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in this video you will learn five techniques on how to speak english naturally in your actual ielts speaking exam these techniques helped me achieve the highest band score in the speaking test hello everyone welcome to ielts dragon where you can learn ielts speaking techniques and sample answers from the perspective of a non-native english speaker who successfully got a band 9a in just one day the first technique on how to speak english naturally that can definitely impress the examiner is to use rhetorical questions but what on earth are rhetorical questions take a look at this example let's have the topic of shopping and one of the questions is do you like shopping let's apply a rhetorical question to our answer and our answer is yes definitely well who doesn't like shopping i do believe that everyone loves shopping as it's one of the ways to relieve stress as for me shopping is a quick fix for my loneliness now i want you to look at my answer i said who doesn't like shopping that is an example of a rhetorical question i asked that question as part of my answer but it was not literally asking the examiner so i could get answer from him no i was just using it to make a point or to make a statement like no one in this world hates shopping we like buying things maybe from an online shop or an offline shop the use of rhetorical questions is very common in public speaking or even in normal conversations because it actually helps engage the listener or the person you're talking to and that sounds very natural in other words rhetorical questions are questions asked in order to make a statement that do not expect an answer they are used for dramatic effect or to engage the listener some common examples of rhetorical questions are who cares not to lie and if i'm talking about how privileged children are these days for accessing the internet i can say do these kids really know how privileged they are for living in this generation where the internet is accessible those are examples of rhetorical questions i don't need answers to those questions because basically they are statements now i just want to clarify things here i'm not saying that you use those examples in your answers no i'm just showing those examples for better understanding of my point when you make a rhetorical question you have to make sure it is aligned with a topic or when the question is pretty obvious like do you like shopping well that's pretty obvious everybody loves shopping so that's why i said who doesn't like shopping the second technique on how to speak english naturally is okay this time i don't want to spoon feed you i want you to realize the technique on your own and you can only do that when you look at this example let's take a look at the example the first example is about fish or fishing and the question is do you like eating fish i want you to pay close attention to the sample answer because you will realize what's the second technique that can definitely help you speak more naturally all right so let me read the sample answer here frankly speaking fish is not my cup of tea although fish is loaded with wonderful nutrient protein vitamin which essential for our brain and eye development i still have extremely antipathy with fish as i was a little girl when having eat fish i choked on a fish bony and then fish became a terrible obsession for me look at that sample answer what do you think is the main problem with that answer i bet you now have an idea of what's the second technique on how to speak english naturally so the second technique is don't force yourself to use advanced vocabulary words especially if you don't know how to use them correctly instead use words that are natural in conversation now i want you to look at the sample answer again the speaker used several advanced vocabulary words but unfortunately she didn't know how to use them correctly so it's like she's forcing herself to use advanced vocabulary words but it ended up being so unnatural by the way i got this sample answer from the comments section of one of my videos because last year i asked my viewers to comment their answers in the comments section so i could help them improve their answers and this is one of those answers that i got so i actually helped her and this is how i improved her answer so let me read it frankly speaking eating fish is not my cup of tea although fish is loaded with essential nutrients that are good for the body i still can't eat fish because it reminds me of my traumatizing experience when i was a little girl a fish bone stuck in my throat while eating and it took me a while to get rid of that fish bone out of my throat since then i stopped eating fish so that sounds natural and i was not forcing myself to use advanced vocabulary rights let's have another example and the topic is about tidiness the question here is are you a tidy person let me read a sample answer which was shared by one of my viewers and here it is are you a tidy person by and large yes i am a very tidy person the reason why i can work or study in a messy place does it sound natural to you do you think native english speakers answer that way when they are asked are you a tidy person do you think they would say by and large i don't think so it doesn't sound natural at all right so i helped her improve her answer and i said yes i am it's impossible for me to work or study in a massive place so i always make sure to make things organized at home and even at work as it gives me peace of mind that sounds natural right do please remember that majority of examiners are native english speakers it's their language that we non-native english speakers are using so they can easily spot someone who is trying hard to use advanced vocabulary words but doesn't really know how to use them correctly my piece of advice is just use words that are natural in conversation but if you really want to use advanced vocabulary words then make sure you know how to use them correctly like 100 sure the third technique on how to speak english naturally in your ielts speaking exam is to accept that you may make mistakes let go of perfectionism you may make grammatical mistakes but that's all right because grammar is only 25 percent of your overall score we all make mistakes even native english speakers make mistakes when they speak their own language and that's pretty natural although i get a bad night i still make mistakes my grammar is not perfect my way of pronouncing the words is never perfect during my exam i didn't pressure myself to speak english with perfect grammar no because i couldn't be perfect what i did was i only focused on delivering my thoughts clearly confidently and naturally and i just did my best to hold a good conversation with my examiner that mattered most to me and it worked really well when you look at the public copy of the ielts speaking ban descriptors you will see that even band 9 has forgivable mistakes like grammar slips these are the mistakes that even native english speakers make from time to time but i'm not saying that you shouldn't study grammar now you still need to study english grammar because that's very important what i'm trying to say here is it's okay to make minor mistakes that's not a big problem some test takers are so concerned about grammatical mistakes they keep on thinking not to commit grammatical mistakes as a result they lose their train of thought and that's a big problem do not allow yourself to be preoccupied with a fear of committing grammatical mistakes instead focus on delivering your thoughts clearly confidently and naturally and make sure that you really understand the questions the fourth a technique on how to speak english naturally in your ielts speaking exam is to control your nervousness have you noticed that when you are so nervous your mouth becomes dry and it's really hard to enunciate the words being nervous does not only affect your trait of thought but it also affects your pronunciation if you cannot enunciate the words then your examiner will not be able to understand you that's a big problem well i was also nervous when i took the exam like you like everyone else that kind of feeling is pretty normal however you need to control your nervousness so how do i control that kind of feeling when i entered the room i smiled to my examiner and greeted him politely and i was so happy seeing him smiling back at me because it made me feel comfortable the moment when i felt comfortable i became confident and i was able to enjoy the conversation with my examiner the next technique on how to speak english naturally is to avoid speaking so fast just speak at a normal pace neither fast nor slow just normal okay do you think that was pleasant to listen to and easy to understand i don't think so so avoid speaking so fast don't think that if you speak so fast you sound like a native english speaker no it doesn't work that way speak at a normal pace neither fast nor slow just normal because you will surely be understood some of my students speak so fast they try to show off their english skills and it's really hard to understand everything that they say whenever they speak so fast avoid doing such a thing speak at a normal pace because if not your examiner will not be able to understand you it's really pleasant to listen to someone who speaks at a normal pace because you can definitely understand every word that comes out of his mouth that's what we need to do we have to make sure that we are understood by our examiner if you want to learn more techniques on how you can definitely ace your ielts speaking exam consider watching the videos that appear on your screen right now i'm pretty sure they can definitely help you you can get lots of ideas in there thank you so much for watching this video until next time have a lovely day bye
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 16,013
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Keywords: how to speak english naturally in ielts speaking, ielts speaking band 9 techniques, ielts speaking test band 9, how to speak english naturally & fluently, speak english more naturally, ielts speaking tips and tricks for band 9, ielts speaking band 9 conversation & tips, ieltsdragon by julius, how to ace ielts speaking, how to ace ielts speaking test, easy ways to speak english, easy ways to speak english fluently, speak english confidently & fluently, speak english fluently ielts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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