you never asked let's do this thing and now oh sorry Jay-Z well that didn't work too watery but don't think I'm giving up I told you I'd show you the power of spider silk and that's what I'm going to do well you better get to it because a spotter doesn't just have one web mixture she's got six six that's right each one of these glands in her body makes a different type of webbing each for a different purpose oh no I can't even get one of them right well it hardened just a little late [Music] Jimmy and I will stay here to make sure Zach doesn't try any funny business wow you got here fast hola Nina hey Nina thanks for the Jaguar alarm which way did the jackpots go hey this is a tough one how are we gonna find a black jaguar before Zach when any Jaguar black or orange is so hard to find in the first place yeah even though they are so big the biggest cat in the Western Hemisphere by the way they are so secretive they're harder to see than they camouflage Tortuga Tortuga where's the tortuga exactly hey our best bet would be to find some Jaguar spotting experts and then they could help us you're on Jaguar spotting experts like pudding spots on a jaguar or do you mean spotting like seeing Jaguars crap Bros wait up you know creatures like spider monkeys Pockets white lip peccaries rainforest deer oh I get it animals that a Jaguar hunts that's right because these animals have to spot a Jaguar before the Jaguar spots them for survival so if we can find an animal who is the prey of a Jaguar like the spider monkey for example if they spot a Jaguar they would make a warning call yeah sort of like that then we would know there's a Jaguar around [Music] ah yes the spider monkey alone maybe they spotted a jaguar [Music] look a Jaguar my favorite Wildcat absolutely stunning what great camouflage the Jaguars orange and black spotted pattern Blends in with the beams of light and Shadows of the forest floor and the Jaguar can virtually disappear I bet a Jaguar could sneak up behind you and you wouldn't even know it was there we would know wouldn't we well yeah of course we would [Music] [Music] come on we're on the move [Music] spaceship has landed in a patch of heliconia flowers well not landed actually hovered a hummingbird almost always hovers when it eats spatia Pacific nectar from flowers a clear sugary liquid called nectar is what gives the hummingbird his energy he spends most of his time drinking that sugary water so he can get enough energy for his high action flying in fact a hummingbird has to drink nectar every 10 minutes or so or else he won't be able to fly oh hey that's it while he's busy sipping nectar that that's when we can touch him I'm on it launching zipline will show koki that we can touch a hummingbird ahead I'm watching hmm zipline lock and ready for zipping while spaceship is busy sipping nectar we'll just Zip by and touch him before he can even react I right behind you bro oh almost had him we'll get him this time [Music] spaceship's too quick for us this is getting embarrassing room it's gonna be so easy to touch a hummingbird so easy to touch a hummingbird so easy so easy so easy it's gonna be simple simple Joe easy simple it's gonna be simple simple we'll show you okay okay touching a hummingbird might be a little more challenging than anticipated but With a Little Help from our other animal friends oh yeah fight creature powers with other creature powers I always say and besides that hummingbird has gotta rest some time good luck [Music] ha a hummingbird now that little bird has some delicious energy but then where is all the hummingbird energy so nicely packaged in there eggs chocolate covered hummingbird eggs would make an excellent energy snack thank you [Music] all right let's try out harpy eagle powers [Music] activate creature powers The Harpy eagles the ultimate aerial Hunter of the rainforest short powerful Wings designed for flying through the underbrush these Powers will let us touch the hummingbird their spaceship let's go this is where we can find some of the most tucked away weird creatures of all yeah talk about remote Mark Chris we're trying to touch down near you but there's one little problem we have no idea where you are what is that crazy place by the looks of it that Forest isn't matching anything in my database of habitat to the world well this is a pretty secret habitat not many people know about it or the creatures who live here it's like a different plan [Music] wow a rare your axis wow lots of your Roxas wait a second how big are you guys right now what do you mean I knew it knew it you are Beetle size and that's a creature's fur not a habitat oh you're right it is a creature's fur and we are miniaturized but it is a habitat too a micro habitat that hundreds of bugs call home see a lot of them can munch on the algae the Crow's right here on the fur that's the ultimate creature link one creature leads to another creature okay okay okay we gotta know what creature is that who are you on oh here he is welcome to Planet three-toed sloth now that looks like an alien yeah but a cute one yes slots today's gonna be pretty easy because that's a creature who knows how to chillax chillax yeah chill out and relax chillax see this is how you chillax chillax yeah that'll work that's what we'll name him chillax slow and steady that's the sloth's way oh yeah we're about to reach top speed he's in high gear now he's heading for that leap will chillax go hey time oh nice work less than 1 6 of a kilometer per hour that's record time for the world's slowest mammal yeah there are so many different kinds of amazing life forms on the reef you mean like these guys seahorses seahorses I thought you were riding regular horses well uh our plans kind of changed we're checking out seahorses now you know I heard about seahorses yeah me too me tid like a horse it's got a prehensile tail like a monkey hey okay I'll tell you but you better sit down for this seahorses are fish they fell over anyway maybe we should have told him to sit on the floor yeah next time what do you mean seahorses are fish how can a seahorse be a fish hmm here I'll show you okay here's a fish then what Mother Nature did was take this fish and change its head and then stretch it out so it was more like this and then bent the body down this way and then his tail changed from a swimming tail to a tail that can grab so a seahorse looks pretty different but it's still a kind of fish and there's a reason for the seahorse's unique shape it doesn't swim all over the place like most other fish it swims small distances by moving its little dorsal fin back and forth but most of the time the seahorse uses its prehensile tail to grab onto grasses and coral and just hang there until food floats by whoa I get it but it's still kind of weird so its body design is perfect for its way of living exactly hey but that doesn't mean we have to stop riding horses let's ride these guys uh Martin they're sea horses and they're tiny oh okay so I'll give her seahorse a smaller name I'll call you ocean Pony and then we can miniature eyes and ride whoa wait a second you guys shouldn't just use miniaturization technology for playing around this is serious technology well uh of course we have to do research on the short snouted seahorse hippocampus hippocampus to uh explore how this seahorse um interacts with other inhabitants of the coral reef system yes of course next one bro uh-huh yeah uh-huh when you two play around with technology something usually goes wrong if you're going to use the miniaturizer you'd better get a lot of info on seahorses I'm going to prep my invention station for seahorse power disc creation and I'll be checking in on you soon laughs okay guys let's do this catching fish dolphin style guys that click whistle must mean something like Circle the fish no problem I'm with you guys sorry wrong way this way right I got this now we're herding the fish into a tight ball a bait ball this is genius talk about a smart creature and by communicating you can cooperate and work together oh up got it that whistle means move them up you're pushing them right to the surface aren't you so they'll have nowhere to escape to be brilliant oh now the feast begins dinner time for dolphins no wonder they're one of the smartest creatures on earth a language smart hunting strategy and one of the largest brains for their size [Music] come on let's check it out there he is whistle we found you come on click let's go let's get him what's wrong okay fine I'll get him oh that's what that little click whistle meant could he have just said shark [Music] I've never swamped so fast so maneuverable I'm Like a Torpedo guess I was too much for him oh whoa oh just kidding nice Sharky [Music] thank you hey a sea sponge what are you up to now [Music] buddy you're acting strange why are you stuffing a sponge into the sand a dolphin who likes to clean up that's a first weird it's almost like she's poking around for something looking for something hmm echolocation engaged who can find it first whatever it is [Music] nothing but sand Underneath more sand you sure there's something around here amazing that sponge she uses is to protect her nose when she shovels in the rough sand hey I was just about to find that fish [Music] another female bullfrog he laid eggs yeah about ten thousand of them the eggs are protected in a clear gooey slime-like substance Predators find this stuff tastes disgusting and so the jelly protects the developing eggs oh jelly [Music] the Predators are right it tastes awful but the good thing that can get past the Slime is water fresh water can move easily in and out of the Slime to freshen the developing eggs and nothing is more important to frog eggs than being in healthy clean water if there's pollution in the water it can get into the eggs the Slime can't protect them from that eggs that develop in polluted water develop into frogs with strange and sad deformities five legs three eyes and more hey black and wriggling in the eggs over here yes this is the beginning of stage two of the frog's life cycle the eggs are about to hatch let's wait and watch while it happens [Music] this will work no nosy people around to complain alright Zack buds time to clean out my workshop roll out the barrels and let's pump this goo out let's see right in there that's better one thing I can't stand is a messy Laboratory they're hatching yeah we've got tadpoles stage two of the frog's life cycle has begun it's amazing that tadpoles are baby frogs they just look like heads with Tails yeah they don't look anything like frogs yet hey does my hair look green to you sorry buddy the algae is over there these tadpoles hatch hungry and within a week their transformation begins next they grow hind legs like this guy then the tail begins to be reabsorbed into the body and Tiny front legs Sprout out and then the tail is absorbed completely the front legs grow the body shape changes and ta-da a froglet and now this little frog is truly amphibious living in the water and on land you'll stay in the shape but every year get bigger and bigger and bigger and believe it or not a bullfrog can live for 25 years pretty cool huh Viva oh no there's so many changes in frog development such precision timing and programming to integrate with DNA coding wait Aviva don't work well I love frogs the front flippers power the turtle swim by pumping up and down and the rear flippers provide the steering okay so we need long flippers in the front with hydraulic pistons for flapping power and back here shorter flippers with rotational capabilities for steering check we're heading up [Music] hi Aviva hi guys the turtle can stay underwater for a long time about 10 minutes for a high action dive and up to 40 minutes for a low action dive but always has to come up for air okay so it looks like the hawksbill turtle breeds from nostrils at the top of its snout so why don't we put the Tortuga's new air intake valves right here and I'll install bigger air tanks inside for oxygen storage right hey Jimmy huh could you take the master key out of the ignition interface we don't want to have the tortuga accidentally starting when we're in the middle of a modal retrofit Autumn and hang on to them there are only set [Music] what are you guys up to anyway well it looks like we're getting a turtle back tour of three hey there's Blimpie the Blowfish oh yeah and our old buddy ocean Pony the seahorse and hey there's uh uh I don't remember him yeah that's because he's somebody new a tiger shark Hold On Tight Chris I'm holding [Music] up Chris [Music] the tiger shark is gaining laughs whoa are sea turtle is using his shell like a shield that's what I'm gonna name you Shield but how long can Shield keep this up look at these based on size tiger shark straws are even stronger than the great white sharks Jaws that shark gets the shell in his mouth or a flipper in his mouth Shield is done for [Music] Shield has another plan I hope so [Music] whew that was close and another great defense for the hawk spill sea turtle hiding in the reef yeah and that's why hog spills are Reef turtles so they can use the coral reef structure to feed them and hide them yeah the shield defense is great when a hawksball is caught out in the open but the Surefire plan is to hide out in the protection of the reef but this is fun yeah it's even better than a trampoline [Music] hey where'd puffy go puffy puffy no way a grouper you didn't puffy puffy it's you you're all blown up like a giant spiky water balloon nice defense oh Mayday now we've got a problem it's a great defense and most fish know never to mess with a blowfish but for those that don't sometimes Blowfish can get stuck inside a grouper's mouth and then both fish could die [Music] hang on puffy we'll get you out of there okay grouper you might feel a prick oh if only puffy could deflate just a little bit it's too scared if he deflates at all he thinks the grouper might swallow him it's not working Martin I'm going in going in where through the gills no you're not I'll push you pull okay just remember one wrong move and your lunch group ready Martin ready go yeah [Music] amazing that he can blow up three times his size and look now this grouper knows never mess with a blowfish it's a fish eat fish World out here yeah and only the fish with good protection survive and guess what we don't have any I hope if even cookie are tracking us down somehow because we just might not last [Music] let them go the roadrunner's gaining oh no we have to find another mystery lizard wow I never realized a roadrunner is as big as a chicken and twice as fast I gotta see that again okay Roadrunner show us your stuff on your marks get set run uh run go race off uh roadrunners don't listen very well whoa 42 kilometers an hour that makes the Road Runner one of the fastest running birds in the world oh and check out that aerodynamic running posture but with his head down he's not running with his head out I don't think you can see where he's going because he's running right into a cactus [Music] of course we 've seen that coming a roadrunner can fly but he just prefers to run most of the time oh I love how the Roadrunner uses Vantage points like Cactus or rocks to perch and scan for prey and then when he spots something he runs off after it oh and what a great creature power that would be to have could you imagine Road Runner powers this should be a quick spot to find the Martin oh yeah oh I hope we got here in time yeah they should be coming out right about now um no sign of them yet so now we wait ah look they're coming out polyps they're everywhere [Music] wow they're beautiful you mean these colorful things are creatures they look like flowers oh yeah they're animals all right every one of them is a creature and check it out the hard Rocky part is their skeleton see they built a skeleton outside their bodies and they can hide inside it protect it until they're ready to come out you mean this whole reef is made of the skeletons of these little guys that's right polyp skeleton built on polyp skeleton built on more polyp skeletons for millions of years and now millions of creatures live here in and amongst the coral more different types of sea creatures than any other ocean habitat yeah but we know these reefs are fragile habitats and if we're going to do our annual Reef checkup to make sure it's healthy we better get to it okay let's get in there for a close look guys on it yeah close enough oh bro you just got harpooned what harpooned you have to zoom Zoom microscope to see it but the polyp shot that tiny needle like Harpoon from his tentacle that's how they hunt for food hey what are you harpooning me for I'm not food ah here comes some stuff that's probably tastier than you Ultra zoom on that's what they love to eat amphipods and see they're the harpoons ready for launch he did it he scored some lunch he reels it in with his Harpoon and the tentacles push the little meal to his mouth right down there in the center wow these little guys and all this time I thought Coral was just a bunch of rocks what are you doing leave that girl alone those fish are destroying the reef so that's why the coral reefs are disappearing those refeeding fish whoa not so fast they're parrotfish Aviva and they're not why the reefs are in trouble check it out he's scraping algae off the coral with his hard beak and eating it and he does kill and even eat some polyps while he's at it but he's also keeping the algae from taking over and choking out the wreath hmm whoa now that's a Creature built to handle the winter Snowshoe hair it's right on top of this snow he's a snow Walker look at those huge feet that's what keeps them from sinking in oh no the fresh snow is burying the husband tracks come on we gotta hurry or we'll never find those hispids his vids spins where are where are you his Fizz are you out there [Music] you see the tracks I can't see anything except White [Music] we're having this much trouble in the Deep stuff imagine the little hispids oh hey buddy wow if we could get around like that it'd be so much easier to find those hairs even though he's a different kind he'll help us figure out where his cousin the hispan hair might go I've got the miniaturizer hey let's see if he'll give us a ride miniature [Music] hey where'd he go he disappeared here's the ocean where are you oh we keep losing hairs today Avalanche there you are oh that was a pretty good tumble you gave me so I'll give you a good name Avalanche hey do you think you could help us out we're looking for three lost hairs and we need a ride whoa these big feature would help the way they spread out your weight so you don't sink in the snow if people had feet like this our feet would be about 10 times bigger than they are not only that they're covered with fur even on the bottom that makes their feet even bigger keeps them warm in the snow and gives them traction when they're running so thanks for the ride Avalanche just go where hairs go and we just might be able to track down the hispits we're hair back riding yeah ah okay I'm being close suspect climbing tree uh-huh he uses those special toes two in the front two in the back to help with climbing and the stiff tail feathers brace against the trunk for support thanks Chris keep the data coming so is he drilling yet not yet but those features are keys to drilling Martin you in position he's heading your way [Music] the Woodpecker has landed [Music] oh yes he's doing it he's he's that's fast his head's a blur wow that's 16 woodpecker picks a second impressive I'm gonna call him headbanger look at the wood chips fly I knew it I told you how much evidence do you need this woodpecker must be drill happy or something he's just drilling holes everywhere hang on Aviva not so fast something's not right the holes look different yeah this hole looks different hmm [Music] it's bigger more rectangular I don't like those smaller round holes in the dying trees well if you guys need more evidence go ahead but to me it's case closed when you're ready to admit that I was right about this guy you can find me back at the tortuga with an analysis of this feather maybe I'll even have another suit by the time you guys are done hey wait for me [Music] oh okay Chris headbanger stopped off at a dead tree maybe it's Hideout I'm going in [Music] nice digs so this is one of the things you can build with that drilling power a cozy safe nest in a dead tree to hide out from bad weather and predators oh and I can see why so many animals use your nest when you're done with it with ducks bats lots of birds raccoons even squirrels especially in winter what uh oh a pine Martin oh no up here the nest to say for most Predators but not from that tree loving weasel [Music] yes an exit hole oh Pileated woodpeckers build multiple entrances and escapes brilliant uh oh uh Pine bars are squirrel Hunters too bye [Applause] um Martin so what do you do when you're face to face with a venomous rattlesnake with three centimeter fangs that can strike in the blink of an eye and is attracted to movement don't move bro [Music] now that was a close-up look at one awesome snake oh you can say that again how about that rattle it's made of special loose scales that rub up against each other to make that rattling sound and it's that rattle that makes the rattlesnake the most polite snake polite that was a rattlesnake polite well he always rattles you a friendly warning before he strikes and sinks his Venom injecting things into your arm or your voice and you know when I was face to face with this guy I had a real close look at how his face is packed with Incredible sensory Powers sharp eyes that can see well in the daylight nostrils that have a good sense of smell and a tongue that flicks in and out tasting the air making that good sense of smell great plus there's another sense that huh what was that oh he seems to know and wants to get closer to it but if we can't see it how can he he must be using the other sensory organ those pits right under his nostrils those pits that sense the body heat of animals those pits that give the rattlesnake the ability to see eat and find his prey like a ground squirrel he knew that's what it was because of rattlesnake can see heat and so can we with our heat vision goggles nice turning on hi Chris do you see me oh yeah Martin you're waving okay then now what am I doing it's jumped into a ninja pose okay my turn ing on huh oops I think I have these goggles on upside down nope they're on right I'm doing a handstand now what am I doing you're walking like an Egyptian you got it oh yeah Hey look huh they went in there I know let's get around to underground the way a rattlesnake does by going through the ground squirrel tunnels we don't even have to dig I bet those tunnels will lead us right to some tellurium somewhere down there we can see without our heat fishing goggles miniaturization anyone okay [Music] we might find out which is sharper yeah Cactus spines or mountain lion claws oh hi spotted skunk sorry we bumped into your home and even more sorry we brought her the skunk footstop warning he's Tiny But tough a one kilogram creature telling a 50 kilogram Wildcat to back off now that's impressive a handstand hey nothing like a little gymnastics decent situation anything but he's puffed up to look bigger and tougher showing the warning black and white colors he's saying last chance before I oh skunked that was a direct hit from three and a half meters away what aim what precision and that mountain lion is not happy he's out of here skunk stink defense it's genius whoa that's bad like let's get out of here bad we owe you one buddy yuck [Music] we're almost back to my house yeah he's heading for the shade under your porch whoa hold on another Halo monster 12 o'clock look out both are males when they meet I think we're gonna have a rarely seen before creature moment are you a monster battle gila monsters may be slow but when they strike they never let go these are one of the heaviest lizards in North America and they are throwing their weight around this makes it easy I'm gonna name them lockjaw cause when he bites he locks on but which one's locked y'all is the one that lives under my house and he's awesome whoa he got a hold and he got a hold they both got a hold wow Kayla fight okay now this is some power that can easily take on that box powerful bites and tough beaded skin to protect from bites add those muscular limbs impressive claws which give the hill the monster his fantastic digging Powers this is exactly the kind of information I need in order to make my Gila monster power suits oh yeah okay today it's a tie this is Springtime and lacha and the other gila monsters are most concerned with filling up their bellies hey Aviva thanks for getting started on those Gila monster powers and don't forget gila monster's hot bumpy scales it's gonna be fun to try those suits out uh fun we'll have to wait we forgot to mention we've got a creature crisis while you've been observing this Gila monster Zach's been collecting others all over the Sonoran Desert and we're not sure what he's up to I got some good observations to start with but I need my inventing equipment Pronto Jimmy can you bring the tortuga over to Javier's house sure thing great I'm on it hey Aviva when you're programming the creature powers don't forget about tremendous bite strength and scales like ground beads a powerful Strike One In Colors oh Venom started I've got it [Music] it's going back to going back to that he really likes the Gila monster now how'd you change his mind it wasn't us it was the coolness of the Gila monster and as the day gets hotter The Gila monster has to find a cool place to rest he's got that scaly skin to keep the moisture in but even this lizard can't stand the intense heat of the High Desert Sun that's why he likes it under my porch yeah but what does Zach like about Gila monsters okay now this cold-blooded lizard is the height of creature cool there's no way we can let Zach collect them and we've got to rescue the ones he's already caught but what could Zach be up to walk much bro I tripped tripped overstaffed no over something in the sand [Music] you monster eggs cool I have Gila monster is under my porch and there aren't many gila monsters left every egg every Gila monster is precious we've gotta stop Zach and return the heel monsters back living free and in the wild Coke Javier you guys stay here and protect lockjaw and the Egg so Zach can't get them got it if Zach tries to mess with the gila monsters I'll bite him and we'll go rescue the others real size thank you 2 356. 2 357. uh we gotta stop running into you like this oh great now we find out you like to sit on people's heads would have been a lot less painful if we'd known that before oh at least now we can get a good look at this little elf owl's features like those eyes they're huge that's right I'm checking out the scan you got and according to my analysis owls have eyes that are up to 100 times better at seeing in the dark than ours are yeah and even though they can't move them around like we can they can't turn their heads completely backward like ow like we can't do that's how it's done that's owl sensory Power number one eyesight now let's check out that hearing we need owl-powered ears Alphas here can show us that too Elvis like the famous singer no alphys alphys the elf owl that's what I'm naming him stop everything oh missed one what's up Aviva I just realized Cokey and Jimmy aren't back yet they're super late well just call them I did no answer oh cookies the communication Queen she wouldn't be late without calling what if something went wrong okay well just keep trying to reach them we'll put the old foul Adventure on hold and be right there sorry Elvis emergency we'll catch up with you later [Music] I love taking a nap outside on the first warm day of spring [Music] oh who are you you are so cute whoever you are I love spring warm air green grass flowers like buttercups and dandelions and fluffy cute little baby animals is that what you want your name to be dandelion dandelion it is laughs hello everyone hope you're enjoying this gorgeous spring day and guess what I've been inspired by something wonderful and I'm going to make a new creature power suit what really foreign suit okay so what creature powers do you have in mind Aviva yeah where is this super powered mystery creature uh he's right in front of you [Music] oh you you mean a groundhog and groundhog Powers I mean he isn't possibly cute but besides cutting a really nice lawn what kind of super cool power does a groundhog have what are you talking about he's perfect don't get us wrong we love groundhogs I'm just not sure if a groundhog is a creature that really inspires a creature power suit well I'm sure groundhogs have some hidden superpower that is so amazing don't you have an amazing superpower yes you do yes you do well we could try I mean Aviva is really into groundhogs yeah and who knows maybe possibly somehow there's some cool ability to make a groundhog power suit that must be dandelion's mom okay let's get creature adventuring wait four kilograms body temperature 37 degrees just like us heartbeat 90 beats per minute and she eats and eats and eats ground dogs eat so much grass each day enough to fill up a sink but I don't think that's a talent that makes for a good creature power suit okay thanks Chris those groundhog Basics are just what I need to get a groundhog power suit started have a nice breakfast dandelions I'll be back soon oh it is really cool how a groundhog digs a burrow into a field and then grazes out from the borough entrance a groundhog rarely eats grass more than three and a half meters from its burrow so whenever she senses a predator she can quickly escape to the safety of her Barrel the burrow hey that's something groundhogs are great diggers see the pearls usually dug under a pile of rocks or tree roots there's a drop down right after the entrance then a long tunnel that opens up to a chamber there can also be a special hibernation chamber and then other Escape entrances and exits and a groundhog does all that digging herself I mean that's pretty impressive okay we must be under at least 20 I got blankets yeah gotta bundle up listen roll you gotta get out of this deep freeze yeah you can come back to the tortuga it's warm there and we'll help you figure out how to get wherever you're going oh a little warm in here isn't it yeah it is kind of warm but there's snow all around us it should be freezing I'll burn it up what it's warmer down here than it was up there warm gear off huh that that's better yeah but what's with the warmth down here what's with the bulls down here whoa It's a whole colony of them living in a snow cave Martin do you realize where we are do you realize Where We Are The subnivian Zone a secret creature World under the snow where it's warmer than up above because the snow is like a giant blanket holding in the Earth's heat so even if it's super cold like 50 degrees below zero up there under the snow it stays much warmer right around zero degrees all the time cozy right Rolo wait roll wait for us whoa whoa sorry buddy watch the bull traffic bro is that what you call rest and relaxation yep wrestling relaxation doesn't involve running around like crazy I thought you wanted to rest on a beach I do and I'm an engineer so I'm going to bring the beach to me with this ta-da the insta Beach heat amplifier did someone say Beach oh see the solar panels collect the sun's Rays amplify the Heat and make a beam of warm weather it's an instant Beach vacation I'll get the sand if those Crab Brothers want to be late we'll just start our vacation without them where is she going who knows coming through hey I'm driving here left side look out whoa made it oh that's the end of the line hey what's she up to now hey watch where you're going pal Chris Chris Rolo you're a mama oh those babies are so cute well except that one boom hey they're sleeping creature pod ringers off we don't want to wake these guys up ring her off oh Beth before bed good idea I can't believe it babies under the snow while it's still winter time most animals wait until spring to have their babies but because of the Cozy subnivian Zone foals can keep having babies even in the winter that's the power of the subnivian zone and the Vol sure know how to use it what whoa oh no fair they also know who's a baby Vol and who's not
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 1,828,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal adaptations, adaptations, adapt, Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 25sec (11245 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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