Grounded | 2020-09-03

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[Music] [Music] kelly thanks for the sub and just kelly thank you for the sub as well she's sorry just a bit of sleep paralysis there weird how it happens without even sleeping i appreciate it folks how is everyone i'm sorry i scare you hold on i'm just going to take this totally legal sugar pill hot thank you for the sub i appreciate it oh that's crunchy it doesn't feel like it should be crunchy carilo thank you for the sub yeah it's just sugar um dextro energy it's called i've packed on my table for like a month i go through pretty slow chromatin thanks for the sub appreciate it um i usually just rely on coffee coffee in the morning i'm trying to limit it to one because i want coffee now but i try and limit it to one ah it's crazy how into coffee i've gotten uh hush thank you for the sub crummy sub as well you would not believe your eyes of six months gone past us by fireflies and that was beautiful thank you thank you this is eco man you're the resell public pay for the bits as well oh you're low by drawing was so good is there any meme you'd like me to add for you i want max's face while i'm really close to the lens so it blocks the entire rest of the drawing totally messy i can't think of anything off the top of my head you had it well covered to be honest you do really well hola nico thank you for the resub um how can i get i don't know how to find it um i wanted to show it to everyone nico thank you for the result we are doing some epic gamer stuff uh me sean and rt are gonna play some grounding um bob how can i find your twitter i can go onto my replies that's probably the best way to do it because i i don't use social media a lot so yes here we go uh this is what pop lock drew it's freaking sick [Music] okay this makes it easy look at this there's your lo-fi lo-fi kevi with with his baby underneath it after the chair i'm about to back up on top of him look at all those easter eggs they're so cool uh where was i foxy thank you so much for five gift subs that can help that's very kind you're always too kind i'm just leaving this up for a bit let me let me show you me as well there we go so now you can look for easter eggs but i'm still on screen um foxy thank you for those katie name the bits i'm good and of course i want to join the basement uh ocean vampire [ __ ] tato bloxo thank you for the subs very kind spike the bit lord gamer girl rorick thank you for the 10 gift subs [ __ ] hell you can tell by my smile that i'm overwhelmed but honestly thank you so much rorick that is way too kind you can see in my eyes that i'm smiling you know those bags all right i'm going to take this away now i'm going to put it up here instead so now you just get a nice big smile look how happy i am bro guys thank you very much for the support i appreciate it this is somehow weird even though the other one was weird too they were both weird as sunny dumpling wicked italian arcadian cloud de bomb rihanna's sad r johnson m land kath melin hep mama nico thank you for the subs rp green thank you for the sub as well uh wispy pixie thank you very much for the five gift subs because i thought it was one but jesus thank you so much the five gift subs i still wait okay there i think it'll be easier to do it this way wait okay yeah that's better call me lesbian thanks for the sub i appreciate it i can't turn thank you for the sub uh rio meron thank you for the resell as well ellie thank you for the sub be caught be caught thank you for the reset chan thank you for the tip one day there will be a sponsor banner with my name on it i wish i still had the other banner but it's gone what are you talking about ortiz has got to cry yeah he has a fear of spiders it's gonna be interesting uh wispy thank you for those five gift sobs again dandelion alley thank you for the bits that's very generous uh dying under loads of work oof i hope you're okay that's not good um but yeah i hope you're all right thank you very much for that thank you for the bits as well there's 55 easter eggs jesus christ peanut delight that you're the reason uh gene bean thanks for the sub as well um chan thanks again for that donation 25 bucks that's very kind of you really appreciate it if someone's joined for the first time maybe very confused but there was good uh handboy sweetie bomb glitter gadgets a lot of bacon emily blackwing buy an l justice better doodle nielsen and mandarino rico thank you very much for the subs i appreciate it why has ireland been grounded um global pandemic unfortunately who drew that pop lock pop block druid let me give you a quick little full screen version again before i have to get rid of it unfortunately i'm sure you'd all prefer to look at this but i'm afraid you can't you have to look at my mug see uh angel thank you for the gift sub uh cactus bit thank you for the bits as well and thank you for all the kind messages as well guys i am reading it but it's hard to keep on top of everything and read them all out and everything uh and b thank you for the tip um you're about to leave for school jesus uh first time back since march god that is crazy but she's good luck with it i'm sure it'll be fine it's always you know the build-up that's the more nerve-wracking thing when you're there it'll be fine does he no longer do the train i don't do it anymore for the sake of my hearing and throat couple thank you very much for the bits 1 000 bits i really appreciate it thank you so much uh mena tradial thank you for it the gift stop as well kd monkey thanks for the three gift subs perks you thank you for the sub as well katie thank you very much for that i appreciate it there's a book titled beans oh there is i didn't even notice that one look at it look at it next to our fall guys and i'm assuming that man with let me shrink it down again hold on okay so obviously baby down the bottom right my guitars in there as well and then above that above the little turg you can see the little uh the little guy down in there is that rt or is it little kevi i was even thinking it's so funny that em he did the low fighting because i was thinking of doing like an outro screen that is a little heavy okay great um i was thinking of doing like uh an animated thing in this style for like an outro because i've been wanting to change my outro for like a year but i just can't think of what to do but i i just don't know what i want to do look at him go all right let's get rid of that for now but thank you very much for that public it's really cool i'm very impressed uh bjorn thank you very much for the tip uh lika thank you for the resub kiera thank you for the sub as well pegasus is equivalent here with a bit standalone lady thank you for the two gift subs big sam little thank you for the result bosher jones thank you for the two gift subs and justice thank you for your 500 bits back in hell um the hazel dragon paper the sub venom assault thank you for the sub as well jbz thank you for the bits christ almighty indy thank you for the sub default fallout 4 guy hey this is a perks you think with the sub cup of joe thank you for the 1000 bits katie thank you for the three gift subs again uh oh jesus christ super squeeze thank you for the 20 gift subs heck in hell thank you very much folks i'll be starting in about five minutes now i'm just waiting for everyone to get on the discord and stuff but jesus christ thank you so much for the support and super squeeze that was super generous you've got the wrong name thank you so much for that i was very kind to you i appreciate it a lot rainy makes thank you for the tip uh oh you've been in lockdown how long a stage four lockdown here in australia jesus i'll be all right it's it's a bit draining to say the least um wilco welcome to the stream you say this isn't bad company but i'll tell you something it's bad company when you're around he's some and for one man [Laughter] me and wilco were playing uh a bit of bad company too last night it was very fun we did it we did a grand old time i was extremely tired but i i was really enjoying it super squeeze thank you again for those 20 subs that's way way too kind uh parents thank you for the bits oh i hope you're all right that sounds that sounds nasty i hope you're doing okay pandy pandora thank you for the resub jt is amazing thank you for the sub manifest thank you for the result jazz thank you for the 10 gift subs always way too kind to me i appreciate it jess you're too nice ash unknown face billy doggo pulse branded jesus guys cassie nelser uh woeful diamond some kind of wizard thank you all for the subs you're too nice folks um all right we should be starting soon hey secret give me kicking my child god that baby's got some amount of abuse so they're gonna fly across that garden all right i really appreciate the support you're you're very very kind um i'll be joining uh oh i still have that i should get rid of that hold on i've got a command on that shouldn't be there for crusader kings as much as i love the lights over into a paradox and crusader kings jesus we can't be having that uh let's disable that i actually know what i'm doing now it's great gone dun dun dun dun um and i need to get rid of the banner too guys thank you for all the support that's [ __ ] insane i appreciate it a lot you're way way too nice um let me just let me just uh see here we we we'll get rid of that banner now and we'll jump onto the the discord and see if anyone's ready i'm always early this day must be like jesus christ he has literally nothing going on he's always ready um let me get rid of this panel bye bye paradox it's been real okay let's go take a look guys thank you for all the support though it's been crazy crazy support i appreciate the banner the banner was gone but since before i started unfortunately i like how i think they were like oh just throw it up every half hour or something and we were just spamming it just for the meme rather than the sponsor um it's really confused by our community i think let me catch up with these um few uh subs that came in here and then we'll hop in the discord i feel like pablo kili thank you for the support um wait your dna video inspired me to get mine tested and through that i've been able to meet my dad that is so freaking cool oh i can't imagine what that experience must be like that can help that is awesome keely uh i'm not alana thank you for the bits i am having a good day i'm sorry you've not been good recently but i i'm glad you're enjoying the stream and the chat that uh that is good to hear jess thank you for the bits i'm feeling a bit under the weather so you're being too kind streaming today for distractions hey you can't stay too kind that's what i say um no but thank you so much guys i hope you feel better soon rambling rabbit sk draw drown in my river very specific name jk licky thank you for the subs katie thank you for the bits spring australians tad bit warm tonight it's quite lovely no more freezing oh it has been kind of warm here today as well it's been nice because we've had a lot of stormy weather naturally ginger get get it's matt and uh big brain drea thank you for the subs pat to pack thank you for the sub air delivery for the bits and jen inch thank you for five subs back in hell that's very kind to you janet you're you're too you're too you're you're too [ __ ] kind thank you very much you're too nice way too nice all right i i don't know where i'm meeting everyone uh so i don't know where we never actually had a place uh to meet and okay we have a location they said the back alley behind tesco i gotta meet them look for a man in an overcoat and nothing else was the instructions they gave me where is that there we go okay found them all right uh jen said thank you for the resub runs with knife that's the sub name by the way that that's not advice that's not life advice thank you for the subs aerodyle thinking with the bits as well how is everyone doing anyway i'm going to be starting two or three minutes i'm just waiting for the fashionably late lads as usual you know how they are always got to make a scene brim thank you for the uh sub there as well the gifted sub um and caramel love thank you for the result jesus christ you guys have been too [ __ ] kind never know how to react you you think like after a while you get used to it but you don't really well we thank you for the sub there's uh mixed results to the question how are you doing there in the chat to say the least wait what um what's oh jesus my stuff is all my my mouse is stuck i should be using the new wireless when they gave me um i've been getting gifts from um the companies recently it's really weird because i don't really have connections i don't really do any um networking and stuff like that uh or in general i just i'm not good at that stuff anyway i just can't be bothered most of the time to be honest with you um but recently companies have sent me stuff uh that's been really cool like i got the mouse from um frontier the last day if you missed it in my little koala bear which was a strange one uh and activision sent me a skateboard with no wheels they're like ah he'll just hurt himself um they sent me a skateboard to mount on the wall for the new tony hawk and celebrate that which was cool they even gave me a little stickers to put on it with like the uh the channel's logo and stuff like that that was neat um but yeah it's it's really strange because i'm just like just getting a box on it i don't even know what's in it they just arrive up to my house and it just says like activision on the side and i'm just kind of like should i know what this is at the time i'm like have i agreed to do something and i just forget i'm really not used to it um but it's really cool it's really nice like i get it it's them trying to like hype up the game or whatever but it's still it's like oh jesus that's lovely for mr activision to think of me even though that's not the case at all but you know yeah the sims haven't sent me nada they don't like me very in space thank you for the saw barry gloom thank you for the tip um yeah i that uh harry potter quidditch world cup game is very good but i remember it being pretty easy for when i went back and played it i might be wrong i might be thinking in a different game it's just keegan gamers kept uh aries thank you for the subs julian thank you for the five gift subs that's super kind to you merly birds thank you for the tip halle bean thank you for the tip as well doing some yoga and what better background noise than kevin in the last don't worry it's the least loud ones there's like a scaling system of loud no there's only three of us i think we're all okay it's when you get us into a group of five it starts going nuts i wonder what i feel like in real life sk galway shade uh bada bing dragon spirit list and keiko thank you for the support the subs and the bits there uh keiko says i'm making fan art but i see everyone else's and now mine is trash i don't think you should be thinking of it that way if you if you compare yourself to other people jesus you'll never be happy you know you know yourself but christ almighty sure every fan art is great i appreciate any of them like um no but seriously any art that's like any way resembling a person i'm like whoa someone drew that because i can't like draw a circle no but honestly i think that's good advice you don't want to be comparing yourself to other people because by christ you'll never be happy i learned that one myself um are you keen on it thank you for the resub cineloon blinny exolexic sloppy blowj cheeky name there but thank you for the subs laminate llama thank you for the bits would you ever do another collab with a brand like youtubes again we're making a turg we're making a tour of youtube's red wolf studios thank you for the sub oh sloppy ass for a little we ow let's see if anyone's arrived yet still just me the others are still fashionably late if this goes oh he just arrived i was like if this goes one more minute it's no longer fashionable it is just rude zombie miles thank you for the sub guys thank you very much for all the support and before i talk to rt there and just unmute uh just a heads up i'll try and keep an eye on the activity but i might miss alerts in fact i'll definitely miss some alerts as we go because it's just too hard to keep on top of everything but i try and mute um whenever i can and just say thanks for maurice and look it's thank you for the subs um right let me let me see how rt is doing let me kill the lo-fi all right let me see oh no oh wait i can't hear him what is going on hmm ah gotcha hello yeah i can hear you how are you doing i'm doing good how are you doing i excited for spiders you know you're like literally the entire start of my stream is just like prefaces like okay guys got arachnophobia it might be a bit of a struggle you're just like bring on the legs bring on the legs ah sure i'm a shoe salesman the more the merrier oh no how you doing man i'm doing good i'm doing good i'm excited that's that's good to hear ah jesus i'm just adjusting audio my end can can you guys hear kevin okay on my end hello he's gone deathly silent hello how are you i was i was way off time i was making jokes whoops good to see you how are you doing you can see me it's good to see i know where you live i'm calling around how are you i'm i'm doing good everything's set up and we're just we're just trying to get the audio uh spot on for folk don't make fun of my cop guys do i sound okay on your end sean i never get my audio right for people i i never do too that's why i'm very self-conscious about it i look at it back afterwards i'm like god damn i wish somebody told me that i was blowing people's ears off but yeah you sound great i didn't know thank you sean until recently i had a load of discord audio options on and it was cutting me out and trying to like reduce echo and do all this stuff but i have all this equipment to do it for me and it made me sound awful on everyone else's end i know i know oh no yeah i'm noticing that i have to like adjust my audio uh for you just a moment now kevin because i think it's like a different setup than the last time you played yeah i disabled all the discord stuff and it sounds way better but yeah it might be changed around a little bit i'll go away and now i'm self-conscious i hope i don't have that enabled myself uh you sound fine on my end i was just going back i watched some of your videos on the crusader kings and i sounded terrible oh no so i i then i i did a bit of snooping but you all sounded good okay kevin could be a bit louder on my end still yeah you guys you guys are full sending it right now in my end 200 okay i i've i've bumped uh kevin up to 180 you sound fine sean 100 yeah i've heard that before you're perfect as you are you don't need to change thank you i'm perfect because every other human has to be boosted twice as much oh god um so i i gave my name in the the little chat there but uh you don't want to show your screen because there's no like lobby system in this game and if you show your screen and they can just join off my name as well so do i have to do i have to hide my name too can i do that uh you're not starting the lobby so that's fine okay and it's fine once we're started they just can't know when we're starting the lobby because then they can join us using my name okay uh let me you've got to go it's a weird system i don't know why you can't just invite people well i mean it's still earlier yeah it's also like it's the xbox um windows store and all that and not strictly steam from matchmaking isn't it it's like sea of thieves there so it's a bit different yep oh damn has an answer for everything he's always defending microsoft every time i try and pick on them white lighting from microsoft oh the game's [ __ ] loud jesus um which of the characters should i be i can't show the screen right now people can like hear them on my end we got max willow pete in hoops who should i'm sorry chad i need to get past the the login for microsoft before i could turn off this god-awful music pick hoops rt i want to call you hoops i'm going to pick willow for that story as paul was taught you were more of a hoops i'm i'm going to go willow let's go i can't wait to be the first to be eaten by a spider oh that'd be so funny i've turned the arachnophobia like safe mode off for at least the start of this if i die i can get immediately eaten um i'm gonna have to like i'll scream i'll disappear for a while and then i'll turn it on and i'll come back okay just so you guys know what i'm gonna say no we'll we'll sacrifice you immediately don't worry thanks ah you're good lads you're gonna have to face your fears don't worry we'll let you die first ah god almighty all right you know what all right so oh yeah you sent the name i did indeed sure aren't you grand his uh username is zxx underscore no regrets underscores my name is uh tittytwister69 oh jesus it was generated by xbox i swear yeah it has the same mean again you must log into your xbox live account to play groundnut yeah i did oh do i sign in yeah he's going oh they have to access my info oh no cheeky [ __ ] microsoft and should we squad stream or does it matter uh we might as well set up squads yeah you know we're asking for it jeff bezos spent a lot of money making that feature uh he's no bill gates yeah he's down like 20 quid you know he made it like amazon made a loss last year the guy's struggling we got to cut him some slack there we go i sent you guys invites there for a squad aren't you great accepted yeah as soon as we mentioned bill gates again dan was all over it did someone say bill gates is he here did someone say mr william mr william william gates it just doesn't sound right does it william fence um why can i not join anything search for friends and no friends are showing up do i have to add you on xbox you need to just go to join oh maybe that might be it though kevin because i have you added on xbox i don't know if sean does oh yeah because right now there's no servers and there's no join option do we have each other out on xbox yeah we do because uh thieves oh okay yeah do you wanna send me um a friend request sean is it the same name it is yet okay all right oh god you don't want to be his friend how the [ __ ] do i do this ah right there i hate xbox i said it no you can't be brilliant don't be saying that trump i don't understand why it's so convoluted on pc though it's there's like four different apps for xbox and it just doesn't work yeah do i have the [ __ ] right one xbox console companion works pretty good yeah i see my friends list how do i add a friend find more friends but now there's no option to like i can link my steam are you guys microsoft are you be grand you'll be grand yeah console companion is better i said it [ __ ] you william xbox more like the y boy xbox add kevin wait you used like cortana to like initiate this like it's just kevin he'll just add every kevin add kevin okay there i added you okay let me just i am mr fox oh there you go it was generated by xbox kevin i wouldn't accept his request i don't don't want to be playing one of them this is i'm the only xbox generated yeah i got it i got an xbox for sunset overdrive and i didn't realize that it picked a name for me and i was going through the process and i was like here you go okay i am definitely hoops oh are you in oh god i hear you in game okay great hurry up oh no how do i how do i fix that you can you can use uh in-game voice chat oh do i go back out to the menu to do that probably lame i can start it if you want then you can already are already gone he's already gone he's already left us he doesn't want to play with us voice chat activation never ignore that voice crack i'm really cool voice chat activation it's bugs right now see i'm making fun of you now but i'm going to be screaming later for all i know like we're just going to enter the lobby like a spider runs up on screen for like the loading menu okay i can show the game now right yeah i think we're good we can see are we safe i think we're safe oh god there i think waiting for the host to create a situation oh there we go spiders maximum situations spilled milk time to cry fellas whoa we are shrug not so loud peter all right kevin you've played this game right yeah sorry uh moving target what's that thoughtful or thoughtfucks12797 yeah get it right or there'll be backhands i don't want another hot fox to think i'm talking to them so i gotta say this one i just want to see is there is there an fov yeah it is it's 90. cool we came out of this the miracle of china so babies are made wait there's five bodies here but there's only three of us oh no well you can have four players and i assume someone's gone missing okay i can already hear stuff and i don't like it you're just hearing the chirpy birds i'm tiny oh good god this is cool i love it oh my god if you don't like bugs you're going to hate this game lads i'm taking a bath should i drink this oh that's an ant i don't like it i don't like it oh god drink drink oh god it's giving me piss fish kevin are you jumping up and down or if i start tripping oh dude i can't believe i'm peer pressuring you into drinking stagnant water i shouldn't oh i shouldn't have drank the water are you seeing piss as well guys i think it gets contaminated i don't think you should be drinking from that it'd be so clean look how cool you'd look if you're drinking what are you talking about giant water bottles i got a stone let me slurp you i got a sprig are we supposed to be getting supplies um you can if you want we could set up a little base first if you want let's have shrooms it doesn't matter what attacks us now we won't give a [ __ ] [Laughter] where did you guys go oh there i'm just climbing above you then you you genuinely sound like legitimately scared i am i'm terrified should we build a base around the base ball or should we build it elsewhere that's very smart wait so kevin i'm i'm injured now i sense you fear sorry i didn't know i could hurt you wait why oh our health is lowered yeah you you just [ __ ] up willow i didn't want to you just you just hurt me don't listen to her i'll get away with that can hear all this at him [ __ ] him up i'm gonna go drink stagnant water again i should know kevin you can't be drinking that's it i'm gonna kill myself with stagnant walking is that a giant camera or a laser beam do you want to go check it out that's probably what trunk is down can we just go back inside the house i'm going to cut dry grass oh my god ants lovely ants oh i don't i don't even the ants kind of unnerve me unless you attack them i think yeah have you ever watched ant-man the one the mayor i don't yes he's not what's up imelda how are you ironically my favorite superhero is spider-man but um okay we can continue being friends wait kevin who's your favorite superhero spider um calendar man calendar yeah well he's a villain he's in the batman universe he's in batman yeah i made a spear i just one day i want to be that organized how would you make it kill the ant oh my favorite superhero is my dad no guys stop killing each other i didn't do anything guys okay oh you're just making it all square i get it even stevens fair's fair i broke your legs you can break mine all right let you know what an olive branch let's drink some stagnant water together you gotta stop drinking the water i don't feel good then but then there's a reason you don't feel good it's how we bond i am actually gonna die i can smell several types of emotions i can smell colors and hear feelings oh no all right she has a spear how did you get a spear i want to say i teach us i got i got the supplies if you press tab um you can you can make stuff oh look at you rather oh the beatles are being killed spring and plant fibroids those ancestors ate a guy are they eating each other let's start the [ __ ] war with the end oh jesus oh my god we gotta stick together guys i stole their weevil meat i think they can smell blood oh i can't do it but i think it's the second water wait how many times stronger than a human are ants for their body size eight i think they're going to bench press me how humiliating i don't want to get bench pressed by hand gotta be wary all right i think we're okay i'm trying to see if i can find a mushroom i have plenty there's big ones here do you do you have mushrooms uh yeah how do i oh i can press z to drop them there you go oh i could man yourself at this size they're more like bowls than they are mushrooms okay let me let me just take a mushroom oh i'm supposed to be eating these oh that's where plant flavor is oh dude i got it right i have a hunger meter there at the bottom left and we need water as well iphone okay health and then i assume that's stamina yeah that's stamina i laugh in mother nature's face i don't don't do that that's how people will die kevin did you craft this yeah i made it out of some sticks and stacked in water macgyver macgyver i can get us some new recipes by using science on the machine oh yes go for it classic science analyzing a stone i can make a pebble at axe i need woven fiber how do i make that i assume from plant fiber i can make woven fiber now okay you need some effort okay he's gone he's running away can i get used both yeah i'll wait there's another one he's just a baby though all the other ones just you're killing me go get me some piss water i'll be fine how can i swallow thank you it's back up you should be able to come over and hold an e on me or tell me a nice story holy press pete no pete needs help wait my game just closed entirely i i'm waiting yeah is you die in the game your computer crashes well that was good that was grounded everybody i hope you enjoyed it i hope everyone enjoyed that game there we had a good run it was extremely realistic yeah drink stay in the water die and that's it just died horrifically like off the bat we didn't get anywhere they weren't even attacking us that's kevin's fault oh no what it was nothing to do with me oh it was yeah you angered the ants kevin you can't just do that that was hoops i did not i just stole their weevil meat and whatever kevin do you want to set up the lobby again yeah i can continue from where we left off the only problem is in the little preview picture of continue it was me beating up an end so we might be dropped in the evidence is right there picture says a thousand words kevin wait i don't think early access sure it's a bit funky version 0.2 can we just take some bug spray and like kill them out honestly that would probably be more effective just lay down like weed killer in the entire garden but i would like pretty much oh god is the server up kevin what's happening no it's not it seems to be stuck no need to yell at me did i yell at you sorry i make a horrible parent i can't control my voice man when kevin gets angry like that oh he's a stays the stern he's like the strict parent he has to take his kids away from him point two of a decimal and you know i'm angry a decimal ah god uh do you want one of us to try hosted kevin yeah go for it uh that always means damn that always means me uh i can't do anything right okay creating the lobby we'll just do a new game and hopefully not anger the ants this time okay that means you oops okay can you i'm fine oh i'm not friended with you oh i need i need to add you now maybe you can join on me i just joined them my name's peter my friends call me pete no it's all right let me don't need to hide the game anymore then if it's only friends that can join is your username in the the twitter dm there sean sorry cortana showed up there for a second it scared the shout out uh is your username on the twitter uh dm uh no you wanna post it i don't know what it is i'm trying to look just to see where i can add you because i can't remember it's it's the xbox game companion isn't it kevin yeah uh i don't know how to actually add though uh maybe sean should add you yeah wait i have my name here okay i don't know how to do it either uh there you go where do i put that uh go to the console companion and then on the right there's a tab oh i don't have the console companion installed oh jesus mighty grace grace for the world uh kevin do you want to try hosting again maybe and i'll just join you again maybe it was just the game that corrupted maybe i can just start a new one yeah maybe no you and the biggest bill gates fan of all time can't even install an app look windows 95 is just my jam okay it was the best one it's all gone downhill since then yeah it came for a free picture of william okay i can join i can join kevin yeah like literally the only game that comes up for me is kevin's yeah yeah must just be friends then i'm going in lads trap on okay i mean strapping this again excuse me slip in the mouth strap on i'll remember to mouth better next time uh there yeah i'm just hiding the screen again lad so uh we i think you're good i think it's just friends that can join so i think you're all right should we test this theory yeah okay who's picking it who hasn't picked a character uh you have me i'll be pete this time yeah i fancied myself as a bit of a hoops yeah that was that was the problem last time we kind of wronged it yeah we wronged it i think some people in my chat are just saying load faster it's like guys we don't we can't control it you think this uh ps5 xbox series x who sent us in here why is kevin very far away why is kevin first to you come on i will never call you that please call me hoops hoops is the only name i go by now oh guys look water oh i'm going down don't drink it again don't repeat our mistakes i've heard that ants have water in them i tried and there was none the baseball could be a landmark are we like 10 year old kids or something like that it sure looks like it we're actually 40 but when you get shrunk down you do age and your voice would change i suppose yeah okay my name is terry oh fresh water look at this slurping it straight from the ground water you found fresh water i don't believe in that where are you kevin up here it's hanging on the the grass oh it's a drop of rain oh you're drinking some some dew drops i didn't eat i'm guessing this isn't the only one of these science pods is there a limit on the amount of equipment we can carry or anything like that i have no idea okay let's just get her as much as me why is the tent shrunk what why is this little thing shrunk down as well oh i don't know we'll have to do something i like that when you when you science it makes a sound oh this is a science oh crafting ideas i think oh it's just not don't don't hit it don't hit it yeah look behind you oh there's like an eight stop don't tell me to look behind me those [ __ ] spiders here somewhere don't worry dad we'll protect you with me and my rock ah thanks oh i'm gonna punch this thing with my rock and kevin also being here we can stop anything i can make a spear [Music] i think you're right okay i'm making woven fiber okay i i made a spear to protect myself did you guys actually eat the mushrooms were they okay fine they had no birth at all i'm fine oh this flies sneeze was it i got an axe time to chop down this world oh requires a higher tool whoops i need some breaks i'm trying to get some more crafting material so that we can make some more bits oh clover i'm gonna make an apple turret oh jesus oh god design looks pissed i didn't even punch this one help help help he's mad at you i didn't even do anything oh lord oh lord he's quaking he can't get in ah why is he attacking me for your problems he's got red eyes and everything yeah there's a walkie-talkie here just my type what are we on top of it's a walkie-talkie i think is it a good one it kind of looks fake it's hard to tell oh mr science over here this is cool i don't like the ant there um wait who's that guy oh look at this it says intel inside guys who's rx chassis what i do no there's another guy here oh they joined us let's beat him up with rocks let's get him at it get him yes okay come back here chassis he don't always check look just stop running we've changed our mind we're not going to hurt you actually yeah we're fine you're good why did he believe me i'm just trying to kill come here max i won't hurt you uh watch out later you gotta run out of stamina lead him to the ants oh it's a different oh it's these types of clovers oh we're irish we can have these oh i got sprigs great oh god this is a giant swimming pool though that's scary stagnant water chassis is back with me where where'd you guys go hit the gold mine of stein we chased him but he gave us the slip it's the power of the walkie-talkie turned on oh this is what i need did you do this i don't think i did i think it was like uh the random guy was with us no shazi we don't need your help okay we just need your organs i just need your blood it's for science oh god there's some friendly fire here wait okay max is down sorry max oh no the ants got him yeah and max all over him wait i tried his loose oh he fell through the floor there's no stealing on it no stealing oh god love me well he's not that sign's not going to stop me because i can't read let me uh let me kick him out sorry shazzy it's been a pleasure beating you up this poor man well looks like we can eat meat tonight lads looks like mate's back on the menu boys oh no all right should we set up our camp here i'm not hungry i think i think we just need to start keep getting resources for now i think sprigs seem to be quite valuable we need something grass if i'm not mistaken shouldn't ants all be going in a line and like there should be a queen somewhere oh timber i broke some grass oh oh it breaks really realistically you can cut down yeah like a bit of grass oh we're gonna we're gonna live in style this house is gonna be better than a real life house can i take out my put this away yeah how do i drop this oh gee unload yeah you have to just hold the grass until you place it ah it's like the forest oh i love the forest okay well let's unload it that's right oh jesus christ here dan you can deal with him i i i'm already getting grass what do you guys do kevin i could use a hand dan's got a weapon i'm not afraid to use it kevin i need help i'm helping wait did you fall oh no you're good there you go he's been waiting oh no there's another one why do you keep anger in the ants these ones are just pissed by default by default also your health is really low i know how do we heal can you throw it at me oh [ __ ] yeah fiber bandage i need sap please uh find a tree i'm scared though the ants are just attacking for no reason they seem to just be chilling right now you and for no reason do not go together ever look for this one time i'm actually being honest they're attacking me so you admitted you lied all the other times i may have embellished the truth just decorate it a little bit even admitted it's a bit more entertaining in that way all right what do we do with these grass i don't i don't know oh for effects sake i can make a hammer help our aunt's attacking you answer attacking me if i get some fuzz i can make a bow do i have to chop down the dandelion where is it you could i mean you should chop it down anyway he might think that's what i'm supposed to do yeah they're going for you watch out sean oh come on guys oh no they went that way i'm so glad i missed because we have to unblock the obstructed laser that's our current goal let me hungry maybe we should go back a little bit to build our base because this place is dangerous i see what it is hang on oh guys i i think i can advance it hang on give me two minutes wait watch this i need to eat there we go oh what does that do so one of the the beacons is now unobstructed by the blade of grass oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] now this last one just needs to be fixed because the laser is weak yes kevin's running off into the distance are you all right there sean i i chopped down a dandelion but i'm being attacked by ants oh soon little faker i think just run from the ants honestly they seem a bit too strong they're soldier ants they're going to attack us anyway if we can tag team get him oh i want him i'm one hit from death this is bad you can't get me up here i'm also one hit from death climb dan climb oh no ants are notoriously afraid of heights keep running dan he'll get tired eventually kevin help me he's got a lot of legs oh my god that leap quickly i got him you can throw your ax on you dan hold on wait i'm going to wait till he forgets about us just two of them okay come on okay i'll sacrifice myself distraction here i go distracting again oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i just love run run run run run run i want to go back to the stagnant waters ants can't swim right oh jesus they're all over the place okay that honestly that one better than yeah that that was okay for once oh oh pretty good still chasing me i'm not i'm running to the grass please don't berate them please don't anger the ants okay i need nat fuzz what the hell is that ah i think i'm okay health and snacks fiber bandage oh no okay i got it you already ten i'm okay i'm a bit tense kevin did you get healed uh kind of i got a little sound of confidence you can make a fiber bandage with plant fiber and sap and that heals you apparently i made it all over it oh wait it's healing me slowly actually yeah it's not bad it's not bad it's not great that heals you over time that's it's at least something what are we gonna do when the ants attack i need i need to find some water my guy's gonna die of thirst soon i know where you can find some stagnant water oh kevin i need better water i know where you can find some piss [Music] water there i can't quite reach it i threw my axe to save dan but now it's gone you want to steal my axe oh okay i don't think so hmm that sounds like a man who stole my axe would say oh my god guys there's something excuse me the grass what do you think it could be i don't know but i see a lot of grass wrestling i'll go investigate where is it i'll use my it's that one all right let me go over there and teach it a [ __ ] lesson go kevin kevin's great isn't he what what is it kevin oh oh god he was friendly for a second hold on what did you find um the most irish i've ever heard you sound oh thank god it's just the cockroach he was friendly for a second he was friendly for a second now he's all right i'll [ __ ] you all right i might need a hand ah there's mites ew that's what i said by the way it was this oh seriously wait but i did it first give me the credit dan me no i'm the guy who said it louder for the class to hear ah you're one of them you know this we were friendly for a second if we get more sap we can make more bandages and we can actually like survive encounters god i hear them everywhere i see mushrooms i'm going to get some of that i'm going to affect flashbacks after this this is terrifying they're all over there that's cool i'll climb it and see where it goes oh my god you actually can't and i'm all the way up here guys where did we go up in the sky he's i'm sticking with you kevin i'm with god now oh my god you can go up to the garden right yeah i can see out over the grass but for some reason my eyes have depth of field on them oh it's a lot of like oh wait no actually you can't turn that off oh i don't i think maybe i'm just scared of bugs maybe i just don't like them oh held me up the kids more like honey i'm a bad parent and they're going to come away please save hoops nothing without hoops how much time have you got hoops is the glue that holds this long together 20 seconds they keep attacking i've got your hoops come on oh you called me hoops that's so nice whoa look at this graveyard there we go see you here uh no problem lads with the power of whatever my name is i'll help i found something interesting come here was it the ground i found that earlier should we not go up to investigate the garden rake and see if there's something there affect the rake kevin has kevin died he knows what he's talking about yeah in here in here in here some sap where does this cable go oh they're messing up the cable that's why we're gonna fix it together um it's really freaking dark oh god down in i can't see them okay hang on wait let me i'm making a bandage they've got some sort of like seeing in the dark vision oh okay i need water great dry grass okay we can just make some more tools and we can fight them back yeah i think i've given them better than what i have you can pick up might fuzz when you kill them um i don't know what that does we can make it easier and go in that way i think we need sap i need some garage sap and dry grass chunks i assume this is dry grass here i got a spear what are you trying to make a torch all very good there we go okay i got some more tools i just need some sac now and then i can make a torch so i can light up the cavern me hungry oh this is like um don't starve so when you have it made once you can actually make it yourself yeah it seems that i get video games they're stupid video game logic i'm so much smarter than ones and zeroes uh mihongi then yes how do i how do i no that just made me eat the mushroom how do i give you a mushroom you press z in your inventory to drop it wait wait where do you view your inventory tab oh and then go to inventory oh what was that he gets it it says non-toxic so i'm tempted to eat that okay he's fine and he's got food there's lots of mites around here i'm leaving uh i need a bit of sap oh no and i can make a torch so we can go in which one is plant fiber what do you get that out of just grass it's just a little sprouts on the ground yeah the really small ones oh jesus dan feed me i'm coming i have a mushroom kevin for you did i just hear a rumblin you should be fine see it sounds like a tiger kevin here's a mushroom why do i hear boss music it's just a mice oh okay did you get the mushroom kevin uh oh no i figured it out in the dark they have a night vision oh you've got it i've made the smartest joke that we'll hear in a long time that's as good as it gets lads who's attacking me up here tiny spiders oh god they're fast oh jesus oh no no no no no no find out then they're all dead feed me oh big grass russell what does that mean oh that's the the what was it yeah you don't want to go near him oh my god he doesn't move like the other ones do maybe we should go in that tunnel i'm going up the rake i'm trying to figure out how to make a torch i'm so hungry you'll be fine you have two hands to eat one of them solid advice thank you i've climbed the i'm climbing up the ah don't climb up the rank oh god oh jesus wait we can take him he's up here no he's not that big oh oh jesus he's bigger than he looks actually uh it's become a night time oh no i knew we should have built a base oh no no no help did you help off the side i fell don't worry lads i'm coming please help hoops threat engaged oh wait you're actually down down yeah yeah you got him thank you for saving the game do you want do you want some mushrooms yes please oh you've been holding out on me i i just want to say i'm sorry again if i scream at any point playing this that's okay it makes for a fun reaction yeah i'd be more worried if you didn't scream yeah we don't want you internalizing that dan let it out yeah don't bottle it up yeah oh jesus i thought that was a rock you're fine you're fine everything's fine stop freaking out wait someone else drawing they're called i stole your mom i'm running to him if he stole my mom he's the only support line i have we need our moms here i come i'll be i'm bringing the party oh where's my mom and where did you put it hello i attacked him he's running away is there clean water anywhere here here i found some get it off the ground clean kevin eat up how do we we need the water eat it eat the water this water is so healthy you have to eat it i don't want to hear biting nice crunchy water oh god life blood of the universe i'm going to die of now hunger just being dramatic all right maybe let's set up a base we need food and we need bed we need we need to survive the night okay do you want mushrooms oh wait i'm starving thick off i'm eating i think we're all starving beast building oh look at that that's what we need can we can we set up camp on top of the baseball for the night yeah how do we build one yeah oh jeez there's a lot to take in and spiders attacking us in the middle of it i can't listen i'm okay you good all right yeah i had a minor fall and i really overreacted i don't know why i just need to see you sound like an old woman wait a bit of a fall had a bit of an angina all right come on help me build us we're missing a little ant parts and cloverleaf yeah i know where we can find that parts from the ants let's go to war okay we have to go kill him again the irish are going to war with the ants first we take back the guard and then we take back the north and then we invade england ah um oh sorry does anyone know how to make a work pinch uh that's i've made a torch we might need torches for the night i've well he knows he's a witness now we've got to kill him we need another table great that's okay this is an ant mound right here no wonder the ants keep coming from here an endless supply of ants attack the ants you say i'm on it i i need to get some more food soon okay i made a table at least part of one what do you need for this roasting spit have we said enough camp on the baseball i guess so i fell off the baseball it's all right life's all about tumbles and falls a limp i'm on my way back up is a very important irish civic duty wow i'm amazed i didn't think you'd be able to make all this stuff yeah how much of this stuff was in it when you played no i just kind of ran my way through with just an axe that was kind of it i didn't really build anything i did build a bench shame on me for asking yeah come on now really i should have known better honestly oh no wait have you got it all built there you go guys i'm trying to dress up the place a bit all right set respawn point oh that's handy why can i not place this so that would be more important i don't like how it's starting to get real dark jack's going to war i'm getting empire so we can have a table i'm sick of these ants having all the table legs if we get some more mushroom we can cook them now i'm dead wait what happened how did you die help the ants got your back wait what can he oh thanks oops oh yeah i knew you'd cave one tiny pete back in the game do we want to kill these ants for parts uh yeah yeah but i also want to and hey not die yet oh no we need acorn shell please get acorn shell i haven't seen any acorns yet we need it for that head that i mounted to the side of the baseball as like an intimidation thing i need sap i'm actually so scared playing this i i hate it don't worry it's getting dark are we making it better by not taking it seriously and yelling at everything just a bit thank you that's good i'll continue doing that then if it cams you down oh god i'm actually so on edge i'm cooking this poor little bug on the spit roast so this is irons think of it this way dad it could be worse you could be in the ocean true are you scared of the ocean too uh you're a little bit makes me make oh gosh more so what's in the ocean uneasy yeah those ants have blood in their eyes don't come near me don't even look at me curiously i'll [ __ ] you up but first i'm gonna wait what do you have i'm looking for sap as well right now hey you okay kevin nothing happened it's fine in here i don't know ah my aphid meat spoiled oops the ants here they're probably just amazing [Music] there we go and stole your mom are you there where you are there you are if you want to join the group you got to bring us an acorn otherwise we bring us an offering and we will accept your love oh my god is getting very hungry yeah i'm yeah i'm dying of thirst and my wounds i've got to make a canteen with grab heights yes eat stole your mom discovered a new landmark the abandoned anthill okay consume oh that was tasty if you find one those green bugs and you cook them it fills your hunger oh mine ran out do you have any more of those kevin i don't have any i i will function better when it's daytime again i'm sorry lads i'm just starting to look like a ham sandwich that is the look i'm going for uh we can sleep i have been working out in my hand it's sleep can we can we just sleep the night yeah we can sleep now oh we need your mom uh not yours no no no well it's time for the irish to go to war again we need that [ __ ] to come back he's so i'll just kick him yeah can you kick him from the lobby kevin sorry i stole you yes there we go oh god all right did he need one of you to sleep i don't know which one oh uh sean if you sleep come on no you need some rest oh my god you're so wasted guys ah the night has passed i need water that water this water it's too high how do i get to that water which one oh no i fall and break my legs first oh we got it dead oh god i'm a strong lead i love to play the grass oh my god can i knock down the blade of grass and get the water from it i'll get it for you here we go this makes sense oh yummy water hey okay yeah right there sean look there's some stagnant water over there for you you love staying in the water you know no i've played with kevin before you know what to expect he's always like this it's like twice in a row now shame on me honestly you can only blame yourself honestly sean you should have known better oh chassis where did it go okay oh there it is oh i just need a lot more sound oh slurps make a hammer tastes like home oh no is this one the angry ones oh no he's friendly oh the nice ants are kind of cute it's sort of disgustingly disfigured i want to run away from them sort of way yeah yeah relatable yeah the ants aren't so bad i don't mind them i'm really a big fan of mandibles oh i love a good mandible should we go investigate that cable um i guess so i have a torch i lead the way you lead the way we can find some more sap hopefully in the where was it i can bring up i know where it is i can find it do you have a map what are we doing yes i'm gonna try and build a door for a base i'm on my way to sean i love a good door honestly ah [ __ ] i've fallen over can you get up i'm fine yeah don't worry oh it's right now kevin you're actually constructing a lot for the base fair play yeah i'm definitely counting that door come to me why is it not placing it's perfect it's a lot of work right now there get some clover don't mind me fellow ants there we go now isn't that long i am your friend hello ant that's moving along just going about my ant business don't find me has anyone you know sprigs any what weed stem all right now it's not the time kevin okay wait you guys are live uh i've got that uh let me see inventory i have a lot of plant fiber if you want that how do i make a weed stem it's good for your uh digestion what is weed stem no plant fiber i want weed stem don't want digestion okay lads i'm in the hole i went ahead alone oh god he's gonna die we gotta go oh no yeah we gotta go out oh okay yeah worst enemy that man i kind of just like gave up on that for a second it was cool for like two seconds and then i was like yeah i'm done hang on if i had a bit more sap i could i could make all right no fear let's go oh there's some sap wait let's go lads no fear no fear hang on last time we lost dan already slapped sorry am i right sap first oh sweet jesus i shouldn't have gone away from the torch it's fine everything's everything's easy until you get down here caveman win oh we need a hammer i have a perfect oh you do bust it open irish thor god damn it i should have settled for hoops irish tour is so much cooler pebble breaker my god there's a man unleashed i'm gonna break some more of this up oh god oh the ground just moves that's just the dirt moving around wait what we're going to cut hey wait the random accomplished the gold making progress for us who's that he's solved everything what the [ __ ] [Music] oh we did it well we fixed the wire he just got the reward for it just turning it on whoa good i think so but i'll take a look there now hey there's a thing down here dan can you pick this up i won't let me pick it up what is that coming it's fine you're fine you see this thing on the ground scab huh i don't see anything oh well maybe that's why i can't pick it up oh there's more of them under the ground no let's just stab the ground hang on wait can i okay yeah we're on a tectonic plate dan yeah it's normal just ignore it does anyone have one dry grass chunk and i can make another torch uh oh i'm able to stuff isn't disappearing it's on the ground over here okay i'm just uh you're left getting so behind where is it here thank you a slime mold torch oh well done oh um okay we got we got an extra torch now this wait oh they're glowy ones this is weird i can pick stuff up but nothing's happening to it i think my game is broken all right was that it is that all we had to do i think so i think so should we head back out let's go did you kick the other guy i did sure i got i got something while we were in here oh my gosh very hungry again yeah i'm pretty hungry too power of helion champion of the sun oh shut up we're just so cringey everyone's like oh my god i'm dying i'm hungry by the power of helion i will save us i see my merlin's beard by great zeus's anus i don't remember that one uh my school is very different than yours oh no health and snacks a door oh jesus the only food i know is uh mushrooms that's it the only food i know is human meat oh oh here's one the feckers come here a little hold on i'll get this bast i lost him do you see where he went i don't how did i legitimately lose him that fast oh bugs are faster kev there's mushrooms over here i'm gonna make a run for it oh another one yes where did i get those giant branches i gotta find food does anyone in the chat know where i can find weed stems or acorns one of the there's a husky weed here where i am it looks like this mushroom i need a level 2x to get it never mind this i'm going back to do science oh um oh dandelions is what we need thank you dandelions we can chop one of them down with an axe can't we yeah i have dandelion stuff we can do three science a day oh yeah and dandelion gives us that other stuff as well that we need cooked quartzite i'm going to scan this and see what we can get i found a discarded box of there we go ice caps what is this i think there's some some sweets here but i think they've gone mouldy where are these down the lines i can sniff them out oh yeah i'm trying to take a look i can't i don't see any all right i did a bunch of science oh i see one wait if i go back can i cook the mushroom if i go back to the baseball maybe yes there's one up here yeah i got one here oh ho ho the devil has never stood a chance no surprise attack they they rule the day rude today mushrooms oh my god hoops is a beast i can carry so much all right i've built a door for our base please use the door after i went to all that [ __ ] effort apparently have the stamina of a four year old child oh hello hello there we go use the door actually we try to make it over to the tree because people because there was a big explosion there from the cables i need acorns anyway good idea i could try to trip over i have all this stuff oh my god they're very good weed stuff my god you look like you're carrying a bunch of canoes all right let's go up into the base first all right we need to see people are saying no through the tree because the spider's there ah thanks lads okay chads what else do we need um whatever's hanging on the side of the yeah that's an acorn we need acorn shell oh little ants hello worker ants well sorry guys you're going on the dole oh i got an ant head oh we're eating tonight lads oh oh oh i am very hurt we're eating sean tonight uh-oh i might die wait do not [ __ ] huh can i oh god they're chasing me i can hear them i can hear their tiny little legs chasing me okay there's a work bench down by the door now but i need grass pick up the ant i i picked up one so i might have taken it oh i see how it is now i have built it i get all the credit [ __ ] you uh can i make a bandage yet oh thank god i can make an eye patch use a work bench i can make a clover hood oh here we go lads are we playing dress up now yeah i need grub hide let's see you can make ant armor i say we wear ant armor intimidate him but i want to just give me defense i want to look like i'm part of the surroundings i need more clover leaf oh my god what was that oh you're all right up there sean just launched in the air for me what oh yeah i just whoa you pass out there for a second take that worker ant i i love this door we got here please use it i put a lot of effort into it yeah it's very really protects the base ants can't use doors dan thumbs they put on the helmet can make a repair tool all right to the tree oh hell yeah i'm a samurai now can i look at my own character outside of the menu a slime mold torch i don't think so well whatever i have a sexy helmet now you guys wish you had a helmet this cool i really i made a poncho who dropped their ass oh that's mine oh oh weapons have durability too we have to keep an eye on that to the oak tree where is it i don't know how i feel about this whoa there's a giant crow over there throw your spears at him oh he's gonna eat us if he sees us oh please mount the crawl dominate him yes does he know that we're down here or is he just gonna like view us i don't think he's gonna be following kevin i don't think he's definitely oh oh what is this yes these are the sweets i found earlier whoa why are we eating ants and aphids when we could just be getting a giant sugar rush i could be doing much better in life right now yeah oh i mean it'll probably kill uh what have you done mystical purple thing is there that i really want but i think there's a spider in front of it you see the yellow it's fine i'll throw my spear at him that'll get him okay that'll cam him down oh that's not chanting down at all i was joking i don't think he is that's terrifying good luck guys i'm just gonna uh keep distracting him keep distracting him i'm grabbing his big purple orb thing oh my god he's so pissed at me i got it i got it i'm running away he was hiding science spiders yeah i believe steve who they get up to i'll get him oh god he's killing me i found a nice safe pit go team i don't think he can climb up this which is kind of contrary to all the spider stuff that i heard okay well that was an experience see dan you're just missing out on life experience right now yeah i learned very okay with me okay hang on i'll make my way back i [ __ ] my pants so i'm cultured now my guy is very thirsty and hungry again yeah i'm kind of afraid to go anywhere honestly i'm safe if you want to come to me okay i don't i think he gave up i think he no i i no he's coming back for you guys he's still there i'm well gone yeah we're not there anymore we're fine you gotta get past him wait oh you're so close to death yeah oh what's through here i was about to explore it but okay no let's not [Music] oh no not this way either no different way i want you to go this way this way it's fun everybody likes taking i heard well yeah waiting up to us now do you guys have so is there something it's cool no it's fine this is a science oh wait i can come get you he's going for dan all right hold on no i don't want to look behind me thanks kevin has he walked off i don't want to look behind me there you go chief that might i have like a lovely hand thank you the helmet did nothing yeah really goggles they do nothing okay well that was fun that was fine oh science so science my guy is so thirsty but i've no food you know what science is sexy i'm about to die oh um i've ran out of food um have you tried sleeping we need water i need to find food quick yeah i keep forgetting about the hunger meter and it's it's all dry here we need water can i eat any of this food i need food there ah okay i found water mushroom is it stagnant no all right it doesn't matter just drink it anyway wait is this we're back at our base what the hell is it oh hello guys it's nice to see you again oh this is great i'm going to eat aphids i thought we were going on a wild adventure yeah we took a long round of our way of getting oh sorry i have to take the door yeah trying to do either of you no i'm literally starving as well and have to go up and cook if you come to me then there's a giant spider so you don't want to come over here that's eight legs of dinner eight meals in one that's the spider thigh oh need to light the fire to cook ah wait do i have any bugs to eat oh yes oh full as a bus is is there a mushroom anywhere wait dan if you come back to the baseball i can get your food oh thank you water oh wait the the food ran away wait what's the is it live yeah well it it's not going to be forever sean you look very injured i have some bandages it's okay oh jesus oh he jumped off and died i'm just saying do you want me to kill that ant is that food wait dan come here i got food for you that's going to cook i'm going to get hoops don't forget about it okay don't worry hoops help is coming oh god it's pete i'm waiting for it by the power of zeus it will get you on your feet wearing your [ __ ] ant helmet and everything uh it's called protection against the elements you will not make fun of me when i'm crowned that south or the king of the ants oh my god let's see i want to take that from you is coming back i'm leaving thank you for the food shot i'm alive now there's no place for salsa oh my god i need something to eat too could you feed me next uh not until you make uh proper arrangements to apologize to my helmet and therefore i'm listening oh god this guy pete is leaving pete is going to get sapped away from deception all right pete your helmet it's it's wicked sick come back thank you uh i don't actually have any food i hate that helmet and i hate what's inside that helmet even more uh there is nothing inside to tell me oh yeah it shows here i'm coming with you guys my guy just keeps getting thirsty if we beat the big ant does that give us well let's find out because he's here uh guys i was just gonna there's science inside the ants peace oh jesus christ you don't know your own strength peace okay you got in my way this has gone it blocks my vision but increases my accuracy you turned around and just started swinging i'm sorry i thought there was thin air there or an ant ass i'm waiting it's okay any minute now he'll give up see off he goes um it's fine oh i have nine seconds left to live oh boo hoo you break your legs and then suddenly it's like life or death oh behind you behind you oh god i'm down again okay i'll get him never mind oh no wait i'm waiting for help all right me too is there a random in with us oh whoops okay i'm dead i'm waiting for one of those randoms to come back ah i'm back at the base slides real grand i can just respawn yeah see gamers don't die they just respawn they love a lot mine was mine was hoops backpack right that was mine no get away from hoops uh okay oh there oh i got sal thor's backpack this sucks wait what i've got some spoiled meat for you do you want that oh wait hold on i'm not wearing my helmet hold on ah there we go the helmet has been secret i'm going to kill you i don't need any need for you form a cue kevin oh i still homo sapien i will make my own meat okay step right up with murder and sean first oh come on guys just cause i'm cooler than you doesn't mean you have to be jealous just let me wear the helmet once at least oh one day he's just like boo this boo that next day oh it's rolling down the hill it's it's it left maybe the baseball wasn't like the same that was your plans boys you wanted to take my helmet away so oh i see what you're playing pass any items right here kevin i think you're getting uh you're going a bit mad kevin it's right here yeah roll down the mountain will i come down okay i'm going i'm going to be brave next to this i'm going to get supplies oh i see you're going away to put it on so that when you'd like do the big reveal i'll be surprised yeah i'm not changing you you pervert i'll close my eyes okay and cover my eyes apparently at the same time oh oh oh oh oh are you ready uh hold on i'm being attacked i'm waiting this is going to be so cool wait hold on keep them closed all right go that's one i'm getting food first lads hunting i'm coming back keep them closed okay okay got some meat we're gonna eat well tonight my helmet oh she's going crazy he's a lunatic i can't give it back now that i know how it feels he's drunk with power open this door i swear to god no i'm not opening the door if only there was another way around you stay outside okay i don't want you in here you stay outside you know reversed i know reverse scientology when i see it [Laughter] oh no i hit the door are you guys okay you need to come back immediately kevin is so i'm going to make sure the family is doing all right i'm going to stop no fighting between the siblings i can't sleep it off oh god his name is moving target but turns out i was the moving target all along what's the purple thing in this pond did you guys find this earlier it's science just pure science walk over it and you'll get such a society oh yeah i didn't get some 100 raw science i got what yeah what did you get for now science no say it properly oh so society is [Music] that's good now you can eat tonight yeah we're going to the oak tree i don't want to go there kevin all right come on sean we're going to the oak tree i don't trust anything that comes out of that helmet it's the helmet it's like the ring it's just cursed it's hot in my head i bet dan could wear it without going crazy i can try probably i'm gonna make a helmet too no you have to wear this one that's special they call it they call it the one helmet for some reason all right i'm dropping it grab it don't drop it for too long i need to be at the workbench wait where is it over here turn around it's in a tiny bag it's like harry potter i'm jumping oh hey there you go it's on the ground there underneath me be careful with that thing i haven't seen sap in quite a while oh mushrooms to the oak tree at night time are you crazy no it's not going nice hydration that's how we die no i want an acorn we got to wait until extra night time kevin i no i got food for you kevin i can feed i'm dying if you come home i can feed you kevin i'm waiting just i'm done kevin i need you to come back please please save me then oh the laser stopped did he turn on this thing and got big again oh my inventory is full there's just a scorch mark for where i had sexy mom used to be um he must have died probably no he he didn't get kicked but maybe that's just like a dramatized way of him being kicked i think he gets moisture incinerated okay i found some acorns my inventory is full so i'm going to go back to the base and i'll come over i need i need to craft i need a header this is rolling around and i thought then i need you and your hammer i'll i'll come back come on i'll come back i i need to just craft some stuff first oh craft this bill gates that come on it's always something with you dan he's always working bill gates into the conversation yeah he's a respectable man you leave him alone i think bill gates is burrowing underneath the earth i can see it moving he's installing a microchip into the core oh no he's going to control the earth from inside come here i'll show you bill gates i made some what is happening more armor give a torch i do oh whip it out there we go fear the fire same bit of armor hang up i am what superhero has fire fire you go yeah this we need this what the absolute that's just bill gates ignore him and he'll go away [ __ ] bill gates and his ground burrowing whoa all the lights are on all hail hypno toad and bill gates all hail bill you're gonna believe the underground people destroyer of subterranean life okay i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna come i'm gonna come over good man okay that's i'm just gonna make some food and i'll be over i'm climbing there's a difference between i'm gonna come over and i'm gonna make food and then come over i'm just popping some stuff on the barbie whoa oh praise lamp oh we're moths all science over here dan i might need you sooner i think sean's gotten mad with lamp man i think he has um [Music] i'm on my way i'm on my way i need to drink some water before i go what does that lamp kill the others except no shot steps back that was crazy what happened i don't know dude i think it was just still rising i'm on my way man well i fell off urge to die arising well is there a safe part i should find not directly um don't cause the crow flies the pigeon yeah yeah go to go go to lampman over there did someone say lamp ah this looks so mysterious i don't like it you're fine dan i don't like they only have eight legs not nine this is probably the most uncomfortable i've ever been streaming just think of something just think about bill gates bill gates think about bill gates in danger in like spider farm though like how would he wear jeans yeah spider has encapsulated bill gates and is about to kill him and he's knocking on your door and trying to sell you windows 98 i don't want to use my torch because they might see me more there you go now you're using your brain are you still at the base oh where oh i'm like halfway i got stuck on a rock cause i'm scared whoa what's all the purple fire going on over here i want to join the fun though oh you're almost there keep going champ you can do it what a pep talk that's all i got come on associate yourself i'm gonna google bill gates motivational quotes for him oh what is this motivational what's all the purple fire guys help them stay success is a lousy teacher scared oh i found some clean water nice did i find another lamp why is it all purple scorched earth over here base let's see uh i found the oak lab guys it goes underground wait for dan i'm coming he's almost here and what uh i can hear bill gray bill gates multiple greats he is great isn't he backing his i can see why he slept there uh okay then bill gates always says uh it's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure that doesn't sound very bill gates of him it doesn't he's super successful it didn't motivate him of course he'd say that uh oh this one's fitting life is unfair get used to it it's not really conversational i think i made it here's what's that it's okay i have another bill gates quote life is like a box of chocolates buy windows 2000 huh a weird marketing campaign yeah i see oh good hammer this acorn oh you look so mysterious stay there oh god damn it you look so cool in the silhouette the ground is making noises and i ignore that that's just bill gates we've already realized he's in his underground secret lab i found it okay he's looking for viruses okay get me some acorn yes you won't find him underground bill there you go all right i made it we need to go into the lab where bill does his work is it oh jesus is it in here you have to go around the tree follow the purple fire okay i think oh yeah yeah i see it follow the thanos farts we're coming oh my dream i hate this game that smells like balance just like the fan fiction then he took out his gauntlet and oh got very r-rated with it i read the first page of a shrek thanos fan fiction the other day it's really good tripped and accidentally kissed thanos is 19 pack absolutely kissed his chin i found btu 0-1 oh no oh let's just ignore the chat this looks like a safe point at least push all the buttons i know science cam down guys i can science out of this oh my god does anyone want this hat you know you kind of look like a young bill gates dude it does well you see is because of my fishing crowd oh no not again don't worry gents i'll science out of this oh well i'm used to lcds but this is clearly a crt i have a repair tool i want a game with with bill gates as your side who acts and talks exactly like that okay i think i get the puzzle a fellow scientist oh jesus another scientist oh you did it yeah we did it yeah we get raw signs for today we turned them into science yeah wow oh look at it oh battle link big screen tv oh there's more raw science science i love science i want science to marry me it doesn't seem to love us very much guys we have to have burgle wait what burgle's down where's burgle oh someone else he raised his spatula and just oh no hang in there burgle no you can don't do it kevin go kill burgle it was one hit hey i'll do it step back come on you're safer away from this drop the helmet the heretic that's a lot of science because a power surge has knocked out all the systems in this lab i don't suppose you would know anything about that no okay moving on the batteries here in the meantime i'll stay here and work on repairs i'm also happy to answer whatever questions you might have why does everybody speak with a stutter yeah it just seems to be the style here how dare you sleep alone it's a machine you kill him ai is going to rise up i give him a burgle chip what does this do does they give us recipes with that work come on kevin he's not working you got to give him an old smack that's what you do i bought a multi-story base from him we'll get the science out of you one word and over all your science i see that mustache you've got science in there howdy it's good to see you again i can trade them raw science yes oh guys i found a cool place to go oh you can get upgrades you can get a meat shield oh you're my meat shield then let's go down into this pit stop it kevin oh it's water just give me a second to let my eyes adjust oh no no this looks safe this is too small for a spider yeah i don't see any spiders down here this is just a nice little bit of exploring hello it's you guys oh yeah ah that's an ant that's this is easy it's right level midnight boys i'm going in oh he doesn't look like he's coming back oh come back he just went to get ice cream right oh i hope so what do i do what do i do they're right behind me i just keep running you're doing great wait what would bill gates say what would bill gates do i like money classic bill player bandaged i'm coming back i'm coming back the answer here all right crouch crouch turn off your torsion crouch i've got one second to leave oh you're fine then it's not one of the advice it's been real kevin i'm sorry kevin we gotta go sean i'll respawn but i'm miles away i'm gonna get there hold on that's okay we gotta go that's the sacrifice i'm willing to make kevin thank you so much uh is there a way deeper in the cave here i don't know can we get in there there's a pat up there oh my torch went out this is horrific i have bad news what my torch is also not doing great i don't have enough for another torch i dropped to plant fiber earlier i think i was cleaning up my inventory but yeah he dropped him to be faster to come back and get kevin it's all your fault really what why am i getting the blame get out of here i did everything right you need everything by the way kevin is the perfect human there's so many ants there are so many ants in here okay bye bye wait i'm almost there hold up hold up we're going to fight them we're back out oh you'll get your gear no no trouble at all you'll come with me won't you yeah nice all right let's get back in had to drink some there first thank you kevin good to have you back yeah let's go back on here all right my torch ran out but luckily second torch oh oh should we kill these ants oh this is another nice one did you kill these ants yeah she went on a tear he killed a lot of them on the way out the terror of the subterranean they call us really irish thor and pete bootleg avengers great discount avengers you'll find us at the two euro store oh no i kevin straight back into it he goes yep can't see anything i have no torches don't worry guys i got their attention i'm just running in the dark through the cave i have an indomitable will to live though i have enough abdominal will to live oh my god you get your backpack yeah i got it let's let's go back to this have fun guys i'll see you on the other side we don't want to go that way can we get back up i can't see a thing it's fine just follow me hold on wait now hold up hold on i i need a rest i i hate it i hate resting they're just running circles a bit they're hostile they're hostile because kevin wanted to rest kevin's kevin's oh hands hated when you rest kevin's do as well sean come back i got something cool i got something cool what is it is it another helmet oh i can't i can't do it in here we need to get out of here oh no oh no need back up wait wait where are you go oh no you're going the other way now hang on what's kevin you're almost there you're almost there kevin help me come down here come to the sound of my voice come save me this guy in his saving can i craft a torch 20 second acorn i can craft the torch i'm coming buddy oh thank you i thought you'd abandoned me i have abandoned you uh i'm trying i'm trying to find my way back uh kevin uh you might be on your own you're gonna do it as bill gates they're scary let me give let me get uh here we come here i come here i come patience is a key element of success here i come i got you buddy thank you very much here we go here we go and the road to victory [Music] uh it's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure i'll oh swap team no wait i'm good with my team i think it's a team i was like would you be on the bug side why not meet spoils all right we gotta get our stuff yeah all right i've got a new mission for us i've discovered how to make a basketball hoop and as hoops oh that sounds we need one in the base that's good that'll be my my motivation wait yes did you guys go back to the base without me yeah you're all alone chief no no no no no no we died it's okay the father is coming i'm so scared don't worry dan uh to win big you sometimes have to take risks i'm running out of quotes if you think your teacher is tough wait till you get a boss they're all gone do you think you're a teacher [Laughter] way too light he's off it okay i'm gonna run my camera behind me he doesn't need motivational quotes right now yeah he's good he's good he's got this he's motivating himself i can hear him i can hear him sorry dad to truly succeed in life you've got to die a few times first did bill gates say that and that was elon musk there's a spider after me okay unfortunate okay um where do we get underground sean i've lost you i'm already underground kevin there's a cola can over here how did you do it i'm just amazing like that share with me your tips like bill gates shares his quotes oh sweet jesus to find the way out you must delve deeper okay at this point just for all the streams at this point i like to apologize just for me screaming constantly you guys are just like quite rationally playing the game it's like yeah kevin what are you doing there where are we going to go next what's the next objective like i'm just screaming bloody mary trust me there's nothing rational about what we're doing i mean everything you do dan are you down again i'm dead did the spider get you yeah i took the spider away at least you know what i can't help you on that one i can't help but i can't help oh no just throwing some motivational quotes then you you can do it kevin think big win a lot whose quotes are you reading are you just making them up i'm the next bill gates oh okay just sounds like you're throwing words into a word generator it's just spaghetti how dare you i'm very successful that's the quote i'm going to attribute to you how dare you tell yourself it's very successful it's a fan of cola can should i investigate it i'm with lamp now oh who turned off lamp i guess it's morning kevin was it you don't blame me for that lamp i'm gonna throw my axe and hit kevin from here watch oh dude if i end up in a kill cam for your grounded montage oh i think that probably wasn't that far off kevin are you dead no they get you to some inventory oh it's because i didn't turn around and do a 360 first where is the pit oh my god the pit was inside all along it definitely isn't although there might be a pit inside dan's stomach there might be i need to get there oh you're cracking acorns bro young man show me the way oh jesus hey are you an acorn what the hell what's wrong with you people get to the sweet nuts inside okay follow me okay the cola can is sealed over here any second nope wait no it's not hold up pete somehow more athletic than me i can't do that all right i'm following you right here jesus pete i've got strong calves here wait wait wait wait come here it's dangerous going on take this he's gone here i'm going he didn't um okay are you guys somewhere where i can come back to you safely yeah we're at the lamp oh thank god okay help sorry bill oh sap clump nice oh sweet life-giving water oh i found a lot of sap you're like yelling a lot over there no filtration tablets needed i just need to slurp up the natural ranges have i gone the wrong way i have got oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no kevin are you okay uh no no no no i'm not want me to come or yes i think i'm actually getting out of here i'm getting out of this damn cave i'm getting out of this damn dirty ape another bill gates quote all right i made it why does the ground like to eat my feet axie i found you uh guys i have a buttload of equipment if we want to go back and craft some stuff for our base maybe i'll basket basketball hoop that's our priority oh wait no this cobwebs oh how do we get out of it um we'll see you later oh god i didn't see a spider like uh that way i hope that helps bill gates would never do this to me okay i'm free i'm sorry sean i abandoned you i was absolutely fine i'll hope for a second uh i'm free i found some stagnant water i feel much better on my way back it was almost wriggle time guys oh god not regal time not again he's always talking about wriggletown he never shuts up just messages talking about regal time hey guys it's uh 3am you know what that means you're not supposed to use the whatsapp group for this time can we just wriggle on into your dms all right where is the baseball oh there's a ladybug ah nature's douchebags what's wrong with these they just ah they're not great there's nothing wrong with them but they're they're like they're they're like black spotted red colored like make up your mind pick a color get them kill the ladybug for parts or is he just chilling it's just all right okay all right something's mad about the ball hoop oh hell yeah look at that oh we're back at the base i okay i have weed stems here somewhere oh we have a basketball hoop okay we sure do there we go and look at that we mounted the head now are the acorns up oh nice amazing our base is really coming together all right here i go i'm going to throw at the basketball oh my god i'm coming nail it how do you throw it did you get it in r all right ah off the hoop oh nothing but net come on we can get it donkeroo dairylee dunkables it's terrible donkasaurus video game donkey kevin you got to get off the hoop he got it in i'm waiting i got it he's standing on the hoop though i don't think it counts i'm there's a lot of ants that are curious to what we're doing oh stop hitting me i'm dying oh oh you jumped into that one you did it somebody jumped into that hell what is sake oh my god don't even revive me you didn't use the door knock knock put me down don't you dare just let them die can we make a storage container or anything it might be a good idea maybe i'm just busy getting shrews hey sorry i was aiming for the hoop we got a lot more grass planks we could make a base i understand like grass planks is it we can make a mushroom garden i can't cook anything it'd be nice a dew collector that needs spider web we don't need that one i'm going to do more science i hate it here a water container that seems really useful oh trap analyze the acorn oh we should um we should put spike traps outside the ant's house so that they'll just kill themselves and we'll get loads of supplies where is that i like it look at this this is this okay it's the entrance to their basement is that a giant bongo it's a wall it's for water oh you caught a snack instead no you get out of here you're not the snack i am where's the ant space i know you know i can't remember wait is it here i don't know oh no i'm gonna chop down a bunch of grass for us guys to use oh i need weed stems you guys just want to come over here and pick up everything you need for the base i need weed now is not the time we've been over this we'll find some weed later how do i get a better bring me to your home little we need to do more science to get a better act yeah i think i think i think after science harder than i've ever scienced before there we go i i'm just chopping down grass here lads fair play to you then come on bring me to your homeland and just having some collision problems behind the research station in the dry aggressor okay i'm leaving going to the rake i love eating these things um you need to build a base or strike grass here ah this one grass wall oh wait i think i know where is workbench oh the dandelions are within sight i can make a bit of grass wall ads but just just just the one piece it might take us some time with me damn mates aha found it this isn't a good angle for the base i feel he's against us kevin i say we kill him he wouldn't even call you a snack earlier yeah i bet he'd say it to bill gates oh he would abba come on you can't compete with him that's a good point my name is pete who are you some some mornings i don't even know who are any of us really it's too deep for that oh yes i'm placing traps i need help you always need help i do can someone feed me i need throttle again three thistle needles two woven fibers and food oh i wonder too far my allergies killed me i went into the dandelion swarm oh jesus oh no i didn't know you could do that how was that way you can die i didn't take my my antihistamines today did i just kill you with allergies oh my backpack rolled down into it oh oh my god he's actually dead i'm starting with nothing lads wait you lost all your stuff yeah ah for [ __ ] sake pete are you jesus dad what are you doing i'm building like some walls so we're safer we have to use the door soon you sound very into it i like it i'm tired of work with the base you got it hey no way [Laughter] if you guys want to get some grass uh we could build this wall up i'm working on trapping the end base but i need i need some of these i'm getting my gear back there we go need some rocks there should be some around the hoop me people are telling me to go save sean but he's already died guys there's no saving him i'm reincarnated which way is this uh i need oh yeah sprigs hello friend hmm does anyone know where i get thistles uh there was some back where we were i think where we were fighting the ants i was attacking i was getting thistle somewhere there i got this on needles yeah that's what i need oh there's somebody else here someone named rosk someone else uh-oh i keep coming in i don't trust rosk he's got blood in his eyes oh no oh no ants please i didn't mean to start a war i'm never getting that backpack back am i i want to come see it i feel like it's hard to build on a solid foundation in this game because the ground is so uneven i think you can make a foundation ya i think so it might be too late now but i think it might look a bit nice what's this put down what eat him sounded like a little container and he wants me to put stuff in it i'm not giving you stuff go away rosk oh yeah let's go say hi to our new friend should we kill him yeah let's kill him well he's fighting yeah you think it's them you're murdering him already yep oh no oh no friendly fire ross helped me up they're mad they're against somebody helped me get him thank you i sniped him involved in this war i'll just keep you alive oh now it's all my fault you sorry what happened you just stepped on them our base is looking so cool it is what a 10 year old would build to be fair that's true it's just immersion it's like we're doing our best ross couldn't get in yeah true true we definitely will walk uh what do we need uh i'm trying to see if there's anything new i can make we need to track where do we find gnats um oh nats are like the little slice they kind of just wander up right oh he's back oh god he's back for revenge tooth where'd my eye patch go i'm trying to make only the essentials right now rosk if you come back i will hit you with my rock again dry grass chunky ross get the bug oh my god why do i have so many plant fibers you guys should come analyze stuff as well yeah i might actually do that i don't have anything to analyze right now what's science used for analyzing uh we also buy stuff from burgle with it i thought we killed burgle no we tried but burgle is uh beyond space and time oh okay oh no burglar's the only thing that the ants and spiders fear i wish i was burgle don't we all get down to that freaking aphid whatever you are green fly okay let's see i got some more weevil me i can make some food for us do you want me to make some dinner for you a chair that would be nice dan so you go out and play in the fields now i'm gonna put on a nice supper i've been asking kevin for weeks to make me dinner you don't want me to come all he says is help me it's like sean i'm in pain well i'll i'll help you when i get my cheeseburger as i'm dying on the floor i want chicken nuggets and chips oh dude chicken nuggets would be pretty sick oh i [ __ ] love some nuggets right now i just had dinner before the stream i feel very fat right now i didn't i am starving yeah i'm pretty hungry too did you just hurt me yeah yeah oh i shouldn't do that enjoy it enjoy your meal you kill kevin no he almost killed me and as a revenge i've taken your food from the fire that you were gonna feed to sean and i'm eating it um wait did you take sean's food it took my food and my mood that was for him yeah i'm taking him i don't even know where it's gone i think it might have gone into your inventory or something it's not in mine i'm just taking all the plant fibers that someone dropped rosk is freaking out over here cam down rosk why is he here yeah okay here all right i'm coming oh mushroom garden oh hello hi dad uh i'm over here i see you i need to get water my guy's thirsty okay i'm feeling a little more calm now during the day i think i can handle this during the night where it's like i the ghost spiders come out yeah it's it's just a bit much very uneasy playing this game you build i thought you were actually building a hot tub and i was like where the hell would they put that in the game for 10 years sometimes just in the hot tub i'm coming back up stinks in here in case i need woven fiber yeah i got all that i need a wheat stem and spoiled meat i draw i'll go get some i just kind of threw it on the floor a while ago thinking i wouldn't need it i got it here you are yeah i look really ridiculous right now egg on your face uh we need more weed stamps oh learn yeah how much weeds uh six okay i have two maybe if i go back to where i lost my backpack i don't know if it's such a good idea no i'm doing it you can't even stop me where do you get weeds dandelions and you just chop them down husky weed is that it um requires a higher tier too um yeah you need a strong axe for that i don't think that's it i think it's just that dandelion you cut that down maybe it is i don't know one second oh god damn it my video has gone up yes thank you for all the support i appreciate it my video's going up but i think i'm just going to check on it i don't think i can multitask enough to do the tweet and everything right away i probably should just get it done i probably should but thank you for all the support guys i've been watching the chat as much as i can and uh it's um it's been very very chilled it's been very nice sorry i'm trying to multitask but not doing it very successfully there we go tweeted perfect uh what are they trying to offer me all right attendant lily thank you very much for the two gift subs we're looking for dandelions that's a coinky dink um i really thank you for the bits with a wee ou and uh catechist thank you for the bits as well thank you for all the support everyone i can't thank everyone unfortunately because i i have to talk to these factors but you know yourself uh be loud back thank you for the sub too yeah i got some okay and stink bug happened stink bog get stink bogged all right am i on some food there we go oh but i'm going inside dehydration again uh-oh uh you hate to see it people said there was water but i don't see it i took some food i don't know if it was mine or not i don't think you can go untreat yourself kevin oh look at this strong man here now go on pete are you from kerry are yes oh look at that i prefer the basketball hoop hey what the hell was that about pete it said extra recycle i didn't know what it was saying it on ah peace peace i needed more room for the mushroom ah fair enough oh hey calallen thank you so much for the fight here it's not a dandelion it's really cool thank you very much wow yeah you just hold it what did you do dandelion tough i have one too me too let me try this oh very nice how do i use this thing you just hold it i think and then you jump um there's nothing in my hand oh you press shift oh wow what are you doing oh look at that oh i did it i'm doing it kind of wrong that's so cool do you want to do it kevin yes get a dandelion tough tough shade ah come on now don't be like that do i have another one i have two you just press shift when you're in the air yeah i have another one kevin i put it into storage okay thank you how do i use it you equip it in your inventory and then you press shift when you jump wait where is it oh yeah no no i'm using controller how do i use it on that you don't know i go cool you can see it over your your stuff in the top right or the bottom right i go google it from here with you yeah i give it an hourglass kevin you got this everyone else is having fun why don't you do it now as well jump in the pool kevin okay oh [Music] oh yes max short or something nice thank you roscoe we should make him king okay let's not go crazy in our culture we kill our kings i want to do this it's like let's let's just stop worrying about survival for a moment and just like take turns jumping off the baseball it's like i want to ride the slide here we go leisure world wow ah that's nice i did it wrong oh oh i'm stuck i'm just took me there help where are you oh my god he's gotten stuck i've got crazy hang time it's a bug's life throw some rocks get him off i can poke him with the spear no throw rocks at him oh no i thought he did it ross hit me hit him with rocks i hit you too the wrong person yeah kevin you can't just hit me like that that's uncalled for oh he's trying to steal my ass i threw it at him and he ran away from it i keep dying of like dehydration i kind of feel bad yeah i kind of do too he helped us let's return the favor with that ah now you're speaking my lingo dad i don't really like this little lip that you made here that you can't get past yeah this one's a bit of trouble i don't know how to do that oh okay i mean that's one way to get rid of it that's neat that was my hard work so now we build around this how do you how do you build the how to base this the mushroom thing grass wall here we go i think we have to plant some mushrooms can you interact with it i don't know okay do you have any oh sorry what is he like i thought the hot tub's gone oh there's it's raining bits of woven fiber down here sorry about that i thought that would like recycle the mushroom or something yeah that's what i thought earlier but stinky sorry about that that's all right then it was a genuine mistake and sure these things happen kill him get him to kill him the plotting is down for him yeah i pop some meat on the fire there for one of you my god just call me the shrunken ernie so strong can we just run back to the house what house the house or the big house probably yeah just live in the house again can we just run back home and go back inside yeah i don't see why not let's go home yeah [ __ ] this oh it's just a ladybug ignore this the allergies might get herself to the house i have wicked allergies to be fair i don't know if this is a good idea i will be fine okay follow the rake why why no what oh there's one there where just get up onto the rock here and we'll use our dandelions to get out over the dandelion oh genius they don't call me the irish bill gates for nothing who calls you there coming i'm coming i'm coming beside you everyone what is that yeah oh sweet jesus get the roster here i go come back bill gates come back i've got it lads there he goes off the street i'm free oh my god ross you mad man i don't think he's gonna be able to do it no i made it lads ah oh i should sorry kevin i cannot get back my stuff i died in a horrible spot ah just in time for dinner with mom sean i'm coming you got me i'm taking a lot of damage here he comes hmm where's my bag thank you get peter up peter's the most important one we're taking a lot of toxic damage i think we got to go nah it's fine i'm heading to the house [ __ ] everything okay at the house it's just allergies it's just allergies i don't like that gotta make a gas mask no i'll just hold my breath ah oh that wasn't a spider it wasn't i've gone hollow lads okay i just gotta stealthily grab my stuff and run okay come on kevin you got this i'm so thirsty oh oh okay i didn't have my dad are you still alive i made it i'm still alive yeah i didn't die oh oh wait i'm waiting an inch of my life i should heal where are you what does he do jesus ah sweet baseball oh geez i'm trying to just find water right now because my guy is still so thirsty follow me then it's the only way somebody made food that i came back here great oh ah fruit pounder some bit mate oh oh stink bug uh we should ignore that one let's go let's go you guys left rosk on his own ah he deserves he'll be fine he did nothing but nice things for me who knows what he's doing all right we made it that's the best of us it's about time to sleep lads it is isn't it i just gotta drink some water real quick or i'll die of dehydration a good bit of sleep will cure what ails you let me just get some uh good old cholera in now we can't even sleep for another 10 minutes i know this is shocking to the world it's all rosk's fault just hit him in the head with a ride he's been nothing but nice to me there we go well if he's watching the stream he knows that we really mean it angelic rogue thank you for the tip and seven thank you for the bits as well hello friends all right two minutes oh i can't wait tonight oh i can't wait for a bad time oh thank god you guys are still here oh sorry that was actually stop it jesus christ they call me they call me the butterfly of the east why do you have so many names because i'm cool like that okay back in the game he called himself tiny pete all right lads i think i'm gonna have to call the game here i'm [ __ ] starving i think that might be a good shout that's fair a good call some good grounders glad i didn't like full-on scream that entire time yeah you kept your composure i came very close to like you know throwing up but okay i didn't realize it was that intense oh yeah no i i can't handle look at me i can do it too wait do it [Laughter] ah thanks ross oh you next runs what a dramatic way to die oh oh dan went mad with power he sharpened the stick because he has the helmet he has this power ross is just like hitting you with a stone i don't blame him for turning on me yeah honestly i did a lot of bad stuff to him oh god that was really fun but it was fun that was terrifying is there is there actually an ending to it right now i don't think so i think that's generally yeah so yeah i imagine it's just like a proof of concept at the moment and like you know it's all still coming along okay yeah chat says not yet hmm i could could we go much further than just find that base i don't think so i think that's as much as they have i feel like we saw quite a bit um oh god yeah what a cool idea for a game yeah yeah no i'm excited to see where it goes yeah same i want to see more spiders and bigger less humans and more spiders little more tarantulas in the backyard giant spiders are like tiny humans people are saying there's a lot more is there okay oh okay yeah we look it up and then we'll come back another day and do more of it could we get like a texture pack that turns the spiders into bill gates just stretch get on it devs yeah put a build gate skin in it a 10 year old bill gates i will buy it oh dear oh righty all right okay it was good fun playing with you guys yeah games all the best enjoy the rest of your night yeah a good irish goodbye just a million buys guys thank you so much for the support throughout jesus christ you've been way too kind i apologize i can't get to um all the the individual ones but jesus here way too nice [Music] i'm tired as you can tell but what else is new um right where's my thing um so if you want more of me guys don't worry i've just posted a video on just cause it's uh it's a fun little game actually if you've never played it or if you have played it and you wanted to go back and take a look at uh take a look at the game it's it's not aged uh amazingly it was it was pretty fun to actually go back and take a look at it though it was it was very fun experience it's amazing because like a lot of these um games that i i'm going back on them and looking at that that were some of my favorite games i was growing up like just cause blew me away i was amazed by it uh and then i go back and um second uh i go back and i play it now and there's so many issues with it so many bugs like game breaking bugs um okay guys thank you very much for checking out the stream i've enjoyed it stacy sultan thank you for the sub and sherry thank you for the sub as well um [ __ ] thank you for the bits shrinel's fan fiction yes uh i think it was on wattpad if you want to find it or just avoid it specifically you know you can avoid it but yeah thank you very much for watching it's been enjoyable tomorrow we will be streaming again even though i don't normally stream on fridays we're going to be streaming again tomorrow and we're going to be playing twitch rivals that's right i'm team captain of twitch rivals eu team and we're going to win some fall guys so yeah get excited for that it's going to be an experience we're going in to win and me as captain is untested and i think it would be quite powerful if that's the word for it uh should be streaming at 5 00 p.m bst i think it is so i'll probably go live a little bit earlier and i'll just chat with you guys as usual and i think i'm doing a little interview beforehand so i'll probably just do that on stream where they called me on discord or whatever i break down our intense team and how cool we are and nice that's what i'd say thank you captain depression from one captain to another i appreciate it all right we're gonna drop a raid guys thank you very much for watching uh it's another small music streamer so if you can be as kind as possible that that would just be lovely i'd appreciate it um they looked like a an ice stream right there some good music over there so enjoy that i'll be with you for a while just lurking while i do some work before i go offline um but thank you very much for joining me i will hopefully see you tomorrow at 5 p.m uh bst and as i said video posted so if you want to check that out go for it there's a little banner underneath my stream but yeah bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 97,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: Jxzujub6P7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 57sec (9117 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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