CUE CARDS HOW TO ANSWER | IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Preparation and Creating A Monologue

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let us learn how to create a monologue in ielts speaking part 2. well most students get lost when delivering their monologue simply because they run out of ideas and when they don't have any ideas anymore sadly they stutter they don't know what to say or they don't know what to do and worse they just stop talking in an awkward way so today i will teach you how to generate more ideas in ielts speaking part 2 so you can maximize your time when delivering your monologue and avoid those problems which i mentioned earlier and deliver a great monologue hi welcome to ielts dragon my name is julius and i get a bad nine in the ielts speaking exam if you want to support me just give me a like or subscribe to this channel i'll be making videos related to ielts speaking now let's get started with our lesson today when you take the exam be sure that you're 100 prepared our aim here is to achieve our target band score so that we will not take it over and over again if you're not prepared or if you're not confident then don't take the exam yet because it will just reflect on your performance that's my honest advice i've been there i did not take the exam until i developed my confidence and until i fully understood the flow of the ielts speaking exam it's all about preparation and when i say preparation it means you should be strategically prepared which i will be teaching you today in this video all of the things that you will learn are based on my personal experience my personal experience of getting a bad night on my first try now let's have one example for practice and the topic is a tall building in your city describe a tall building in your city that you like or dislike you should say where it is what it's used for what it looks like and explain why you like or dislike it take note we don't need to address those four key points they are just our guide all right they're just our guide take note of the word should you should should means recommendation so those key points are just being recommended to us we are not obligated to address those four key points all right so we are just going to focus on what is really asked on the cue card and that is describing a tall building in our city which we like or dislike the first thing that we need to do is we have to choose between light the building and dislike the building well i have already decided let's choose like the building let's talk about a tall building that we like now right after choosing between like and dislike the building we have to understand what type of building it is understanding the type of building is very important because if we only think of general ideas of a building then we will end up not creating an organized story our ideas will be all over the place and worse we will run out of things to say in the middle of our delivery as a result our score in the criterion fluency and coherence will greatly be affected and that's what we need to avoid so let us ask ourselves is the tall building commercial residential or industrial we have to understand what type of building are we gonna talk about let's pick residential okay so with that word with the word residential it helps us generate more ideas now think of residential buildings what are those residential buildings well normally we have condominiums and apartments but take note we need to talk about a tall building so i think most apartments are not really tall so let's go for a condominium so at this very moment we now have some ideas of a condominium we're now thinking of ideas of what a condominium is so perhaps we're now or you're now thinking the design of the condominium how many units are there in that condominium whether that condominium is a luxurious one or just a standard one so see just by identifying the type of building that we're going to talk about we are able to generate more and more ideas that's how you prepare but anyway we will get to those ideas later before we continue gathering more ideas for our monologue let's have a quick rundown so we're going to talk about a tall building in our city and it is a residential building to be specific it is a condominium now we have to ask ourselves why do we like this condominium and how tall is this condominium we have to address these two important questions because that's what the cue card about asking us to describe a tall building that we like in our city all right let's answer this question why do we like this condominium well let's say we like it because of its design what's the design it's a minimalistic design in what way it is minimalistic well it's just an ordinary vertical building but the colors are black and gray also i like it because from afar the design creates an illusion the building looks like two vertical buildings standing next to each other but when you come closer you will realize that the building is just one not two and that's because of its design and colors um the right side of the building is color black and the left side of the building is color gray so from a distance it really looks like there are two buildings standing next to each other or it looks like number 11. so the fact that the colors create an illusion is what makes me like that building more now let's address the word tall so how tall is the building let's say the condominium is 250 meters in height and there are 3 000 units well let's just imagine we don't need to be exact because that's not the point of the exam the objective of the exam is to express ourselves in english without difficulty so basically we can make up a story we can tell a lie it doesn't really matter as long as we're expressing ourselves in english clearly naturally and confidently all right we already know the reason why we like the building and we know the height of the building but these things are not enough to develop a story that can help us talk for two minutes so what else can we add this is the time that our imagination or creativity steps in so let's imagine more things let's say the name of the building is tower 101 the walls are made of glass and it's a newly erected building and i first saw this building from a local advertisement all right so these things are what we called supplemental details these details can help us generate more and more ideas that can definitely help us stretch our story for two minutes again we have the name of the building tower 101 the walls are made of glass it's a newly erected building and i first saw this building from a local advertisement all right that's it we have plenty of ideas now that can definitely help us create a great monologue that's how you prepare strategically don't be too generic because that will not help you generate more and more ideas you've got to be more specific and use your imagination all right before i give you the sample answer of this topic describing a tall building that you like i just want to inform you that you can access this example in my ebook so my ebook contains topic ideas topic vocabulary and collocations and of course interactive sample monologues that will definitely help you especially if you are too busy you don't have so much time to prepare my ebook will serve as your guide so if you want to get a copy just send me an email all right let's start answering the cue card let's develop a story for this cue card but i want to inform you that i'll be giving you 90 output of this sample monologue the 10 output should come from you i want to have this kind of set up because i want you to develop your creativity in storytelling i want you to interact as well this is a way to train you on how to develop a monologue better i don't want you to just read sample answer and memorize it because that will be the cause of your failure so let's learn how to create a monologue together let's begin there's one high-rise building that's recently erected in our city which attracts a lot of visitors because of its unique design it's called tower one one it's actually a condominium and if i'm correct there are three thousand units all in all i reckon its height is 250 meters and it's actually half the height of the taipei 101 building in taiwan well what i like about this building is its design it's minimalistic there are only two colors black and gray so the right side of the building is color black and the left side of the building is color um color gray and the walls are made of glass from afar it looks like there are two buildings standing next to each other but when you come closer you will realize that there's only a one building standing the gray color creates an illusion people from a distance think that there are two vertical buildings standing next to each other but actually there's only one building standing well i first knew this building just a couple of weeks ago because this building was heavily advertised on a local tv so i was intrigued by its advertisement and i decided to pay a visit all right so before i continue before i finish this uh story i would like to know your output i want to know your ten percent output to complete this monologue um what are your ideas what else can you add use your imagination your creativity to complete this monologue i would love to know your ideas and so yeah share your ideas you can actually comment your ideas in the comments section that's your task [Music] all right thank you so much for your 10 output so let me finish this story okay when i got there i talked to one of the real estate agents and i learned that that building is actually the tallest building not just in our city but in the entire state i was very surprised to know that she also said that the materials were imported from europe not only that she assured me that the building is earthquake resistant it wouldn't collapse even if the magnitude of the earthquake is really strong because she said the building is equipped with some modern technology from japan learning that made me like the building even more because you know safety is a priority but you know what what made me more surprised was when i learned that one of the designers of that building was my former classmate in high school i was at a loss for words when i knew that i just couldn't believe it that's it that's how you tell a story to your examiner with the right preparation plus imagination you will surely be able to develop a great monologue well i just want to tell you that this sample monologue is not a real story i was just making up a story because you know it doesn't matter whether you're telling a lie or you're making up a story doesn't matter at all as long as you're able to express yourself in english naturally all right if you want to know more of my interactive sample monologues for the recent cue cards well you can request a copy of my ebook just send me an email thank you so much for watching this video please watch some of the videos that appear on your screen right now because they can definitely help you thank you for watching have a great day until next time bye
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 14,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking part 2 how to answer, ielts speaking part 2 answers, how to answer ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 2 storytelling ideas, ieltsdragon by julius, ielts speaking band 9 answer, ielts speaking describe a tall building in your city that you like or dislike, ielts cue card answer, ielts how to answer cue cards, ielts speaking cue card preparation, describe a tall building in your city that you like or dislike ielts, ielts speaking recent cue card answer
Id: AgxPYP1s0D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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