Crowns in the Bible PART 1

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all right get your bibles out and turn to genesis 49 i guess that's a good place as any to start and uh as you know over in sunday school the kids are studying about the crowns in the bible and we started talking about it and asking some questions in about a year or two ago i started having this same question about the crowns in the bible because for years we've been taught there's five crowns in the bible that you can get as a christian but god does everything in seven so icon always had this thought well shouldn't there be seven and then other people start to ask the same thing well god does everything in seven shouldn't there be seven crowns so the task that was given to me was to find the seven crowns in the bible well that's not an easy task because there's seven crowns that we can get and i think i found them and i'm looking forward to eventually getting to that but it looks like this might be a two or three parter because uh first of all we got to look at in the bible where it talks about crowns and i was pretty surprised about all the different things in the bible that calls a crown and where crowns are found and things like that that gave me a good bible study then i found that there are seven crowns on the earth that you can have as a christian so not just seven crowns in heaven seven crowns on earth and we might look at those today i think we'll have enough time to get into seven crowns on the earth and those are seven good crowns crowns that you want then there's seven bad crowns on the earth and then there's seven crowns in heaven and then there's the seven crowns that you can so this turned into like four different studies all at once and it was just like man man so i heard that some other folks that you know went to bible school with us we learned the five crowns i've heard that some of them came up with seven crowns but i never could find what they were looking at as the other two so when we eventually do get to what i want to get to rapture comes first then we'll learn up there amen but um it will eventually get to the seven crowns that we as believers can win as christians and i don't think we'll get all of them there might be one or two that we don't want amen because one of them is a martyr's crown boy i don't want that i'd rather rapture come first amen but if hey if it happens well wouldn't it be nice to have all seven um but i do believe there are seven crowns and so we're gonna look at the crowns in the bible and then we're gonna look at the seven crowns here on earth i'm pretty sure we have enough time for that and i'm just gonna give you the seven crowns that you can have down here and see if you've got those crowns because they are really a blessing so i had to study a lot for this one it's one of those things where i studied all week and got nothing to the last day you know and i was just stressed and i was like oh what do i lord help i couldn't find anything and then just finally it all came together and that how the lord works amen a rewarder of them that diligently seek him i just want to study this book and give you what this book says i've devoted my life to studying this book i love this book so i had to study a lot for this one and i looked and guess what the word crown singular crown shows up guess how many times in our king james bible 66 times what does that make you think about what makes me think about about this book that we have in our hand amen the monarch of books that's supposed to be a crown 66 books in our king james bible it's crowned it's the crown version if you will the authorized the only bible that a king king's word crowns said this is authorized what does the bible say where the word of a king is there is power king james bible so i thank god for our kjb amen king james bible it's a book that's crowned the word crowns plural shows up nine times in nine verses crowning one time crowned e.d seven times and that interesting crown seven different times is e.d is seven times crowneth one time and crown dissed past tense est one time for a total of 85 times in 85 verses that we see the word crown so it's in the bible a lot isn't it and now what i did is i put it in my computer system there and i like to use e-sword and i just looked at every time it showed up those 85 times and just went going in order and it just painted this this picture that was just incredible to me it was just amazing to look at the first mention that's what we're going to do this is the first mention genesis 49 26 and then what else is mentioned what else is mentioned what else it just painted a beautiful beautiful story in my mind i hope i can portray that to your mind too but let's go to genesis 49 26 genesis 49 26 and i don't want to repeat myself but i'm just going to throw this out here and then we're going to look at the other seven so i might do a little bit of repeating what i already said but but that's okay right first mention of the word crown in the bible is genesis 49 26 and guess what it's not of gold genesis 49 26 says the blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills they shall be upon the head of joseph joseph's the type of christ didn't it so the first time a crown is mentioned in the bible it's a guy who's a type of christ isn't that interesting what's that foretelling that jesus is going to wear a crown and it says and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brother so on the head of joseph and on the crown of the head so the first time that it shows up it's somebody's head and i'm not good at drawing people's head well that's an alien right there let me start that over that looks like a an extraterrestrial right there but this right here is called the crown of your head so if you think about it we're all wearing crowns right now as long as you got the top of your head on you know as long as you're not joe biden remember he said they cut the top of his head off i guess they uh did they put it back but anyway so yeah that's the crown of your head right there isn't that interesting yeah so what's that mine's shining and his is shiny now where's the bible say that man was made of he's made from a place where there's gold so i guess you could say in a way there's kind of a little bit of gold there i don't know but uh that's the first mention and it's the first mention in the anatomy of man we all have a crown i wasn't going to go there and i guess i won't but in job it talks about he was smitten from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet so that's the first crown so we all have a crown if you think about it so then i'm looking through here and that was the first mention and then it's mentioned again several times throughout exodus and leviticus but this time let's go to exodus 25 11 has nothing to do with a man nothing to do with a man i thought this was weird i mean i knew this i read the bible but i never really thought about this guess where the first crown shows up in the bible other than the man's head it shows up on the ark the ark of the testament has a crown on it exodus 25 11. exodus chapter 25 and verse 11 and thou shall overlay it with pure gold within and without shalt thou overlay it and shall make upon it a crown of gold round about so this is the ark here they had to make an ark and that ark had a crown on it isn't that odd isn't that something well the other crown is your head what do they do there well you start reading through the rest of the bible let's look at exodus 29 the first person wearing a crown in the bible is not a king the first person wearing a crown in the bible is a priest i thought well that's weird why does a priest get a crown before a king you ever think about that well so look at this exodus 29 6 says and thou shall put the mitre upon his head and put the holy crown upon the miter then shalt thou take the anointing oil and pour it upon his head and anoint him so you've got a priest here and in the old testament the priest wore this hat and i'm not a good drawer of the hat but it kind of has this funny look to it and on here it's gold so it literally is gold right here and this is called his miter but it's also called a crown and so the gold part says in hebrew holiness to the lord so the first crown is to a priest and i thought about that i thought man that's why isn't that something where's the crown go on your head and the priest why a priest jesus christ he was a prophet priest and a king amen so he came in his earthly ministry as the prophet but he couldn't be a king until he died but he had to die to become a high priest went up to heaven took his blood up there now he's coming back over here as the king with the crown so i'm just looking at all this i'm getting excited how about you is this exciting it's all prophecy it's all foretelling the coming one who's gonna really wear the crown jesus christ i thought that was amazing and even wilder let's go over here to uh deuteronomy 33 20. deuteronomy 33 20. i'm looking at all this and i'm like wow they're putting some oil on the head there's oil on the head so you anoint the head with oil 33 20. well if you think about that what did they anoint on that other crown what did they put on the ark did they put something on that ark do you know your old testament the priest went in once a year into the ark and he said um i'm gonna offer this little red thing up right here and that's where the blood went right and they offered up the blood and that's where forgiveness came well when i get saved i'm washed in the blood god looks down at me he's up in heaven so when he sees me he sees this part first because that's my because he's up there i mean it's just i'm blood washed the ark was washed you know they had to be washed in blood when god chose aaron and his people he put right finger right thumb excuse me a big toe and and on their ear blood so it's just all this reminds me of the blood of jesus it's pretty amazing deuteronomy 33 20 says this we read and of gad he said blessed be he that enlargeth gad he dwelt as a lion and teareth the arm with the crown of the head so again we have the top of your head as a crown the crown of the head so it just this was the first crown then the next crown they're putting blood on it then the next crown they're anointing it they're anointing the head and i don't have purple i like to use purple so i'll just use blue but they're anointing that head with something anointing it with oil and eventually we come to the next crown which is the king and the king how do they anoint the king they crown his head with oil that's the first thing they do before you can be king that's called the anointing oil so wow that's kind of interesting so it all ties together if you read your bible i just thought that was amazing so we go to second samuel chapter 1 and verse 10 this is the first time that we see a crown placed on someone's head as a king in the bible of course i'm sure there's other kings but for some reason it never mentions them wearing a crown we know they did i mean through history and stuff like that but the first person in the bible that is mentioned as wearing a golden crown as a king in the context is saul second samuel 1 10 i believe i hope i wrote all these references down second samuel chapter 1 and verse 10. so i stood upon him and slew him because i was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen and i took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet was on his arm and have brought them hither unto my lord so this was king saul and you know the whole story of king saul what happened he sinned against god he did evil and then he committed suicide well this guy goes man i'll take the crown and say i killed him well david ended up killing that guy he's like you don't touch the lord's anointed you don't kill him he really killed himself but that's the first mention of the crown and guess who's the crown is for we have the crown over here for a king so we'll call this the king's crown and so we have the king's crown and the first king was saul the next king is over here in second samuel 12 30. in second samuel chapter 12 and verse 30 look at this who's the next king who's the rightful king the real king that god wanted because saul he was just the first pick and always in the bible the first one's no good it's always the second one type of the new birth first birth no good it's always the second one second samuel 12 and verse 30. and uh second samuel 12 30 says and he took the their king's crown from off his head the weight whereof was a talent of gold with the precious stones and it was set on david's head and he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance so you got two kings mentioned and they're both wearing crowns one is king saul the other is king david here's the church age rapture comes here comes the antichrist and the antichrist he's going to wear a crown but he's the wrong king saul came first he wasn't the right king then comes jesus christ he's the right king so the wrong king first then the right king antichrist first then jesus christ and jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords what made me think about that so words have meanings in our bible and the context and everything points to pre-tribulation pre-millennial it's amazing as you read the bible to see these things and look at these things now second chronicles 23 11 2 chronicles 23 11 then what happened well this is all important and this is all going to tie in with all the other messages that we do on this so this is the foundation this is important 2nd chronicles 23 11 says this then they brought out the king's son and put upon him the crowd and gave him the testimony and made him king and jehoiada and the sons anointed him and said god save the king so you have saul and david and then to david his sons and you read the whole old testament all about these people that were sons of the sons of the sons of the son and they tied themselves all the way back to david not to saul david why was saul rejected well he went to the witch of endor and he was probably possessed with devils i think because the spirit lord departed from him and then it says an evil spirit came into him so the sons what are we today when we get saved we're sons of god guess what i got saved i got anointed i got washed in the blood of jesus guess what someday i'm going to get some rewards up here i'm going to get a crown because i'm the son of the king so it all ties together but in the world the world always twists everything so the world calls this the divine right of kings and the world says if i'm a king it's because god made me king because my lineage goes all the way back to so-and-so and you go to england they call it the divine right of kings well i don't think the kings of england went all the way back to david i don't think so i think they they try to make that though you know the da vinci code and all that stuff and oh we all go back to jesus and his wife and his sons jesus wasn't married right so they always try to twist things and they always twist that divine right of kings to say i have the right to rule and then they usually are tyrants and do bad things so we're going to see that that's not right there's not supposed to rule with the crown in evil you're supposed to rule in righteousness the bible says so we look at all this and we go wow this is pretty amazing so i'm going in order of where the bible's talking about crowns then the next thing in the bible so i've been going through all the references in order you know what i found was the next reference esther esther 2 17. esther chapter 2 and verse 17 here we see a crown being put on a woman man what is that in type esther chapter 2 and verse 17. esther 2 17 the bible says and the king loved esther above all the women and she attained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti israel is the type of the wife of god the father in the old testament and they're rejected because they reject jesus so jesus gets it done the bride and she gets a crown and that's over here we're the bride of christ someday we're going to have a crown because we're safe and we get that at the judgment seat of christ but a lot of people say well so so god's a polygamist no the way i see it is god the father says is it easy killer over there where he says you know you've played the but i married you but i came back over and i'll take you back i think god the father is the husband of israel and god the son jesus is the husband of the bride of christ which is the church so i don't see a problem there now a lot of people they like to argue with me over that i'm not going to argue with you i just see that it just makes sense so isn't that something what is esther a type of esther is a type of a woman replacing a bad woman right so israel apple of his eye god loved israel they played the so jesus gets the bright bride that's a type of esther so she gets a crown we get crowned over there so do you see all that in type it's just amazing sometimes you just study the bible and just all pops out to you and you're just like what so i wanted to look at the seven crowns in the bible that we can get here but a lot of people say well there's only five well i came up with seven but while i'm doing this study i'm like well you can't you can't just say there's seven crowns because there's there's crowns all through the bible and what i came up with and what we're going to look at now while we have some time is here on earth the seven crowns on earth so these are physical crowns today that you can get here down here on earth before we go up and get those these are what we'll call the seven good crowns okay these are the seven good crowns because next week i want to talk about the seven bad crowns the bible gives us seven crowns on earth that are good that we can get now while we're alive the bible gives us seven crowns in heaven that we can get as christians but the bible also talks about seven bad crowns that are here on earth and they all have to do with the devil and evil and wickedness but then there's another one there's seven crowns in heaven jesus is wearing a crown in heaven and then we see 24 elders wearing a crown that's somebody completely so there's seven crowns in heaven there's seven crowns on earth seven that are good and seven that are bad and then there's the seven that we can get as christians so how do you just teach this as one i can't i might have to do two or three or maybe even four so i guess we have to put up here part one right because really this is part one so a lot of stuff to get into here and i just i hope this is a blessing to you like i said i've never heard anyone else preach on this so i'm sure my enemies will say no he stole that out of some book somewhere well you can believe that if you want but i've done my best to stop looking at commentaries the only commentary i need is god's commentary in the bible commentary is man saying well all the bible says this well who cares what you say the bible says what does the bible say and let me look at it myself i'm just kind of tired of commentary to be honest with you so the seven crowns in the bible the first one is the crown on your head and we looked at that and that has to do with your anatomy right and we looked at that in genesis chapter 49 and if i remember right was it verse 26 so let's look at deuteronomy 33 20 also so if you think about it we all have a crown but uh it's a not a good one it's just the flesh and uh it's nothing but a big old skull you know a calcium or whatever and a little bit of hide up there and that's it so it's not really valuable is it except to me don't touch it don't bother my crown leave it alone please but deuteronomy chapter 33 and verse 20. deuteronomy 33 and verse 20 says this and of god he said i guess we read this already blessed be he that enlargeth god he dwelt as a lion and tear at the arm with the crown of his head what i should have done is taken you to that passage over in job but i don't have time to look that one up or it talks about from the foot of his head or the the crown of his head to the sole of his feet but so here's your head okay this has to do with your anatomy we all have that right there all right simple but that's one of the seven crowns on earth so we all have a crown that's kind of cool if you think about it so leave me alone i'm a sovereign if you will oh i shouldn't have said that you know some people go too far with that but you know what i'm saying hey i'm an individual in god's eyes i i have a crown so i think god's saying that we're all individuals that have freedom of choice and we have free will we can choose right i just believe that so the next one here has to do with your age and this is called a hoary head and this is a crown that is somebody that is old that's learned and has experience we're supposed to respect them and look up to them and say you know what as far as i'm concerned i want to learn from you i want to you know submit to you and learn some things because of your age man you're smart i can learn from you we see a lot of people nowadays they don't look at that they don't respect their elders they look down on so those stupid old people you know they're not that dumb you know they have a lot of experience let's go to proverbs chapter 16 and verse 31 you need to look up to old people a lot of truth was given to them and their generation they called it the greatest generation and it's dying off now and they know some things and we're forgetting what they knew and that saddens me when i hear older folks die the bible calls them elders and you're supposed to what respect your elders proverbs chapter 16 verse 31 here is a crown in the bible down here on earth proverbs 16 31 says the horry head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness so an aged person has a crown of glory if they're in righteousness if they're doing right one of the most amazing things on this earth is an old person who's living right and doing right and boy are they a wealth of information but one of the greatest shames i've ever seen is somebody who's 60 70 80 years old and they're acting like a child and they're just they're just doing stupid dumb things living in sin and being stupid that just they don't even look right i mean you look at that you go oh that's that's not what an old person's supposed to be you know they dress like a teenager with an earring you know a nose ring he's like hey dude how old are you 96 okay you know it's like that does not seem right right that seems like weird have you ever seen a 96 year old like that with their hair dyed purple and a nose ring i haven't because that's what kids do and they hopefully they'll learn and get out of that phase because older people you're supposed to go to for knowledge you know the old the old idea of guy walks all the way up the mountain what's he find the old sage just sitting there and he asked him a question and so you're supposed to learn from your elders and the bible says that the horry head horry head means white hair is a crown and so if you've got white hair don't feel bad we should look at you and say man that guy's been somewhere that guy's done something i can learn something from him amen not look at his white hair ha ha and make fun of him no remember there was a guy in the bible the kid said go up that that bald head they made fun of his bald head but um yeah they got killed the kids don't need to make fun of older people all right you know what i'm saying there's a little thing called respect but the bible calls that age and that whorehead that white hair a crown now i'm not praying for that one in my family they don't turn white easily you've seen my mom she's got very few white hair she's going to be 70 soon or 80. and she couldn't 80 she's gonna be 80 soon and so uh my grandmother she died at 94 and she had gray hair not white hair it didn't turn white yet it was still gray so my family we don't we don't do that much but uh you know it there's really something to it when you see a gray-haired person you kind of think you know this guy i might can trust this person they might know something i might ask them a question they might give me good counsel because that's a sign of your age and with age comes what experience so do you value a crown is something of value do you value older people i hope so the bible says we're supposed to respect our elders okay here's another one and this is interesting now i know this is two words so let me write help meat as two words but we we always put them together don't when we talk about our wife it's my help me well no it's your help that's meat for your needs it's actually two different words but because a lot of people use that help meat and your help meet is your wife and she's pretty awesome i'm going to say awesome okay because the bible talks about a woman and if she's what she's supposed to be wow she's a woman that she's pretty awesome let's go over here to proverbs 12 and verse 4. and you know the bible says that a wife is supposed to be a crown to her husband amen so proverbs chapter 12 and verse 4 a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that make it ashamed is as rottenness in his bones look at that verse five the thoughts of the righteous this is all about doing right on this earth and if you do right it's like you're being crowned down here before you get crowned up there if you're safe so we can be double crowned right i'm waiting for the crowns in heaven what a great thing that'll be i guess but i can get some crowns down here and one of them is a good wife help me let's go over to proverbs 31. look at this this is a woman who's supposed to be what she's supposed to be and when i read all this stuff she's supposed to be i couldn't come up with any other word but wow she's pretty awesome let me write up here to reference proverbs 12. so let me ask you this if you're a woman are you this kind of woman are you shameful because you can either be a crown to your husband and be good to him or you can be a shame and now your rottenness to the bones that's what the bible says so as a woman you need to be a good woman proverbs chapter 31 look what it says there verse 10. who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies i know if you like rubies but rubies are beautiful aren't they and they're valuable the heart of her husband does safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil trust is key can you trust your wife does she trust you when you go to bed at night do you have a knife under your pillow and she has a gun under hers that's not trust right you're supposed to marry the person that you say this is for life i believe in marriage but not in divorce that's what i believe is the bible is against divorce when you're married it's supposed to be for life so you better find the right one and women you better make up in your mind god told me to be this and i want to be a crown to my husband yes amen is that what you are we can read some more here let's do that real quick she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands she is like the merchant's ship she brings her food from afar going to the supermarket buying food she rises also while it is yet night and gives meat to her household in a portion to her maidens she considered the field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hand she planteth the vineyard she girded her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms she perceiveth that her merchandise is good her candle goeth not out by night she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the dis staff she stretches out her hand to the poor yea she reacheth forth her hands to the needy she's not afraid of the snow for her household for all her households are clothed with scarlet she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land she maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchant strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come she openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her many daughters have done virtuously but thou exceeded them all favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the lord she shall be praised real beauty is on the inside not the outside by the way and then it says give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates that sounds like an awesome lady and if you've got that as a husband then you got a crown something worth more than rubies well another thing that's uh a crown in the bible is your heritage did you know that uh that would be what we call your ancestry and not all of us come from good ancestry but you know you can change that you might have come from bad well you can turn around and make it good with your kids it doesn't have to continue a cycle of bad so let's read this over here in proverbs 17 6. proverbs 17 6. and then we'll also look at psalms so proverbs 17 6 here's another crown proverbs chapter 17 and verse 6. well i hope we have time to finish it looks like we will proverbs 17 6 children's children are the crown of old men and the glory of children are their fathers that's your ancestor your heritage where you come from and it says that if you're a grandfather your grandchildren are like a crown to you and where you come from you were a child once your ancestor your your antipaschados in spanish i don't know how to say that in english or this your descendancy can be a crown if your parents and their parents and their parents their parents were christians maybe they weren't even christians maybe they were just trying to be a good moral people you look at that you say man i'm glad i came from a place like that where my parents you know they weren't bank robbers they weren't you know running a brothel while i grew up in the house i mean i came from a decent family that's that's a crown and so think about that with your kids and try to have them turn out right amen and that's what we need to do let's look at uh psalms 127. these are just in the bible and i just found them there and i'm bringing them to you and i hope they're a blessing to you amen did you know this was in the bible did you know that was there it's all there imagine what god's gonna teach us when we get to heaven we're gonna be like there's so many sevens that we missed i bet there are and all all eternity we get to read through and learn all that psalms 127 verse three through five little children are in heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gates so you can be happy with your children and have a good heritage or a good ancestry if you remember to do right and the best thing to do is get saved and that's like a crown the bible says and really see that in the 17th and 1800s we live in a completely different world nowadays where they would look at a person and they say well this is a gentleman or this is a nobleman or this is and and they were taught from birth the manners that you're supposed to have if you were of that certain stock right i'm kind of glad we don't have that nowadays but i kind of wish we did because there used to be rules when you sit at the table and eat three forks here knives on this side you knew the rules you followed and you were a good person of good stock and they looked up to you and i guess that's kind of what the crown is saying is you wanted to be around people that that you could trust you didn't want to go out in the street and there's this guy over here cussing and stealing the pickpocket no you wouldn't want those people home for dinner would you so there's always been that right but what is the bible saying here but well if you come from that good heritage that's like a crown that's like man that's a good folks amen people you can trust and it all boils down to trust basically so here's another one and this one i had to kind of stretch a little bit so please help me with this i had to stretch this one just a little bit but not really because it's in the bible affluence your affluence do you know what that word means if not look it up affluence let's see if i can even spell it here affluence and the bible talks about this and this is kind of an odd one here but this is your home your belongings if you will this is your affluence and let's go to proverbs 27 24 for this one proverbs 27 24. and this kind of ties in with what i was just saying proverbs 27 24 and we used to live in a free society where you could work hard and get ahead and if you were honest you could make what they called an honest living and that's the way it was supposed to be and then with an honest living then you lived honestly and you could look at what god gave you and say thank you lord for this and the bible says guess what that's a crown to you that's a gift of god saying well because you did that you worked hard this is my blessing to you so proverbs chapter 27 and verse 24 says this for riches are not forever and does the crown endure to every generation so it's like it's saying riches are a crown well that's odd let's go to another one let's look at a different verse 14 24 14 24. the crown of the wise is their riches but the foolishness of fools is folly the crown of the wise is their riches so not everybody's rich but if you worked and you were honest you would have something to show for it and you could look at this and say because i did right this is something the lord gave me and we don't really see this today we don't talk about the affluence of people we don't talk about well that guy's all right he should be in our circle because he's a good moral person they don't talk like that nowadays but i think i was born in the wrong time i should have been born in the 1800s because that's where i live in my mind where you would go and you would do what's called calling on people you'd knock on the door we used to do this as a kid you go visit somebody hey what are you doing i just stopped by to say hi oh hey you remember when people used to do that i don't do that anymore but you would do that and every house in victorian age had what's called a parlor and the parlor was as far as you were allowed in that house and usually there was benches you'd sit there and uh if you were someone of affluence someone that was well known someone that was trusted then you would wait to be invited into the rest of the house otherwise you stayed in the parlor and if they didn't know you well they came into the parlor and sat down and talked to you because they didn't know you you were known by your name your family name whether you were good or not and then you were known by your reputation so it's basically it's like a crown the more you did write and live right the more people esteemed you it was almost like it was a crown and if you lived right and did right and were able to save up and you didn't do wrong it was like wow this guy look at this it was someone you respected you know what i'm saying do you understand what i'm trying to say it was like god blessed you down here with something and it has to do with your riches but it's not ill-gotten riches it's not evil it's because you worked hard or maybe your parents worked hard america used to be an amazing place and now they call them evil colonialists in america those evil wicked americans the anti-colonialists are all against them but you came over here and you worked and you were able to build yourself a plantation and you were able to live and have a nice life well on the back of the black people as slaves you really want to go there when america was started in the 1600s white people were the slaves because they're over there in england and they can't eat so they're pickpockets they're doing this and they tell them we'll give you a choice we'll hang you right now in the square or we'll send you over to america as an indentured servant and usually it was for seven years and so a lot of people that came to america they came as indentured servants to pay off their crimes white people as slaves how come we don't hear about that this was indentured servitude you couldn't hold them for life it was for a certain time the end of that time a lot of times the guy goes now i'll give you 20 acres you go work it and the guy started his life from there and got more and more and more and he was able to so i'm going to go by real history and i'm not going to put down the ancestors and what they did a lot of them were christians and what black slaves they did have they took to church with them and they're saved and they're all in heaven right now having a time okay so i'm not going to go back there and try to be a racist or hateful or whatever that's in the past we need to live in the day not 150 years ago all right now let's look at this your honor your honor did you know that your honor is like a riches it's like a crown now this is more having to do with being an athlete but i say when it comes to being an athlete there was some honor involved because you didn't want to cheat you wanted to compete and see who really was the strongest or the fastest or this or that so there was some honor involved there you didn't cheat so let's look at this one in first corinthians 9. first corinthians 9 24. and this is in the new testament a lot of these were in the old testament but paul tells us very clearly and back in those days there were gladiator games which are horrible but even in the gladiator games they had a code of honor even though they're killing each other and when they come out there in the gladiator games they say we who are about to die salute you to the king i could never say that i'd grab the spirit throw it at the king probably i'd feel so who do you think you are make me fight to the death you know but back then well here's first corinthians 9 24. and look what it says here it's talking about a crown first corinthians 9 24 and it's talking about a corruptable crown what is that all right it says here know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that you may obtain and then it says in verse 25 and every man that strivet for the mastery is temperant in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptable crown but we an incorruptible so it's also verse 25. so there's an incorruptable crown that's for us we always go to that verse to talk about this but what is the corruptable crown well in the time of the romans if you were in the olympic games or whatever if you did these games afterwards they'd take this little crown of laurels or leaves called the laurel and they'd place it on your head and it was leaves but let's say you had a race or let's say you were wrestling or let's say you had the the olympic games you know where you throw the shot put thing and then they won they put that crown of course it's temporal it only lasts a few days but they'd wear that little crown or laurel or a wreath or whatever you want to call it laurel is what it's called laura's name means crown and that interesting so she's a crown two times over amen thank you honey so your honor and if you're competing there's some honor involved in the bible it's okay to compete and give out first place second place third place do they do that nowadays no everybody competes and the guy wins they go huh all right everybody gets a medal and you're just like but what about the guy who won oh well we don't want to hurt their feelings it's so against god in the bible and everything they're doing is against god in the bible it's just there's nothing wrong with competition what's wrong is when you get prideful right but if you can keep that down and compete then you can enjoy the honor that you worked hard for something and then you enjoy what you get for it so then the last one let's look at the last one here and this is you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 32,308
Rating: 4.92588 out of 5
Keywords: Crowns in the Bible Part 1, Crowns in the Bible, 7 Crowns in the bible, 5 Crowns, Crowns for the believer
Id: NLqqnqQS7Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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